Inf2A: Assignment 2 Words, Sentences, Parts of Speech, Grammar

Inf2A: Assignment 2
Words, Sentences, Parts of Speech, Grammar
Bonnie Webber
Week 6 (26 October 2009)
Please read through the entire assignment before you start. If you have any
questions, please post them to the newsgroup eduni.inf.course.inf2a, or ask a demonstrator during one of the lab sessions.
The deadline for this assignment is 4pm, Friday 6 November. You should spend no
more than 20 hours on it.
Download 2009_inf2a_a02_code.tar from
courses/inf2a/assignments/ and untar it (tar xvf 2009_inf2a_a02_code.tar).
You should find the data file, the initial grammar file mygrammar.cfg which
you are asked to extend in Section 4, and the other files in which to put your scripts and
comments,,, and answers.txt
Submit your work using the following command:
submit inf2 inf2a A2 mygrammar.cfg answers.txt
For writing the requested python scripts using nltk , you may find helpful the python
labs sheets (week 2 and 3) and the nltk lab sheet (week 5 and 6). These are available
at Also helpful is
the book Natural Language Processing in Python (
For the questions that ask for your comments on the data produced by your scripts,
answer them briefly: None needs more than a paragraph to answer.
For this exercise, you should import the following into your python shell:
• from nltk.corpus import inaugural, stopwords
• from nltk import FreqDist, ConditionalFreqDist, pos tag, data, parse cfg
• import re
• from nonVBG import *
( is contained in 2009 inf2a a02 It initializes the list nonVBG
used in Section 3.) Summary information about some of the above can be found in the
NLTK book:
• Chapter 1, Table 1-2 (Functions defined for Frequency Distributions1 )
• Chapter 2, Table 2-3 (Basic Corpus Functionality2 )
• Chapter 3: Table 3-3 (Basic Regular Expression Meta-Characters3 )
Finally, here are a few python hints:
1. In python, all empty things (ie, ”, [], {}) are of type None, which is False. Conversely, all non-empty things are True. This allows you to replace:
if re.match(pattern2,words[i]) != None:
if re.match(...) == None:
with, respectively
if re.match(pattern2,words[i]):
if not re.match(...):
2. Instead of looping over list indices
for i in range(len(words)):
word = words[i]
where words is a list, python allows:
for word in words:
You can loop/iterate over all kinds of objects: strings (char-by-char), lists, and
dictionaries. For the latter, the iterator will be the key, as in
for key in dict:
val = dict[key]
3. You may find it convenient to use python list comprehensions in the assignment.
According to, a list
comprehension consists of an expression followed by a for clause, and then ≥0
for and/or if clauses. The result will be a list resulting from evaluating the
expression in the context of those for and if clauses.
>>> vec1 = [2, 4, 6]
>>> vec2 = [3*x for x in vec1]
>>> vec2
[6, 12, 18]
>>> [3*x for x in vec1 if x > 3]
[12, 18]
>>> [3*x for x in vec1 if x < 2]
4. for loops iterate on copies of objects, not references to them. Thus in
>>> words = [’dog’,’house’,’phantasmagoric’]
>>> for word in words:
if word == ’dog’:
word = ’cat’
words[0] will not be changed to ’cat’. Instead, to do this, the following is needed:
>>> for word in words:
if word == ’dog’:
words[words.index(word)] = ’cat’
Change in Words & Sentences over Time (40 pts)
NLTK’s Inaugural Address Corpus (from nltk.corpus import inaugural) contains
56 texts, one for each US Presidential Inauguration. These take place once every four
years. The inaugural corpus starts with Washington’s first inaugural address (from
January 1789), and ends with Obama’s inaugural address (from January 2009).
This part of the assignment asks you to examine some ways in which language use
has changed over this more than 200 year period. To this end, you will look at such
properties as the vocabulary commonly used in the addresses, the average length of the
sentences making up an address, and what the president is saying about himself.
Your first task is to partition the inaugural addresses into overlapping 20–year time
periods, each containing 5 inaugural addresses.
