Sororities 'Hold Initiation

MAY, 1963
All About Greeks
Sororities 'Hold Initiation
won first place in the homecom­ the St. A nne’s Academy G l e e
Club in a chapel program No­
ing parade.
After th irteen long m onths of
Fulfilling the civic responsi­ vember 28, 1962.
getting avitographs, speaking five bilities, the sorority engaged in
The members of the sorority
and six times a day to twenty- a health project. They gave any had three major projects. Every
big Sisters, obeying orders, and assistant needed during the ad­ weekday afternoon from 3 to 4:30
attending meetings, ten B arbar­ m inistering of flu shots. A p.m., they taught songs, games,
ians of the Delta Sigma Theta Thanksgiving basket was given and read stories to children at
Sorority pledge group at last be­ to a needy citizen of the city. Peter Pan Kindergarten. They
came united into the great sis­
The AKA’s initiated 11 pledges sent books of all kinds to Africa.
terhood. They all became Deltas December 15, 1962. They were: The third p r o j e c t is sending
Saturday, April 6, here at the Nancy Alexander, Rachel Alex­ linen to the lepers overseas.
home of Mrs. Gloria Durhen.
The Sigmas initiated six pled­
ander, C a r o l y n Archie, Sybil
“I always w anted to know how Childers, Linda Ingram, Glenda gees in December. They were
it felt to be a Delta,” said neo­ Joyner, Betty Ledbetter, Sylvia Mary Aldridge, Helen Johnson,
phyte Linda Hairston, “and now Long, Betty Martin, S h i r l e y Delores Martin, Jacqueline Rich­
I know.” H airston made this Smith and Alvina Woodard. This ardson. Barbara W a l k e r , and
1. “Mocking Bird” ................................................................. Inez Foxx statem ent s o o n after realizing initiation made your reporter a Dorothy Walker.
'2. “Watermelon Man” ....................................... Mongo Sainta Maria she had “made it over.”
I just c o u ld n t believe every“The Love of My Man .....................................................
o thing was finished,” said neoZeta Phi Beta
“Deep Down Inside” .................................................... Boband Earl p]-iyte Elena Jones, “I had a feelThe Zeta Phi Beta Sorority
was honored by a dinner at the MORE PRIVILEGES
|5. “If You Need Me” ................................................... Solomon Burke ing that there was m ore”!
Shep and the Lamp Lighters
The B arbarians had a v e r y home of the F irst Lady, Mrs.
'6. “Stick with Me”
“The President has stated that
E tta Jam es colorful line. All week the wea- Edythe Williams, February 24.
7. ' “Push
jr-usn uve
p r o v e d favorable. They Rho Zeta Chapter sponsored this he is dissatisfied with the Wo­
'8. “Ju st One Look” ........................................................... Doris Iro y
introduced on M o n d a y affair, but this was just one of m en’s Departm ent of the col­
9. “So Nice While It Lasted” ................................... Sam and Dave w earing w h i t e formal gowns. the special activities of the Ome­ lege; as a result, I am willing to
10 . “Saturday Night” ......................................................... Sam Cooke The B arbarians’ attire for the ga chapter d u r i n g the school meet with the young women of
the college to offer a new pro­
---------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- - week included red suits, white year.
F in er Womanhood Week was gram of privileges,” Mrs. lola D.
suits, cowgirl outfits, and an out­
fit in honor of their Big Bro­ observed F ebru ary 18-24. The Dobson, Dean of Women at the
sorority presented the Atkins Winston-Salem S t a t e College,
thers, the Omegas.
Choosing Your Clothing
ping, I am sure you will look
“We are now Deltas, ready to High School Choir in its Finer said at a recent interview.
Well, girls, it’s just about sum- like one of the ten best dressed fulfill the sorority’s objectives, Womanhood chapel program.
