BOOK OF - Concordia University Chicago

0203 435 4643
Accountant in Business
Governance, Risk and Ethics
Management Accounting
Corporate Reporting
Financial Accounting
Business Analysis
Corporate and Business Law
Advanced Financial Management
Performance Management
Advanced Performance Management
Advanced Taxation
Financial Reporting
Advanced Audit & Assurance
Audit & Assurance
Financial Management
We understand that gaining your ACCA qualification is
the key to you pursuing a successful career. So at LSBF
we try to do everything possible to ensure your exam
preparation is as effective as possible.
This book of tips is designed to give you an insight on
each individual paper from both our team of expert
tutors and the students they have guided to exam
success. Our tutors also share their top revision
tips having recently reviewed the latest December
ACCA exams.
Rob Sowerby,
Director of Professional Courses
F1 Accountant in Business
F1 Accountant in Business
Gain vital insight into the role of the
accountant, including the impact of
the global business environment upon
it. This module will give you a solid
understanding of the fundamental
factors in the effective management of
of an organisation.
Knowledge papers
F1 Accountant in Business
TUTOR TIP: Isaac Osei-Kwame
As questions are spread evenly across the learning outcomes on the study guide it is a high risk
strategy to ‘question spot’ by focusing on some topics at the exclusion of others, so try and gain a
good base knowledge of all syllabus areas.
Section B requires knowledge of academic models and management theories, very few questions can
be answered by common sense alone. Time management is crucial in this paper especially Section B.
As part of your revision, time yourself while you complete mock questions.
Waseem Abdool Raman
Rachel Valdez
Student tip:
ACCA Award winner tip:
Start revising from the very beginning of the session
Do past exam questions in an exam environment.
and continue to practise on a daily basis. This will
Time yourself. Remember that time is always, always
ensure that you are confident and at ease both in
of the essence – not only during the actual exam, but
your exams and at work. If you want to go far in life
during revision as well.
and your career, you had better start early.
F2 Management Accounting
F2 Management Accounting
Develop essential knowledge and an
in-depth understanding of how to
prepare and process basic cost and
quantitative information to support
management in planning and decisionmaking in a variety of business
Knowledge papers
F2 Management Accounting
TUTOR TIP: Brigita Petrova
Success = knowledge + speed + attention to detail.
Everything from the syllabus is examined; you need to know it all, and you need to know it well. With
an average of only 2.4 minutes available for each exam question, you need to work fast.
But make sure you read each question carefully, paying attention to each detail. Some questions tend
to be worded in a confusing manner, so ensure you are answering the question being asked, and
not the one you want.
Answer the quick questions first to gain some easy marks, increase your confidence and warm up
your brain.
Shahzad Ali
Student tip:
Pay close attention to the precise requirement of
each question. It’s important to understand what
the examiner wants before you answer the question,
rather than realising halfway through that you have
misinterpreted the requirement of the question.
Masood Rahim
Student tip:
Do mock exams and past papers in a time-bound
scenario, helping you to complete exams on time.
Moreover, the exams kits are very helpful for
understanding how examiners want you to answer a
F3 Financial Accounting
F3 Financial Accounting
Develop a clear understanding of the
fundamental principles, concepts
and regulations surrounding financial
accounting. You will become proficient
with double-entry accounting
techniques and will learn how to
prepare rudimentary financial
Knowledge papers
F3 Financial Accounting
TUTOR TIP: Philip Brabin
Your preparation should involve attempting both the ACCA F3 Pilot Paper (available via the ACCA
website), as well as LSBF’s F3 mock examination, sat under exam conditions. This will develop your
exam technique, which is crucial for passing professional examinations. Ensure you fully debrief your
marked scripts, focusing your remaining revision time on those areas most in need of attention.
Ali Abbas
Shahneel Shahid
Student tip:
Student tip:
Firstly, you should make sure you get ACCA approved
When revising, one should quickly go through the
notes. Then I would recommend going through the
chapters and make a mental image of the pages.
exam kit at least twice. In the exam itself, ensure
When revising through LSBF class notes, I make an
that you don’t spend a single second more on each
image of every page in my mind. In this way, all the
question than is necessary.
topics can be easily recalled.
