Rectangular Co-ordinate Interleaved Orthogonal Designs Md. Zafar Ali Khan B.Sundar Rajan Moon Ho Lee Insilica Semiconductors Frontline Grandeur, 14 Walton Road Bangalore, India 560 001 Email: Department of Elect. Comm. Engg. Indian Institute of Science Bangalore, India 560 012 Email: Institute of Communication and Information Chonbuk National University Chonju, South Korea Email: Abstract— Space-Time block codes (STBC) from Orthogonal Designs (OD), Quasi-Orthogonal Designs (QOD) and Co-ordinate Interleaved Orthogonal Designs (CIOD) have been attracting wider attention due to their amenability for fast (single-symbol decoding for OD, CIOD and double-symbol decoding for QOD) ML decoding, and rate-one with full-rank over quasi-static fading channels [1]-[13]. The importance of CIOD is due to the fact that, rate-one, full-rank, square ODs for arbitrary complex constellations exist only for 2 transmit antennas while such a CIOD exists for 2,3 and 4 transmit antennas with a slight restriction on the complex constellations [12], [13]. These limitations motivate study of rectangular (non-square) designs. One way of obtaining rectangular designs is by deleting columns from square or non-square ODs or CIODs. In this paper, we present a new construction of rectangular single-symbol decodable designs that have higher maximum mutual information than those obtained by deleting columns of CIODs and has lower peak to average power ratio (PAPR). Simulation results are presented for three and five transmit antennas and compared with that of OD, QODs, CIODs to demonstrate the superiority of the proposed rectangular designs. GLPCOD[2], [7] QOD [8] QOD-RC[3] QOD-RC[10] CIOD[12] Rate 3/4 1 1 1 1 Rank 4 2 4 4 4 Signal set arbitrary arbitrary restricted by rotation restricted by rotation restricted by CPD Decoding SSD DSD DSD DSD SSD TABLE II C OMPARISON OF KNOWN DESIGNS FOR 8 T X ANTENNAS GLPCOD [2] QOD [8] QOD-RC [3] CIOD[14] Rate 1/2 3/4 3/4 1 Rank 8 4 8 8 signal set arbitrary arbitrary restricted by rotation restricted by CPD Decoding SSD DSD DSD DSD both the tables form a sub-class of the class of linear STBCs [9] any member S of which can be expressed as 1 I. I NTRODUCTION AND P RELIMINARIES Starting from Alamouti [1], several authors have studied Space-Time Block Codes (STBCs) obtained from Orthogonal Designs (ODs) and their variations like quasi-orthogonal designs (QODs) and Co-ordinate interleaved orthogonal designs (CIODs) that offer fast decoding (single-symbol decoding (SSD) or double-symbol decoding (DSD)) over quasi-static fading channels [1]-[13]. A scheme that trades diversity for simpler ML decoding (double-symbol decoding) is presented in [8] for four and eight antennas. For this scheme and the STBCs from ODs any complex signal constellation can be used. By sacrificing the freedom of being able to use any complex constellation if the signal constellations are restricted to those having certain properties then it has been shown by several authors [3], [7], [10], [12], [14] that rate and/or diversity can be improved from those of complex ODs for four and eight antennas. These improvements are summarized in Table I and Table II. In these tables QOD-RC stands for Quasi Orthogonal Design with Rotated Constellations [3] and CPD for Coordinate Product Distance [12]. All the designs in 0 This work was partly supported by DRDO-IISc Program on Mathematical Engineering through a grant to B.S.Rajan. GLOBECOM 2003 TABLE I C OMPARISON