A Quantitative Study of Authentication and QoS in Wireless IP Networks Wenye Wang Wei Liang Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC 27695 Abstract- With the increasing demand fur secure and high-quality communications in public access wireless IP networks, it is very important to have a n in-depth understanding of the relationship between the security and quality of service (QoS). In wireless networks, authentication can provide secure communications by preventing unauthorized usage and negotiating the credentials for data transmission. Nevertheless, it induces heavy overhead to data transmission, further deteriorating overall system performance. Thus, we analyze the impact of authentication an the security and QoS quantitatively in this paper. First, we introduce a system model based on a challeng4response authentication, which is widely used in many mobile environments. Then, a concept of security level is proposed to describe the protection of communications according to the nature UP security, i.e., information secrecy, data integrity, and resource availability. By taking traffic and mobility patterns into account, our approach establishes a direst and quantitative connection between the security and QoS through the authentication. Finally, numerical results are provided to demonstrate the impact of security levels, mobikity and traffic patterns on overall system performance in terms of authentication delay and call dropping probability. Key Words: Wireless IP networks, challenge/response authentication,secwit)! associafion. I . INTRODUCTION The tremendous advance of wireless communication technoloeies has facilitated the ubiquitous Internet service, whereas inducing more challenges to security due to open medium [l]. In order to provide security services in wireless IP networks, authentication is used as an initial process to authorize a mobile user (MU) for communications through secret credentials [2]. In an authentication process, an M U is required to submit secret materids such as certificates and challenge/response values for verification and encryptioddecryption with session keys and algorithms [31-[61. By rejecting unsuccessfully authenticated users, authentication can protect the network resources. The information secrecy This work was supported in part by the National Science Foundation tNSF) under award ANI-0322893 and in party by the Center for Advanced Computing and Communication (CACC) 03-06 and 04-08. 0-7803-8968-9/05/$20.00 (C)z005 IEEE and data integrily can also be guaranteed by using the negotiated credentials €or encryption and message authentication. Meanwhile, authentication also affects the quality of service (QoS) greatly. When public-key based authentication mechanism is applied, the computation complexity of encryption/decryption consumes more time and power [7]. For secretkey based challengehesponse authentication, the credentials of the MU are encrypted and transmitted for remote verification hop-by-hop among authentication servers [SI-[ IO]. The transmission and encryptionldecryption of credentials affect many QoS parameters such as delay, call dropping probability, and throughput. Therefore. in some scenarios, a uadeoff between security service and system performance should be considered because users may have different preferences with respect to security and performance. Moreover, authentication requests are closely related to mobility and traffic patterns of MUS because these requests are generated when an MU either initiates a call, or crosses a boundary of subnets. Therefore, the impact of authentication on QoS parameters is far more sophisticated when mobility and traffic patterns are taken into account. Since the authentication affects both of security and QoS, many authentication schemes are proposed, focusing on the security and efficiency [ 2 ] , [5], [8]-[15]. However. none of them provide quantitative analysis of security and system performance, simultaneously, and nor do they show the connection between security and system performance. Furthermore, mobility and traffic patterns are not considered in the evaluation of authentication, which are important features in wireless networks. Therefore, new authentication solutions may not be adaptive to mobile environments with the concerns of security. performance, and mobility patterns. In this paper, we investigate the performance of authentication in wireless IP networks. First, a system model is proposed to analyze the challengelresponse based authentication, which is highly consistent with various wireless IP networks such as Mobile IP and wireless local area network (WAN). This consistency guarantees that our analytical results are applicable in r e d mobile environments. Security levels are classified with the nature of security, i.e., information secrecy, data integrity, and resource availability, and are introduced to indicate the protection of communications. Moreover, we analyze authentication delay and call dropping probability at different security levels in combination with mobilify and truflc parterns. Thus, our work builds a solid ground far understanding the impacl 1478 of authentication on security and QoS with the concern of adaptation to various mobiIe environments. The rest of our paper is organized as follows. In Section 11. we discuss the effect of authentication on security and QoS with respect to challengelresponse authentication. In Section 111, we describe a system model and define meuics used for performance evaluation in the paper. We analyze these mewics at different security levels with the consideration of mobility and traffic patterns in Section IV. Then, we provide numerical results on delay and call dropping probability in Section V. Finally, we draw a conclusion in Section VI. 11. EFFECTOF AUTHENTICATION ON SECURITY AND Q O S In this section, we introduce challenge/response authentication, and describe the effects of authentication on security and QaS with challengelresponse authentication, A. Oven&w of Challenge/Response Authentication shared SA with the LAS and replies the response value to the LAS. After decrypting the replied value and comparing il with original challenge value, the LAS can authenticate the MU when the decrypted value matches original challenge value. Session authentication: When an MU starts a communication session in a subnet of a foreign network, a session authentication