Volume 33 Number 2 Spring 2014 COMING SOON! “How Forestry Came to the Southeast: The Role of the Society of American Foresters” Page 4. Message from Chair Tim Lowrimore Page 2. Council Report from Dave Lewis Page 3. are provided. Page 6. Division News - Page 8. Chapter News - Page 13. From the soon to be published book, “How Forestry Came to the Southeast: The Role of the Society of American Foresters.” Photo credit: U.S. Forest Service The Southeastern Forester, Spring 2014 1 NEWS AND VIEWS FROM SESAF LEADERSHIP The Southeastern Forester is a publication of the Southeastern Society of American Foresters. Editorial Office: Sharon Dolliver SESAF Business Manager 829 GA Highway 57, Gordon, GA 31031 Tel: (478) 628-1196 sesafbusmgr@windstream.net Message from the Chair Tim Lowrimore Spring is here! Every year, the arrival of spring serves as a personal reminder to me of how important it is to renew and to refocus. As part of this process, I take some time to look back on what I’ve recently accomplished over the last few months and forecast goals that I need to get done in the coming months. When I did this exercise for SESAF business a couple weeks ago, I was blown away by all the work being done. Here are few of the things that SESAF members have been up to or have planned in the near future: Executive Committee Chair: Tim Lowrimore Davis-Garvin Insurance Agency P.O. Box 27180 Macon, GA 31221 Tel: (478) 471-7608 tlowrimore@davisgarvin.com Chair-Elect: Mathew Smidt Auburn University 1243 East Samford Drive Auburn, AL 36830 Phone: (334) 844-1038 smidtmf@auburn.edu Secretary: Chad Lincoln Forest Investment Associates 15 Piedmont Center, Ste 1250 Atlanta, GA 30305 Phone: (404) 495-8644 clincoln@forestinvest.com Treasurer: Steve Chapman Habitat Management Services 1666 Pine Valley Drive Milledgeville, GA 31061 Phone: (478) 451-9114 habitatmgtservices@gmail.com Past-Chair: Eric Jokela University of Florida School of Forest Resources & Conservation 118 Newins-Ziegler Hall Gainesville, FL 32611-0420 Tel: (352) 846-0890 ejokela@ufl.edu Alabama Chair: Andy Baril Alabama Cooperative Ext. System 315 Appaloosa Lane Childersburg, AL 35044 Phone: (205) 221-3393 ajb0012@aces.edu Florida Chair: Kimberly Burch Florida Forest Service 15019 South Broad Street Brooksville, FL 34601 Phone: (352) 726-4776 kimberly.burch@freshfromflorida.com Georgia Chair: Jason Little Forest Resource Consultants 418 Plantation Drive Macon, GA 31210 Phone: (478) 745-4910 jlittle@frcemail.com the organization. Eric and his committee are meeting regularly by conference call. If anyone is interested in working with Eric on this important effort, I encourage you to reach out to him. foresters attended this meeting. The Florida Envirothon. assist with the publishing of his recently completed book, “How Forestry Came to the Southeast: The Role of newsletter. Commission. managing southern timberlands. SESAF participated with the tour and sponsored a traditional southern dinner for congressional members and staff. The 2015 SESAF annual meeting is planned for January 25-27, 2015 at the King & Prince Resort, Georgia’s only full service beachfront resort, located on St. Simons Island, Georgia. Meeting planning is well underway and more details will be communicated very soon. Save these dates on your calendar! Ex-Officio Members District 10 Council Representative: Dave Lewis Southern Forestry Consultants, Inc. 2897 S. Jefferson St Monticello, FL 32344 Tel: (850) 997-6254 dlewis@southernforestry.net all inclusive of the work being done by SESAF members. I know for a fact that much more is being done. We are fortunate to have great foresters as members of SESAF who are willing to do some pretty cool things to make our profession better. I’m proud to be a part of this organization. As impressive a list of accomplishments and goals as this one is…I am convinced…the best is yet to come. Student Representative: Kyle Fabbro University of Florida 125 SW 5th Terrace, Apt 3311B Gainesville, FL 32601 Phone: (239) 357-8795 kwfabbro@ufl.edu Publication of any advertisement or article in THE SOUTHEASTERN FORESTER should not be deemed an endorsement by SESAF of the opinions expressed or the products advertised. The editor reserves the right to refuse publication of any article, photograph or advertisement deemed contrary to the objectives of SESAF. The Southeastern Forester, Spring 2014 2 Report from Council Dave Lewis, District 10 Representative that displays what good forest management can accomplish. efforts to build its own momentum and make it spin freely. We need more members to step up and do their part for SAF, however small that might be. We also need to do a better job in leadership roles of reaching out to members and asking them to push. I believe that too often we fail to engage members on the fringes and instead tend to ask the same people time and time again because members, until one day a member I highly respected ask me to help out with an SAF meeting, and the rest, as they say, is history. If you out to new members and take a chance on those who might say no. EVP Search Membership Whited and the rest of staff are working their tails off to reverse the trend, and Council is looking at ways to engage and retain students and other younger members. portion that is visible to members should have “gone live” by the time you read this newsletter. Please give me your feedback on the website. Governance Structure that was in the old Articles should have been in the bylaws, and a lot of things in the current bylaws should probably be in a Policies and expect to close on or before that date. The buyer has already made two sizeable deposits, so they are knee deep into the deal. National Convention of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO) World Congress. This is your chance to meet and network with foresters literally from all over Finances the principal so that it can spin off a sizeable return that we can budget for each year. The Southeastern Forester, Spring 2014 COMING SOON! How Forestry Came to the Southeast: The Role of the Society of American Foresters The SESAF Historian is proud to advise that the book “How Forestry Came to the Southeast: The Role of the Society of American www.sesaf.org conservation movement his entire life. Under his guidance and perseverance, the Forest Service was established. He founded the Society the development of plantation silviculture. The last section presents the last forty years of forestry in the Southeast in the era of regulation, Finally, the book documents the history of the Southeastern Society of SAF. Earl Porter gathered information on the establishment of the pulp and paper mills, and documented foresters from the Southeast who have been recognized as SAF Fellows, Hall of Fame Foresters, and of those honored as SESAF and national SAF award winners. Photographs the men and women of the Society of American Foresters who not only played a role in creating but in maintaining forestry as a way of life in the Southeast. Railroad Shortwood Yard. The Southeastern Forester, Spring 2014 4 The Southeastern Forester, Spring 2014 5 Post your resume today: Email membership@safnet.org for your copies. SAF members can track their CFE history for free here: The Southeastern Forester, Spring 2014 The Southeastern Forester, Spring 2014 7 Alabama News DIVISION NEWS something to consider. (me included). It is amazing how fast technology changes, and how small the gadgets are becoming. Ending our afternoon session, studies is always interesting. regeneration plots. Carol talked to us about native warm season grass. Secretary. The Southeastern Forester, Spring 2014 The Southeastern Forester, Spring 2014 DIVISION NEWS Florida News past week has been an absolute blast for me. I was given the opportunity to participate in SAF’s Congressional Tour that focused on “Forestry Challenges in the South” in north Congressional interns, forestry landowners for a two day adventure through forestry mills, Firewise communities and Okefenokee landowners’ properties to learn about the many challenges they face in managing experience I will never forget and hope to be a part of again in the future. doing! Speaking of summer, the Florida Teacher Tour will be here teacher that I have spoken to that has gone on this tour is absolutely amazed at what we do as foresters and sometimes asks me and other forestry professionals to come to their classes and teach their students about forestry. I encourage all of our forestry professionals to build a relationship with your local teachers and to get involved in teaching the younger generation about forestry. Who knows, they could be our next SAF leaders because of you! As a native Floridian, I sometimes can’t wait for summer to be over because so excited that I get the opportunity to attend this year! The second is, since Florida was the host for the SESAF meeting this year, we will not be having lasting relationships. I hope to see you all there! The Southeastern Forester, Spring 2014 10 DIVISION NEWS Georgia News on how we could build on that within our own state. After some consideration, I realized that before we can grow and make progress, we need a good understanding of who and where we are as an organization, especially at the state and the main goal of that article was to encourage attendance at local meetings and more importantly, encourage those involved to invite the uninvolved. We likely know many forestry professionals that we could invite to local chapter meetings. statistic at the national level but not at the state level ( Figure 1. SAF Membership scope of this article and more importantly, far outside the scope of my knowledge and ability. I do know that we desperately need to boost participation within this younger age group. As these professionals progress through their respective careers, the chances of involvement may actually decrease. Our opportunity is limited and the clock keeps ticking. So, what can we do? level. even know local meeting dates and times? Please extend a personal invitation. If you are a manager or supervisor, I ask that you encourage those within your organization to get involved and at the least, start attending local chapter meetings. impact on SAF going forward. Excitement is contagious. The Southeastern Forester, Spring 2014 11 upcoming meetings. Also, mark your calendar: the Georgia SAF meeting will be on October 20th and 21st at the UGA Conference Center in Tifton, GA. DIVISION NEWS Table 1. GA SAF Leadership Table 1. GAInformation SAF Leadership Information Chapter Chapter Chair Contact Information Meeting Date/Location Chattahoochee Cory Dukes dukes@tirllc.com May 7th/Atlanta - TIR Office Flatwoods Derek Herring flatwoodsfp@att.net June 26/Valdosta Flint River Kraig Vickers khvickers@flintrivertimber.com Ocmulgee Dru Preston dpreston@GFC.STATE.GA.US Oconee Pat Hopton phopton@fs.fed.us May 12th/Athens Pine Mountain John Britt john@jbanda.net June 19/Buena Vista Savannah/Bruns wick Kevin Brazell kcbrazell@gmail.com May 6th/Statesboro gadivisionsaf@gmail.com or State Meeting State Chair Jason Little jlittle@frcemail.com October 20-21/Tifton, GA June 3rd/Milledgeville – GMC Pavilion Georgia Division Scholarship Georgia Division Scholarship Each year, the Georgia Division of the Society of American Foresters selects a deserving student at the UGA Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources to receive a scholarship award. Recipients are chosen Continuing Education. Scholarship recipients are provided with the opportunity to meet with the scholarship donors, and both scholarship based on academic performance (GPA greater than 3.0) and membership in SAF. Scholarships are presented recipients and award winners have their pictures taken to be submitted to their local newspapers. once a year at the School's Spring Honors and Awards Banquet held every April at the Georgia Center for Continuing Education. Scholarship recipients are provided with the opportunity to meet with the scholarship The Southeastern Forester, Spring 2014 12 CHAPTER NEWS Auburn Student Chapter serving as the president of the Auburn Student Chapter of the Society of American Foresters group. to draw on empirical information when evaluating ethical considerations. Cahaba Chapter Mountain Lakes Chapter event. years and our chapter has participated every time. Our booth location this year was on the banks of the beautiful Flint River. Again we went with our basic Tucker. We discovered that our sample of a large fourteen inch tall Coulter pine cone Children, as well as adults, were surprised at the size and weight of the cone, especially when compared to one from a local loblolly pine tree. The Southeastern Forester, Spring 2014 The Southeastern Forester, Spring 2014 14 CHAPTER NEWS effective avenue for foresters to interact with the public. SAF gets some good exposure and we get an opportunity to share information with a diverse segment of the population. changing pencils with Society of American Foresters pencils at all of the public events we participate in. For University of Florida Student Chapter The University of Florida School of Forest Resources and Conservation dedicated toured the building and viewed displays by units of the School. The building defray the cost of attending national SAF or SESAF meetings. The Southeastern Forester, Spring 2014 15 CHAPTER NEWS ABAC SAF Student Chapter estimation, log rolling and women’s bowsaw. The group was also presented with the Oconee Chapter dent of the U.S. Endowment for Forestry and Communities, shared an excel lent presentation on the Endowment’s “Playbook for Transformative Change in Forestry.” Peter spoke on several projects the Endowment is undertaking to other materials in construction and the overall operations of the U.S. Endow ment. September’s meeting will be held jointly with the Student SAF Chapter on for more information on the Oconee Chapter activities. The Southeastern Forester, Spring 2014 CHAPTER NEWS Pine Mountain Chapter Union Camp, West Fraser, IndusTree, Forestar, Willams Forest Chem and various consultants have sponsored the dinners over the years which consoletti.gis.services@gmail.com. Upcoming meetings are listed below. Date Topic Location Oak Crest Flooring Plant. Evening session on future markets for lumber. The University of Georgia Student Chapter The Southeastern Forester, Spring 2014 17 The Southeastern Forester, Spring 2014 2014 SESAF MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY 2014 SESAF MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY 19 2014 SESAF MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY Chadwick Abbott 104 Oak Forest Ln, Apt 4 Tifton, GA 31793-7875 cabbott@stallions.abac.com Flatwoods Chapter Madison Akers 228 Chesterton Dr Athens, GA 30607-6517 madisonakers@gmail.com Oconee Chapter Kyle Abernathy 1292 Hueytown Rd Hueytown, AL 35023-2633 H: (205) 491-7396 kla0014@tigermail.auburn.edu Auburn University Timothy Albritton 3381 Skyway Drive Auburn, AL 36830 H: (334) 567-4059 W: (334) 887-4560 stacey.riggins@al.usda Montgomery Chapter Scott Adams 19 Court Dr Camilla, GA 31730 scoadams@camillaga.net Flint River Chapter Greshelda Owens 600 Peachtree St GA1-006-15-53 Atlanta, GA 30302 H: (404) 607-5677 W: (404) 607-5677 Ownsgch@hotmail.com Chattahoochee Chapter Julius Adewopo 371 Maguire Vlg, Apt 3 Gainesville, FL 32603-2070 julius.adewopo@gmail.com University of Florida Hunter Adkins PO Box 769 Greenville, GA 30222 H: (706) 672-4620 Pine Mountain Chapter Frederic Adrian 1799 Poinciana Ave Titusville, FL 32796 H: (321) 269-2893 fredadrian@bellsouth.net Caribbean Chapter Brian Agnew 109 Miles Ave Union Springs, AL 36089-1012 H: (334) 738-3479 W: (334) 738-5720 beaslm@ustconline.net Montgomery Chapter Russell Agnew 536 E Glenn Ave Auburn, AL 36830-4930 H: (334) 239-1149 rda0004@tigermail.auburn.edu War Eagle Chapter Richard Ahlquist 1400 Jack Warner Pkwy NE Tuscaloosa, AL 35404 W: (205) 562-5432 rahlquist@westervelt.com Black Warrior Chapter Ron Aivalotis 330 Castlegate Rd Macon, GA 31210 H: (478) 477-9197 W: (478) 994-0000 Aivalotis1@cox.net Ocmulgee Chapter Erin Albury 2411 West Fair Rd Perry, FL 32347 H: (850) 295-4020 W: (850) 838-2290 erin.albury@freshfromflorida.com Big Bend Chapter John Alcock 1111 Redfield Terrace Dunwoody, GA 30338 H: (770) 396-0740 j.e.alcock@comcast.net Chattahoochee Chapter Judson Alden 1355 White Rd White, GA 30184 H: (404) 479-7290 W: (770) 445-4521 ironstob@bellsouth.net Northwest Georgia Chapter William Alexander PO Box 416 Woodbine, GA 31569 H: (912) 729-2458 wra@tds.net Florida Division James Alfriend PO Box 1270 Thomson, GA 30824 H: (706) 595-5043 W: (706) 595-2210 jiacf@att.net Csra Chapter Thomas Alison 21075 Keller Rd Foley, AL 36535-3983 H: (334) 955-5077 Jubilee Chapter Phillip Allen 86459 Sand Hickory Trail Yulee, FL 32097-7200 H: (904) 225-8240 W: (904) 548-9015 phillip.allen@rayonier.com St. Johns Chapter Samuel Allen PO Box 1018 Farmington, NM 87499-1018 H: (505) 427-8932 W: (505) 960-7757 drsamallen@gmail.com Caribbean Chapter Gary Allred 23 Retreat Ridge SE Cartersville, GA 30120 H: (770) 974-0240 W: (404) 848-2000 allred@tirllc.com Northwest Georgia Chapter Russell Autrey PO Box 2143 Mobile, AL 36652 W: (251) 438-4581 rautrey@larsonmcgowin.com Jubilee Chapter Will Avery 104 Lake Oliver Dr Enterprise, AL 36330 W: (850) 872-3304 w.r.avery20@gmail.com Panhandle Chapter Daniel Anderson 1605 Marshall Ave, Apt 11A St Paul, MN 55104 H: (334) 444-5689 dananderson05@gmail.com War Eagle Chapter Olen Aycock 1070 Amelia Dr Marietta, GA 30060 H: (404) 434-9347 Chattahoochee Chapter James Anderson 14749 Upper Columbus Rd Echola, AL 35457-9708 H: (205) 333-6302 W: (205) 339-8333 andersonforest@outlook.com Black Warrior Chapter Danny Baggett PO Box 3 Wadley, AL 36276-0003 H: (256) 395-2963 W: (334) 864-7120 baggett.rf@gmail.com Cahaba Chapter Todd Anderson PO Box 2613 Calhoun, GA 30703 H: (706) 629-5858 todd@andersonforestryconsulting.com Northwest Georgia Chapter Finto Antony 101 Davis St, Apt B4 Athens, GA 30606-5076 H: (706) 255-4252 W: (706) 255-4252 finto@uga.edu Oconee Chapter Denise Bailey 18 Kevin Way Hull, GA 30646 H: (706) 548-2185 sassygirl29401@yahoo.com University of Georgia Charles Antwine 4900 Meridian St N Huntsville, AL 35810 cantwine@bulldogs.aamu.edu Alabama A&M University Fred Bailey PO Box 200 Wadley, AL 36276-0200 H: (256) 395-4363 W: (256) 395-0220 rickbailey@centurylink.net Cahaba Chapter Ken Arney 1720 Peachtree St NW Ste 760 Atlanta, GA 30309-2449 H: (615) 221-8978 W: (404) 347-4177 karney@fs.fed.us Chattahoochee Chapter John Bailey 2643 Byron Circle Tallahassee, FL 32308 H: (850) 386-4870 jngbailey58@aol.com Big Bend Chapter Billy Arnold 1041 Barber Creek Dr Watkinsville, GA 30677 H: (706) 543-7147 billandviv1041@charter.net Oconee Chapter Kenneth Bailey 1040 Simonton Dr Watkinsville, GA 30677-2578 H: 7067690188 kb1040@bellsouth.net Oconee Chapter J. Arthur PO Box 28 Leary, GA 39862 H: (229) 439-7975 W: (229) 439-7975 kiokeeforest@att.net Flint River Chapter Marshall Bailey 27044 Country Dr Hilliard, FL 32046-7864 H: (904) 845-7227 W: (904) 277-2467 marshallbailey@bellsouth.net St. Johns Chapter Daniel Atkins 128 Buckmeadow Dr Brunswick, GA 31525-4064 H: (912) 223-9892 danbo@uga.edu Brunswick Chapter William Aultfather 1664 Ridgewood Ln Sarasota, FL 34231-3022 H: (612) 936-9038 Caribbean Chapter Colin Bagwell 1901 Willis Rd SE Huntsville, AL 35801 H: (256) 517-8190 W: (256) 517-8191 your.forester@comcast.net Mountain Lakes Chapter 20 Richard Baker 359 Gettys Rd Dublin, GA 31021-0307 H: (912) 384-6925 W: (912) 384-6925 rcbph2002@yahoo.com Brunswick Chapter Sara Baldwin 900 Maison Drive #172 Athens, GA 30605 H: (706) 549-0809 W: (706) 542-4760 sbaldwin@warnell.uga.edu Oconee Chapter William Balmer 3682 Sexton Woods Dr Chamblee, GA 30341 H: (404) 451-1185 W: (770) 451-1185 2bsquare@bellsouth.net Chattahoochee Chapter Susan Bambo PO Box 41 Epes, AL 35460-0041 W: (205) 652-9676 bambosk@yahoo.fr Woodbasket Chapter Michael Bannister 1024 NW 52nd Terr Gainesville, FL 32605 H: (352) 378-1268 W: (352) 846-0146 mikebann@ufl.edu Suwannee Chapter Joseph Barber 37 Country Pl Macon, GA 31220-4012 H: (478) 214-3903 W: (478) 214-3903 mackbarber@att.net Ocmulgee Chapter Nicole Barbieri 4242 SW 181st Ct Dunnellon, FL 34432-1831 H: (352) 484-5028 nbarbieri@ufl.edu University of Florida Jill Barbour National Seed Laboratory 5675 Riggins Mill Rd Dry Branch, GA 31020 H: (478) 477-9063 W: (478) 751-3553 jbarbour@fs.fed.us Ocmulgee Chapter Andrew Baril 315 Appaloosa Lane Childersburg, AL 35044 H: (256) 378-9161 W: (205) 221-3393 ajb0012@aces.edu Cahaba Chapter George M. Barker 5265 Upper River Rd Tallassee, AL 36078-3420 H: (334) 252-8077 W: (334) 252-0644 nrcnal@aol.com Montgomery Chapter George R. Barker 155 Sandstone Dr Athens, GA 30605 H: (706) 354-0359 W: (706) 354-0359 bbobjoyce@yahoo.com Oconee Chapter Edward Barnard 503 NW 123rd St Newberry, FL 32669-3007 H: (352) 332-1193 rotdocandmissyb@gmail.com Suwannee Chapter Justin Barnes 901 South Main Ave. Demopolis, AL 36732 H: (251) 510-1842 jdbarnes@westervelt.com Woodbasket Chapter James C. Barnett 5755 Riverwood Drive NW Atlanta, GA 30328 W: (404) 310-1427 jcb952@gmail.com Chattahoochee Chapter James P. Barnett 1930 1/2 S Lumpkin St Athens, GA 30606-4737 H: (404) 374-0759 priceb@uga.edu University of Georgia David C. Barneycastle 1962 Colony Oaks Dr Snellville, GA 30078-2309 H: (770) 979-2770 W: (678) 386-8623 chris@barneycastle.net Chattahoochee Chapter Haven Barnhill 277 Salem Church Rd Lexington, GA 30648 H: (803) 667-0826 W: (706) 613-9493 Haven_Barnhill@fws.gov Oconee Chapter Earl Barrs 201 2nd St, Ste 1200 Macon, GA 31201-2706 H: (478) 934-4728 W: (478) 741-8742 ebarrs1952@aol.com Ocmulgee Chapter Stanley Bartkowiak 1181 Northlake Dr Auburn, AL 36832-3548 H: (828) 773-0284 W: (828) 773-0284 smb0056@auburn.edu Auburn University Gregory Barton 6020 SE 4th Pl Ocala, FL 34472-3326 H: (352) 694-3745 W: (352) 732-1201 Greg.Barton@freshfromflorida.com Caribbean Chapter Lehman Bass 400 Overlook Dr Opelika, AL 36801-2212 H: (334) 745-2965 W: (334) 749-0598 lehb@charter.net War Eagle Chapter 2014 SESAF MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY James Bates PO Box 10463 Birmingham, AL 35202 W: (205) 326-5442 james.bates@regions.com Cahaba Chapter John Batson 10265 Shallowford Rd Roswell, GA 30075 H: (770) 992-7736 sjbatson04@bellsouth.net Chattahoochee Chapter Lynda Beam 312 Vernonburg Road Savannah, GA 31419 H: (912) 925-8940 lyndagbeam@gmail.com Savannah Chapter Jeffery Beason P.O. Box 2641 Birmingham, AL 35291 H: (205) 467-7703 W: (205) 257-6264 jabeason@southernco.com Cahaba Chapter Robert Beason 3518 Ironwood Dr Martinez, GA 30907-9514 H: (706) 863-6763 W: (706) 831-9005 beasonb@att.net Csra Chapter Gary Beauchamp 4800 NE 13th ST Ocala, FL 34470 H: (352) 236-4974 W: (352) 620-4424 gatorgary1972@hotmail.com Caribbean Chapter R. Wayne Bell 1022 Cherrywood Cir Valdosta, GA 31605 H: (229) 242-4499 W: (229) 985-0321 wbell@interforestry.com Flatwoods Chapter Robert Berry 526 Lynnlee Way Heflin, AL 36264-9805 H: (256) 463-2525 W: (256) 463-2525 glennberry@centurytel.net Cahaba Chapter Jennifer Bellars 767 Espanola Ave #30 Ormond Beach, FL 32174 jenny.fortney@yahoo.com Caribbean Chapter Ginger Beshears 1495 Shinbone Valley Rd Menlo, GA 30731-9716 H: (706) 862-6181 W: (404) 261-9575 gbeshears@forestinvest.com Chattahoochee Chapter John Bender 1410 Indian Trail Rd Norcross, GA 30093 H: (770) 516-5005 W: (770) 564-9843 jbender@photoscience.com Chattahoochee Chapter George Bengtson 618 Cary Dr Auburn, AL 36830 H: (334) 826-3546 W: (334) 844-1051 bengtgw@auburn.edu War Eagle Chapter Cynthia Bennett 2600 SW Williston Rd Apt 725 Gainesville, FL 32608-3949 cynthianbennett@ufl.edu Suwannee Chapter Earl Bennett 2650 S Pinetree Blvd Thomasville, GA 31792-7466 H: (229) 226-0712 W: (229) 226-4052 Forestrypro@aol.com Flint River Chapter Jared Beauchamp 203 W US 27 Mayo, FL 32066-4052 H: (352) 316-1820 W: (386) 294-2326 Sean Bennett PO Box 394 Statesboro, GA 30459 H: (912) 312-0117 W: (912) 312-0117 jared.beauchamp@freshfromflorida.com sbennett@forestinvest.com University of Florida Savannah Chapter Brandon Beaver 13533 GA Highway 110 Woodbine, GA 31569-2165 beaver.brandon01@gmail.com Georgia Division Martin Beavers P.O. Box 54 Clay, AL 35048 H: (205) 680-2479 W: (205) 757-6318 MartinBeavers@Charter.net Cahaba Chapter John Bedson 310 Tempest Dr Peachtree City, GA 30269 H: (770) 510-6255 broadrun96@vt.edu Chattahoochee Chapter Mark Beeler 11908 Graceland Rd North Port, AL 35475 H: (205) 242-0974 W: (205) 348-6473 mbeeler@fa.ua.edu Black Warrior Chapter Thomas Bennett 139 Aquatics Dr Dawson, GA 39842-5302 H: (706) 563-4952 ttb253@uga.edu University of Georgia Travis Bennett 3116 Kumquat Dr Edgewater, FL 32141 travisjbennett@ufl.edu Suwannee Chapter Richard Bentley 2700 Maple Drive Starkville, MS 39759 H: (256) 310-7633 gbentley@campbellglobal.com Cahaba Chapter R. Scott Berg 95174 Cook Rd Fernandina Beach, FL 32034-9425 H: (904) 277-4596 W: (904) 277-4596 skookumsb@aol.com St. Johns Chapter Leslie Boby 1441 Calls Creek Cir Watkinsville, GA 30677-6706 lboby@sref.info.com Oconee Chapter William Bodiford 1716 Drewry Road Monroeville, AL 36460 bodiford65@yahoo.com University of Florida Kimberly Bohn 5988 Hwy 90 Bldg 4900 Milton, FL 32583 H: (850) 377-2854 W: (850) 983-5216 kkbohn@ufl.edu Panhandle Chapter Pete Bettinger 180 E Green St Athens, GA 30602-5025 W: (706) 542-1187 pbettinger@warnell.uga.edu Oconee Chapter Sandor Boldog 801 Waterford Rd Audalusia, AL 36420 H: (334) 227-7707 aboldog@gmail.com Longleaf Chapter (SESAF) Jerry Bettis 7161 Knoll Loop Montgomery, AL 36116-6056 W: (334) 421-0607 jbettis@mytu.tuskegee.edu Montgomery Chapter Billy Bond 246 Briarfield Rd Monroeville, AL 36460 H: (251) 575-7423 bebond@frontiernet.net Woodbasket Chapter Erik Biang 701 Oliver RD Meansville, GA 30256 ebiang@uga.edu University of Georgia Chantz Birch 4708 Greensprings Rd College Park, GA 30337 H: (404) 768-6239 chantzbirch@yahoo.com Chattahoochee Chapter Mark Bond 109 Sun Valley Rd Monroeville, AL 36460 H: (251) 575-4041 W: (251) 743-8247 MBondhike@yahoo.com Woodbasket Chapter Mary Black 5680 Vickery Cir Cumming, GA 30040-0344 H: (770) 887-8241 W: (770) 781-2108 maryjoblack@gmail.com Chattahoochee Chapter Stephen Bond 825 Turtle Cove Rd Killen, AL 35645-8954 H: (256) 757-7466 W: (731) 925-8228 steve@forestmanagementinc.com Mountain Lakes Chapter Zach Blackwelder 15 Cobblestone Ct Savannah, GA 31419-8961 zblackwe@stallions.abac.edu Abraham Baldwin Ag Chapter William Bones 6122 Oak Cluster Cir Tampa, FL 33634 Caribbean Chapter Walter Bland 5011 Anthony St Fernandina Beach, FL 32034-5601 H: (904) 583-3332 W: (904) 583-3332 scf.coastal@gmail.com St. Johns Chapter William Blankenship 15 Piedmont Center, Ste 1250 Atlanta, GA 30305 H: (334) 332-3883 W: (404) 495-8583 bblankenship@forestinvest.com Chattahoochee Chapter Dana Bloome 110 Pinyon Pine Cir Apt 3212 Athens, GA 30606-5681 bloomedana@gmail.com University of Georgia 21 Willis Booth PO Box 806 Louisville, GA 30434-0806 H: (478) 625-7746 lornabooth@hotmail.com Csra Chapter Lindsay Boring 101 North Rosewood Dr Albany, GA 31705 W: (229) 734-4706 lindsay.boring@jonesctr.org Flint River Chapter David Borland 5384 Appledore Ln Tallahassee, FL 32309-6866 H: (850) 445-2897 W: (850) 523-8527 dborland@fs.fed.us Big Bend Chapter William Boswell 31116 Grassy Parke Dr Fernandina Beach, FL 32034 H: (843) 851-3417 W: (904) 321-5577 boz.boswell@rayonier.com St. Johns Chapter Andrew Boutwell 2757 Wilcshire Ct Tucker, GA 30084-2425 W: (404) 495-8615 aboutwell@forestinvest.com Chattahoochee Chapter Tyler Bowden 149 Cox St, Apt 203 Auburn, AL 36832-4673 bowdeta@auburn.edu Auburn University Ralph Bower 860 Cherry Cir Fairhope, AL 36532-3101 H: (334) 682-9507 W: (334) 682-9882 ralph.bower@weyerhaeuser.com Jubilee Chapter Clark Boyd 240 Inverness Shore Fayetteville, GA 30215 W: (770) 719-8180 ccboydjr@yahoo.com Chattahoochee Chapter William Boyer 852 Terrace Acres Circle Auburn, AL 36830-6230 H: (334) 821-3932 W: (334) 826-8700 dbboyer@charter.net War Eagle Chapter William Boyette PO Drawer 1628 Mobile, AL 36633-1628 H: (251) 937-5124 W: (251) 690-1059 billy.boyette@regions.com Jubilee Chapter Terrell Bradford PO Box 70 Dublin, GA 31040 H: (478) 272-0707 W: (478) 272-2077 morris.bradford@rayonier.com Ocmulgee Chapter Brian Bradley 13906 Chimney Rock Cir Huntsville, AL 35803-2436 H: (256) 883-1788 W: (256) 883-1788 bk75bradley@comcast.net Mountain Lakes Chapter William Brantley 338 Brookside Dr Auburn, AL 36830 H: (334) 826-7432 W: (334) 242-3484 wbrantley@charter.net War Eagle Chapter E. Dale Brasher PO Box 397 Winfield, AL 35594-0397 H: (205) 487-6394 dbjr@centurytel.net Black Warrior Chapter Allen Braswell 4655 Cutter Mill Rd Martinez, GA 30907-9362 H: (706) 863-0754 W: (706) 791-9932 allen.d.braswell@us.army.mil Csra Chapter Ira Bray 70 Wilkes Ct Newnan, GA 30263-6124 H: (770) 253-0392 brayira@aol.com Pine Mountain Chapter Kevin Brazell 733 Brookwood Dr Statesboro, GA 30461 H: (912) 674-1255 W: (912) 489-0132 kcbrazell@gmail.com Savannah Chapter William Breiner 343 Kings Rd SE Milledgeville, GA 31061-9553 H: (478) 453-9717 W: (478) 452-5180 bbforest@windstream.net Ocmulgee Chapter Michael Breland 4477 Lee Rd. 137 lot 54 Auburn, AL 36832 mbb0009@auburn.edu Auburn University Raymond Brendemuehl 2978 Spring St Marianna, FL 32446-3172 H: (850) 482-3911 Panhandle Chapter Johnny Brewer 2931 E Golden Isles Hwy Lumber City, GA 31549 H: (912) 375-8039 brewerjc73@yahoo.com Flatwoods Chapter Samuel Breyfogle 208 Springdale Dr LaGrange, GA 30240-2648 H: (706) 845-7235 W: (706) 346-9748 sambreyfogle@charter.net Pine Mountain Chapter John Bridges 11099 Big Canoe Big Canoe, GA 30143-5143 H: (706) 579-2609 bridgesbulldogs@windstream.net Northwest Georgia Chapter Michael Brill Regions Bank PO Box 10463 Birmingham, AL 35202 H: (205) 663-2607 W: (205) 581-7464 mikebrill@regions.com Cahaba Chapter 2014 SESAF MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY Richard Brinker 436 Summertrees Dr Auburn, AL 36832 H: (334) 887-6463 brinkrw@auburn.edu War Eagle Chapter Jasmine Brown 190 Pond Street Bridgeport, CT 06606 H: (203) 551-4341 jasmine.k.brown@uconn.edu Alabama A&M University Joseph Bryan PO Box 9 Jay, FL 32565 W: (850) 983-0420 jbryan@tlservicesinc.com Panhandle Chapter John Britt 173 Watkins Rd Fortson, GA 31808-4865 H: (706) 320-0990 W: (706) 662-0036 john@jbanda.net Pine Mountain Chapter Johnny Brown 811 Westwood Dr Perry, FL 32347 H: (850) 584-3156 W: (850) 838-2680 buckeyenursery@gtcom.net Big Bend Chapter Roger Bryant 5022 Bell Dr SE Smyrna, GA 30080-2637 H: (706) 505-2995 roger.bryant@genesisforestry.com Chattahoochee Chapter Gary Brocious Resource Management Service, LLC 1834 Glynwood Drive Prattville, AL 36066 H: (334) 398-0014 W: (334) 380-5105 gbrocious@resourcemgt.com Montgomery Chapter Dale Brockway Southern Research Station 521 Devall Dr Auburn, AL 36849 W: (334) 826-8700 dbrockway@fs.fed.us War Eagle Chapter Scott Brodbeck 4703 NW 53rd Ave Suite B-1 Gainesville, FL 32653 W: (352) 378-8966 stbrodbeck@hotmail.com Suwannee Chapter James Brooks 5454 Malone Ct Powder Springs, GA 30127 H: (770) 428-4636 jasebrooks34@yahoo.com Northwest Georgia Chapter Sterling Brothers 55 Honeysuckle Ct Wetumpka, AL 36093 H: (334) 399-0278 W: (334) 478-3293 brothsa@aol.com Montgomery Chapter Bobby Brown 20364 GA Highway 3 Thomasville, GA 31792-9028 W: (229) 227-1919 brown@ftrealty.com Flint River Chapter Brian Brown 501 Riverside Ave, Ste 902 Jacksonville, FL 32202-4940 bebrown73@earthlink.net St. Johns Chapter George Brown 482 Saint Clair Ln Huntsville, AL 35811-9584 H: (256) 851-9375 gbrown1@hiwaay.net Mountain Lakes Chapter Porter Brown 4001 NW 9th Ct Gainesville, FL 32605-4713 H: (904) 376-4285 brownpa@cox.net Suwannee Chapter Rodney Brown 7018 Conoly Way Tifton, GA 31794-3026 H: (229) 382-9380 rbrown@abac.edu Flatwoods Chapter Steven Burak PO Box 780278 Tallassee, AL 36078-0278 W: (334) 283-3611 sgburak@sizemore1949.com Montgomery Chapter Caribbean Chapter Vance Brown 1628 Mountain Oak Drive Anniston, AL 36206 H: 256 225-0156 vancebrown@hotmail.com Cahaba Chapter Robert Campbell 247 Colonial Way Folkston, GA 31537 H: (912) 496-3836 Brunswick Chapter Charles Bruner 2121 Crestdale Dr Tallahassee, FL 32308-8808 H: (850) 877-4241 brunerc10@gmail.com Flatwoods Chapter Steve Carter 650 Friendship Church Road Odum, GA 31555 H: (912) 586-6126 W: (912) 586-6126 carterlf@accessatc.net Brunswick Chapter Walter Cartwright 513 Madison Ave Montgomery, AL 36104-3631 H: (334) 617-3059 W: (334) 240-9324 Dennis Carey 190 Mason Dr Cobb, GA 31735-2111 H: (229) 853-3434 W: (478) 472-8213 Flint River Chapter Ira Carlisle PO Box 119 Gilbertown, AL 36908 H: (251) 843-5708 W: (251) 771-5445 bubba@millry.net Woodbasket Chapter George Bryan 1073 County Road 337 Brantley, AL 36009 H: (334) 897-5398 W: (334) 897-6877 timbercruiser@hotmail.com Wiregrass Chapter Norman Carlson 259 Buck Ln Girard, GA 30426 H: (478) 569-4629 W: (478) 569-4629 nacarlson51@gmail.com Csra Chapter Jon Caulfield 135 Deer Ridge Athens, GA 30605 W: (706) 353-6082 jon.caulfield@btgpactual.com Oconee Chapter Wayne Cauthen PO Box 135 Rome, GA 30162-6135 W: (706) 232-6564 wcauthen@coosaforestry.com Northwest Georgia Chapter Ben Cazell PO Box 728 W: (904) 321-5555 ben.cazell@rayonier.com St. Johns Chapter Michael Cerchiaro 15 Piedmont Center, Ste 1250 Atlanta, GA 30305 H: (404) 869-1085 W: (404) 495-8591 mcerchiaro@forestinvest.com Chattahoochee Chapter Christopher Chambers 1100 Stonegate Dr, Lot 147 Auburn, AL 36830 Clc0021@auburn.edu Auburn University Tony Cascio 31 Inverness Center Pkwy Suite 360 Birmingham, AL 35242 W: (205) 980-7339 tcascio@resourcemgt.com Cahaba Chapter Robert Chambers 220 Edwards Brook Ct Canton, GA 30115 H: (678) 493-7723 W: (404) 403-6786 rgc57@windstream.net Chattahoochee Chapter Linda Casey 513 Madison Ave Montgomery, AL 36104-3631 H: (843) 877-3491 W: (334) 240-9604 Steven Chapman 1666 Pine Valley Dr Milledgeville, GA 31061 H: (478) 451-9114 W: (478) 451-9114 habitatmgtservices@gmail.com Ocmulgee Chapter Montgomery Chapter Thomas Cathey 5009 Roland Rd Pace, FL 32571-9536 H: (850) 994-1618 W: (850) 587-2113 tomdebws@bellsouth.net Panhandle Chapter John Catlin 64 Ridgeview Heights Toccoa, GA 30577 H: (706) 886-0449 W: (706) 201-1290 jcatforestry@gmail.com Oconee Chapter Glynn Chesser 5929 St Leonards Ct Columbus, GA 31909-3816 H: (706) 568-3499 jastgly@knology.net Pine Mountain Chapter Daniela Chevasco 222 Ocala Road South Apt 222-4 Tallahassee, FL 32304 dchevasco@ufl.edu Big Bend Chapter John Cheynet 2010 Sandy Creek Rd Madison, GA 30650-3339 H: (540) 862-0262 W: (540) 691-6141 john.cheynet@MWV.com Oconee Chapter Kyla Cheynet Fernandina Beach, FL 32035-0728 2010 Sandy Creek Rd Longleaf Chapter (SESAF) linda.casey@forestry.alabama.gov 22 Jacob Cauley 2727 Lee Road 12, Lot 147 Auburn, AL 36832-4907 jac0015@auburn.edu Auburn University Kenneth Chambers 1453 GA Hwy 120 Lawrenceville, GA 30043 H: (770) 497-0026 W: (770) 995-4805 kmchambe@southernco.com Chattahoochee Chapter walter.cartwright@forestry.alabama.gov Thomas Carignan PO Box 681985 Prattville, AL 36068-1985 H: (334) 730-1953 W: (334) 361-7677 tom@carignan.net Montgomery Chapter Susan Bruno 750 Gaines School Rd Apt E79 Athens, GA 30605-3264 sbruno12@uga.edu University of Georgia James Bryan 2271 S Flagler Ave Flagler Beach, FL 32136-4000 H: (386) 338-8312 imforester2@gmail.com Caribbean Chapter Robert Carter PO Box 122 Jacksonville, AL 36265 H: (256) 435-1929 W: (256) 782-5144 rcarter@jsu.edu Cahaba Chapter kimberly.burch@freshfromflorida.com Gary Butler PO Box 88 Demopolis, AL 36732-3413 H: (334) 289-4796 W: (334) 289-0051 butlerandcoinc@bellsouth.net Woodbasket Chapter Austin Carroll 3485 Barnstaple Dr Tallahassee, FL 32317 H: (850) 559-6200 W: (850) 559-6200 adc481@hotmail.com Big Bend Chapter Douglas Carter Univ of Florida PO Box 110410 Gainesville, FL 32611-0410 H: (352) 846-1277 W: (352) 846-0893 drcart@ufl.edu Suwannee Chapter Kimberly Burch 3415 S Oakdale Terrace Inverness, FL 34452 H: (352) 400-6253 W: (352) 726-4776 Stephen Brown 945 Rust Branch Ln Evans, GA 30809-9324 H: (706) 855-9093 W: (706) 855-1015 swbrown@devforestry.com Csra Chapter Alan Bruce 4052 Grove Park Circle Birmingham, AL 35242 H: (205) 408-8003 W: (205) 672-8311 apbruce81@gmail.com Cahaba Chapter John Carothers P. O. Box 370 Wetumpka, AL 36092 H: (334) 850-3191 W: (334) 514-9077 jmcarot65@aol.com Montgomery Chapter Umesh Chaudhari 200 Rogers Road, Apt P309 Forestry Bldg PO Box 3468 Athens, GA 30605 chaudhari.k.umesh@gmail.com University of Georgia Michael Cheaney 1801 Bethel Circle Cragford, AL 36255 H: (256) 329-5211 W: (256) 329-3422 mikecheaney@hughes.net Cahaba Chapter Madison, GA 30650-3339 H: (540) 960-0648 W: (706) 765-7584 cheynet5@gmail.com Oconee Chapter Soloman Childers 1805 Emmett Ave Tifton, GA 31794-3347 soloman.childers@gmail.com Flatwoods Chapter Colmore Christian PO Box 1927 ARC Bldg Rm 138 Normal, AL 35762-1927 W: (256) 372-4335 colmore.christian@aamu.edu Mountain Lakes Chapter Jay Chupp 344 Willow Lake Dr Leesburg, GA 31763 chuppjc@gmail.com Flint River Chapter Joseph Clark 14242 Wynhollow Downs Lane Apt 921 Charlotte, NC 28277 jedclark2@gmail.com Auburn University Zachary Clark 331 Old Hoods Mill Rd Commerce, GA 30529-5271 zsreyes7@uga.edu University of Georgia Tyler Claxton 500 Webster Rd, Lot 370 Auburn, AL 36832-4247 H: (256) 278-0427 tac0011@auburn.edu Auburn University Remer Clifton PO Box 882 Statesboro, GA 30458 H: (912) 489-5198 W: (912) 489-8250 appraisals@nctv.com Savannah Chapter 2014 SESAF MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY Gary Cochran 500 Grove Park Loop Wetumpka, AL 36093-3791 H: (334) 567-6722 W: (334) 361-5834 garyacochran@bellsouth.net Montgomery Chapter James Cochran PO Box 876 Carrabelle, FL 32322 H: (850) 697-8826 W: (904) 752-0335 dkcochran@aol.com Big Bend Chapter Sideny Cochran 1280 Mountain Woods Lake Rd Warrior, AL 35180-4880 H: (205) 647-5753 ross6708@aol.com Auburn University Louis Coffee 109 Hermosa Dr Birmingham, AL 35209-2013 H: (205) 946-4978 W: (205) 980-7349 mcoffee@resourcemgt.com Cahaba Chapter Andrew Colaninno 6529 Sundial Ave Flowery Branch, GA 30542 andycolaninno@gmail.com Oconee Chapter Edward Cole 50 N Laura St, Ste 3100 Jacksonville, FL 32202-3659 H: (904) 384-5518 W: (904) 798-3700 edward.cole@akerman.com St. Johns Chapter Milton Coleman 5305 Old State Rd Naylor, GA 31641 H: (229) 242-4043 W: (229) 560-2875 Flatwoods Chapter Roger Coleman 1218 S. Central Park Ave Chicago, IL 60623 H: (773) 981-2115 rrrcoleman43@yahoo.com Alabama A&M University Curtis Collins PO Box 48999 Tuscaloosa, AL 35404 W: (205) 562-5261 ccollins@westervelt.com Jubilee Chapter James Collins 3615 Lake Seminole Dr Buford, GA 30519 collinsjp@charter.net Chattahoochee Chapter Angela Colonna 1108 NW 3rd Ave Gainesville, FL 32601-4913 angela30@ufl.edu University of Florida William Colville 7123 Atlanta Cir Spanish Fort, AL 36527-4023 wrc0004@auburn.edu Auburn University L. Conrad 334 Crestwood Dr Florence, AL 35633 H: (256) 764-3077 W: (731) 689-1278 wconrad@packagingcorp.com Mountain Lakes Chapter David Combs 165 White Oak Trl Carlton, GA 30627-9529 H: (706) 797-3783 W: (706) 559-4306 dcombs@fs.fed.us Oconee Chapter Allen Cooper PO Box 5712 Marianna, FL 32447 H: (850) 482-7682 W: (850) 547-2634 shawn.cooper@amforem.biz Panhandle