Charter Document Pediatric Preventive Care Measure Technical

Charter Document
Pediatric Preventive Care Measure Technical Workgroup
Initiated: August 2011
(Updated Nov 2012 for Membership)
MN Community Measurement is charged with reviewing, selecting and/or developing a pediatric preventive care measure. The process to develop a measure
includes the formation of a technical workgroup with membership specific to the topic. The Pediatric Preventive Care Measure Technical Workgroup has
been formed to address this topic area and members were solicited to represent different areas of concern specifically from the medical community, payers
of health care, clinic administration and quality improvement professionals, interested consumers and public health agencies.
Pediatric preventive care for children and adolescents is a corner stone of public health and well-being for the population. Through the use of screening,
education and proper preventive medicine, many serious and devastating illnesses can be avoided. In ambulatory care, the delivery of pediatric preventive
care is often structured around the well child visit and other opportunities that health care providers have to interact with patients. In Minnesota, children
ages 0-18 make up about 25% of the population while approximately 400,000 children are ages 0-5.1
Purpose statement
This workgroup has been formed to develop a measure specific to pediatric preventive care for public reporting in Minnesota. This improved measure
should reflect the criteria required of all measures reported by MN Community Measurement:
o Evidence-based standard of care / consistent with guidelines
The workgroup will keep in mind that for pediatric preventive services in general there is a general lack of strong evidence from
randomized controlled trials. The strength of the evidence that is used to create clinical guidelines should be considered during
discussions and when making recommendations.
o Feasible (data sources available/standard specs available)
o Tested (valid and accurate)
o Data collection costs/resources reasonable
o Strategically aligned with local and national quality initiatives
o Room for improvement
o Variation of results
o Measure reflects the quality and/or cost of care
Minnesota 2010 Needs Assessment: Maternal and Child Health Services Title V Block Grant. Minnesota Department of Health website. Accessed May 2, 2011.
The Pediatric Preventive Care Technical Workgroup will work towards reviewing and identifying or creating a measure or measures for Pediatric Preventive
Care to recommend for approval. Specific consideration should be given to a measure or measures that would be broadly applicable and useful for families
seeking information about high-quality, well-child pediatric care.
Included in the development of a new measure:
Reliance on current/recent clinical guidelines with an eye to the strength of the evidence on which the guidelines are based
Use of any or all of the following data sources: administrative data (claims data), direct data submission (data from electronic or paper medical
records), composite measures (multiple points must be met at minimum levels to be considered), hybrid measures (using a combination of data
sources), other/alternate data sources
Outcome measures (reporting on clinical outcomes), process measures (reporting on treatments administered), and other measures (quality measures,
use of service measures, etc.)
Focus on care for pediatric prevention, including but not limited to: well child visits, immunizations, mental health in children and adolescents,
obesity and overweight children, disparities in health care
Measurement attribution level (individual providers, clinics, facilities) and patient attribution (determining who is responsible for the patient, data,
reporting, etc.)
Risk adjustment: Include discussions about characteristics that might impact risk adjustment including patient demographics (e.g. insurance status)
All places of service including: Ambulatory settings, urgent care, emergency rooms, and other settings
Excluded from the development of a new measure:
Pediatric acute care
Condition-specific measures for specialty care or chronic care in pediatrics
Pediatric preventive care is any type of preventive health service for children under the age of 18. These health services can include screenings,
immunizations, counseling, and education. Terms such as, “pediatrics,” “early childhood,” “childhood,” “teenage,” and “adolescence” may be used
separately (to describe distinct developmental periods) or interchangeably (to define the entire time period) depending on the source.
Meeting Frequency
This workgroup will meet on a limited basis. This group shall aim to meet no more than five times. Work may need to be completed outside of this group in order
to achieve the meeting frequency goal.
