LIBRARY ACCESSION LIST NEW ARRIVAL BOOKS AND JOURNAL NO. 1; 2013 BOOKS ANDRIANI Prevalensi Campylobacter jejuni pada karkas ayam dan pengembangan uji deteksinya/Andriani xxiii, 179 p : ill.; 30 cm. Dissertations (Ph.D.)- Sekolah Pascasarjana IPB, 2012 5/BPV/2013 Had P. Th.636.5.09/AND/p CHICKENS; CARCASSES; CAMPYLOBACTER JEJUNI; ANTIGENS; ANTIBODIES; DISSERTATIONS. ANNANDALE, Cornelius Henry Mechanisms by which Lumpy Skin disease virus is seed in semen of artificially infected bulls/by Cornelius Henry Annandale. Computer data (1 file: 2,53 MB) Thesis (Med.Vet)- Faculty of Veterinary Science University of Pretoria Onderstepoort, 2006. 11/BPV/2013 Download Th. 616.988/DISP1/13 LUMPY SKIN DISEASE; THESIS BADAN PENELITIAN DAN PENGEMBANGAN PERTANIAN Road map strategi sektor pertanian menghadapi perubahan iklim.-- Jakarta: Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian,2011 v, 89 p.: ill.; 24 cm. 3/BPV/2013 Had. I. ISBN: 978-602-9462-03-6 631.1.008.1/BAD/r AGRICULTURAL POLICIES; CLIMATE CHANGE BADAN PENELITIAN DAN PENGEMBANGAN PERTANIAN Laporan pelatihan Perpustakaan di Thailand Bidang pelatihan : Digital Library management.-- Jakarta: Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian,2012 iv, 35 p.: ill.; 32 cm. 4/BPV/2013 Had. P. 026(593)/BAD/l SPECIAL LIBRARIES; TRAINING; THAILAND. BIOSAFETY in microbiological and biomedical laboratoris/Edited by L. Casey Chosewood and Deborah E. Wilson.- [Sl.]: U.S. Department of Health and Human Service, 2009. Computer data (1 file: 3,93 MB) 12/BPV/2013 Download e574.6.006.2/DISP1/13 BIOSAFETY; BIOSECURITY; MICROORGANISMS INDONESIA. Kementerian Pertanian Himpunan peraturan menteri pertanian : Jaringan dokumentasi dan informasi hukum.-- Jakarta: Biro Hukum dan Informasi Publik Sekjen Kementerian Pertanian,2012 iv, 572 p.: ill.; 21 cm. 7/BPV/2013 Had. I. R. 631.1.008.1/IND/h AGRICULTURE; LEGISLATION. KARDIKA, Putu Deva Kari Purifikasi dan uji sensitivitas antibodi anti Aflatoksin B1 sebagai pereaksi untuk pengembangan metode Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA)/Putu Deva Kari Kardika vii, 51 p : ill.; 29 cm. Thesis (S.Farm.)- Jurusan Farmasi Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Industri dan Farmasi Bogor, 2012 6/BPV/2013 Had P. Th.615.9/KAR/p AFLATOXINS; ANTIBODIES; ELISA; PURIFICATION; THESIS. KEMENTERIAN PERTANIAN. Direktorat Pupuk dan Pestisida Pedoman pendaftaran pestisida.-- Jakarta: Kementerian Pertanian,2013 iv, 133 p.: ill.; 21 cm. 9/BPV/2013 Had. I. 632.95/KEM/p PESTICIDES; REGISTRATION. ©PerpustakaanBBalitvet Januari 2013 1 KEMENTERIAN RISET DAN TEKNOLOGi REPUBLIK INDONESIA Indikator dan statistik iptek tahun 2010.-- Jakarta: Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi Republik Indonesia,2012 [ 10 tak bernomor ], 184 p.: ill.; 25 cm. 8/BPV/2013 Had. I. ISBN: 978-602-8659-59-8 311.141/KEM/i STATISTICS; TECHNOLOGY; SCIENCE. KONFERENSI Ilmiah Veteriner Nasional ke-12 Perhimpunan Dokter Hewan Indonesia (KIVNAS ke12 PDHI)(2012: Oktober 10-12: Yogyakarta) Prosiding konferensi ilmiah veteriner nasional (KIVNAS) XII Perhimpunan Dokter Hewan Indonesia (PDHI) : "Kepemimpinan kedokteran hewan menghadapi tantangan penyakit menular baru mewujudkan kesehatan dunia". Kumpulan abstrak.