MAY, 1963 T H E N E W S ARGUS P A G E FO U R All About Greeks Sororities 'Hold Initiation won first place in the homecom­ the St. A nne’s Academy G l e e Club in a chapel program No­ ing parade. After th irteen long m onths of Fulfilling the civic responsi­ vember 28, 1962. getting avitographs, speaking five bilities, the sorority engaged in The members of the sorority and six times a day to twenty- a health project. They gave any had three major projects. Every big Sisters, obeying orders, and assistant needed during the ad­ weekday afternoon from 3 to 4:30 attending meetings, ten B arbar­ m inistering of flu shots. A p.m., they taught songs, games, ians of the Delta Sigma Theta Thanksgiving basket was given and read stories to children at Sorority pledge group at last be­ to a needy citizen of the city. Peter Pan Kindergarten. They came united into the great sis­ The AKA’s initiated 11 pledges sent books of all kinds to Africa. terhood. They all became Deltas December 15, 1962. They were: The third p r o j e c t is sending Saturday, April 6, here at the Nancy Alexander, Rachel Alex­ linen to the lepers overseas. home of Mrs. Gloria Durhen. The Sigmas initiated six pled­ ander, C a r o l y n Archie, Sybil “I always w anted to know how Childers, Linda Ingram, Glenda gees in December. They were it felt to be a Delta,” said neo­ Joyner, Betty Ledbetter, Sylvia Mary Aldridge, Helen Johnson, phyte Linda Hairston, “and now Long, Betty Martin, S h i r l e y Delores Martin, Jacqueline Rich­ I know.” H airston made this Smith and Alvina Woodard. This ardson. Barbara W a l k e r , and 1. “Mocking Bird” ................................................................. Inez Foxx statem ent s o o n after realizing initiation made your reporter a Dorothy Walker. prophyte! '2. “Watermelon Man” ....................................... Mongo Sainta Maria she had “made it over.” ,, I just c o u ld n t believe every“The Love of My Man ..................................................... o thing was finished,” said neoZeta Phi Beta COEDS RECEIVE “Deep Down Inside” .................................................... Boband Earl p]-iyte Elena Jones, “I had a feelThe Zeta Phi Beta Sorority was honored by a dinner at the MORE PRIVILEGES |5. “If You Need Me” ................................................... Solomon Burke ing that there was m ore”! Shep and the Lamp Lighters The B arbarians had a v e r y home of the F irst Lady, Mrs. '6. “Stick with Me” “The President has stated that Over” E tta Jam es colorful line. All week the wea- Edythe Williams, February 24. 7. ' “Push jr-usn uve ................... p r o v e d favorable. They Rho Zeta Chapter sponsored this he is dissatisfied with the Wo­ '8. “Ju st One Look” ........................................................... Doris Iro y introduced on M o n d a y affair, but this was just one of m en’s Departm ent of the col­ 9. “So Nice While It Lasted” ................................... Sam and Dave w earing w h i t e formal gowns. the special activities of the Ome­ lege; as a result, I am willing to 10 . “Saturday Night” ......................................................... Sam Cooke The B arbarians’ attire for the ga chapter d u r i n g the school meet with the young women of the college to offer a new pro­ ---------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- - week included red suits, white year. F in er Womanhood Week was gram of privileges,” Mrs. lola D. suits, cowgirl outfits, and an out­ fit in honor of their Big Bro­ observed F ebru ary 18-24. The Dobson, Dean of Women at the sorority presented the Atkins Winston-Salem S t a t e College, thers, the Omegas. Choosing Your Clothing ping, I am sure you will look “We are now Deltas, ready to High School Choir in its Finer said at a recent interview. Well, girls, it’s just about sum- like one of the ten best dressed fulfill the sorority’s objectives, Womanhood chapel program. Mrs. Dobson met with the Wo­ m er time. Have you seen all the women of our day. said neophyte L o r e s e Hines. F o und er’s Day w a s observed m en’s Senate