Chapter F. Comer 108 Fairview DR Childersburg, AL 35044-1101 H: (256) 378-7805 Cahaba Chapter Micheal Cooper 304 Hayes Dr. Gurley, AL 35748 H: (256) 603-1794 Cooper1b6@yahoo.com Alabama A&M University Steven Coleman 2572 State Hwy 83 N DeFuniak Springs, FL 32433 H: (850) 892-0955 W: (334) 793-2498 scoleman@panhandle.rr.com Panhandle Chapter Amos Connell 1806 Laurel Oak Dr Statesboro, GA 30461 H: (912) 764-7362 amosconnell@frontiernet.net Savannah Chapter Elton Coley 1229 Hwy 72 E Tuscumbia, AL 35674 H: (256) 383-6642 W: (256) 383-8901 ercoley@bellsouth.net Mountain Lakes Chapter Kristina Connor 521 Devall Dr Auburn, AL 36849-5418 H: (334) 502-8720 W: (334) 826-8700 kfcbcp@yahoo.com War Eagle Chapter Lauren Cox 1122 7th Ave, Apt 7 Tuscaloosa, AL 35401-3198 H: (256) 483-8940 lecox@crimson.ua.edu Black Warrior Chapter David Conway 1518 County Rd 16 Lafayette, AL 36862 H: (334) 864-7045 W: (334) 864-7045 dickconway46@gmail.com War Eagle Chapter Will Colvin 201 Golf View Dr Jackson, AL 36545-3203 W: (334) 456-2736 Colviwj@gmail.com Woodbasket Chapter Brian Condon 4219 NW 35th Terr Gainesville, FL 32605 H: (352) 215-6729 bcondongnv@gmail.com Suwannee Chapter Keith Cox 101 Stoney Creek Dr Florence, AL 35633 H: (256) 767-0189 keith7174@comcast.net Mountain Lakes Chapter William Consoletti 3650 Ginger Drive Columbus, GA 31909 H: (706) 561-8735 W: (706) 561-8735 william.consoletti@mwv.com Pine Mountain Chapter Aprille Cook PO Box 48999 Tuscaloosa, AL 35404-8999 H: (205) 330-2476 W: (205) 562-5363 acook@westervelt.com Black Warrior Chapter Vernon Compton 8831 Whiting Field Circle Milton, FL 32570 W: (850) 623-0987 vernon@longleafalliance.org Panhandle Chapter Charles Cox 72 Laurel Lakes Dr Carrollton, GA 30116-5801 H: (770) 838-9090 coxccoxd@bellsouth.net Chattahoochee Chapter Kenneth Coxen 822 Huber Rd Macon, GA 31217-9208 H: (478) 233-5020 W: (478) 750-5490 kencoxen@gmail.com Ocmulgee Chapter Brandon Craft 207 N 15th St, Apt K Lanett, AL 36863 bkc0008@auburn.edu Auburn University William Craft 374 Bonanza Dr Thomaston, GA 30286 H: (706) 648-2730 W: (706) 647-8982 wjcraft@windstream.net Ocmulgee Chapter Barbara Crane 108 Concord Ln Madison, GA 30650-1729 H: (770) 974-9448 W: (404) 347-4039 barbaracrane@fs.fed.us Oconee Chapter John Core 2004 Hickory Tree Ln Tallahassee, FL 32303 H: (850) 514-1293 W: (850) 414-9967 cored@doacs.state.fl.us Big Bend Chapter Scott Corley 351 Sunset Drive Greenville, AL 36037 scott.e.corley@gmail.com Longleaf Chapter (SESAF) Armand Cote 1267 Bramlett Forest Ct Lawrenceville, GA 30045-2621 H: (770) 713-3049 Chattahoochee Chapter John Cothrun 3060 Bell Grove Dr. Tallahassee, FL 32308 H: (928) 607-0483 jcothrun@landmarksystems.com Big Bend Chapter Merrit Cowden 1131 Jackson Ave Unit 3314 Tuscaloosa, AL 35401-8412 mmcowden@crimson.ua.edu Black Warrior Chapter 23 Philip Crider 8624 Ranchwood Ln St. Augustine, FL 32042 H: (904) 522-1647 St. Johns Chapter Bryan Croft 123 SE Gregory Gln Lake City, FL 32025 H: (386) 496-3279 W: (229) 407-0249 bcroft@fwforestry.com St. Johns Chapter John Crooks 1305 Lakes Pkwy, Ste 110 Lawrenceville, GA 30043-5956 H: (770) 550-1368 W: (770) 682-9731 bcrooks@corblu.com Chattahoochee Chapter Wendell Cropper 518 NW 94th Way Gainesville, FL 32607 H: (352) 332-0141 W: (352) 846-0859 wcropper@ufl.edu Suwannee Chapter Michael Crosby 26 Jim Ln SE Cartersville, GA 30120-7823 H: (601) 498-8398 mcrosby@shorter.edu Northwest Georgia Chapter Scott Crosby PO Box 358044 Gainesville, FL 32635 H: (352) 275-4332 W: (386) 329-2552 scrosby415@gmail.com Suwannee Chapter William Crosby 500 Spanish Fort Blvd Apt 228 Spanish Fort, AL 36527-5009 H: (251) 626-8628 Jubilee Chapter Frank Craven 238 Pierce Ave Unit 104-8 Macon, GA 31204-2489 H: (478) 953-6215 cravenfe@aol.com Ocmulgee Chapter Clinton Cross 2249 Parkview Ct Atlanta, GA 30318 W: (404) 347-3192 clintcross@fs.fed.us Chattahoochee Chapter Daniel Crawford 3644 Robin Circle Birmingham, AL 35242 H: (205) 427-2843 W: (205) 980-7310 crawfda@gmail.com Cahaba Chapter Terry Cross 4670 Sprucewood Dr Macon, GA 31210 H: (912) 471-1648 W: (478) 741-8742 tcross7488@aol.com Ocmulgee Chapter Rebecca Creech 1105 NW 3rd Ave, Apt L3 Gainesville, FL 32601-2911 rcreech@ufl.edu University of Florida Joshua Cucinella 8855 NW 187th Ln Reddick, FL 32686-2249 W: (352) 732-1711 mannamedjosh@yahoo.com Suwannee Chapter Larry Cress 490 Sunnybrook Ln Hartwell, GA 30643 H: (706) 377-3904 W: (864) 245-1164 mcress@clendeninlumberco.com Oconee Chapter Michael Cunningham 7861 Preservation Rd Tallahassee, FL 32312-6753 W: (850) 514-9916 mwcunni@arborgen.com Big Bend Chapter Donald Curtis 5135 Preston Sheffield Rd Perry, FL 32347-9492 H: (850) 584-9561 W: (850) 584-8887 drcurtisjr@hotmail.com Big Bend Chapter Michele Curtis 5135 Preston Sheffield Rd Perry, FL 32347 H: (850) 584-9561 mrc1218@hotmail.com Big Bend Chapter Charles Daniel 4820-B Kerry Forest Pkwy Tallahassee, FL 32308 H: (850) 559-0046 W: (850) 545-9141 charlie.daniel@btgp.com Big Bend Chapter Richard Daniels Warnell School of Forestry University of Georgia Athens, GA 30602-2152 H: (706) 510-3331 W: (706) 542-7298 ddaniels@uga.edu Oconee Chapter Stephen Daniels 1031 Christian Lane Watkinsville, GA 30677-7041 H: (706) 705-1033 W: (706) 318-2493 steve.daniels@plumcreek.com Oconee Chapter Ethan Darnell 4121 SW 31st Dr Gainesville, FL 32608 ethandarnell77@yahoo.com University of Florida Jib Davidson 4424 NW 13th St Ste C-2 Gainesville, FL 32609 H: (352) 376-1760 W: (352) 375-1473 jib@columbiatimber.com Suwannee Chapter John Davis 826 Sherwood Rd NW Gainesville, GA 30501-2131 H: (770) 536-3976 W: (770) 536-8510 davisjf@bellsouth.net Oconee Chapter Matthew Davis 237 Chicory Rd NE Milledgeville, GA 31061-1920 H: (478) 986-6278 matthewldavis10@gmail.com Ocmulgee Chapter Richard Davis 5995 Colonel Scott Dr Tallahassee, FL 32309 H: (850) 671-5054 W: (850) 309-3930 Rdavis@thinkF4.com Big Bend Chapter 2014 SESAF MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY William Davis 1640 Brownwood Dr Madison, GA 30650-9741 H: (706) 342-2063 Oconee Chapter Kenneth Day 7498 Park Dr Daphne, AL 36526-5238 H: (251) 626-1298 W: (251) 694-3724 kenneth.day@usace.army.mil Jubilee Chapter Martin Day 52 Brannen St Statesboro, GA 30458-4833 W: (912) 310-0921 md01824@georgiasouthern.edu Savannah Chapter Rafael De La Torre 247 Davis St Athens, GA 30606 H: (706) 369-9640 W: (706) 372-6147 rdelat@hotmail.com Oconee Chapter James Dearman 575 Shelton Mill Rd Apt 4406 Auburn, AL 36830-2745 H: (256) 326-5413 jrd0007@auburn.edu War Eagle Chapter James Dearmon PO Box 166 Millry, AL 36558-0166 H: (251) 846-2937 W: (251) 846-2601 Woodbasket Chapter Michael Delaney PO Box 16126 Mobile, AL 36616-0126 H: (251) 767-5629 W: (251) 460-0910 michaeld@delaneyinc.net Jubilee Chapter Christopher Demers PO Box 110410 Gainesville, FL 32611-0001 H: (352) 337-2687 W: (352) 846-2375 cdemers@ufl.edu Suwannee Chapter Danielle Deming 2700 SW Archer Rd E21 Gainesville, FL 32608 ddeming@ufl.edu University of Florida Terry Demott 283 SE Anastasia St Lake City, FL 32025 H: (386) 755-6216 W: (386) 362-1001 ted@srwmd.org Suwannee Chapter Dru Dennison PO Box 636 Flagler Beach, FL 32136 W: (386) 986-8520 2foresters@earthlink.net Caribbean Chapter John Dethero 462 N Court St Florence, AL 35630-6403 H: (256) 767-7306 W: (256) 767-2000 bdethero@geo-source.com Mountain Lakes Chapter Smith Dolliver 829 GA Hwy 57 Gordon, GA 31031 H: (478) 628-5786 W: (478) 278-4849 sdservices@windstream.net Ocmulgee Chapter James DeWit 1000 Lakeview Dr Bay Minette, AL 36507 H: (251) 937-5501 W: (251) 294-5424 jdewit@molpus.com Jubilee Chapter Eric Dooley 371 W. Glenn, Apt 9 Auburn, AL 36830 eld0009@tigermail.auburn.edu Auburn University Tracy Dickerson 118 Hampton Way Carrollton, GA 30117-8976 H: (770) 832-0290 tkdickerson@gmail.com Chattahoochee Chapter Joshua Dickinson 6124 SW 30 Ave Gainesville, FL 32608-2120 H: (352) 318-4269 josh.foresttrust@gmail.com Suwannee Chapter Nicholas DiLuzio 1349 W Peachtree St NW Ste 2000 Atlanta, GA 30309-2926 H: (678) 525-6563 W: (404) 347-9050 ndiluzio@newfields.com Chattahoochee Chapter Luben Dimov Ctr for Forestry PO Box 1927 Alabama A&M University Normal, AL 35762 W: (256) 372-4545 luben.dimov@gmail.com Mountain Lakes Chapter Joseph Dinkins 6880 Wolffork Rd Rabun Gap, GA 30568-2609 H: (706) 746-2914 Oconee Chapter Cameron Dixon 1584 John Wesley Way NW Apt 60 Huntsville, AL 35816-2088 H: (813) 817-9992 cldixon88@yahoo.com Alabama A&M University Robert Dodson PO Box 323 Altoona, FL 32702 H: (352) 669-2429 Caribbean Chapter Sharon Dolliver 829 GA Hwy 57 Gordon, GA 31031 H: (478) 628-5786 W: (478) 628-1196 sesafbusmgr@windstream.net Ocmulgee Chapter Chelsea Drum 217 SE 6th St Gainesville, FL 32601-6845 chelseagill@ufl.edu Suwannee Chapter Vince Dubiansky PO Box 72364 Albany, GA 31708-2364 H: (229) 438-7424 W: (229) 883-3005 farmts@bellsouth.net Flint River Chapter Guerry Doolittle 13846 Atlantic Blvd #1018 Jacksonville, FL 32225-3289 H: (904) 374-3586 W: (904) 504-0505 guerrydoolittle@mac.com St. Johns Chapter David Dubow 1095 Chippewa Oak Dr Dacula, GA 30019 H: (678) 376-1572 dadubow@aol.com Chattahoochee Chapter John Dooner 106 Magnolia Cir Havana, FL 32333-1206 jdooner@southernforestry.net Big Bend Chapter Clarence Duckworth PO Box 464 Vredenburgh, AL 36481 H: (334) 337-4313 W: (334) 337-4413 ban@PineBelt.net Woodbasket Chapter Michael Dooner PO Box 2337 Havana, FL 32333-2337 H: (850) 539-8187 W: (229) 246-5785 mdooner@southernforestry.net Big Bend Chapter Robert Duckworth 1693 Samaria Trail Tucker, GA 30084 H: (770) 939-5167 Chattahoochee Chapter Steven Duda 709 Conesus Lane Winter Springs, FL 32708 dudasteven@yahoo.com University of Florida Timothy Dorrell 44 Spirit Lake Drive Pendergrass, GA 30567 H: (706) 693-4317 tdrpf412@gmail.com Oconee Chapter Cory Dukes 115 Perimeter Center Pl NE Ste 940 Atlanta, GA 30346-1244 H: (404) 374-5476 W: (404) 736-3528 dukes@tirllc.com Chattahoochee Chapter Derek Dougherty PO Box 82013 Athens, GA 30608-2013 W: (706) 783-3333 ddougherty@progressiveforestry.com Oconee Chapter Phillip Dougherty PO Box 381 Colbert, GA 30628-0381 H: (843) 610-2281 W: (843) 834-2585 pm488dough@yahoo.com Oconee Chapter Glen Dunaway PO Box 124 Molino, FL 32577 Panhandle Chapter David Duncan 1141 Stonebridge Cir Watkinsville, GA 30677-2079 H: (706) 264-8084 W: (706) 552-0099 david.duncan@btgpactual.com Oconee Chapter Jeremy Douglas 2601 Marston Rd Tallahassee, FL 32308 H: (850) 591-2090 W: (850) 617-3179 jcdouglas4@netscape.net Big Bend Chapter Charles Dunn 3429 NW 61 Pl Gainesville, FL 32653 H: (352) 376-1109 W: (904) 263-2360 charlie.dunn@rayonier.com Suwannee Chapter Dean Drake 122 Adobe Cir Jupiter, FL 33458-8008 H: (561) 346-2256 migdrake22@bellsouth.net Caribbean Chapter Tyler Dreaden 2901 SW 13th St, Apt 239 Gainesville, FL 32608-3027 H: (850) 902-1832 W: (850) 902-1832 tdreaden@ufl.edu University of Florida Wyatt Dunnam 123 W Indiana Ave Room 201 DeLand, FL 32720 H: (904) 819-0143 W: (386) 804-1965 ndunnam@co.volusia.fl.us Caribbean Chapter 24 Daniel Dunwell 5767 Vendome Dr N Mobile, AL 36609-3327 H: (251) 344-7738 W: (251) 610-8808 danny@landhp.com Jubilee Chapter Paul Ebersbach 951 Lake Angelo Dr Avon Park, FL 33825-8925 H: (863) 453-5582 W: (863) 452-4105 peber@embarqmail.com Caribbean Chapter Joe Durham 3230 Veazey Rd Greensboro, GA 30642-3545 H: (706) 467-9084 jvdurham@windstream.net Oconee Chapter Jason Eckert PO Box 2672 Mobile, AL 36652 H: (251) 621-9887 W: (251) 433-2676 jheckert@bellsouth.net Jubilee Chapter Mary Duryea 1022 McCarty Hall D PO Box 110200 Gainesville, FL 32611-0200 W: (352) 392-1784 mlduryea@ufl.edu Suwannee Chapter Arthur Dyas P. O. Box 650 Montrose, AL 36559 H: (251) 928-8848 W: (251) 331-4017 adyas@msn.com Jubilee Chapter David Dyson PO Box 2143 Mobile, AL 36652 W: (251) 438-4581 ddyson@larsonmcgowin.com Longleaf Chapter (SESAF) Frank Eadie 285 Hembredge Dr Canton, GA 30115 H: (770) 345-6567 Chattahoochee Chapter Elbert Earley 2910 Newton Rd Albany, GA 31701-7344 H: (229) 439-0009 W: (229) 430-5125 trebyelrae@aol.com Flint River Chapter Norman Easey 7853 S Leewynn Ct Sarasota, FL 34240 H: (941) 371-3891 W: (941) 342-0153 njeasey@comcast.net Caribbean Chapter Bruce Eason 6360 Co Rd 32 Lafayette, AL 36862 H: (334) 864-9357 W: (334) 864-9357 bneason@gmail.com War Eagle Chapter Thomas Eaton 5 Gregory Dr Rome, GA 30165-3455 W: (706) 236-1210 tceaton@southernco.com Northwest Georgia Chapter Lori Eckhardt 3301 School of Forestry Wildlife Science Bldg Auburn University, AL 36849-5418 H: (334) 332-6462 W: (334) 844-2720 eckhalg@auburn.edu War Eagle Chapter Katherine Eddins 226 Old Ladiga Rd Piedmont, AL 36272 H: (256) 447-1006 W: (256) 447-0028 katherine@galandtrust.org Cahaba Chapter Stephen Edgar 6044 Lake Winona Rd De Leon Springs, FL 32130-3512 H: (386) 956-8733 steve@longleafforest.com Caribbean Chapter Robert Edmonds 3301 Santa Barbara Dr Punta Gorda, FL 33983 H: (603) 312-2065 robertleeedmonds@gmail.com Caribbean Chapter Howard Ellington PO Box 749 Sylacauga, AL 35150-0749 H: (256) 249-8078 Cahaba Chapter Mark Elliott 114 Hope Dr Daphne, AL 36526-7822 H: (251) 621-9978 W: (251) 690-1423 bankforester@mchsi.com Jubilee Chapter Thomas Ellis 708 Greenwood Ave Fairhope, AL 36532-2839 H: (251) 990-6049 thellisjr36@yahoo.com Jubilee Chapter Christopher Elwell 4651 Dellrose Drive Dunwoody, GA 30338 H: (706) 618-2586 W: (404) 736-3502 elwell@tirllc.com Chattahoochee Chapter 2014 SESAF MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY Alan Emmons 305 W Shotwell St Bainbridge, GA 31717-3905 W: (912) 246-5785 awemmons@yahoo.com Flint River Chapter Christopher Erwin 47 Bowen Bend Wetumpka, AL 36093 W: (334) 265-8733 cerwin@alaforestry.org Montgomery Chapter Francisco Escobedo UF-SFRC, PO Box 110410 361 Newins Ziegler Hall Gainesville, FL 32611-0410 W: (352) 846-0856 fescobed@ufl.edu Suwannee Chapter Benjamin Estes PO Box 1 Wadley, AL 36276-0001 bee0001@auburn.edu Auburn University James Etheridge 2100 East Exchange Pl Tucker, GA 30084-5336 H: (770) 914-2225 W: (770) 270-7650 jimmy.etheridge@gatrans.com Chattahoochee Chapter Kyle Fabbro 125 SW 5th Terrace Apt 3311B Gainesville, FL 32601 kwfabbro@ufl.edu University of Florida Maria Falck-Lazzara 3232 S MacDill Ave #203 Tampa, FL 33629-8197 H: (813) 527-4067 mlfalck@yahoo.com Caribbean Chapter Eric Fanelli 96206 Marsh Lakes Dr Fernandina, FL 32034-6843 efanelli17@gmail.com St. Johns Chapter Robert Farris 981 Five Points Road Gray, GA 31032 H: (478) 986-6430 W: (478) 751-3500 bfarris@gfc.state.ga.us Ocmulgee Chapter George Fasano 1202 Jones St Edgefield, SC 29824 drewfasano@gmail.com Flint River Chapter Alan Faulk 3624 Hwy 96 West Jeffersonville, GA 31044 H: (478) 945-6833 W: (478) 945-6833 afaulk1@windstream.net Ocmulgee Chapter Krisha Faw 180 E Green St Athens, GA 30602-5025 KFaw@uga.edu University of Georgia James Fendig 95 Skidaway Island State Park Rd Savannah, GA 31411-3118 H: (912) 598-8023 W: (912) 598-8023 Fendig@bellsouth.net Savannah Chapter Matthew Ferguson 2155 GA Highway 188 N Cairo, GA 39827-4209 widdy_0@yahoo.com Flint River Chapter Richard Field 150 Cloverhurst Terr Athens, GA 30605 H: (706) 549-8866 df643@charter.net Oconee Chapter Magaly Figueroa 1201 Calle Ceiba Jardin Botanico Sur San Juan, PR 00926-1115 W: (787) 766-5335 mafigueroa@fs.fed.us Caribbean Chapter Ricky Files 236 Forest Rd Notasulga, AL 36866-2638 H: (334) 257-3261 rfiles@sizemore1949.com War Eagle Chapter Jack Fillingham PO Box 780428 Tallassee, AL 36078-0428 H: (334) 283-2520 W: (334) 283-3611 jackfillingham@sizemore1949.com Montgomery Chapter Danielle Findlay PO Box 110410 Gainesville, FL 32611-0410 W: (352) 846-0860 daniellefindlay@ufl.edu University of Florida John Fish 106 Crest Dr Perry, FL 32348-9782 H: (850) 838-2047 john.fish@freshfromflorida.com Big Bend Chapter Richard Fleming 233 Wagon Trl Alabaster, AL 35007-5823 H: (205) 663-6314 W: (256) 378-2734 earl.fleming@resolutefp.com Cahaba Chapter Edgar Flowers 56 Lucerne St Baxley, GA 31513-3036 H: (912) 367-6222 Brunswick Chapter James Forbus 2123 Fork Creek Rd Bowman, GA 30624 H: (706) 246-0957 kforbus.cfds@gmail.com Oconee Chapter Robert Ford PO Box 1595 Columbiana, AL 35051 W: (205) 562-5236 lford@westervelt.com Cahaba Chapter David Fox 7628 NW 36th Ave Gainesville, FL 32608 dafoxfl@gmail.com Suwannee Chapter Michael Frew 1834 Cahaba Forest Cove Birmingham, AL 35242 micfrew@aol.com Cahaba Chapter Walter Fox 4251 Hudson Dr, #128 Oakwood, GA 30566-2557 H: (706) 779-2894 foxyforester@windstream.net Oconee Chapter Melissa Friedman 215 9th St SE Winter Haven, FL 33880-3112 H: (863) 298-0674 W: (813) 757-2272 melimel@ufl.edu Caribbean Chapter Stephen Fraedrich USDA Forest Service 320 Green St Athens, GA 30602 W: (706) 559-4273 sfraedrich@fs.fed.us Oconee Chapter Stanley Ford 10561 Turner Spur Tuscaloosa, AL 35406 H: (205) 333-0621 fordsta@aces.edu Black Warrior Chapter Charles Fore 77 25th Ave Eastman, GA 31023 H: (478) 374-8974 W: (478) 448-4749 cfore@gfc.state.ga.us Ocmulgee Chapter Gene Francisco 8351 SW 84th Loop Ocala, FL 34481 H: (608) 332-6810 genefrancisco46@yahoo.com Caribbean Chapter George Franklin 1605 Honey Locust Dr Tuscaloosa, AL 35405-6713 H: (205) 349-5235 W: (205) 562-5699 gfranklin@westervelt.com Black Warrior Chapter Michael Forehand 1001 S Greer St Cordele, GA 31015 H: (229) 271-3877 W: (229) 273-0399 sforehand@southernforest.org Flint River Chapter Michelle Franklin 214 NW 4th Ave, Apt 2 Gainesville, FL 32601-5277 Michelle@manasyst.com Suwannee Chapter Lawrence Foster 264 County Road 888 Selma, AL 36703 H: (334) 874-4721 W: (334) 872-5452 lhfoste@arborgen.com Montgomery Chapter Nick Fray 1234 SW Williston Rd Gainesville, FL 32601 H: (352) 601-0572 nckfray@ufl.edu Suwannee Chapter Robert Foster 1812 Pollard Rd Honoraville, AL 36042-9617 H: (334) 382-6959 W: (334) 382-3210 rfoster@larsonmcgowin.com Wiregrass Chapter Warren Frayer 10643 SW 101st Ave Gainesville, FL 32608-6128 H: (352) 751-7273 W: (352) 495-3197 edf@mtu.edu St. Johns Chapter Russell Fowler PO Box 477 Cairo, GA 39828 H: (229) 377-5474 W: (229) 377-5162 rfowler@flintrivertimber.com Flint River Chapter Stephen Fowler 1010 Hunters Pointe Dr Statesboro, GA 30461 H: (912) 658-3954 W: (912) 966-4379 steve.fowler@weyerhaeuser.com Savannah Chapter August Fox 2379 Broad Street Brooksville, FL 34604-6899 H: (352) 754-1089 W: (352) 796-7211 august.fox@swfwmd.state.fl.us Caribbean Chapter Eley Frazer 1204 W Third Ave Albany, GA 31707 H: (912) 432-0961 W: (912) 883-0505 Flint River Chapter David Frederick PO Box 680235 Prattville, AL 36068-0235 H: (334) 365-8693 W: (334) 365-8690 firerepsgsf@charter.net Montgomery Chapter Frederick Frengel 57037 Hwy 25 Leeds, AL 35094-6133 H: (205) 699-8098 ftreeguy@windstream.net Cahaba Chapter 25 Ward Frisina 607 SW Markham St Lake City, FL 32024 H: (386) 754-6575 W: (386) 365-0845 wfrisina@flatwoodsforestry.com Suwannee Chapter Bruno Fritschi 77 Fair Harbor Rd Birmingham, AL 35209-6607 H: (205) 871-2375 W: (205) 871-2375 bruno.fritschi@gmail.com Cahaba Chapter Chung-Hong Fu 1330 Beacon St, Ste 311 Brookline, MA 02446-3202 H: (770) 476-8465 W: (404) 736-3482 fu@tirllc.com Chattahoochee Chapter Larry Fudge 4163 Quail Run Cir Valdosta, GA 31601-0179 H: (912) 247-5633 W: (912) 242-7450 Flatwoods Chapter Larry Fuller 1594 Fair Hope Dr NE Townsend, GA 31331-9626 W: (912) 832-6010 lnfuller@darientel.net Savannah Chapter Preston Fulmer 20 Magnolia Dr Newnan, GA 30263 H: (404) 253-6889 Pine Mountain Chapter Walter Gabel 727 Gilda Dr St. Augustine, FL 32086-7603 H: (904) 797-3574 walgab@bellsouth.net St. Johns Chapter Timothy Gables 16541 Highway 29 Union Springs, AL 36089-3602 H: (334) 738-2000 W: (334) 775-8345 tgables@bellsouth.net Wiregrass Chapter Amy Gaddy 1046 Angel Dr Jacksonville, AL 36265-5741 H: (256) 435-9403 