SCM 302-02: Operations Management

Dr. Larry Taube
Syllabus for Sections 02 and 03 of SCM302
Fall 2011
University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Bryan School of Business & Economics
Department of Information Systems & Operations Management
Fall 2011
Course Number:
SCM 302.02
MW 2:00 – 3:15 p.m.
Classroom: Bryan 128
MW 3:30 – 4:45 p.m.
Classroom: Bryan 128
Course Title:
Operations Management
Dr. Larry R. Taube
421 Bryan Building, Telephone: 334-4987; Voice Mail: 334-5666 (ISOM Office)
Office Hours:
10:00 p.m. - 12:00 p.m. on Monday and Wednesday
AND by appointment
Required Materials:
1. Required Textbook is Operations and Supply Management: The Core (2nd
edition) by F. Robert Jacobs and Richard B. Chase. The bookstore has the text
packaged with Connect; please verify that your book comes with a DVD also!
2. McGraw-Hill Connect is required. Connect is available at the bookstore and
direct from McGraw-Hill. Buy it early and use the password code to access it no
later than the first two days of classes! This will allow you to do your online
homework assignments and the quizzes. We have a very good deal with the
publisher to buy the package in the bookstore!
ECO250, ISM280, ACC202 and either ACC201 or ACC218
Course Description:
Survey of the operations functions of organizations with emphasis on the design
and control decisions. Qualitative and quantitative problem-solving methods used
to enhance managerial competence in the operations function.
Operations Management is the process of converting resources into products. Resources may include
materials, equipment, capital, and labor. Products may include manufactured goods or services.
"Operations" is defined here as the set of activities directed toward the conversion of resources into goods
and services. The “Management” of these resources and activities is called production/operations
management (P/OM). Production/operations management is concerned with an almost unlimited
spectrum of organized efforts -- from the manufacture of printed electronic circuit boards to the delivering
of a social service by a local government; from the fast-food business to the health services industry. All
of these involve activities directed toward the conversion of resources into products.
Production/operations management (P/OM) has, in effect, been in existence since man first organized his
efforts toward productive tasks, such as hunting, farming, building and trading. More recently
production/ operations management has become a defined body of knowledge since the managerial
revolution beginning in the early twentieth century. Production/operations management has its roots in a
number of areas of study, such as industrial engineering, materials/inventory management, manufacturing
management, production scheduling, quality control, forecasting, etc. Examples of questions that are of
concern in the field of P/OM are:
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Dr. Larry Taube
Syllabus for Sections 02 and 03 of SCM302
Fall 2011
--How do we reduce costs in our organization, and here at UNCG?
--How do we increase our workers' productivity in The Registrar's Office?
--Are we having quality problems with our heart surgeries?
--Where should we locate our new central distribution facility at Polo Ralph Lauren?
--What route should a caseworker follow in handling his/her caseload?
--How many iPhones should we carry in December's inventory?
--How many Honda lawnmowers will we sell next year?
--Should we locate a new plant in Mexico to make more Dustbusters?
--Should make the components ourselves or should we outsource that to a supplier in China?
--Can we afford to automate our office furniture production process at Brayton Furniture?
--Can we afford NOT to automate our production process at Brayton Furniture?
--Should we sell our manufacturing plant in Asheboro?
General Course Objectives:
The following basic objectives represent important learning goals of the course organization and content:
Provide a basic understanding of the production/operations function of an organization
and its relationship to the rest of the organization.
Provide a basic understanding of the major decision areas, support systems, and tools
used to solve the problems and provide decision-making information for
production/operations management.
Provide an opportunity to apply some of the tools and techniques used for
production/operations management problems.
Cognitive Course Objectives:
Upon completing the course, the student should be able to:
1) Differentiate between productivity, effectiveness, efficiency, and other performance measures for
operations management.
2) Explain the factors that make a service operation more difficult to manage as compared to a
manufacturing operation.
3) Compare and contrast the different types of conversion systems (i.e., project, job shop, batch flow,
line flow, and continuous flow processes).
