Limnol. Oceanogr., 52(4), 2007, 1645–1664 2007, by the American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, Inc. E Composition and degradation of marine particles with different settling velocities in the northwestern Mediterranean Sea Madeleine Goutx Centre d’Océanologie de Marseille, Laboratoire de Microbiologie Marine, UMR6117, Campus de Luminy, Case 907, 13 288 Marseille Cedex 9, France Stuart G. Wakeham Skidaway Institute of Oceanography, 10 Ocean Science Circle, Savannah, Georgia 31411 Cindy Lee Marine Sciences Research Center, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, New York 11794-5000 Marie Duflos and Catherine Guigue Centre d’Océanologie de Marseille, Laboratoire de Microbiologie Marine, UMR6117, Campus de Luminy, Case 907, 13 288 Marseille Cedex 9, France Zhanfei Liu Marine Sciences Research Center, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, New York 11794-5000 Brivaëla Moriceau UMR 6539, Institut Universitaire Européen de la Mer, Site du Technopole Brest-Iroise, Place Nicolas Copernic, 29280 Plouzané, France Richard Sempéré and Marc Tedetti Centre d’Océanologie de Marseille, Laboratoire de Microbiologie Marine, UMR6117, Campus de Luminy, Case 907, 13 288 Marseille Cedex 9, France Jianhong Xue Marine Sciences Research Center, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, New York 11794-5000 Abstract Settling particles were collected from the Ligurian Sea in the northwestern Mediterranean Sea in May 2003 and separated by elutriation into different settling velocity classes (.230, 115–230, 58–115, and ,58 m d21). Particles of the different classes were incubated for 5 d to study their biodegradability. Particulate opal content and organic compound composition (amino acids, pigments, lipids, and carbohydrates) were analyzed initially and at regular time intervals during the incubation period. Most particles (48–67% of total mass) sank at greater than 230 m d21 and were dominated by large diatom-derived aggregates produced during the spring bloom period. The initial organic composition and the biological lability of these particles varied with settling velocity. The strong phytoplankton signal was visible in all settling velocity classes, while slower settling particles carried with them a greater zooplankton and bacterial signature. As the different class particles decomposed, their compositions changed and became more similar with time, with a dominance of compounds that suggests a more degraded state: the amino acids c-aminobutyric acid and b-alanine, the pigments pyropheophorbide and pheophytin, the deoxysugars fucose and rhamnose, and lipid metabolites (diglycerides and monoglycerides, alcohols, and free fatty acids). Biogenic opal in the particles dissolved faster in more degraded particles than in fresher particles, suggesting that loss of organic matter may expose opal to dissolution. The coupling of settling velocity and decomposition rate measurements shows quantitatively that slower settling particles are quickly degraded and Acknowledgments This research was part of the MedFlux and PECHE (Production and Export of Carbon: Control by Heterotrophs at small temporal scale) programs and was supported by the U.S. National Science Foundation Chemical Oceanography Program (OCE-0136370, OCE0136318, and OCE-0113687) and the French CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique), respectively. Participation of B.M. was funded by ORFOIS (Origin and Fate of Biogetic Particle Fluxes in the ocean) (EVK2-CT2001-00100). We thank Michael Peterson, Lynn Abramson, Jenni Szlosek, Meaghan Askea, and Isabell Putnam for shipboard and laboratory help; David Hirschberg and Michael Peterson for CHN analysis; Claude Mante for help with statistical data treatment; and the captain and crew of the RV Seward Johnson II. We wish to acknowledge the associate editor and two anonymous reviewers for very helpful comments and suggestions on the manuscript. This is MedFlux contribution 7 and MSRC contribution 1318. 1645 1646 Goutx et al. faster settling particles retain their original biological signal to a greater degree. Greater preservation of faster settling particles testifies to the importance of these particles as food resources for bathypelagic and surface sediment communities. Settling particles are the major vehicle for transporting organic matter (OM) from the sea surface to the deep ocean and sea floor (Boyd and Trull 2006). How rapidly large particles sink out of the upper ocean and how rapidly they decompose or dissolve determines the depth of CO2 remineralization and release of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) (Armstrong et al. 2002). This depth in turn determines whether the CO2 will be returned quickly to the atmosphere or be sequestered over longer time periods in the deep sea. The fundamental properties determining particle (aggregate) settling velocity are size, shape, and density. Organic matter has only a slight excess density over that of seawater, and thus most of the purely organic particles will sink very slowly, if at all. Some type of ballast is required to carry OM to depth (Ittekkot and Haake 1990). Biogenic silica (BSiO2) and calcium carbonate (CaCO3) are the major mineral components in marine plankton and provide the excess density necessary for less-dense organic matter to sink. Minerals may also protect organic matter from degradation, allowing it to penetrate deeper into the ocean (e.g., Hedges et al. 2001) or providing a matrix that holds particles together in larger aggregates (Lee et al. 2004). Armstrong et al. (2002) showed that ratios of particulate organic carbon (POC) to mineral ballast converge to a nearly constant value at depth, showing the strong relationship between organic carbon and mineral ballasts. Klaas and Archer (2002) further demonstrated that the variability in POC flux data compiled from deep sediment traps from 52 locations around the globe could largely be explained by the chemical composition of the ballast (i.e., opal vs. carbonate vs. alumino-silicate dust, indicative of biogenic silica of diatoms, calcareous shells of coccolithophores, and lithogenic inputs, respectively). Degradation of particulate organic matter in the pelagic ocean is well documented (Wakeham and Lee 1993). Decreasing POC concentrations and fluxes as a function of depth in the water column show great spatial and temporal variability in relation to the flux regime and the pelagic food webs that produce settling particles (Karl et al. 1988; Antia et al. 2001; Sheridan et al. 2002). Degradation rate constants have been estimated in the laboratory for various components of the particle flux, such as phytoplankton (e.g., Harvey et al. 1995; Harvey and Macko 1997), fecal pellets (Jacobson and Azam 1984), and laboratory-produced aggregates and natural large particles (Sempéré et al. 2000; Panagiotopoulos et al. 2002; Engel et al. unpubl. data), and show a large range of values (0.001– 0.10 d21). OM degradation may in turn have a strong effect on mineral dissolution because the fate of organic matter and ballast minerals are intimately intertwined (Hedges et al. 2001; Ingalls et al. 2003), and the rate at which ballast dissolution occurs is a critical control on particulate organic matter decomposition. In some studies, organic mater–mineral interaction has considerably decreased phytoplankton OM bioavailability in dinoflagellates, at least on a timescale of weeks (Arnarson and Keil 2000). Calcified coccolithophores with their calcium carbonate tests made more refractory particles than naked coccolithophores (Engel et al. unpubl. data). At the same time, OM can protect minerals from dissolution at cellular and particulate scales. Bacterial activity enhanced diatom frustule dissolution through ectoenzymatic hydrolysis of the protein membrane surrounding the diatom frustule (Bidle and Azam 1999, 2001); however, in the bathypelagic layers, hydrostatic pressure slows down this process through inhibition of bacterial ectohydrolase (Tamburini et al. 2006). At the scale of the particle, when diatoms are embedded inside aggregates in a matrix of degraded OM, dissolution of biogenic silica (BSiO2) decreases (Moriceau et al. 2007). Owing to their ballast function and their role in organic matter biodegradation, organic matter–mineral interactions have strong implications for OM cycling. However, relationships between mineral ballast, particle settling, mineral dissolution, and organic matter decomposition processes in the marine water column have rarely been addressed simultaneously. The MedFlux biogeochemistry program aimed to examine the role of minerals that are produced by organisms or introduced into the surface ocean by winds, on the magnitude and dynamics of organic carbon export to the deep ocean and sediments. Our specific objective was to explore relationships between settling velocity, organic carbon composition, opal content, and dissolution and degradation of settling particles. We used a newly developed NetTrap/elutriator system (Peterson et al. 2005) that enables fractionation according to settling velocity of the various particle classes that make up the carbon flux; we coupled this unique particle collection technology with microbial decomposition incubations. Methods Sampling strategy and incubation experiment—Samples were collected at the French time-series DYFAMED (Dynamique des Flux Atmosphériques en