Mrs. Dobson met with the Wo­
m er time. Have you seen all the women of our day.
said neophyte L o r e s e Hines. F o und er’s Day w a s observed m en’s Senate and Miss Pauline
F eb ru a ry 24, w ith Pauline Mat­ Matthews, who is the president.
new sum m er styles? I have and
Have a good sum m er and dress
Phi Beta Sigma
thews, the speaker. Dollye Ken­
I am wondering how we are like a top ten lady,
Mrs. Dobson said the young
Highlighting the m any activi­ dall, Miss Winston-Salem State
going to look in them. The shift,
w o m e n complained th at they
College Lady of the Year for
the semi full skirts and the front
ity was the Crescent’s Blue and 1962, presented the Lady of the were not treated as grown-ups.
and back flaps over coulette are DAY STUDENTS
She has offered the young wo­
W hite Ball held in the day stu­ Year plaque at this time, also.
all new styles.
men a program of new rules
d en t’s lounge on March 23 for
The Zetas initiated four pled­
I imagine you will look very
The Day Stvident Organization
Greeks. At this social Miss gees December 15, 1962: Marian and privileges. The program in­
fine in these styles if you choose
was r e o r g a n i z e d during the Dianne H airston was crowned Anderson, Ida Blair, B r e n d a cludes the following:
them correctly and It you wear
of F ebrnarv IQfiS The Crescent’s sweetheart.
1. To ride in private cars with
Hooper, and Dollye Kendall.
the w ritten consent of the pa­
f o u n d a t i o n garofficers were; president.
T he Sigmas began the year
Sigma Gamma Rho
James McNeal; vice president, w ith a chapel program for
factor in
2. To take week-end leaves
A 1962 Winston-Salem State
, The. most im portant
t John Smith; secretary, Yolander Thanksgiving with the Rev.
choosing y o u r clothing is to
corresponding secretary, Wiley of Zion Memorial Church College graduate, Betty W ilbert without the w ritten permission
choose accordmg to how you are
as speaker.
spoke during chapel April 10, in of the parents.
3. Extended evening leaves —
built. If you are a t a l slender
Almetrice McDonald.
In J a n u a r y , they observed Fries Auditorium sponsored by
person then you shou d choose
^ n u m b e r of conveniences th eir F ou nd er’s Day by present- the Sigma Gamma Rho sorority. Monday through Thursday until
full or semi ful skirts prints
ing Dr. Samuel Duncan Presi- This is one of an array of activi­ 10:30, 11:30 p.m. on Friday and
and plaids. If you are short then Lounge for the comfort of the dent of Livingstone Co lege of ties performed by the members Saturday, and 10:00 p.m. on Sun­
you should choose sohd colors „ . u d e n t Thev are oine-Done Salisbury, N. C. as speaker dur- of the sorority. Miss W ilbert was day. A grace period is included.
4. All students m ust fill out
and straight skirts. If you are
and sets, television, flow- ing vesper hour in J a n u a ry in a participant in Operation Cross­
shghtly plump then you ..hoose
Fries Auditorium.
roads A f r i c a . She spent four an official leave form.
the slim skirt and s t r a i g h t
5. The Dean of W om en’s office
The lounge is open Monday
Their plan for next year in- m onths in Kenya and is now
m ust have a parental permission
stripes. Girls, these are just a throueh"Fridav*fr(Mn''8 a^in *
eludes Dr. Leroy Johnson, Sena- teaching in Harrisburg, Pa.
few hints for you to remember p ^
^ e o S from 6 to 8 v m to r of Georgia as th eir F oun der’s
F ou nd er’s Day was observed blank granting these privileges
'^ ^ n ' m p ^ d r o b e ^ '' ^
^nder the direction of the mem: Day speaker, and bigger and bet- November 18, 1962, featuring the from each student’s parent.
6. Privileges granted to seniors
Grand Basileus, who also gave a
bers of the Student Council. It ter business program.
dramatic r e a d i n g on WAAA as of now.