4) Use project management techniques to plan a project.
5) Develop and use a process control chart for managing quality.
6) Understand the role played by total quality management in organizations.
7) Distinguish between long range, intermediate range, and short range capacity planning in operations
8) Identify the factors that influence the location of service vs manufacturing facilities.
9) Identify the important aspects and issues related to facility design decisions.
10) Discuss the role of logistics in operations management
11) Understand the role of a forecasting system in the operations of an organization.
12) Explain the role of strategic sourcing in the procurement of materials for operations management
13) Describe the typical objectives and constraints in the aggregate planning problem related to both
manufacturing and service organizations.
14) Differentiate the inventory management concerns between dependent demand items and
independent demand items.
15) Understand the value and importance of various Lean Systems/Total Quality Management
(“JIT/TQM” or “Pull”) systems and techniques.
16) Discuss the role of Enterprise-wide Resource Planning (ERP) Systems in organizations in general,
and supply chain/network management in particular.
17) Document and analyze business processes with one or more appropriate forms: flow process
chart, report to management, memorandum, proposal, and/or feasibility report.
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Dr. Larry Taube
Syllabus for Sections 02 and 03 of SCM302
Fall 2011
Instructional Methodology: The methods employed to achieve these objectives will vary, but include:
Textbook reading and study assignments.
Class lectures and highlighting of critical textbook material.
Homework problems and questions.
Interactive Quizzes, video clips, video cases, online reviews and assignments
Some reading assignments from sources other than the textbook.
Classroom discussions and participation
A student plant tour project
In general, the overall focus for this course assumes the average student will NOT become an operations
specialist, but does need to know the role of the operations manager in order to be successful in his/her
own job in business, regardless of what that may be. For those of you who may wish to pursue additional
courses in operations management toward a possible career in the area, this course serves as an important
introduction to subsequent, more detailed course work.
Performance Evaluation & Grading:
1. GRADES -The semester grade will be based on the following point distribution:
Exam 1
Exam 2
Exam 3
Exam 4
Online Quizzes
Online Homework
Term Project
Grade Distribution:
A: 644-700
B-: 560-573
D+: 476-489
100 (All exams are 75 minutes in duration)
100 (This last exam is also 75 minutes in duration)
100 (10 out of 12 quizzes count; lowest two are dropped)
20 (each student completes 2 of 4 possible memos)
A-: 630-643
C+: 546-559
D: 455-475
B+: 616-629
C: 504-545
D-: 441-454
B: 574-615
C-: 490-503
F: Below 441
2. HOMEWORK – Each student will be required to complete six on-line and two regular
homework assignments, one for each of the eight homework areas. Details will be provided in
class, and due dates will be posted on blackboard. Each assignment is worth 10 points.
Homework is intended to be a major learning tool and again, the material is "fair game" for exam
questions, so I expect you to collaborate with other students (if you wish) and/or ask questions about the
homework if questions exist. Questions about a homework problem can be asked at any time - in class or
during office hours. See
3. EXAMS - Exams will be a combination of multiple choice, essays, and problems. You must attend the
scheduled exams. All exams will be given during scheduled class periods on the dates indicated on the
syllabus. There are only two excuses that will allow a make-up exam:
- A note from a physician in the case of an illness
- A note from Academic Advising in the case of other problems.
In either case, you must if at all possible notify me prior to missing an exam.
4. ONLINE QUIZZES - Students will be required to complete online quizzes. Quizzes will be based on
material from the textbook and class notes. The quizzes will cover basic material and are intended to test
your understanding of the fundamentals of operations management. The online quiz for any chapter
should be completed by the cutoff date indicated on BlackBoard.
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Dr. Larry Taube
Syllabus for Sections 02 and 03 of SCM302
Fall 2011
5. ATTENDANCE - The time demands on a student are well-known but this class is structured so that a
great deal of learning should be accomplished during the class if the student is conscientious about
listening, asking questions, and completing assignments. In short, while missing class may not
immediately or directly affect the class grade, you should expect that missing class will affect both the
overall learning and your performance on exams. Any student in either Section 2 or 3 with more than
4 unexcused absences will lose a letter grade.