-- Jakarta: Perhimpunan Dokter Hewan Indonesia,2012 xx, 184 p.: ill.; 30 cm. 10/BPV/2013 Had. Drh. Indraningsih, MS. 619(594)/KON/p ISBN: 978-602-97906-1-0 VETERINARIANS; CONFERENCES; INDONESIA. SEMINAR Nasional Teknologi Peternakan dan Veteriner (2011: Juni : 7-8: Bogor) Prosiding seminar nasional teknologi peternakan dan veteriner: “Teknologi peternakan dan veteriner untuk Peningkatan produksi dan antisipatif terhadap dampak perubahan iklim”.../Penyunting L. Hardi Prasetyo [].- Jakarta : Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian, 2012. Computer data (1 file : ) 13/BPV/2013 Had. Puslitbangnak e619(063)/SEM/p.11 ISBN: 978-602-8475-46-4 ANIMAL DISEASES; ANIMAL PRODUCTION; INDONESIA; CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS ©PerpustakaanBBalitvet Januari 2013 2 JOURNALS 1. ACCREDITATION and Quality Assurance Vol. 16, 2011, Contain : MISCELLANEOUS 1.a Reference system for somatic cell counting in milk. p. 415-420 2. ACTA Veterinaria Scandinavica Vol. 54(44), 2012, Contain : VIROLOGY 2.a Development of a virus neutralisation test to detect antibodies against Schmallenberg virus and serological results in suspect and infected herds. p.1-8 3. ANALISIS Kebijakan Pertanian Vol. 10(1), 2012 Vol. 10(2), 2012, Contain : BEEF SELF-SUFFICIENCY 3.a Dinamika Program Swasembada Daging Sapi Reorientasi Konsepsi dan Implementasi. p.181-198 4. AGRO-Socioeconomic Newsletter Vol. 6(1, 2), 2012 5. ARCHIVES of Virology DOI 10.1007/s00705-012-1542-1, 2012, Contain : VIROLOGY 5.a Analysis of molecular variation of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus in Central China from 2006 to 2012. p.1-5 DOI 10.1007/s00705-012-1529-y, 2012, Contain : VIROLOGY 5.b Characterization of the recent outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease virus serotype SAT2 in Egypt. p.19 DOI 10.1007/s00705-012-1531-4, 2012, Contain : VIROLOGY 5.c Genomic sequence of an infectious bursal disease virus isolate from Zambia: classical attenuated segment B reassortment in nature with existing very virulent segment A. p.1-5 DOI 10.1007/s00705-012-1466-9, 2012, Contain : VIROLOGY 5.d Molecular characterisation of rabies virus strains in the Republic of Macedonia. p.1-4 Vol. 157, 2012, Contain : VIROLOGY 5.e Emergence of a novel genotype of avian infectious bronchitis virus in Egypt. p. 2453-2457 Vol. 157, 2012, Contain : VIROLOGY 5.f Molecular analysis of the mutational effects of Thai street rabies virus with increased virulence in mice after passages in the BHK cell line. p. 2201-2205 5.g Differential expression of the Toll-like receptor pathway and related genes of chicken bursa after experimental infection with infectious bursa disease virus. p. 2189-2199 5.h Sequence and phylogenetic analysis of H7N3 avian influenza viruses isolated from poultry in China in 2011. p. 2017-2021 5.i First report of bovine herpesvirus 5 in bull semen. p. 1775-1778 5.j The immune response to Nipah virus infection. p. 1635–1641 5.k Identification of a new genotype of bovine leukemia virus. p. 1281–1290 5.l A simple and efficient method to rescue very