The goal as concerns the timing of the development of a new pediatric measure will be as follows: a) Recommendation for pediatric preventive care measure or
measures before the end of 2011; b) Measurement and Reporting Committee & Board of Directors approve recommendation by early 2012; c) Communication
will go out to medical groups after approval; d) Aim for dates of service for the first round of data collection to start sometime in 2012 or 2013 depending on the
measure selected and data source.
Accountability and Audience
This workgroup is accountable to the entire Minnesota community, including patients, providers, and purchasers.
Workgroup Members (updated 11/07/2012)
Carolyn Allshouse
Elaine Arion (until 9/18/2012)
Kiley Black (replaced David Jensen
Susan Castellano (until
Vijay Chawla, MD
Jill Coleman / Tammy Carlson, RN
Peter Dehnel, MD
Glence Edwall
Anne Edwards, MD FAAP
Emily Emerson
Judy Fundingsland, RN
Kim Gulliver
Family Voices of Minnesota
Executive Director
Children’s Physician Network
Quality Improvement
Target Clinics
Nurse Practitioner
MN Department of Human Services
Maternal and Child Health
Mayo Clinic Health System, Austin
Essentia Health
Quality Improvement / Health Care Home Coordinator
Blue Cross Blue Shield MN
Medical Director
MN Department of Human Services – Maternal/Child and
Adult Health
Park Nicollet
Chair, Park Nicollet Pediatrics
MN Department of Health
MIIC Manager/IT Unit Supervisor
Quality Improvement
Hennepin County Public Health Protection- Immunization
Penny Hatcher
Robert Jacobson, MD
Jean Larson, MS PHN
Larry Morrissey, MD
Patricia Lutz* (4/10/2012 – 12-3112)
Terry Murray
Diane Olson, RN BSN (until
Brenda Paul* (until 12/03/2011)
Rob Payne, MD
Marilyn Peitso, MD FAAP
Marie Reisdorfer (as of
Lori Ricke, MD
Laura Saliterman, MD
Katy Schalla Lesiak
Sudha Setty, MPH
Terri Lloyd, RN, MA (as of
Tim Stratton
Diane Wehrle
Senior Planning Analyst
Minnesota Department of Health
Maternal and Child Health
Mayo Clinic
MN Department of Health - Duluth
Public Health Nursing Consultant – Health Care Homes
Stillwater Medical Group
Medical Director of Quality Improvement
MN Community Measurement
Project Manager, Measure/Program Development
Quello Clinic - Division of Allina Hospitals & Clinics
Clinic Quality Specialist
Quality Improvement AdvisorMayo Clinic Health System
MN Community Measurement
Manager, Measure / Program Development
Children's Hospitals and Clinics of Minnesota
Medical Director, Quality and Research
Centracare Clinic Women and Children
President, MN American Academy of Pediatrics
Mayo Clinic
Family Practice Provider
South Lake Pediatrics
Minnesota Department of Health
Maternal and Child Health
Minnesota Department of Health
Quality Improvement Coordinator
Immunization, Tuberculosis, and International Health
Director, Professional Services
Children's Physician Network
University of Minnesota, Duluth College of Pharmacy
Professor of Pharmacy Practice
Manager, Clinical Measurement
Expectations of Involvement for Workgroup Participants
Participate actively in meetings
Review and comment on documents/materials/work products
Champion the work of the MNCM in their organization and the community
Constructively represent the concerns and interests of their constituency in the collaborative process
Aims and Goals
The goal of the workgroup is to recommend a new pediatric prevention measure (or measures) for public reporting. The following aims will help to achieve
our goal:
Remain patient-focused throughout the discussion and process
Review clinical guidelines
Review existing quality improvement pediatric measures
Consider national and local pediatric prevention care goals
Recommend a measure for approval
Gather input and consider feedback from relevant community stakeholders
Discuss implementation barriers, community messages, and impact
Review testing and pilot data
The group will consider their work complete once the Minnesota Community Measurement Board of Directors approves a new pediatric preventive care
measure or measures for public reporting.