** Religious Observances: Instructors will work with you if class meetings or assignments
conflict with your religious practices. Please set up an appointment with your instructor as soon as
possible to make necessary arrangements.
Oral & Written Communications Content:
Memos: Due Dates are on Blackboard!
You may chose any two of the following videos as the source for your memos:
Queueing at Disney
Six Sigma at Caterpillar
Supply Chain Management at Ford
Either JIT at McDonald’s or ERP at H&B (wooden baseball bat manufacturer).
Group Project: see page 6 of this syllabus and the Plant Tour handout for more details!
This assignment will be a team project. Each team (3 or 4 students) will tour a plant, write up the
findings of the tour and turn the report in the due date given in the syllabus. Oral communication
skills will also be important with regard to students’ abilities to ask probing questions that are
necessary to complete the assignment. Additional details on the project will be given in class.
There will be a peer evaluation of each group member. The term project is worth 100 points.
Your plant tour write-up should be professionally done. It should include any pictures taken,
diagrams, illustrations etc. needed to enhance your report. A minimum of 12 pages (excluding
any required appendices) is expected in the main report. Emphasis should be on the process flow.
Technology Applications:
Students will be expected, whenever possible, to use appropriate information technology in
completing assignments. Discussion of the impact of emerging technology on the Operations
function will be a component of this course.
Ethical Perspectives: Specific coverage of ethical issues in operations decisions is limited.
Global Perspectives: Discussion of the impact of global operations and the challenges it poses for
managers will be covered in this course.
Demographic Diversity Perspectives: This course will not specifically address this issue.
Political, Social, Legal, Regulatory & Environmental Perspectives: These will be discussed as they
apply to location decisions made by Operations Managers and the resulting challenges.
Academic Integrity Policy: You must abide by the UNCG Academic Integrity Policy on all assignments
(papers, tests, quizzes etc.) that are part of this course. Failure to abide will result in the
appropriate consequences. See:
Faculty/Student Guidelines:
The Bryan School has develop a set of guidelines on student behavior and expectations in and out of the
classroom as well as what you should expect of me as faculty member. I will encourage you to read
through those guidelines by the end of the first week of class. Here is a link to the pdf file for those
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Dr. Larry Taube
Syllabus for Sections 02 and 03 of SCM302
Fall 2011
NOTE: This schedule is tentative only in that sensitivity will be given to class progress. Some areas may
take longer than planned, while others may be finished more quickly than anticipated.
Week of
August 22
Operations & Supply Strategy
Read Chapters 1&2, Syllabus, Tour Handouts
August 29
Project Management
Read Chapter 7 (skip 197-8)
Sept 5
Strategic Capacity Management
- No Monday class on 9/5
Chapter 3 (skip Decision Trees on pg 51-54)
Sept 12
Manufacturing Processes
Read Ch 4
Sept 19
Service Processes
Ch 5 (skip 109-121)
Exam 1 September 21, 2011 at 2PM and 3:30PM
Sept 26
Six-Sigma Quality
Read Chapter 6 (skip 149-154, 164-165)
October 3
Statistical Quality Control
Global Sourcing and Procurement
Read Chapter 6 (skip 149-154, 164-165)
Read Chapter 8
October 10 Global Sourcing and Procurement
- No Monday class on 10/10
Read Chapter 8
Ch 9 (skip Transportation Method section)
October 17 Demand Management & Forecasting
Read Chapter 11
Exam 2 October 19, 2011 at 2PM and 3:30PM
October 24 Demand Management & Forecasting
Aggregate Sales & Operations Planning
Read Chapter 11
Read Chapter 12 (skip 364-370)
October 31 Aggregate Sales & Operations Planning
Read Chapter 12 (skip 364-370)
November 7 Inventory Control
Read Chapter 13 (skip 394, 405-6, 408-9)
Exam 3 November 9, 2011 at 2PM and 3:30PM
November 14
Inventory Control
Lean and Sustainable Supply Chain
Read Chapter 13 (skip 394, 405-6, 408-9)
Read Chapter 10
November 21
Lean and Sustainable Supply Chain
No Wednesday class on 11/23
Read Chapter 10
November 28
Material Requirements Planning
Read Chapter 14 on MRP
December 5
Review Session for Test 4
Submission of Plant Tour Report AND Peer Evaluations by 5PM
Exam 4 on December 12 from 3:30 to 4:45 for Section 2 and December 9 (same time) for Section 3
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Dr. Larry Taube
Syllabus for Sections 02 and 03 of SCM302
Fall 2011
Practice Problems
Project Management
Problems 7-3, 5, 9, 10, 13
Breakeven Graphs:
Problems 4-2 thru 4 (Graph each one!). Do additional ones on Bb!!
