Course Syllabus John DeNigris SEM700R 02 06

–Course Syllabus
Course Title:
Course Schedule:
Course Location/Times:
SEM/700R – Doctoral Program Orientation Seminar
February 7, 2006 to February 13, 2006 – Online
Feb 16, 2006 – On-ground
On-ground Residency will be held in Designated Atlanta GA Location
ATL01-06B.SEM 700R This is the Main Classroom, and every learner
has the ability to read and write to this newsgroup. This is where class
discussion will be held, answers to discussion questions will be posted,
weekly summaries submitted, and weekly participation monitored (at
least two substantive messages on at least 5 days out of 7 each week).
University of Phoenix automatically monitors attendance from posting two
messages on any 2 separate days to any of the newsgroups.]
ATL01-06B.SEM 700R.ASSIGNMENTS [For the residency, we will
not be using this newsgroup. All activities will be taking place in the Main
ATL01-06B.CHAT.ROOM [For the residency, we will not be using this
Online Newsgroups:
newsgroup. All activities will be taking place in the Main Classroom.]
ATL01-06B.SEM 700R.COURSE.MATERIALS [For the residency,
we will not be using this newsgroup. All activities will be taking place in the
Main Classroom.]
[For the residency, we will not be using the Learning Team newsgroups. All
activities will be taking place in the Main Classroom.]
Web Access to Class:
Required Texts:
Cone, J. D., & Foster, S. L. (2001). Dissertations and theses from start to
finish. Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association.
Reference Materials:
American Psychological Association. (2001). Publication manual of the
American Psychological Association (5th ed.). Washington, D.C.: Author
University of Phoenix
Academic Review Checklist
Dissertation Tips
The Dual Roles of a Peer Coach
Research Journaling
The Japanese Have a Systemic Approach to Team Learning
Academic Rigor versus Work
APA PowerPoint
Scholarly Writing Rubric
Sample APA Paper
First Year Residency Overview
Electronic Resources:
All required articles and Web sites can be accessed through the Electronic
Reserve Readings (ERR) found on this course’s rEsource page.
Instructor’s Name:
Dr. John DeNigris III
407.248.9117 Eastern time
UoPhx E-mail Address:
Alternate E-mail Address:
Nine in the morning to 4 pm, except during residencies, then the best way to
catch me is through email.
My name is Dr. John DeNigris. Please call me Dr. D. I am excited to be your guide for this
learning journey and about being part of your online and your residency experience! I know you
will be leaving family, friends, and work behind as you traveled to Atlanta for your first on ground
course. Together we will make this a challenging, exciting, and rewarding learning event for you.
Please look over the syllabus and post any questions you have to the Question for Dr. D. thread
in the Main Newsgroup.
Instructor Bio
I have posted my bio to a thread in the Main Newsgroup, and invite you to post your bio to the
same thread the first day of the course.
Course Description
Upon completion of this course, learners will have prepared a plan to navigate their doctoral
program of study. This orientation seminar includes journaling for success, advanced Learning
Team tactics, finding and directing one’s passion into a doctoral research study, and APA
doctoral applications.
Purpose and Approach
SEM/700R, coupled with PHL/700R, is designed to assist and clarify learners’ transition to
doctoral-level inquiry. This first course in the Year One residency focuses on the applied nuances
of scholarship in University of Phoenix curricula and in greater academia. Learners entering this
residency are asked to evaluate critically what they have learned and done in previous
environments – master’s programs, workplaces, personal life – and recognize them as
components of a paradigm of thought and performance, one that will most likely be fundamentally
altered over the course of the program.
In SEM/700R, that evaluation translates to a better understanding of the nature and purpose of
doctoral education, heightened ability to think beyond perceptual differences in a team
environment, and increased understanding of the form and purpose of the dissertation in doctoral
study. Furthermore, this course affords learners increased preparation in the accepted practices
within the University of Phoenix model of scholarship, including scholarly writing and the use of
American Psychological Association (APA) style.
Finally, in this course, and in all residency courses, learners interact on a cohort-wide basis,
affording the opportunity to enrich their knowledge within an immersive, collaborative
environment. University of Phoenix doctoral education is designed and communicated with the
belief that scholarship is best actualized within a communal setting. In fact, much of the learning
experience in residency occurs outside of the classroom – in conversations with faculty and
students, in Learning Team sessions, and in the simple experience of being a part of a
community of scholars.
SEM/700R is designed to be a dialogic interaction between faculty and learners, with an
emphasis on the practical application of doctoral learning tools. Learners will work collaboratively
to understand the team process, to evaluate the meaning and structure of dissertations, and to
identify the various resources they will access throughout their program. These efforts culminate
in a foundational understanding of how learners might integrate passion, knowledge, and
scholarship into their studies and into their eventual dissertation research.