F4 Corporate and Business Law
F4 Corporate and Business Law
This paper will develop your knowledge
of the general legal framework, and of
specific legal areas relating to business,
recognising the need to seek further
specialist legal advice where necessary.
Skills papers
F4 Corporate and Business Law
TUTOR TIP: Debbie Crossman
Pay attention to the examiner’s requirements. You must answer the question that your examiner has
set – not perhaps the one you would have liked him to have set.
So this leads me to my second tip. Enrol on a Revision Course to get that all essential practise at
HOW to answer YOUR examiner’s questions.
Mobeen Khan
Mubashir Riaz Mirani
Student tip:
Student tip:
The key is to strategise from an exam-focused point
The important thing students need to bear in mind
of view. An analysis of the past papers and the pattern
is that they have to tackle the pressure in three
of the papers can achieve a lot. The examiner’s
hours and must complete the paper in time. In my
reports and answers are also great tools for
experience, remembering this is the key to success.
concentrating your efforts in the most effective way.
F5 Performance Management
F5 Performance Management
Develop the ability to apply
management accounting techniques
to quantitative and qualitative
information – for planning,
decision-making, performance
evaluation and control.
Skills papers
F5 Performance Management
TUTOR TIP: Hafeez Qazi
Remember that this is a performance management paper. When revising different topics, think
about how those areas can be linked to the performance of a company.
Also, it is essential to practise questions under exam conditions.
Muhammad Nouman Shafique Awan
Cashel Ephraim
Student tip:
Student tip:
Focus on gripping the basics of any particular topic,
Try to complete the entire syllabus at least one
memorising the concept. When it comes to the
month prior to the exam. This will ensure that you
exam, start by jotting down a few lines about the
have a clear understanding of all areas of the syllabus
basic concept and then apply it to the scenario.
and will allow you to dedicate the entirety of the next
This way, gaining marks might become easier.
month to past paper questions.
F6 Taxation
F6 Taxation
The introductory paper for taxation
examines all major types of tax,
including Income Tax, Corporation Tax,
and VAT. You will learn the basics of
all these taxes, and will also be able to
calculate tax computations.
Skills papers
F6 Taxation
TUTOR TIP: Zainab Hameer
The challenge with F6 is not the complexity of the paper, but the volume of tax rules that need to
be memorised. In order to nail the paper and avoid the pre-exam stress, you need to go through the
new tax rules taught each week in class.
Raihana Kamawal
Low Kang De
Student tip:
ACCA Award winner tip:
Do not cherry pick topics while preparing for
There isn’t any secret but what I did was to follow
your exams, as you never know what will come up.
the lectures closely and make sure I wasn’t behind
And practise makes perfect, so practise as many
schedule. Most importantly, practise as many past
questions as you can, arranging group study sessions
year papers as possible and yes practise makes
to share your knowledge if you can.
F7 Financial Reporting
F7 Financial Reporting
This paper covers the crucial discipline
of financial reporting. You will learn
both the theory behind preparing
financial statements, and the methods
required to evaluate and interpret the
financial statements of a business.
Skills papers
F7 Financial Reporting
TUTOR TIP: Zainab Hameer
Remember you are training to be an accountant, not a parrot! Don’t just memorise workings and
formats, but understand the financial statements. When in doubt, always rely on your basic skills of
double entry and financial statements, and you can face any task in the exam.
Saifullah Shaikh
Syed Ali Ul Hassan Gillani
Student tip:
Student tip:
Divide your time equally in proportion to the marks
Always try to understand the underlying concepts
available for each question/sub question.
behind the given topic. While you may be able to
Make an answer plan. Even if it is only brief notes
earn some marks for pure knowledge, most marks
beside the question, it will help you cover all your
in ACCA exams are awarded for the application of
points and give a structure to your answer.
concepts in a given scenario.
