COURSE INFORMATION Biology 191L Organismal Biology Lab Spring, 2015 INSTRUCTOR: Renee Magrini OFFICE: Bris. 334 OFFICE PHONE: 445-4286 EMAIL: OFFICE HOURS: 1:00 p.m.-2:00 p.m. Mon. – Thur.; 3:00-4:00 p.m. Tue. & Thur.; or by appointment. ATTENDANCE: It is your responsibility to attend all laboratory sessions. Attendance will be recorded at the beginning of each lab. Attendance in lab is MANDATORY because lab experiences are hands-on and cannot be made up. Attendance will be recorded at the beginning of lab. If you are late and miss the taking of attendance, be sure to see me a fter class so I can mark you present. If you fail to do this, you will be marked absent irreversibly . Each lab class will be worth 2 points if you are present at the start time for the lab. If you are late or leave early, only 1 point will be earned. There will be a total of 16 labs during the semester, for a total of 32 attendance points possible. Throughout the semester, a total of 2 absences or 4 tardies or any combination totaling 4 points will be excused. Any additional absences or tardies will diminish your attendance grade. Attendance in lab is worth 100 points toward your final lab average. METHOD OF INSTRUCTION: Primarily hands-on activities, such as microscopy and dissection. LAB HOMEWORK: Each lab exercise in your lab manual concludes with a set of Questions for Further Thought and Study. For each assigned lab exercise in your lab manual, you will complete the Questions for Further Thought and Study at the end of each lab exercise. On occasion, additional questions will be given. Study questions will be completed after lab and turned in at the beginning of lab the following week . Lab homework must be typed on a separate sheet from lecture homework. The student’s name, lab exercise number, and Questions for Further Thought and Study must be typed in the upper right corner of the page. Homework is worth 100 points toward your final lab average. EXAMS & GRADING: There will be two (2) lab exams, one at mid-term and one at the end of the semester. These exams are lab practicals and cannot be made up. Each lab exam will be worth 100 points, for a total of 200 points toward your lab average. ACADEMIC DISHONESTY (CHEATING): Cheating includes, but is not limited to: looking at another student’s quiz, lab practical, or exam; looking at one’s notes, textbook or cell phone while taking a quiz or exam; plagiarizing another student’s work; plagiarizing copyrighted material. Any students found cheating will be expelled from the class. LAB MANUAL: Biology Laboratory Manual 9 th Ed. by Vodopich and Moore. ISBN-13: 0077389697 RECOMMENDED: Photo Atlas for Biology by Perry and Morton. ISBN-13: 0-534-23556-5 COMPUTING YOUR GRADE: Your scores on all homework assignments, lab exams, and attendance will be summed and divided by the total points possible (i.e. 400 points) to determine your lab average. Hypothetical Example: 87 (Lab Exam #1) 92 (Lab Exam #2) 95 (Attn) 100 (Hmwk) 374 374/400 = .935 X 100 = 93.5% (94%) If your final average is: Grade 93-100 ......A 90-92 ........A87-89 ........B+ 83-86 ........B 80-82 ........B77-79 ........C+ 73-76 ........C 70-72 ........C67-69 ........D+ 63-66 ........D 60-62 ........D59 i ........F Grade Points 4.0 3.7 3.3 3.0 2.7 2.3 2.0 1.7 1.3 1.0 0.7 0 THIS GRADING SCALE IS ABSOLUTE--THERE WILL BE NO EXCEPTIONS TO THIS POLICY! TENTATIVE LABORATORY OUTLINE Biology 191 DATE Organismal Biology Lab TOPIC Spring, 2015 LAB MANUAL Jan. 22 Bacteria and Archaea (Lecture during lab) Chapter 25 Jan. 29 Survey of Prokaryotes Kingdoms Archaebacteria and Bacteria Exercise 24 Feb. 5 Survey of the Protists: The Algae Exercise 25 Feb. 12 Survey of the Protists: Protozoa and Slime Molds Exercise 26 Feb. 19 Survey of the Kingdom Fungi Exercise 27 Feb. 26 Survey of the Plant Kingdom: Liverworts, Mosses, etc. Survey of the Plant Kingdom: Seedless Vascular Plants Exercise 28 Exercise 29 Mar. 5 Survey of the Plant Kingdom: Gymnosperms Survey of the Plant Kingdom: Angiosperms Exercise 30 Exercise 31 Mar. 12 Plant Anatomy: Vegetative Structure of Vascular Plants Flowering Plants Exercise 32 Mar. 19 Spring Break–No Classes!! Mar. 26 LAB EXAM #1 Apr. 2 Survey of the Animal Kingdom: Phyla Porifera and Cnidaria Exercise 36 Apr. 9 Survey of the Animal Kingdom: Phyla Platyhelminthes and Nematoda Exercise 37 Apr. 16 Survey of the Animal Kingdom: Phyla Mollusca and Annelida Survey of the Animal Kingdom: Phylum Arthropoda Exercise 38 Survey of the Animal Kingdom: Phyla Echinodermata, Hemichordata and Chordata Dissection of Shark Dissection of Frog Exercise 40 Vertebrate Anatomy: External Features and Skeletal System of the Rat Vertebrate Anatomy: Muscles and Internal Organs of the Rat Vertebrate Anatomy: Urogenital and Circulatory Systems of the Rat Exercise 47 May 7 Ecology Lecture During Lab Chapter 54 Textbook May 14 LAB EXAM #2 Apr. 23 Apr. 30 Exercise 39 Handout Handout Exercise 48 Exercise 49 I: Catalog Course Description 1. Combines the principles of botany and zoology into one course emphasizing levels of organization and life processes common to all organisms. Topics range from nutrient processing and homeostasis to reproduction. Note: BIOL 190/190L plus BIOL 191/191L transfer to UNR as fulfilling BIOL 190, 191 and 192 requirements. II: Course Objectives C Gained factual knowledge (terminology, classifications, methods, trends) about Introduction to Organismal Biology. C Learned fundamental principles, generalizations, or theories of Introduction to Organismal Biology. C Learned to apply course material (to improve thinking, problem-solving, and decisions) in Introduction to Organismal Biology. C Developed specific skills, competencies and points of view needed by professionals in the field most closely related to Introduction to Organismal Biology. C Acquired an interest in learning more by asking questions and seeking answers about Introduction to Organismal Biology.