amy.morgan211@gmail.com Mountain Lakes Chapter Timothy Gahl 37 Taylor Court Ellerslie, GA 31807 W: (229) 838-4418 tgahl@frcemail.com Pine Mountain Chapter Theresa Galinski 470 Musket Ridge Hull, GA 30646-4524 H: (706) 850-0808 W: (706) 614-2853 terri.galinski@plumcreek.com Oconee Chapter Thomas Gallagher 1132 Annalue Drive Auburn, AL 36830 W: (344) 844-1095 tgallagher@auburn.edu War Eagle Chapter Roy Gamble 105 Michelle St NW #14 Hanceville, AL 35077-5483 H: (256) 734-0912 Cahaba Chapter Kathleen Garcia 2055 Friar Tuck Ct. Cumming, GA 30040 kagarcia91@gmail.com University of Georgia Edward Garison PO Box 73 Warm Springs, GA 31830 H: (706) 655-2120 W: (706) 655-2349 edgarison@windstream.net Pine Mountain Chapter David Garrett 106 Bordeaux Ln Athens, GA 30605-7041 garrettd@uga.edu University of Georgia Leah Gaskin 394 Shady Ln Thomasville, GA 31757-0359 lgaskin3@stallions.abac.edu Flatwoods Chapter Darrell Gates PO Box 142 Clayton, AL 36016 H: (334) 687-0519 W: (334) 775-8345 cvforestry@bellsouth.net Wiregrass Chapter Matthew Gaw PO Box 100 Winder, GA 30680 H: (770) 867-0461 gawm@warnell.uga.edu University of Georgia Raymond Geiger 2404 Napoleon Bonaparte Dr Tallahassee, FL 32308-5921 H: (850) 878-7921 rkgeiger1@embarqmail.com Big Bend Chapter 2014 SESAF MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY Walter Geiger 137 East 53rd St Savannah, GA 31405 H: (912) 238-5931 waltergeiger@earthlink.net Savannah Chapter Raymond Geisel 4668 Gopher St Middleburg, FL 32068-6450 rgeisel@ufl.edu University of Florida James Gent P.O. Box 819 851582 US Hwy 17 Yulee, FL 32041 W: (904) 548-9010 jim.gent@rayonier.com St. Johns Chapter David George PO Box 248 Jasper, FL 32052 H: (386) 792-0811 W: (386) 792-0810 dwgeorge1@Hughes.net Suwannee Chapter Satyra George 2563 SE Saint Lucie Blvd Stuart, FL 34996-5174 satyrajgeorge@ufl.edu University of Florida Salvador Gezan 5321 NW 55th Ln Gainesville, FL 32653-3341 W: (352) 846-0133 sgezan@ufl.edu Suwannee Chapter William Gibbes 341 Otter Dr Cataula, GA 31804 H: (706) 596-0342 W: (334) 606-0083 william.gibbes@mwv.com Pine Mountain Chapter Larry Gibson PO Box 421 Aliceville, AL 35442-2719 H: (205) 455-2099 W: (205) 373-6168 gibsonforest@wildblue.net Black Warrior Chapter Randy Giddens PO Box 994 Eastman, GA 31023 H: (478) 374-6380 W: (478) 374-4060 randygiddens@hotmail.com Ocmulgee Chapter John Godbee 8867 Brooklet Denmark Rd Brooklet, GA 30415 H: (912) 842-2353 W: 9124891655 jgodbee@fwforestry.com Savannah Chapter Benjamin Gifford 5557 NW 231st St Lawtey, FL 32058 H: (904) 708-5095 bgifford@ufl.edu St. Johns Chapter James Goebel PO Box 195 Cornelia, GA 30531-0195 W: (706) 776-7682 goebel@windstream.net Oconee Chapter Edward Gillespie 814 Saint James Ct Pike Road, AL 36064-3428 H: (334) 395-8010 dean.gillespie@cpsagu.com Montgomery Chapter Victor Gonzalez GPO Box 363794 San Juan, PR 00936 W: (809) 757-5650 victorluisgonzalez@yahoo.com Caribbean Chapter Jim Gillis PO Box 80 Soperton, GA 30457 H: (912) 529-4233 W: (912) 529-5845 Savannah Chapter Michele Goodfellow 1640 Twin Oaks Drive DeLand, FL 32720 H: (386) 985-0850 mgoodfellow@ufl.edu Suwannee Chapter J. Gilmer 124 Mallory Dr Selma, AL 36701 H: (334) 875-7095 W: (334) 872-4949 gilmerjm@bellsouth.net Montgomery Chapter Charles Goodowns 4891 NW 182nd Way Starke, FL 32091 W: (352) 377-2924 cgoodowns@fwforestry.com St. Johns Chapter Durwood Graham PO Box 994 Eastman, GA 31023-0994 H: (478) 374-5877 W: (478) 374-4060 Ocmulgee Chapter Susan Granbery Matthew Gilmore PO Box 483 Sulligent, AL 35586 W: (205) 698-9145 omo@centurytel.net Black Warrior Chapter Richard Gorden 16208 Seminole Blvd Brooksville, FL 34601 H: (352) 797-9443 W: (352) 754-6725 gordenr@doacs.state.fl.us Caribbean Chapter Thomas Gilpin 6504 Damascus Ct Tallahassee, FL 32309-1914 H: (850) 668-3515 W: (850) 627-9064 tom.gilpin@freshfromflorida.com Big Bend Chapter Allison Gordy 2802 Moore Hwy ABAC 134 Tifton, GA 31793-5679 H: (770) 253-6815 babybearsmiles7@att.net Flatwoods Chapter Erin Givens P O Box 564 San Antonio, FL 33576 erinG@nrpsforesters.com Caribbean Chapter Philip Gornicki 402 E Jefferson St PO Box 1696 Tallahassee, FL 32302-5646 H: (850) 877-8655 W: (850) 222-5646 phil@forestfla.org Big Bend Chapter Mark Gibson 1408 Glenmore Drive Cantonment, FL 32533-4852 H: (850) 937-0594 W: (850) 452-3131 mark.w.gibson@navy.mil Panhandle Chapter Dean Gjerstad P.O. Box 232 Auburn, AL 36831 H: (334) 707-6185 W: (334) 707-6185 gjerstad@auburn.edu War Eagle Chapter Orion Gibson 207 Lower Brookfield Rd Tifton, GA 31794-9006 H: (229) 646-9253 W: (229) 646-9253 gafarmer90@gmail.com Flatwoods Chapter Elliott Glass PO Box 146 Gallion, AL 36742-0146 H: (334) 341-7310 glassew@auburn.edu Black Warrior Chapter Shaye Gibson PO Box 1691 Blairsville, GA 30514 sdgibson@uga.edu Northwest Georgia Chapter Jesse Goyer 7353 Munson hwy Milton, FL 32570 H: (850) 981-0328 jgoyer@ufl.edu Panhandle Chapter Joseph Gocsik PO Box 145 Dade City, FL 33526-0145 H: (352) 523-2267 W: (352) 206-8776 joe@fesfl.com Caribbean Chapter 6835 James B River/Memorial Dr Stone Mountain, GA 30083 W: (678) 476-6227 sgranbery@gfc.state.ga.us Chattahoochee Chapter Nicholas Granger 272 Windsor Garden Dr Enterprise, AL 36330 H: (334) 347-6142 auforester04@yahoo.com Auburn University Sam Gravel 2012 Jessamine Ln Huntsville, AL 35803-1826 H: (256) 881-4680 shg333@comcast.net Mountain Lakes Chapter Fern Graves PO Box 918 Point Clear, AL 36564 fbg0002@auburn.edu Auburn University John Gray 94 Sparrow Ln Blairsville, GA 30512 H: (706) 745-5369 douggray@windstream.net Oconee Chapter James Green 5939 Hartley Bridge Rd Macon, GA 31216 H: (912) 788-1239 W: (912) 788-1239 jtgreen2@bellsouth.net Ocmulgee Chapter James Greene 305 W Shotwell St Bainbridge, GA 39819 H: (229) 416-5714 W: (229) 246-5785 jrgjamie@yahoo.com Flint River Chapter August Gorse 56 Pine Forest Dr Jesup, GA 31545-5616 H: (912) 427-6090 W: (912) 530-8471 Brunswick Chapter Jeffrey Greene PO Box 1596 Americus, GA 31709 H: (229) 938-8103 W: (229) 928-3453 ufors@att.net Flint River Chapter Christopher Gowen 522 Reynolds Rd Folkston, GA 31537 H: (912) 496-3273 W: (912) 496-7343 cpgowen@windstream.net Brunswick Chapter Mason Greene 490 Barnett Shoals Rd Apt 132 Athens, GA 30605 twin1mason@yahoo.com University of Georgia 26 Walter Greene 190 Doe Run Athens, GA 30605 H: (706) 543-3349 W: (706) 542-6652 wdgreene@uga.edu Oconee Chapter Mark Hainds 5457 Harts Bridge Rd Andalusia, AL 36420 H: (334) 222-5803 W: (334) 427-1029 hainds@alaweb.com Longleaf Chapter Michael Greenstein 2963 Windswept Dr Apt #208 Lantana, FL 33462 H: (561) 704-7868 W: (561) 540-5766 meir13@aol.com Caribbean Chapter Frederick Haines PO Box 12808 Tallahassee, FL 32317 H: (850) 668-7397 W: (850) 690-7310 flhaines3@gmail.com Big Bend Chapter Robert Greer 915 Holmes Ave Auburn, AL 36832-3619 reg0009@tigermail.auburn.edu Auburn University Cody Hale 360 Hawthorne Lane Athens, GA 30606 W: (706) 345-7925 chale@nutterinc.com Oconee Chapter Marvin Griffin 1726 Crowes Lake Ct Lawrenceville, GA 30043 bowdoc@uga.edu University of Georgia Gordon Grizzle 120 Jim Grizzle Rd Royston, GA 30662 gfgriz@uga.edu Oconee Chapter Omer Gross PO Box 507 Vidalia, GA 30474 H: (912) 537-2634 Savannah Chapter Kip Hall ABAC 8 2802 Moore Hwy Tifton, GA 31793-2601 H: (229) 386-5345 W: (229) 391-4800 khall@abac.edu Flatwoods Chapter Richard Hall 7148 Hwy 190 Warm Springs, GA 31830 W: (404) 495-8646 richard.w.hall@yahoo.com Pine Mountain Chapter Walter Guerrero 2310 S Ardson Pl Tampa, FL 33629-6202 H: (305) 872-4959 Caribbean Chapter Sarah Hall 2687 Cove Circle NE Atlanta, GA 30319-3753 H: (404) 354-0096 W: (404) 498-8640 shall@forestinvest.com Chattahoochee Chapter Amber Gunnells 460 Coyote Rd Barnwell, SC 29812-5385 amber.gunnells@yahoo.com Abraham Baldwin Ag Chapter Wade Hall PO Box 577 Eastman, GA 31023 W: (478) 374-4776 Ocmulgee Chapter Arthur Guthas 340 Rose Conley Rd Carnesville, GA 30521 Oconee Chapter Kent Hanby 431 Dogwood Trail Dadeville, AL 36853-5819 H: (256) 825-8593 hanby@charter.net War Eagle Chapter Kevin Guthrie 2995 County Road 831 Logan, AL 35098-1526 H: (256) 385-1105 W: (256) 842-0019 upatree2995@hotmail.com Montgomery Chapter William Guthrie PO Box 668 Savannah, GA 31402 H: (912) 898-9876 W: (912) 966-4351 bill.guthrie@weyerhaeuser.com Savannah Chapter John Gwaltney 2012 Lake Copiah Rd Crystal Springs, MS 39059 W: (601) 354-3565 gwaltneyj@forestry-suppliers.com Southeastern SAF Lawrence Hancock PO Box 3610 Albany, GA 31706-3610 H: (229) 594-2074 W: (229) 883-0505 chancock@fwforestry.com Flint River Chapter Timothy Hannon 1513 NE 153rd St Starke, FL 32091 H: (904) 964-4658 W: (352) 258-0458 Thannon@Pride-enterprises.org St. Johns Chapter 2014 SESAF MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY Harper Hanway 4228 Saint Teresa Ave Sopchoppy, FL 32358-1799 H: (850) 510-0485 W: (850) 997-6254 hhanway@southernforestry.net Big Bend Chapter Michael Hardy 16717 Danne Rd Fairhope, AL 36532-6727 H: (251) 947-7317 W: (850) 452-3131 mike.hardy@navy.mil Jubilee Chapter Daniel Hargrove 13826 Charlottesville Cir Northport, AL 35473-7042 H: (205) 339-6578 W: (205) 339-6512 hargroveco@bellsouth.net Black Warrior Chapter Mato Harlan 3585 County Road 106 Trenton, AL 35774 matoharlan@yahoo.com Alabama A&M University Fred Harmon 285 River Oaks Cir Cropwell, AL 35054-3643 H: (205) 525-4267 W: (205) 525-4946 Cahaba Chapter Rex Harper 14201 Barton Blvd SW Cumberland, MD 21502 H: (301) 729-2075 rexharper@mindspring.com Chattahoochee Chapter Charles Harrell 31 Inverness Center Pkwy Suite 360 Birmingham, AL 35242 W: (205) 980-7316 charrell@resourcemgt.com Csra Chapter Joshua Harrell 15 Piedmont Center, Ste 1250 Atlanta, GA 30305 H: (404) 895-2601 W: (404) 495-8636 jharrell@forestinvest.com Chattahoochee Chapter William Harrell PO Box 175 Whigham, GA 39897-0175 H: (229) 762-3632 W: (229) 400-0999 gators1977@yahoo.com Flint River Chapter Bradley Harrelson 795 Coleman Bridge Rd Cobbtown, GA 30420-4022 H: (912) 684-2330 bradley.harrelson@gmail.com Savannah Chapter Shawn Harrington 228 Holmes Avenue Athens, GA 30606 smh4743@uga.edu University of Georgia Thaddeus Harrington 4438 NW 35th Terrace Gainesville, FL 32605 H: (352) 337-9134 taandbj@aol.com Suwannee Chapter Beth Harris 4227 Keith St NW Huntsville, AL 35810-1933 bethh_07@yahoo.com Mountain Lakes Chapter John Harris 4600 Sheridan St, Ste 403 Hollywood, FL 33021-3446 H: (954) 926-3339 W: (954) 926-3339 eai@earthadvisors.com Caribbean Chapter Thomas Harris 365 Sandy Cross Rd Lexington, GA 30648-1509 H: (706) 743-0879 W: (706) 542-2832 harris@warnell.uga.edu Oconee Chapter Kurt Havird 175 SE Mimosa Pl Lake City, FL 32055 H: (386) 755-5409 W: (386) 755-5409 khavird@comcast.net Suwannee Chapter Bernie Henderson H and H Logging PO Box 793 Washington, GA 30673-0793 H: (706) 293-4310 W: (706) 293-4311 Csra Chapter John Higgins 2271 S Pinetree Blvd Thomasville, GA 31792-7609 H: (229) 226-8550 W: (850) 539-6432 jkhiggins2@aol.com Flint River Chapter Drayton Hayes PO Box 417 Blountstown, FL 32424 H: (904) 674-8021 W: (904) 674-5789 drayton@gtcom.net Panhandle Chapter Holmes Hendrickson 308 Glencoe Way Dothan, AL 36305 H: (334) 677-7653 W: (334) 618-2010 Daniel Hildebrand 96 W Melody Dr Jesup, GA 31545-8544 W: (912) 530-8473 Brunswick Chapter Thomas Haynes 803 Mill Hill Rd Richmond Hill, GA 31324-4625 H: (912) 727-2212 W: (912) 655-8026 thaynes.tmi@gmail.com Savannah Chapter Danielle Hernandez 128 Buckmeadow Dr Brunswick, GA 31525-4064 hernandez4440@gmail.com University of Georgia biomassoptimization@gmail.com Chattahoochee Chapter Larry Hodges 1004 James Rd Louisville, GA 30434 H: (912) 625-8323 W: (912) 625-2000 lhodges@qnbtrust.com Csra Chapter sfcenterprise@southernforestry.net Wiregrass Chapter Stephen Herrington 645 Petersburg Rd Tuscaloosa, AL 35406H: (205) 349-3616 W: (205) 349-3616 steveh1545@bellsouth.net Black Warrior Chapter Catharine Heath 4345 Little River Rd Birmingham, AL 35213 H: (205) 871-9354 W: (205) 424-9990 Katie_Heath@auburnalum.org Cahaba Chapter William Hess 236 Indian Cove Dr Dawsonville, GA 30534-7334 H: (706) 216-1469 penguinmch@aol.com Oconee Chapter Donald Heath PO Box 10463 Birmingham, AL 35202-0463 H: (205) 988-8050 W: (205) 320-7212 don.heath@regions.com Cahaba Chapter William Harris 119 Davis Rd Suite 7A Augusta, GA 30907-0225 H: (706) 733-2602 W: (706) 854-0056 bharris@mossyoakproperties.com Michael Heatherly Csra Chapter 901 Veterans Pkwy Opelika, AL 36801-3366 Jennifer Hart H: (256) 338-4718 27150 W 13th Ave heatherly.michael@gmail.com Hillard, FL 32046 War Eagle Chapter H: (904) 845-3707 shammy1904@aol.com Craig Hedman St. Johns Chapter 10044 Journeys End Tallahassee, FL 32312 Michael Hart H: (850) 893-5015 15 Piedmont Center, Ste 1250 W: (850) 524-0627 Atlanta, GA 30305 craighedman@comcast.net H: (615) 457-7930 Big Bend Chapter W: (404) 495-8593 mhart@forestinvest.com Robert Heeke Chattahoochee Chapter 23712 NW 202 St High Springs, FL 32643-9212 Roger Hatch H: (386) 454-4773 2385 White Road NE W: (386) 362-1001 Conyers, GA 30012 rgh@srwmd.org H: (770) 483-6539 Suwannee Chapter Chattahoochee Chapter Elizabeth Heidbreder-Olson Robert Hatcher 23 E Lakeshore Dr SE 150 Old Mill Rd Rome, GA 30161-5917 Unit 216 Hillendale H: (706) 233-9665 Cartersville, GA 30120-4139 W: (706) 233-9665 bob@bobhatcher.com lizheidbreder@hotmail.com Northwest Georgia Chapter Northwest Georgia Chapter Russell Hatcher 115 Wellborn Chase Fayetteville, GA 30215 H: (770) 573-0114 W: (770) 573-0114 Josh Hixon 1691 Medlar Dr Tuscaloosa, AL 35405 jah0031@auburn.edu Auburn University James Hickman PO Box 1088 Valdosta, GA 31603-1088 W: (229) 333-2501 jhickman@langdaleforest.com Flatwoods Chapter Jimmie Hickman 250 Calumet Pl Trussville, AL 35173 H: (205) 655-1977 Cahaba Chapter Dwight Hicks Drummond Company Inc PO Box 1549 Jasper, AL 35501 H: (205) 221-2619 W: (205) 384-2300 dhicks@drummondco.com Black Warrior Chapter Scott Helms 202 Grasslands Road Huntsville, AL 35811-7927 H: (256) 776-2462 W: (256) 776-8519 s.helms@mchsi.com Mountain Lakes Chapter 27 Charles Hill 394 Wentworth Way Griffin, GA 30224 W: (770) 228-0788 hillforestmgt@yahoo.com Ocmulgee Chapter Geoffrey Hill 168 Lenox Pl Athens, GA 30606-3162 H: (912) 655-1725 W: (706) 850-1429 glhill@arborgen.com Oconee Chapter Harold Hill 8156 Bridgewater Trace Montgomery, AL 36117 H: (334) 396-7560 hjhill53@charter.net Montgomery Chapter J. Hines PO Box 23 Beatrice, AL 36425-0023 H: (251) 789-2626 W: (251) 575-4587 jhhines@frontiernet.net Woodbasket Chapter Charles Hinson 4583 Cherie Glen Trail Stone Mountain, GA 30083-1827 H: (404) 297-9502 myrh5@yahoo.com Chattahoochee Chapter Fred Hinson 146 Vivian Lane Wetumpka, AL 36093 H: (334) 514-1490 W: (334) 514-1490 mhinson@elmore.rr.com Montgomery Chapter Robert Hicks 903 Monck St Brunswick, GA 31520-7256 H: (912) 264-8064 W: (912) 289-5884 rob.hicks@plumcreek.com Brunswick Chapter Vernon Hiott 2876 Eastwind Dr Fernandina, FL 32034-8959 H: (904) 557-6371 W: (904) 430-3117 Vhiott@gmail.com St. Johns Chapter William Dale Higdon 1499 Winder Hwy Dacula, GA 30019 H: (770) 963-0661 dale_hig@msn.com Chattahoochee Chapter Andrew Hitchcock 310 Greystone Dr Milledgeville, GA 31061 H: (478) 454-6567 W: (706) 444-5747 andrew@hitchcockforestryandrealty.com Ocmulgee Chapter Leonard Hogan 706 Wood Valley Rd Waynesboro, GA 30830 H: (404) 554-2015 Csra Chapter Dale Hogg 1899 Cedar Rd Watkinsville, GA 30677-3168 H: (706) 769-2117 dale.hogg@plumcreek.com Oconee Chapter Stephen Holland 123 Oakleigh Lane Springville, AL 35146 H: (205) 467-3193 W: (205) 320-7101 Steve.Holland@Regions.com Cahaba Chapter Brian Holley 3059 Highland Oaks Ter Tallahassee, FL 32301-3841 W: (850) 309-3961 bholley@thinkf4.com Panhandle Chapter John Holman 486 Zion Grove Church Rd Meigs, GA 31765-4108 H: (229) 921-8811 johnholman@windstream.net Flint River Chapter Vernon Holt 1757 Big Creek Rd Ellijay, GA 30540 H: (706) 635-1114 washblue@ellijay.com Northwest Georgia Chapter John Holzaepfel PO Box 564 San Antonio, FL 33576 H: (352) 344-8527 W: (352) 238-0917 JohnH@nrpsforesters.com Caribbean Chapter Thomas Honeycutt 2403 Poincianna SW Huntsville, AL 35802 honeycutt.thomas@gmail.com Alabama A&M University William Hooten PO Box 932 Troy, AL 36081 H: (334) 484-2977 W: (334) 566-2728 bhooten@resourcemgt.com Wiregrass Chapter 2014 SESAF MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY Dan Hopkins PO Box 20088 St Simons Is, GA 31522-8088 W: (912) 223-2163 dhopkins123@comcast.net Brunswick Chapter Thomas Hudson 836 W Glenn Ave, Apt 107 Auburn, AL 36832-4403 H: (706) 402-8123 tdh0011@auburn.edu Auburn University Kari Hurst 4000 SW 37th Blvd Apt 1034 Gainesville, FL 32608-7545 khurst01@ufl.edu University of Florida Daniel Jackson 1631 Laurelwood Ln Montgomery, AL 36117 H: (334) 546-8082 W: (334) 240-9366 Montgomery Chapter Samuel Hopkins 1740 Vista Dr Tuscaloosa, AL 35406-3686 H: (205) 758-2443 W: (208) 562-5252 shopkins@westervelt.com Black Warrior Chapter Thomas P. Hudson PO Box 103 E Palatka, FL 32131-0103 H: (386) 326-0493 W: (386) 329-4464 phudson@sjrwmd.com St. Johns Chapter Henry Hutcheson PO Box 1403 Macon, GA 31202 H: (478) 992-5571 W: (478) 788-4660 ehutcheson@gatimberlands.com Ocmulgee Chapter Mike Jackson 16696 Hwy 43 N Northport, AL 35475 H: (205) 826-4963 mbjackson001@gmail.com Black Warrior Chapter Steven Jennings 3125 Connor Blvd, Room 272 Tallahassee, FL 32399-1650 H: (850) 309-1968 W: (850) 414-9927 Steven.Jennings@freshfromflorida.com Big Bend Chapter Patrick Hopton 205 Scotts Creek Rd Clayton, GA 30525 H: (706) 782-4978 W: (706) 754-6221 phopton@fs.fed.us Oconee Chapter Vernon Horne PO Box 166 Norman Park, GA 31771 H: (229) 769-3083 W: (229) 769-3083 cahorne@windstream.net Flint River Chapter Charles Houder 5518 NW 45th Lane Gainesville, FL 32606 H: (352) 373-8717 W: (386) 362-1001 chh@srwmd.org Suwannee Chapter Sthefanny Houghton 2800 SW 35th Pl Apt 608D Gainesville, FL 32608-2718 houghton@ufl.edu University of Florida Richard Howell 12289 Petticoat Ln McCalla, AL 35111 H: (205) 477-4050 W: (205) 562-5262 rhowell@westervelt.com Cahaba Chapter William Howell 621 SE 46th Court Ocala, FL 34471 H: (904) 694-6944 Caribbean Chapter Eric Hoyer 3890 N Longvalley Rd Hernando, FL 34442-2895 H: (352) 341-0633 W: (352) 419-7398 erich@nrpsforesters.com Caribbean Chapter William Hubbard Forest Resources Bldg 4-402 Athens, GA 30602 H: (706) 548-8947 W: (706) 542-7813 whubbard@uga.edu Oconee Chapter Tolbert Hudson PO Box 1121 Ozark, AL 36361-1121 H: (205) 774-4853 W: (334) 774-5431 Wiregrass Chapter Roger Huff 4150 Berkshire Ct Villa Rica, GA 30180 H: (770) 830-0274 W: (770) 830-0274 Chattahoochee Chapter Robert Hulsey PO Box 178 Clermont, GA 30527 H: (404) 983-7846 W: (770) 894-2029 robertdhulsey@bellsouth.net Oconee Chapter Felicia Humphrey 511 Bridlebrook Ct Pike Road, AL 36064 W: (334) 241-8146 fhumphrey@fs.fed.us Montgomery Chapter Seth Hunt 1911 Northgate Dr Opelika, AL 36801-3358 Sdh0001@auburn.edu Auburn University Wesley Hunt PO Box 26757 Macon, GA 31221-6757 W: (478) 954-1149 tmi1@cox.net Ocmulgee Chapter William Hunter 5363 Milieo Pl SW Lilburn, GA 30047-5146 H: (770) 923-4742 Chattahoochee Chapter Carolyn Huntley 220 SE 8th St, #2 Gainesville, FL 32601-6928 cannhuntley@gmail.com University of Florida Robert Hurley PO Box 26701 Macon, GA 31221 W: (478) 746-4395 Ocmulgee Chapter Paul Jackson Forestry and Wildlife Science 602 Duncan Dr Auburn, AL 36849 W: (334) 844-4917 dpj0001@auburn.edu War Eagle Chapter Kyle Ingalls 226 Asheton LAne Auburn, AL 36830 H: (334) 740-2218 W: (334) 740-2218 kyleingalls@gmail.com War Eagle Chapter William Jackson 4900 Meridian Street N Huntsville, AL 35811 wjacks22@bulldogs.aamu.edu Alabama A&M University Jon Ingram 1486 County Rd 205 Jemison, AL 35085-4207 H: (205) 646-3231 W: (205) 646-0600 