AP EUROPEAN HISTORY ESSAY SCORING GUIDE – Updated 6/11 • 4 • • FOCUS Sharp, distinct controlling point made about a single topic with evident awareness of task All parts of the question are addressed thoroughly Thesis statement contains at least 3 divisions and is clearly stated in introductory paragraph. • • • • CONTENT (x2) Substantial, specific, and/or illustrative details are included to support the thesis statement • • Explanations demonstrate strong development and sophisticated ideas ANALYSIS Analyzes how & why the content supports the thesis Understands the complexity of the question and addresses all parts of the question equally. • • Includes explanation of all historical terminology. Minimal historical errors. • • • 3 • • Apparent point made about a single topic with sufficient awareness of task All parts of the question are addressed Thesis statement contains 3 divisions and is stated in introductory paragraph. • • • • Sufficiently developed details are included to support thesis Essay includes adequate elaboration or explanations Includes explanation of most historical terminology. • • • • No more than one major historical error. Analysis may be limited. • Mostly describes. Understands question, but not the complexity of the question. • May fail to equally address all part of the question • • • 2 • • No apparent point but evidence of a specific topic Most parts of the question are addressed Thesis statement does not contain 3 divisions and/or is not in the introductory paragraph • • • • Limited details are included that may or may not support the thesis statement • • Minimal analysis. Essay includes inadequate elaboration or explanation • Includes explanation of some historical terminology • Simplistic approach to question. Contains multiple historical errors. • Listing of information without explanation. • May occasionally wander off topic. • • 1 • • Minimal evidence of a topic • No thesis statement Few to no parts of the question are addressed • • • • Superficial and/or minimal content is used Essay includes very little elaboration of ideas Does not explain historical terminology Few facts, major historical errors. • • • No analysis. • No explanation. Little understanding evident. • • • MECHANICS Evident control of grammar, mechanics, spelling, usage and sentence formation Precise, illustrative use of a variety of words and sentence structures to create writer’s voice, tone and point of view appropriate to audience at all times Body follows thesis organization with subtle transitions Essay includes a thorough and relevant introduction and conclusion paragraphs Sufficient control of grammar, mechanics, spelling, usage and sentence formation Generic use of a variety of words and sentence structures that creates writer’s voice, tone and point of view appropriate to audience most of the time Body follows thesis organization and uses transitions Essay includes a relevant introduction and conclusion paragraph Limited control of grammar, mechanics, spelling, usage and sentence formation Limited word choice and control of sentence structure that inhibit voice and tone and point of view Body does not follow thesis organization OR does not use transitions Essay includes an introduction and conclusion paragraph Minimal control of grammar, mechanics, spelling, usage and sentence formation Minimal variety in word choice and minimal control of sentence structure and point of view Body does not follow thesis organization AND does not use transitions Essay lacks an introduction and/or conclusion paragraph