Course Topics and Objectives
The Doctoral Challenge
Compare and contrast levels of scholarship
Determine the mechanisms necessary for Learning Team stability
Resolve elements of a Learning Team charter
Create a Learning Team identity and logo
University of Phoenix Model of Scholarship
Differentiate between scholarly and non-scholarly sources
Develop a course of action for finding a research topic
Evaluate the meaning and structure of dissertations
Examine models of APA style
Scholarly Tools
Examine the role of academic journaling in research
Identify characteristics of a potential peer coach
Course Changes
Assignments in this document take priority. While the reading assignments and learning
objectives remain the same as indicated on the rEsource page, some of the assignments in this
syllabus have been customized for this particular course.
Attendance in Online Courses (First Week of SEM - Online)
A learner will be considered in attendance for a given week of online instruction if he or she posts
at least once in any newsgroup on two different days during the online week of Tuesday through
Monday. Deadlines for attendance are based on Mountain Standard Time. Working privately with
the instructor via email does not count toward the attendance required by the University. Any
learner who fails to make these weekly postings will be required to withdraw from that course
without a grade and will subsequently be required to retake the course in directed study format.
The Online Campus processes these withdrawals automatically. The Dean for the learner’s
program must approve each directed study. There is a maximum of three directed studies
allowed for a student during the entire program. Directed studies are not an entirely favorable
substitute for online classes, as learners miss the valuable interaction of their cohort members.
Participation for Online Courses
Learners are expected to participate, on at least 5 days out of each 7-day week, in several
conference discussions relating to the subject matter for the week. Discussions will take place in
the main classroom newsgroup as assigned by the faculty member in the course syllabus.
Learners will read, analyze, and respond to questions and comments from the faculty member
and fellow learners.
Attendance at Residencies (Last Segment of SEM – On-ground)
Every learner is expected to attend all classroom and Learning Team sessions of each of the
three residencies, and attendance will be taken at every event. Every learner is encouraged to
register and stay at the host residency hotel with other Cohort members for the full duration of
each residency. Residency courses that occur on weekends will adhere to the aforementioned
policy; no attendance exceptions will be made for learners attending activities external to
residency sessions.
Participation for Residency
Every learner is expected to fully participate in all classroom and Learning Team activities during
the residencies. While attendance refers to physical presence, participation connotes meaningful
interaction with other Cohort members.
Cohorts, Groups, and Teams
Learners are grouped together by program (DBA, DM, DHA, or EDD) during their SEM online
portion of the residency. Each of these groups is referred to as a cohort. Each cohort may or may
not include people who were classmates in COM/705 (the doctoral program entry class). Cohort
members matriculate together throughout their program.
Cohort members are divided into class groups. In some cases, different cohorts may be put
together to form a class group for common courses. For example, DBA cohort members may be
grouped with DM cohort members for a SEM/700R class. New class groups are formed for each
online class and residency. Each online class group may or may not include people who were
classmates in the first residency.
In residency and online classes, learners subdivide their groups into Learning Teams. The
Learning Team is a cooperative team of 4 to 6 learners who work together to accomplish course
team projects. In each online class, learners form new Learning Teams, and as such, Learning
Teams may or may not include people who have previously been teamed together.
Learning Teams are a vital part of the learning environment at University of Phoenix. Just as
groups change in professional work environments, Learning Teams will change at various times
throughout the program. The School of Advanced Studies strives to facilitate the opportunity for
learners to practice collaborative skills with many members of their cohort along their doctoral
Learning Team Concepts: 1 Residency (Online/On-Ground)
In the first residency class, SEM/700R, learners practice application of Learning Team concepts.
This includes the development of a charter template for use throughout their program classes.
During SEM/700R, learners form Learning Teams for their subsequent PHL/700R class.
Academic Honesty
Academic honesty is highly valued at the University of Phoenix. You must always submit work
that represents your original words or ideas. If any words or ideas used in a class posting or
assignment submission do not represent your original words or ideas, you must cite all relevant
sources and make clear the extent to which such sources were used. Words or ideas that require
citation include, but are not limited to, all hard copy or electronic publications, whether
copyrighted or not, and all verbal or visual communication when the content of such
communication clearly originates from an identifiable source. Please see the University of
Phoenix Catalog for more information about academic honesty, including consequences of
academic dishonesty.
Privacy and Confidentiality in the Online Classroom and during
One of the highlights of the University of Phoenix academic experience is that students can draw
on the wealth of examples from their organizations in class discussions and in their written work.