Mediterranée) station in the Ligurian Sea, 52 km off Nice, France, at 43u259N, 07u529E during the MedFlux Period 1 cruise (6– 15 May 2003) using a NetTrap, a floating plankton net used in a settling particle collection mode (Peterson et al. 2005). The NetTrap was deployed at 200 m during three sampling periods (7–8, 8–10, and 10–14 May for 15.7 h, 64.3 h, and 74.8 h, respectively) near the end of the annual spring diatom bloom (e.g., Marty et al. 2002). After each sampling period, the contents of the NetTrap cod end were resuspended in filtered (precleaned glass fiber filters, 0.7mm nominal porosity) seawater from 200 m depth. The particle/seawater mixture was transferred into a four-stage Degradation of marine particles elutriator system, and particles were sorted by their settling velocity against a counterflow of seawater (Peterson et al. 2005). Settling velocity (SV) thresholds of elutriated samples were calculated based on the seawater flow rate and the cross-sectional area of the individual elutriator tubes. Particles with four different SVs (A, .230 m d21; B, 115–230 m d21; C, 58–115 m d21; D, 29–58 m d21) were obtained from the first two NetTrap deployments (NT1-A, NT1-B, NT1-C, NT1-D and NT2-A, NT2-B, NT2-C, NT2D, respectively) and were used in incubation experiments. For the third deployment (NetTrap 3), the four samples (NT3-A, NT3-B, NT3-C, and NT3-D) were analyzed for organic composition but not incubated. NetTrap 3 samples were split using a particle splitter (MacLane WSD-10 wet sample divider) into samples for the analysis of CHN, amino acids, chloropigments, and lipid biomarkers. Samples were filtered onto combusted glass fiber filters and frozen until analysis. Elutriated NetTrap 1 and 2 particles were incubated in the dark for 120 h at 13uC, the in situ temperature at 200 m. Incubations began within 3–6 h of trap recovery. Particle suspensions from each settling velocity class were split into 10 equal fractions using the MacLane WSD-10 particle splitter and placed into precombusted 500-mL incubation flasks. The incubation medium was brought to 450 mL with 0.7-mm filtered seawater containing natural bacterial communities. One flask was poisoned with HgCl2 (10 mg L21 final concentration) to act as a control with no biological activity. Concentrations of dissolved oxygen are 175–180 mmol kg21 at 200 m depth at the DYFAMED site according to Copin-Montégut and Bégovic (2002). Moreover, an air headspace (170 mL) above the incubation medium enabled gas exchange between the air and the aqueous phase in the bottles, which were gently rolled once a day in the incubation chamber. Under these conditions, we assume that oxic conditions were maintained in the flasks during the 5-d particle incubation. Batches were stopped after different incubation times, 0, 6, 12, 24, 48 (plus a duplicate), and 120 h, and samples were split into aliquots (,40 mL) using a Perimatic liquid dispenser (Jencons Scientific). The aliquots were filtered (glass fiber filters for organic carbon and polycarbonate membrane for biogenic silica) so that biogenic silica (BSiO2) and silicic acid (DSi), organic carbon, amino acid, pigment, lipid, and carbohydrate contents could be measured. Bacteria were enumerated (DAPI [49,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole] positive) over the time-course of the NetTrap 2 incubation. Bacterial carbon was computed using 20 fg C per cell conversion factor. A list of the analyzed compounds and their abbreviations is shown in Table 1. Chloropigment analysis—Chloropigments (chlorophyll + pheopigments) and fucoxanthin were measured by reversephase high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) (Mantoura and Llewellyn 1983; Bidigare et al. 1985) as described in Lee et al. (2000). Chloropigments measured include chlorophyll a, pheophorbide a, pyropheophorbide a, and pheophytin a; monovinyl and divinyl chlorophylls (Bidigare and Ondrusek 1996) were not separated. Filters 1647 were sonicated in 100% acetone to extract pigments. Acetone extracts were filtered through 0.2-mm Zetapor membrane filters, diluted 20% with MilliQ water, and injected onto a 5-mm Adsorbosphere C-18 column. Chloropigments were identified with a fluorescence detector (excitation l 5 440 nm, emission l 5 660 nm), and fucoxanthin was identified with an absorbance detector (l 5 446 nm). Chloropigment and fucoxanthin concentrations were determined by comparison of sample peaks and pigment standards. Chloropigment standards were either purchased (chlorophyll a from Turner Design and pheophorbide a from Porphyrin Products) or prepared (pyropheophorbide a and pheophytin a were synthesized from purified Chl a, and their concentrations determined spectrophotometrically using known extinction coefficients; King 1993). Fucoxanthin was prepared from extracted Phaeodactylum tricornutum cultures and quantified by comparison with a standard from Horn Point Laboratories (University of Maryland). Duplicate analyses of the same extract agreed within 10%. Amino acid analysis—Total hydrolyzed amino acids (THAA) were analyzed in all samples by HPLC using precolumn o-phthaldialdehyde (OPA) derivatization after acid hydrolysis as described in Lee and Cronin (1982) and Lee et al. (2000). Thawed filters (usually half of each filter) were sealed in glass tubes under N2 with 6 mol L21 HCl and 0.25 wt% phenol added and hydrolyzed at 110uC for 20 h. Hydrolyzates were filtered through combusted glass wool to remove particles. The supernatant was transferred to a combusted glass vial, evaporated, and dissolved in MilliQ water. Amino acids were analyzed by HPLC using a modification of Lindroth and Mopper (1979). An Alltima C-18 250-mm 5-mm column (Alltech) equipped with a guard column was eluted at a flow rate of 0.95 mL min21. A binary gradient of 0.05 mol L21 sodium acetate (pH 5.7) and 5% tetrahydrofuran (THF) (eluant A) and methanol (eluant B) was used, ramping from 22% B to 50% B in 40 min, then to 100% B in 20 min. OPA-derivatized amino acids were detected by fluorescence and identified by comparison with retention times of authentic standards. An amino acid mixture (Pierce, Standard H) was used as the standard. The nonprotein amino acids, b-alanine and caminobutyric acid (BALA and GABA), were added individually to the standard mixture. Aspartic acid (ASP) and glutamic acid (GLU) measurements include the hydrolysis products of asparagine and glutamine. Analytical errors determined from duplicate analysis were ,10%. Lipid class analysis—For lipid class analysis, filters were extracted according to Bligh and Dyer (1959). Each filter was ground in a monophasic solvent mixture (CH2Cl2 : CH3OH : H2O, 1 : 2 : 0.8, v : v : v) with 100 mL internal standard (hexadecanone, Sigma Chemical Ltd, GC grade), sonicated, and left overnight at 4uC under N2 for extraction. The mixture was then filtered and 1 : 1 CH2Cl2 : H2O (v : v) was added to produce a biphasic mixture. The aqueous phase was rinsed twice with dichloromethane; the organic phases that contain the lipids were combined and evaporated to dryness under N2. Lipid 1648 Table 1. Goutx et al. Abbreviation table. Biogenic silica Organic carbon Particulate organic carbon BSiO2 OC POC Total lipids* hydrocarbons ketone wax esters triacylglycerols free fatty acids alcohols sterols 1,3-diglycerides 1,2-diglycerides monoglycerides chloroplast lipids pigments monogalactosyl-diglycerides digalactosyl-diglycerides phosphatidylglycerides phosphatidylethanolamines phosphatidylcholines metabolites Total pigments chlorophyll a chlorophyll b phaeophorbide a pyrophaeophorbide a phaeophytin a fucoxanthin TLip HC KET WE TG FFA ALC ST 1,3 DG 1,2 DG MG CL PIG MGDG DGDG PG PE PC METAB TPig Chl a Chl b phide pyrophide phytin fuco Total hydrolyzed amino acids aspartic acid glutamic acid histidine serine arginine glycine threonine b-alanine alanine tyrosine c-aminobutyric acid methionine valine phenylalanine isoleucine leucine lysine THAA ASP GLU HIS SER ARG GLY THR BALA ALA TYR GABA MET VAL PHE ILE LEU LYS Total sugars Fucose Rhamnose Arabinose Galactosamine Glucosamine Galactose Glucose Mannose Xylose Fructose Ribose TCHO fuc rha ara gal-am glucosa galact glucose man xyl fru rib Lipid biomarkers tetradecanoic acid iso-pentadecanoic acid anteiso-pentadecanoic acid Pentadecanoic acid hexadecenoic acid hexadecanoic acid octadecatetraenoic acid octadecadienoic acid oleic acid cis-vaccenic acid octadecanoic acid eicosapentaenoic acid eicosenoic acid eicosanoic acid docosahexaenoic acid docosanoic acid Hexadecanol Octadecanol Phytol cholesta-5,22-dien-3b-ol cholest-22-en-3b-ol cholest-5-en-3b-ol cholestan-3b-ol 24-methylcholesta-5,22-dien-3b-ol 24-methylcholesta-5,24(28)-dien-3b-ol 24-ethylcholesta-5,22-dien-3b-ol 24-ethylcholesta-5-en-3b-ol 4,23,24-trimethylcholest-22-en-3b-ol C37-C39alkenones 14 : 0 i-15 : 0 a-15 : 0 15 : 0 16 : 1 16 : 0 18 : 4 18 : 2 18 : 1v9 18 : 1v7 18 : 0 20 : 5 20 : 1 20 : 0 22 : 6 22 : 0 16ROH 18ROH phytol 27(5,22) 27(22) 27(5) 27(0) 28(5,22) 28(5,24/28) 29(5,22) 29(5) 30(22) alken * TLip is the sum of all lipid classes except HC, which can be contaminated by anthropogenic compounds. extracts were stored in dichloromethane under N2 at 220uC until analysis. Lipid extracts were separated into classes of compounds on chromarods and quantified using an Iatroscan model MK-6s (Iatron, Tokyo; H2 flow 160 mL min21; air flow 2 L min21) coupled to a PC equipped with a Chromstar 6.1 integration