Montgomery Chapter David Jacobs PO Box 1136 MacClenny, FL 32063-1136 H: (904) 259-6858 St. Johns Chapter Chris Isaacson 555 Alabama Street Montgomery, AL 36104 H: (334) 742-0371 W: (334) 265-8733 cisaacson@alaforestry.org Montgomery Chapter David James PO Box 669 Savannah, GA 31402-0669 H: (912) 658-5255 W: (912) 966-4326 david.james@weyerhaeuser.com Savannah Chapter Craig Iversen 11650 Munson Highway Milton, FL 32570 H: (850) 473-0240 W: (850) 957-6140 Joseph James craig.iversen@freshfromflorida.com PO Box 2881 Panhandle Chapter Statesboro, GA 30458 W: (912) 865-2248 William Ivey jamesresource@yahoo.com 101 Stanley St Savannah Chapter Evergreen, AL 36401 iveywit@auburn.edu Donald Janes Longleaf Chapter (SESAF) 305 Southridge Road Jasper, AL 35504 Robert Izlar H: (205) 221-9137 180 E Green St djanes@bellsouth.net WSFR Black Warrior Chapter Athens, GA 30602-5010 H: (706) 789-3620 Jess Jarratt W: (706) 542-6819 5116 Riverhill Ct bizlar@uga.edu Marietta, GA 30068 Oconee Chapter H: (770) 971-4519 W: (770) 243-8249 Steven Jack Jess.Jarratt@wellsref.com 3988 Jones Center Dr Chattahoochee Chapter Newton, GA 39870-9651 H: (229) 483-0473 Susan Jeheber-Matthews W: (229) 734-4706 8805 Edenrock Lane steve.jack@jonesctr.org Tallahassee, FL 32312-5014 Flint River Chapter H: (850) 893-5293 W: (850) 523-8547 Ben Jackson smatthews02@fs.fed.us 1050 Skipstone Pt Big Bend Chapter Watkinsville, GA 30677-2274 H: (706) 224-3740 James Jennings W: (706) 542-9051 PO Box 620746 bjack@uga.edu Fort Rucker, AL 36362-0746 Oconee Chapter H: (205) 349-9049 W: (334) 255-1661 james.w.jennings14.civ@mail.mil Wiregrass Chapter 28 James Jeter PO Box 136 Gordo, AL 35466 H: (205) 364-8550 W: (205) 339-0929 james.jeter@forestry.alabama.gov Black Warrior Chapter Karen Johansen 2581 Price Mill Rd Bishop, GA 30621 H: (706) 343-0083 W: (706) 343-1480 wildwoodmgt@bellsouth.net Oconee Chapter Jeffrey Jones 6670 SW County Rd 344 Bell, FL 32619-1855 H: (352) 463-1789 W: (386) 438-5896 jeffj@nrpsforesters.com Suwannee Chapter Lawrence Jones PO Box 84 Wetumpka, AL 36092 H: (334) 262-2222 W: (334) 567-5436 ljones@industreetimber.com Montgomery Chapter Matthew Jones 185 Pitty Pat Ln Baxley, GA 31513 H: (912) 278-8425 Brunswick Chapter Evan Johnson 150 Airport Road Hope, AR 71801 pevanjohnson@gmail.com University of Georgia Randolph Jones 15 Piedmont Center, Ste 1250 Atlanta, GA 30305 H: (404) 609-9563 W: (404) 495-8584 bjones@forestinvest.com Chattahoochee Chapter James Johnson Scott Jones Madison, GA 30650-2503 H: (770) 267-0350 W: (706) 552-4445 jjohnson@gfc.state.ga.us Oconee Chapter Atlanta, GA 30339 H: (678) 945-6980 W: (404) 325-2954 sjones@forestlandowners.com Chattahoochee Chapter Raiford Johnson 1186 Valley Forge Rd Tuscaloosa, AL 35406 H: (205) 248-8750 W: (205) 799-0108 rjohnson@tfs1.com Black Warrior Chapter Stuart Jones Land Acquisition Mgt 123 W Indiana Ave Rm 201 DeLand, FL 32720 H: (386) 775-2735 W: (386) 736-5062 sjones@co.volusia.fl.us Caribbean Chapter 3618 Old Monroe Madison Hwy NE 900 Circle 75 Pkwy, Ste 205 Rhett Johnson 13693 Pine Forest Rd Andalusia, AL 36420-7408 H: (334) 222-1925 rhett@longleafalliance.org Longleaf Chapter (SESAF) Eric Jokela PO Box 110410 118 Newins-Ziegler Hall Gainesville, FL 32611-0410 H: (352) 332-2541 W: (352) 846-0890 ejokela@ufl.edu Suwannee Chapter David Jolly 128 Wind Trace Alexander City, AL 35010-8772 H: (205) 329-5246 Wiregrass Chapter Frank Jones 2170 Sowell Rd Brewton, AL 36426 H: (251) 867-9494 zfrank14@magbelle.net Longleaf Chapter (SESAF) Jonathan Jordan 10707 Dowry Ave Tampa, FL 33615-3504 W: (863) 534-7077 jack.jordan@dep.state.fl.us Caribbean Chapter Ralph Jowett PO Box 2194 High Springs, FL 32655 H: (352) 748-3960 W: (386) 454-4443 ralph@jowettandwood.com Suwannee Chapter Karen Kainer PO Box 110410 Gainesville, FL 32611-0410 H: (352) 367-8106 W: (352) 846-0833 kkainer@ufl.edu Suwannee Chapter Stewart Kallam 103 Independence Ct LaGrange, GA 30240-8526 W: (706) 298-9186 stewartlkallam@bellsouth.net Pine Mountain Chapter 2014 SESAF MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY Patrick Kamarainen 7730 Longhorn Trl Zephyrhills, FL 33540-2002 H: (906) 932-4117 W: (906) 932-3410 Caribbean Chapter Michael Kane 1070 Ridgeview Ln Bishop, GA 30621-1336 W: (706) 542-3009 kane.limi@gmail.com Oconee Chapter Rapeepan Kantavichai 626 Shug Jordan Pkwy Apt 150 Auburn, AL 36832-4328 kantavichai@gmail.com War Eagle Chapter James Karels 3125 Conner Blvd Tallahassee, FL 32399-1650 H: (850) 942-7379 W: (850) 488-4274 Leo Michael Kelly 15 Piedmont Ctr, Ste 1250 Atlanta, GA 30305 H: (770) 673-0650 W: (404) 495-8590 mkelly@forestinvest.com Chattahoochee Chapter Harold Kendrick PO Box 701 Forsyth, GA 31029-0701 H: (478) 994-5781 W: (478) 994-6678 Ocmulgee Chapter James Kimbrell 4665 Westhampton Cir Tucker, GA 30084 H: (770) 557-0321 W: (404) 676-6526 jaykimbrell@hotmail.com Chattahoochee Chapter Jonathan Kenney 1301 Preston St Opelika, AL 36801 jtk0005@auburn.edu Auburn University Robert Kindrick 244 Red Oak Lane Pine Mountain, GA 31822 H: (706) 575-8551 W: (706) 663-6737 Big Bend Chapter Ronald Kersey 2262 Smokehouse Path Lawrenceville, GA 30244-5393 H: (770) 978-3594 W: (770) 978-3594 rkersey@juno.com Chattahoochee Chapter Jeff Kastle PO Box 305 Gillsville, GA 30543-0305 H: (770) 869-7016 jeffkastle@att.net Oconee Chapter David Ketcham 10 Plantation Way St. Simons Island, GA 31522 H: (912) 638-1927 davidk484@bellsouth.net Brunswick Chapter Thomas Kazee PO Box 2094 Orange Park, FL 32067 W: (904) 504-9489 woodlandsecurity@gmail.com Suwannee Chapter Susan Kett 6794 Smoothbore Ave Glen St Mary, FL 32040 H: (904) 259-4858 W: (904) 752-2577 skett@fs.fed.us St. Johns Chapter jim.karels@freshfromflorida.com Michael Keegan 11207 27th Court East Parrish, FL 34219-8902 H: (941) 776-5458 W: (941) 727-6480 michael.keegan@freshfromflorida.com Caribbean Chapter Hojung Kim 180 Green St, Bldg 4 Athens, GA 30602-5010 W: (706) 583-0566 kimh@warnell.uga.edu University of Georgia Jon Key 1239 Auxford Ave Tuscaloosa, AL 35405-9464 H: (205) 750-0682 W: (205) 562-5230 mkey@westervelt.com Black Warrior Chapter John Kelleher 245 Mimosa Rd St Augustine, FL 32086 H: (910) 619-2202 W: (910) 619-2202 luke@bigwoodsforestry.com St. Johns Chapter Remer Kicklighter 1723 Nicole Ln Vidalia, GA 30474 H: (912) 537-6997 W: (912) 537-6997 Savannah Chapter Eugene Keller 5221 Northwood Lake Dr E Northport, AL 35473 H: (205) 333-9221 Black Warrior Chapter Kathryn Kidd PO Box 221 Newport, VA 24128-0221 becksdevils01@hotmail.com Auburn University Forest Kellogg 585 Research Dr Ste C Athens, GA 30605 H: (706) 548-9774 W: (706) 546-8666 natimber@bellsouth.net Oconee Chapter Miranda Kiggins 600 St. Catherine Street Lafayette, LA 70506 H: (352) 538-4505 W: (352) 846-0847 maekiggins@ufl.edu Suwannee Chapter George Kellogg 3411 Surrey Rd Thomson, GA 30824-6538 H: (706) 595-2968 W: (706) 793-8753 george.kellogg@westfraser.com Csra Chapter Christopher Kilgore 2285 Brianwood Trail Decatur, GA 30033-1719 H: (678) 681-0477 W: (678) 681-0477 kilgorecp@cs.com Chattahoochee Chapter Pete Kleto 101 Emmett Young Rd Grantville, GA 30220-1841 H: (678) 877-9105 W: (678) 877-9105 pkleto@dirtforesters.com Pine Mountain Chapter Todd Knapp 44698 Green Meadows Ln Callahan, FL 32011 W: (904) 266-5011 tktoddlk@gmail.com St. Johns Chapter Pine Mountain Chapter Andrew Koeser 811 Golf and Sea Blvd Unit 101 Apollo Beach, FL 33572-2747 H: (217) 766-8005 akoeser2@illinois.edu Caribbean Chapter Charles King 3574 Crescent Point Ct Green Cove Springs, FL 32043 H: (904) 284-5544 W: (904) 759-2193 charlie@kingforestry.com St. Johns Chapter William Korn 2101 Taurus Court Fernandina Beach, FL 32034 H: (904) 277-7005 W: (904) 845-4849 billkorn@me.com St. Johns Chapter James King PO Box 48999 Tuscaloosa, AL 35404 W: (205) 562-5207 tblaylock@westervelt.com Black Warrior Chapter Jesse Kreye 820 NW 17th Ave Gainesville, FL 32609 jkreye@cfr.msstate.edu University of Florida rkindrick@callawaygardens.com Melissa Kreye 820 NW 17th Ave Gainesville, FL 32609 mkreye@ufl.edu University of Florida Norman Kinney PO Box 1323 Ozark, AL 36361 H: (334) 774-4582 W: (334) 774-5086 cfozark@aol.com Southeastern SAF Marc Krider 12141 NE 235th Ave Salt Springs, FL 32134 H: (352) 685-2030 mskrider@ufl.edu University of Florida Jason Kinsey PO Box 48999 Tuscaloosa, AL 35404 H: (334) 341-0528 W: (205) 562-5393 Black Warrior Chapter Beverly Krueger 10180 Plantation Drive Daphne, AL 36526 H: (251) 459-0282 W: (251) 459-0282 bkrueger@larsonmcgowin.com Jubilee Chapter Joshua Kirby 1220 College Ave N Apt 4 Tifton, GA 31794-3944 jkirby1@stallions.abac.edu Flatwoods Chapter Kurt Krueger 10180 Plantation Dr Daphne, AL 36526-8542 H: (251) 459-0282 W: (251) 438-4581 kkrueger@larsonmcgowin.com Jubilee Chapter Larry Kiser 2026 US Highway 82 E Tifton, GA 31794-9377 H: (229) 396-5679 ckiser@abac.edu Flatwoods Chapter James Kuhn 1310 Roseland Dr Homewood, AL 35209 H: (205) 978-9678 W: (205) 980-7354 jkuhn@resourcemgt.com Cahaba Chapter William Kleinhans 4343 Angela Dr Marianna, FL 32446-6589 H: (850) 526-2897 bkleinhans@earthlink.net Panhandle Chapter 29 John Kush 3301 Forestry & Wildlife Sci School of Forestry Auburn University, AL 36849-5418 H: (334) 887-2511 W: (334) 844-1065 Kushjoh@auburn.edu War Eagle Chapter Harry Labhart PO Box 48999 Tuscaloosa, AL 35404-8999 H: (205) 364-0260 W: (205) 562-5322 hlabhart@westervelt.com Black Warrior Chapter R. Lee Laechelt Box 104 Helena, AL 35080 W: (205) 987-8811 llaechelt@afoa.org Cahaba Chapter John Lagrosa 3640 SW 20th Ave. #9 Gainesville, FL 32607 H: (813) 767-0086 jlagrosa@ufl.edu University of Florida J Dale Lancaster PO Box 482 Gordo, AL 35466-0482 H: (205) 364-8681 W: (205) 364-7145 Black Warrior Chapter John Lancaster 500 Webster Rd, Lot 121 Auburn, AL 36832-4215 H: (205) 399-3255 jrl0018@auburn.edu Auburn University Amanda Lang 1891 Rays Church Rd Bishop, GA 30621 H: (706) 769-2851 W: (770) 725-8447 ahlang@forisk.com Oconee Chapter Brad Lang 8135 McFarland Blvd Northport, AL 35476 H: (205) 339-9171 W: (205) 333-1590 Brad.Lang@forestry.Alabama.gov Black Warrior Chapter John Langdale 2516 Winding Way Valdosta, GA 31602-1221 H: (912) 242-2692 jjlang@bellsouth.net Flatwoods Chapter John Langdale PO Box 1088 Valdosta, GA 31603-1088 H: (912) 333-2566 W: (229) 242-7450 jwljr3@thelangdalecompany.com Flatwoods Chapter James Lanier PO Box 484 Brooklet, GA 30415-0484 H: (912) 842-2298 W: (912) 682-3209 jamesblanier@yahoo.com Savannah Chapter Eric Lantz 25947 Highway 23 Collins, GA 30421 W: (912) 693-9663 Eric.Lantz@rayonier.com Savannah Chapter Barbara Larson 779 Oakview Ct Lilburn, GA 30047 H: (770) 717-5585 W: (678) 377-4010 barbara.larson@gwinnettcounty.com Chattahoochee Chapter Frederic Larson 18450 SW 78th Pl Cutler Bay, FL 33157-7459 H: (808) 554-8742 caazakhi@gmail.com Caribbean Chapter Laurens Larson Larson & McGowin Inc PO Box 2143 Mobile, AL 36652 H: (251) 476-4229 W: (251) 438-4581 llarson@larsonmcgowin.com Jubilee Chapter Jeffrey Latham PO Drawer 1500 Livingston, AL 35470 H: (205) 652-6967 W: (205) 499-4007 jeff.latham@mchsi.com Woodbasket Chapter James Lauderdale 122 Wisteria Ln Peterman, AL 36471 H: (251) 564-2895 W: (251) 275-8925 laudedj@frontiernet.net Woodbasket Chapter James LaValle 8041 US Highway 19 S Perry, FL 32348-8040 H: (850) 843-4338 W: (850) 843-4338 jlavalle1@ufl.edu University of Florida Andrew Lawhorn PO Box 132 Hazel Green, AL 35750 H: (256) 886-8463 alawhorn@bulldogs.aamu.edu Alabama A&M University Jeff Lawrence PO Box 728 Fernandina Beach, FL 32035 W: (904) 321-1009 jeff.lawrence@rayonier.com St. Johns Chapter 2014 SESAF MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY Truett Lawrence 2312 Waverly Parkway Opelika, AL 36801 twl0003@auburn.edu Auburn University Donald Lewis 300 Steeplechase Dr McDonough, GA 30252-6980 W: (770) 715-2562 dllewisi@southernco.com Chattahoochee Chapter Daryl Lawson 3077 County Road 4 Hollytree, AL 35751 H: (256) 776-9095 W: (256) 372-8287 daryl.lawson@aamu.edu Mountain Lakes Chapter J. Lewis 8703 Hipps Rd Jacksonville, FL 32222 H: (904) 777-8175 flbassguide@yahoo.com St. Johns Chapter William Robert Lazenby 123 Oak Hill Farm Gray, GA 31032 W: (478) 986-9558 blazenby@windstream.net Ocmulgee Chapter William Lewis 407 SW 13th St Gainesville, FL 32601-6328 H: (850) 973-4805 w.lewis1@ufl.edu University of Florida Dennis Le Bleu 636 Moores Mill Dr Auburn, AL 36830-6606 H: (334) 501-9045 W: (334) 297-8817 dlebleu@fwforestry.com War Eagle Chapter Stephanie Ley 105 NW 24th St Gainesville, FL 32607 sley@ufl.edu University of Florida Claire Lee 4418 Robert Drive Valdosta, GA 31605-6428 W: (229) 241-0743 clairelee@mchsi.com Flatwoods Chapter Jonathan Lee PO Box 10265 Savannah, GA 31412 JHenryLee@gmail.com Savannah Chapter Robert Lee 112 Quail Run Prattville, AL 36067 H: (334) 365-1021 bigpoot3@aol.com Montgomery Chapter Brian Leighty 108 Spillway Ct Dothan, AL 36305 H: (334) 790-3906 W: (334) 575-5199 brian.leighty@plumcreek.com Wiregrass Chapter William Leonard 501 Webster Rd, Lot 130 Auburn, AL 36832-6007 will.leonard08@gmail.com Auburn University Sarah Lesley 989 Lost Creek Rd Russellville, AL 35653-6703 sll0006@auburn.edu Mountain Lakes Chapter David Lewis 4592 Aucilla Rd Monticello, FL 32344 H: (850) 997-6671 W: (850) 997-6254 dlewis@southernforestry.net Big Bend Chapter Marion Chad Lincoln 15 Piedmont Ctr NE Ste 1250 Atlanta, GA 30305-1587 H: (904) 321-1133 W: (404) 495-8644 clincoln@forestinvest.com Chattahoochee Chapter Robert Lindemuth 5550 S Perch Dr Floral City, FL 34436-2235 H: (570) 205-1109 Robert.Lindemuth@freshfromflorida.com Caribbean Chapter William Liner 500 Webster Rd, Lot 82 Auburn, AL 36832-4214 wtl0002@auburn.edu Auburn University Donald Link 728 Thompson Dr Monroeville, AL 36460-7828 H: (251) 575-2253 Woodbasket Chapter David Lipscomb 2005 E Pinetree Blvd Apt N-8 Thomasville, GA 31792-5309 blipscomb@interforestry.com Flint River Chapter William Liscinski 111A Legendary Pl Hot Springs National Park, AR 71913-6957 H: (501) 520-0044 bill5409@gmail.com Chattahoochee Chapter Jason Little 418 Plantation Dr Macon, GA 31210-5708 H: (912) 614-3704 W: (478) 745-4910 jasonl_15@yahoo.com Ocmulgee Chapter Jiping Liu 409 Ramsay Rd Birmingham, AL 35242 H: (205) 572-0505 W: (205) 980-7322 jliu@resourcemgt.com Cahaba Chapter Byron Love 1771 Casa Bianca Rd Monticello, FL 32344-6106 H: (850) 242-8245 byronlove90@aol.com Big Bend Chapter Melisa Love PO Box 684 Opelika, AL 36803-0684 W: (334) 745-7530 fcinc@mindspring.com War Eagle Chapter Mayo George Livingston 500 Cyrene Rd Bainbridge, GA 31717-9803 H: (912) 246-4384 W: (912) 246-4487 Flint River Chapter Terry Love PO Box 684 Opelika, AL 36803-0684 W: (334) 745-7530 troublelove@mindspring.com War Eagle Chapter Tyler Lock 646 Crosscreek Trail Conyers, GA 30094 TylerLock@gmail.com University of Georgia Edward Loewenstein Sch Forestry & Wildlife Sci 602 Duncan Dr Auburn, AL 36849-5418 H: (334) 539-3199 W: (334) 844-1069 loewenstein@auburn.edu War Eagle Chapter Tommy Loggins 1773 Chandler Rd Lawrenceville, GA 30045 H: (770) 963-1818 t_loggins@hotmail.com Chattahoochee Chapter Geoffrey Lokuta 720 SW 34th St Apt H83 Gainesville, FL 32611 H: (813) 505-8978 W: (813) 505-8978 bassman@ufl.edu Suwannee Chapter Alan Long PO Box 1286 Newland, NC 28657 W: (352) 283-6408 ajl2@ufl.edu Caribbean Chapter Gregory Long 2737 US Hwy 441 N Dublin, GA 31021 H: (478) 272-0543 W: (478) 275-7700 greglong@longforestryconsultants.com Ocmulgee Chapter Henry Long 1440 Bristol Mnr Birmingham, AL 35242-5616 H: (205) 358-7115 W: (205) 529-0416 huey@mountaincreekgroup.com Cahaba Chapter Jack Long 1336 Maplewood Dr Macon, GA 31210 H: (478) 477-3825 jackglong@yahoo.com Ocmulgee Chapter 30 J. Luscher 3280 Dauphin St, Bldg C, Suite 1 Mobile, AL 36606-1840 W: (404) 736-3505 luscher@tirllc.com Jubilee Chapter Arnett Mace 1170 Colorado Bend Bogart, GA 30622-3115 H: (770) 725-4534 W: (706) 542-5806 amace@uga.edu Oconee Chapter Garrett Mack 15 Piedmont Center Suite 1250 Atlanta, GA 30305 H: (404) 862-1082 W: (404) 495-8650 gmack@forestinvest.com Chattahoochee Chapter Robert Loveless 1910 N. Lakeside Dr Fernandina Beach, FL 32034-5243 Joseph MacKenzie H: (904) 321-0431 2603 NW 170th St rwloveless@aol.com Newberry, FL 32669-2126 St. Johns Chapter H: (352) 472-5001 W: (352) 472-5001 Grant Lovinggood jamacken@forestcps.com 5500 Bluegrass Pkwy Suwannee Chapter Tuscaloosa, AL 35406-2939 H: (334) 624-4286 Jeff Main W: (334) 507-0015 7620 Skipper Ln Luvngud@msn.com Tallahassee, FL 32311 Black Warrior Chapter H: (850) 942-7378 W: (850) 668-8333 H. Lowder jmainlts@comcast.net 10349 Carrollwood Ln Big Bend Chapter Ste 133 Tampa, FL 33618 Robert Makowski W: (813) 514-9363 367 Cherokee Dr glenn.lowder@hgbnet.com Waleska, GA 30183-4028 Caribbean Chapter W: (404) 347-4172 rmakowski@fs.fed.us James Lowe Chattahoochee Chapter 156 Asheton Lane Auburn, AL 36830 Barry Malac H: (334) 502-8693 bobandmarylowe@bellsouth.net 440 Keenview Dr Blairsville, GA 30512-6666 War Eagle Chapter H: (706) 745-3403 W: (706) 745-3403 Jonathan Lowery Oconee Chapter PO Box 48999 Tuscaloosa, AL 35404 Walter Mallett H: (205) 349-2573 7090 Porpoise St W: (205) 562-5454 Blue Water Isle jlowery@westervelt.com Weeki Wachee, FL 34607-1415 Black Warrior Chapter H: (352) 592-2076 W: (352) 592-5696 Steven Lowery walter.mallett@freshfromflorida.com 746 Mt Sterling Rd Caribbean Chapter Butler, AL 36904 H: (205) 459-4864 Richard Malm tnt@pinebelt.net PO Box 17079 Woodbasket Chapter Timothy Lowrimore 316 Providence Blvd Macon, GA 31210 W: (800) 845-3163 tlowrimore@davisgarvin.com Ocmulgee Chapter Patrick Lunceford PO Box 388 Thomson, GA 30824 H: (706) 595-5599 W: (706) 465-3506 plunceford@live.com Csra Chapter Fernandina Beach, FL 32035-3135 H: (912) 234-4244 W: (904) 277-3308 malm@timbervest.net St. Johns Chapter David Malone 955 Mitchell Ln Evans, GA 30809-5445 H: (706) 798-5004 W: (803) 725-5895 dmalone@fs.fed.us Csra Chapter Henry Malsberger PO Box 82 Blakely, GA 31723 H: (334) 585-5269 Flint River Chapter Clinton Mancil PO Box 48999 Tuscaloosa, AL 35404-8999 H: (205) 210-5331 W: (205) 562-5616 cmancil@westervelt.com Black Warrior Chapter Samantha Marchman 107 Ashford Drive, #2833 West Monroe, LA 71291 smarchman1@gmail.com Oconee Chapter Daniel Markewitz Warnell School of Forestry The University of Georgia Athens, GA 30602 H: (706) 546-0528 W: (706) 542-0133 dmarke@uga.edu Oconee Chapter David Marquis 10 Spruce Pine Ct N Homosassa, FL 34446-4747 H: (352) 382-5560 davidmarquis@earthlink.net Caribbean Chapter Eric Martin P.O. Box 43098 Birmingham, AL 35243-0098 H: (205) 969-1660 W: (205) 969-1664 southerntimberresources@gmail.com Cahaba Chapter James Martin 16057 Carmel Bay Dr Northport, AL 35475-4002 H: (205) 333-6219 foresthome42@charter.net Black Warrior Chapter Joel Martin 12130 Dixon Center Rd Andalusia, AL 36420-7161 H: (334) 222-3934 W: (334) 222-7779 marti12@auburn.edu Longleaf Chapter (SESAF) Tim Martin School Forest Resources & Cons PO Box 110410 Univ of Florida Gainesville, FL 32611-0410 H: (352) 336-7403 W: (352) 846-0866 tamartin@ufl.edu Suwannee Chapter Raymond Mason 1336 Timber Run Havana, FL 32333 H: (850) 539-8230 raymondkmason@bellsouth.net Big Bend Chapter 2014 SESAF MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY Albert Massey PO Box 4444 Louisville, GA 30434-4444 H: (478) 625-0790 W: (478) 625-7916 al.massey@ipaper.com Csra Chapter John Masters 5185 Saint Ambrose Church Rd Elkton, FL 32033-2816 johnlmasters@ufl.edu University of Florida James Mastin 586 Norwood Springs Rd Fort Valley, GA 31030-6508 tomm@nrpsforesters.com Suwannee Chapter Alexander Mathes 1532 Enota Ave NE Gainesville, GA 30501-1960 W: (512) 527-6078 alexander.mathes@arcadis-us.com Oconee Chapter Shane Mathews 170 Mandy Dr Athens, GA 30601-2117 shanem03@uga.edu University of