F8 Audit & Assurance
F8 Audit & Assurance
This paper will develop your
understanding of the assurance
engagement process, and its
application in the context of
the professional and regulatory
Skills papers
F8 Audit & Assurance
TUTOR TIP: Elly Otieno
The best way to pass this paper is to practise lots of application type questions (questions relating
to scenarios Q1, Q3-Q5) after reading the relevant chapters. The current examiner has been testing
the syllabus very widely, so narrowing your reading is a sure way to fail.
Key areas of the syllabus include ethics, planning and risk assessment, internal controls, audit of
specific items (substantive test) and reporting.
Rachel Valdez
Student tip:
Do past exam questions as well in an exam kind of
environment. Time yourself. Remember that time
is always, always of the essence - not only during
exams, but during revision.
Junaid Ali
Student tip:
Practise explaining audit concepts, because explaining
them is often harder than understanding them.
Also, practise the application questions on internal
controls, explaining audit risks, and substantive tests
relative to the scenarios in questions.
F9 Financial Management
F9 Financial Management
Gain the key knowledge and skills
required to become a Financial
Manager. These include business and
investment appraisal, management of
capital and risk management.
Skills papers
F9 Financial Management
TUTOR TIP: Lisa Kiddell
The most important thing to know about ACCA F9 is that the examiner writes very clear and
fair questions. Successful candidates are therefore those that demonstrate a comprehensive
understanding of the F9 syllabus, rather than just focusing on certain topics.
Quy Phi Vinh
Maricel Garcia
Student tip:
Student tip:
There are many easy marks to be gained for each
Always make a point of reading the question first,
question. You should answer all the questions to gain
taking note of important parts and planning your
as many easy marks as possible. This is better than
answers. Conducting group discussions and finding
trying to gain one mark on a difficult question.
a study partner can also help you by allowing you to
share your understanding of the topic.
P1 Governance, Risk and Ethics
P1 Governance, Risk and Ethics
Gain the knowledge, skills and
judgement to make professional,
ethically sound decisions on business
accounts concerned with governance,
internal control, compliance and risk
Essentials papers
P1 Governance, Risk and Ethics
TUTOR TIP: John Cope
Rather than learning by rote, think about why the theory is important, e.g. why the provisions in
a corporate governance code are there, and what they are trying to achieve. This will help you
understand what themes or issues the examiner is focusing on in the exam scenarios.
Abhinav Kumar
Maleeha Akbar
Student tip:
Student tip:
Often, the compulsory question is based on real-life
Don’t use real world examples in theory papers such
events, allowing all three parts of the syllabus to be
as P1, P3 etc. Markers won’t reward you for that
tested. You should, therefore, consider organisations
because everything they expect from you is always
with governance issues and how they control their
there in the case study, so don’t waste your time
exposure to risk and any resultant ethical dilemmas.
giving references to other companies.
P2 Corporate Reporting
P2 Corporate Reporting
Learn how to evaluate various types
of financial reports, in a range of
business contexts. The paper covers
everything from financial reporting
frameworks to professional ethics.
Essentials papers
P2 Corporate Reporting
TUTOR TIP: Martin Jones
My main advice is to be aggressive. P2 can seem daunting and overwhelming and I think it helps to attack
the paper as if your life depended upon it.
The key to this paper is section B and, of course, metronomic time keeping.
Raihana Kamawal
Hendri Lee
Student tip:
ACCA Award winner tip:
Take those subjects that are linked to one other. For
Writing quickly and knowledge of FRSs are essential
instance, P2 and P7 go really well together.
for this paper, as is paying total attention to your
Moreover be focused and understand each area of
the syllabus in depth.
tutors – understanding the concepts they explain is
P3 Business Analysis
P3 Business Analysis
This paper is about what businesses
can do to improve profits.
At the end of the course, you will
have developed your analytical skills,
and your ability to identify WHY
issues affect an organisation and why
businesses take certain actions.
Essentials papers
P3 Business Analysis
TUTOR TIP: David Laws
Learn the models, learn when to use them, learn how to interpret them. In other words, practise lots
of past questions.
Above all though, apply the models to real life. If you start writing theory - you are missing the point the paper is about applying ideas.