However, it is imperative that students not share information that is confidential, privileged, or
proprietary in nature. Students must be mindful of any contracts they have agreed to with their
Grading Criteria
There are no points in this zero-credit course.
Learners have write-only access to the Assignments newsgroup in Online classes, which
means you can post messages to the newsgroup but not download and read messages
there. However, you are able to go to the Student Web page,, to
see a list of messages you have posted in the Assignments newsgroup of the class.
The following link provides a demonstration of what this function looks like on the Student Web
page: Here are a few things to note about this
Learners can see the header of the messages, but not the actual text. If you see the
header, however, you can rest assured that the facilitator can read the posting.
Learners can see the headers of their own messages in the Assignments newsgroup, but
not the headers of messages posted by classmates or the facilitator.
There may be a delay of up to 30 minutes between the time a message is posted and the
time it registers on the Web page. If you check sooner than that and do not see the
message listed, you should check back later. If you still do not see the message listed
after an hour, you can try posting it again or contact Online Tech Support.
Workshop One – Online (One Week)
The Doctoral Challenge
Compare and contrast levels of scholarship
Determine the mechanisms necessary for Learning Team stability
Scholarly Tools
Examine the role of academic journaling in research
Individual Assignments
Reading Assignments: Articles as assigned on the course’s Electronic Readings
Reserve Page along with
Research Journaling
The Japanese Have a Systemic Approach to Team Learning
Academic Rigor versus Work
APA PowerPoint
Scholarly Writing Rubric
Sample APA Paper
First Year Residency Overview
Discussion Questions: Learners will formulate a response to the Discussion Questions
posted by the faculty member, referencing supporting literature wherever appropriate.
Learners will continue to discuss each other’s responses throughout the course week. The
first DQ response will be due on Day 2 (Wednesday), the second on Day 4 (Friday), and the
third on Day 6 (Sunday).
3. Activity #1 - Doctoral Learner Resources
View the SEM/700R Residency Orientation PowerPoint (available on the course’s
rEsource page), and visit at least three of the following online resources. Write a short
paragraph about the resources you feel will be important to your success in the doctoral
program. Post this paragraph to the thread I start no later than Day 3 (Thursday).
Program and Research Handbook (available on the front page [after log on] of
your student Web site)
Visit your program and research handbooks via the mycampus Web site, examining
the material detailed therein – especially regarding the research and dissertation path
through the program. Be prepared to discuss this material in the newsgroup and at
the residency session.
APA Style and Formatting Tools (available on the course rEsource page)
On the rEsource page for this course, several APA tools have been posted. Take
some time to familiarize yourselves with this material and to pose questions
regarding APA in our classroom
rEsource Features (available on the course rEsource page)
Explore the various components of the rEsource page, including the eBook collection
and Virtual Organizations. These features will be used in upcoming online courses,
so it is highly recommended that you become comfortable in accessing and working
within them.
The Center for Writing Excellence (CWE) (available via the Services section of
your student Web site)
Although you most likely have experience with the WritePoint system, take time this
week to explore other facets of the CWE. Of specific interest should be the
dissertation services and the plagiarism checker. Each of these components is
extremely helpful for writing in the doctoral programs.
4. Activity #2 - University Library
Most of you have already accessed the University Library for research, either in
COM/705 or in LDR/711. It is important to explore all of the resources available via the
online library. To begin this activity, review the Getting Started with Research in the
University Library document available on the library’s home page. After reading this
document, it is recommended that you visit (if you have not already) the following
collections within the library and take notes regarding the possible uses of each in your
own research.
While perusing the library, complete three tasks:
Find 5 topics of research interest.
Find a recent (within the last year), APA-formatted dissertation (preferably a UOP
dissertation) that addresses at least one of these topics. Post your 5 topics and
the title of the dissertation under the thread I establish in the main classroom
(due on Day 5) and bring an electronic copy the dissertation (saved to your
computer) to the on-ground day of SEM. During the on-ground workshop, you will
review the dissertation for specific criteria that I assign. Then you will present
your findings to your team members and complete an in-class team dissertation
Conduct a critical analysis of the nature and functionality of the databases you
review, including an understanding of the scope it covers, the meaning of the
qualifier “peer-reviewed,” and the search functions available – including
advanced search modes and Boolean logic (e.g. AND, OR search modifiers)
Article Databases – Major: you most likely have already used this resource; it
is important to ensure you understand the type and breadth of articles found in each
database provided (EBSCOhost, InfoTrac, and ProQuest). Explore the lists of
journals archived in each database and become comfortable with the “advanced
search” features of all three.