is initiated. At this time, session SA does not exist between the MU and the AP. Thus, i t is necessary to contact the HAS of the MU for authentication. As shown in Fig. 1.B, when an LAS receives the authentication request, it sends a challenge value to the MU. The MU encrypts the challenge value with the SA shared with the HAS, and replies the response value to the LAS, which relays the challenge and response values to the HAS of the MU for verification due to lack of SA to decrypt the response value. After authentication at the HAS, the secret credentials such as keys to protect the communication may be generated and sent to the LAS. The authentication in wireless networks is a process to Inter-domain handoff authentication: When an MU is crossidentify Mus and to negotiate credentials for communications. ing the boundaries of different foreign network domains with In a challenge/response-based authentication, a user is iden- an on-going service, an inter-domain handoff authentication tified with a shared security association (SA), which is a occurs. Without an existed SA between the MU and the LAS, trust relationship with many parameters such as keys and the signaling diagram shown in Fig. 1.C is similar with that in algorithms for secure services [ 161, between an authentication the case of session authentication, except that the MU needs server. During the process, the server sends a challenge value, registration to its HA via the HAS because we assume that a random number, to the user for encryption, and verifies the MU needs registration when it is crossing the boundaries the returned value, called response vuhe, with decryption. of different network domains. In a foreign network, a visiting MLJ sends an authentication request to an access point (AP). The AP relays the request to B. Effecfof Authentication on Security a local authentication server (LAS), which only takes charge Security services are to provide information secrecy, data inof authentication for visiting M u s from foreign networks. If tegrity, and resource availability for users. Information secrecy the LAS has no information to verify the MU, it contacts means to prevent the improper disclosure of information in the the home authentication server (HAS) of the MU through communication, while data integrity is to prevent improper an authentication architecture. An HAS is an authentication modification of data and resource availability is considered to server to identify the MUS who subscribe the service in its preventing improper denial of services [16]. network. And, an authentication architecture is composed of In order to provide security services in wireless networks, many authentication servers that share SAS with the LAS and challenge/response-based authentication adopts several techHAS. If the request is an inter-domain authentication request, niques. First, it requires the MU to share an SA with its HAS. the HAS sends a registration request to the MU’s home agent The SA is unique and secret to other users. Therefore, the iden(HA): which maintains the current location of the MU, to tification of the MU is unique, which can prevent unauthorized update the MU’s location. Mus from accessing the network resource. Second, session 7Arordghou6 this papec we assume that an MU is roaming keys may be generated and sent to communication partners inlo a foreign nemork domain. Then, the challengelresponse during authentication, which are used to encrypt the data of authentication for an Mu in a foreign network can be classified communication and provide message authentication code for into three types: intra-domain handoff authentication; session data integrity check. Therefore, the authentication mechanism authentication; and inter-domain handoff authentication. plays a key role to protect the data secrecy and integrity. Intra-domain handoff authentication: When an MU crosses the boundary of subnets in the foreign network domain with C. Effect of Aiifhentication on QoS Metrics Besides the effect on the security. authentication also influan on-going service, an intra-domain handoff authentication is initiated, Since there is an on-going communication session ences QoS metrics, such as authentication delay, cal1 dropping between the MU and an AP, one session SA exists between the probability and throughput of communications. MU and the LAS in the visiting network domain. Therefore, it The authentication delay is defined as the time from when is unnecessary to contact the HAS of the MU for authentica- lhe MU sends out an authentication request 10 when the MU tion. In the case shown in Fig. I . A , the LAS, which receives receives the authentication reply. During this authentication the authentication request from an MU, sends a challenge delay, no data for on-going service can be transmitted, which value to the MU. The MU encrypts the challenge value using may interrupt the connections. Therefore, the call dropping 1479 Authentication Aurheniication B. Session Authenrlcmion A. Inrra-domam Handoff Authentication LAS: Local Authentication Server C.her-domain Handoff Authentication HAS: Home Authentication Servzr HA:Home Agent AP: Access Point MU: Mobie User Challenge/Response Authentication in Public Wireless Access Networks. Fig. 1. probability may be increased because of the extended authentication delay, The throughput is defined as the h e effective data transmitled per unit lime. It can be greatly decreased in authentication because of several reasons. First, the authentication delay may cause a pause for data transmission, which decreases the throughput. Second. the key size and complex algorithms used in authentication affect the processing time of authentication messages, and the attachment of message authentication code for data integrity check will affect the payload of messages. In summary. authentication in wireless networks has great effects on both security and quality of service such as authentication delay, call dropping probability, and throughput. In order lo improve the security and performance of wireless networks, it is necessary to analyze the authentication effects on both security and QoS metrics by taking into account mobility and traffic patterns. To this end, we propose a system model with assumptions and definitions of performance meuics in the next section. 