CHEM – Chemistry CHEM 1151 - Survey of Inorganic Chemistry 3.000 Credits 3.000 Contact Hours Co-requisite: CHEM 1151L; MATH 1101 or MATH 1111 Provides an introduction to basic chemical principles and concepts which explain the behavior of matter. Topics include measurements and units, structure of matter, chemical bonding, chemical reactions, gas laws, liquid mixtures, acids and bases, salts and buffers, and nuclear chemistry. CHEM 1151L - Survey of Inorganic Chemistry Lab 1.000 Credits 3.000 Contact Hours Prerequisites MATH 1101or MATH 1111 Co-requisite: CHEM 1151; MATH 1101 or MATH 1111 Selected laboratory experiments paralleling the topics in CHEM 1151. The lab exercise for this course include units of measurements, structure of matter, chemical bonding, chemical reactions, gas laws, liquid mixtures, acids and bases, salt and buffers, and nuclear chemistry. CHEM 1152 - Survey of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry 3.000 Credits 3.000 Contact Hours Prerequisites CHEM 1151; CHEM 1151L Co-requisite: CHEM 1152L Provides an introduction to organic chemistry and biochemistry. This survey will include an overview of the properties, structure, nomenclature, reactions of hydrocarbons, alcohols, phenols, ethers, halides, aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acids, esters, amines, amides; the properties, structure, and function of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and enzymes, as well as, intermediary metabolism. Topics include basic principles, hydrocarbons, hydrocarbon derivatives, heterocyclic rings and alkaloids, carbohydrates, lipids and fats, proteins, nucleic acids, and intermediary metabolism. CHEM 1152L - Survey of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry Lab 1.000 Credits 3.000 Contact Hours Prerequisites CHEM 1151; CHEM 1151L Co-requisite: CHEM 1152 Selected laboratory exercises paralleling the topics in CHEM 1152. The laboratory exercises for this course include basic principles of organic chemistry, hydrocarbons, hydrocarbon derivatives, heterocyclic rings and alkaloids, carbohydrates, lipids and fats, proteins, nucleic acids, and intermediary metabolism. CHEM 1211 - Chemistry I 3.000 Credits 3.000 Contact Hours Prerequisites: MATH 1111 or MATH 1101 Corequisites: CHEM 1211L Provides an introduction to basic chemical principles and concepts which explain the behavior of matter. Topics include measurement, physical and chemical properties of matter, atomic structure, chemical bonding, nomenclature, chemical reactions, and stoichiometry and gas laws. CHEM 1211L - Chemistry I Lab 1.000 Credits 3.000 Contact Hours Prerequisites: MATH 1111 Corequisites: CHEM 1211 Selected laboratory exercises paralleling the topics in CHEM 1211. The laboratory exercises for this course include measurement, physical and chemical properties of matter, atomic structure, chemical bonding, nomenclature, chemical reactions, stoichiometry and gas laws. CHEM 1212 - Chemistry II 3.000 Credits 3.000 Contact Hours Prerequisites: CHEM 1211; CHEM 1211L Corequisites: CHEM 1212L Continues the exploration of basic chemical principles and concepts. Topics include equilibrium theory, kinetics, thermodynamics, solution chemistry, acid-base theory, and nuclear chemistry. CHEM 1212L - Chemistry II Lab 1.000 Credits 3.000 Contact Hours Prerequisites: CHEM 1211; CHEM 1211L Corequisites: CHEM 1212 Selected laboratory exercises paralleling the topics in CHEM 1212. The laboratory exercises for this course include equilibrium theory, kinetics, thermodynamics, solution chemistry, acid-base theory, and nuclear chemistry.