The Gawler Orocline Is it bent and why should we care? David Giles, Peter Betts, Greg Swain and Martin Hand Orocline: “…an orogenic system which has been flexed in plan to a horseshoe shape.” Carey, W.S., 1955. The orocline concept in geotectonics, Proceedings or the Royal Society of Tasmania, 89: 255288. 1 At continental convergent margins with subduction polarity toward the ocean: Subduction zone retreats and decorates the craton margin (recesses and salients) with with arc, back arc and extended terranes from the over-riding plate eg. Carpathian Arc, Western Med 2 At continental convergent margins with subduction polarity toward the continent: Variable extension or indentation of the continental margin depending on geometry and buoyancy (oceanic plateaux, continental material, active plumes?) of the subducting plate eg. India-Asia collision 3 Archaean core From “the Green Book” MESA Bulletin 54 The Geology of South Australia, Volume 1, The Precambrian Palaeoprot. horse-shoe Archaean horse-shoe 4 ~1.8-1.6 Ga Basins P&D Nawa Mt Woods Tarcoola Willyama York Peninsula Exposed Archaean 0 200 kilometers 400 Tallacootra sz 1680±37 dextral transpression 0 200 kilometers 400 Kalinjala sz 1682±10 dextral transpression Kimban Orogeny 1.73-1.69 Ga 0 200 kilometers 400 Dates from Swain et al, 2005 Precam Res, 139: 164-180 5 Nuyts Volcanic Arc 1.64-1.60 Ga 0 200 kilometers 400 Coober Pedy Mt Woods 0 200 kilometers 400 Broken Hill Fowler Yorke Peninsula Olarian Orogeny 1.60-1.57 Ga 0 200 kilometers 400 6 GRV BRV Hiltaba Event 1.59-1.57 Ga 0 200 kilometers 400 If we accept that the Gawler craton is actually an orocline… … we should ask how and when did it get that way? 7 When? Before the Gawler Range Volcanics (mostly undeformed) After early Olarian radial structures Slap bang in the middle of the Olarian Orogeny, at which time.. …arc magmatism in the c. 1.641.60 Ga Nuyts domain was shut down, magmatism moved inboard of the margin and took on a distinctly plumey feel (c. 1.60-1.57 Ga Hiltaba Event) and, was broadly coincident with crustal shortening 8 How? Roll back of south dipping subduction into continental recess? Requires horse-shoe geometry of the craton through multiple events prior to 1.60 Ga Olarian def and met focussed on the wrong plate Missing (or perhaps unrecognised) suture between Nuyts and Gawler craton proper How? Olarian aged indentor during north dipping subduction? Possible Lithospheric delamination due to shortening could lead to A-type magmatism However, if the indentor was continental material we don’t have a record of it 9 One possibility: Buoyant subduction of a plume GRV BRV Transient shortening and voluminous magmatism as plume breaches slab 0 200 kilometers 400 Why do we care? If the orocline concept is correct then the tectonic setting, fault architecture and hydrothermal systems in the eastern Gawler Craton (Olympic Dam) can be understood with reference to modern analogues Major implications for those of us who (despite counselling) can’t stop trying to put Australia back together 10 Deposits form in an orogen parallel zone, controlled by intersection of significant orogen parallel structures with oblique structures Hmmm, where have I seen that before? 11 GRV BRV 0 200 kilometers 400 Deposits form where magmatic/ hydrothermal system overprints previously unmetamorphosed basins, potentially containing evaporites An IOCG plume trail in eastern Australia? 12