Hello Narwhals! Today is Monday, February 1st. It is D Day on your

Hello Narwhals!
Today is Monday, February 1st. It is D Day on your schedule.
Band practice groups for today are: TBA
The orchestra lessons today will be Viola Lesson, 4th period and Viola Lesson, 7th period.
Coin Wars begin today! Make sure you save up your loose change and those quarters!!! Don’t
forget, the Student/Faculty basketball game is this Friday after school!
Mascot Madness is entering week 2! Only 1/2 of you have logged in. Click on the Mascot
Madness icon right now and log in your activity since January 25th. What place is Marsh Creek
in after week one? Is Gold House or Blue House ahead? Homeroom teachers, SHOW THE
To all future Lionville Middle School students: Ms. Reimers is coming to audition singers for
7th grade Vocal Ensemble today, Monday Feb. 1st. Please come to the stage and sign up for an
audition time, and don’t forget to pick up a hall pass as a reminder of your time!
There will be a Yearbook Club meeting for Spirit and Field Trips tomorrow, February 2nd at
8:00 in B117.
The Scholastic Book Fair is coming to the Marsh Creek library starting today! ELA classes will
be visiting all this week to shop for some groovy books! Ask your teacher or check with Mrs.
Sibley in the library for your exact shopping date.
To the students involved in Intramural Tchoukball: The following teams have moved on to the
Play-Offs and will play next Thursday: The Fin Whales, Orcas, Narwhals, and Blue Whales.
Thank you to all participants for a successful tournament.
Extra! Extra! Read all about it! On the DASD website under announcements there is a
link to the Narwal Nation Newspaper. It includes interesting articles and comics
made by your fellow students. The Newspaper Club worked very hard on it, so
please look into it!
Student Council will be selling stuffed animals for Valentine’s Day. They are $2 each or 2 for
$3. You can purchase them for your friends during lunches from February 8th-11th but be aware
that quantities are limited! Valentines will be delivered on February 12th to homerooms.
Marsh Creek is trying to purchase a new AED machine for our building. If every student in the
school donates 75 cents each, we can get one that is state of the art. If you are interested in
donating, Student Council members will be collecting money during lunches from February 8 th
-12th. If you make a donation, you will get a free Valentine’s pencil.
Poop there it is! Marsh Creek will be collecting diapers for the Lord’s Pantry’s 50 th
birthday. Each school is going to collect something different and the narwhals have been
assigned diapers. Please bring packages or a monetary donation into your homeroom teachers
by February 25th
The Ski Trip has been rescheduled for Friday, February 26th. Don’t forget that we will be
heading to Bear Creek this Saturday, February 6th as well! Please see Mrs. Leister if you have
any questions!
Speaking of the basketball game, we need your help! A key fundraising component of Coin
Wars and the student-faculty basketball game is our raffle baskets. We are asking for donated
items for the baskets. In addition to specific items we are also accepting gift cards. To help
make things easier each team has been assigned themes. If you would like to donate to a theme
that is not your team you can. A list of the themes are on the school website.
Today is the beginning of Black History Month. In honor of this, we will read a quick African
American fact each morning during the month of February.
Today's notable person is Frederick Douglass. In 1818 Douglass was born a slave in Maryland
but as a young man he snuck onto a train headed to New York to obtain his freedom.
Throughout his life he became a public speaker and an author of several books explaining the
inequalities of slavery. His experiences helped fuel the abolitionist movement which fought to
promote equal rights for all races. A portrait of Frederick Douglass is featured today on
Google's search engine.
Spirit Wear this week is Homeroom Color Wars. Here are the assigned colors:
A Team: pink
B Team: black
C Team: purple
D Team: blue
E Team: green
F Team: yellow
G Team: orange
H Team: red
Now it’s time for the Pledge.
I pledge allegiance, to the flag…