Georgia Charles Mathis PO Box 699 Marianna, FL 32447-0699 H: (850) 482-5164 W: (850) 526-5110 chuck.mathis@amforem.biz Panhandle Chapter Michael Matre 1231 Hilltop Dr Albany, GA 31707-3317 H: (229) 496-1739 W: (229) 639-4973 mike@matreforestry.com Flint River Chapter Brett Matuszak 13005 SW 1st Rd, Ste 241 Newberry, FL 32669-5707 W: (906) 201-0217 brett.matuszak@plumcreek.com Suwannee Chapter George Maxwell 719 SW Alamo Dr Lake City, FL 32025 H: (386) 752-3732 mlcobia@yahoo.com Suwannee Chapter Jared May 239 North Langford Street Berlin, GA 31722 jmay7@stallions.abac.edu Abraham Baldwin Ag Chapter Stephen May 5413 McWrights Ferry Rd Tuscaloosa, AL 35406 H: (205) 247-9928 smay9928@gmail.com Black Warrior Chapter Charles Maynard 65 Blue Heron Pt Havana, FL 32333-4720 H: (850) 539-5079 cmaynard3@comcast.net Big Bend Chapter Jefferson Mayo 12 Lakeshore Dr Avondale Estates, GA 30002-1481 H: (404) 617-5888 W: (404) 581-3730 jeff.mayo@regions.com Chattahoochee Chapter Timothy McAbee 10460 Centerville Plantation Rd Tallahassee, FL 32309-8000 tmcabee@finitecarbon.com Big Bend Chapter David McAlear 96104 Marsh Lakes Dr Fernandina Beach, FL 32034 H: (904) 261-2781 W: (904) 845-4430 mcaleard@bellsouth.net St. Johns Chapter Franklin McAliley PO Box 271 Ozark, AL 36361-0271 mwforestryconsultants@yahoo.com Wiregrass Chapter Alan McAllister 1512 Hwy 319 N Tifton, GA 31794-2538 H: (229) 386-0752 W: (229) 326-0013 alandmcallister@gmail.com Flatwoods Chapter Joshua McCafferty 11719 NE 7th Ave Gainesville, FL 32641-2711 joshua.mccafferty@yahoo.com University of Florida Early McCall Rayonier Forest Research Ctr PO Box 819 Yulee, FL 32041 H: (904) 261-2708 W: (904) 225-5393 early.mccall@rayonier.com St. Johns Chapter Andrew McCarley 106 Hunters Rdg Mineral Bluff, GA 30559-8708 H: (706) 280-9993 ammccarley@fs.fed.us Northwest Georgia Chapter William McCarthy PO Box 412 St Marks, FL 32355 wmccart3@hotmail.com Big Bend Chapter Keith McCollum 180 Marl Point Dr W Whiteville, NC 28472-4573 H: (910) 788-1251 W: (910) 734-2546 jkeithmccollum@hotmail.com Black Warrior Chapter James McConnell 3699 Wentworth Ln SW Lilburn, GA 30047-2256 H: (770) 923-1681 W: (770) 923-1681 elanjim@bellsouth.net Chattahoochee Chapter Stephen McEachron 9525 Hwy 157 Florence, AL 35633 H: (256) 764-0741 W: (256) 764-4382 lauderdale.county@forestry. alabama.gov Mountain Lakes Chapter Raymond McConnell 510 Valley Rd Chickasaw, AL 36611-2417 raymonddmcconnell@gmail.com Jubilee Chapter James McElroy 305 8th Avenue Cuba, AL 36907 Woodbasket Chapter William McConnell 2406 Carefree Cv Tallahassee, FL 32308-5748 H: (850) 576-7774 W: (850) 576-7774 millmac@comcast.net Big Bend Chapter Christopher McGarvey 2589D Lynn Lake Circle S Saint Petersburg, FL 33712 H: (610) 203-6154 W: (850) 228-7803 m19013@yahoo.com Panhandle Chapter Carlis McLeod 2014 Cherry Ln Palatka, FL 32077 H: (904) 325-7763 W: (904) 325-7582 St. Johns Chapter John McMahon PO Box 913 Crestview, FL 32536-0913 H: (850) 682-3166 W: (850) 682-3166 Panhandle Chapter Robert McMichael 505 Woodland Hills Dr Athens, GA 30606-5029 H: (706) 476-2707 mcmichaelr@warnell.uga.edu Oconee Chapter Kenneth McNabb School of Forestry & Wildlife Sc 602 Duncan Drive Auburn University, AL 36849-5418 H: (334) 826-6607 W: (334) 844-1044 mcnabb@auburn.edu War Eagle Chapter Jerry McCool PO Box 1735 Fairhope, AL 36532 H: (251) 929-3837 W: (251) 591-2682 Jubilee Chapter Jason McGee P.O. Box 135 Rome, GA 30162 W: (706) 232-6564 jasonmcgee1978@gmail.com Flint River Chapter Michael McCorvey PO Box 315 Greensboro, AL 36744 H: (334) 624-4316 W: (334) 624-3873 mmccorvey@resourcemgt.com Black Warrior Chapter Marlin McGowan 414 Lonesome Pine Road Pinehurst, GA 31070 H: (229) 376-0581 W: (229) 376-0581 babemcgowan@gmail.com Ocmulgee Chapter Michael McCoy 3500 Coral Way, Apt 407 Coral Gables, FL 33145-3064 W: (954) 643-0423 mmccoy@metriceng.com Caribbean Chapter John McGuire 1281 Tulip Ct Auburn, AL 36830 W: (334) 821-1999 jmcguire@westervelt.com War Eagle Chapter Robert McReynolds 3020 4th St Marianna, FL 32446 H: (850) 482-3842 Panhandle Chapter Randall McCrady 2294 Darden St Waycross, GA 31501-7645 H: (912) 283-2479 W: (912) 283-4077 Flatwoods Chapter James McHargue 1887 James Carlton Rd Perry, FL 32348 H: (850) 584-2080 W: (850) 584-2333 jkmchargue@yahoo.com Big Bend Chapter John McTague 95172 Bermuda Dr Fernandina Beach, FL 32034 H: (904) 262-6121 W: (904) 548-9003 johnpaul.mctague@rayonier.com St. Johns Chapter Kevin McIntyre 3988 Jones Center Dr Newton, GA 39870-8522 W: (229) 734-4706 kmcintyr@jonesctr.org Flint River Chapter John Meadows 4134 Duval Dr Jacksonville Beach, FL 32250 H: (904) 285-5082 W: (904) 285-5082 jmeadow1@att.net St. Johns Chapter L. Dean McCraw 1 Mooring Buoy Savannah, GA 31419 H: (912) 925-7246 W: (912) 925-5007 dean_mccraw@bellsouth.net Savannah Chapter James McDonald 9131 Brighton Pl Savannah, GA 31406 H: (912) 354-7149 hrmcdonald@worldnet.att.net Savannah Chapter Justin McKeithen 6100 Southridge Rd Milton, FL 32570 H: (850) 983-8255 W: (850) 983-5216 justmck@ufl.edu Panhandle Chapter Wade McDonald 797 Old Louisville Rd Guyton, GA 31312-4025 H: (912) 772-5211 W: (912) 489-1655 wmcdonald@fwforestry.com Savannah Chapter Monty McKinley 507 Energy Center Blvd Suite 303 Northport, AL 35473 H: (205) 339-0582 W: (205) 344-5139 mmckinley@mlforestresources.com Black Warrior Chapter 31 Joseph McNeel PO Box 290 Montrose, AL 36559-0290 H: (251) 928-9145 W: (251) 928-8213 jwmcneel@bellsouth.net Jubilee Chapter John Meadows 123 St Croix Dr Macon, GA 31210-0246 H: (478) 477-9109 W: (478) 788-4660 jmeadows@gatimberlands.com Ocmulgee Chapter Lea Meadows 1142 Coosa County Road 24 Equality, AL 36026-4727 H: (256) 234-6785 W: (334) 240-9326 treedarlin@hotmail.com Montgomery Chapter Joseph Meaher PO Box 2672 Mobile, AL 36652 W: (334) 433-2676 Jubilee Chapter Richard (Bin) Mei 180 E Green St Athens, GA 30602 H: (706) 542-5448 bmei@uga.edu Oconee Chapter Carl Melear 240 W Union Rd NE Calhoun, GA 30701-6921 H: (706) 232-8988 carlmelear@aol.com Northwest Georgia Chapter Morgan Mellette PO Box 907244 Gainesville, GA 30501 H: (770) 536-5785 W: (770) 718-9954 morgan@melletteforestry.com Oconee Chapter Brooks Mendell PO Box 5070 Athens, GA 30604 W: (770) 725-8447 bmendell@forisk.com Oconee Chapter Kathryn Mennella 19545 Dorr Rd Altoona, FL 32702-9307 H: (352) 669-5250 katmennella@yahoo.com Caribbean Chapter Harry Merck 215 South Edgewood Dr Statesboro, GA 30458 H: (912) 681-2871 Savannah Chapter John Merrill 187 Corinth Rd Newnan, GA 30263 H: (770) 304-1526 W: (770) 254-7218 jmerrill@gfc.state.ga.us Pine Mountain Chapter Adam Merritt 8325 Marvyn Parkway Opelika, AL 36804 alm0001@auburn.edu War Eagle Chapter Timothy Mersmann 24481 Alabama Highway 55 Andalusia, AL 36420 H: (334) 222-0776 W: (334) 222-2555 tmersmann@fs.fed.us Chattahoochee Chapter John Michaels PO Box 1176 Thomasville, GA 31799-1176 H: (229) 227-0977 W: (229) 226-4052 Forestrypro@aol.com Flatwoods Chapter 2014 SESAF MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY H. Mikell 7002 Grenville Road Tallahassee, FL 32309 H: (850) 385-1381 W: (850) 561-3979 Big Bend Chapter James Miller 5554 Lee Road 27 Auburn, AL 36830-8295 H: (334) 745-2563 W: (205) 826-8700 doctorkudzu@gmail.com War Eagle Chapter Russell Miller 1208 Murphy St SW Cullman, AL 35055-4602 rcm0017@auburn.edu Cahaba Chapter Steven Miller 2691 Margot Court Fleming Island, FL 32003 H: (904) 284-1703 W: (386) 329-4399 srmiller@sjrwmd.com Suwannee Chapter William Miller 4602 Carlton Dunes Dr Unit 3 Fernandina, FL 32034-9500 H: (904) 432-8945 W: (912) 655-3550 bmiller@fwforestry.com St. Johns Chapter William Miller 507 Oran Way Jesup, GA 31545-5129 H: (912) 427-7611 Brunswick Chapter William Millians 105 Lakecrest Dr NE Milledgeville, GA 31061 H: (478) 452-5430 Ocmulgee Chapter Allen Milligan 2379 Broad Street Brooksville, FL 34604 W: (352) 796-7211 Allen.Milligan@watermatters.org Caribbean Chapter David Mitchell PO Box 7625 Macon, GA 31209-7625 H: (478) 477-2227 Ocmulgee Chapter John Mixon 2471 Adams Rd The Rock, GA 30285 W: (770) 567-1577 j_mixon@bellsouth.net Ocmulgee Chapter W. Mixson 4507 Lavallet Ln Pensacola, FL 32504-9036 H: (850) 438-8886 W: (850) 607-7901 william.d.mixson@cox.net Panhandle Chapter Hugh Mobley 114 Aegean Way Wetumpka, AL 36093-3329 H: (334) 567-4462 Montgomery Chapter Jacqueline Mohan 135 Ansley Dr Athens, GA 30605-4301 W: (706) 542-6365 jmohan@uga.edu Ocmulgee Chapter Kyle Moon 1000 SW 62nd Blvd Apt. 2436 Gainesville, FL 32607 kcm4moon@aol.com University of Florida Scott Mooney 1240 Nona Dr Athens, GA 30606 H: (706) 850-1013 W: (678) 938-4549 scott.mooney@conservationforestry.net Oconee Chapter Stephen Moore 3194 Cobblestone Dr Pace, FL 32571 H: (850) 994-6833 W: (850) 554-9756 steve.moore@envivabiomass.com Panhandle Chapter Mark Milligan 3115 Ortega Dr Tallahassee, FL 32312-1818 H: (850) 385-9680 W: (850) 385-3667 mmilligan@think4.com Big Bend Chapter William Moore 402 Adams Rd Chula, GA 31733 H: (229) 382-4351 W: (229) 387-4301 jean5766@bellsouth.net Flatwoods Chapter Walter Mills PO Box 21 Selma, AL 36702 H: (334) 874-4060 W: (334) 874-9648 Montgomery Chapter David Moorhead 3905 Coventry Way Tifton, GA 31793-8121 W: (229) 386-3298 moorhead@uga.edu Flatwoods Chapter Patrick Minogue 3824 Forsythe Way Tallahassee, FL 32309-2532 H: (850) 443-0027 W: (850) 875-7142 pminogue@ufl.edu Big Bend Chapter Virginia Morales Olmos 103 College Station Rd Apt. 102 B Athens, GA 30605-5963 vmolmos@gmail.com University of Georgia Dennis Morgan 165 Robin Lane Bainbridge, GA 39819 H: (229) 246-7545 ppddmorgan@bellsouth.net Flint River Chapter Arthur Mott 16795 SW CR 231 Brooker, FL 32622 H: (352) 485-3598 W: (352) 485-3598 motta@dor.state.fl.us St. Johns Chapter Austin Morris 2823 Aunt Pitty Pat Ln Douglasville, GA 30135-2109 H: (731) 415-1786 W: (731) 415-1786 theycallmenathan@yahoo.com Abraham Baldwin Ag Chapter Todd Mullis 720 West Lane St Brooklet, GA 30415 W: (912) 271-4238 todd.mullis@interfor.com Savannah Chapter Crystal Morris 188 Denver Rd Crescent City, FL 32112-5100 cmorris@sjrwmd.com St. Johns Chapter Ralph Mumme 3064 Brookshire Way Duluth, GA 30096 H: (770) 497-0957 ralphmumme@att.net Chattahoochee Chapter James Naylor 344 Mary’s Dr Woodbine, GA 31569 H: (912) 729-1979 jimnaylor@tds.net Brunswick Chapter Wallace Neel PO Box 6955 Thomasville, GA 31758-6955 H: (912) 226-8432 W: (912) 226-8432 Flint River Chapter Ned Neenan 113 Donnelly Rd Palatka, FL 32177-7744 H: (386) 325-6917 W: (352) 378-8966 nedn@nrpsforesters.com St. Johns Chapter Henry Morris 4018 Sundown Dr Gainesville, GA 30506-3605 H: (334) 552-0604 W: (770) 945-9531 hmorris7000@hotmail.com Oconee Chapter Louise Murgia 5400 Grosvenor Lane Bethesda, MD 20814 W: (301) 897-8720 murgial@safnet.org Southeastern SAF John Morris PO Box 479 Perry, FL 32348 H: (706) 575-7003 W: (850) 838-2223 jemorris@fairpoint.net Big Bend Chapter Larry Murphey 2710 Rocky Brook Rd Opelika, AL 36801-2162 H: (334) 749-8978 W: (334) 749-8978 larry.murphey@myops.net War Eagle Chapter James Nelson 1485 SW 45th Rd Gainesville, FL 32608 H: (954) 993-2685 jamesleonnelson@gmail.com Suwannee Chapter Robert Morrison 27221 Blue Willow Ct Leesburg, FL 34748-9673 H: (352) 365-6630 bdpoolside@usa2net.net Caribbean Chapter Donald Murphy 1200 Franklin St Fernandina Beach, FL 32034 H: (904) 277-0028 W: (904) 491-7080 dcmurphy@rocktenn.com St. Johns Chapter Robert Nelson 3212 Ward Road Mobile, AL 36605 H: (251) 479-2877 W: (251) 479-2877 deenelson@comcast.net Jubilee Chapter Craig Murray 103 W Wisconsin Ave Ste 204 Deland, FL 32720-4256 W: (386) 734-6559 cmforestry@cfl.rr.com Caribbean Chapter Mona Neville 6201 Woodsman Dr Wesley Chapel, FL 33544-3121 jmoneville@gmail.com Suwannee Chapter David Morse 12 Buckhom Creek Rd Sopchoppy, FL 32358-1662 H: (850) 962-2446 morseda@embarqmail.com Big Bend Chapter Nathaniel Morton 10033 Martin Luther King St N Ste 200 Saint Petersburg, FL 33716-3884 H: (727) 692-2928 W: (727) 576-9500 nmorton@quantumspatial.com Caribbean Chapter Philip Moses 798 SW Main Blvd Lake City, FL 32025-5742 W: (386) 755-1705 forestersp@bellsouth.net Suwannee Chapter Ramachandran Nair 118 N-Z Hall Box 110410 Univ. of Florida Sch For Res. Gainesville, FL 32611-0410 H: (352) 375-7828 W: (352) 846-0880 pknair@ufl.edu Suwannee Chapter Emory Mosley 15495 Hwy 43 Wagarville, AL 36585-9712 H: (251) 246-2770 W: (251) 709-1702 emorywmosley@aol.com Woodbasket Chapter Thomas Moss 669 W Front St N Thomasville, AL 36784-5317 th_moss@yahoo.com Woodbasket Chapter Gary Myers 3964 Muirfield Sq Duluth, GA 30096 H: (770) 623-3156 W: (404) 660-6811 gmyers@timberlink.net Chattahoochee Chapter Juan Narvaez Room 204 S Perry Paige Bldg 1740 MLK Blvd Tallahassee, FL 32307 W: (852) 599-8816 Florida Division 32 Fredrick Nelms 206 Cahaba Lake Cir Helena, AL 35080 H: (205) 428-0664 W: (205) 960-3877 ricknelms@hotmail.com Cahaba Chapter Ken Nguyen 5 Dogwood Ln McDonough, GA 30253-5556 H: (678) 298-8280 W: (678) 466-4419 knguyen@clayton.edu Chattahoochee Chapter Kirsten Nielsen 6549 Marissa Loop, Apt 23 Naples, FL 34108-7202 nielsenk@umich.edu Caribbean Chapter Joyce Nigglely 1180 West Peachtree Suite 1200 Atlanta, GA 30309 H: (404) 234-9927 W: (404) 551-4013 joyce.niggley@btgpactual.com Chattahoochee Chapter John Nix 435 Holly Brook Dr Montgomery, AL 36109-4638 H: (334) 396-9852 W: (334) 396-9852 forestry.guide@about.com Montgomery Chapter Nelson Nixon 505 Stevens Creek Rd Augusta, GA 30907 W: (706) 840-3739 anixon@mossyoakproperties.com Csra Chapter Ronnie Nobles 17550 NE State Road 121 Williston, FL 32696-7873 H: (352) 317-6297 W: (205) 489-5111 jarednobles@fs.fed.us Black Warrior Chapter Robert Nonnemacher 271 Trillo St St Augustine, FL 32086-7320 H: (601) 982-3159 St. Johns Chapter Arron Norman 129 Kindred Ln Moultrie, GA 31788 H: (229) 891-3143 W: (229) 985-6996 nub1@windstream.net Flint River Chapter Matthew Norman 104 Oxford Dr Meridianville, AL 35759-1928 H: (256) 604-4679 crewcutlawnpro@gmail.com Alabama A&M University Thomas Norris 188 Montauk Dr Richmond Hill, GA 31324-4903 H: (912) 727-2255 W: (912) 884-3386 Tom.Norris@interstatepaper.com Savannah Chapter Robert Northrop U Florida Hillsborough Co Ext 5339 County Rd 579 Seffner, FL 33584-3334 H: (813) 744-5519 W: (813) 744-5519 northrop@ufl.edu Caribbean Chapter David Norton 4498 NE Cherry Lake Circle Madison, FL 32340 H: (850) 929-4532 dwnorton@rocktenn.com Big Bend Chapter Dennis Norton 1180 W Peachtree St NW Ste 1200 Atlanta, GA 30309-3480 H: (770) 971-8023 dennis.norton@btgpactual.com Chattahoochee Chapter 2014 SESAF MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY Jaroslaw Nowak 3125 Conner Blvd., C-25 Tallahassee, FL 32399-1650 H: (850) 552-0976 W: (850) 681-5883 William Oppenheim 119 Nottingham Way Thomasville, GA 31792 H: (912) 226-1115 Flint River Chapter jarek.nowak@freshfromflorida.com Big Bend Chapter Melzar Nye PO Box 4743 Macon, GA 31208 H: (478) 743-2375 W: (478) 743-2375 Ocmulgee Chapter Sandra Obando 2300 SW Williston Road Apt 2711 Gainesville, FL 32608 H: (786) 662-9317 sobando44@ufl.edu University of Florida Joseph O’Brien 320 Green St Athens, GA 30602 W: (706) 559-4336 jjobrien@fs.fed.us Oconee Chapter Stanley Oden 507 Langdonwoods Rd. Reform, AL 35481 H: (205) 375-8020 stanley_oden@yahoo.com Black Warrior Chapter Evan Ohr 4438 Mariner Rd Bonita Springs, FL 34134-3963 H: (904) 651-4648 solsurfer81@hotmail.com University of Florida Kurt Olsen 1820 Sayers Rd Avon Park, FL 33825-8830 H: (863) 452-2927 W: (863) 452-4107 floridaforestry@embarqmail.com Caribbean Chapter David Olson 2277 Oyster Bay Ln Unit 1034 Gulf Shores, AL 36542-4053 H: (231) 933-9137 W: (251) 948-4747 olsonde@aol.com Jubilee Chapter Robert Olszewski 965 Marbury Ct Marietta, GA 30064 H: (770) 422-8010 W: (770) 829-6306 otco@bellsouth.net Chattahoochee Chapter Oghenekome Onokpise FL A&M Univ Div of Ag Sci Room 204 Perry-Paige Bldg S Tallahassee, FL 32307 H: (850) 562-8083 W: (850) 561-2127 oghenekome.onokpise@famu.edu Big Bend Chapter Sarah O’Sullivan 7278 Cahaba Valley Rd Apt. 1431B Birmingham, AL 35242 H: (205) 567-9942 swirling_fog@yahoo.com Auburn University Katherine Pan 1533 Country Squire Ct Decatur, GA 30033 H: (404) 806-8175 katherinehelfrich@yahoo.com Chattahoochee Chapter James Parker 534 Godfrey Lane Auburn, AL 36830 H: (334) 332-8674 W: (706) 544-7081 james.m.parker116@mail.mil War Eagle Chapter Jonathan Parker 330 Lake Coweta Trl Newnan, GA 30263 H: (770) 304-0051 W: (770) 304-0051 thegoodforty@gmail.com Pine Mountain Chapter Kyle Parks 1824 NW 3rd Place Apartment 34 Gainesville, FL 32603 kyle.parks101@gmail.com University of Florida Ocllo Parks 3729 Bebee Point Dr Theodore, AL 36582-7511 okp0001@auburn.edu Jubilee Chapter Donald Partridge 1516 Bartletts Ferry Rd Fortson, GA 31808-4430 H: (706) 566-5337 W: (706) 317-6046 dkpartri@southernco.com Pine Mountain Chapter James Paul 351 Holloman Rd Gray, GA 31032 H: (478) 986-6484 W: (478) 986-4755 jtp001@ix.netcom.com Ocmulgee Chapter Thomas Paul 3176 Dolly Ridge Dr Birmingham, AL 35243 H: (205) 967-5467 twpaul@bellsouth.net Cahaba Chapter Nina Payne 535 Moores Mill Rd Auburn, AL 36830-6027 Foresternina@bellsouth.net War Eagle Chapter Stephen Pecot 10 N Florida St Mobile, AL 36607-3108 H: (251) 210-4770 W: (251) 438-4581 specot@larsonmcgowin.com Jubilee Chapter Mark Pickett 901 N Broad St NE Ste 140 Rome, GA 30161-5202 W: (770) 548-2725 mp4ster@bellsouth.net Northwest Georgia Chapter Ralph Peeler 242 Odum Crest Ln Hoover, AL 35226 H: (205) 733-4489 W: (205) 980-7327 jpeeler@resourcemgt.com Cahaba Chapter John Pierovich PO Box 4185 Macon, GA 31208 Ocmulgee Chapter E. Plummer 13466 Long Cypress Trail Jacksonville, FL 32223 H: (904) 619-2571 W: (904) 421-3267 ewplummer@comcast.net St. Johns Chapter Renny Perez 1584-022 LLC PO Box 22-6352 Miami, FL 33222 H: (786) 302-4767 renper25@gmail.com Caribbean Chapter John Perren 2122 Line Tree Ln Powder Springs, GA 30127-1402 H: (770) 439-4223 Jtp155@uga.edu University of Georgia Aaron Perry 1901 Island Walkway Fernandina Beach, FL 32034 W: (904) 321-5518 aaron.perry@rayonier.com St. Johns Chapter Wesley Polk 6113 Abbey Dr Columbus, GA 31909-4364 H: (706) 569-0439 lanap@knology.net Pine Mountain Chapter Howard Pollitt 8830 Airport Blvd Leesburg, FL 34788-4002 H: (352) 233-0561 W: (352) 787-1348 hpollitt@aerostatinc.com Caribbean Chapter Nan Pond 207 Cherie Down Ln Cape Canaveral, FL 32920-2174 H: (845) 336-5853 nancpond@gmail.com Caribbean Chapter James Peters 1220 Lee Road 51, Lot 29 Auburn, AL 36832-6517 jwp0021@tigermail.auburn.edu Auburn University Herbert Ponder 196 Fortson Cir. Athens, GA 30606 H: (404) 814-5175 hmponder@uga.edu University of Georgia Harrison Peterson 13 Greenlea Cir Crawfordville, FL 32327 W: (850) 385-3667 hpete7@yahoo.com Big Bend Chapter Dillon Pool 1404 Whiddon Mill Rd Tifton, GA 31793 dpool@stallions.abac.edu Flatwoods Chapter Carl Petrick 325 John Knox Rd Ste F100 Tallahassee, FL 32303-4160 W: (703) 605-4655 cpetrick@fs.fed.us Big Bend Chapter Dotty Porter 3704 Dean Still Rd Blackshear, GA 31516 H: (912) 449-8524 W: (912) 449-8524 dotty@sentrydatamgmt.com Brunswick Chapter Frederick Phillips 2601 New Orleans St Apt 2413 Huntsville, AL 35805 H: 2564171188 fredachieve@yahoo.com Mountain Lakes Chapter Gary Phillips 133 Hearthstone Dr Leesburg, GA 31763 H: (229) 432-5082 W: (229) 349-1493 gphillips.timberland@yahoo.com Flint River Chapter 33 James Porter 3325 Piedmont Rd NE Unit 3004 Atlanta, GA 30305-4821 H: (678) 701-4002 W: (678) 291-7555 jporter@rocktenn.com Chattahoochee Chapter Don Post 6815 NW 71st St Gainesville, FL 32606 H: (904) 376-0125 W: (904) 472-4324 Suwannee Chapter Arthur Powers 2800 SE 26 Pl Trenton, FL 32693-5282 H: (352) 463-1666 powersforestry@aol.com Suwannee Chapter Sarah Powers 19594 SW CR 18 