ACCOUNTANCY TRAINING AND EDUCATION CENTRE (ATEC) COURSE OUTLINE A Great Place to Learn. PROGRAMME: DURATION: DAY(S): MODE: COMPONENT: ACCA July - December 2013 Wednesday (make-up Fridays) Part Time F8 - Audit and Assurance LECTURER: CAMPUS: Susan Ramsamooj Champs Fleurs Lecture # Lecture Day & Date Time Hrs Cum Lecture Topic (s) Hrs No./ Type Important of Outcomes Session Concepts/ Ideas to know/Learning Expected Reading Other Matters Questions 1 Wed 10-Jul-13 5:30pm 8:30pm 3 3 Nature, Purpose and Scope of an Audit 1./Lt/EP a) objective and general principles of external audit Chap. 1 & 2 engagements. b) nature and development of audit c) agency theory .d) concepts e) Stakeholders. f) the statutory regulations - appointment, rights, removal and resignation of auditors. g) limitations of external audits. h) postulates External Auditors - 6/ 2000 2 Wed 17-Jul-13 5:30pm 8:30pm 3 6 Professional code of ethics 1./Lt/EP a) Code of ethics and conduct. b) ethical issues ; fundamental principles; threats and safeguards 1. Mc Kay 6/2006 2. Stark - 12/ 2008 19-Jul-13 5:30pm 8:30pm 3 9 1.Professional code of ethics – cont’d 2.responsibility and liability 3.laws and regulations 1./Lt/EP a) fundamental principles of confidentiality. b) conflicts of Chap. 4 and interest c) responsibilities for the prevention and detection Chap 6 of fraud and error. d) laws and regulations. 1.Confidentiality 12/ 2003 2. Fraud & Error 12/2004 Wed 24-Jul-13 5:30pm 8:30pm 3 12 Corporate Governance 1./Lt/EP a)objective, relevance and importance of corporate governance.b)communicate with those charged with governance. c) provisions of international codes of corporate governance d)corporate governance requirements e) structure and roles of audit committees and their benefits and limitations. 1. NorthCee Pilot Paper 2. Serena - 12/2011 3 4 Fri Chap 4 Chap. 3 5 Wed 31-Jul-13 5:30pm 8:30pm 3 15 Internal Audit 6 Wed 07-Aug-13 5:30pm 8:30pm 3 18 Revision 5:30pm 8:30pm 3 21 Audit appointment 7 Fri 09-Aug-13 1./Lt/EP 1./EP 1./Lt/EP a) role and objective of IA . b) role of IA in Corporate Goverance c) best practice in the structure and operations of IA d) assessing the need for IA e). external auditor vs the IA f) role of external and IA in fraud and error g) scope of the IA function h)limitations of the IA function. i) Outsourcing IA function. j) IA assignments Chap. 5 1.Montehodge 6/2008 2.Goofy-6/ 2011 Chap. 4 1. Viswa 6/2004 Serenity12/2006 Revision of Lectures 1-5 1. LV Fones - 6/2010; 2. Corporate governance - BPP Q.; 3. Jumper. - 6/2006; Q4. ZX - 6/2005 Q5. Currant - 6/2012 Q6. Conoy - 6/2009 a) new engagements - preconditions, professional ethics, other requirements b) obtaining professional work .c) engagement letter and their contents. d) Issue of a new engagement letter e) consideration in changing the terms of engagement. 8 Wed 14-Aug-13 5:30pm 8:30pm 3 24 Planning, controlling and recording the audit 1./Lt/EP a) planning an audit. b) the overall audit strategy and audit Chap. 6 & 7 plan. c) interim audit and final audit d) components of audit risk. e) audit risks in the financial statements f) understanding of the entity and its environment. g) risk assessment procedures h) analytical procedures i) preliminary materiality and performance materiality. j) audit documentation. k) the contents of working papers and supporting documentation. l) safe custody and retention of working papers. m) controlling the audit . 9 Wed 21-Aug-13 5:30pm 8:30pm 3 27 The internal control system 1./Lt/EP a) the auditor and internal controls b) components of an internal control system c) tests of control and substantive procedures. d) recording, evaluating and testing of internal control systems e) deficiencies and significant deficiencies in internal control systems Chap 9 23-Aug-13 5:30pm 8:30pm 3 30 Accounting and internal control system – cont’d 1./Lt/EP Internal Control Objectives, control procedures and Test of Control re: Sales Cycle; Purchase Cycle and Wages Cycle Chap 10 Wed 28-Aug-13 5:30pm 8:30pm 3 33 Accounting and internal control system – cont’d 1./Lt/EP Internal Control Objectives, control procedures and Test of Control re: Fixed Assets; Cash and Bank and petty cash 10 11 Fri 2. 