system (Bionis, Paris). The Iatroscan thin-layer chromatographic–flame ionization analyzer (TLC-FID) combines the performance of TLC for complex mixture resolution with the capacity of FID quantification. The chromatographic support, a quartz rod coated with silicic acid, performs like a TLC plate and passes through the FID burner in an Iatroscan chamber for detection of separated compounds. Lipid extracts were thus separated into classes of compounds from neutral to polar without preliminary fractionation of the lipid extract. We improved the separation of phosphoglycerides from phosphatidylethanolamine (Gérin and Goutx 1993), and the isolation of degradation metabolites (free fatty acids, 1,2- and 1,3-diglycerides, and monoglycerides) from other lipids (Striby et al. 1999). Sixteen classes of lipids can be separated using the elution sequence presented in Table 2. Degradation of marine particles 1649 Table 2. Separation scheme of lipid classes on chromarods performed in six successive developments in elution baths of different composition and polarity. Wax esters coelute with steryl esters, and ketone (hexadecanone) is used as internal standard. Abbreviations as in Table 1. Elution time (min) Bath composition Sorted lipid class 28 30 20 7 35 40 Hexane—diethylether—formic acid (97 : 3 : 0.2; v : v : v) Hexane—diethylether—formic acid (80 : 20 : 0.2; v : v : v) Hexane—diethylether—formic acid (80 : 20 : 0.2; v : v : v) Acetone 100% Chloroform—acetone—formic acid (99 : 1 : 0.2; v : v : v) Chloroform—methanol—ammonium (50 : 50 : 5; v : v : v) HC, WE, KET TG, FFA ALC, 1,3DG, ST, 1,2DG no scan PIG, MG, MGDG, DGDG PG, PE, PC The relative standard deviation is usually #612% for replicate analysis (n 5 3) of natural samples. In the present work, the Iatroscan analysis of each lipid extract was performed in duplicate. Variability within duplicates was on average 64%, except for two samples (613%, NT1-D 12 h, and 616%, NT2-A 120 h). Lipid biomarker analysis—Analysis of individual lipid compounds followed the method of Wakeham et al. (1997a). Samples for analysis of neutral lipids and fatty acids were filtered onto muffled glass fiber filters (GFFs) and extracted by sonication with dichloromethane : methanol (2 : 1). Extracts were partitioned into dichloromethane after adding a 5% NaCl solution and then dried over anhydrous Na2SO4. An aliquot of the lipid extract was saponified under N2 with aqueous 0.5 mol L21 KOH in methanol for 2 h at 100uC. Neutral (nonsaponifiable) lipids were extracted from the basic solution (pH . 13) using hexane, after which acidic lipids were extracted with hexane following acidification to pH , 2. The neutral lipid fraction was derivatized with bis(trimethysilyl)-trifluoroacetamide (BSTFA)/pyridine to form trimethylsilyl (TMS) ethers of free hydroxyl groups, while the acids were treated with diazomethane to produce fatty acid methyl esters (FAMEs). Both fractions were analyzed on a Carlo Erba 4160 gas chromatograph fitted with a 60 m 3 0.32 mm inner diameter column coated with 0.25 mm of DB-5 (J&W Scientific), an on-column injector, and a flame ionization detector. Separations were achieved using a temperature program of 3uC min21 from 100–320uC and H2 carrier gas at a head pressure of 1 kg cm22. Data were acquired and processed with ChromPerfect software (Justice Laboratories). Prior to analyses, cholestane (Aldrich) and methyleicosanoic acid (Sigma) were added as internal standards to neutral and acid fractions, respectively. Reproducibility is about 615%. For NT2, fatty acids were analyzed in the remaining lipid extract after Iatroscan lipid class analysis. Free fatty acids and esterified compounds were derivatized to fatty acid methyl esters (FAMEs) in the presence of BF3/ methanol/toluene for 1 h at 70uC under N2. Pure water was added to stop the reaction, and derivatized lipids were extracted from the aqueous phase with hexane : ether (9 : 1, v : v). Compounds were purified from the mixture on silica microcolumns, i.e., hydrocarbons eluted first with hexane, FAMEs were then eluted with hexane : ethyl acetate (100 : 1), and polar lipids remained on the silica. FAMEs were analyzed on a Perkin Elmer Autosystem XL gas chromatograph fitted with a 30 m 3 0. 25 mm inner diameter column coated with 0.25 mm of BPX70 (SGE), a split/splitless injector and a flame ionization detector. Separations were performed using the following oven temperature program: 3uC min21 from 50 to 144uC, 1uC min21 from 144 to 182uC, 7uC min21 from 182 to 250uC, 11 min at 250uC. H2 was used as carrier gas with an initial pressure of 2.8 kg cm22 (splitless injection method); after 0.95 min the pressure was decreased to 0.84 kg cm22. Data were acquired and processed using TurboChrom Lite software (Perkin Elmer). Quantification of individual components was based on an external calibration using the response factor of tricosanoic methyl ester (Sigma). Carbohydrates—Carbohydrates were analyzed as described in Panagiotopoulos and Sempéré (2005). Briefly, 100-mL samples from initial and final incubation times were filtered onto precombusted GFFs and stored in the dark (220uC). Dried filters were hydrolyzed under N2 with 0.1 mol L21 HCl at 100uC for 20 h (Burney and Sieburth 1977). After evaporating the acid, the residue was dissolved in water and filtered and aldose concentrations measured by high-performance anion-exchange chromatography with pulse amperometric detection (HPAEC-PAD) according to Mopper et al. (1992) as modified by Panagiotopoulos et al. (2001). Monosaccharides were separated on a Carbopac PA-1 anion-exchange column (Dionex) by isocratic elution with 19 mmol L21 NaOH at a flow rate of 0.7 mL min21 at 17uC and were detected by a Decade electrochemical detector (Antec Leyden BV) using a gold working electrode and a Pd reference electrode. In procedural blanks using combusted GFFs hydrolyzed under the same conditions, the only detectable sugar was glucose at negligible concentrations (7–10 nmol L21). Analytical errors determined from duplicate analysis were ,8% for all sugars except ribose (15%). POC analysis—POC in incubation samples was measured using a Carlo Erba model 1602 CNS analyzer (filters were acidified under acid fumes to distinguish total and organic carbon). For this analyzer, precision for C is 62%. POC in NT3 samples was determined as described in Peterson et al. (2005). Biogenic silica (BSiO2) and silicic acid (DSi)—Sixty to eighty milliliters of sample was filtered onto 0.4-mm polycarbonate filters. BSiO2 was determined on filters, 1650 Goutx et al. and DSi in the corresponding filtrates. BSiO2 analyses were conducted using a variation of the method of Ragueneau and Tréguer (1994), where the second digestion step with HF was not used since lithogenic silica was only one quarter of the total material (Lee et al. unpubl. data). Samples were digested in 20 mL of 0.2 mol L21 NaOH for 4 h at 95uC. After cooling, 5 mL of 1 mol L21 HCl were added before centrifugation and analysis of the silicic acid concentration as described below. DSi concentrations were determined according to the molybdate blue spectrophotometric method (Tréguer and Le Corre 1975 as modified by Gordon et al. 1993 to segmented flow colorimetry). A Technicon autoanalyser (Bran + Luebbe Inc.) was used. Analytical errors determined from duplicate analysis were ,10%. Kinetic parameters—To compare the loss of organic matter in the different settling velocity fractions, we calculated a degradation rate constant k, which is the slope of the regression line of the log-transformed concentrations of the various organic compounds over the 5-d incubation time. As concentrations decreased over time during decomposition and dissolution of particulate compounds, the slopes were negative. The higher the absolute value of k, the faster the turnover of the material. The determination coefficient r2 shows the fit of the data to the regression slopes, and the p value provides information about the significance of the slope. For BSiO2, dissolution rates were calculated for each SV fraction during the incubations. The initial BSiO2 was calculated from the difference between initial and final DSi concentrations and the final BSiO2 concentrations, i.e., (BSiO2)t0 5 [(DSi)tf 2 (DSi)t0] + (BSiO2)tf. BSiO2 dissolution rate constants (k; d21) were calculated from the slopes of regression lines of DSi concentrations normalized to initial BSiO2 versus time, which takes into account the experimental variability. Thus, the k is based on the initial dissolution rate as discussed in Greenwood et al. (2001). Statistical treatment of the data—For the degradation rate constants, the significance of the regression correlation coefficient (r) against H0, r 5 0, was tested according to Sokal and Rohlf (1981). H0 is rejected for r2 $ 0.56 (n 5 7); p , 0.05. In addition, the robustness of the slope was tested using the Jackknife test (Miller 1974). For each degradation experiment, a range of slope values was calculated using all combination of n-1 observations. The smaller the discrepancy found between minimum and maximum slope values is, the higher the robustness of the regression slope calculations, which suggests minimum experimental and analytical biases. Particle compositions were compared by means of the analysis of variance (ANOVA) test. For most bulk parameters, the significance of differences between deployments (NT1, NT2, NT3) was examined with