Curriculum Vitae - Tufts University

Samantha Haley Snyder
Tufts University, Department of Psychology
490 Boston Avenue, Medford, MA 02155
Expect 2017 Tufts University
Ph.D. in Experimental Psychology (Social Psychology Focus)
University of North Florida
M.A. in General Psychology
Thesis: Women in Leadership: Performance and Interpersonal Consequences of
Stereotype Threat
University of Central Florida
B.S. in Psychology, B.A. in Sociology, Honors in Major, Summa Cum Laude
Thesis: Impact of Sport Participation on Academic Achievement
U.S. Army Natick Center for Applied Brain and Cognitive Sciences Research
Grant ($28,000)
Deborah Greenwald Summer Fellowship ($2000)
Graduate Student Research Award, Tufts University ($700)
Graduate Student Travel Fund, Tufts University ($400)
Graduate Student Travel Fund, Tufts University ($400)
Nominated for Psychology Student of the Year, University of North Florida
Graduate Student Grant, University of North Florida ($1000)
Transformational Learning Opportunity, University of North Florida ($450)
Graduate Student Grant, University of North Florida ($2000)
Graduate Student Grant, University of North Florida ($1000)
Psychology Graduate Fellowship, University of North Florida ($1790)
Alpha Kappa Delta International Sociology Honor Society
Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society
Psi Chi International Honor Society in Psychology
Remedios, J. D., & Snyder, S. H. (2015). Where do we go from here? Toward an
inclusive and intersectional literature of multiple stigmatization. Sex Roles.
Remedios, J. D., Snyder, S. H., & Lizza, C. (2015). Perceptions of women of color who
claim compound discrimination: Interpersonal judgments and perceived
credibility. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations.
Remedios, J. D., & Snyder, S. H. (2015). How women of color detect and
respond to multiple forms of prejudice. Sex Roles.
Snyder, S. H., & Remedios, J. D. (2016). Do perceivers categorize faces in terms of
intersectional or superordinate identities? Poster will be presented at the Society for
Personality and Social Psychology Conference, San Diego, CA.
Snyder, S. H., & Remedios, J. D. (2015). Asian, Black and White women’s experiences under
identity threat within leadership roles. Paper will be presented at the North Eastern
Psychological Association Conference, Fitchburg, MA.
Snyder, S. H., & Remedios, J. D. (2015). Racial differences in women’s leadership experiences:
Perceived fit and stereotype threat for intersectional identities. Poster presented at the
Society for Personality and Social Psychology Conference, Long Beach, CA.
Remedios, J. D., & Snyder, S. H. (2015). Discrimination claims by women of color:
Interpersonal consequences of claiming racism, sexism, and compound discrimination.
Poster presented at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology Conference, Long
Beach, CA.
Snyder, S. H., & Allen, A. B. (2014). (De)constructing leaders: Stereotype threat negatively
impacts women on multiple dimensions. Poster presented at the Society for Personality
and Social Psychology Conference, Austin, TX.
Snyder, S. H., Walsh, J., & Allen, A. B. (2013). Perceptions of prejudice and emotional
responses in group interactions. Poster presented at the Society for Personality and Social
Psychology Conference, New Orleans, LA.
2013-Present Social Identity & Stigma Lab
Advisor: Dr. Jessica Remedios
Working on projects concerning the broad topics of stigma-related experiences
and intersectionality. One line of work is examining how leadership
experiences differ for a few gender-by-race intersectional groups. Another line of
work examines how people with multiple stigmatized identities are perceived
when making different claims of experiencing prejudice. Lastly, in a new line of
work, I am examining how we cognitively represent intersectional groups as well
as trying to develop new quantitative methods for addressing intersectional
research questions.
Applied Diversity Science Initiative
Advisor: Dr. Keith Maddox
Assisted with ongoing program evaluations of three diversity programs designed
to increase retention and success of first generation and demographically
underrepresented students at Tufts University and Morgan State University.
Self, Well-Being, & Social Behavior Lab
Advisor: Dr. Ashley Batts Allen
Conducted a study examining the effect of stereotype threat on women in
leadership positions and another study examining impression management
strategies and emotional reactions to an ambiguous intergroup situation
(imagined) in which participants could become concerned with being a target of
prejudice or with being perceived as prejudiced
Productivity Measurement and Enhancement System Lab
Advisor: Dr. Robert Pritchard
Assisted with a study applying a method of improving performance used in
business settings (ProMES) to athletic teams by coding players’ performance and
movements from basketball game film
2013-Present Tufts University, Department of Psychology
Graduate Teaching Assistant
Introduction to Social Psychology
• Experimental Psychology (2 Semesters) - led laboratory sections
• Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences - led laboratory sections
University of North Florida, Department of Psychology
Instructor, Research Methods Laboratory (4 Sections)
Number of undergraduates who completed research assistantships under my supervision:
9 students
18 students
9 students
15 students
Undergraduate who is completing a senior thesis under my supervision:
Joey Cheung
Psychology Graduate Recruitment Committee, Tufts University
First Year Graduate Student Liaison, Tufts University
Diversity & Inclusion Strategy Committee, Tufts University
Psychology Graduate Recruitment Committee, Tufts University
Psychology Website Committee, University of North Florida
Vice President, Psychological Society, University of Central Florida
Volunteer, Tunnel of Oppression, University of Central Florida
President, Alpha Kappa Delta, University of Central Florida
Summer Institute in Social and Personality Psychology (SISPP)
Courses: Personality Development & Best Research Practices