virulent infectious bursal disease virus using SPF chickens. p. 969–973 5.m Whole genome sequencing and biological characterization of Duck/JS/10, a new lentogenic class I Newcastle disease virus. p. 869–880 5.n Development of a novel real-time PCR-based strategy for simple and rapid molecular pathotyping of Newcastle disease virus. p. 833–844 6. BACTERIOPHAGE Vol. 1(1), 2011, Contain : BACTERIOLOGY 6.a Naturally resident and exogenously applied T4-like and T5-like bacteriophages can reduce Escherichia coli O157:H7 levels in sheep guts. p. 15-24 7. BALAI Besar Penelitian Veteriner (BBalitvet). Laporan Bulanan Januari 2011; Desember 2012 8. BMC Veterinary Research Vol. 7(66), 2011, Contain : VIROLOGY 8.a Generating social network data using partially described networks: an example informing avian influenza control in the British poultry industry. p.1-16 ©PerpustakaanBBalitvet Januari 2013 3 BMC Veterinary Research Vol. 7(67), 2011, Contain : PARASITOLOGY 8.b Loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) assays for the species-specific detection of Eimeria that infect chickens. p.1-8 Vol. 7(70), 2011, Contain : VIROLOGY 8.c Modelling Marek’s Disease Virus (MDV) infection: parameter estimates for mortality rate and infectiousness. p.1-12 Vol. 8(15), 2012, Contain : VIROLOGY 8.d Identification of the NLS and NES motifs of VP2 from chicken anemia virus and the interaction of VP2 with mini-chromosome maintenance protein 3. p.1-12 Vol. 8(37), 2012, Contain : VIROLOGY 8.e One-step multiplex real time RT-PCR for the detection of bovine respiratory syncytial virus, bovine herpesvirus 1 and bovine parainfluenza virus 3. p.1-9 Vol. 8(57), 2012, Contain : VIROLOGY 8.f Evaluation of a genetically modified foot-and-mouth disease virus vaccine candidate generated by reverse genetics. p.1-12 Vol. 8(83), 2012, Contain : VIROLOGY 8.g Isolation and characterization of bovine parainfluenza virus type 3 from water buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis) in Argentina. p.1-9 Vol. 8(104), 2012, Contain : MIXED INFECTIONS 8.h Co-infection of broilers with Ornithobacterium rhinotracheale and H9N2 avian influenza virus. P.1-7 Vol. 8(167), 2012, Contain : VIROLOGY 8.i BLV-CoCoMo-qPCR: a useful tool for evaluating bovine leukemia virus infection status. p.1-12 9. BULETIN Palawija Vol.24, 2012 Vol.24, 2012 10. BULETIN Penelitian Kesehatan Vol. 40(1,2), 2012 11. DILAVET Vol. 22(1), 2012, Contain : BACTERIOLOGY 11.a. Analisis Ekonomi Veteriner Program Pembebasan Brucellosis di Wilayah Kerja Kalimantan. p1-16 Vol. 22(2), 2012, Contain : TOXICOLOGY 11.b. Kasus Keracunan Rodentisida Bradifakum pada sapi bali di Nunukan Provinsi Kalimantan Timur. p1-8 12. EUROPEAN Food Research and Technology DOI 10.1007/s00217-012-1868-7, 2012, Contain : MISCELLANEOUS 7.a Development and application of highly specific PCR for detection of chicken (Gallus gallus) meat adulteration. p.1-6 Vol. 232, 2011, Contain : MISCELLANEOUS 7.b A nondestructive method for estimating freshness of freshwater fish. p. 979-984 TOXICOLOGY 7.c Isolation of Bacillus subtilis: screening for aflatoxins B1, M1, and G1 detoxification. p. 957-962 