Brooker, FL 32622 W: (386) 566-6680 scp12@ufl.edu St. Johns Chapter Finis Prendergast 1654 Mallard Circle Tuscaloosa, AL 35405-5540 H: (205) 759-5295 W: (205) 759-5295 prenfamily@comcast.net Cahaba Chapter Druid Preston 5784 Kentucky Downs Dr Macon, GA 31210-1269 H: (478) 477-2172 W: (478) 477-2172 Ocmulgee Chapter Ross Price 3585 North Hwy 95A Cantonment, FL 32533 H: (850) 587-6070 W: (850) 327-4256 swampstomper.ross@gmail.com Panhandle Chapter Mark Prior 288 S Main St Madison, GA 30650-1303 H: (706) 342-1129 W: (706) 431-4119 mprior@fwforestry.com Oconee Chapter Ross Pritchett 6030 Tangletree Dr Roswell, GA 30075-6010 W: (404) 848-2000 pritchett@tirllc.com Chattahoochee Chapter Wes Pruet 107 Porters Way Enterprise, AL 36330-8576 H: (205) 454-5820 W: (205) 454-5820 pruetgw@gmail.com Wiregrass Chapter William Pryor PO Box 91 Bellville, GA 30414 H: (912) 739-4709 W: (912) 739-2468 bpryor@gfc.state.ga.us Savannah Chapter Dale Pughsley 120 Gresham Dr Millbrook, AL 36054-3144 H: (912) 856-2433 W: (334) 361-5855 dpughsley@aol.com Montgomery Chapter Kenneth Purcell 178 Bethesda Church Rd Carrollton, GA 30117-6027 H: (404) 834-4349 W: (770) 834-4349 purcellkenneth@bellsouth.net Pine Mountain Chapter Carroll Purvis PO Box 204 Hahira, GA 31632-0204 H: (229) 382-7430 W: (229) 382-7430 Flatwoods Chapter Thomas Quink 319 Robalo North Port, FL 34287-2537 H: (941) 429-0202 W: (941) 429-0202 tandtquink@aol.com Caribbean Chapter James Rakestraw 9 Country Squire Statesboro, GA 30458-9031 H: (912) 764-5896 W: (912) 228-5895 jim.rakestraw@ipaper.com Savannah Chapter Richard Ramey PO Box 12004 Columbus, GA 31917-2004 H: (706) 323-3925 W: (706) 565-9624 valleywood@mindspring.com Pine Mountain Chapter Elizabeth Ramirez 2224 SE 3rd Ave Ocala, FL 34471-5103 H: (786) 253-8031 ramireze2009@gmail.com Caribbean Chapter Michael Ransom 1415 Raymonds Rd Monroe, GA 30656 W: (770) 267-1273 ransom@STStimber.com Oconee Chapter Ronald Ratliff 4466 US Hwy 41 S Jasper, FL 32052 H: (386) 792-3664 W: (386) 792-8484 ronaldratliff1@aol.com Suwannee Chapter Shardul Raval 1720 Peachtree Rd NW Suite 746 N Atlanta, GA 30309 H: (919) 368-9872 W: (404) 347-3464 sraval@fs.fed.us Chattahoochee Chapter John Rawls 3854 Northside Dr Macon, GA 31210 H: (478) 477-4929 W: (478) 477-8500 john@jgrawls.com Ocmulgee Chapter 2014 SESAF MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY Scott Ray 307 NW Auburn Pl Lake City, FL 32055-8513 W: (386) 752-2577 hsray@fs.fed.us Suwannee Chapter Carolyn Rhodes 1906 N 25th St Tampa, FL 33605-4140 H: (813) 242-8968 flscrub@gmail.com University of Florida Valeria Rinaudo Van Godwuckstraat 30 Dororecht, 3300AA NLD valeria.rinaudo@springer.com Caribbean Chapter William Robertson 13532 Canyon Rd Lumpkin, GA 31815-4022 H: (229) 838-4462 joel8@bellsouth.net Pine Mountain Chapter Charles Rozier PO Box 526 Bainbridge, GA 31717 W: (229) 246-4509 crrozier@rozierandassociates.com Flint River Chapter Scott Sager PO Box 110410 Gainesville, FL 32611-0410 H: (352) 317-7675 sasager@ufl.edu Suwannee Chapter Scott Reaves 1858 Daffodil Dr Acworth, GA 30102-1224 scott.c.reaves@gmail.com Chattahoochee Chapter Lee Rhodes 201 E South St Greensboro, GA 30642 H: (706) 453-9219 W: (706) 467-2472 lee201@bellsouth.net Oconee Chapter Byron Rivenbark 360 Hawthorne Ln Athens, GA 30606 H: (706) 202-1822 W: (706) 354-7925 lrivenbark@nutterinc.com Oconee Chapter Donald Rockwood PO Box 357103 Gainesville, FL 32635-7103 H: (352) 984-0897 W: (352) 256-3474 floridafgt@cox.net Caribbean Chapter Harold Rozier 6236 Tall Pines Dr Blackshear, GA 31516 H: (912) 283-4405 W: (912) 658-8885 haroldrozier@accessatc.net Brunswick Chapter Subhrajit Saha PO Box 8042 Dept of Biology Statesboro, GA 30460-1000 W: (912) 478-5480 ssaha@georgiasouthern.edu Savannah Chapter Courtney Richards 3205 E. Olive Rd. Apt 92 Pensacola, FL 32514 H: (850) 217-9848 c.richards89@live.com Panhandle Chapter J. Roach Rayonier, Inc PO Box 728 Fernandina Beach, FL 32035-0728 H: (904) 261-2085 W: (904) 321-5507 dan.roach@rayonier.com St. Johns Chapter George Rogers 111 Tuskegee Hwy Hurtsboro, AL 36860 H: (334) 667-6902 protempsofga@hotmail.com War Eagle Chapter Anthony Rubine 659 Harbour Ln Richmond Hill, GA 31324-5173 H: (912) 727-2416 W: (912) 727-2416 a.rubinejr@gmail.com Savannah Chapter Ramon Salazar-Ortiz 2105 SW 125th Ct Miami, FL 33175-1421 rsala010@fiu.edu Caribbean Chapter James Redding 162 Gowen Dr Woodbine, GA 31569-4279 H: (912) 729-3684 jreddingbfp@gmail.com Brunswick Chapter Ryan Reddish 779 Willivee Dr Decatur, GA 30033-5410 ryanreddish@gmail.com Chattahoochee Chapter Jack Reichert 1009 Devonwood Dr Andalusia, AL 36421 H: (334) 427-1724 jmreichert@andycable.com Longleaf Chapter (SESAF) Blair Reidy 1236 D SW 1st Ave. Gainesville, FL 32607 blairreidy@ufl.edu University of Florida Roy Riddick 202 Creek Trail Madison, AL 35758 H: (912) 897-1632 royriddick@bellsouth.net Mountain Lakes Chapter Heidi Rieckermann Harrington 1125 Oak Brook Way NE Atlanta, GA 30319-4555 H: (404) 814-9856 W: (404) 444-5824 heidiharrington@bellsouth.net Chattahoochee Chapter Grant Rentz 705 William Gibbs Rd Tifton, GA 31793-6689 grentz@abac.edu Abraham Baldwin Ag Chapter Richard Rightmyer 405 Christopher Dr Gainesville, GA 30501-2220 H: (770) 535-7447 W: (770) 297-3070 rightmyer3x@bellsouth.net Oconee Chapter Michael Renwick 6559 Man-O-War Trail Tallahassee, FL 32308 H: (850) 893-9558 redbarron522@aol.com Big Bend Chapter Joseph Rigsby 3210 Montezuma Rd Montgomery, AL 36106-2312 W: (334) 265-8200 joerigsby@bellsouth.net Montgomery Chapter Alexandra Reyes 2088 Colony Rd Pensacola, FL 32526-6506 al3xreyes@ufl.edu University of Florida Brian Riley 1111 20th Street NW Washington, DC 20526 H: (719) 371-0332 W: (202) 692-2510 rileyfamtx@gmail.com Caribbean Chapter Kris Reyner 1150 Dials Plantation Dr Statham, GA 30666 kris.reyner@btgpactual.com Oconee Chapter C. Rhodes PO Box 10 Siloam, GA 30665-0010 H: (706) 467-2472 W: (706) 467-2472 muttjr@windstream.net Oconee Chapter Frank Riley 6303 Highway 17 Hiawassee, GA 30546-5213 H: (706) 896-3995 W: (706) 897-1676 frankriley@brmemc.net Oconee Chapter Owen Riley PO Box 40 Pine Mountain Valley, GA 31823 H: (706) 628-4215 W: (706) 628-4215 griley1007@aol.com Pine Mountain Chapter Joe Roberson PO Box 2424 Opelika, AL 36803-2424 W: (334) 855-5868 Joe.Roberson@mwv.com War Eagle Chapter Charles Roberts 1607 Loop Rd Vidalia, GA 30474-8526 H: (912) 897-2029 treeff@bellsouth.net Savannah Chapter John Roberts Newins-Ziegler Hall PO Box 11041 Gainesville, FL 32611 H: (407) 925-3801 W: (407) 925-3801 jwr.09@ufl.edu University of Florida Joshua Roberts 514 Sheffield Ave Foley, AL 36535-5512 H: (334) 332-7609 joshroberts79@yahoo.com Black Warrior Chapter William Rogers 1519 Parchment Cove Tallahassee, FL 32308-5834 H: (850) 893-4194 billyrogers32@gmail.com Big Bend Chapter Tommy Rollins PO Box 659 Lyons, GA 30436-0659 H: (912) 565-7837 W: (912) 565-8850 tar1@bellsouth.net Savannah Chapter Timothy Rutland 7859 US 19 Thomasville, GA 31792 W: (850) 997-6254 trutland@southernforestry.net Flint River Chapter Jose Romero 133 Plantation Circle South Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082 romero_jose_luis@yahoo.com St. Johns Chapter William Ryburn 2165 Westbury Court SW Marietta, GA 30064 H: (770) 425-9032 Chattahoochee Chapter Brian Rosenfeld 160 Columbia Dr, Apt 604 Tampa, FL 33606-3564 H: (813) 482-5214 Brian_Rosenfeld@alumni.ufl.edu Caribbean Chapter Arthia Rye 4886 Chisholm Rd Florence, AL 35634-9001 H: (256) 767-4509 W: (256) 765-0397 formgtspec@aol.com Mountain Lakes Chapter Christopher Rosier 13 Ballastone Ct Savannah, GA 31410-5127 W: (229) 456-6721 clrosie@arborgen.com Savannah Chapter Calvin Frank Robertson 133 McKinley Dr Griffin, GA 30224 H: (770) 228-8271 cfrobertson@bellsouth.net Ocmulgee Chapter Frank Roth 3933 Woodland Hills Dr Tuscaloosa, AL 35405-5414 H: 2055533600 fatherfrank47@yahoo.com Black Warrior Chapter Derek Robertson 135 Sunny Hills Drive Athens, GA 30601 djrmk44@yahoo.com University of Georgia Ethan Robertson 3723 Lower Fayetteville Rd. Newnan, GA 30265 ethnrobertson@bellsouth.net Oconee Chapter Robert Routhier 1310 West Oakridge Dr Albany, GA 31706 H: (229) 436-9973 W: (229) 883-0505 rrouthier@fwforestry.com Flint River Chapter F. Robertson 1030 Taso Trl Acworth, GA 30101-6860 H: (770) 975-3169 Chattahoochee Chapter Douglas Rowlett PO Box 549 Grant, FL 32949-0549 H: (218) 743-6170 Caribbean Chapter 34 William Russell 8130 Hialeah Ln Montgomery, AL 36117 W: (334) 578-0148 rip@rpmapping.com Montgomery Chapter Jesse Saarela 4818 W US Highway 90 Ste. 100 Lake City, FL 32055 H: (352) 335-3158 W: (386) 438-5896 JesseS@nrpsforesters.com Suwannee Chapter Eugene Sample 3209 Woodhaven Dr Birmingham, AL 35243 H: (205) 967-2545 W: (205) 967-2545 norsam2000@netscape.net Cahaba Chapter Howard Sanders 102 Pine Grove Rd Savannah, GA 31419 H: (912) 927-9933 Savannah Chapter Julian Sanders PO Box 524 Cochran, GA 31014-0524 sandjh22@uga.edu University of Georgia Reynaldo Santana PO Box 110410 Gainesville, FL 32611-0410 rcsantana@ufl.edu University of Florida H. Sasnett 415 Hargrove Rd Tuscaloosa, AL 35401-4928 H: (205) 752-0554 p.sasnett@att.net Black Warrior Chapter Andrew Saunders 150 E Hancock Ave Athens, GA 30601 W: 706-613-3530 andrew.saunders@athensclarkecounty.com Oconee Chapter John Sabine PO Box 357700 Gainesville, FL 32635 W: (352) 333-3733 john.sabine@plumcreek.com Caribbean Chapter Ethan Sadowski 719 Camelot Dr Greenville, AL 36037 H: (334) 665-4224 W: (334) 382-1410 ethan.sadowski@rayonier.com Longleaf Chapter (SESAF) Laura Sadowski 719 Camelot Dr Greenville, AL 36037 laurapsadowski@gmail.com University of Florida Emily Saunders 146 Griffeth Rd Athens, GA 30607-2749 W: (706) 542-1465 esaunder@uga.edu Oconee Chapter Thomas Savage 1104 Prestwood Bridge Rd Andalusia, AL 36421 H: (334) 222-4000 W: (334) 222-1168 tomsdfp@alaweb.com Longleaf Chapter (SESAF) 2014 SESAF MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY Ike Savelle 530 Ridgecrest Road LaGrange, GA 30240 H: (706) 884-6357 iwsavelle@att.net Pine Mountain Chapter Timothy Sawyer 132 Kathy Cir Douglas, GA 31533-6005 H: (912) 384-0384 W: (912) 384-3559 sawyerconsult@windstream.net Flatwoods Chapter John Scarborough 5899 Wisenbaker Rd Lake Park, GA 31636-3701 H: (229) 559-1392 W: (229) 559-1392 Flatwoods Chapter Joseph Schaefer 9681 Via Grandezza East Wellington, FL 33411 H: (561) 753-6916 natres@ufl.edu Caribbean Chapter Erik Schilling 8270 McNatt Road Aubrey, TX 76227 W: (352) 331-1745 eschilling@src-ncasi.org Suwannee Chapter Albert Schober PO Box 164 Orrville, AL 36767-0164 H: (334) 996-9720 W: (334) 996-8149 rschober76@gmail.com Montgomery Chapter Paul Schrantz 563 S College St Auburn, AL 36830 H: (334) 466-0903 W: (334) 844-2408 schrantz@bellsouth.net War Eagle Chapter Richard Schroeder 4249 NW 56th Way Gainesville, FL 32606 H: (352) 377-6514 W: (352) 377-8282 rs@bio-resource.com Suwannee Chapter Thomas Schubert 27400 Orchid Glade St Leesburg, FL 34748-2135 H: (352) 315-1260 tschb70001@gmail.com Caribbean Chapter Robert Schumacher PO Box 7202 Macon, GA 31209-7202 schumacher.bob@gmail.com Ocmulgee Chapter Eric Schmeckpeper 6005 Bayhaven CV NW Acworth, GA 30101-4395 H: (678) 574-3929 W: (404) 347-2592 eschmeckpeper@fs.fed.us Chattahoochee Chapter David Schumann 13696 Bald Cypress Cir Fort Myers, FL 33907-1837 H: (920) 262-1645 dschumann1501@yahoo.com Caribbean Chapter Carl Schmidt 270 Orchard Ridge Dr Forsyth, GA 31029 H: (478) 994-9219 W: (478) 986-5441 carl_schmidt@fws.gov Ocmulgee Chapter Gerald Schwarzauer 4 Cut Rate Rd Phenix City, AL 36870-2350 H: (334) 749-3659 W: (334) 298-3659 jerry@phenixlumber.com War Eagle Chapter Paul Schmidtke Unit 3470 Box 199 Dpo, AA 34041-0199 H: (276) 794-4502 pschmidtke@fs.fed.us Caribbean Chapter Callie Schweitzer 14024 Green Way Park Cir SE Huntsville, AL 35803-5200 H: (256) 763-1820 W: (256) 535-6305 cschweitzer@fs.fed.us Mountain Lakes Chapter Richard Schmitt 448 Satilla Rd Patterson, GA 31557-9407 H: (912) 462-5298 owlranch@btconline.net Brunswick Chapter Charles Schneider 15264 Brice Dr Brooksville, FL 34601 H: (352) 799-3602 W: (352) 799-3602 cschneider1954@yahoo.com Caribbean Chapter Andy Scott PO Box 1927 Normal, AL 35762 H: (256) 325-0875 W: (256) 372-4540 andyscott@fs.fed.us Mountain Lakes Chapter Ron Scott 241 Petty Dr Cantonment, FL 32533 H: (850) 393-6664 trees_4life@att.net University of Florida Brian Seale PO Box 540 2030 7th St South Clanton, AL 35045 H: (334) 290-1881 W: (205) 280-4475 btseale@southernco.com Montgomery Chapter Louis Shepherd Laurence Simon 200 Maitland Ave #208 P.O. Box 248 Altamonte Springs, FL 32701 Jasper, FL 32052 H: (321) 228-7189 H: (386) 755-2322 W: (407) 331-6302 W: (386) 792-0810 GoGreen@SoutheastBioenergy.com lsimon223@windstream.net Caribbean Chapter Suwannee Chapter George Sherrer 130 Mandy drive Athens, GA 30601 Dsherrer711@yahoo.com University of Georgia Craig Seaman 3140 Parkridge Crescent Chamblee, GA 30341 H: (404) 272-8825 W: (404) 272-8825 cseaman@tirllc.com Chattahoochee Chapter Joshua Sherrill PO Box 819 Yulee, FL 32041 H: (904) 277-4997 W: (904) 225-5393 josh.sherrill@rayonier.com St. Johns Chapter George Sears 4 Paddington Cir Bronxville, NY 10708-2407 H: (813) 962-2681 W: (813) 962-2681 Caribbean Chapter Barry Shiver 1091 Creek Bridge Dr Watkinsville, GA 30677 H: (706) 769-4847 BarryDShiver@gmail.com Oconee Chapter Clark Seely 3358 Caterina Dr New Smyrna Beach, FL 32168-5389 H: (503) 999-3475 W: (503) 999-3475 cseely2@cfl.rr.com Caribbean Chapter David Shostak 502 Briarhill Court Woodstock, GA 30189 H: (770) 517-9133 W: (770) 940-1625 kadasenvironmental@gmail.com Chattahoochee Chapter Ajay Sharma 3500 Creighton Road Apt F7 Pensacola, FL 32504 W: (850) 983-7132 ajay.sharma@ufl.edu Panhandle Chapter Sudip Shrestha 260 Piccadilly Square, Apt D1 Athens, GA 30605-6408 H: (301) 956-0307 sudip@uga.edu University of Georgia Douglas Sharp 611 S Wayne St Jesup, GA 31546-4627 H: (912) 530-9073 W: (912) 289-5889 doug.sharp@plumcreek.com Brunswick Chapter Leroy Simkins 103 Macartan St. Augusta, GA 30901 W: (706) 722-0272 lhsimkins@gmail.com Csra Chapter Brent Shaver 555 Eslava St Mobile, AL 36602 W: (251) 433-1150 bshaver@tnc.org Jubilee Chapter Harvey Simmons 3475 Henry Lee Rd Perry, FL 32348-5747 H: (850) 584-8147 W: (850) 584-1275 Big Bend Chapter Norman Shaw 200 Rock Fence Road NW Adairsville, GA 30103 H: (770) 773-3346 Northwest Georgia Chapter Ken Simmons 1350 Apalachee Woods Trail Buckhead, GA 30625 H: (706) 342-4156 W: (706) 342-6315 ksimmons@buckheadforestry.com Oconee Chapter Richard Shelfer 2813 Turkey Hill Trail Tallahassee, FL 32312 H: (850) 894-1424 rshelfer@hotmail.com Big Bend Chapter William Simmons 12146 Southbridge Ter Hudson, FL 34669 H: (404) 606-1185 W: (813) 739-1514 wjs48063@bellsouth.net Chattahoochee Chapter James Shepard 602 Duncan Dr Auburn, AL 36849-0001 H: (334) 887-0939 W: (334) 844-1004 jshepard@auburn.edu War Eagle Chapter 35 Matthew Simpson 4818 W US Hwy 90, Ste. 100 Lake City, FL 32055-8397 H: (386) 752-2874 W: (386) 438-5896 matts@nrpsforesters.com Suwannee Chapter William Simpson 7111 Old Nicholls Hwy Millwood, GA 31552 H: (912) 283-7471 W: (912) 283-4077 bill.simpson@rayonier.com Flatwoods Chapter Ryan Sims 3806 NW 50th St Gainesville, FL 32606-5940 W: (386) 315-8023 rsims@bio-resource.com Suwannee Chapter Robert Sinclair 510 High Shoals Dr Dahlonega, GA 30533-3546 H: (706) 219-7672 W: (214) 507-8068 Oconee Chapter Jacek Siry 180 E Green St School of Forestry, UGA Athens, GA 30602-5025 W: (706) 542-3060 jsiry@uga.edu Oconee Chapter John Sisson 102 Barksdale Dr Washington, GA 30673-1526 W: (706) 678-1134 southernforestga@gmail.com Csra Chapter Mickey Sisson 3108 Courtground Rd Washington, GA 30673 H: (706) 678-4149 tree@nu-z.net Csra Chapter Junius Skinner 312 Early Hutchinson Rd Tifton, GA 31793-5149 jskinne3@stallions.abac.edu Flatwoods Chapter Alex Skovronsky 920 NW 25th Ave Gainesville, FL 32609-2850 alex.r.skovronsky@gmail.com University of Florida Matthew Smidt 1243 E Samford Ave Auburn, AL 36830 H: (334) 502-9213 W: (334) 844-1038 smidtmf@auburn.edu War Eagle Chapter Clayton Smith 193 Jack Delaigle Road Waynesboro, GA 30830 cfsmith@southernco.com Ocmulgee Chapter Dalton Smith 617 Golfview Dr Jackson, AL 36545-3210 H: (334) 246-1659 djlsmith@bellsouth.net Woodbasket Chapter David B. Smith 2950 Bear Lake Rd Milton, FL 32570-9113 H: (850) 957-4209 W: (850) 957-6140 david.smith@freshfromflorida.com Panhandle Chapter David P. Smith 4935 Sharon Dr Panama City, FL 32404-7331 H: (850) 871-4361 dsmith9694@aol.com Panhandle Chapter Gregory Smith 1305 Lakes Pkwy Suite 110 Lawrenceville, GA 30043 W: (770) 682-9731 gsmith@corblu.com Chattahoochee Chapter Hunter Smith 695 Kings Way Auburn, AL 36830 H: (251) 490-3062 has0005@auburn.edu Auburn University J. Smith PO Box 10463 Natural Resources Department Birmingham, AL 35202 H: (205) 655-3238 W: (205) 326-5749 jmichael.smith@regions.com Cahaba Chapter Jarohn Smith Room 204 S Perry Paige Bldg 1740 MLK Blvd Tallahassee, FL 32307 W: (850) 599-8816 Florida Division Jerry Smith PO Box 726 Vernon, AL 35592-9998 H: (205) 695-9055 W: (205) 596-1185 jerry.smith@weyerhaeuser.com Black Warrior Chapter John Smith 154 Commodore Dr NW Milledgeville, GA 31061-9446 H: (912) 968-5891 W: (478) 485-8704 jtsmith@southernco.com Ocmulgee Chapter 2014 SESAF MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY Louis Smith 107 E Washington St PO Box 859 Demopolis, AL 36732-2131 W: (205) 609-1234 scf01@bellsouth.net Woodbasket Chapter Greg Somers 822 Tullahoma Dr Auburn, AL 36830 H: (334) 826-1461 W: (334) 844-9250 somergl@auburn.edu War Eagle Chapter Michael Smith 2539 John Hawkins Pkwy Suite 101-179 Birmingham, AL 35244 H: (205) 424-0851 W: (205) 424-4564 fcimps@me.com Cahaba Chapter Kevin Sorrow 3410 Stone Lea Dr Oxford, GA 30054 W: (770) 385-2000 ksorrow@cityofcovington.org Chattahoochee Chapter John Stanturf 115 Kingston Way Athens, GA 30606 H: (706) 354-8297 W: (706) 559-4316 drdirt_ms@yahoo.com Oconee Chapter Scott Souder 6650 Corporate Center Pkwy Apt 908 Jacksonville, FL 32246 H: (404) 735-8981 scottgsouder@yahoo.com St. Johns Chapter Thomas Starkey 602 Duncan Dr S Forest Nursery Mgt Coop Auburn, AL 36849-5418 W: (334) 844-8069 starkte@auburn.edu War Eagle Chapter Aaron Souto 330 Southmoor Circle Stockbridge, GA 30281 W: (770) 616-3448 asouto@gfc.state.ga.us Chattahoochee Chapter General Staten PO Box 71 Statenville, GA 31648 H: (229) 559-7964 Flatwoods Chapter Paula Smith 5595 Berry Brook Cir Milton, FL 32571-6320 H: (850) 994-1996 plsmith62@ufl.edu University of Florida Stephen Smith 115 Perimeter Center Place Suite 940 Atlanta, GA 30346 H: (770) 710-0847 W: (404) 848-2000 smith@tirllc.com Chattahoochee Chapter Troy Smith 420 County Highway 14 Apt 8 Winfield, AL 35594-5579 H: (334) 332-9042 W: (205) 570-0621 tas6909@yahoo.com Black Warrior Chapter Wayne Smith PO Box 443 Melrose, FL 32666 H: (352) 475-2439 W: (352) 475-2439 whsonthelake@att.net St. Johns Chapter James Spears 600 South Trammell St Atmore, AL 36502 H: (251) 368-5470 W: (251) 368-5470 Longleaf Chapter (SESAF) Jonathan Spink PO Box 70 Dublin, GA 31040-0070 W: (904) 430-7532 jonathan.spink@rayonier.com Ocmulgee Chapter Thomas Spong 285 Hull Road Athens, GA 30601 tmspong@uga.edu University of Georgia William Smith PO Box 443 Sandersville, GA 31082 H: (912) 552-6956 W: (912) 552-5280 bsmith@sandersville.net Csra Chapter Jenny Staeben 650 W Lake Dr Athens, GA 30606-4137 H: (307) 231-2533 W: (307) 231-2533 jenstaeben@gmail.com University of Georgia Zalin Smith 2038 Lee Road 137 Lot 119 Auburn, AL 36832-7504 zgs0002@auburn.edu Auburn University Nicholas Stallworth 100 Office Park Dr Birmingham, AL 35223-2402 H: (205) 432-1878 W: (205) 456-4556 Cahaba Chapter Jonathon Sokol 15 Piedmont