and Miss Pauline F eb ru a ry 24, w ith Pauline Mat­ Matthews, who is the president. new sum m er styles? I have and Have a good sum m er and dress Phi Beta Sigma thews, the speaker. Dollye Ken­ I am wondering how we are like a top ten lady, Mrs. Dobson said the young Highlighting the m any activi­ dall, Miss Winston-Salem State going to look in them. The shift, w o m e n complained th at they ties of Phi Beta Sigma F ra te rn ­ College Lady of the Year for the semi full skirts and the front ity was the Crescent’s Blue and 1962, presented the Lady of the were not treated as grown-ups. and back flaps over coulette are DAY STUDENTS She has offered the young wo­ W hite Ball held in the day stu­ Year plaque at this time, also. all new styles. men a program of new rules d en t’s lounge on March 23 for HOLD ELECTION The Zetas initiated four pled­ I imagine you will look very The Day Stvident Organization Greeks. At this social Miss gees December 15, 1962: Marian and privileges. The program in­ fine in these styles if you choose thpm'correctl^^^ was r e o r g a n i z e d during the Dianne H airston was crowned Anderson, Ida Blair, B r e n d a cludes the following: them correctly and It you wear of F ebrnarv IQfiS The Crescent’s sweetheart. 1. To ride in private cars with Hooper, and Dollye Kendall. the w ritten consent of the pa­ menTs^ f o u n d a t i o n garofficers were; president. T he Sigmas began the year Sigma Gamma Rho rents. James McNeal; vice president, w ith a chapel program for factor in 2. To take week-end leaves A 1962 Winston-Salem State , The. most im portant , t John Smith; secretary, Yolander Thanksgiving with the Rev. choosing y o u r clothing is to corresponding secretary, Wiley of Zion Memorial Church College graduate, Betty W ilbert without the w ritten permission choose accordmg to how you are as speaker. spoke during chapel April 10, in of the parents. 3. Extended evening leaves — built. If you are a t a l slender Almetrice McDonald. In J a n u a r y , they observed Fries Auditorium sponsored by person then you shou d choose ^ n u m b e r of conveniences th eir F ou nd er’s Day by present- the Sigma Gamma Rho sorority. Monday through Thursday until full or semi ful skirts prints ing Dr. Samuel Duncan Presi- This is one of an array of activi­ 10:30, 11:30 p.m. on Friday and and plaids. If you are short then Lounge for the comfort of the dent of Livingstone Co lege of ties performed by the members Saturday, and 10:00 p.m. on Sun­ you should choose sohd colors „ . u d e n t Thev are oine-Done Salisbury, N. C. as speaker dur- of the sorority. Miss W ilbert was day. A grace period is included. 4. All students m ust fill out and straight skirts. If you are and sets, television, flow- ing vesper hour in J a n u a ry in a participant in Operation Cross­ shghtly plump then you ..hoose Fries Auditorium. roads A f r i c a . She spent four an official leave form. the slim skirt and s t r a i g h t 5. The Dean of W om en’s office The lounge is open Monday Their plan for next year in- m onths in Kenya and is now m ust have a parental permission stripes. Girls, these are just a throueh"Fridav*fr(Mn''8 a^in * eludes Dr. Leroy Johnson, Sena- teaching in Harrisburg, Pa. few hints for you to remember p ^ ^ e o S from 6 to 8 v m to r of Georgia as th eir F oun der’s F ou nd er’s Day was observed blank granting these privileges '^ ^ n ' m p ^ d r o b e ^ '' ^ ^nder the direction of the mem: Day speaker, and bigger and bet- November 18, 1962, featuring the from each student’s parent. 