1. Write a python/NLTK script that maps the list of inaugural addresses into a
list of 5-element lists. The first sublist should contain the first five elements
[’1789-Washington.txt’, ’1793-Washington.txt’, ..., ’1805-Jefferson.txt’].
Each subsequent list should contain the final four elements from the preceding list,
plus the next inaugural address – e.g. [’1793-Washington.txt’, ’1797-Adams.txt’,
... ’1809-Madison.txt’]. The final sublist should contain the final five inaugural addresses. Call the output list inaug20.
Add your script to
The next task is to look at characteristics of the inaugural addresses from different time
periods and see if and how the words they most frequently use has changed.
2. Write a python/NLTK script that, given a list of inaugural addresses, returns a
frequency distribution of the words in those addresses. Words that are capitalized
at the start of a sentence should be treated like their lower-case counterparts by
using the function lower before computing a frequency distribution. Test your
script by applying it to the list [’1861-Lincoln.txt’, ’1865-Lincoln.txt’].
The frequency distribution returned by your script will probably contain short
function words like the, and and is, and punctuation marks like ’.’, ’ ?’ and ’;’.
These should be removed, using the corpus stopwords, which contains lists of common function words in many different languages. stopwords.words("english")
evaluates to a list of short function words in English. The list of punctuation
marks, you’ll have to define yourself.
After you modify your script to ignore function words and punctuation when
computing a frequency distribution, add the modified script to
Extend this script so that it computes and prints the 20 most common words in
each (overlapping) 20–year period on your list inaug20. Add the extended script
Finally, comment on whether and how the words that are most frequent in presidential inaugural addresses has changed over time, or seems to reflect what
was happening in the world at the time (eg, war, economic depression, natural disasters, technological innovation, etc.). Add your answer to this to the file
The next task looks at sentences, to see if their complexity has changed over time.
While sentence complexity is properly measured in terms of syntactic features, sentence
length (ie, the number of words it contains) is simpler to compute and not a bad proxy.
(Check Table 2-3 in the NLTK book, if you need to remind yourself how to treat an
inaugural address as a list of sentences rather than a list of words.)
3. Write a python/NLTK script that, given a list of inaugural addresses, returns a
frequency distribution of the lengths of the sentences in those addresses. (Again,
first remove stopwords and punctuation.) Use this as the basis for a script that
computes the average sentence length in a set of inaugural addresses, given a
frequency distribution over sentence lengths. Add this script to
Apply this script to the overlapping 20–year periods in your list inaug20, and
comment on whether and how the length of sentences used in an inaugural address
has changed over time. Add your comment to the file answers.txt.
Your final task for this section looks at the inaugural addresses in terms of what they
show about what US presidents see themselves as doing or having, and conversely, what
they see as being done to them, and whether this has changed over time. We’ll do this
by examining phrases that start with “I” or “my” or that end with “me”. This can be
done in (at least) two ways: indirectly, by first creating bigrams that start with “I” or
“my” or that end with “me” for each 20–year period in inaug20, and then for each of
the three pronouns, finding the most common bigrams, or directly, using a conditional
frequency distribution, conditioned on a pair of conditions. Below are instructions
for the latter. You can do the former, if you prefer. Whichever you do, put the script
in and your commentary in answers.txt.
4. Write a python/NLTK script that creates a conditional frequency distribution of
the words which follow “I” or “my” or precede “me”, conditioned on both the
particular pronoun and the particular 20–year period of inaugural addresses from
your list inaug20. The condition is thus a pair of elements, period and pronoun.
The samples are the words found before “me” or after “I” or “my”, as appropriate.
(Again, don’t count the “stop words” found in stopwords.words("english").)
Note that in the condition, the 20–year period should have an atomic label: You
can label it with the start year of the period (eg, 1785), or a token encoding both
the start and end of the period (eg, 1785-1805), or anything else that is clearly
The script should also print, keyed by pronoun and then by 20–year period, the
words that occur more than once, in order of decreasing frequency.
