MAT 1033 INTERMEDIATE ALGEBRA STUDENT COURSE INFORMATION SHEET SPRING 2012 I. COURSE DESCRIPTION: MAT 1033: Intermediate Algebra, 3 lecture hours, and 3 credit hours Prerequisite: Math placement test or minimum grade of “C” in MAT 0028. MAT 1033 receive college credit, but only elective credit, and cannot be used to satisfy the math requirements for the Associates in Arts Degree. You must earn a “C” in this course in order to advance to MAC 1105, College Algebra, or MGF 1106, Liberal Arts I, or STA 2023, Statistics. Topics included are factoring, algebraic fractions, radicals and rational exponents, complex numbers, quadratic equations, rational equations, linear equations and inequalities in two variables and their graphs, systems of linear equations and inequalities, introduction to functions, and applications of the above topics. II. TEXT: Intermediate Algebra, by Miller, O’Neill and Hyde, 2nd edition, 2007, McGraw Hill Company. III. OTHER MATERIALS: A calculator may be used in the course. IV. Attendance/Withdrawal/Grade Forgiveness/Attempts: Attendance: Regular class attendance and participation are significant factors that help promote success in any class. If you do not attend class for the first two weeks you will be withdrawn. Withdrawals: There are two kinds of withdrawals. 1. Student Withdrawal – Students wishing to withdraw from the course must complete a withdrawal form and submit the form to the Office of Enrollment Services before the scheduled withdrawal deadline as published in the college catalog. This deadline is usually one week after midterm. Beyond that point – if a student decides they no longer wish to be in this course they must withdraw themselves otherwise they will receive the grade of ‘F’. 2. Administrative Withdrawal – Students who do not attend class for the first two weeks will be withdrawn. Excessive absences – more than a total of 4 – may also result in you being withdrawn. Grade Forgiveness/Attempts: Refer to the College Catalog regarding these matters. V. HOMEWORK: Homework will be assigned daily. You are required to work ONLY odd problems unless instructed otherwise. The answers are in the back of the book. VI. Quizzes: Quizzes will be announced in advance and have a time limit of twenty minutes. VII. TESTING: There will be four unit tests given. The unit tests will be announced in advance, will count equally, and will be returned. A cumulative midterm exam will be given after the second or third unit tests and will be returned. The final exam will not be returned. There are no exemptions from the QME or final exam. 1 MAT 1033 INTERMEDIATE ALGEBRA SPRING 2012 VIII. GRADING: The average of the four (4) unit tests will count 60% of your grade. The quizzes will count 5% of your grade. The QME (no exemptions) will count 10% of your grade. The HW will count as 5% of your total grade. A comprehensive final exam (no exemptions) will count 20% of your grade. The Math Division grading scale will be used to convert the numerical average to a letter grade. The grading scale is: A (100-90), B (89-80), C (79-70), D (69-60), and F (59-0). IX. MAKE UP WORK: 1. Unit Tests: You can replace one unit test with the Final Exam. 2. Quizzes: (a) The first quiz missed will be dropped. (b) Any subsequent quiz missed you have one week to make-up or receive a zero. 3. HW: Any HW turned-in one week past the due date will received 20 out of 25 as the highest score. 4. Final: No make-up X. AVAILABLE HELP: 1. Me I will be available 30 minutes before class starts. 2. Success Center Math learning managers and student tutors are available in the Success Center Monday through Thursday from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Friday hours are 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and Sunday hours are 1:00 - 5:00 p.m. 3. DVD’s DVD”s on this course may be checked out at the library’s circulation desk at GCCC. 4. GCCC Library webpage : . Go to course videos; go to MAT 1033. XII. CLASSROOM CONDUCT POLICY: In order to promote a learning environment in which you as a student may receive the greatest consideration, we will do all we can to prevent unnecessary interruptions and class disruptions. To this end, it is the stated policy of the Division of Mathematics that disruptions, absolutely and unequivocally, will not be tolerated in the classrooms administered by this division. To this end, we remind you that the instructors are obligated to adhere strictly to the following policies: 1. Everyone is required to be in class on time. Anyone entering the classroom after I have begun class is late and is a disruption to the class. 