OF KNOWN OD S , QOD S AND CIOD FOR 4 T X ANTENNAS S= K−1 A2k xkI + A2k+1 xkQ (1) k=0 where {Ak }2K−1 is a set of complex matrices called weight k=0 matrices. A (p, N, k) Generalized Linear Processing Complex Orthogonal Design ((p, N, k)-GLPCOD) is a p×N matrix Θp×N in k complex indeterminates x1 , x2 , · · · , xk and rate R = k/p, p ≥ N such that • the entries of Θp×N are complex linear combinations of 0, ±xi , i = 1, · · · , k and their conjugates. H • Θp×N Θp×N = D, where D is a diagonal matrix whose entries are a linear combination of |xi |2 , i = 1, · · · , k with all strictly positive real coefficients. When k=N =p and no entry is zero, the design is called a Linear Processing Complex Orthogonal Design (LPCOD). Furthermore, when the entries are only from {±x1 , ±x2 , · · · , ±xk }, their conjugates and multiples of j then it is called a Complex Orthogonal Design (COD). 1 Also - 2004 - referred to as a Linear Dispersion (LD) code [21]. 0-7803-7974-8/03/$17.00 © 2003 IEEE Definition 1.1 ([12]): For even integers K, N, L, a (K, N, L)-Co-ordinate Interleaved Orthogonal Design ((K, N, L)-CIOD) of size N and rate K/L, in variables xi , i = 0, · · · , K − 1 is a L × N matrix S(x0 , · · · , xK−1 ) (denoted simply by S), given by S = 0L/2,N/2 ΘL/2,N/2 (x̃0 , · · · , x̃K/2−1 ) 0L/2,N/2 ΘL/2,N/2 (x̃K/2 , · · · , x̃K−1 ) (2) where ΘL/2,N/2 (x0 , · · · , xK/2−1 ) is a GLPCOD of size N/2 and rate K/L, x̃i = Re{xi } + jIm{x(i+K/2)K } and where (a)K denotes a (mod K). Notice that in (2) all the four sub-matrices are of the same type, i.e., all the four are L/2 × N/2 matrices. The new class of rectangular designs defined in (11) in the beginning of the following section are obtained by not having these submatrices to be of the same type. In the remaining part of this section we summarize the known results on CIOD that are used for the new class of designs. Examples of rate 1, CIODs for N = 2, 4 are given below and x̃0 0 , (3) S(x0 , x1 ) = 0 x̃1 x̃0 −x̃∗1 S(x0 , · · · , x3 ) = 0 0 x̃1 x̃∗0 0 0 0 0 x̃2 −x̃∗3 0 0 . x̃3 x̃∗2 (4) a rate 1 STBC from CIOD for N = 3 can be obtained form N = 4, CIOD by deleting one of the columns. Theorem 1.1: [12] A rate 1, co-ordinate interleaved orthogonal design of size N exists if and only if N = 2, 3 or 4 Single-Symbol Decodability: Let the number of transmit antennas be N and the number of receive antennas be M . At each time slot t, the complex signals, sit , i = 0, 1, · · · , N − 1 are transmitted from the N antennas simultaneously. Let hij = αij ejθij denote the path gain from the √ transmit antenna i to the receive antenna j, where j = −1. Assuming that the path gains are constant over a frame length L ≥ N , t = 0, · · · , L − 1, the received signal vjt at the antenna j at time t = 0, · · · , L − 1, is given by vjt = N −1 hij sit + njt , j = 0, · · · , M − 1. (5) i=0 In matrix notation, V = SH + N (6) where V ∈ CL×M (C denotes the complex field) is the received signal matrix, the transmission matrix (also referred as codeword matrix) S ∈ CL×N and N ∈ CL×M has entries that are Gaussian distributed with zero mean and unit variance and also are temporally and spatially white. In V, S and N time runs vertically and space runs horizontally. H ∈ CN ×M defines the channel matrix, such that the element in the ith row and the jth column is hij . The channel matrix H and GLOBECOM 2003 the transmitted codeword S are assumed to have unit variance entries. Through out the paper, for a matrix A, AH represents