See handout as part of the chapter coverage
Quality Control:
Problems 6-8 and 6-14. Do additional ones on Bb.
Problems 11-2(a-c only), 3, 6, 11, 15, 19 (use MAD and TS and Excel)
Aggregate Planning:
See handout as part of the chapter coverage
Inventory Management:
Problems 12-3, 12, 15, 16. Do additional ones on Bb.
Homework #8
The appropriate time for you to attempt each homework will be discussed in class.
All the solutions to the practice problems are available on Blackboard: .
Plant Tour Team Report
Each team is to write a paper analyzing the operations function of an organization (or part of a large one).
You may need to interview line managers or staff personnel in the organization to obtain an understanding
of the operations function and how it is managed. The interview process must include a visit to the facility
where the operations (to be described in the term paper) are carried out. If a team member can not attend
the tour, (s)he should be fired from the team. The paper should use the Operations Management (SCM
302) course outline as a guide in organizing the analysis. All major topics in the course outline that are
applicable to the organization should be addressed. If some of the topics in the course are not applicable to
the organization, please discuss fully! The analysis should make use of the concepts presented in the course
with respect to the various topics. Where appropriate, it should also draw upon concepts presented in the
class and from the text. If the organization deals with international suppliers or customers, then specific
details of how the operations are different should be provided in the report.
In addition to analyzing the operations function as it exists in the organization, the paper should make one or
two recommendations for improvement where appropriate. In general, the paper should be written from the
point of view of an objective operations management professional, who is writing for an audience that is
familiar with the principles, concepts, decision/problem areas, and techniques of operations management (at
the level of SCM 302), but is not familiar with the specific organization being analyzed.
Each group is encouraged to develop the outline of each section of the paper prior to the visit to the
organization. This approach will not only reinforce the learning in preparation for exams, but also distribute
the work associated with the term project more evenly over the semester. Students should feel free to
discuss the term paper project with the professor as it is being developed. The written paper should be typed
(maximum 12 point size lettering), and double-spaced on 8.5" by 11" paper. Reports are typically 17 to 25
pages long. Cover the topics thoroughly, but efficiently; do not add verbiage for the sake of length. Include
diagrams, photos, sketches, or other types of illustrations that will clarify your presentation. The paper
should be stapled (or placed in a binder) and paginated. Write the paper from an objective standpoint. That
is, do not use the words "I", "We", or "You". Use subheadings to correspond with specific issues.
The term paper will be graded on organization (use a Table of Contents), thoroughness, insightful of
analysis and recommendations, and written communication skill. It is highly recommended that a project
management approach (see Chapter 7 in our textbook) be taken for ensuring the timely completion of the
project. The detailed procedure for completing the term project is given to in a separate handout. During
the semester, the faculty member would be seeking feedback on the progress of the term paper.
The term paper is to be submitted by 5PM on December 5th, 2011. Late submissions will not be accepted.
Each member of the group should attest (with a signature) to the statement that "WE HAVE ABIDED BY
THE ACADEMIC HONOR POLICY ON THIS ASSIGNMENT" on a separate cover page of the term
project assignment. The separate cover page should also include the title of the assignment, course title and
course number (including section number), and names of the students.
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