The next factor in choosing jg
open on Saturdays and
Alpha Phi Alpha
The new program became ef­
your clothing is the color th at Sundays
Voting is a constitutional right radio station. Another activity
you choose. Ju s t don t go into a
student body ^f pverv c i t i z e n The Alohas was the Calendar Ball, November fective May 8, 1963.
store and choose the color that
ot every c i t i z e n , m e Aipiidb
—Peggy W arren
and Mrs. Mary W. Newlin, the aided in prom oting this right by 16, 1962. The sorority presented
you can be sure you w i l f s e e
Lounge Director, would taking citizens of Winston-Salem
you can oe sure you win see j^j^g (.q express their sincere apand from the noils d u rin ? the
yourself everytime you turn. You nrpciatinn fnr the n i a n t s HnnatpH to ana trom ine poiis au ri g
t h i n V n f t h p r n l n r n f vniir P'^^^^J^tion tor the plants donated prim ary election. This civic acmust think of the color ot your
the lounge by the Student t i v i t v alone with other social
hair, eyes, and complexion. Then, Oonnpii Thev have aHderl preat
. -1. aiong witn otner sociai
choose a color th at will blend in , ^
^ have added great- activities, were sponsored by the
Office Phone 722-6208
cnoose a coior tn at w in oiena in jy ^o the interior of the lounge, optg T„ta c h a n ter of Aloha Phi
117 E. Third Street
with these features.
program for the next school a £ L F ratern ity
Residence Phone 722-7485
Winston-Salem , N. C.
A good example of a person year:
l ^ e Alphas o b s e r v e d their
who did not consider these feaSeptember — Campaign f o r F ou nd er’s Day December 6, 1962
tures IS a person who has red lounge officers.
p r e s e n t i n g Rev. T erry as
hair, an olive complexion and
Start w o r k i n g g u e s t speaker in the weekly
b r o w n eyes, and this person tow ard some special project for °hapel program s held in Fries
chooses an orange outfit. Can the college.
you imagine w h a t th at person
November - Homecoming paTheir A n n u a l Masquerade
would look like.
rade exhibition. Give Thanksgiv- p a rty and Dance w ere held durThe third and final factor in ing baskets to needy families.
ing sem ester break They have
choosing your wardrobe is the December — Christmas Tea.
also sponsored inter-m ural bassize th at you choose. If you wear Jan u a ry — New Year Greet- ifpthall e-amps
a size 11, then by all means buy ings
a size 11 and not a size 9. I don’t
F eb ruary — Lounge ExhibiM i p n a l \ a p p a M ip iid
care if you pay $75 for a dress, tion of famous days for campus
by Geraldine Omega Pete
if th at dress does not fit, you will observation.
H ighlighting the pageantry of
have t a k e n away from th at
March — Spring Festival of the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority
dress. The d r e s s m ay be too Games, Tournam ent or Carnival, civic and social activities during
tight, too big, too short or even
April — Chapel
Program. the school year was a concert
too long.
May — Picnic.
given by S o r o r Ju an ita Falls,
--------------------M a r c h 3, 1963, during Vesper
It is not often th a t one sees
a person w ith a dress th at is too
Students Tour Old Salem
hour in F ries Auditorium, Soror
big or too long, b u t every day Last Thursday, Mrs. Hamil- Conchitta Milligan was the acyou see a person in a dress th at ton’s history class of 39 students companist. Soror Falls is a memis too tight, and too short. Why, toured Old Salem.
ber and contralto soloist of the
I do not know, but who ever Salem was founded in 1776 as Winston-Salem State C o l l e g e
told you it looked nice certainly a religious settlem ent by the Mo- choir.
told you something th at was not ravians, a group of followers of
Soror Carolyn Archie, sophotrue.
the pre-reformation leader, John more nursing student, won the
Girls, t h e s e are just a few Hus. The central town was in Susie S. Hilliard Award for the
hints for you to rem em ber w hen Wachovia. Certain key properties Miss Winston-Salem State Colyou go to buy your new sum m er have been restored as exhibit lege Lady of the Year for 1963.
wardrobe. If you keep these fac- buildings which are open to the Miss Archie was selected by the
tors in m ind w hen you go shop- public.
student body. The AKA float
Deltas Come Through
Voni's Fashion Corner
Jazz - Popular
Rock & Roll
440 N. Liberty