The Odyssey

The Odyssey
NAME: _______________________________________________________________BLOCK__________
It is important for your understanding to do all of the steps of this reading guide. For all of the reading
of The Odyssey, you will be responsible for completing reading logs and having a complete set once we
are finished with the entire reading. I may do reading log checks periodically. Keep your reading log
entries in your Reading Tab in your binder.
Using your own sheet of paper, title the top of your paper with the section title from the book, which is
Returning Home, include the page number (1022), and write the date that you are doing the reading.
You must repeat these steps each time we complete a reading log.
REUNITED – Read the Italics on page 1021. Answer the question: What do you predict will happen
when Odysseus arrives home?
Read the italics on page 1022 and answer this question. List at least 2 ways the suitors are abusing the
‘law of hospitality.’
Read lines 997 – 1050 Odysseus is disguised as a beggar to avoid detection and threat from the suitors
that outnumber him and would murder him if they could. Telemachus does not believe this beggar
before him is his father. Athena, goddess of Wisdom, changes Odysseus appearance to reflect the hero
that he truly is. Respond to the question below: After Athena has changed Odysseus’s appearance to
reflect who he truly is, what does Telemachus think Odysseus is?
Read lines 1051 – 1111 and then read the description below.
Telemachus is shocked by Odysseus’s return and finally believes that the man before him is his father.
In their conversation, Odysseus expresses why he has faith that they will succeed in retaking Ithaca.
Answer this question, what reason does Odysseus give that he believes they will succeed?
Read lines 1112 – 1160 and then read the description below.
Odysseus is enlisting Telemachus in his plan to retake Ithaca from the suitors. Odysseus gives
Telemachus specific directions. Respond to this question: How does Odysseus tell his son to respond if
the suitors “practice shots” on Odysseus?
Odysseus also tells Telemachus to remove all of the weapons from the hall where the suitors
congregate. He tells Telemachus if they act suspicious and ask why he’s doing it tell them you want to
prevent anyone from being killed if they get drunk and begin to fight. And, that the smoke from the fire
in the room is wearing the weapons out and making them black. He just wants to help protect their
gleam and shine. Odysseus also needs to see which servants of his house have become corrupted by the
The Odyssey
suitors and are no longer loyal to him. He instructs Telemachus to tell no one, even Penelope, before
they can find out who is loyal.
THE BEGGAR AND THE FAITHFUL DOG – Read the italics on page1028, read the text in lines 1165 1205 and then follow the description below.
Argus is Odysseus’s old dog that was left in Ithaca before he left. It was a promising hunting dog when it
was a young puppy, but it has been neglected and now lies in piles of dung while looking old and
diseased. After it sees Odysseus, it dies. Its life has been spent waiting on its master. Respond to this
question: How is Argus symbolic for the condition of Ithaca under the suitors?
THE SUITORS – Read lines 1205 – 1245 and then read the description below.
Odysseus is in the hall of his palace where the suitors are residing, but he is disguised as a beggar.
Antinous, the informal leader of the suitors, hits Odysseus in the back with a wooden stool, but it seems
to have little physical effect on Odysseus. Respond to this question: How does Odysseus respond to
Antinous? What does Odysseus wish upon him?
Read lines 1245 – 1285 and then read the description below.
Penelope witnessed the exchange between Odysseus and Antinous, but she does not realize the beggar
is Odysseus. Penelope expresses her hatred for Antinous by referring to him as a “blacker-hearted
hound than any.” She offers a prayer to Apollo, god of Archery, that Antinous should be killed by
arrows. Penelope shows her kindness by sending her servants to fetch the beggar; she wants to speak
with him. Odysseus and Penelope are going to reunite for the first time (kind of).
PENELOPE – Read the lines 1286 – 1305 and then read the description below.
Penelope begins the conversation with Odysseus by asking who he is and where he is from. Respond to
this question: How is this situation dramatic irony?
Respond to this question: What is Odyssesus’s response?
Read lines 1306 – 1355 – Through the course of their conversation Odysseus is able to see that
Penelope has truly been faithful. She tells Odysseus how she has tried to stall the suitors by weaming at
her loom and undoing her work so that her weaving will never be completed. She also ends by telling
Odysseus (still disguised as a beggar) that she believes Odysseus is still on his way home and will return
to Ithaca. Penelope has shown that she is and has been ever-faithful to Odysseus and after 20 years,
she has not given up hope.