1. Tempest- 12/ 2005; 2. S/brush - 6/ 2010 3. Spec 4U 12/2004 1. Rhapsody 6/2007 2. Pear-6/ 2012 3. Greystone 12/2010 4. KLE-12/ 2006 5. Blair-2/ 2011 1. Letham - 12/ 2009 2. Matalas - 12 2007 5:30pm 8:30pm 3 36 Audit Procedures 1./Lt/EP a) assertions b) use of assertions in obtaining audit evidence c) sufficient and appropriate audit evidence. d) audit procedures. e) professional scepticism. h) analytical procedures used as substantive procedures. Chap 8 06-Sep-13 5:30pm 8:30pm 3 39 Audit Evidence and Sampling 1./Lt/EP a) accounting estimates. b). Using the work of others c) relying on the work of internal audit. d) management representation e) Audit sampling procedure e) sample selection f) evaluation of the results. Chap 11 1. Strathfield 12/ 2002 14 Wed 11-Sep-13 5:30pm 8:30pm 3 42 Audit in a computerized environment 1./Lt/EP a) the use of computer-assisted audit techniques in the context of an audit. b) use of test data and audit software for the transaction cycles and balances Chap 11 1. Porthos 12/2005 2. Delphic - 12/ 2007 15 Wed 18-Sep-13 5:30pm 8:30pm 3 45 Audit of Assets 1./Lt/EP Substantive testing and analytical procedures in relation to Chap 12 & verifing the assertions - fixed assets and depreciation; 14 receivables and sales; intangble assets 1. Tracey Transport - 6/05; 2. Wearwraith 6/2006 20-Sep-13 5:30pm 8:30pm 3 48 Audit of assets (cont'd) 1./Lt/EP Substantive testing and analytical procedures in relation to Chap 13 & verifing the assertions - prepayments, inventory, bank and 15 cash 1. Lily Window 12/2012 2. DeCe - 12/2005 3. DinZee 12/2007 17 Wed 25-Sep-13 5:30pm 8:30pm 3 51 Audit of Liabilities 1./Lt/EP Substantive testing and analytical procedures in relation to verifing the assertions - Share capital; payable and purchases; accruals; contingent liabilities; directors' emolument; Chap 16 1. Bolder 12/2004 2. Pineapple 6/2012 18 Wed 02-Oct-13 5:30pm 8:30pm 3 54 Revision 1./EP Revision of audit of assets and Liabilities: 1. Tinkerbell - 6/2011; 2. Blake - 12/2008; 3. Rose 12/2012; Tye 6/2009 04-Oct-13 5:30pm 8:30pm 3 57 Audit completion and the final review 1./Lt/EP 1. Audit finalisation and the final review. 2. Auditors responsibility, procedures and opinions re: a)subsequent events. b). Going concern c) opening balances and comparative information. d). Written representations e) information contained in other documents Chap. 18 1Crightonward 6/2005 2. Oilrakers Dec 2005 20 Wed 09-Oct-13 5:30pm 8:30pm 3 60 Auditor Report 1./Lt/EP a) Format and content of unmodified audit reports; b) matters affecting the audit opinion and their effect on the auditors’ report - modified audit opinions; emphasis of matter and other matter paragraphs. Chap. 19 1. Jonarc 12/2007 2. Daffy - 6/2011 3. Humphries 12/2011 21 Wed 16-Oct-13 5:30pm 8:30pm 3 63 Revision 12 13 16 19 Wed 04-Sep-13 Fri Fri Fri 1./EP 1. Minni - 12/2011; 2. Medmade - 6/2011; 3. Galartha 12/2007; 4. Hood Enterprise 6/2005 5.Kiwi - 12/2012 22 Wed 18-Oct-13 5:30pm 8:30pm 3 66 Other Assurance Svcs; Not for Profit and Small company audits 23 Wed 23-Oct-13 5:30pm 8:30pm 3 69 Revision Key / Legend Lt = Lecture T=Tutorial Lb = Lab 1./Lt/EP 1./EP 1.a)objectives of an assurance engagement. b) elements Chap. 1 &17 of an assurance engagement. c) procedures required to collect evidence. d) level of assurance e) The Assurance Reports. 2) Apply audit techniques to not-for-profit organisations and the audit report. 3) audit of smaller entities and the impact on the audit report 1. Abrahams - 12/2011; 2. White - 12/2010; Happy Windows 6/2010; 1. Brampton 12/2009 3. Shiny EP = Exam Prep _________________________________ Last Notes: SBCS reserves the right to make changes to the information contained herein. Any changes effected to the information contained herein will be made known to all students concerned via class announcement. It is thus the responsibility of the student to attend all classes and to keep abreast of matters should they be absent from any class session. Students are advised and encouraged to contact their fellow classmates for updates where class sessions have been missed. Date syllabus last modified: January 2013 __________________________________ ce to Learn. Items Due For Next Class Chap 2 Chap. 4 and Chap. 6 Chap. 3 Chap. 5 Revision of Lectures 1 to 5 Chap. 6 & 7 Chap 9 Chap 10 Chap 8 Chap 11 Chap 11 Chap 12 & 14 Chap 13 & 15 Chap 16 Revision of compliance and substantive testing Chap. 18 Chap. 19 Revision of matters affecting audit report Chap. 1 &17 ______________