Rachel Valdez
Usman Ghani
Student tip:
Student tip:
Apply theories by answering past exam questions and
Students should try to form study groups to
using the revision kit. Practicing gives you a better
reinforce what they have read in books. This will help
understanding of study notes and texts. Make sure
them to pass exam papers as they know better than
you answer the questions without the answer key
those who only studied from given materials.
and note your mistakes so you won’t repeat them.
P4 Advanced Financial Management
P4 Advanced Financial Management
Develop the knowledge you need to
exercise professional judgment as
a Financial Executive or Financial
Advisor, at a senior level. You will study
investment appraisal, risk management
and mergers, amongst other topics.
Options papers
P4 Advanced Financial Management
TUTOR TIP: Frederick Aikon
Most P4 questions are divided into different parts, so try to answer all aspects as reasonably as you
can within reasonable time. Make sure you answer the easy questions first and in answering the
questions your answers should relate to the scenario of the question.
Rachel Valdez
Wilson Tan Kee Hoong
Student tip:
ACCA Award winner tip:
A month before the exam, if time permits, do the
Most P4 topics can be mixed into a single question, so
revision kit again. Otherwise, do those questions you
it is impossible to practise all possible combinations
had a hard time answering/understanding.
of question. Thus, knowing the concept well will help
Be consistent, persistent, work smartly, and lastly,
us recognise what the question is actually asking and
have faith in yourself!
help us answer the question correctly.
P5 Advanced Performance Management
P5 Advanced Performance Management
Learn vital strategic management
accounting techniques and how to
apply them in different contexts.
A central part of this is evaluating the
performance of global organisations
and their strategic development.
Options papers
P5 Advanced Performance Management
TUTOR TIP: Marcus Dankwah
Remember to always answer the question you’re most confident on first. During the three hours,
make sure you thoroughly read the scenario to highlight all the important information given. Then
make sure your answer relates to each scenario.
Atif Hashaam
Cheng Jun Hong Paul
Student tip:
ACCA Award winner tip:
Start from scratch and keep on scratching. What
There are no secrets, just pure hard work.
dents the student’s performance more is not failing
It’s essential to study everything, the lecture notes
to read and understand stuff, but pretending that
were very useful for revision and my tutors gave me
you know. Even if you know something, revise it
total support.
thoroughly before you sit the paper.
P6 Advanced Taxation
P6 Advanced Taxation
Develop the ability to make
well-informed business decisions based
on insight into the impact of large-scale
taxation. A large part of this ability
comes from accurate evaluation of an
organisation’s performance.
Options papers
P6 Advanced Taxation
TUTOR TIP: Carolyn Napier
Always start with the question you know you can do well first and then move on to your next best
question and so on. This will build your confidence as you work through the paper ensuring you get
as many marks as you can.
Salman Samnani
Cashel Ephraim
Student tip:
Student tip:
Be Committed!
Look at the trends in past exams, and focus on topics
Be Dedicated!
which come up very frequently. In some papers there
Ask if you don’t understand, and practise, practise
are certain topics that will always be tested, and it
and practise – you’ll pass the exam!
is important to have a clear understanding of those
topics because they are giveaway marks in the exam.
P7 Advanced Audit & Assurance
P7 Advanced Audit & Assurance
Learn to analyse the issue of assurance
engagement, and other audit and
assurance issues, bearing in mind best
practice and current developments.
You will also discover how to obtain
evidence for use in audit management. Options papers
P7 Advanced Audit & Assurance
TUTOR TIP: Paul Merison
The core areas of audit risk analysis, suggesting audit tests/evidence, audit reports, ethics and nonaudit assignments come up on virtually every sitting, so these are the areas that must take 90% of
your preparation time and question practise.
When practising questions, aim to write at least 2-3 lines per point you want to make, and explain
everything you say.
Cashel Ephraim
Kunal Durjan
Student tip:
ACCA Award winner tip:
Look for syllabus areas that have not been tested in
Manage your time well, and discuss every topic you
a long time and give those areas a lot of attention.
find yourself confused about with your tutor. Talk
Pay close attention to the question structure which
to your friends about these topics too. Prepare in
would be the different ways a particular topic can
advance, and always tell yourself you can do it. Think
be tested.
positive, be positive, practise. Practise and practise.
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