Paper No. T.12-1.5, pp. 1-5 The 6th PSU-UNS International Conference on Engineering and Technology (ICET-2013), Novi Sad, Serbia, May 15-17, 2013 University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Sciences A METHOD FOR LOAD-TO-VOLTAGE DEPENDENCY DETERMINATION Goran S. Švenda, Jovan M. Lukić University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Sciences, Novi Sad, Serbia* *Authors to correspondence should be addressed via email:, Abstract: Distribution power grid load modeling is comprised out of knowing its qualitative and quantitative properties, in terms of active and reactive power consumption, but also properties such as load dependency to voltage and frequency. Determination of load-to-voltage dependency is not sufficiently explored and documented. Main reasons for that are lack of robust procedure and relatively large number of experiments that need to be performed out in the field. This paper presents a robust procedure for determining load-to-voltage dependency with relatively small number of experiments needed. The procedure is verified in a real distribution power grid. Keywords: Load-to-Voltage Dependency, Load Modeling, Voltage Reduction, Distribution Power Grid 1. INTRODUCTION Modern power distribution utilities (PDU), which are more and more present on electrical energy markets, are forced to operate on borders of their technical limitations. What definitely contributes to that is the fact that they often get very challenging demands to fulfill. Some of the challenges they need to cope with are tied to real-time operation where, with minimal investments, state of the system needs to be estimated, optimal power flows and voltages need to be achieved, peak load shaving needs to be fast and efficient, etc. Likewise, in simulation, it is very important to have good system state estimation, especially for states far from normal ones. It is clear that abilities of the existing Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems are no longer sufficient to realize such challenging demands required from PDUs. The application of relatively new Smart Grid Concept (SGC) [1], which encompasses Distribution Management System (DMS) [2], can make them achievable. The DMS includes many of its advanced applications for analysis, control and planning of distribution network (DN). When tightly integrated with the existing SCADA systems, and constantly increasing number of Intelligent Electronic Devices (IED – AMI, MDM, etc.), once challenging demands will become PDU common practices. Thereby, the quality of SGC and DMS applications does not depend only on quality of DMS calculations, but also on the quality and quantity of data about DN (collected in real-time and in non real-time). Among data collected in 1 non real-time, the most critical for the quality of results, but at the same time the most unreliable, are data about power consumption (loads). In accordance to constantly increasing demands required from PDU, the demands set for DMS power applications and DMS load modeling are also becoming higher. It is not enough to model load with constant power consumption. The load must be modeled with dependency to number of parameters, such as: 1) temperature; 2) considered moment in time, day and season; 3) instantaneous voltage; 4) coincidence factor; and finally 5) decay effect (how much time passed from last voltage change, i.e. what can be expected in future after voltage has been changed and stays on value different from nominal one). The load model must take into account decay effect in order to be able to predict its behavior in case something like described happens with voltage. Model of power consumption dependent on temperature is shown in many papers [3,4]. Relatively simple procedure for determining normalized daily load profiles (NDLP) of characteristic customer types in characteristic days and seasons is shown in [5]. Papers which contain information about load-to-voltage dependency of tangible customer types are rare [4], but even rarer are the ones that depict precise procedures for their experimental determination [6]. Determination of load-to-voltage dependency for each individual customer may be technically feasible, but definitely not economically justifiable. This paper offers practically applicable procedure for load-tovoltage dependency determination by performing relatively small number of in-field experiments. Applicability of procedure is fully verified in scope of DMS project realized for one of the North American PDU. After the Introduction, basic concepts of load modeling and procedure for determining value of load-to-voltage dependency are given in part 2. An example of application of this procedure is given in part 3. Procedure verification is presented in part 4. Conclusion and references are given in parts 5 and 6, respectively. 