111. SYSTEM MODEL A N D METRICS In this section. we introduce a system model to analyze the impact of challengehesponse authentication in wireless networks. We consider the security and system performance, in which the security is defined with regard to security levels, and the system performance are evaluated with authentication delay and call dropping probabilities. A. System Model We consider a generic system model for wireless networks fiom two aspects. One is to describe the authentication inter- action between autonomous wireless networks; the other is to illustrate the authentication within a wireless network. The system model to describe the authentication interaction between inter-connected wireless nelworks is shown in Fig. 2. In this model, there are a number o f n autonomous wireless networks. Each network domain has an LAS and an HAS, which are cenual authentication servers in a network domain. The trust relationships between these LASS and HASs are maintained through an authentication architecture [14]. The functions of the LAS, HAS, and authentication architecture are introduced in Section 11-A. We m u m e that the LAS and HAS are integrated together. and the authentication architecture shares an SA with the LAS/HAS of a network domain. We further assume that a network domain is composed of Ad subnets of equal size, and each subnet is controlled by an - I :Access Paint SN: SubNetwork LAS: Local Authentication Server / - - : Movement of MU MU: Mobile User HAS: Home Authentication Server Fig. 2. System Model of Authentication in Wireless Networks. AP. An LAS/HAS shares SAS with A4 APs and controls the authentication requests from them. The generic system model in our paper is consistent with many practical wireless networks such as the authentication, authorization, and accounting (AAA) architecture in Mobile IP networks and wireless local area networks ( W A N ) E141. Based on this system model, in order to evaluate the performance of authentication, we need to describe specific conditions such as authenticaLion mechanism, mobility and traffic patterns clearly . Scenario: Assume that the challengelresponse authentication is implemented on the generic system model with signaling diagrams shown in Fig. 1. In this paper, we focus on the scenario that an MU is roaming into foreign network domains. Then, the intra-domain handoff authentication, session authentication, and inter-domain handoff authentication in foreign networks are illustrated in Fig. 1.A, 1 .B, and 1,C, respectively. Mobility pattern: The mobility pattern of an Mu in our paper is represented by the residence time of the MU in one subnet, denoted as T,. We assume that Tr i s a random variable and the probability density function (PDF) of T,, denoted as f~,(t). is Gamma distribution with mean l / p r and variance V [171. Then, the Laplace transform of fT, ( t ) ,F,. (s), is: Furthermore, if the number of subnets passed by an Mu is assumed to be uniformly distributed between [l,MI. the PDF of the residence time in a network domain, denoted as f ~ ,( t ) , 1480 MU can be expressed with a Laplace transform F M ( s )as: AP Resource-Req Resource-Res MU: Mobile User Then, the mean vahe of residence time in this network domain, denoled as T M ,can be expressed as: Fig. 3. Intra-domain Handoff & Session Authentication at Security Level 1. (3) Security Level 1: Any MUS can send data through an AP without authentication. When an AP receives an authentication request, it checks the resources for this request. In intra-domain and session authentication shown in Fig. 3, if the resources for this service is available, the resource approval is replied to the MU to authorize the service. The signaling diagram for inter-domain handoff authentication is very similar to Fig. l.C. The difference is that the LAS needs to send registration messages lo the HA and the HAS of the Mu through the authentication architecture, instead of replying a challenge value to the MU. After registration, the service is authorized to the MU. At security level 1, the integrity, secrecy, and resource availability cannot be protected without cryptographic techniques. Securidy Level 2: Authentication is implemented through a predefined list of Media access control (MAC) addresses, and no keys are generated for subsequent communications. In this case, when an AP receives an authentication request, it requests the MAC address of the MU and relays the MAC address to the LAS or HAS for verification, as shown in Fig. 4.If the received MAC address matches one entry in the list, the MU is authenticated. For intra-domain handoff authentication, the LAS has the session SA of the MU, thus, the MLJ can be verified at LAS. For inter-domain and session authentication, the MU needs to be authenticated at HAS because no SA exists at the LAS. In particular, registration is required during inter-domain authentication. There is no protection for data integrity and secrecy without keys distributed to the MU. But !he network resource is slightly protecled by .,identifying the MAC address although il can be forged Traffic pattern: In this paper, we use call arrival rate and call duration time to indicate traffic patterns. We assume that the call arrival rate of an MU, which includes the incoming calls and outgoing calls, is Poisson process with average rate A,, and a call duration time, denoted as TD,has an exponential distribution with mean value 1/11, Then, the PDFs of the call inter-arrival time and call duration time, denoted as ( t )and f ~ ,(1). respectively, become: f T A ( t )= X ~ ~ C ’ , ~ , and f T a ( t ) = qepqt, (4) Based on these assumptions on the mobility and traffic patterns of the MU, we evaluate the security and QoS metrics during authentication, which are defined next. E. Peflormance M e t r i a We categorize the performance meuics into security and QoS parameters. The security parameter is represented by security levels, at which different levels of protection are provided. Meanwhile, we consider authentication delay and call dropping probability as the system performance for evaluation. 