Syllabus Engineering 111C (208-209) Fall 2012 421 CVLB Engineering Instructor: Bryan Maggard Office: 501U RICH Phone: 979-845-0592 Office Hrs: MW 3-4, and by appointment e-mail: Graphics Instructor: Larry Till, Lecturer 216 CE/TTI 979-845-1692 TBA Teaching Assistant: Jenika Shannon Office: TBA Phone: TBA Office Hrs: TBA e-mail: Peer Teacher: TBA Textbooks: Foundations of Engineering (with Mathematics Supplement) by Holtzapple & Reece, McGraw-Hill, 2002. rd Foundations of Graphics for Engineers by Camba, Otey, and Whiteacre, 3 edition Grade Distribution: Homework / In-Class Assignments / Quizzes Exams (2): Comprehensive Exam: Project 25% (~3/5 team) 35% (No team) 25% (No team) 15% (team) (The two major exams are not curved. Comprehensive exam may have point value greater than 100, if necessary.) Letter Grades A = 90 to 100 B = 80 to 89.9 C = 70 to 79.9 D = 55 to 69.9 F < 55 Team Grades: The TEAM must insure that all members of the team contribute to and understand the contents of team submissions. On the cover page of each assignment, each team member must print and sign their name. Also, they must indicate their percentage of effort: 100% indicates full participation, 0% means no participation. Common Event Schedule: Industry Night Department Presentations: Thursday, Sep. 20, from 7:00–9:00 pm (Optional) Tuesday, Oct. 9, from 7:00–9:00 pm (Required) Common Examinations as listed in the Fall 2012 Class Schedule: Examination #1 Examination #2 Comprehensive Exam (#3) Wednesday, October 3, 2012 Wednesday, November 14, 2012 Thursday, November 29, 2012 6:30-8:00 pm 6:30-8:00 pm 6:30-8:00 pm For detailed information on weekly schedule and reading assignments contact eLearning. Policies: Prerequisite: Math 151 or registration therein and admission to the College of Engineering Disabilities Services for Students: Among other things, The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requires that all students with disabilities be guaranteed a learning environment that provides for reasonable accommodation of their disabilities. If you believe you have a disability requiring an accommodation, please contact Disabilities Services for Students, Cain Hall, Room B118. The phone number is 979-845-1637. ( Academic Dishonesty: Collaboration on examinations, in-class assignments, and homework assignments is forbidden except where specifically specified as “Team” activities. In general, one team may not collaborate with another team on “Team” activities. Students violating this policy will be subject to procedures described in Section 20 (Scholastic Dishonesty) of the 2004–2005, Texas A&M University Student Rules. ( Academic Integrity: “An Aggie does not lie, cheat, or steal or tolerate those who do.” Honor Council Rules and Procedures: See Attendance: Unexcused absences: Students who miss class without prior approval of their instructor will receive a grade of zero on the missed in class assignment. University excuse absences: Authorized absences must be approved by your instructor in advance of the absence, unless you have an emergency or illness. Make-up work must be completed outside of normal class hours within ONE WEEK following an excused absence. IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to see your teacher and make arrangements for make-up work. In-Class Assignments: All in-class assignments must be completed by the end of the class period. It is the discretion of the individual instructor to grant additional time if deemed necessary. In-Class Quizzes: In-class quizzes will include individual and team Readiness Assessment Tests (RATs) and Post Assessment Tests (PATs). RATs normally cover reading assignments and often occur before material is covered in class. PATs are short quizzes on material covered in a previous class. Homework Assignments: Homework assignments must be submitted on engineering paper, workbook plates, or submitted as produced by the printer. All homework assignments are due at the beginning of the class on the assigned due date. NO LATE HOMEWORK WILL BE ACCEPTED, other than for a university excused absence. Note that some assignments may count as a "double" assignment. Examinations: Two major exams and a comprehensive exam will be given during the semester. Exams 1 & 2 in-class and the comprehensive exam (#3) will be given at night on the dates shown on the previous page. Refer to ENGR 111 website for the