Syllabus, Fall 2015 MAT 1033, INTERMEDIATE ALGEBRA MW, 5:30pm-6:45pm, SP-SA 201, Section 0524 INSTRUCTOR: Professor: Angie Trutie Email: Phone: 407-620-6119 (This is my cell, please feel free to text) Office Hours: Tuesday, 9:30am – 10:30am in SP/Gibbs: SA 213 and Thursday, 12:30pm - 1:30pm in Midtown/JC: LSC, 2nd Floor ACADEMIC DEPARTMENT: Mathematics Department, Gibbs Campus: SA – 215 Phone Number: 727-341-3573 or 727-341-4605 COURSE INFORMATION: Prerequisite: MAT 0028 or MAT 0055 or MAT 0056 or MAT 0022 with a minimum grade of C; or an appropriate score on the SPC mathematics placement test. Course Description: Major topics include: factoring, algebraic fractions, radicals and rational exponents, complex numbers, quadratic equations, rational equations, linear equations and inequalities, systems of linear equations and inequalities, introduction to functions, and applications. Major Learning Outcomes: Students will: 1) apply concepts of solving equations and inequalities; 2) apply concepts of solving nonlinear equations and simplifying nonlinear expressions; 3) perform the methods of factoring; and 4) apply concepts of rational expressions. Course Objectives: 1. The student will apply concepts of solving equations and inequalities by: a) identifying the slope and y-intercept of a line graphically and algebraically; b) writing the equation of a line given two points or one point and the slope; c) solving systems of linear equations in two variables graphically and algebraically; d) solving systems of linear inequalities in two variables by graphing; e) translating applied problems from their verbal descriptions into linear equations and solving the problem; f) solving literal equations. 2. The student will apply concepts of solving nonlinear equations and simplifying nonlinear expressions by: a) solving quadratic equations by factoring; b) solving quadratic equations using the quadratic formula; c) solving quadratic equations that result in complex number solutions; d) solving application problems which require the use of quadratic equations; e) simplifying and performing arithmetic operations with radical expressions; f) multiplying and dividing exponential expressions with rational exponents; g) solving radical equations involving one radical expression (square root). 3. The student will perform the methods of factoring by: a) factoring polynomials including the sum and difference of cubes; b) factoring using the greatest common factor; c) factoring by grouping. 4. The student will apply concepts of rational expressions by: a) performing arithmetic operations on algebraic fractions including monomial, binomial, and trinomial denominators; b) simplifying rational expressions; c) solving rational equations. 5. The student will perform the basic concepts of functions by: a. using functional notation to evaluate a function; b) graphing a linear function; c) applying the vertical line test; d) identifying the domain and range of a function. REQUIRED TEXTBOOK & OTHER RESOURCE INFORMATION: Required Text: Intermediate Algebra by Tobey, Slater, Blair & Crawford 7 th Edition ISBN Number: 978-0-321-76950-3 Library Link: ?sectionId=66913523&item=Y&catalogId=10001&langId=1&displayStoreId=65206&storeId=65203&partNumber=MBS_1145475&productId=500007269332 Calculator: You may use a scientific calculator only on tests and quizzes. The use of graphing calculators, cell phones, laptops, tablets, etc. will not be permitted. 1 IMPORTANT DATES: Course Dates: August 17th – December 11th Drop/Add: August 21st Last day to Drop with a refund: August 21st by 11pm or Withdrawal Deadline with a grade of “W”: October 22nd Final Exam Week: December 7th – December 10th ; Academic Calendar/Important Dates: ATTENDANCE: The college-wide attendance policy is included in the Syllabus Addendum: Attendance and Class Participation for This Class In order to remain in the class, students must attend class during the 1 st week (the week of Aug 17th during you class meet times) AND take Quiz 1 in MyCourses,, by Friday August 21st by 11pm. If you do not do BOTH, attend class during week 1 and do not take Quiz 1 by Aug 21st, you will be reported as a “No Show” and be subject to being administratively withdrawn from the course. Class attendance is required. Regular attendance is a significant factor to promote success in the course. If you do miss a class and would like to sit in another class, if there is another class to sit in, to see the material missed you may do so. Attendance will be taken at the beginning of class. If you arrive late to class, please see the instructor after class. However, if you miss more than 15 minutes of the class (whether it be at the beginning, middle or end), it will be counted as an absence. If you leave class early, you may also be counted as absent. 