a degree of freedom n-2 5 5 to 9. For BSiO2 : POC ratios, ANOVA tests were done with a higher degree of freedom n-2 5 60. Because biogenic silica is conservative (BSiO2 + DSi 5 constant), eight values of initial BSiO2 were calculated from the seven incubation samples and the control. For individual biomarkers, statistical data treatment other than principal components analysis (PCA) for each NetTrap fraction was not possible because different organic compound classes were analyzed in different splits of the trap samples, and the low amount of material available for the multitracer approach did not enable duplicate sample analysis. PCA is a multivariate ordination technique that reduces the number of variables in a data set by constructing ‘‘latent variables,’’ or axes, through which maximum variability in a data set is explained (Meglen 1992; ter Braak 1994). Our PCA combines multiple organic matter biomarkers (70 compounds) in the NT samples and groups compounds together based on compositional similarities or separates them based on differences. Abundance data as mol% (amino acids) or normalized to 100% (sugars, lipid classes, pigments, and lipid compounds) were normalized by subtracting the mean of the observations and dividing by its standard deviation. Results The data sets for the three NetTraps (NT) are not perfectly comparable because we did not measure the same compounds in all samples. The sampling strategy for the cruise was to collect two NetTrap samples (NT1 and NT2) early during the cruise for conducting the two degradation experiments (5 d each) while at sea. Biogenic silica, organic carbon, amino acids, lipid classes, lipid fatty acids and alcohols, and carbohydrates were analyzed on these samples. A third deployment (NT3) at the end of the cruise provided a sample for comprehensive identification of specific lipid biomarkers at the molecular level, which requires a larger POM sample. POC, amino acids, pigments, and lipid biomarkers were analyzed in this last NT sample. The complete analytical data set is available in Web Appendix 1: 1645a1.pdf. Elutriation of particles—Total organic carbon exhibited a similar distribution among SV fractions for all NetTrap samples (Fig. 1), showing the highest amount (48–67% of total OC) in the fastest settling fraction A (.230 m d21), an intermediate amount (20–30%) in B (115–230 m d21) except in NT2 where it was low (,7%), and lower amounts in the slowest settling fractions C and D (58–115 and 29– 58 m d21, respectively). For NT2, we elutriated the largest amount of material of the three NetTrap samples. We believe that the elutriator may have been overloaded with this large, mucus-rich sample. Hence the different distribution of particles and OC from NT2 might reflect an incomplete separation of material between the fastest settling fractions NT2-A and NT2-B. Composition of particles—The initial composition of particles having different settling velocities was broadly similar (Table 3). The mean BSiO2 : OC molar ratio of NT1 and NT2 SV fractions ranged from 0.10 6 0.07 to 0.20 6 0.07 and were not significantly different from each other (ANOVA, n 5 62). Amino acids made up about 20–40% of the total OC in all samples, total lipids made up Degradation of marine particles Fig. 1. Percentage of total organic carbon in each elutriator fraction for NT1, NT2, and NT3 samples. Settling velocity ranges are A, .230 m d21; B, 115–230 m d21; C, 58–115 m d21; D, 29– 58 m d21. significantly more of the OC in NT1 (29–33%) than in NT2 (9–25%) (n 5 7, p , 0.05), and carbohydrates were a small portion of the total carbon in both sample sets, significantly higher in NT2 (9–16%) than NT1 (3–6%) (n 5 7, p , 0.05). Pigments made up a small percentage of OC (0.1–1.5). In NT1-C particles, the ratios of compounds to OC (data not shown) was probably overestimated due to a low OC concentration measured at T0 caused by a bias during splitting of the bulk sample into aliquots for compound analysis. Thus, for NT1-C, we only report particle compositions based on the qualitative distribution of individual compounds (see below). These compound classes together made up 67–82% of the OC in NT1 and 50–67% in NT2. Carbohydrates and lipid classes were not measured in NT3. Differences in biomarker composition were used to differentiate source and diagenetic status of particles. Seventy individual compounds were identified and quantified in most cases (cf. Table 1). On the basis of previous studies, we selected biomarkers among these compounds that together indicate sources and diagenetic status of organic matter (Table 4). All fractions have all three sources of OC (phytoplankton, zooplankton, and bacteria) and, in particular, all have phytoplankton markers. However, phytoplankton markers predominated more in NT1 and NT3 compared with NT2, which had no phytoplankton biomarker index values above 0.8 (Fig. 2; abbreviations are given in Table 1). In NT1, the distribution of biomarkers shows clear differences as a function of the settling velocity of the particles. The fastest settling particle fractions A and B contained polyunsaturated 20:5 and 22:6 fatty acids and were enriched in several indicators of fresh undegraded phytoplankton: Chl a, TG, galact, phytosterols [28(5,22)] and [28(5,24/28)], and long-chain C37 and C38 alken. Fraction C was dominated by the pigments fuco and pyrophide, the zooplankton reserve WE and zooplankton-derived sterols [30(22)], the lipid degradation metabolites METAB, the aminosugars glucosa and gal-am, and fecal pellets–derived 16ROH and 18ROH, which taken together indicate phytoplankton, especially diatomaceous material, that has been ingested by zooplankton and released as fecal pellets. The composition of D was more heavily influenced by higher values of bacterial 1651 cell or diagenetic process indices: BALA/ASP and PE/PG ratios, 15:0 and i-15:0, and the ratio of refractory cell-wall deoxysugars fuc + rha to easily assimilated sugars ara + xyl (see also Web Appendix 1; Table A1.1 and Table A1.2). For NT2, we analyzed the same compound classes as in NT1, except the sterols and alcohols phytol, 16ROH and 18ROH. In general, the biomarker composition for NT2 was less diverse than for NT1. There were no reserve lipids (TG, WE), whereas CL and METAB tracers of degradative hydrolysis dominated all other lipid classes (see Web Appendix 1; Table A1.1). The phytoplankton (Chl a) and bacteria-fecal pellet (glucosa) biomarkers were largely undifferentiated between SV fractions NT2-A, NT2-C, and NT2-D (Fig. 2), although SV fraction A had more polyunsaturated fatty acids C20:5 and C22:6 in it. Bacterial lipid biomarkers, PE/PG and the 15:0 and i-15:0 fatty acids, dominated in NT2-C. NT2-B SV fraction was notably different from the others, and dominance of fuco and galam suggests diatom material reworked by zooplankton. For NT3, phytoplankton indices (Chl a, fuco) were similarly distributed in all SV classes. Among all NetTrap samples, NT3-A, NT3-B, and NT3-C exhibited the highest indices of fresh plankton material (20:5 and 22:6) and chlorophyll pigment degraded by zooplankton grazing (pyrophide), whereas NT3-D had very low polyunsaturated fatty acids and high bacteria-reworked fecal matter indices (18ROH). Principal components analysis—PCA for NT 1 used amino acids, lipid biomarkers, lipid classes, sugars, and pigments (Fig. 3A). Compounds from the three sources cluster in different regions of the plot, as shown by the shading. Loadings for the phytoplankton biomarkers, for example, Chl a, phytosterols [e.g., 28(5,22)], and TG, tend to group toward the positive direction along PC1, whereas loadings for zooplankton/grazing biomarkers (METAB, glucosa, gal-am, pyrophide) cluster toward the negative direction on PC1, suggesting that source of the organic matter explains more of the variability along the x-axis (PC1). These same zooplankton biomarkers along with the bacterial biomarkers (phytin, GABA, branched-chain i15:0 and a-15:0, 15:0), degradation resistant lipids (CL), and sugars (rha) group toward the positive side of PC2, compared with the fresh phytoplankton markers in the negative region of PC2, suggesting that the y-axis (PC2) reflects variability due to degradation. The two axes accounted for 78% of the total variability. In general, the grouping of compounds in the PCA of NT1 indicates that settling velocity fraction A is predominately phytoplankton aggregates, while B and especially C contain diatom-rich processed zooplankton fecal matter, and D is a mixture of plankton detritus and bacterial biomass. These conclusions from PCA agree well with individual biomarker analyses. PCA for NT2 samples shows a clear picture of compositional distinctions between NT2-B fraction and the other fractions NT2-A, NT2-C, and NT2-D (Fig. 3B), which explains a total of 83% of the total variability. NT2B fraction is most influenced by saturated fatty acids (18:0, 20:0), in addition to zooplankton-reworked material containing gal-am and fuco biomarkers. Settling velocity 1652 Goutx et al. Table 3. Biochemical characteristics of particles with different sinking velocities at initial and final times of incubation. A single measurement 6 analytical error is presented for all parameters except BSiO2 at initial time; for this parameter, the average value 6 standard deviation was calculated from eight replicate analyses. Abbreviation as in Table 1; nd means not determined. OC-normalized