2. LOAD MODELING The model of power consumption, referenced in this paper, is based on following terms and definitions: Load – a group of individual consumers which are of different consumer types, such as: constant current, power or impedance, or constant energy, time or power. Each consumer has its own characteristics which can be compared to some others’, and by which loads can be classified into classes. Load quantifier – maximal or average value of consumer's power consumption, or consumed electrical energy on a daily, monthly, yearly basis [5]. Normalized daily load profile (NDLP) – daily load profile divided by a Load quantifier. Similar loads – all consumers which in the same manner change value of their consumption depending on current time, type of a current day and season, changes in temperature and voltage, and for which the effects of those changes last equally long. Characteristic load – consumer defined with two NDLP (for active and reactive power, or for current module and power factor), load quantifiers, and with coefficients which depict dependency of temperature and voltage (load coefficients). It is usually defined for residential-, commercial-, agricultural- and industrial-type of consumers. For more precise determination of power consumption, each type can be further divided into subtypes, such as: residential loads with locally or remotely provided heating, settlements with-, or without hot water provided, etc. Characteristic day – a day which represents all similar days, i.e. days in which all similar consumers can be described with their unique Load quantifier, and common Characteristic load. Usually is defined separately for work day, Saturday and Sunday, as well as for holidays. If one wants to be even more accurate, every characteristic day can be further divided into subtypes, such as: type workday into subtypes Monday through Friday; type holiday into subtypes New Year, Christmas, etc. Characteristic season – time period in which characteristic load, in every characteristic season, describes well enough power consumption of a consumer. Usually it is defined to match with calendar seasons (spring, summer, fall, winter), but also it often can be defined for each month separately, then to match duration of heating season, periods when particular industry is work- or break mode, etc. In accordance with previously defined terms and definitions, pre-estimated value of active and reactive powers for a moment t, can be defined as: X r (t ) xr (t ) X quant. , X {P, Q} , BX i [ X i X i 1 ] 100 / X i 1 , [Vi Vi 1 ] 100 / Vi 1 X {P, Q} , (2) where Pi, Qi, Vi and Pi–1, Qi–1, Vi–1 represent values of active-, reactive power and voltage obtained in moments i and i–1, respectively; BP i and BQ i represent active and reactive load-to-voltage dependency. Statistically, expected values of coefficients BP and BQ can be determined by having available sufficiently large number of samples from a population. The procedure for experimental determination of coefficients is presented in section three of this paper. Estimation of active P(t,V) and reactive Q(t,V) power in a moment t, for voltage value V(t), is defined by relations: X (t ,V ) X r (t ) [1 B X V (t )] , V (t ) [V (t ) Vr ] 100 / Vr , X {P, Q} , (3) (4) where subscript r indicates pre-estimated variables which are realized for nominal voltage supplied Vr(t), relation (1). 3. EXPERIMENTS The proposed procedure has been verified on a large North American DN. The network supplies around 1.5 million of customers and has around 1300 medium voltage feeders. During year 2011 two experiments have been realized: 1) winter, 15-17 February, consumer types Residential and Commercial, and 2) summer, 4-8 August, consumer types Residential, Commercial and Industrial. Experiments encompassed 9 medium voltage feeders (groups of 3 feeders are dominantly supplying residential, commercial and industrial load). During experiments, voltage was changed by 1.4% and 2.8% from actual. This is depicted in Fig. 1 (1) where pr(t) and qr(t) represent values of active and reactive powers in moment t – values obtained by having available NDLP, in [p.u.], and Pquant and Pquant load quantifiers, in [kW]. Pre-estimated values are defined for rated voltage Vr(t). Fig. 1. Pattern for voltage changes during experiments Data capture, on a 30 second interval, and during the entire experiment, was simultaneously obtained for the active power, reactive power and voltage. By specially designed program code paired measurements were analyzed and further processed in order to obtain representative samples from the entire population. The samples do not include influences of disturbances that occurred during the experiment. Some of the disturbances worth mentioning are as follows: short circuit events, switching events, capacitor banks closing or tripping, large customers connecting to- and disconnecting from the grid. After representative population samples had been obtained, pairs of relations (3) were formed for each moment in time for which pairs of points (A,B), (C,D), (E,F) in Fig. 1 can be determined. Next step was to replace known values in those pairs of relations: measured P (t ,V ) , calculated ν , and value read from the NDLP of the con- Of course, for more accurate calculations, one cannot disregard the fact that most consumers are not always supplied with nominal voltage, and that change in supplied voltage changes amount of power consumed by consumer. It is also very clear that dependency of a complex DN consumer, such as dependency on voltage supplied, cannot be formulated analytically. However, it can be appropriately determined by performing relatively small number of experiments. That particular dependency is referred to as loadto-voltage dependency, and is defined by the following relation: 2 sume Pr(t). Analogous procedure was done for the reactive power Q. Solving of system of two equations by unknown BP (BQ), the value of load coefficient is obtained. That value becomes candidate for statistical processing to find expected value and its standard deviation. The results of statistical processing are depicted in Fig. 2, where histograms and probability density functions (PDF) of load coefficients for February time frame and Commercial type of load are given. 