Add this script to
Comment on what changes, if any, have occured over time in what presidents see
themselves as doing (’I’) or having (’my’) and/or what they see as being done to
them (’me’). Add your commentary to the file answers.txt.
Part-of-Speech(POS)-tagging (35 pts)
Any POS-tagger used in an industrial-grade system or even a research context will have
a back-off strategy to deal with words that it doesn’t know. While we don’t have much
information about NLTK’s current best POS-tagger, pos tag, which comes pre-trained
on the 1-million word Wall Street Journal Corpus, it does assign a tag to every word in
a text it is given as input.
>>> text = ’He has been suffering for three days’.split()
>>> pos_tag(text)
[(’He’, ’PRP’), (’has’, ’VBZ’), (’been’, ’VBN’), (’suffering’, ’VBG’),
(’for’, ’IN’), (’three’, ’CD’), (’days’, ’NNS’)]
>>> text = ’He has been dog-fooding for three days’.split()
>>> pos_tag(text)
[(’He’, ’PRP’), (’has’, ’VBZ’), (’been’, ’VBN’), (’dog-fooding’,
’JJ’), (’for’, ’IN’), (’three’, ’CD’), (’days’, ’NNS’)]
The above POS-tags are explained in Jurafsky & Martin (2nd ed), Figure 5.6 (p. 165).
While pos tag works pretty well, it does make errors, including errors on words
ending with ”ing” like dog-fooding. Some of these words, such as something and string
are nouns (and as such, should be tagged NN), and at least one, during, is a preposition
(part-of-speech tag IN). On the other hand, words such as thinking, executing, and
dog-fooding are verb forms, which should be part-of-speech tagged as VBG.
There is a well-known practice in POS-tagging, which involves running a POS-tagger
on a text, even though it is known to make some errors, and then manually correcting the
result. This turns out to be faster, with more consistent results, than doing the whole
thing manually. Here your task will be to correct some of the errors automatically,
on a second pass through a text that has been part-of-speech tagged by pos tag.
1. Write a python/NLTK script that, given a set of inaugural addresses in the form
of a set of sentences, tags the sentences using pos tag, then identifies the words
ending in “ing” (using tools in the re module) and for each, records in a dictionary
the part-of-speech tags it has been assigned in the text. Test your script on
Washington’s first inaugural address and Obama’s inaugural address. Then print
out the contents of the dictionary.
Add this script to
2. In a sentence like “Impress us by climbing Ben Nevis”, the verb phrase (VP)
following by indicates how the VP preceding the by should be (or was) accomplished. As such, its head (here, the word climbing) should be tagged as a verb
– in particular, VBG. For some reason that I have not yet fathomed, pos tag does
not always do this.
>>> text = ’Impress us by climbing Ben Nevis’.split()
>>> pos_tag(text)
[(’Impress’, ’NN’), (’us’, ’PRP’), (’by’, ’IN’), (’climbing’, ’VBG’),
(’Ben’, ’NNP’), (’Nevis’, ’NNP’)]
>>> text = ’Cultivate peace by observing justice’.split()
>>> pos_tag(text)
[(’Cultivate’, ’NNP’), (’peace’, ’NN’), (’by’, ’IN’), (’observing’,
’NN’), (’justice’, ’NN’)]
So write a python/NLTK script that corrects such errors: Given a text (a sequence
of sentences) tagged by pos tag, output another tagged text in which each word
ending in “ing” is re-tagged to VBG if it follows a preposition (ie, a word tagged
IN), if it is not on the wordlist nonVBG (from the .zip file you downloaded), and
if it hasn’t already been tagged VBG. Test your script on Madison’s two inaugural
Add this script to
Grammar Writing and Parsing (25 pts)
Here the goal is to write a small grammar that covers a set of short sentences found
in the inaugural addresses, and to test it by parsing the sentences according to your
grammar, using one of the NLTK parsers. We focus on short sentences because the
amount of ambiguity that a non-probabilistic parser can find in a long sentence can
be staggering. We will take a short sentence to be one with eight (8) or fewer tokens,
including final punctuation, so seven (7) words or less.