BACTERIOLOGY 7.d Development and evaluation of a loop-mediated isothermal amplification assay for the rapid detection of Staphylococcus aureus in food. p. 769-776 MISCELLANEOUS 7.e Authentication of species in meat products by genetic techniques. p. 509-515 7.f SYBRGreen qPCR methods for detection of endogenous reference genes in commodity crops: a step ahead in combinatory screening of genetically modified crops in food and feed products. p. 485-496 BACTERIOLOGY 7.g Antimicrobial activity of a meat-borne Bacillus subtilis strain against food pathogens. p. 183-189 Vol. 233, 2011, Contain : TOXICOLOGY 7.h Degradation of aflatoxin B1 in aqueous medium through UV irradiation. p. 1007-1012 Vol. 234, 2012, Contain : BACTERIOLOGY 7.i A loop-mediated isothermal amplification method targets the HisJ gene for the detection of foodborne Salmonella. p. 1055-1062 TOXICOLOGY 7.j A rapid and speciWc immunosensor for the detection of aXatoxigenic Aspergilli. p. 1013-1021 ©PerpustakaanBBalitvet Januari 2013 4 EUROPEAN Food Research and Technology Vol. 235, 2012, Contain : BACTERIOLOGY 7.k Real-time PCR-based detection of Coxiella burnetii in cheeses. p. 1181-1186 MISCELLANEOUS 7.l Development of a real-time PCR assay for the detection of cow and donkey milk. p. 47-52 13. FAR Eastern Agriculture Vol.29(5), 2012 14. FORUM Penelitian Agro Ekonomi Vol. 30(1), 2012, Contain : BEEF SELF-SUFFICIENCY 14.a Pengembangan Pembenihan Sapi Potong dan Perannya dalam Pencapaian Swasembada Daging Sapi. p.59-71 15. INFO Litbangtan Vol. 7(10), 2012 16. IPTEK Hortikultura Vol.8, 2012 17. JOURNAL of Animal Science and Biotechnology Vol. 3(8), 2012, Contain : MISCELLANEOUS 17.a Current status and future perspectives for sequencing livestock genomes. p.1-6 18. JOURNAL of Equine Science Vol.23(3), 2012 19. JOURNAL of Pesticide Science Vol. 36(1), 2011, Contain : TOXICOLOGY 19.a. Validation of multi-residue method for determination of pesticides in meat products using official guideline of analytical methods in Japan. p. 73-78 Vol. 37(2), 2012, Contain : TOXICOLOGY 19.b. Search of components causing matrix eects on GC/MS for pesticide analysis in food. p. 156-163 20. JURNAL Agro Ekonomi Vol. 29(2), 2011 21. JURNAL Biologi Indonesia Vol. 8(1), 2012, Contain : VIROLOGY 21.a. Sirkulasi virus Avian influenza H5N1 Tahun 2010 : Virus genetic drift mirip A/Ck/West Java/PwtVVij/2006 ditemukan di beberapa kabupaten di Sumatra dan Jawa. p.103-119 MYCOLOGY 21.b. Peroksidasi Lipida oleh Parasetamol dan Ekstrak Air Panas Teh Hijau (Camellia sisnensis) pada Sel Khamir Candida tropicalis yang disimpan pada Suhu Rendah. p.121-129 Vol. 8(2), 2012, Contain : PARASITOLOGY 21.c. Performa Perangkat Diagnostik Elisa Toksoplasmosis pada Serum Domba dan Manusia. p.289-302 22. JURNAL Enjiniring Pertanian Vol. 9(1, 2), 2011 23. JURNAL Hortikultura Vol. 22(1, 2, 3), 2012 24. JURNAL Penelitian Tanaman Industri Vol.18(2, 3), 2012 25. JURNAL Perpustakaan Pertanian Vol. 21(1), 2012 ©PerpustakaanBBalitvet Januari 2013 5 26. JURNAL Peternakan Vol. 9(1), 2012 27. MEDIA HKI : Buletin Informasi dan Keragaman Hak Kekayaan Intelektual Vol. 9( 4, 5, 6), 2012 