6. Privileges granted to seniors Grand Basileus, who also gave a . bers of the Student Council. It ter business program. dramatic r e a d i n g on WAAA as of now. The next factor in choosing jg open on Saturdays and Alpha Phi Alpha The new program became ef­ your clothing is the color th at Sundays Voting is a constitutional right radio station. Another activity you choose. Ju s t don t go into a student body ^f pverv c i t i z e n The Alohas was the Calendar Ball, November fective May 8, 1963. store and choose the color that .r ot every c i t i z e n , m e Aipiidb —Peggy W arren and Mrs. Mary W. Newlin, the aided in prom oting this right by 16, 1962. The sorority presented is you can be sure you w i l f s e e Lounge Director, would taking citizens of Winston-Salem you can oe sure you win see j^j^g (.q express their sincere apand from the noils d u rin ? the yourself everytime you turn. You nrpciatinn fnr the n i a n t s HnnatpH to ana trom ine poiis au ri g SHOAF REALTY AND BONDING CO. t h i n V n f t h p r n l n r n f vniir P'^^^^J^tion tor the plants donated prim ary election. This civic acmust think of the color ot your the lounge by the Student t i v i t v alone with other social “A P P E A R A N C E BO ND S IN A L L COURTS” hair, eyes, and complexion. Then, Oonnpii Thev have aHderl preat . -1. aiong witn otner sociai choose a color th at will blend in , ^ ^ have added great- activities, were sponsored by the Office Phone 722-6208 cnoose a coior tn at w in oiena in jy ^o the interior of the lounge, optg T„ta c h a n ter of Aloha Phi 117 E. Third Street with these features. program for the next school a £ L F ratern ity Residence Phone 722-7485 Winston-Salem , N. C. A good example of a person year: l ^ e Alphas o b s e r v e d their who did not consider these feaSeptember — Campaign f o r F ou nd er’s Day December 6, 1962 tures IS a person who has red lounge officers. p r e s e n t i n g Rev. T erry as hair, an olive complexion and October Start w o r k i n g g u e s t speaker in the weekly b r o w n eyes, and this person tow ard some special project for °hapel program s held in Fries chooses an orange outfit. Can the college. Auditorium you imagine w h a t th at person November - Homecoming paTheir A n n u a l Masquerade would look like. rade exhibition. Give Thanksgiv- p a rty and Dance w ere held durThe third and final factor in ing baskets to needy families. ing sem ester break They have choosing your wardrobe is the December — Christmas Tea. also sponsored inter-m ural bassize th at you choose. If you wear Jan u a ry — New Year Greet- ifpthall e-amps a size 11, then by all means buy ings . a size 11 and not a size 9. I don’t F eb ruary — Lounge ExhibiM i p n a l \ a p p a M ip iid care if you pay $75 for a dress, tion of famous days for campus by Geraldine Omega Pete if th at dress does not fit, you will observation. H ighlighting the pageantry of have t a k e n away from th at March — Spring Festival of the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority dress. The d r e s s m ay be too Games, Tournam ent or Carnival, civic and social activities during tight, too big, too short or even April — Chapel Program. the school year was a concert too long. May — Picnic. given by S o r o r Ju an ita Falls, --------------------M a r c h 3, 1963, during Vesper It is not often th a t one sees a person w ith a dress th at is too Students Tour Old Salem hour in F ries Auditorium, Soror big or too long, b u t every day Last Thursday, Mrs. Hamil- Conchitta Milligan was the acyou see a person in a dress th at ton’s history class of 39 students companist. Soror Falls is a memis too tight, and too short. Why, toured Old Salem. ber and contralto soloist of the I do not know, but who ever Salem was founded in 1776 as Winston-Salem State C o l l e g e told you it looked nice certainly a religious settlem ent by the Mo- choir. told you something th at was not ravians, a group of followers of Soror Carolyn Archie, sophotrue. the pre-reformation leader, John more nursing student, won the Girls, t h e s e are just a few Hus. The central town was in Susie S. Hilliard Award for the hints for you to rem em ber w hen Wachovia. Certain key properties Miss Winston-Salem State Colyou go to buy your new sum m er have been restored as exhibit lege Lady of the Year for 1963. wardrobe. If you keep these fac- buildings which are open to the Miss Archie was selected by the tors in m ind w hen you go shop- public. student body. The AKA float Deltas Come Through T£N £ Voni's Fashion Corner REZNICK'S FOR RECORDS BAND INSTRUMENTS - GUITARS AND JEWELRY TOO! Jazz - Popular Rock & Roll 440 N. Liberty 722-1443