concentrations (%) Setting velocity (m Initial time NT1-A NT1-B NT1-D NT2-A NT2-B NT2-C NT2-D NT3-A NT3-B NT3-C NT3-D Final time NT1-A NT1-B NT1-D NT2-A NT2-B NT2-C NT2-D d21) Deployed 15.7 h, 07–08 May 2003 .230 115–230 29–58 Deployed 64.3 h, 08–10 May 2003 .230 115–230 58–115 29–58 Deployed 74.8 h, 10–14 May 2003 .230 115–230 58–115 29–58 .230 115–230 29–58 .230 115–230 58–115 29–58 BSiO2 : OC (%) THAA TLip TCHO TPig 1267 1367 2067 3263 4364 4364 3260.7 2960.6 3360.7 460.2 360.2 660.4 0.260.02 0.360.03 0.360.03 1466 16610 1166 1067 2663 2462 3263 3564 960.3 1660.4 2561.7 1560.4 1661.0 960.6 1060.6 1160.7 0.560.06 1.560.15 0.160.01 0.460.04 nd nd nd nd 3564 4866 24–36 3364 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd 0.260.02 0.160.01 0.260.02 0.160.01 1161 2462 2863 9.761 9.561 9.061 9.261 2062 3163 3263 2963 2162 2563 2563 1260.5 1760.7 1861.2 961.4 3060.6 1760.6 1460.3 260.1 360.2 660.4 1260.7 nd 960.6 1060.6 0.260.02 0.360.03 0.360.03 0.460.04 1.260.12 0.460.04 0.460.05 fraction A, and to a lesser extent C and D, are all associated with phytoplankton and zooplankton markers. Fractions C and D are more influenced by bacterial biomarkers phytin and branched-chain fatty acids i-15:0. PCA for NT3 included amino acids, lipid biomarkers, and pigment compositions (Fig. 3C). As for NT2, the two axes accounted for 83% of the total variability. Along the PC1 axis, negative loadings of biomarkers associated with undegraded OM, for example polyunsaturated 20:5 and 20:6 fatty acids, versus positive loadings of compounds associated with degraded or reworked OM, GABA, phide, and zooplankton-derived 16ROH and 18ROH, suggest that variation along this axis is primarily due to bacterial or zooplankton reworking. The most rapidly settling particles (A) were dominated by plankton sterols [e.g., 27(5), 28(5,22), 28(5,24/28), and 30(22)] and alken (see Web Appendix 1; Table A1.1). Particles having intermediate settling velocities (B and C) were associated with phide and pyrophide, polyunsaturated 20:5 and 22:6 fatty acids, 18:1v9 and 16ROH, branched-chain fatty acids (a-15:0 and i-15:0) consistent with zooplankton fecal matter. For NT3, and in contrast with NT1, the slowest settling material (fraction D) plotted with phytoplankton pigments Chl a and fuco and bacterial GABA, suggesting an enrichment of both small phytoplankton cells (assumed to be disaggregated) and associated bacteria in this settling class. Identical amino acid and pigment measurements in all three NT sample sets allowed a comparison of NT1, NT2, and NT3 by PCA. This PCA shows that NT1 and NT3 were more similar in composition to each other than NT2 (Fig. 4). Although phytoplankton, zooplankton, and bacterial organic matter were present in each trap (Fig. 3), NT1 and NT3 were generally more enriched in fresh phytoplankton (Chl a) and zooplankton fecal matter (pyrophide) than NT2, which was relatively more influenced by the bacterial degradation marker GABA and the diatom markers fuco and SER (Fig. 4). In all three NetTraps, the slowest settling fractions (D) were separated from faster settling particles in composition, which suggests that slower settling particles were the most influenced by the bacterial biomarkers phytin and BALA. These findings are in agreement with PCA of individual NT samples that also included lipid and carbohydrate data (Fig. 3); the slowest settling fractions (D in NT1, C and D in NT2 and NT3) were clearly associated with the bacterial markers phytin, 15:0, and branched-chain fatty acids (a-15:0 and i15:0). Data in Web Appendix 1; Table A1.1 partly support this interpretation. Particle degradation and kinetic parameters—Particle incubations started with initial POC concentrations in the range 58–225 mmol L21 and BSiO2 initial concentrations in the range 10.5 to 26.9 mmol L21, except for NT2-A, which was more concentrated (740 mmol L21 for POC and 102 mmol L21 for BSiO2). For each SV fraction of NT1 and NT2, the decrease of POC, THAA, TLip, and all individual compound concentrations over time was fit to a first-order decay equation G 5 G0e2kt where G is the concentration of a component at time t and G0 the initial Degradation of marine particles 1653 Fig. 2. Distribution of selected phytoplankton, zooplankton, and bacterial biomarkers in NT1, NT2, and NT3 samples. See abbreviations and interpretation in Table 1 and 4 and in the text. The biomarker ‘‘index’’ was derived by normalizing the original data to 1 by dividing each value by its maximal value across the NT1, NT2, or NT3 data set. The original data that were normalized were either the mol% of an individual compound within its compound class for total pigments, amino acids, lipid classes, fatty acids, and alcohols, or the ratio of those mol% values for selected compound pairs. Blank spots in the graphs were not determined (nd). concentration. An apparent degradation rate constant (k, d21) was calculated from the slope of log-transformed concentrations versus time for total compound classes and for each individual compound. Because we collected a limited amount of particles, replicate incubations for each incubation time were not possible given our multiparametric approach. However, we replicated the incubation samples at 48 h that we used to evaluate the variability within batches. Variability within the duplicates was ,620% for POC, THAA, and TLip (on average 7.6 6 6.6 for all classes of compounds) except in NT2-B, where it was higher for THAA (640%) and TLip (640%). The variability in BSiO2 concentration between duplicates was similar to that of carbon with an average variability of 22% excluding the NT2-B experiment (49%). The variability of initial BSiO2 measurements between all batches of each degradation experiment was 40% excluding the NT2-B experiment (which was 70%). For the faster settling particles NT1-A, NT1-B, NT2-A, and NT2-B, most organic compounds did not significantly degrade during the 5-d incubation (n 5 9, p , 0.05), and kinetic parameters are not presented. Only a few individual biomarkers had significant apparent degradation rate constants. For example, in NT1-A, which was rich in phytoplankton, PG and phytin had significant degradation rate constants during incubation (0.16 6 0.04 d21, r2 5 0.75 and 0.12 6 0.04 d21, r2 5 0.62, p , 0.05, n 5 7). Hydrolyzable lipid classes, TG (7–8% of TLip in NT1-A ) and WE (6% of TLip in NT1-A), degraded within 48 h of incubation. For the slower settling particles C and D from NT1 and NT2, most bulk compound classes had a significant degradation pattern (k 5 0.03–0.12 d21, r2 . 0.56, n 5 7, p , 0.05), with exception of NT1-C (Table 5). We confirmed the robustness of degradation rate constants that fell at the limit of significance, as for kPOC in NT2-C, by using the Jackknife test; a small range for k was calculated (kPOC 5 0.04 6 0.02 d21, r2 5 0.56, range 0.03– 0.05 d21). For NT1-C, decomposition of organic compounds was noticeable although statistically nonsignificant, e.g., THAA. Several individual amino acid (MET, LEU, ARG) and lipid class compounds (FFA and MGDG) exhibited an almost constant degradation pattern in the four incubation experiments, with higher degradation constants than bulk organic matter (0.10–0.38 d21) (Table 5). 1654 Table 4. Goutx et al. Selected biomarkers and indices. Biomarkers and indices chlorophyll a Triacylglycerols Galactose eicosapentaenoic acid docosahexaenoic acid 24-methylcholesta-5,22-dien-3b-ol 24-methylcholesta-5,24(28)-dien-3b-ol Alkenones Fucoxanthin 4,23,24-trimethylcholest-22-en-3b-ol wax esters Metabolites Galactosamine Glucosamine Phaeophorbide Pyrophaeophorbide c-aminobutyric acid b-alanine/aspartic acid phosphatidylethanolamines/phosphatidylglycerides iso-pentadecanoic acid pentadecanoic acid Fucose + rhamnose/arabinose + xylose Hexadecanol Octadecanol Biogenic opal generally dissolved faster in NT2 than in NT1; BSiO2 dissolution was not statistically significant in NT1 (Table 6). In NT2, BSiO2 dissolved faster in the slowest settling particles NT2-D than in NT2-C (Table 6). Particle composition changes during incubation—During the incubation period, the mass of organic carbon did not decrease in the faster settling particles of NT1 and NT2. However, a significant loss in organic carbon was measured in slower settling particles of NT2-C and NT2-D (on average 15.5 6 0.5% of the initial mass, n 5 2); a loss of OC was also noticeable in NT1-C and NT1-D (on average 5.0 6 2.0% of the initial mass, n 5 2), although not significant. DSi significantly increased between initial and final incubation times in NT2 samples (ANOVA, p , 0.05, n 5 7), but not in NT1 (see Web Appendix 1; Table A1.2). The organic composition of the various settling velocity fractions from NT1 and NT2 changed between the beginning and end of the incubation period (Table 3). In general, the sum of the contribution of amino acids, lipids, carbohydrates, and pigments to total organic carbon decreased from 75.2 6 7.0 to 47.2 6 11.6% (n 5 3) in NT1 and from 57.6 6 8.0 to 50.7 6 1.3% (n 5 4) in NT2 between initial and final incubation times. The percentage of THAA and TLip, the major contributors to organic carbon, decreased between initial and final times in all incubations except in NT2-A and NT2-B. In parallel, changes in the percentage of pigments in OC and BSiO2 : OC ratios were not significant. Biomarker distributions at the final incubation time are given in Fig. 5. Because lipid