3 tardies will be equivalent to 1 absence; students with 4 or more absences are subject to being withdrawn from the course. No absences will be excused unless legal or medical documentation can be provided. Students are responsible for all class materials and any announcement made in class whether or not they are present. Active participation is also a significant factor to promote success in the course. Actively participation includes but is not limited to: asking/answering HW questions; participating in classroom discussions; participating in individual and/or group work; etc. Attendance at the 60% point of the class is circa the withdrawal deadline, October 22 nd. Students who have 4 or more absences will be reported to administration as not actively participating in class and as having poor attendance. Students who have not taken 2 or more tests will also be reported to administration. Note: Withdrawal from a course with a “W” before the withdrawal deadline (Oct 22 nd) or withdrawing after the withdrawal deadline with a “WF” could impact a student’s financial aid, requiring repayment of financial assistance. Students should consult an advisor and a financial counselor whenever considering withdrawal from a course. Early Alerts • SPC has adopted a program called Early Alert to refer students to academic advisors when their course participation or grades indicate that a student may not be successful in the course. • If you have excessive absences and tardies, you will be referred for an early alert. • If your course average and/or test/quiz average fall below 70%, you will be referred for an early alert. STUDENT EXPECTATIONS: ELECTRONICS AND CLASSROOM CONDUCT 1) Please refrain from using cell phones, lap tops, kindles, tablets, iPads, etc. in class. Not only is it a distraction to the instructor and those around you, but you are taking away from your learning time. 2) Excessive talking in class will not be tolerated. Again, it is a distraction to the instructor, to those around you, and you are taking away from your learning time and the learning time of those around you; and will result in being asked to leave the class. 3) SPC’s Syllabus Addendum on student expectations: 2 DISABILITY RESOURCES: A student with a documented disability may be eligible to receive services. If you think you have a disability but have not had it documented, your campus Learning Specialist will explain how to get proper testing or assessment. To be documented, you must have a recent report from a licensed physician or psychologist or an IEP or SOP from your high school. Please visit the Disability Resource page for available services: ASSIGNMENTS & GRADES: The grade for this course will be derived from the following sources: Highest 3 scores from Tests 1-4; Quizzes on MyCourses (lowest quiz will be dropped); and a Cumulative Final Exam. Quizzes: Tests: Final Exam: 16% 66% 18% You can figure out your semester grade by using the following formula: Semester Grade = 0.16Q + .66T + .18F , where Q = quiz average , T = average of best 3 tests , and F = final exam grade A: B: C: D: F: 90-100 80-89 70-79 60-69 0-59 In order to earn a grade of C or better, the student will achieve at the 70% level or higher on classroom measures. Upon successful completion of the course, the student will, with a minimum of 70% accuracy, demonstrate mastery of each of the above stated objectives through classroom measures developed by individual course instructors. HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENTS: Homework is assigned but not collected nor graded. It is essential to complete homework assignments for complete understanding of the material covered in class and to be successful in the course. QUIZZES: Quizzes will be posted online on MyCourses. Students will be allowed 2 attempts and only the highest score will be recorded. Due dates and times are posted in MyCourses. The lowest quiz grade will be dropped at the end of the semester. There are absolutely no “make-ups” for quizzes under any circumstance; including but not limited to: illness of self/family, unforeseen circumstances, transportation issues, accident, preplanned or unplanned trips, work schedules/meetings, etc. for the last test of the semester. If