1 ) Security Levels: There are much quantitative analysis of QoS in networks [IS]. [19], whereas less analysis of security exists. This gap between the QoS and security analysis demands quantization of security for the engineering research. Therefore, the concept of security level becomes widely used for security evaluation [20], [21]. The classification of security levels in these papers is either based on the information sensitivity, or based on the key length. In the cIassification with the information sensitivity, if a group of users are allowed to access most sensitive data, and the data in this group is prohibited to expose to ocher groups, then, the security level of this group is the highest. In the classification with respect to key length, if an encryption/decryption process uses a longer key than other processes, this process is assigned a higher security level. As we can see, however, all of them do not consider the nature of security, i.e., data integrity, secrecy, and availability. Therefore, we argue that the nature of security should be involved to classify the security levels. In our paper, the securi@ level is to indicate the level of protection provided by the authentication for quantitative analysis of security. The classification of security levels is shown in Table I according to the security functions described in Section 1143, i.e., protection for integrity, secrecy and resource availability. Because of different actions in challenge/response authentication, the protection of data integrity, secrecy, and availability are different at different security levels. AP: Access Point . ?-. .easily. 1481 1 Security Level 3: Authentication is implemented with credentials encrypted with a shared SA, and no keys are generated for subsequent communications. In this case, an SA between the MU and its HAS is used for interdomain handoff and session authentication as shown in Fig. 5 . The signaling process at security level 3 is almost the same as that at security level 2. The difference is that a pair of challenge/response values are used to authenticate the MU instead of the MAC address. The MU that receives a challenge value from the LAS encrypts the challenge value with corresponding SA. In the intradomain handoff authentication, the corresponding SA is shared with the LAS during communication session. Then, the LAS verifies the challenge value replied from the MU by decrypting the response value with the SA. TABLE I Security Level i Security Service 1 Integrity I Secrecy I Confidentiality I Availability Protection No I No I No I No I 4 MU AP ] Yes Yes I LAS I 1 Auh-Appr A Intra-dontun Handoff Aulhenucauon AP MU LAS HAS I I HA Resource-Req I J Session Auihenticanm Inm-domain HandoB Authentirtion B. Session and Inm-domn HandoffAuthcnlrcauon LAS: Local Authentication Server MU: Mobile Usel HAS: Home Authentication Server AP: Access Point HA: Home Agent Fig. 4. Signahng Diagram at Security Level 2. A. Lnrra-domain Handoff Aulhenticauan MU LAS AP Resource-Rcq -I HAS High during inter-domain authentication. At security level 3, the network resources can be protected by only allowing the access of legitimate users. However, since no key is dislributed for data transmission, the integrity and secrecy are not guaranteed. Furthermore, the network resource may be compromised due to lack of data integrity and secrecy. Securie Level 4 : Authentication is implemented with shared SA, and keys are generated for data communication. The signaling diagram at security leveI 4 is shown in Fig. 5 , which is similar with that at security level 3. The difference is that keys are generated, encrypted, and transmitted to communication partners such as the MU, home and foreign agents. After the keys are decrypted by the communication entities, the keys will be used to provide encryption and message authentication code to protect the communication. Therefore, the integrity of data can be guaranteed, and the secrecy is protected with data encryption. The network resource is also protected since the identification cannot be compromised due to the protection of data integrity and secrecy. From Table I and description above, we can see that the higher the security level, the better security services the authentication provides. However, higher security levels are achieved by applying more complicated cryptographic techniques in the authentication process. The extra operations induce overhead that affects the QoS metrics, such as authentication delay and call dropping probability during authentication. 2) Average Authentication Delay: We define authentication delay as the time from when an MU sends an authentication request to when the MU receives the authentication reply. The average authentication delay, T (i ) . is defined as the sum of an authentication delay over a number of authentication requests per unit time at security level i, i.e., Rmourm-Rcq Resource-Res High HA Auth-Req 3 Sesslon Aurhentication -I Inter-domain Handoff Auihenhcation B. Sesam aod Ioter-domain Handoff Authenticatim LAS:L x a l Authentication Server MU:Mobile User HA:Home Agent HAS: Home Authentication Server AP: Access Point Fig. 5. Signaling Diagram at Security Levels 3 and 4. However. in inter-domain handoff and session authentication, there is no SA between the MU and the LAS. The MU must be authenticated by the HAS. After verifying the Mu at the HAS, the authentication approval is sent back to the LAS. Specially, the registration is required p= 1 where Tp(i) is the authentication delay per operation at security level i for authentication type p, and X p is the arrival rate of authentication requests with type p. There are three types of authentication requests: ,13 = 1 means that the authentication request is an intra-domain handoff authentication; ,1!3 = 2 denotes the session authentication; and, /3 = 3 represents interdomain handoff authentication. 