individual biomarkers were not analyzed at Sources phytoplankton phytoplankton reserves fresh plankton diatoms, dinoflagellates, and zooplankton feeding on it phytosterols phytosterols prymnesiophyceae diatoms zooplankton-derived lipid zooplankton reserves 1,3 DG; 1,2 DG; MG, ALC, FFA bacterial cell wall and peritrophic membrane of fecal pellets bacterial cell wall and peritrophic membrane of fecal pellets chlorophyll degradation produced by zooplankton chlorophyll degradation produced by zooplankton OM bacterial alteration microbial index or bacterial biomass microbial microbial bacterial cell wall bacteria-reworked fecal matter bacteria-reworked fecal matter the end of the incubation, there are fewer indicators than at the initial incubation time. Thus we present phytoplankton, processed zooplankton fecal matter, and bacterial indicators in each NetTrap material (NT1 and NT2) in one panel only. In NT1, phytoplankton biomarker indices for Chl a and galact increased up to ,0.8–1 in the slower settling particles NT1-C and NT1-D, suggesting either a low biodegradability for these compounds or more likely a contribution of individual (nonaggregated) cells. Index values of compounds indicative of bacteria-zooplankton fecal matter aggregates (METAB, gal-am, phide) and bacterially reworked organic matter (GABA, PE/PG, and fuc + rha/xyl + ara) were comparable or higher at the end of the incubation period compared with initial values. The index value for glucosa peaked in NT1-C, whereas it decreased in all other SV fractions. In NT2, bacterial biomarker indices (GABA and fuc + rha/xyl + ara) increased in particles that exhibited significant degradation by the end of the incubation. PCA of the amino acid, pigment, and lipid class composition of particles with different settling velocity at different incubation stages showed that their organic chemical compositions changed over time (Fig. 6). There was a general trend from left to right along the first PCA axis. After 120 h of incubation, the C and D particles had similar end compositions, and the A and B samples were closer to this end composition after 120 h than they were initially. These end samples were enriched with the bacterial biomarkers GABA, BALA and phytin, the phide found in fecal matter, and had more acyl-lipid degradation metabolites (METAB) in the lipid pool than initially. Degradation of marine particles Discussion Effect of environmental conditions on NetTrap samples— The well-studied DYFAMED site (Marty 2002) in the northwestern Mediterranean Sea is protected from major terrestrial inputs by the presence of the coastal Ligurian current, conferring a unique advantage to this site for studying biogeochemical process along a vertical (depth) dimension. The seasonal hydrological regime varies from winter mixing (January–February) to strong thermal stratification in summer and fall. Typically, a diatom bloom peaks in March and ends in May, followed by nanoflagellates 1 or 2 months later; cyanobacteria and prochlorophyte communities develop when stratification begins. Diatoms are very sensitive to episodic wind events that bring nutrients to the surface layer. At the end of the stratification period before winter mixing, wind events induce a fall diatom bloom. Phytoplankton production is thus characterized by a succession of predictable mineralsecreting and mineral-free phytoplankton that are grazed by a small number of fecal pellet forming zooplankton species (Nival et al. 1975; Carroll et al. 1998). We began sampling in early May when phytoplankton biomass was still high, and Chl a concentrations reached 1.7 mg L21 at 50 m (Liu et al. 2005). NetTrap particles were quite rich in chromatographically resolvable amino acids, sugars, and lipids indicating freshly biosynthesized organic matter. The particles were slightly more enriched in proteins and lipids than during an earlier May 1995 cruise (10–27% and 10–28%, respectively; Goutx et al. 2000), whereas carbohydrates were similar (Panagiotopoulos and Sempéré 2005). Values fell within the range reported for time-series sediment trap data collected in May 2003 at the same site (Wakeham et al. unpubl. data). Even though particles collected by the NetTrap at 200 m were relatively ‘‘fresh,’’ organic compositions indicated that sources of material between the traps and in the different settling velocity fractions clearly differed over the 1-week sampling period. As seen in Peterson et al. (2005), the sampling period was during a shift from higher spring productivity to a lower flux period. Further, as we show below, material collected over the week had different susceptibility to degradation. The larger contribution in NT1 material of phytoplankton indicators exported via aggregates and/or fecal pellets (Fig. 2) was consistent with the annual phytoplankton pattern of a diatom-based linear trophic chain at the site (Andersen and Prieur 2000). Material collected in NT2 was similar in composition, although it appeared that this NetTrap sampled the end of the diatom bloom. Indeed, we observed visually during preparation of the particles for incubation that they were embedded in mucus that is released as diatoms begin to senesce (this was also reflected by the high sugar content, 16% of total carbon, Table 3; Passow et al. 1994). The end of the bloom is often linked to senescence of diatoms and was illustrated here by the higher dissolution rate constant of BSiO2 in NT2 (.0.024 d21), whereas BSiO2 barely dissolved at all in NT1 (,0.005 d21, except NT1-C, k 5 0.022 d21). This higher dissolution rate constant in NT2 could be due to a lower viability of cells or to greater degradation of the 1655 external cellular membrane by bacteria. Zooplankton and fecal pellet indicators more heavily dominated NT3, suggesting that the natural progression from phytoplankton to zooplankton was occurring over our sampling period. Several salps were visually observed in the water when NetTrap 3 was recovered. Different deployment times for the NetTraps (see Table 3) might be another possible cause of differences in initial NetTrap sample compositions: NT1 (16 h) was deployed for a shorter time than NT2 (64 h) and NT3 (72 h). Comparison of NT1 and NT2 in which amino acids, lipid classes, pigments, and carbohydrates were analyzed suggests that organic matter degradation during the longer deployment time could explain why NT2 triglycerides, chlorophyll a and glucose, which have short residence times, were lower compared with NT1 (Fig. 2 and Web Appendix 1; Table A1.1). Elutriation and composition of SV particle classes— Elutriation requires care in selecting the amounts elutriated, flow rates, and particle introduction (Peterson et al. 2005), and the samples reported here represent the first field experience with natural settling marine particles. Elutriated fractions of NT1 and NT3, but not NT2, showed similar compositional patterns for the four different SV classes. The relatively higher OC content in the fastest settling velocity fraction of NT2 (NT2-A) was accompanied by a reduced yield in fraction B (Fig. 1). Such a pattern likely resulted from lower elutriator separation efficiency of NT2 particles for two reasons. NT2 particle load in the elutriator was the highest of the three NetTrap samples (Web Appendix 1; Table A1.1), and these particles were richer in mucus than NT1 or NT3. We have observed that shear in the countercurrent tubes during elutriation can induce aggregation; this would especially occur if too much mucus-rich material is loaded into the first fraction A. Shear may also lead to disaggregation. Thus even though elutriated fractions may accurately reflect settling velocity distribution of particles in the elutriator, they may not reflect in situ distributions. Additional experimental work is needed to verify how well elutriated samples retain the in situ character of particles. Nonetheless, particles in nature also undergo continual exchange as they disaggregate and reaggregate (e.g., Bacon and Anderson 1982; Wakeham and Canuel 1988; Sheridan et al. 2002). In spite of these caveats, we believe that elutriation of NetTrap material at least to a first approximation represents the character of particles in nature. The particle ‘‘flux’’ collected by the NetTrap, a device that was not explicitly designed to accurately measure particle flux, at 200 m (,200 mg m22 d21) was similar to fluxes measured by moored 200-m time-series arrays just before (153 mg m22 d21) and after (165 mg m22 d21) the NetTrap deployment (Peterson et al. 2005). Likewise, most of the organic carbon in elutriated material was in the fraction with the highest settling velocity (.230 m d21), with a decreasing carbon contribution from slower settling fractions. This result is consistent with observations made using an independent settling-velocity sediment trap deployed at 200 m at the same time, for which the bulk 1656 Goutx et al. Degradation of marine particles 1657 Fig. 4. PCA comparing NetTrap 1, 2, and 3 samples. The data set used included mol% individual amino acids and pigments in fractions after elutriation (but before incubation); samples and loadings are shown on the same graph. See abbreviations in Table 4. of mass and organic carbon was associated with particles settling at rates of .200 m d21 (Peterson et al. 2005). High particle settling velocities ($600 m d21) were also estimated from the time lag between lipid signatures