the Hermitian (conjugate transpose), AT the transpose and |A| the determinant of A. Assuming that perfect channel state information (CSI) is available at the receiver, the decision rule for ML decoding is (7) M (S) tr (V − SH)H (V − SH) . In general the decoding is exponential, but for STBCs from H ODs and CIODs (STBCs that satisfy AH k Al +Al Ak = 0, k = l), M (S) can be written as 2 V − (A2k xkI + A2k+1 xkQ )H +MC (8) M (S) = k Mk (xk ) K−1 where k=0 A2k xkI + A2k+1 xkQ , MC = −(K − S = 1)tr V H V and . denotes the Frobenius norm. If xk takes values from a signal set A, minimizing M (S) is equivalent to min Mk (xk ), ∀k xk ∈A and hence single-symbol decodable. Clearly, STBCs from OD and CIOD are single symbol decodable. Coding Gain: If we define the coding gain as Λ = 1 minS,S det (S − S )H (S − S ) N where S, S are distinct codewords, then for STBCs from CIODs given in (2), the coding gain is given by two codewords that differ in a single variable. Simple manipulations give, ΛCIOD = min xk =xk ∈A |xkI − xkI ||xkQ − xkQ |. The metric minxk =xk ∈A |xkI − xkI ||xkQ − xkQ | is called the co-ordinate product distance (CPD) of A [12]. The STBCs from CIODs achieve full diversity iff the CPD of the signal set is non-zero [12]. For constellations with CP D = 0, like QAM, we can obtain another signal constellation with non-zero CP D by rotating the QAM constellation. Infact for square lattice constellations, the CP D is maximized when the angle of rotation, θ = 2 arctan(2) √ . The = 31.7175◦ , and is given by CP Dopt = 4d 2 5 proof is given in the appendix. In this paper, we introduce a class of non-square designs that are (i) single-symbol decodable, (ii) having coding gain at least the CPD of the signal constellation used and (iii) having lower PAPR. In particular, we present a rate 1 STBC for 3 antennas and rate 3/4 STBCs for 5,6,7 antennas. Simulation results are presented for 3 and 5 antennas and compared with known STBCs to show the superiority of the new classes of codes introduced. The rest of the material of this paper is organized as follows: In Section II rectangular designs obtainable from deleting columns of CIODs are studied. The conditions for full-diversity are identified and an expression for coding gain obtained. Another class of rectangular designs, called asymmetric CIODs, (not obtainable from dropping columns of CIODs) are presented and the resulting STBCs are shown to be single-symbol decodable in Section III. The diversity and coding gain are studied in Section IV. Simulation results - 2005 - 0-7803-7974-8/03/$17.00 © 2003 IEEE are presented in Section V followed by concluding remarks in Section VI. II. D ESIGNS BY DELETING COLUMNS OF CIOD In this section we study the rectangular designs obtainable from CIODs of Definition 1.1 by deleting certain columns of them. We first identify the counterpart of the CPD used for CIOD to be the generalized CPD (GCPD) defined below for the case of the rectangular designs. Definition 2.1 (Generalized CPD): For any signal set A and positive integers N1 and N2 , the generalized coordinate product distance GCP DN1 ,N2 between any two signal points u = uI + juQ and v = vI + jvQ , u = v, belonging to the signal set A is defined as GCP DN1 ,N2 (u, v) = min(a, b), where 2N1 2N2 2N2 2N1 (9) a = |uI − vI | N1 +N2 |uQ − vQ | N1 +N2 and b = |uI − vI | N1 +N2 |uQ − vQ | N1 +N2 and the minimum of this value among all possible distinct pairs of signal points in A is defined to