Article Databases – Specialized: These databases are much more specific in
scope than those found in the major listing, and many of their topical areas apply
directly to University of Phoenix’s doctoral programs. Whereas some of the
databases are not scholarly sources, they are excellent for idea generation and
general overviews of specific areas.
Books, Dissertations, and Theses: This section of the library should be of
particular interest to you for obvious reasons.;-) You can review the archived
dissertations from University of Phoenix to get a general idea of the type of research
conducted at this institution and as a way of conceiving the direction you might take
in your own studies.
Company Directories and Financials: This resource is most germane to DM
and DBA learners, but some of the material within, especially the Leadership Library,
applies across the disciplines.
Country Profiles and Economic Data: This section of the library contains data
on nations throughout the world, including cultural information. You will find these
resources invaluable if you wish to conduct research on global organizations .
Encyclopedias and Dictionaries: This section of the library contains an
extremely diverse selection of reference materials.
Writing and Publishing Resources: Crucial to those of you who wish to
continue in scholarship, this section of the library contains useful tools for entering
into the greater field of academia. Of special interest is the Papers Invited database,
which catalogs current and past calls for papers on a variety of topics.
5. Activity #3 - Timeline
Use the table found in the Research Path document to develop a personal programmatic
timeline and post this timeline to the main classroom newsgroup. The timeline should
include learners’ life events (A 2-week vacation to Europe next summer? A baby on the
way?), professional events (planning your company's annual sales conference in 2007?),
etc. as they relate, complement, and conflict with your ability to complete the program in
an efficient fashion. Recall that the School of Advanced Studies requires a B- or better to
proceed to the next class. How will you work your schedule and balance your personal
and professional commitments, to allow you time to successful complete each course?
Completed timelines will be reviewed and discussed collaboratively online. Post your
timeline to the thread I start no later than Day 6 (Sunday).
6. Implications and Conclusions: By the end of the week, learners create a brief statement of
how the week’s learning has affected their thought process. This statement will include
suggested real-world manifestations of the week’s material and a plan for implementing the
material in personal and/or professional settings. This statement can also include questions
for the course facilitator regarding material that may still be unclear. This statement will be
formatted with two headings, Implications and Conclusions, and the statement will be sent in
the body of an e-mail (not as an attachment) to the main class newsgroup under the thread I
Workshop Two – On-Ground (One Day)
University of Phoenix Model of Scholarship
Differentiate between scholarly and non-scholarly sources
Develop a course of action for finding a research topic
Evaluate the meaning and structure of dissertations
Resolve elements of a Learning Team charter
Create a Learning Team identity and logo
Reading Assignments:
Texts: Cone and Foster (2001), chapter 1, pp 3-8 and chapters 2,3,4, and 7
Articles: All required articles and Web sites can be accessed through the Electronic Reserve
Readings (ERR) found on this course’s rEsource page.
Dissertation Review: Learners will locate, via the electronic library, a recent (within the
last year), APA-formatted dissertation. Learners will bring an electronic copy of the
dissertation (saved on your computer) to the on-ground workshop. During the
workshop, learners will review the dissertation for specific criteria identified by faculty. Then,
learners will present their findings to their team members and complete an in-class team
dissertation assessment.
Learning Team Assignment
Team Name, Logo, and Charter Activity: Using the Learning Team Charter Template as
presented in COM 705, teams are asked to prepare a presentation detailing their name, logo,
and charter, with supporting information regarding their development. The goal of the
assignment is to prepare teams for creating charters throughout the curriculum and to
communicate effectively their roles and needs within the team environment.
You will form teams and give presentations during the on-ground segment of SEM
700R, January 5. Plan for the presentation to last about 10 – 15 minutes. The
presentation should address the following points in addition to those previously mentioned.
i. Purpose/strengths/challenges of teaming in an online environment
ii. Learning Team mission
iii. Specific activities for building community
iv. Specific steps for managing conflicts
v. Communication strategies
vi. Techniques for addressing addition, loss, and reformation of team members
throughout the doctoral program
Brief Summary of SEM/700r Deliverables
Chat Room Day 1 – Tuesday
DQs 1, 2, 3
Day 2, Wednesday - DQ 1
Day 4, Friday – DQ 2
Day 6, Sunday – DQ 3
Activity #1 – Doctoral Learner
Activity #2 – University Library
Day 5, Saturday
Activity #3 – Timeline
Day 6, Sunday
Weekly Implications & Conclusions
Ongoing— 5 days per week
SEM/700r Calendar
DQ 1
Activity #1
No class
No class
Class in
DQ 2
Activity #2
Activity #3
DQ 3
Online Class
Last day to
Activity #3
and DQ 3