28. MEDIA Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan Vol.22(1), 2012, Contain : PARASITOLOGY 28.a. Situasi Filariasis di Kabupaten Sumba Tengah Propinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur Tahun 2009. p.45-50 Vol.22(2), 2012 29. MAJALAH Sains Indonesia Desember; 2012 30. PARASITES & Vectors Vol. 5(217), 2012, Contain : PARASITOLOGY 30.a. Molecular epidemiological studies on animal trypanosomiases in Ghana. p.1-7 31. PARASITOLOGY Research Vol. 102, 2008, Contain : PARASITOLOGY 31.a. Trypanocidal activity of extracts and compounds from the stem bark of Anogeissus leiocarpus and Terminalia avicennoides. p. 697-703 Vol. 108, 2011, Contain : PARASITOLOGY 31.b. The typing of Trypanosoma evansi isolates using mobile genetic element (MGE) PCR. p. 1583-1587 Vol. 109, 2011, Contain : PARASITOLOGY 31.c. Identification and characterization of cysteine proteinases of Trypanosoma evansi. p. 559-565 31.d. Prevalence of Trypanosoma sp. in cattle from Tanzania estimated by conventional PCR and loopmediated isothermal amplification (LAMP).p. 1735-1739 Vol. 110, 2012, Contain : PARASITOLOGY 31.e. Tandem repeat protein as potential diagnostic antigen for Trypanosoma evansi infection. p. 733739 Vol. 111, 2012, Contain : PARASITOLOGY 31.f. Anticoccidial activity of traditional Chinese herbal Dichroa febrifuga Lour. extract against Eimeria tenella infection in chickens. p. 2229-2233 31.g. Ascaridia galli in chickens: intestinal localization and comparison of methods to isolate the larvaewithin the first week of infection. p. 2273-2279 32. PERSPEKTIF: Review Penelitian Tanaman Industri Vol. 11(1), 2012 33. POULTRY Indonesia Desember 2012 34. PUSAT Sosial Ekonomi dan Kebijakan Pertanian (PSEKP). Laporan Tahunan 2011 35. SINAR Tani No. 3453, 3485, 3486, 3487, 3488; 2012 36. SNI Valuasi : Majalah Standarisasi Nasional Vol. 6(4), 2012 37. SWADAYA : Media Agribisnis, Ternak dan Pangan Vol. 2(16), 2012 38. TROPICAL Animal Health and Production Vol. 42, 2010, Contain : PARASITOLOGY 38.a. Prevalence and molecular diagnosis of Trypanosoma evansi in Nili-Ravi buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) in different districts of Punjab (Pakistan).p. 1597-1599 ©PerpustakaanBBalitvet Januari 2013 6 39. TREUBIA Vol. 38, 2011 40. VIRUS Genes DOI 10.1007/s11262-012-0810-1, 2012, Contain : VIROLOGY 40.a. Phylogenetic analysis of the bovine parainfluenza virus type 3 from cattle herds revealing the existence of a genotype A strain in China. p.1-6 Vol. 45, 2012, Contain : VIROLOGY 40.b. Complete genome sequence of a velogenic Newcastle disease virus isolated in Mexico. p. 304-310 40.c. Phylogenetic analysis of partial RNA-polymerase blocks II and III of Rabies virus isolated from the main rabies reservoirs in Brazil. p. 76-83 40.d. Phylogeny and evolution of Newcastle disease virus genotypes isolated in Asia during 2008-2011. p. 63-68 41. WORLD'S Poultry Science Journal Vol. 68(4), 2012, Contain : TOXICOLOGY 41.a. The toxicity of Fusarium mycotoxin deoxynivalenol in poultry feeding. p.651-668 VIROLOGY 41.b. Diagnosis and control of Newcastle disease in developing countries. p.693-706 ©PerpustakaanBBalitvet Januari 2013 7