1.0 Commercial (average) PDF Commercial 1 PDF Commercial 2 PDF Commercial 3 PDF Density 0.9 strates measured, unusually large changes of voltage V(t) on feeder head busbar (orange solid line) and nominal voltage Vr(t) (orange dashed line). Examples in Fig. 4 and Fig. 5 are obtained on feeders which dominantly supply residential and industrial type of load, respectively. 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 a) Load profile, measured and estimated active power 0.3 0.2 Bp [%/%] 0.1 0 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 Fig. 2. Load Coefficients – Expected value Table 1. Load Coefficients, as random variable February August 1 2 3 1 2 3 P BP Feeder Com 1.20 1.37 1.28 1.27 Com 0.85 0.66 0.67 0.77 Res 1.65 1.64 1.21 1.56 Res 0.94 0.87 0.86 0.92 Ind / / / / Ind 1.26 1.26 1.07 1.19 Com 0.58 0.57 0.56 0.57 Com 0.47 0.38 0.37 0.44 Res 0.82 0.96 0.72 0.88 Res 0.58 0.55 0.56 0.57 Ind / / / / Ind 0.82 0.85 0.82 0.83 b) Voltage changes Fig. 3. Verification (feeder Com1, February 22. 2011.) Expected values of load coefficients and their standard deviations are presented in Table 1. They are obtained by processing data from experiments performed in two different seasons, for three types of loads, for each feeder and aggregately. 4. PROCEDURE VERIFICATION Verification of the proposed procedure for determining load coefficients is done with following steps: 1. Assessment of pre-estimated feeder head load, based on power flow calculation for pre-estimated load Pr(t) and Qr(t), depicted by relation (1), obtained for nominal voltage value of V(t)=Vr=123.5 V. 2. Correction of pre-estimated load values, based on measured voltage V(t) on feeder heads, and utilizing relations (3) and (4). Corrected values are called estimated values. 3. Estimated and measured load values comparison. As an example of the proposed procedure, Fig.3 illustrates values of measured and estimated active powers, for one of the feeders that supplies dominantly commercial type of consumers. Fig.3a illustrates: pre-estimated active power (black dashed line), estimated active power (red solid line) and measured active power (blue solid line). Fig.3b illu- 3 where k goes from 1 through number of readings for measured active power. Table 2 depicts the expected values of relative differences between calculated (estimated) and measured values of active powers ΔP and standard deviations of those values ΔP The values are calculated by following relations: P 1 N Pk , N k 1 1 N [Pk P]2 . N k 1 σ 2P a) Load profile, measured and estimated active power (6) (7) Table 2. Expected value of relative error and its standard deviation February b) Voltage changes 1 2 3 August Feeder 1 2 3 Fig. 4. Verification (feeder Res1, August 10. 2011.) ΔP ΔP Com –0.07 –0.35 0.08 –0.08 Com –0.10 –0.14 –0.13 –0.14 Res 0.63 0.60 0.53 0.45 Res –0.35 –0.24 –0.25 –0.32 Ind –0.07 –0.35 0.08 –0.08 Ind –0.10 –0.14 –0.13 –0.14 Com 0.63 0.60 0.53 0.45 Com –0.35 –0.24 –0.25 –0.32 Res –0.07 –0.35 0.08 –0.08 Res –0.10 –0.14 –0.13 –0.14 Ind 0.63 0.60 0.53 0.45 Ind –0.35 –0.24 –0.25 –0.32 Table 3 depicts absolute expected values of relative differences between calculated (estimated) and measured values of active powers |ΔP| and standard deviations of those values |ΔP|. The values are calculated by following relations: 1 N P σ 2P Pk , (8) 1 N [ Pk P ]2 . N k 1 (9) k 1 Table 3. Expected absolute value of relative error and its standard deviation a) Load profile, measured and estimated active power February 1 2 3 August Feeder 1 2 3 |ΔP| |ΔP| Com 0.98 1.87 1.21 1.38 Com 0.77 0.76 0.78 0.79 Res 2.60 2.92 1.85 2.5 Res 1.29 1.19 1.22 1.26 Ind 0.98 1.87 1.21 1.38 Ind 0.77 0.76 0.78 0.79 Com 2.60 2.92 1.85 2.5 Com 1.29 1.19 1.22 1.26 Res 0.98 1.87 1.21 1.38 Res 0.77 0.76 0.78 0.79 Ind 2.60 2.92 1.85 2.5 Ind 1.29 1.19 1.22 1.26 5. CONCLUSION b) Voltage changes Fig. 5. Verification (feeder Ind1, August 10. 2011.) This paper presents very simple, but at the same time robust procedure for experimental determination of load-tovoltage dependency, i.e. load coefficients. Additionally, their application in terms of estimation of large area load is given. Application of the procedure, as well as its verification is done in real USA distribution network. When information about load coefficients becomes It is also interesting to discuss results in terms of error which describes deviation of estimated from measured power. The error is calculated by following relation: Pk ( Pkest Pkmeas) 100 / Pkmeas , N (5) 4 available, one can take further steps in terms of forming more complex model of loads, model which encompasses coincidence factor change effects, as well as voltage change effects which decays in time. 6. REFERENCES [1] R.G.Pratt, et all, The Smart Grid – An Estimation of the Energy and CO2 Benefits; Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, USA, 2010. [2] D.S.Popović, Power Application – A Cherry on the Top of the DMS Cake, DA/DSM DistribuTECH Europe 2000, Vienna, Austria, October 10-12, 2000, Specialist Track 3, Session 3, Paper 2. [3] C.E.Asbury, Weather load model for electric demand and energy forecasting; IEEE Trans. on PAS, Vol. PAS94, No.4, July 1975. [4] R.F.Preiss, V.J.Warnock, Impact of voltage reduction on energy and demand; IEEE Trans. on PAS, Vol. PAS97, No.5, September/October 1978. [5] S.Kuzmanović, G.S.Švenda, Z.Ovcin, Practical Statistical Methods in Distribution Load Estimation; 20-th International Conference on Electricity Distribution – CIRED, Prague, 8-11 June 2009, Session No.4, Paper 0585. [6] J.C.Erickson, S.R.Gilligan, The effects of voltage reduction on distribution circuit loads; IEEE Trans. on PAS, Vol. PAS-101, No.7, July 1982. 5