3) Average Call Dropping Probubiliiy during Aurkentication: When an extended waiting time for authentication is 1482 induced and greater than a threshold time, the connection will be broken [221. On the other hand, even though the authentication delay is small and the MU is a valid user, an authentication failure may happen regardless of security level because of damaged credentials caused by transmission error, packet drop at queues, attack of intruders and software application failure. Therefore, we define the call dropping prababiZi@ as the probability that the service of an MU is dropped during one authentication operation because of either extended authentication delay, or an authentication failure. When an MU roams among subnets in a network domain, the avemge call dropping probability, P ( i ) ,is defined as the ratio of the sum of the call dropping probability per authentication in a unit time over the number of authentication requests sent by the MU within unit time at security level i. Let P ( i )denote the average call dropping probability at security level i, it can be written as: P ( i )= E;=, b[P,(i)+Pel E;=, XP 1 tip = 1,2,3 and i 1 Symbol I T,, I Messare Drooaoation time on one hoD Y;? T,, I Messnee transmission time on one hou 1 Message encryption/decryption tune on one bop I Authentication request service and T,, I Authentication request service and waiting time T,, I I Ted I I 1,2,3,4. : (7) I T,: II Desaiption I I at the proxy authentication server I I Tu, To I T,, i 1 I Authentication request service and waiting time at th;. HAS a pair of encryption and decryption time for 9 value Key. generation time at the HAS Transmission time for the session kev to the other communication identities such as HA Registration request service and waiting time at HA Y I Here. gt is a vector defined as: 2; I and q ? ( i ) = PT,(i)tT@(i)> T t h ) , (6) where Tth is a threshold time, f'~~(~,(Tp(i) > '&) is the probability that an authentication delay is greater than TtjLin authentication type p. P' is the probability that one authentication faiIs due to unknown effects. Since the factors that affect P, include many unknown factors and there is no evidence on the pattern of attacks currently, we will use a mean value from experiments to represent P, in the numeric results of our paper 1231. In summary, in order to evaluate T ( i ) and P(i) in (5) and (6). we n e d to analyze Ao, Tp(i), and Pp(i). Next, we derive these parameters based an the system model shown in Fig. 2, assumptions described in Section 111-A, and the definitions of the performance metrics in Section 111-B. IV. PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS In this section, we analyze the impact of authentication on security and QoS in terms of authentication delay and call dropping probability from two key aspects, First is to observe the relationship between the security levels and the QoS for each authentication. Second is to obtain the arrival rates of authentication requests. After hat, the average authentication delay and call dropping probability defined in ( 5 ) and (6) can be evaluated. A. Perfonnancd Analysis per Authenticofion At different security levels, the authentication has different effects on the authentication delay and call dropping probability of different types of authentications. 1 ) Delay per Aiithentication: To derive the delay for different types of authentications on different security levels, we use the signaling diagrams shown in Figs. 3, 4, and 5. We also define a set of time parameters shown in Table I1 for convenient description. Then, T , ( i )can be expressed as: Tp(i) = dp,i . Z t , TABLE I1 TIMEPARAMETERS AUTHEKTICATION = [Tpr +Tt,. Ted,To, T!q, T,, TUSI Tg,Tt,, (8) Z,'.g]. where all the time components are defined in Table 11. And, dp,* are the vectors defined as follows: = [2, 0 , 1, 0 , 0, 0. 0 , 0, 01, [6, 2, 3, 0. 1, 0, 0 , 0 , 01, d1,3= d1,e = [8, 4, 4, 0, 2, 1, 0, 0 , 01, &,I = [a, 0, 1 , 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 01. d2,2 ['2(Nh I), 2(Nh - 11, 3, 2(Nh - 2 ) , :2,3 [ ' l ( N h 3- 2 ) , 2 N h , 4, 2(Nh - 2 ) j 1, 1, a2,4 [z(Nhf 2), 2Nh7 4, 2(Nh - 21, 1, 2. & , I = [2(Nh+ l), 0 , 2. 2(Nh - l), 0 , 0 , 0. &,2 = [ ~ ( N A 2). 2 h ' h , 3, 2(Nh 2), 2, 0, d3,3 [z(Nh 3), 2 ( X h f I ) , 4, 2(Nh - 21, a3,4 = [ 2 ( N h 3)) 2(Nh f I ) , 4, 2(Nh - 2 ) , d1,2= + + + - + 1, 0, 0, 0, 01, 0, 0 , 01, 1, 1, 01, 0 . 11, 0, 0, 11, 2, 1, 0, 0%I], 2 , 2, 1, 1 1 11. The coefficients in front of the time variables in & denote !he number of time variables for each authenlicatzon. For example, in the case of ,3 = 3 and i = 4 as shown in Fig 5, the message for an MU to request challenge value from an LAS must traverse through an AP on two hops first. Then, the response value needs to be transmitted to the HAS via N h hops since there is no shared SA between the MU and the LAS in the case of inter-domain handoff authentication. At this moment, a registration process is needed. Thus, a distance of one hop between the HAS and the HA needs to be passed by the message. Therefore, the number of hops that the round-trip signaling messages traverse in the authentlcation process is 2 ( N h 3). The coefficient in front of TPT Tt, is 2(Nh -t 3 ) . On this path for authentication, there is no encryption and decryption of messages on the hop between the MU and the AP before authentication. Since the authentication message traverses this hop four times, the number of hops that we should consider the encryptionldecryption during the authentication process is 2(Nh + 3 ) - 4 = 2(Nh + 1). Thus, the coefficient in front of T e d is 2(Nh 1). Similarly, since the authentication process in the case of p = 3 and t = 4 needs to pass the AP four times. the coefficient of T,, i.e., authentication request service and waiting time, is 4, Because the authen ticauon message crosses the intermediate 1483 + + + (9) authentication servers 2(Nh - '2) times, the coefficient of Tsq,Recall that the PDFs of Tsq.T', T,,. and TTgare assumed to i.e., authentication request service and waiting time at a proxy be iid with the same definition as shown in ( 10). and the other authentication server. is 2jNh -2). The authentication message also traverses the HAS twice when registration is needed. 'Thus, the coefficient of T,, i.e., authentication request service Furthermore, with these PDFs f p ( i ) , Pp(i)can be o b t b e d in and waiting time at the HAS, is 2. different cases. Since the authentication in this case also needs one lime To summarize, we have obtained authentication delay and registration at the HA, the coefficient for Trg,i.e., registration call dropping probability for one authentication operation. request service and waiting time at an HAS? is 1. Because However, in order to obtain the average authentication delay a key is generated at the HAS for the communication o f the and call dropping probability defined in ( 5 ) and (6). we need MU, the coefficient of Tg, i.e.? key generation time at the to evaluate the arrival rates of different types of authentication HAS, is 1. The HAS also needs to transmit a corresponding requests, i.e., Xp, ( p = 1,3,3). key to the MU'S communication partners, thus the coefficient of T,,, i.e., transmission time for the session key to the other communication identities such as HA, is I . In addition, two B. Arrival Rates of Aiitlienticution Requests pairs of encryption and decryption time are needed between Since the authentication requests are categorized into three the MU and its HAS. One pair is for encrypting and decrypting types: intra-domain handoff authentication. session authenticathe challenge/response values; the other is for encrypting and tion, and inter-domain handoff authentication, we analyze the decrypting the session key. Thus, the coefficient of Tu,, i.e., arrival rates of different types of authentication, i.e., Ap! (P= a pair of encryption and decryption time for a value, is 2. 