2. The student must have prior consent from me before leaving the class early. If you must leave class early, notify me before the beginning of class. I do not conduct “open” classrooms where individuals may arrive and exit at their discretion. This activity is disruptive to those trying to learn and will not be allowed. If you leave early without prior notification, you will not be allowed back in the classroom without first obtaining permission from Mrs. Reynolds, Division of Mathematics Chair. 3. I do not allow talking or other distractions to occur at inappropriate times. Talking or other disruptive behavior (including pagers and ringing cell phones) is a distraction to other students and has no place in a college environment. If you engage in such behavior, you will be asked to stop. If the behavior continues, you will be asked to leave and confer with Mrs. Reynolds, Division of Mathematics Chair, concerning the nature of the behavior before being allowed back in the classroom. 2 MAT 1033 INTERMEDIATE ALGEBRA SPRING 2012 4. 5. Absolutely no food or drink is allowed in the classroom. There will be no usage of electronic communication devices (including, but not limited to, cell phones, Ipods, PDAs, MP3/Music players, Blackberries, etc.) allowed in the classrooms. 6. Infractions of discipline may be handled by me as final authority. The student has a right to appeal. Learning Outcomes for MAT1033, Intermediate Algebra Upon successful completion of this course, the student should be able to: 1.Factorpolynomials. 2. Simplifyexpressionsinvolvingalgebraicfractions,radicalandrationalexponents. 3. Performoperationswithcomplexnumbers. 4. Solvequadratic,rationalandlinearequationsandrelatedapplicationproblems. 5. Solveandgraphinequalitiesintwovariables,systemsoflinearequationsand inequalities. 6. Findtheindicatedfunctionvalue. Other: Any student who feels she or he may need an accommodation based on the impact of a disability should contact the Office of Disability Support Services at 850-872-3834 or in the Student Union East room 59. The Office of Disability Support Services will coordinate reasonable accommodations for student with documented disabilities. QEP Vision Statement We believe that teaching Critical Academic Literacy (CAL) strategies will improve student learning. Students will construct knowledge as they develop their analysis, synthesis, and evaluation skills. CAL strategies must be taught explicitly through direct classroom instruction and be reinforced through consistent practice. 3 MAT 1033 INTERMEDIATE ALGEBRA DAILY SCHEDULE INSTRUCTOR: Mr. Alfred Lee OFFICE: N/A OFFICE HOURS: 30 mins before class TELEPHONE: (850)835-9857 hm SPRING 2012 SECTION: 4224 TIME: 5:00pm – 6:15pm CLASSROOM: E-MAIL: Please use Angel as the primary source for communications outside the classroom. DIVISION OF MATHEMATICS’ TELEPONE NUMBER: 747-3229 DIVISION OF MATHEMATICS’ FAX NUMBER: 873-3560 COLLEGE’S TOLL-FREE NUMBER: 1-800-311-3685 COLLEGE’S WEB ADDRESS: 3/1 3/6 3/13 TEST #2 3.4,4.3,4.5,4.6,4.8,5.1,5.2,5.3 HW #2 Due QME (MIDTERM) Spring Break THURSDAY 2.1 (11-54), 2.2 (7-58) Finish 2.3, 2.6 (17-30; 43-48) Quiz #1 3.3 (5-52) , 3.4 (1-30; 37-44;47) TEST #1 1.1,2.1,2.2,2.3,2.6,3.1,3.2,3.3 HW #1 Due Finish 4.5, 4.6 (33-74) Finish 5.1, 5.2 (10-49 omit 31,33,47) REVIEW TEST 2 Quiz #3 REVIEW for (QME) 3/8 3/15 5.4 (17-44), 5.5 (9-40) Spring Break 3/20 3/27 Finish 5.5, 5.6 (11-26; 47-64) 6.3 (9-52), 6.4 (11-66) 3/22 3/29 4/3 TEST #3 5.4,5.5,5.6,6.1,6.2,6.3,6.4 HW #3 Due 6.6 (11-44) 7.1 (2-17), 8.1 (1-60) Finish 8.3, 8.5 (6-56) 4/5 6.1 (3-38; 59-74), 6.2 (9-90) REVIEW Quiz #4 6.5 (9-44) TEST #4 6.5,6.6,6.8,7.1,8.1,8.3,8.5 HW #4 Due FINAL EXAM 5/3 1/10 1/17 1/24 1/31 2/7 2/14 2/21 2/28 4/10 4/17 4/24 5/1 5/3 TUESDAY Syllabus: 1.1 (21-70) Finish 2.2, 2.3 (7-80) 1/12 1/19 3.1 (1-32) , 3.2 (8-54) REVIEW Quiz #2 4.3 (27-46), 4.5 (17-46; 71-91) 4.8 (17-64;69), 5.1 (23-76 omit 43) 5.3 (33-74 omit 65,71) 1/26 2/2 2/9 2/16 2/23 4/12 4/19 4/26 6.8 (9-30; 43-90) Finish 8.1, 8.3 (7-38) REVIEW Quiz #5 REVIEW FOR FINAL Quiz #6 5/5 All odd problems will be worked unless instructed otherwise. The answers are in the back of the book. Withdrawal deadline: March 9, 2012 Any student who feels she or he may need an accommodation based on the impact of a disability should contact the Office of Disability Support Services at 850-872-3834 or in the SUE 59. The Office of Disability Support Services will coordinate reasonable accommodations for all students with documented disabilities. 4