be the GCP DN1 ,N2 of A and denoted by GCP DN1 ,N2 (A). Remark 2.1: Observe that 1) GCP DN1 ,N2 (A) = GCP DN2 ,N1 (A) 2) when N1 = N2 then the GCP DN1 ,N2 (A) reduces to the CPD of A. 3) The GCPD of a signal set is zero iff the CPD of the signal set is zero. We have, Theorem 2.1: Let the total number of columns present after the deletion of columns from a (K, L, N )-CIOD of Definition 1.1 be n = n1 + n2 where n1 and n2 are the number of columns present after the deletion of columns, respectively, in the first and second N/2 columns of the CIOD. Also, let the design variables take values from a signal set A. The resulting rectangular CIOD will be of full-rank iff the CPD of A is nonzero and when it is of full-rank the coding gain is equal to GCP Dn1 ,n2 (A). The proof is omitted due to space restrictions. Example 2.1: consider the STBC for three transmit antennas obtained by deleting the last column of the CIOD for N = 4 of (4), given by x0I + jx2Q −x1I + jx3Q S(x0 , · · · , x3 ) = 0 0 x1I + jx3Q x0I − jx2Q 0 0 Definition 3.1: For even integers K, N, L and 0 < n < N/2, a (K, Nn , L)-Asymmetric Co-ordinate Interleaved Orthogonal Design ((K, Nn , L)-ACIOD), of rate K/L, in variables xi , i = 0, · · · , K − 1 is a L × N − n matrix S(x0 , · · · , xK−1 ) (denoted simply by Sn ), given by Sn = ΘL/2,N/2 (x̃0 , · · · , x̃K/2−1 ) 0L/2,N/2−n 0L/2,N/2−n ΘL/2,N/2 (x̃K/2 , · · · , x̃K−1 ) (11) where ΘL/2,N/2 (x0 , · · · , xK/2−1 ) is a GLPCOD of size N/2 of rate K/L, x̃i = Re{xi } + jIm{x(i+K/2)K } and where (a)K denotes a (mod K). Notice that if we allow n = 0 the ACIOD coincides with the CIOD given in (2). To see that any ACIOD is single-symbol decodable we rewrite the decision metric (7) as M (S) tr (VH V − HH SH V − VH SH + HH SH SH) (12) from which it is clear that since the trace of SnH Sn as well as that of H H SnH V −V H Sn H do not contain cross-product terms of more than one variable, Sn is single-symbol decodable. The full-rankness is discussed along with the coding gain in the following section. Now we present some examples of ACIOD. Example 3.1: Let Θ be the Alamouti scheme, then for n = 1 we have x1I + jx3Q 0 x0I + jx2Q −x1I + jx3Q x0I − jx2Q 0 (13) S= 0 x2I + jx0Q x3I + jx1Q 0 −x3I + jx1Q x2I − jx0Q then S is a rate 1 STBC in x0 , x1 , x2 , x3 for three transmit antennas. Notice that a 0 0 3 2 SH S = 0 (14) 0 , k=0 |xk | 0 0 b where a = x20I +x21I +x22Q +x23Q , b = x20Q +x21Q +x22I +x23I . Observe that there are no cross terms of the form xkI xlI , k = l in (14) which guarantees single-symbol decodability. Also observe that this code is quite different from that of CIODs in that both the inphase and quadrature component of the variables see the second transmit antenna. To calculate the coding gain Λ, let S, Ŝ be two codeword matrices that differ in only x0 . Then . 1/3 Λ = det (S − Ŝ)H (S − Ŝ) 0 0 x2I + jx0Q −x3I + jx1Q (10) = The coding gain of this STBC is given by GCP D2,1 (A). using |x0 − x̂0 |2 ≥ 2|x0I − x̂0I ||x0Q − x̂0Q |, we have III. A SYMMETRIC CIOD In this section we present a construction that gives nonsquare designs, called Asymmetric Coordinate Interleaved Designs (ACIOD), whose coding gain is greater than the CPD of the signal constellation used. Note that rectangular designs are constructed in [21] for maximizing mutual information; here we are interested in SSD STBCs only. GLOBECOM 2003 [(x0I − x̂0I )2 (x0Q − x̂0Q )2 (|x0 − x̂0 |2 )]1/3 ≥ 21/3 |x0I − x̂0I ||x0Q − x̂0Q | = 21/3 CP D (15) Observe that