1;2 , 3 ) , based on the mobility and traffic patterns of the Mus. For the other cases of authentication processes, they follow 1) Arrival Rate of Intra-Domain Handof Aurkentication, the same analysis and can be obtained From Figs. 3,4, and 5 . XI: The intra-domain handoff authentication happens when 2) Call Dropping Prubabilip: In Section 111-B.3, we con- an MU crosses the boundaries of subnets in a network domain sider a call is dropped during authentication if the waiting with an on-going service. In order to calculate the arrival rate time for authentication is greater than a threshold value of intra-domain handoff authentication requests, we define four Tth, or an authentication failure happens. In (6), we use a events, in which calls will happen: mean value from an experiment for P,, due to the unknown YI is the event that an MU starts a connection before distribution model. Therefore, in order to evaluate P'(i), ( p = entering the network domain, enlers the network domain 1; 2 , 3 and i = 1,2,3,4). the PDF of the authentication delay with the on-going connection and this connection ends shown in (7) needs to be evaluated. before the MU moves out of the network domain. In (7), we only consider the time variables, Tsp,T,, Tu, Yz is the event that an MU starts a connection within and TTgas the random variables because the variance of the current network domain and this connection ends before other time variables are small. Thus, to find Pp(i) becomes the MU moves out of the network domain. to find the PDFs of the different combinations of Tsg, T,, Y3 is the event that an MU starts a connection within T,, and Trgin To(;).For simplification, we consider that: (1) current network domain and this connection ends after M / A 4 / 1 queues are applied at APs, authentication servers, and the MU moves out of the network domain. HAS; (2) The PDFs of Tsq,T,, T,, and Trs are independent y4 is the event that an MU starts a connection before identical distribution (iid). Then, the PDF of TsqrT,, T,, and entering the network domain, enters the network domain Trg, i.e., w ( t ) ,can be shown as [24]: with the on-going connection, and the connection ends w ( t )= (ps - A S ) , - ( ~ s - y (10) after moving out of the network domain. where ps and A, are the service and arrival rates of authenmen, the arrival rate of intra-domain handoff authenlication tication requests, respectively. Furthermore, the PDFs of the requests, AI, can be written as: 4 different combinations of T,,, T,, T,,, and T,, in T p ( i ) , i.e., f p ! i ( t ) , can be expressed in (1 11, shown on next page, as the L p r j ( r x a j l - 1)) (13) j= 1 components of a matrix f ( t ) . In (1 l), the row represents the index of authentication type where A, is the call arrivd rate defined in (4),Prj is the A p, and the column is the index of security level i. r(5) = is the average number probability that event y3 happens, s x - I e -a ds, and = ps--Xs. Thus, f p , $ ( t ) can be obtained of subnets passed by an MU in current network domain in from the combination of Tsq,T,, Tu, and T,, in Tp(i). For event q, (j = 1 , 2 , 3 ,4). [Xajl - 1 represents the average example, in the case of p = 3 and i = 4, according to (7), (X), number of intra-domain handoff authentication in event Yj. and (9), T3(4) can be written as: Since the intra-domain handoff authentication only happens when an MU crosses the boundaries of subnets inside a T3(4)= 2(Nh 3)(Tp, Z,) 2(Nh I)& 4Ta network domain with an on-going service, the average number 2(Nh - 2)T&f 2Tvf 2Tus Tg T t a -k T T g . (121 of intra-domain handoff authentication is equal to the average number of subnets passed by an MU minus one. raJ so" + + + + + + + + 1484 The time diagrams of the events, 15, (j= 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ) , are shown in Fig. 6, where 1; is the call beginning time, ta is the call ending time, t: is the time when an MU enters the network domain we are investigating, t:l is the time when an MU leaves the network domain we are investigating, and tkr is the beginning time of the residual time of the residence time in a network domain. Therefore, the probabilities of these events, P,j, (j= 1:2; 3; 4), can be derived as follows. defined in (2), have the Laplace transform of the PDF of TA,~ Pr(T,,. 5 T,If)can be determined by: 1 W pv(TDr where XI 5 TA$) (17) fS,( t ) d t : 5 TA!- Tor, and f ~( t ,) can be computed from: + B. Event Y 2 A. Event Y I I Here, l / v is the average call holding time, q / ( q s) is the Laplace transform of the PDF of T D ~and , F A J ( S is ) the Laplace transform of the PDF of TA4 defined in (2). Thus, PT1can be calculated by substituting (15), (I6), (17) into (14). Next, we need to derive Pr2 from Fig. 6.B as: Thfr Pr2 = P,(TD = (19) where X2 T M-~T D ,fx,(t)and f ~ , . ( t )are the PDFs of Xz and T M ~respectively, , which can be obtained by: D : Leave a Network Domain b : Enter a Network Domain : Start a Call TD: Call Duration Time 0 : End a Call Tb :Residual Time of Call Duration Time Tu : Residence Time in a Network Domain TM,: Residual Time of the Residence T i m in a Network Domain fX-2 (t) 2 - 1 { F M r (SIT} 7 f ~ r ( t ) 2-' {FMriS)}, Fig. 6. Time Diagrams of Events tz Jrf s , ( t ) d t . JrX,te-X-tfiMr(t)dt, e D.Event Y4 C. Event Y 3 < TMTj . KjtL, 5 t : < tkT+ T M r ) According to the time diagram in Fig. 6.A, and denote At = - t:, we have: (20) where l / q is the average cat1 holding time, and F M , ( s ) is the Laplace transform of the PDF of TA!,., the residual time of the residence time in a networkdomain. FM,(s) is determined by: is defined in (3), and F M ( s )is defined in (2). Moreover, we can obtain Pr3 from Fig. 6.C: (14) where where I(t: + At, t:) is the number of calls that arrive in the time interval [I$ t! At). Since we assume that the call arrival rate is a