in surface particles and 200 m drifting traps at the DYFAMED site during the DYNAPROC (Dynamique des Processes Rapides dans la colonne d’eau) cruise (Goutx et al. 2000). Closer inspection of initial distributions of selected biomarkers shows clear differences between the samples separated by SV. Biomarkers were selected on the basis of previous studies on organic matter composition in sinking particles and sediments (Wakeham et al. 1997b; Dauwe and Middelburg 1998; Dauwe et al. 1999; Goutx et al. 2000; Lee et al. 2000; Panagiotopoulos and Sempéré 2005, and references therein). Specific indicators for bacterial cells or diagenetic process were selected from a large variety of compound classes, sugars (fuc + rha/ara + xyl; Biersmith and Benner 1998; Opsahl and Benner 1999), amino acids (BALA/ASP; Lee and Cronin 1984), lipid classes (PE/PG; Goutx et al. 2003), molecular fatty acids (15:0 and i-15:0; Kaneda 1991), and alcohols (16ROH and 18ROH; Wakeham 1982). Because individual biomarker distributions (like mol% GABA) were measured in a single split of the sample, they are inherently more accurate (relative abun- r Fig. 3. Principal components analysis (PCA) of individual compound relative concentrations (percentage of total compounds class) in NetTrap fractions after elutriation (but before incubation), where ‘‘samples’’ are the elutriator settling velocity fractions and ‘‘loadings’’ are organic components; samples and loadings are shown on the same graph. The first two principal components (PC1 and PC2) explain the greatest variance in the data. (A) NT1 fractions A, B, C, and D at time zero using the data set of lipid classes and individual amino acid, lipid, carbohydrate, and pigment compounds. Shading shows areas dominated by phytoplankton (lower area), zooplankton (upper left), and bacterial (upper right) biomarkers and is included only to aid in viewing the PCA. (B) NT2 fractions A, B, C, and D using the data set of lipid classes and individual amino acid, fatty acid (except hydroxy fatty acids), carbohydrate, and pigment compounds. Shading shows areas dominated by phytoplankton (upper left), zooplankton, and bacterial biomarkers in fractions C and D (lower area). (C) NT3 fractions A, B, C, D using the data set of individual amino acid, lipid, carbohydrate and pigment compounds. Shading shows areas dominated either by phytoplankton and zooplankton or by phytoplankton and bacterial biomarkers. See abbreviations in Table 1. 1658 Goutx et al. Table 5. Apparent first-order degradation rate constants, k (d21), obtained from the slope of log-transformed concentrations versus time for total compound classes and individual compounds; determination coefficient r2; range of k calculated using all combination of n1 observations in NT1-D, NT2-C, and NT2-D. Only variables, with statistically significant results (p , 0.05) in at least two of the slower settling fractions, are presented, except POC; s, significant; ns, nonsignificant. Compound classes POC THAA TLip Individual compounds MET LEU ARG FFA MGDG Sample k (d21) r2 p,0.05 n57 NT1-C NT1-D NT2-C NT2-D NT1-C NT1-D NT2-C NT2-D NT1-C NT1-D NT2-C NT2-D 0.0460.06 0.0560.04 0.0460.02 0.0460.02 0.1160.08 0.0860.02 0.0960.02 0.0760.02 0.0460.11 0.1260.03 0.1260.04 0.0360.02 0.09 0.20 0.56 0.39 0.27 0.76 0.78 0.72 0.03 0.77 0.70 0.29 ns ns s ns ns s s s ns s s ns NT1-C NT1-D NT2-C NT2-D NT1-C NT1-D NT2-C NT2-D NT1-C NT1-D NT2-C NT2-D NT1-C NT1-D NT2-C NT2-D NT1-C NT1-D NT2-C NT2-D 0.1460.11 0.1860.06 0.1760.02 0.1360.03 0.1560.18 0.1360.04 0.1060.03 0.1160.02 0.1160.10 0.1260.04 0.1060.03 0.1060.03 0.0460.19 0.0560.07 0.1360.05 0.3860.04 no degradation 0.2760.08 0.1860.06 no degradation 0.24 0.64 0.90 0.79 0.40 0.68 0.75 0.88 0.15 0.67 0.75 0.71 0.01 0.08 0.59 0.96 ns s s s ns s s s ns s s s ns ns s s 0.71 0.63 s s dances are internally consistent) than compound class ratios that were measured in different splits of the sample. Compound classes may also be less sensitive than individual biomarker analyses because classes add together compounds that may have different sources or behave in different ways. These compositional differences in SV classes (elutriator fractions) are distinct even though the k range 0.03–0.05 0.07–0.13 0.08–0.10 0.04–0.08 0.12–0.14 0.11–0.24 0.15–0.20 0.15–0.18 0.11–0.14 0.12–0.27 0.07–0.11 0.08–0.12 0.10–0.25 0.07–0.11 0.08–0.11 0.10–0.14 0.33–0.40 0.13–0.29 0.15–0.39 range of BSiO2 : OC ratios (0.10–0.20, Table 2) showed that all samples were diatom dominated (Ragueneau et al. 2002). These BSiO2 : OC ratios were close to the ratio of 0.13 measured by Brzezinski (1985) on diatoms cultured in silica-replete conditions. The presence of either degraded material, fecal pellets (Tande and Slagstad 1985; Cowie and Hedges 1996), or more silicified species (in response to Table 6. BSiO2 dissolution rate constants, k (d21), calculated from the increase of DSi normalized to initial BSiO2 over time in each settling velocity fraction; s, significant; ns, nonsignificant. NT1-A NT1-B NT1-C NT1-D NT2-A NT2-B NT2-C NT2-D Settling velocity (m d21) k (d21) r2 p,0.05 n57 .230 115–230 58–115 29–58 .230 115–230 58–115 29–58 0.00260.003 20.00260.007 0.02260.049 0.00560.008 0.02460.002 0.02660.021 0.02660.013 0.06060.010 0.099 0.013 0.007 0.081 0.977 0.856 0.457 0.893 ns ns ns ns s s s s Degradation of marine particles 1659 nutrient limitation, Claquin et al. 2002) is known to increase this ratio. All samples contained biomarkers indicating the presence of phytoplankton, zooplankton, and bacterial organic matter, but faster settling particles were dominated by phytoplankton aggregate indicators, particles of intermediate settling velocity had more zooplankton and fecal pellet indicators, and slower settling particles were more associated with bacterial indicators (Figs. 2, 3, and 4). Accordingly, we use the terms ‘‘fresh’’ and ‘‘reworked’’ material for characterizing the two extreme qualitative features of organic matter in the particle spectra. These compositions fit the conventional paradigm that faster settling particles in the deep ocean contain freshly biosynthesized material that is not highly decomposed while slower settling material has been actively altered by heterotrophy (e.g., Honjo et al. 1982; Wakeham and Lee 1993). Fig. 5. Biomarker indices using normalized data as in Fig. 2 but at the final incubation stage of samples from NetTraps 1 and 2. Biodegradability of the different settling velocity classes— The relationship between the quality of SV particle classes and their bioavailability (measured as an apparent degradation rate constant) suggests that the faster settling particles (with indicators of ‘‘fresh material’’) contain less bioavailable organic matter, whereas slower settling particles (with ‘‘reworked material’’ indicators) are more bioavailable. For NT1 and NT2 incubation experiments (NT3 was not incubated), faster settling A and B particles fell within the first group (fresh matter/nonbioavailable), whereas slower settling C and D particles fell within the second group (reworked matter/bioavailable). This conclusion at first may seem counterintuitive. Fig. 6. PCA using the NT1 data set of individual amino acid, lipid, and pigment compounds in incubated particles from the different settling velocity fractions. See abbreviations in Table 4. The gray arrows give a general sense of the trend in composition with time. 1660 Goutx et al. Table 7. Mean degradation rate constants, k (d21), and turnover time, 1/k (d), of total amino acids (THAA), total lipids (TLip), individual amino acids, and lipid classes in slow sinking particles (data were computed using significant k from Table 5). K 1/k Compound classes THAA TLip 0.0860.01 (n53) 0.1260.00 (n52) 12.5 8.3 Individual compounds Amino acids Lipid classes 0.1360.03 (n59) 0.2460.11 (n54) 7.9 4.2 The presence of attached bacteria could be one reason for the greater bioavailability of the slowest settling particles. If slower settling particles from the upper ocean have a longer residence time in the water column, they would be relatively ‘‘older’’ in age at the time (or depth) at which we sampled compared with the faster settling particles. Therefore, free bacteria from the surrounding water column could more efficiently colonize them. Accordingly, fraction D would already be initially enriched in bacterial tracers (Figs. 2, 3, and 4) relative to the other fractions, and it is the D fractions that were most affected by biodegradation during our incubations. Furthermore, in those incubation samples for which we determined bacterial carbon (NT2 samples), the largest increase in the proportion of POC contributed by bacteria was observed in C and less so in D (data not presented). Thus, at the time of sampling, the slower settling particles having relatively longer transit times to 200 m contain more (or metabolically more active) bacteria than faster settling particles. Fresh bacterial biomass/necromass could also be fueling degradation of these particles, changing their composition during settling (see discussion below). Another possible explanation for the lower short-term bioavailability of faster settling freshly produced particles is that faster settling material was made up of larger aggregates, while slower settling particles were much smaller, based on visual observations of the elutriator fractions. Phytoplankton cells inside aggregates stay alive longer than those that are free in