1. Write a python/NLTK script to extract the short sentences from the inaugural
corpus and pos-tag them. (If you keep these sentences indexed by inaugural
address in a dictionary, you will be able to look at how the language of even short
sentences has changed over time. But this is not necessary – a single list of such
sentences will do.) Add your script to
Manually identify a subset of at least 5 of these sentences whose part-of-speech
tagging indicates that they conform (at their top level) to the pattern S-->NP VP.
Extend the context-free grammar given in mygrammar.cfg (which currently contains only this one rule) to cover these sentences from the root S down to the
lexical items. (Edit this file using your favorite editor, and load it into python
using the command data.load(’file:mygrammar.cfg’). You can use the command cfg(’file:mygrammar.cfg’) to see what’s in the grammar.)
Remember that the rules in mygrammar.cfg need to specify how a part-of-speech
like NN re-writes to the relevant lexical items in your sentences, as well as specifying how non-terminal elements like NP and VP rewrite to a combination of nonterminals and parts-of-speech. You can use rules from grammars in the lecture or
lab notes or from the NLTK book, or you can come up with your own. Try to
avoid rules that only cover a single phrase.
At least one of your rules should result in your grammar having recursion, either
direct or indirect, even though it may not be needed for the sentences in your set.
Make sure that the grammar you want to submit is in mygrammar.cfg.
2. Finally, construct a parser from your grammar and one of NLTK’s parsers (such
as rd parser or a chart parser discussed in class), and test your grammar by
invoking it on the original (ie, untagged) version of your chosen sentences.
Also add another phrase to one of your sentences so that it does require your
grammar to be recursive, and try parsing it as well.
Put your chosen (and your created) sentences and their analyses into answers.txt.
There are some general principles in preparing any work:
• You should complete the work yourself, using your own words, code, figures, etc.
• Acknowledge your sources for text, code, figures etc that are not your own.
• Take reasonable precautions to ensure that others do not copy your work and
present it as their own.
If you produce your work own unassisted, you are in no danger of plagiarising. If you
require some help or collaboration, follow the guidelines below.
It is acceptable to use without acknowledgement, general ideas picked up in discussion with others or from textbooks. If you write the work you submit in its entirety,
you do not need to include an acknowledgement. An exception is when a really pivotal
idea comes from an external source, in which case you should acknowledge that source.
There are occasions on which you will wish to include work written by somebody
else within your own work. For example, you may want to quote a passage from a book
within an essay, or you may be unable to finish a program yourself and want to include a
piece of code written by someone else. On such occasions, you should copy the original
work verbatim, together with a full and explicit acknowledgement of the original source.
The beginning and end of the copied material must be clearly indicated:
• In the case of text copied into an essay or in answer to a question, enclose the
text within quotation marks and explicitly indicate its source close to where the
copied material appears.
• In the case of code, insert a comment before the start of the code you have copied
or collaborated on, indicating who you have gotten it from or who you have collaborated with in developing it, and then another comment after the end of the
relevant code.
These rules about acknowledging the source of work that is not fully your own, apply
irrespective of the type of work it is (prose, code, etc.). If you collaborate on anything,
the collaboration must be explicitly acknowledged, and its extent should be stated as
fully as possible by all parties involved.
It is never acceptable to attempt to disguise someone elses work in order to present
it as your own, for example by making cosmetic changes to the text, or by changing
variable names or altering comments in code.
When in doubt, state explicitly what you have done and the sources of any help
(including fellow students, tutors or textbooks) you receive. This will enable your work
to be marked appropriately, and will ensure that you avoid suspicion of plagiarism.
In order to prevent others from copying your work and presenting it as their own,
set the protection on your practical work directories appropriately. It is also sensible
to ensure that any practical submissions that you print are collected promptly from
the printers. By all means discuss your general ideas with other students, but do not
distribute or lend your solutions to them.