Poisson process, P,-[I(tz At, t:) = I ] can be determined by: + + P,[l(t: + At, t:) = 11= A,AtepxuAt, (15) where A, is the average arrival rate of the calls. In (141, TDis the call duration time with PDF defined in (4), and T ~ .isI the residence time of an MU in the network domain with Laplace transform of PDF in (2). Thus, we have: P,(TD > At) = Pr3 s9: &,(t)dt = e -7At , = Furthermore, TD, is the residual time of the call duration time with the same PDF as TO defined in (4) due to the memoryless property of exponential distribution. Since we 2 t: < t:, 4-hT) Jrfx.,(t)dt JrX,te-x-tjMr(t)dt, (22) f ) PDF of T M defined ~ where X3 2 TD - TMr,f ~ ~ (is tthe in (20): fj;,(t) is the PDF of X3, which can be obtained by: where f;;r.rr(s) is defined in'(21), q is defined in (4). Finally. Pr4 can be determined from Fig. 6.D as follows: (16) where f ~ (,t )is defined in (4), 1/0 is the average call holding time and At = t: - t,". = P,(TD > T h T ). P,(tk, Pr4 So" Pr[l(t:+ At;t,")= 11 Pr(TD > At)d(At) ' (24) .pT(Tor > T I M ) , where P, [I(tz+ At: tz) = 11 is shown in ( 1 9 , P,(TD > At) defined in (16). and ~,(TD, > TM)= 1 -Pr(TDr I TIM), where P,(TD, 5 TA<) is defined in (17). IS 1485 I t. I k TD 4 i-TTIkA TD b u - - - - -1 tI I: The Laplace transform of the PDF o f t , , Ft,-(s). is: tNal tl t? (Ns2-1 . tl - t2 - 1U tb3-l 4 TD D tt tNa3 C. Time Diagram for Na 3 t? tNa4-I tNp4 D. l i m e Diagram for Naa FAf r ( S ) TD: One Call Duration Time t i : Residence Time in a Subnet i TM,: Residual Time of the Residence Time in a Network Domain D : Leave a Network Domain b : Enter a Network Domain Fig. 7. 1 - Fr(s) (28) 1 S where 1/pT is the average residence time of an MU in a subnet. F,(s) is defined in (1). In (27), ti is the residence time of an MU in subnet i , which is assumed to be Gamma distribution with Laplace transform of PDF defined in (1): and Na3 is the random number of the subnets passed by an MU in the current network domain for the event 15. Based on the relationship in (27): we can obtain: I-TMA k+---~~ I- pr tNaZ 3.Time Diagram for Naz A. Time Diagram for Nai I %(s) U---- tad-1 e Ft, (S)GIVo~ - 1( z1(2=Fp(s) 1 (29) where pAIT ( s ) is defined in (211, 17tT( s) is defined in (281, G,R,-~~--~(,Z) is the generating function of the PDF of ArR3- 1. Then, N a 3 can be obtained by: Time Diagram for Number of Subnets Passed by for On? Call. - +1 ~GX,~-I(~) l~=i ATR3= Therefore, we have calculated P T j ,( j = 1,2?3,4). In order to evaluate AI.we will evaluateFUj, ( j = I, 2: 3,4). The time diagrams to evaluate Ea3are shown in Fig. 7. In order to evaluate Taland F a 2 , we consider a theorem in [25].Given call holding time and subnet residence time with Gamma distribution, the average number of subnets passed by an MU within a call, E, is determined by: where 1/a is the average residence time of an MU in a subnet, pf is the probability that a handoff call is blocked, f*(s) is the Laplace transform of the PDF of the residence time of an MU in a subnet, f:(s) is the Laplace transform of the PDF of the call holding time, 6, is the singular points of fz(-s), and Res,,, denotes the residue at a singular point s = p . In the events Y1 and Yz, the call duration time in a network domain are TD, and TO,respectively, which are exponential distribution, one special case of Gamma distributions. Therefore, Taland Tazcan be calculated with (25). By assuming that p f = 0, we can carry out pal and Waz as: where 1/77 is the average call duration time of h e MU and pr is the average residence time of the MU in a subnet. On the other hand, note that T M and ~ TA{are not Gamma distributions, we cannot obtain ma3 and radwith (25). Thus, we derive mu3 and na4next. From Fig. 7.C, the relationship between different time components can be written as follows: i=2 where T'f, and t , are the residual time of the residence time of an MU in a network domain and in a subnet, respectively. - 2M2-M-1 12TMClT (M;l)(T+l) I 1, (30) Y where T K is , ~defined in ( 3 ) , M is the number of subnets in current network domain, l / p r is the average residence time that an MU stays in a subnet, and y is defined in (I). According to Fig.7.D, x,4 is equal to the average number of subnets that an MU passes in a foreign network domain. Recall that the number of subnets that the MU passes by in a is assumed to be uniformly distributed network domain, hrsn, between 1 and Ad, i.e., 1 P(N,, = m )= -, M m. = 1: 2 , . . . , M . (31) Thus, we have: maj Now we have obtained all at event 15, j = 1,2, 3; 4. Since we have calculated P,j, j = 1,3,3,4, in (14), (19), (22), and (241, respectively, we can evaluate XI by substituting the values of Prj and N a j , j = 1,3,3,4,into (13). Next, in order to obtain T ( i )and P ( i ) defined in (5) and (6), we need to evaluate A? and X3. 2) Arrival Rate of Session Authentication, X2: After an MU has moved into a network domain, a session authentication is initiated whenever a call arrives. Therefore, the arrival rate of session authentication requests for one MU, i.e., X2, is equal to the call arrival rate of an MU, A2 = A., (33) 3) Arrival Rare of Inter-Domain Handoff Authentication. Ay: The inter-domain handoff aurhentication requests happen when an MU enters the network domain with an on-going service. Therefore, the arrival rate of inter-domain handoff authentication requests, AY, can be obtained by: 1486 A3 = X,(P,l 4-P r 4 1 , 134) where A, is the calt arrival rate assumed in (4), P,I and Pr4 are the probabilities that events 1; and Y* occur, which are defined in Section IV-B.l and evaluated in (14) and (24), respectively. B. Efects of Mobiliy Partern at DifSerent Security Levels The effects of mobility pattern on the authentication delay and call dropping probability are shown in Figs. 8 and 9. In these figures, we illustrate the relationships between the Thus, we have obtained the arrival rates of authentication residence time of an Mu in a subnet, authentication delay, requests for intra-domain handoff authentication, session au- and call dropping probability, respectively. thentication, and inter-domain handoff authentication. Since all Fig. 8 reveals the effect of residence time on the authenthe paramcters in ( 5 ) and ( 6 ) have been evaluated, the impact tication delay. As we can see. authentication delay decreases of authentication on security and the system performance can with the increase of the residence time of an MU in a subnet. be