BASSETT UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT TEXTBOOK ADOPTIONS WITH COMPONENTS Year of Core Subject Base Text and Publisher MATHEMATICS K - 5th Houghton Mifflin California Math K-5 Adoption Term 2008 2012 2008 2012 2008 2012 2008 2012 2008 2012 2008 2012 2008 2012 Student Text: K - California Math Pupil Edition, Multi-vol Complete, Lv K (10 vols.) 1st - California Math Pupil Edition, Multi-vol Complete, Lv K (10 vols.) 2nd - California Math Pupil Edition, Multi-vol Complete, Lv 2 (set of 10 vols.) 3rd - California Pupil Edition Level 3 4th - California Pupil Edition Level 4 5m - California Pupil Edition Level 5 MATHEMATICS 6-8 th Holt Rinehart & Winston Math 6-8 Student Text: 6 - 7th 8th - Course 1: Numbers to Algebra Student Text Course 2: Pre Algebra Student Text Algebra 1 Student Text MATHEMATICS 9-12 Holt Rinehart & Winston Holt California Algebra 1 Student Text and Teacher Resources Holt California Geometry Student Text and Teacher Resources Holt California Algebra 2 Student Text and Teacher Resources McDougal Littell McDougal Littell Algebra 1 Student Text and Teacher Resources Algebra 1 Support McDougal Littell Algebra Readiness Student Text and Teacher Resources Houghton Mifflin Houghton Mifflin PreCalculus with Limits Student Text and Teacher Resources Houghton Mifflin PreCalculus with Limits. A Graphing Approach Student Text and Teacher Resources Houghton Mifflin Calculus - Earlv Transcendental Functions Student Text and Teacher Resources MG A Step bv Sten pp 2008 2012 20°° 2008 Sd Text and Teacher Resources Student CGraw-HUI s 1' • LANGUAGE ARTS K-S* OnenConrt - K- 5* SRAMcCtaw/HiU K Open Court Language Arts Skills Open Court Sounds and Letter Skills 1 1st Onf p0U? ^re;de,C0dable & Decodable consumable materials Open Court Anthologies, Book 1 & 2 2nd ^ On!n rH a6^T °PeS C0Urt DecodabIe consumable materials Open Court Anthologies Book 1 & 2 3rd Open Court Readers Open Court Decodable consumable materials Open Court Spelling Workbooks (as requested by teacher) Open Court Spelling & Vocabulary Open Court Book 1 & 2 4 5' °Pen Court Decodable Take Home Workbooks Open Court Anthology Open Court Handbook Open Court Anthology or High Point Basic Open Court Handbooks LANGUAGE ARTS 6™?™ &8™ Holt, Rinehart& Winston Holt Literature Lammag* A ^ Introductory Course- 6th Grade 9nn, First Course- 7th Grade Second Course -8 th Grade Student Edition Handbook and workbook Teacher Resources for each grade level LANGUAGE ARTS 9th - 12th Prentice Hall Timeless Vo.Y^ Timeless Thpm» Gold-9m Grade Platinum- 10th Grade The American Express - 11th Grade The British Tradition - 12th Grade Student Edition & Teacher Resources for each grade level ELD ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS Hampton Brown p . . Pearson Learning Into English K-5 High Point ELD-Intervention 6-8 Shining Star 9-12 200 2008 ^OREIGH LANGUAGE -4cDougal Littell Discovering French, Nouveau! 2004 Student Edition and Teacher Resources Bleu 2004 Blanc 2004 Rouge 2004 En Bonne Forme. 7th Ed.. Levels 4 -5 2003 2008 Moments Litteraires (1992 edX Levels 3-4 2003 2008 Civilization v Cultura de EsDanol 2003 Sendas Literarias 1 Sendas Literarias 2008 2003 2008 2007 2012 2007 2012 2007 2012 2007 2012 2007 2012 2007 2012 2007 2012 2007 2012 En espanol 1-2-3 SCIENCE K-5 Macmillan McGraw-Hill California Science Student text Practice book Teacher Edition SCIENCE 6,7th & 8lh Glencoe McGraw-Hill Focus on Earth Science— 6th Focus on Life Science — 7th Focus on Physical Science — 8 Student text California Standards Enrichment Workbook Reading Study Guide Teacher Edition SCIENCE 9th - 12lh Pearson Prentice Hall Conceptual Physics (9-12) Student Text and Teacher Edition Holt Rinehart & Winston Biology Johnson /Raven (9-12) Student Text and Teacher Edition Pearson Prentice Hall Chemistry. (9-12) Student Text and Teacher Edition Chemistrv The Central Science AP Edition : (9-12) Student Text and Teacher Edition California Prentice Hall Earth Science (9-12) Student Text and Teacher Edition Thomson Physics: For Scientists and Engineers Brooks/Cole With Modern Physics (9-12) Student Text and Teacher Edition HISTORY/SOCIAL STUDIES K-8 History Social Studies - K-5 Houghton Mifflin (Teacher Editions for each grade level) K 1st *■ 3r 4th 5th 2006 MV World Rip Rnnlr School and Family Neighborhoods Communities California ShiHies United States History Student Text and Teacher Resources World History; y Medieval and Earlv Modern T.W 7™ r,n|itf McDougal Littell Student Text and Teacher Resources Century America : A History »f the United Kt»t~ McDougal Littell Student Text and Teacher Resources HISTORY/SOCIAL STUDIES 9-12 GEORGRAPHY:9* The World & Its Peop.e - Boehm, et al Glencoe WORLD HISTORY: 10th World History: The Modem Wn.M Student Text and Teacher Resources ind Esler Esler Prentice Prentice Hall Hall -Ellis and ^ Student Text and Teacher Resources US HISTORY:! 1th CP The American- Instruction tn tH. <>** „.,,..._. Danzer» Klor de Alva, Krieger, Wilson, Woloch !1 2006 2011 2000 2000 20' 2008 2°°6 20U uu 2006 McDougal Littell Student Text and Teacher Resources US HISTORY: H/HP 11th AmerieanPafieant-12 ed Bailey, et al - Houghton Mifflin Student Text and Teacher Resources ECONOMICS: 12th 5^{^Princi|>lw''" 5^{^Princi|>lw'" ^^'""-Osullivan, ^^""-Osullivan, Shef&in Shef&in 1998 1998 2008 2006 2006 2011 Student Text and Teacher Edition ECONOMICS AP 12th Economic^-McConneU, Brue McGraw-Hill MGw-Hill , Student Text and Teacher Edition 2006 2006 20U TJS GOVERNMENT 12th American Government- McClenaghan Magruders Prentice Hall 2006 2011 2006 2011 2006 2011 2006 2001 2006 2011 2005 2008 2005 2008 Student Text and Teacher Resources GOVERNMENT AP 12th American Government-Wilson , Dilulio Houghton Mifflin Student Text and Teacher Edition PSYCHOLOGY: 11th & 12th Psychology- Myers Worth Publishers Student Text and Teacher Edition SOCIOLOGY 11 * & 12th Sociology- Macionis -American Culture Prentice Hall Student Text and Teacher Edition PSYCHOLOGY AP Psychology and Life- Gerric, Zimbardo Pearson Student Text and Teacher Edition HEALTH HEALTH COURSE Torch Middle School Glencoe McGraw Hill Student Text and Teacher Edition HEALTH (BHS, 9th) HOLT HEALTH (Lifetime Health) Student Text and Teacher Edition