AREVA nįh ghalaná honie Our connection with the Athabasca Basin - Fond du Lac * Stony Rapids * Black Lake * Hatchet Lake * Camsell Portage * Uranium City Spring 2015 McClean Lake Operations Update A REVA’s McClean Lake mill is the most technologically advanced mill in the world for the processing of highgrade uranium ore. It is currently undergoing an extension project, which will double its capacity to produce 12 million pounds of uranium ore concentrate per year to 24 million pounds per year. It is currently on track to be completed by 2016. Up to 75% of the new milling capacity will be used to process all the ore from the Cigar Lake mine, which is located about 55 km away. Working together, the Cigar Lake and McClean Lake sites will be the second largest uranium producers in the world! A McClean Lake Operation Tailings Management Facility s you may know, AREVA has been talking to you about the JEB Tailings Management Facility (TMF) Expansion Project since 2011. This project involves expanding the JEB TMF upwards with the construction of a berm to provide space to store tailings that will be produced by the McClean Lake Mill over the next 20 years. This project will take place entirely on the existing surface lease of the McClean Lake Operation, and will not involve disturbing any new untouched areas. The project requires approval from the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) and construction approval from the Province of Saskatchewan. AREVA is in the final stages of the CNSC technical review and a determination is being made whether the project needs to be presented to the Commission at a public hearing. AREVA will ensure that the Athabasca Basin communities are notified if a public hearing is required. In the meantime AREVA will continue to present information on the Project as required and be available to address any questions or concerns. We very much value your feedback on this project, so should you have any questions or concerns regarding the project please contact Ms. Tina Searcy, Senior Regulatory Coordinator at AREVA Shares Important Information With You What’s the current impact of the McClean Lake Operation on the Athabasca Basin Communities? In the interest of being transparent and open with you, we want to make sure you have this important information. Employment at the McClean Lake Operation – As of March 31, 2015 Total Number of Employees Total RSN* Employees Total Number of Athabasca Basin Employees 322 157 (49%) 43 (13%) *RSN: Resident of Saskatchewan’s North Which communities do our Athabasca Basin employees come from? As of March 31, 2015 Athabasca Community Black Lake Fond du Lac Stony Rapids Camsell Portage Wollaston Lake Uranium City Number of Employees 17 11 8 3 3 1 Value of Direct Salaries to Athabasca Basin Employees in 2014 $4.2 Million AREVA Partners wih your community-owned Businesses W e sincerely value the efforts of many Athabasca Basin residents when working for the long-term service providers at the McClean Lake Operation, like Athabasca Catering and Athabasca Basin Security. We think jobs with those companies are important to the Athabasca Basin, and are sure that you do too. Here are some interesting facts about who works for those companies. As of December 31, 2014, between Athabasca Catering and Athabasca Basin Security and janitorial services, there were 87 people at the McClean Lake Operation. Of these 87 people, here are the numbers from the Athabasca Basin: Athabasca Community Wollaston Lake Fond du Lac Stony Rapids Black Lake Number of Employees 28 13 5 2 Thank you for your efforts towards keeping the McClean Lake Operation clean, safe and the employees and contractors well fed! McClean Lake Operation Training for 2015 Mill Utility Operator Training Program A REVA, in partnership with Northern Career Quest, delivered a six week Mill Operator Training Program from March 6, 2015 to May 22, 2015 at the McClean Lake site. The rotation for the entire program was one-week in and one-week out, flying in and out on Fridays. During the course of the program, 11 students had the opportunity to develop the knowledge and skills required to work in a Uranium Mill Operation. Deemed one of the best training programs run in partnership with Northern Career Quest, AREVA is proud to have a solid selection process and trainers that work hard to make the program outstanding. We also would like to thank all the community leaders and our Community Relations Liaison employees for working hard to get great candidates from the Athabasca Basin. I really enjoyed the Mill Eleven students successfully completed the entire Mill Operator Training Op Program, I loved the Program, and we are pleased that 5 of the 11 students were from the hands on experience! Athabasca Basin. The students have met all the required employment Great opportunity to get your criteria and are eligible for employment with AREVA at the McClean Lake foot in the door with the mining Operation, when new positions open up. It is important to note that new industry.” – Stephanie Tsannie positions do not always open up right away at McClean Lake. We are very pleased that 8 of the 11 students have already been offered either full-time or term employment at the McClean Lake site. McClean Lake Operation Job Opportunities F or 2015, AREVA will be recruiting many different types of jobs at the McClean Lake Operation. Here they are! Occupational Health Nurse; Industrial hygienist, Power Engineers, Journeyperson Electrician, Journeyperson Carpenter, Warehouse, Term Heavy Equipment Operators, Heavy Duty Mechanic apprentice, Mill Utility person, Chemical lab assistant, Trades helper. It is important to note that, depending on the position, a qualified internal candidate may come forward for the position and they will be considered, along with any external candidates. We will also be offering a number of summer student positions in the areas of the Chemical Lab, a Mill Engineering student, an Administrative Assistant summer student, Services summer student, Radiation protection summer student, Environment