observed clearly through T ( i )and P ( i ) . This trend is due to the decrease of the intra-domain handoff authentication requests. The higher security levels cause more V. NUMERICALRESULTS authentication delay because of more operations needed for In this section, we evaluate the effects of mobility and secure services. The improvement of authentication delay by traffic patterns on authentication delay, T ( i ) ,and call dropping changing security levels from 4 to 3 is around 0.1 seconds, which is about 18% of the delay at security level 4 when the probability, P(i),at different security levels. residence time of an MU in a subnet is 27 minutes. A. Assrimprions and Parameters The effect of call dropping probability in authentication is shown in Fig. 9. The call dropping probability increases with The numerical results are calculated based on the assumptions introduced in Sections 111 and IV-A.2. In Section 111, we the increase of the residence time of an MU in a subnet. When consider an MU roaming in a foreign network shown in Fig. 2. the residence time of an MU in a subnet increases, the arThe residence time of the MU in a subnet of the network rival rate of intra-domain handoff authentication requests wilI domain is assumed to be Gamma distribution with the mean decrease. Then, the session authentication requests become value l/py. The call arrival rate of the MU is assumed to be the major part of authentication requests. Note that the call Poisson process with mean value l / A u , and the caII duration dropping probability for session authentication is much higher time of the MU is assumed to be exponential distribution with than that in intra-domain handoff authentication due to the longer authentication delay caused by remote authentication. mean value 1/77. In Section IV-A.2, we further assume that M / M / 1 queues The call dropping probability will approximate that in session are used at APs, authentication servers, and HAS with service authentication if the residence time of an MU approaches rate pLsand arrival rate of authentication requests A$, Let infinity. In other words, the upper bound of the call dropping [ = ps - A., According to (lo), the service and waitlng time probability can be achieved when the authentication requests at an AP, authentication server, and HA, i.e.. T,, T,,, and Tu, are all session authentication requests. Similar with the delay, become random variables of identical exponential distribution call dropping probability is greatly affected by the security with mean value of l/[. The parameters to evaluate the levels. When the security level is leveraged from 3 to 4, call dropping probability increases around 0.0045, which is about authentication delay are shown in Table 111. 50% of the call dropping probability at security level 3 when TABLE 111 the residence time of an MU in a subnet is 27 minutes. PARAMETERS FOR EVALUATIONON Q O S METRICS Parameters for Authentication Delay Tth I Tpr 3s I 40 us I Tt, 1 T e d I Tg I M I “I I 20ms I Zms I 2ms I 120 I 10 Parameters for Random Variables ir Authenticatim Time at Security Level 1 -t o AuthenbcatimTime at Secumiy Level 2 Authentdcation Time at Securily Level 3 0 &55, +- AuthenhcattmTrmeatSecurilyLevel4 i In this table, the values of the time variables are critical because they are related with the call dropping probability. When the maximum authentication message size is 4096 bytes [3], [26], the transmission delay is about 20 milliseconds with the assumption of 2 Mbps link capacity [27]. The values of Ted and Tg are obtained from existing research [27], [ZSI. By assuming one network domain is about 100km2 with radius 6 k m , the value of the propagation time, T,,, can be determined by the distance between two LASS as shown in Table 111. 1487 0.45 . .. .....:. 1 : 04l 6 g ; A ..... .... ........., .r .. . ... . ... . .... .* ...... . .f ........, . c. .. . .. -’ I 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 Residenw Time in a Subnet (minules) Fig. 8. Authentication Time vs. Residence Time in a Subnet. Call Dropping Probablity vs Residence Time x to A,. Thus, A, disappears in (6), which is P(i)’s definition equation. Then, once the PDFs of the call duration time and the mobility patterns of the MU are known, the call dropping probability of the MU is a constant at varied call arrival rates as shown in Fig. 11. The call dropping probability at higher security levels is more than that at lower security levels. For example, the call dropping probability at security level 4 is about 56% more than that at security level 3. Securliy Level 1 Catt Dropping Probability at Security Level 2 Call Dropping Probability ai Security Level 3 4Call Dropping Probabiiity at 16 -+ o .. . . ... : . .. ‘6 0 ,-.- -.+-.- --?-- -.d Ad.-’ , 12 15 21 18 24 27 30 Resldence Time in a Subnel Iminutesj Fig. 9. Call Dropprng Probability vs. Residence Time in a Subnet. C. Eflect of Traflc Load at Dinerent Secwiry Levels The effects of traffic pattern on the authentication delay and call dropping probability at different security levels are demonstrated in Figs. 10 and 11. Fig. 10 shows that the authentication delay increases with the call arrival rate of an MU. As shown in (3,the authentication delay is proportional to the call arrival rate A, since Xp, ( p = 1 , 2 , 3 ) are proportional to .A, Moreover, a higher security level causes longer delay than a lower one. For example, if the security level is changed from 1 to 2, the authentication will need about 29% more delay than that at security level 1 . Auttmnticatm Time vs. Call ArrNal Rate w21 , , ‘$05 006 007 , , 1 3 4 Securrty Levels, i Fig. 11. Call Dropping Probability vs. Security Levels. VI. CONCLUSION In this paper, we investigated the impact of authentication on security and quality of service (QOS) in combination of mobility and traffic patterns, which are critical to deliver secure and efficient services in wireless IP networks. We analyzed the system performance with respect to authentication delay and call dropping probability at different security levels based on a system model and challengelresponse authentication mechanism. To our best knowledge, our study is the first work on providing a quantitative analysis of the security and quality of service, which is of extreme importance to the adaptation of new security solutions EO various mobile environments. 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