you do miss a quiz, remember a quiz will be dropped at the end of the semester. TESTS: All tests must be completed within the class time allotted unless you provide documentation from the Office of Students with Disabilities. Please arrive on time on the day we take a test; you will not be allowed to take a test if you are more than 15 minutes late to the start of your class time. The lowest test score from Tests 1 – 4 will be dropped at the end of the semester if you have taken all 4 tests. There are NO MAKE UPS on Chapter Tests unless you have legal or medical documentation that can be provided to your instructor, or, it is a globally recognized religious holiday. Transportation issues, preplanned or unplanned trips, work schedules/meetings, etc. are NOT acceptable excuses for missing class and/or a test. If you have a documented legitimate excuse and are not in class when a test is given, you must contact me as soon as possible. The test must be made up within 24 hours from the time the test was given at your class time. My current schedule does not allow me to give make ups on Mondays or Wednesdays, so it would most likely have to be on a Tuesday or Thursday. If an arrangement cannot be made, you will receive a “0” for that test. Lastly, once tests are handed back to any of my classes (not just your class day/time) there are no make-ups and you will receive a “0” for that test. The Final Exam is mandatory and must be taken in order to receive a passing grade for the semester. Final Exam Review Link: file:///C:/Users/truti_000/Downloads/MAT1033_FER.pdf 3 ACADEMIC HONESTY: Each student is expected to be in complete compliance with the college policy on academic honesty as set forth in the admissions catalog/the student handbook. Providing information to another student or receiving information concerning exam content is considered cheating. The professor reserves the right to determine the appropriate penalties within St Petersburg College's academic honesty policies. and TUTORING & RESOURCES: SPC offers free tutoring to all degree-seeking students to help review core concepts, tackle tough homework assignments or prepare for tests. From one-on-one tutoring to online resources, SPC offer tools to help you succeed and make the most of your academic experience. On Campus tutoring/Learning Resources: or Find help online by subject: Smart Thinking - Live, Online Tutoring SPC students can get online tutoring through Smarthinking, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Sign into MyCourses and enter into one of your classes. At the bottom of the page, there will be a box for SPC Resources and a link to Smarthinking will be listed. DISCLAIMER: Any of the above policies are subject to change within the semester including but not limited to changes in the syllabus, course calendar, evaluation procedures and any assignments; changes can be made by the discretion of the professor via email, or by posting an addendum in MyCourses, or by verbally making an announcement in class. Students are responsible for all class materials and any announcement(s) made in class whether or not they are/were present on that day. The following are the Suggested Homework Problems and the sections to be covered: Section Quiz 1 2.1 2.2 Quiz 2 2.4 2.5 2.6 Quiz 3 2.7 Test 1 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 Quiz 4 3.5 4.1 4.3 Quiz 5 4.4 Test 2 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 Problem Numbers Syllabus Quiz 1-61 ODD 1-25 ODD Sections 2.1, 2.2 1-13 ODD 1-29 ODD 19-28 ALL Sections 2.4-2.6 1-19 ODD, 29-43 ODD Review is online & will consist of all sections above from Chapter 2. 5-33 ODD 1-35 ODD 3-45 ODD 1-25 ODD 3.1-3.4 5-45 ODD 7-45 ODD 1-19 ODD 3.5, 4.1, 4.3 5-25 ODD, 26, 27 Review is online & will consist of all sections above from Chapters 3 & 4. 1-35 ODD 1-63 ODD 5-73 ODD 1-39 ODD Section Quiz 6 6.1 6.2 6.3 Quiz 7 6.4 6.5 Test 3 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 Quiz 8 7.5 7.6 8.1 8.2 Quiz 9 8.4 Test 4 FINAL EXAM Problem Numbers 5.4-5.7 1-45 ODD 3-29 ODD 1-19 ODD 6.1-6.3 1-27 ODD 1-25 ODD Review is online & will consist of all sections above from Chapters 5 & 6. 1-37 ODD, 41-71 ODD 5-13 ODD, 23-77 ODD 1-55 ODD & OMIT #29 1-63 ODD 7.1-7.4 1-19 ODD 5-21 ODD, 29-49 ODD, 51-73 ODD 1-21 ODD 5-31 ODD 7.5, 7.6, 8.1, 8.2 1-33 ODD Review is online & will consist of all sections above from Chapters 7 & 8. The Final Exam review is online and it is a Cumulative Final Exam. Our Final Exam is on Monday, Dec 7th: 5:00-6:50pm, SP-SA 201 4