summer student and Warehouses summer students. Many of these positions require post-secondary education, so take advantage of the AREVA Scholarship Program (see below), go to post-secondary school, and then apply for a summer job with us! Do You Know The Companies Your Communities Own? A REVA makes a significant effort to work with the companies that are owned by your communities and First Nation development corporations. If you want information about the performance of your companies, ask your leaders! West Wind Aviation NRT Points North Group $27 Million Athabasca Basin Security in 2014 Athabasca Catering Pronto Airlines PACL Team Drilling This represents about 60% of the total money AREVA spends with Northern companies. We are very proud of our partnerships with these companies! Flyer Electric AREVA Invests in Your Communities O n Friday, February 27, Glenn Lafleur, our Manager of Northern Affairs was in Prince Albert to present Ms. Yvonne Wolverine, Executive Director of the Athabasca Denesuline Child and Family Services with a $100,000 cheque representing the second and last installment of AREVA’s $200,000 donation in support of the Yuthe Dene Sekwi Chu La Koe Btsedi, a 10-bed therapeutic home facility for at risk youth. The facility, located on the Louis Chicken Reserve #224 Black Lake Denesuline First Nations, right next to the Athabasca Health Centre in Stony Rapids, opened its doors on January 16, 2014 with six children between the ages of 12 and 17. Today, the group home provides educational, spiritual and recreational services as well as therapeutic and family counselling sessions to Aboriginal youth and families close to their home and its programming includes a holistic approach to addiction and trauma recovery that incorporates language and traditional living practices. AREVA is pleased to be able to help northern Saskatchewan youth and their families grow into healthy, productive and strong communities. In 2014, AREVA invested over $180,000 in your organizations, communities and activities! AREVA Supports Your Community Members T he June 30 deadline is approaching fast for the annual AREVA Northern Saskatchewan Scholarship Program for the 2015-2016 academic year. There is over $100,000 available to qualified northern Saskatchewan residents pursuing post-secondary education. Last year we had nine scholarship recipients in the Athabasca Basin, studying different programs like the Sciences, Arts, Education, Psychology and Nursing. Did you know that AREVA provided scholarships to the first dentist to ever come from the Athabasca Basin’s Fond du Lac? AREVA is proud to support the talented individuals in your communities! AREVA Resources Canada’s 2015-2016 NORTHERN SASKATCHEWAN SCHOLARSHIPS AREVA will award $100,000 in scholarships to northern Saskatchewan students pursuing post-secondary education. All candidates must qualify as Residents of Saskatchewan’s North. AREVA’s northern scholarship selection committee reviews all applications and makes its selection based on academic merit and field of study that, in the opinion of the committee, will be of future benefit to the North or the uranium mining industry. For Application Form or Information Please contact: Scholarship Selection Committee Tel: (306) 425-6880 AREVA Resources Canada Inc. Northern Affairs Office Fax: (306) 425-6886 517 La Ronge Avenue, Box 900 Email: La Ronge SK S0J 1L0 Apply by June 30, 2015 I A Message from AREVA’s Corporate Social Responsibilty Department am very pleased to be sending this very first edition of AREVA Resources Canada’s (AREVA) newsletter to you. Since assuming the responsibilities of Corporate Social Responsibility for AREVA in late 2013, I have spent the past year and a half getting to better understand and know the communities that are in the Athabasca Basin, and have made it one of my priorities to ensure that you are receiving information about AREVA, its McClean Lake Operation and projects. We are working hard to increase the number of Athabasca Basin residents working at McClean Lake. One of the challenges we face in this respect is that with McClean Lake Mill moving towards regular operations, we won’t be seeing many new jobs in the future. Regardless, for every area that we can, we are striving to ensure that qualified Athabasca Basin residents are carefully considered. In the area of training, I am pleased to say that Athabasca Basin residents had 5 of the 12 spots in our current Mill Operator Training Program. As we look towards offering more training programs in the future, we will continue to work hard to make sure training opportunities are offered to qualified Athabasca Basin residents. Also, I am pleased to let you know that we are presently considering replacing our 2015 Northern Tour by our participation in your community-led events. Look for some of AREVA’s CSR staff attending your cultural festivals in the summer! Please do not hesitate to contact me or any one of my staff if you have questions or concerns about AREVA’s activities. Tammy Van Lambalgen Vice President, Regulatory, CSR & Legal Final Word! W e hope you have enjoyed the first edition of this newsletter. A big thanks goes out to Mary Denechezhe of Wollaston Lake who helped AREVA staff find the right name for this newsletter. In the next edition of the newsletter, we will be asking for your feedback on this newsletter by December 31, 2015 – and every response to feedback will be put in a draw for a prize. In the meantime, if you have any feedback you would like to give us or questions on any of the articles you read, please feel free to contact the AREVA offices staff or the Community Relations Liaison near you. AREVA Connects With You Want to reach us? Saskatoon La Ronge Stony Rapids Carolanne Inglis-McQuay Senior CSR Advisor Glenn Lafleur Manager, Northern Affairs Connie Mercredi Workplace Development Advisor Saskatoon Office: 817-45th St. W. La Ronge Office: 507 La Ronge Ave Stony Rapids Office (306) 343-4555 (306) 425-6885 (306) 439-2104 Write to us: PO Box 9204 Saskatoon SK S7K 3X5 Visit us online! @arevaresources