time and location for your section. Questions about exam scores must be submitted in writing within two weeks after the exams have been returned or the scores will be considered correct. Computer Usage: All ENGR 111/112 students are allowed open access to the classrooms on the 3rd floor after normal class hours. Hours for these rooms will be set to accommodate the needs of the students. Consult the Enotes Announcements for information on availability. Space is limited considering the number of students enrolled in the course. Please use the labs for ENGR 111/112 assignments only. You are asked to be considerate of others and not waste time in these rooms after hours once you have completed your work. COPYRIGHT NOTICE: The handouts used in this course are copyrighted. By “handouts,” this means all materials generated for this class, which includes but is not limited to syllabi, quizzes, exams, lab problems, in-class materials, review sheets, and additional problem sets. Because these materials are copyrighted, you do not have the right to copy the handouts, unless expressly granted permission. Resource Conservation: Please observe the following paper conservation policies: • • • • Preview your work and correct errors before printing. Return extra clean sheets to the printer. Place discarded copies in the recycle bins. Print only what you need. Avoid making unnecessary copies. Learning Objectives • Learn and experience the basic principles of teamwork (relates to an ABET outcome) • Learn and experience the basic principles of engineering design (relates to an ABET outcome and IEEI initiative in “multidisciplinary design”) • Apply engineering design principles to specific projects in multiple disciplines (relates to an ABET outcome and IEEI initiative in “multidisciplinary design”) • Utilize computation tools (graphical and computational) to enable simulations or visualizations that are necessary for select design projects (relates to an ABET outcome and IEEI initiative in “multidisciplinary design”) • Learn to follow a systematic approach to product development and deliver documents as appropriate to verify project performance (relates to an ABET outcome and IEEI initiative in “systems engineering”) • Learn how to document and communicate (both textually and graphically) the results of the engineering design process effectively (relates to an ABET outcome) • Appreciate the field of engineering and the exciting opportunities that exist within it. Schedule PS = Problem Solving Week Date Class 1 Aug. 28 1.1 Course introduction/engineering professions Aug. 30 1.2 Sketching and lettering Sept. 4 2.2 Teaming and time management Sept. 6 2.2 Valves and piping Sept. 11 3.1 Ethics Sept. 13 3.2 Orthographic projection Sept. 18 4.1 Problem solving methods and algorithms Sept. 20 4.2 Pictorials 2 3 4 Sept. 20 5 6 Topics GR = Graphics Instructor PS Reading Assignment Chap. 0; FE Chap 1; MS E,F GR PS FG Chap. 1, 2 Chap. 0 GR PS FE Chap 2 GR PS FG Chap. 3 FE Chap. 3(4.4); MS 1 GR FG Chap. 4 Industry night 7 - 9 pm (Optional, ENGR 111) Sept. 25 5.1 Newton's laws Sept. 27 5.2 Scaling and Auxiliary Views Oct. 2 6.1 Systems of Units Oct. 3 Evening: Exam 1 (check time/location PS FE Chap. 10; MS L GR PS FG Chap. 5, 6 FE Chap. 13, 14 PS/GR for your section) 7 Oct. 4 6.2 Introduction to AutoCAD Oct. 9 7.1 Significant digits, proportionality, GR PS FG Chap. 11 FE Chap. 7 and unit conversions Departmental presentations 7 - 9 pm (various locations) Oct. 11 7.2 Orthographic and Pictorials in AutoCAD Oct. 16 8.1 Industry case study (in class) Oct. 18 8.2 Excel Oct. 23 9.1 Dimensions GR FG Chap. 7 Oct. 25 9.2 Tolerances GR FG Chap. 8 Oct. 30 10.1 Graphical analysis Nov. 1 10.2 Graphing in Excel 11 Nov. 6 11.1 Thermodynamics Nov. 8 11.2 Sections 12 Nov. 13 12.1 Thermodynamics PS Evening: Exam 2 (check time/location PS 8 9 10 Nov. 14 GR - PS/GR PS PS FE Chap. 8; MS H GR PS FE Chap. 11 GR FG Chap. 5 FE Chap. 11 for your section) 13 14 Nov. 15 12.2 AutoCAD In-Class Exam Nov. 20 13.1 Statistics Nov. 22 13.2 Thanksgiving Holiday (no class) Nov. 27 14.1 Statistics in Excel Nov. 29 14.2 Threaded Fasteners Evening: Comprehensive Exam (Exam 3) GR - PS FE Chap. 9; MS G PS GR PS/GR (check time/location for your section) 15 Dec. 4 15.1 Project demonstration PS/GR FE- Foundations of Engineering; FG- Foundations of Graphics for Engineers; MS- Mathematics Supplement FG Chap. 6, 9