the factor 21/3 is due to the fact that S is not normalized. Example 3.2: Let Θ be the rate 3/4 design COD denoted by Θ4,4 , using (11) with n = 3 we have a rate 3/4 singlesymbol decodable STBC for 5 transmit antennas in variables - 2006 - 0-7803-7974-8/03/$17.00 © 2003 IEEE x0 , · · · , x5 given by Θ4,4 (x0I + jx3Q , x1I + jx4Q , x2I + jx5Q ) 04,1 S= 04,1 Θ4,4 (x3I + jx0Q , x4I + jx1Q , x5I + jx2Q ) (16) a 0 0 S H S = 0 I3 6k=0 |xk |2 0 0 0 b 3 3 2 2 2 2 with a = k=0 (xkI + xk+3Q ), b = k=0 (xkQ + xk+3I ) and I3 is the identity matrix of size 3. Observe that is also a single-symbol decodable design as there are no cross terms in S H S. where where we have used |∇x0 |2 = |x0 −x0 |2 ≥ 2|x0I −x0I ||x0Q − x0Q |. n The additional factor 2 2N −n (19) is due to the additional power transmitted on n antennas as compared to CIOD and on normalizing the transmission matrices, vanishes. From the equation (18) it is clear that the non-square STBCs obtained from ACIODs will give full-diversity if none of a, b and c is zero which is true if and only if the CPD of the signal set is nonzero. V. S IMULATION R ESULTS In this section we present simulation results for 3,4,5 transmit The total average transmit power is given by antennas. E{tr S H S } = L. For three transmit antennas, we compare IV. D IVERSITY AND C ODING GAIN where K/2−1 a= |x̃k |2 , b = k=0 K |xk |2 , c = k=0 K−1 −3 |x̃k |2 k=K/2 x0 =x0 [|x0I − x 0I ||x0Q − x 0Q |] n 2(N −n) 2N −n 2n |∇x0 | 2N −n ≥ 2 2N −n min |x0I − x 0I ||x0Q − x 0Q | = n x0 =x0 2 2N −n CP D GLOBECOM 2003 −2 10 10 and where x̃i = Re{xi } + jIm{x(i+K/2)K } and (a)K denotes a (mod K). Observe that the total number of transmit antennas is 2N − n. Now consider the codeword difference matrix B(S, S ) = S−S which is of full rank for two distinct codeword matrices S, S , we have 0 0 aIN −n 0 0 bIn B(S, S )H B(S, S ) = 0 0 cIN −n (18) K/2−1 K where a = k=0 |x̃k − x̃k |2 , b = k=0 |xk − xk |2 , K−1 2 and k=K/2 |x̃k − x̃k | and where at least one xk differs from xk , k = 0, · · · , K − 1. Clearly, all the three terms in the determinant of the above matrix are minimum iff xk differs from xk for only one k. Therefore assume, without loss of generality, that the codeword matrices S and S are such that they differ by only one variable, say x0 taking different values from the signal set A. Then, the coding gain is given by 1 Λ = min det B H (S, S )B(S, S ) 2N −n = R=3/4 COD with 16−QAM R=1 QOD with 8−QAM R=1 ACIOD with 8−QAM R=1 CIOD with 8−QAM −1 10 BER In this section we show that the coding gain of the STBCs from ACIOD is greater than the CPD (Theorem 4.1). Theorem 4.1: The coding gain of non-square STBCs from ACIOD with the variables taking values from a signal set, is greater than the CPD of the signal set. Proof: Consider S defined in (11), then 0 0 aIN −n 0 0 bIn (17) SH S = 0 0 cIN −n ) (19) −4 10 5 10 15 ρ 20 25 Fig. 1. The BER performance of STBCs from OD, QODs and the design of this paper at 3 bits/sec/Hz in quasi-static Rayleigh fading channel. the STBC obtained from ACIOD with rate 3/4 Complex Orthogonal design (GLPCOD) and rate 1 QOD obtained by deleting one column of the 4 antenna code given in [11] at a rate of 3 bits/sec/Hz in Fig. 1. The 8-QAM were appropriately rotated for both ACIOD and QOD to achieve full diversity. Observe that the ACIOD performs 2 dB better than OD and 0.1 dB better than QOD at BER=10−4 . However ACIOD allows single-symbol decoding and hence lower receiver complexity while QOD