the medium (Moriceau et al. 2007), and a living phytoplankton cell is less subject to bacterial degradation. Moreover, in large aggregates, minerals may limit decomposition by physically protecting organic matter with which they are associated (Arnarson and Keil 2000). The DYFAMED site receives Saharan dust input in the spring, and there was a dust event early in May 2003 just before our sampling period (Bartoli et al. 2005). Thus, clay minerals may have contributed to increase the resistance of aggregates to microbial decomposition. In addition, the process of BSiO2 dissolution in aggregates and/or free cells could affect the susceptibility of organic compounds to degradation. Since they are ‘‘older’’ at the time (or depth) of sampling compared with faster settling particles, the slower settling particle fractions NT1-C, NT1-D, and NT2-D certainly experienced degradation, triggering BSiO2 dissolution. BSiO2 dissolved 10 times faster in NT1-C and two times faster in NT1-D than in NT1-A and NT1-B, and two times faster in NT2-D than in NT2-A, NT2-B, and NT2-C (Table 6). While the embedding of diatom cells inside aggregates or fresh fecal pellets slows down BSiO2 dissolution (Passow et al. 2003; Schultes 2004; Moriceau et al. 2007), the breakdown of external cell membranes by enzymes and/or the breakage of diatom frustules in fecal pellet by coprophagy (Schultes 2004; Ragueneau et al. unpubl. data) would enhance BSiO2 dissolution rates. Coprophagy would be more likely to occur during slower settling. The fact that BSiO2 dissolved faster in the more degraded particles of NT2 than in the fresher particles of NT1 (Fig. 2 and Table 6) was consistent with the idea that BSiO2 dissolution only started after degradation of the organic matter surrounding the frustule (Bidle and Azam 1999, 2001). The significant degradation rate constants of several compounds that we observed in faster settling particles from NT1 (which exhibited lower BSiO2 dissolution) may also indicate decomposition of compounds that protect BSiO2. On the other hand, the higher BSiO2 dissolution rate constants in faster settling particles in NT2 compared with faster settling particles in NT1 (one order of magnitude) were not accompanied by significantly higher organic compound degradation rate constants, suggesting that most of the bioavailable matter had been already decomposed in these particles. These observations show that in both sets of particles, silica dissolution was far from being complete during the incubation time. An alternative explanation is that biogenic silica does not protect much of the OC in these samples. Finally, we examined whether the variability within aliquots might be responsible for the absence of significant degradation patterns of organic compounds in NT2 fractions A and B. A maximum of about 20% variation in bulk organic compound concentrations between duplicate samples at 48 h incubation time was observed in NT2A and NT2-B (for TLip-C and THAA-C, respectively), suggesting that variability could have dampened degradation patterns but was not responsible for the absence of significant degradation of all compounds in NT2-A and NT2-B. Nevertheless, the experiment did not show clear relationships between particle settling velocity, silica content, dissolution rate constants and organic matter decomposition rate constants, probably because of the heterogeneity of particulate matter in addition to experimental variability and short incubation time. As mentioned earlier, another explanation is that biogenic silica may not protect the OC in our particle samples. Evolution of composition during settling—Although previous studies report on the role of bacterial decomposition of particles by bacteria attached to settling or suspended particles at DYFAMED (Sempéré et al. 2000; Van Wambeke et al. 2001; Ghiglione et al. in press), the MedFlux experiment is the first decomposition study using natural settling marine particles separated by settling velocity. As the particles with different settling velocity decomposed, their compositions changed with time, yet those compositional changes were related to initial com- Degradation of marine particles position. Among the tracers used for characterizing OM composition, changes in individual and total amino acids, pigments, and carbohydrates showed the combined results of assimilation and bacterial biomass production, whereas changes in total lipid classes better traced early stages of degradation (hydrolysis), as reported in Goutx et al. (2003). We observed that the same lipid class in two different particle fractions had different degradation rate constants (Table 5). It is probable that the heterogeneity of particles, the localization of the organic matrix within diatom frustules (when present), the BSiO2 dissolution rate constants, the resistance of peritrophic fecal pellet membranes depending on their origin, and/or the presence of mucus all led to differences in susceptibility of the various carbon compounds to bacterial attack. This was most noticeable in NT1, which had more diatom material in it and exhibited less BSiO2 dissolution over time than NT2. Although organic compounds were initially present in different proportions in the four settling velocity particle classes, degradation led to an overall accumulation of lipid metabolites, specific amino acids (GABA and BALA), pigment (phytin), and carbohydrates (deoxysugars). As illustrated by PCA in Fig. 6, the composition of all four classes moved in the same direction, with C and D ending up after 120 h with almost identical compositions. Thus, regardless of initial particle composition, degradation would lead to a homogenization in chemical composition of resolvable organic compounds, which reflects the processes of loss through enzymatic hydrolysis of source compounds and input of bacterial biomass. Implications for pelagic organisms—The particle spectra collected using the NetTrap at 200-m ranges from very rapidly settling particles (.250 m d21) to slower settling particles (,50 m d21). Thus, chemical changes and degradation rate constants observed during the 5-d incubation period reflected the evolution and ‘‘degradation’’ of particles produced in the upper layer as they sink 250– 1,250 m through the water column, below the twilight zone. All particle classes contained recently biosynthesized organic compounds. Organic compounds associated with particles settling at velocities above 100 m d21 had slower turnover times, which resulted in little degradation during the incubation period. These faster settling particles thus are excellent vehicles for transferring phytoplankton production out of the mesopelagic layer. Coupling settling velocity and results of apparent degradation rate constants shows that in low hydrodynamic systems, disruption/degradation of these faster settling particles is likely to occur in the bathypelagic layer and surface sediment where they become bioavailable. Bacterial communities from deep layers are more likely to colonize these particles than communities from upper layers. Surface bacteria attached to particles are grazed by heterotrophic flagellates during sinking throughout the mesopelagic layer (Tanaka and Rassoulzadegan 2004), whereas bathypelagic bacteria are well adapted to pressure conditions at deep depth (Tholosan et al. 1999; Tamburini et al. 2002). In these particles however, a few individual biomarkers exhibited significant apparent degradation rate 1661 constants (data not shown), suggesting that some molecules carried by the faster settling particles were accessible inside or outside of aggregates to bacterial attack during transport from surface to depth. On the other hand, slower settling particles (,100 m d21) exhibited significant degradation during incubation. We calculated average degradation rate constants for the amino acid and lipid pools as well as for the individual compounds that degraded rapidly (Table 7). These degradation rate constants (0.08 6 0.01 to 0.24 6 0.11 d21) fall within the range (at the lower limit) of values reported by Pantoja et al. (2004) and Van Mooy et al. (2002) for settling matter in oxic conditions. These degradation rate constants (k) can be used to estimate consumption depth of sediment trap material collected during the MedFlux cruise. The turnover time (1/k) of organic compounds in these particles (4.2–12.5 d), which is the time required for the initial pool to decrease by a factor of 2.7, indicates that they are mainly consumed in the mesopelagic layer. Bacterial biomarkers were accumulated in these particles, suggesting that they are colonized by bacterial communities, either those from the upper water column developing in the vicinity of the phytoplankton or those colonizing particles during settling. Filter feeding and/or migratory organisms eating smaller particles would benefit nutritionally from attached bacteria on these slower settling particles in the mesopelagic layer. These observations stress the role of attached bacteria in the consumption of particulate organic carbon in the northwest Mediterranean Sea. Differences in the dynamics of faster settling particles and slower settling particles degradation may have important consequences for evaluating carbon flows through the mesopelagic food chain. 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Received: 30 December 2005 Amended: 26 January 2007 Accepted: 12 February 2007