has double-symbol decoding (similar observations hold for N = 4, 5 and hence, for clarity, the curve for QOD [3], [10] N = 4 has been omitted in Fig. 2). Fig. 2 gives the comparison of rate 1 CIOD for four transmit antennas and rate 3/4 ACIOD for five transmit antennas, with known STBCs at a rate of 2 bits/sec/Hz. The CIOD and ACIOD uses appropriate QPSK constellations, while rate 3/4 GLPCOD for four transmit antennas uses 6-PSK for a rate of 1.94 bits/sec/Hz. The rate 1/2 GLPCOD for five transmit antennas uses the 16-QAM. Also compared is the rate 1 STBC for four transmit antennas obtained by constellation rotation (STBC-CR) which maximizes coding gain [19] and hence is better than DAST [18]. Observe that while STBCCR has higher coding gain for four transmit antennas it has - 2007 - 0-7803-7974-8/03/$17.00 © 2003 IEEE MMI of CIOD is given by R=1/2 COD R=3/4 COD R=1 CIOD R=1 STBC−CR R=1/2 COD R=3/4 CIOD R=3/4 QOD R=3/4 ICIOD −2 P , Probability of bit error b 10 −3 10 CD (N, M, ρ) = = 1 {C1,O + C2,O } 2 1 {CO (N1 , M, ρ) + CO (N2 , M, ρ)} 2 where N1 + N2 = N, N2 < N1 . Observe the scaling of ρ in the above equation due to the trace constraint on transmit power, i.e. tr S H S = L. The above result follows from the fact that the CIOD is block diagonal with each block being a GLPCOD. Proceeding, similarly we have the MMI of STBCs from ACIOD as −4 10 CA (N, M, ρ) = CO (N1 , M, ρ) (22) −5 10 6 10 8 12 14 Eb/N0 (dB) 16 18 20 22 Fig. 2. The BER performance of the CIOD scheme for 4 transmit and 1 receive antenna compared with STBC-CR, rate 1/2 GLPCOD and rate 3/4 GLPCOD and the BER performance of rate 3/4 ACIOD for 5 transmit and 1 receive antennas compared with rate 3/4 QOD and rate 1/2 GLPCOD at a throughout of 2 bits/sec/Hz in Rayleigh fading. where CA is the MMI of STBCs from ACIOD for N transmit and M receive antennas at a SNR of ρ and N = 2N1 − n. Comparing with CD in (22) it is easily seen that these codes have higher MMI as compared to the corresponding STBCs obtained by deleting columns of CIOD. For example for N = 3, N1 = 2, N2 = 1 and hence CD < CA . The increase in MMI for M > 1 is obvious. higher multiplicity and hence performs 1 dB inferior to CIOD. Comparison of rate 3/4 CIOD and the STBC from ACIOD for N = 5 shows that ACIOD performs 3 dB better than CIOD. TABLE III C OMPARISON OF KNOWN RECTANGULAR GLPCOD S Tx. Antennas VI. D ISCUSSION In this paper we have presented a new construction of nonsquare single-symbol decodable STBCs that have better coding gain and lower PAPR as compared to the non-square STBCs obtained from CIODs [12] by deleting columns as it has lesser number of zeros. The coding gain (CPD) for rotated lattice constellations is also maximized. Table III gives the comparison of rates for ODs and ACIODs. Another important property of the STBCs from ACIOD is that they have higher Maximum Mutual Information (MMI) as compared to the corresponding CIODs. Towards this end observe that the STBCs from ACIOD consists of two ODs of size N that are separated in time. The MMI in bits per channel use of GLPCOD for N transmit and M receive antennas at a SNR of ρ can be written as [16] CO (N, M, ρ) = K ρ log2 1 + H2 L N (20) HH observe that H is a N × M matrix. Since H2 = H where H is the N M ×1 vector formed by stacking the columns of H, we have CO (N, M, ρ) = K C(M N, 1, M ρ). L (21) For STBCs obtained from CIODs by deleting columns, recollect that it consists of two GLPCODs, Θ1 , Θ2 of rate K/L. Let C1,O , C2,O be the MMI of Θ1 , Θ2 respectively. Then the GLOBECOM 2003 3 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 Orthogonal design compared Compared design Delay Rate [2], [6] 4 3/4 [4] 11 7/11 [4] 30 3/5 [2], [6], [9] 8 1/2 [6] 16 1/2 [2] 32 1/2 [6] 32 1/2 [2] 64 1/2 [6] 64 1/2 [2] 128 1/2 [6] 128 1/2 [2] 256 1/2 AND ACIOD S ACIOD Delay Rate 4 1 8 3/4 8 3/4 8 3/4 22 7/11 22 7/11 60 3/5 60 3/5 A PPENDIX Theorem 1.1: Consider a lattice constellation A, with signal points from the square lattice (2k − 1 − Q)d + j(2l − 1 − Q)d where k, l ∈ Z and d is chosen so that the average energy of the constellation is 1, rotated by an angle θ so as to maximize = CP D. The CP D of A is maximized at θ = arctan(2) 2 31.7175◦ and is given by 4d2 CP Dopt = √ . (23) 5 Proof: The proof is in three steps. First we derive the optimum value of θ for 4-QAM, denoted as θopt ( the corresponding CP D is denoted as CP Dopt ). Second, we show that at θopt , CP Dopt is in-fact the CP D for all other lattice constellations. Finally, we show that for any other value of θ ∈ [0, π/2], CP D < CP Dopt completing the proof. - 2008 - 0-7803-7974-8/03/$17.00 © 2003 IEEE Step 1: Any point P(x, y) ∈ 2 rotated by an angle θ ∈ [0, 90◦ ] can be written as xR cos(θ) sin(θ) x = . (24) yR − sin(θ) cos(θ) y R Let P1 (x1 , y1 ), P2 (x2 , y2 ) be two distinct points in A such that x = x1 − x2 , y = y1 − y2 . Observe that x, y = 0, ±2d, · · · . We may write x = ±2md, y = ±2nd, m, n ∈ Z but both x, y cannot be zero simultaneously, as P1 , P2 are distinct points in A. Since, rotation is a linear operation, xr x =R , (25) yr y where xr = x1 R − x2 R , yR = y1 R − y2 R . The CP D(P1 , P2 ) is given by CP D(P1 , P2 ) = = |xr ||yr | 2 2 xy cos(2θ) + (x) − (y) sin(2θ) . 2 For 4-QAM, possible values of CP D(P1 , P2 ) are CP D1 = 2d2 | sin(2θ)|, CP D2 = 4d2 | cos(2θ)|. (26) As sine is an increasing function and cosine a decreasing function of θ in the first quadrant, equating CP D1 , CP D2 gives the optimal angle of rotation, θopt . Let CP D(θ) be the CP D at angle θ and CP Dopt = maxθ CP D(θ). It follows that θopt = arctan(±2) = 31.7175◦ , 58.285◦ and CP Dopt = 2 2 2 2d sin(2θopt ) = 4d cos(2θopt ). Step 2: Substituting the optimal values of sin(2θopt ), cos(2θopt ) in (26) we have 4d2 CP D(P1 , P2 ) = √ ±nm + n2 − m2 5 (27) where n, m ∈ Z and both n, m are not simultaneously zero and Z is the set of integers. It suffice to show that | ± nm + n2 − m2 | ≥ 1∀n, m provided both n, m are not simultaneously zero. The quadratic equations in n, | ± nm + n2 − m2 | has roots √ m n = {±1 ± 5}. 2 Since n, m ∈ Z, | ± nm√+ n2 − m2 | ∈ Z and is equal to zero 2 2 only if n = 0, m 2 {±1± 5}. Necessarily, |±nm+n −m | ≥ 1 for n, m ∈ Z and both n, m are not simultaneously zero. Therefore at θopt the CP D(θopt ) = CP Dopt . Step 3: Next, observe that for any value of θ other than θopt either CP D1 or CP D2 is less than CP Dopt . It follows that CP D(θ) ≤ CP Dopt with equality iff θ = θopt . Observe that Theorem 1.1 has application in all schemes where the performance depends on the CP D such as the schemes in [22], etc. and the references therein. Also note that the essence of Theorem 1.1 was presented in [23], however our proof is simpler. Finally, a note of caution in comparing the coding gains of CIOD and other STBCs. The average transmit GLOBECOM 2003 power constraint for the different STBCs should be satisfied for fair comparison. 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