Center Ste 1250 Atlanta, GA 30305 H: (770) 530-5753 W: (404) 495-8597 jsokol@forestinvest.com Chattahoochee Chapter Derek Stanfield One Overton Park, Twelfth Floor 3625 Cumberland Boulevard Atlanta, GA 30339 H: (912) 237-0876 W: (770) 805-1030 dstanfield@jamestownlp.com Chattahoochee Chapter Peter Stanovich PO Box 44 Silas, AL 36919-0044 W: (251) 542-9425 saltcops@millry.net Woodbasket Chapter William Stimpson PO Box 1663 Gulf Lumber Company Inc Mobile, AL 36601 H: (251) 344-0683 W: (251) 457-6872 sally@gulflumber.com Jubilee Chapter Rebecca Stratton 86261 Caesars Ave Yulee, FL 32097 H: (865) 335-0048 W: (904) 548-9005 rlstratton@gmail.com St. Johns Chapter Jody Strickland PO Box 590 1211 A Macon Rd. Perry, GA 31069-0590 jody.strickland@weyerhaeuser.com Ocmulgee Chapter Bonnie Stine 3125 Conner Blvd. C-25 Tallahassee, FL 32399-1650 H: (850) 997-0760 W: (850) 414-9912 Bonnie.Stine@freshfromflorida.com Big Bend Chapter Dexter Strother 930 Barnett Shoals Rd Michael Stine Apt 707 202 Old Tung Grove Rd Athens, GA 30605-2791 Monticello, FL 32344 dstrother@fs.fed.us H: (850) 997-0760 Oconee Chapter cornus1958@gmail.com Big Bend Chapter Carolyn Stubbs PO Box 38 John Stivers Waverly, AL 36879-0038 7151 Horns Valley Rd H: (334) 821-0374 Talladega, AL 35160-9113 W: (334) 821-0374 H: (256) 354-7344 cgstubbs@earthlink.net W: (334) 253-2139 War Eagle Chapter rxburning@aol.com Cahaba Chapter Robin Studdard 502 N Main St Dana Stone Wrens, GA 30833-1143 147 Longwood Trail rmstudda@gmail.com Pike Road, AL 36064 University of Georgia H: (334) 279-1455 W: (334) 240-9363 Emily Stutzman Jones Dana.Stone@forestry.alabama.gov 4150 Academy Dr, Apt 925 Montgomery Chapter Opelika, AL 36801 eas0018@auburn.edu Ian Stone Auburn University 5930 Herlong Dr Milton, FL 32570-3653 Santosh Subedi H: (850) 564-1058 311 Owens St, Apt 2 W: (850) 957-6140 Blacksburg, VA 24060-3552 ian.j.stone1@gmail.com H: (434) 249-6967 Panhandle Chapter santoshsubedi15@gmail.com University of Georgia John Stone 2880 Vada Road Albert Sullivan Bainbridge, GA 31717 143 Lakeside Dr H: (229) 246-0396 Arnoldsville, GA 30619-2212 Flint River Chapter H: (706) 742-8935 W: (706) 742-8935 William Stone bertsullivan@windstream.net 2022 Sewanee Rd SW Oconee Chapter Huntsville, AL 35801 H: (256) 536-2654 William Sullivan W: (256) 372-4248 130 Summer Creek Cove william.stone@aamu.edu Thomasville, GA 31792-4881 Mountain Lakes Chapter H: (229) 226-0973 W: (229) 226-0973 Karl Stoneking bill_sullivan@bellsouth.net 2273 Silver Fox Ln Flint River Chapter Buford, GA 30519-7053 H: (770) 831-7313 William Sweet ston7313@gmail.com 2040 Glen Eagle Ln Chattahoochee Chapter Birmingham, AL 35242-4032 H: (205) 980-2894 Cameron Stovall wsweet01@att.net P.O. Box 83 Cahaba Chapter Centre, AL 35960 cbs0017@auburn.edu Jeremy Tankersley Auburn University 23207 Shreve Road Andalusia, AL 36421 H: (850) 258-0042 W: (334) 222-0838 jeremy@amphuntingland.com Longleaf Chapter (SESAF) Christina Staudhammer 10665 Legacy Pt Dr Northport, AL 35475 H: (205) 765-7071 cstaudhammer@bama.ua.edu Black Warrior Chapter Taylor Stein PO Box 110410 Gainesville, FL 32611-0410 H: (352) 373-3058 W: (352) 849-0860 tstein@ufl.edu Suwannee Chapter Ruth Steinbrecher 100 Woodland Dr Apt 1127 Statesboro, GA 30458-7798 W: (912) 202-6365 rs01373@georgiasouthern.edu Savannah Chapter David Stephens 358 Cauthen Circle Roanoke, AL 36274 H: (334) 863-8324 dstephens@teleclipse.net Cahaba Chapter Harold Stepler PO Box 6742 Dothan, AL 36302-6742 H: (334) 792-2877 W: (334) 792-2877 Wiregrass Chapter Brian Stiber 3059 Highland Oaks Terrace Tallahassee, FL 32301 W: (850) 385-3667 bstiber@thinkf4.com Big Bend Chapter 36 Jess Tanner PO Box 1052 Douglas, GA 31534-1052 H: (912) 384-0493 W: (912) 384-8344 Flatwoods Chapter Albert Tauses PO Box 2428 PMB 21110 Pensacola, FL 32513 atauses@aol.com Panhandle Chapter Leland Taylor 3320 Old Lloyd Rd. Monticello, FL 32344 lelandhtaylor@ufl.edu University of Florida Lawrence Teeter Forest Policy Center School of Forestry & Wildlife Auburn University, AL 36849-5418 H: (334) 821-9499 W: (334) 844-1045 teeter@auburn.edu War Eagle Chapter Katie Termer 1838 Winter Pines Ct Fleming Isle, FL 32003-4914 ketermer@ufl.edu University of Florida William Terry 13770 Nixon Rd Ralph, AL 35480 H: (205) 752-5840 bterry53@gmail.com Black Warrior Chapter Reginald Thackston 116 Rum Creek Dr Forsyth, GA 31029-6517 H: (478) 994-3132 W: (478) 994-7583 reggie.thackston@dnr.state.ga.us Ocmulgee Chapter Kevin Thames 101 Marietta St NW Ste 3120 Atlanta, GA 30303-2711 W: (404) 460-3133 kevin.thames@us.army.mil Chattahoochee Chapter Kerry Thomas 3840 A Thomas Dr Gainesville, GA 30506 H: (770) 535-1545 W: (770) 535-1545 kerrygthomas@bellsouth.net Oconee Chapter Marshall Thomas PO Box 3610 1310 W Oakridge Dr Albany, GA 31706-3610 H: (229) 881-3649 W: (229) 883-0505 mthomas@fwforestry.com Flint River Chapter 2014 SESAF MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY Andrew Thompson 2208 Martin Road Augusta, GA 30906-2826 H: (706) 796-8850 W: (803) 725-4178 athompson01@fs.fed.us Csra Chapter John Thrift 346 Kite Rd Swainsboro, GA 30401 H: (912) 536-0235 W: (478) 289-2290 jthrift@southeasterntech.edu Savannah Chapter Emmett Thompson 1200 Sunnyslope Ct Auburn, AL 36832-6764 H: (334) 821-7904 W: (334) 821-7904 efthompson@charter.net War Eagle Chapter John Tiley 431 Fort Sumter Cir Tuscaloosa, AL 35406 H: (205) 752-8670 W: (205) 392-7496 johntiley@att.net Black Warrior Chapter Jesse Thompson 320 Hilltop Rd Roopville, GA 30170-2230 H: (770) 854-5256 W: (770) 317-5235 Stanford Tillman 51 Jimmy Boatright Dr Hazlehurst, GA 31539-7515 H: (912) 375-7544 W: (912) 375-7544 Flatwoods Chapter JesseThompson@forestargroup.com Chattahoochee Chapter John Thompson 2660 Dolly Ridge Rd Birmingham, AL 35243 H: (205) 967-4867 W: (205) 967-4867 jtandlisa@bellsouth.net Cahaba Chapter Nilesh Timilsina TNR 327 800 Reserve Street UW-Stevens Point Stevens Point, WI 54481 H: (715) 544-6639 W: (715) 346-2446 ntimilsi@uwsp.edu Suwannee Chapter Tommy Thompson 133 Allen Walker Rd Grove Hill, AL 36451 H: (251) 275-3021 W: (334) 637-3463 tommy.thompson@lpcorp.com Woodbasket Chapter Clay Tinney PO Box 1484 Roanoke, AL 36274 H: (334) 863-5354 W: (334) 863-8945 claytinney@gmail.com Cahaba Chapter Walt Thompson 205 Peachtree Cir Sylvania, GA 30467-2307 W: (803) 725-0937 wthompson@fs.fed.us Csra Chapter James Tison 490 Barnett Shoals Rd Apt 716 Athens, GA 30605-7653 ttison@uga.edu University of Georgia Tim Thornhill 688 Leonard Rd Cullman, AL 35055 H: (256) 736-8885 W: (256) 352-1744 tim.thornhill@lpcorp.com Cahaba Chapter David Todd 12450 NE 91st Ct Archer, FL 32618-6119 Dmtodd13@yahoo.com University of Florida James Thorsen 1505 Blackberry Ct Eustis, FL 32726 H: (352) 589-8352 W: (352) 455-1326 thor1505@aol.com Caribbean Chapter Barton Thrasher 7117 NW 42nd Ln Gainsville, FL 32666-5454 H: (352) 335-9935 St. Johns Chapter Craig Threlkeld PO Box 40 604 S Main St Glennville, GA 30427 H: (912) 565-0416 W: (912) 654-9009 Savannah Chapter Thomas Tomberlin TLT Forestry PO Box 173 Surrency, GA 31563 tltomberlin@gmail.com Brunswick Chapter John Torbert PO Box 207 Salem, AL 36874 H: (334) 750-1930 john.torbert@mwv.com War Eagle Chapter Gregory Tossey 6609 Whipporwill Court Montgomery, AL 36117-2425 W: (334) 279-9595 tossey55@att.net Montgomery Chapter Yenie Tran PO Box 729 Athens, GA 30603 yenie.tran@gmail.com Oconee Chapter Susanne Travis 1169 Meadowlark Ave Miami Springs, FL 33166-3107 Caribbean Chapter Samuel Van Hook 660 Rainbow Blvd Babson Park, FL 33827-9650 H: (863) 638-3431 W: (863) 678-5199 samvanhook@verizon.net Caribbean Chapter Paul Traylor 1052 Lennox Pl Macon, GA 31204 H: (912) 474-8754 Ocmulgee Chapter Elise Van Wie 2800 SW 35th Place, Apt. 2512C Gainesville, FL 32608 elisevanwie@gmail.com University of Florida Thomas Trembath 15 Piedmont Center Ste 1250 Atlanta, GA 30305 H: (770) 452-7850 W: (404) 495-8594 ttrembath@forestinvest.com Chattahoochee Chapter Kimmie Van Wyck 1516 Ridgeland Rd W Mobile, AL 36695 H: (251) 634-5160 W: (251) 634-4960 kimmie.vanwyck@weyerhaeuser.com Ermine Venuto 1400 Grist Mill Dr Phenix City, AL 36867-1330 H: (334) 297-4334 erm408@aol.com War Eagle Chapter John Vericker 10139 Kingsbridge Ave Tampa, FL 33626-1828 H: (813) 835-9371 jmv1974@hotmail.com Caribbean Chapter Kraig Vickers PO Box 571 Newton, GA 39870 W: (229) 377-5162 khvickers@yahoo.com Flint River Chapter Gregory Triplett 1120 Mountain Laurel Dr Watkinsville, GA 30677 H: (706) 769-0235 W: (706) 202-5662 gptriple@bellsouth.net Oconee Chapter Jubilee Chapter Frank Vande Linde 609 Norwich St Brunswick, GA 31520 H: (912) 265-0415 Brunswick Chapter Bennie Vinson 3201 Arbor Hill Trace Hoover, AL 35244 H: (205) 682-9966 bfvinson@bellsouth.net Cahaba Chapter Matt Tsiklistas 1493 Isaac Akins Rd Statesboro, GA 30458-6554 jmtmatt@yahoo.com University of Georgia Andrew Vann PO Box 709 Thomasville, GA 31799-0709 H: (229) 228-9812 W: (229) 228-9812 redhill@rose.net Flint River Chapter John Vogel PO Box 564 San Antonio, FL 33576 H: (904) 588-3708 W: (904) 588-2580 jackv@nrpsforesters.com Caribbean Chapter Charles VanOver 15 Piedmont Ctr NE Ste 1250 Atlanta, GA 30305-1587 H: (770) 478-9526 W: (404) 495-8604 c.vanover@forestinvest.com Chattahoochee Chapter Jeffery Vowell 9178 Old Chemonie Road Tallahassee, FL 32309-7431 H: (850) 893-0194 W: (850) 414-9969 Jeff.Vowell@freshfromflorida.com Big Bend Chapter Cory Tucker PO Box 1927 Normal, AL 35762-1927 W: (256) 372-4235 Alabama A&M University Michael Turnipseed PO Box 161007 Mobile, AL 36616-2007 H: (251) 626-7003 W: (251) 470-0051 alcotimber@me.com Jubilee Chapter Ashley Tyree 610 Pine Ave SW Live Oak, FL 32064-3127 H: (803) 473-7666 W: (803) 435-2495 Flatwoods Chapter Zennure Ucar 180 E Green St Athens, GA 30602-5025 W: (973) 830-1645 zennucar@uga.edu University of Georgia James Ulmer 15 Piedmont Center Ste 1250 Atlanta, GA 30305 H: (904) 415-6785 W: (404) 495-8638 julmer@forestinvest.com Chattahoochee Chapter Elizabeth Varian 334 McCutcheon Ln Toney, AL 35773 rrunigirl@gmail.com Alabama A&M University Tyler Wachtel 404 Wood Ln Athens, GA 30605-5703 H: (910) 619-7261 Tyler.wachtel@gmail.com Oconee Chapter George Varn PO Box 40965 Jacksonville, FL 32203-0965 H: (904) 388-2510 W: (904) 356-4881 varnco@bellsouth.net St. Johns Chapter G. Thomas Wade PO Box 150 Talking Rock, GA 30175-0150 H: (706) 692-2718 W: (678) 234-8104 jnwlp@windstream.net Northwest Georgia Chapter Merrill Varn PO Box 40965 Jacksonville, FL 32203-0965 W: (904) 356-4881 orts7@hotmail.com St. Johns Chapter Aaron Wahus 313 Wiltshire Ct Evans, GA 30809 H: (706) 228-3463 W: (864) 333-1103 wahus4@knology.net Csra Chapter Samuel Varn 130 Soule street Athens, GA 30605 Svarn93@uga.edu University of Georgia Earl Underhill 1860 Odham Dr Deltona, FL 32738 H: (386) 860-8839 ekunderhill@att.net Caribbean Chapter Rick Vasquez 10912 SW 135th Ct Cir Miami, FL 33186 H: (305) 380-1273 W: (305) 442-5549 rick_vasquez@fpl.com Caribbean Chapter 37 R. Wakefield 309 West Clay Sylacauga, AL 35150 H: (256) 249-2759 W: (256) 249-0919 Cahaba Chapter L. Walburn 2400 Crestdale Circle Birmingham, AL 35216 H: (205) 987-3039 W: (205) 264-4748 frank.walburn@regions.com Cahaba Chapter Joseph Waldrep 1100 Lee Rd 360 Valley, AL 36854 W: (706) 544-7076 joseph.b.waldrep.civ@mail.mil War Eagle Chapter George Walker 1160 Cherokee Cir Athens, GA 30606 H: (706) 543-3840 gtedwalker@att.net Oconee Chapter Matt Walker 305 W Shotwell St Bainbridge, GA 39819 W: (229) 246-5785 walkermatts@yahoo.com Flint River Chapter Peter Walker 3715 Northside Pkwy NW Bldg 200 Ste 500 Atlanta, GA 30327-2806 W: 4048487532 walker@timbervest.net Chattahoochee Chapter John Wallace 4703 NW 53rd Ave Ste B-1 Gainesville, FL 32653 H: (386) 418-0495 W: (352) 378-8966 tonyw@nrpsforesters.com Suwannee Chapter John Wallace P.O. Box 1098 Demopolis, AL 36732 jcw0023@auburn.edu Auburn University Mathias Wallace 50315 Redwood Dr Apt 503-8 Tuskegee, AL 36083-7267 H: (334) 226-1092 lawstudies_96@yahoo.com War Eagle Chapter Marc Walley 15 Piedmont Center Suite 1250 Atlanta, GA 30305 H: (678) 480-9860 W: (404) 261-8595 mwalley@forestinvest.com Chattahoochee Chapter Barry Walsh 350 North Shore Road Longboat Key, FL 34228-1137 H: (941) 387-3061 barrywwalsh@comcast.net Caribbean Chapter 2014 SESAF MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY James Walters PO Box 1070 Alabama Power Tuscaloosa, AL 35403-1070 H: (205) 799-2892 W: (205) 799-2892 jswalter@southernco.com Black Warrior Chapter James Wentworth 4 Laurel Mtn Estates Dr S Blairsville, GA 30512 H: (706) 745-2557 W: (706) 745-6928 jwentworth@fs.fed.us Oconee Chapter Randall White 4838 Cove Valley Dr SE Owens Cross Roads, AL 35763-9366 H: (256) 714-3255 randorushiro@gmail.com Mountain Lakes Chapter James Wilbourn 707-B Randolph Ave SE Huntsville, AL 35801-3606 H: (256) 479-5036 W: (256) 479-5036 alafor@comcast.net Mountain Lakes Chapter Justin Wesson 2548 SW Old St Augustine Rd Madison, FL 32340 jwaywes06@ufl.edu University of Florida Stephen White 3714 Mayfair Dr Tuscaloosa, AL 35404-5409 sdwhite1@crimson.ua.edu Alabama A&M University Anthony Watry 14107 Seabiscuit Milton, GA 30004-7574 H: (770) 695-0220 acwatry@aol.com Chattahoochee Chapter Michael Westbrook 1183 Hwy 24 E Statesboro, GA 30458 H: (404) 642-5558 W: (912) 489-4404 mwestbrook@westervelt.com Savannah Chapter Timothy White 118 Newins-Ziegler Hall PO Box110410 Gainesville, FL 32611-0410 W: (352) 846-0850 tlwhite@ufl.edu Suwannee Chapter Damon Wilkinson 7201 Charlanda Blvd Mobile, AL 36695 H: (251) 634-9113 W: (251) 610-9044 damonwilkinson@att.net Jubilee Chapter Huei-Jin Wang 2419 Huntingdale Ln Oviedo, FL 32765-5848 wanghueijin@yahoo.com.tw Caribbean Chapter Rebecca Watson 119 Earles Rd Thomaston, GA 30286 H: (706) 646-2299 W: (706) 582-2026 rebecca.watson@mwv.com Pine Mountain Chapter Amy Westcot 3212 Alpine Rd Augusta, GA 30909-2738 H: (229) 559-8089 W: (229) 559-2317 ataylor@packagingcorp.com Csra Chapter Cary Whiteard 21580 Goldville Rd Daviston, AL 36256-7004 clw0005@auburn.edu Auburn University Jeremy Ward 137 N Square Ln Newnan, GA 30263-6279 jwforest@hotmail.com Pine Mountain Chapter Brian Watts 316 E Glenn Ave Auburn, AL 36830 kbw0008@auburn.edu Auburn University Michael Weston 10941 Palm Beach Blvd Fort Myers, FL 33905 H: (239) 247-2817 W: (239) 690-3500 Kenneth Ward ARC 142 PO Box 1927 Normal, AL 35762 H: (256) 837-5646 W: (256) 372-4249 kenneth.ward@aamu.edu Mountain Lakes Chapter Lewis Weaver 2108 Cameron Cir Birmingham, AL 35242-6411 H: (205) 245-7545 W: (205) 245-7545 Cahaba Chapter Jeremy Walters 174 Stewart Dr NW Milledgeville, GA 31061-9405 H: (478) 357-9124 W: (478) 552-3951 jeremy.walters@thielekaolin.com Ocmulgee Chapter Stephen Walton 1741 Grantham Drive Wellington, FL 33414 H: (561) 685-8087 Swalton265@gmail.com Caribbean Chapter Sheila Ward 1057 Calle 8 Urb. Villa Nevarez San Juan, PR 00927 H: (787) 763-8584 sheila.emily.ward@gmail.com Caribbean Chapter Clay Ware 1875 Century Blvd NE Ste 200 Atlanta, GA 30345-3314 W: (404) 679-4016 clay_ware@fws.gov Chattahoochee Chapter Kenneth Ware 195 Deerfield Rd Bogart, GA 30622 H: (706) 549-4765 W: (706) 338-3461 kenware1@bellsouth.net Oconee Chapter Fred Warnell 374 Strathy Hall Dr Richmond Hill, GA 31324-4752 H: (912) 727-3334 W: (912) 727-3334 fwarnell@clds.net Savannah Chapter Matthew Warner 1035 Barnett Shoals Rd. Unit 463 Athens, GA 30605 H: (205) 454-5500 cadewarner@gmail.com University of Georgia Elizabeth Warrington 1843 Chardonnay Pl Tallahassee, FL 32317 H: (850) 877-6238 W: (850) 445-7005 elspethpaige@aol.com Big Bend Chapter Stephen Weaver 1615 Prestonwood Ct Lawrenceville, GA 30043-4252 H: (770) 822-1795 W: (404) 347-2726 spweaver@fs.fed.us Chattahoochee Chapter Steven Weaver 180 E Green St Athens, GA 30602-5025 sw3av3r@uga.edu University of Georgia Russell Weber 4631 NW 53rd Ave. Suite 102 Gainesville, FL 32653 H: (352) 378-2160 W: (352) 377-2924 rweber@fwforestry.com Suwannee Chapter Tom Weber 4A Country Club Hls Tuscaloosa, AL 35401-1342 tweber@crimson.ua.edu Black Warrior Chapter Brad Weigle 10033 MLK St N Suite 200 St. Petersburg, FL 33716 W: (727) 576-9500 bweigle@photoscience.com Caribbean Chapter Matthew Whitley 15 Piedmont Center Ste 1250 Atlanta, GA 30305 H: (770) 650-9640 W: (404) 495-8596 mwhitley@forestinvest.com Chattahoochee Chapter michael.weston@ freshfromflorida.com William Whitlow 1017 E Dearborn Ave Muscle Shoals, AL 35661-3005 whitlwd@auburn.edu Mountain Lakes Chapter Caribbean Chapter Michael Wheeler PO Box 1681 Ellijay, GA 30540 H: (706) 636-4750 W: (706) 635-4426 mjwheeler1975@yahoo.com Northwest Georgia Chapter John Whitney 7365 138th St Seminole, FL 33776-3811 H: (727) 398-6948 W: (727) 460-1822 johnp.whitney@knology.net Caribbean Chapter Justin Whisenant 295 Conrad Dr. Athens, GA 30601 agglutination@gmail.com Oconee Chapter Howard Whitted 11440 Queens Way Fowl River, AL 36582 H: (205) 459-3665 Jubilee Chapter Ben Whitaker 1901 6th Ave N Ste 520 Birmingham, AL 35203-4652 W: (205) 264-7309 ben.whitaker@regions.com Cahaba Chapter Heather Wierzbicki 41 Northfork Ln Eufaula, AL 36027-6234 W: (334) 855-5394 heather.wierzbicki@mwv.com Montgomery Chapter Fred Whitaker PO Box 5013 Thomaston, GA 30286-0019 H: (888) 284-2924 W: (770) 567-9624 fredw1@bellsouth.net Ocmulgee Chapter Carl Wiggins 1144 Lee Road 145 Salem, AL 36874-2304 H: (334) 745-2507 carlgwiggins@bellsouth.net War Eagle Chapter Braden White 207 SE 2nd Pl, Apt 107 Gainesville, FL 32601-6594 jamesbwhite@ufl.ed University of Florida John Wigginton 2128 Moores Mill Road Suite B Auburn, AL 36830 H: (334) 502-8023 W: (334) 821-1999 jwigginton@westervelt.com War Eagle Chapter 38 David Wilkinson 964 Narrows Pt Dr Birmingham, AL 35242 H: (662) 312-3550 W: (205) 672-0227 dave.w.wilkinson@gmail.com Cahaba Chapter Risher Willard 306 W Liberty St Claxton, GA 30417-1914 W: (912) 739-4734 risher@bellsouth.net Savannah Chapter Cedric Williams PO Box 185 Beatrice, AL 36425-0185 H: (334) 455-9963 cedricwilliams30@yahoo.com Alabama A&M University Charles Williams PO Box 725 Lumpkin, GA 31815-0725 W: (229) 838-6733 rob.williams9117@gmail.com Pine Mountain Chapter Christopher Williams 1901 Sixth Avenue North Suite 2400 Birmingham, AL 35203 H: (205) 421-1766 W: (205) 254-1000 cwilliams@maynardcooper.com Cahaba Chapter Emily Williams 145 Harmony Ln Eatonton, GA 31024-5844 H: (706) 473-1459 W: (706) 818-1799 ej@longleafalliance.org Ocmulgee Chapter Henry Williams 127 Fourth Avenue McRae, GA 31055-2224 H: (912) 868-6670 hgrady@windstream.net Ocmulgee Chapter Trent Williamson 4511 Martin Wilson Rd Trussville, AL 35173 H: (205) 901-8441 Tmw0011@auburn.edu Auburn University Marc Willis Property Appraiser Office 231 E Forsyth St Rm 360 Jacksonville, FL 32202 H: (904) 695-2658 W: (904) 630-2594 Mwillis@coj.net St. Johns Chapter Charles Wilson 103 Ventry Ave Jupiter, FL 33458-6515 CharlieW08@aol.com University of Florida Harold Winger 901 Somerby Dr, Apt 419 Mobile, AL 36695-3496 H: (334) 344-5682 Jubilee Chapter Robert Wise 3502 Huntington Pl Dothan, AL 36303 H: (334) 792-9039 rdwise755@hotmail.com Wiregrass Chapter Charles Withrow PO Box 349 Warm Springs, GA 31830 H: (706) 846-3525 W: (706) 655-3889 ed.withrow@westfraser.com Pine Mountain Chapter Julie Wood 5097 Brookside Drive Pace, FL 32571 H: (850) 995-9551 W: (850) 304-3442 julie.wood@mchsi.com University of Florida William Wood PO Box 6339 Fernandina Beach, FL 32035 H: (904) 261-6774 W: (904) 277-2467 jandwforesters@bellsouth.net St. Johns Chapter James Woodall 6 Village Main Spanish Fort, AL 36527 H: (251) 626-9777 Jubilee Chapter E. Woods 1125 Kingswood Rd Birmingham, AL 35242 H: (205) 991-2428 W: (205) 991-9516 pwoods@resourcemgt.com Cahaba Chapter Robert Wright 21 Wiley Bottom Rd Savannah, GA 31411 H: (912) 598-8239 robwright57@yahoo.com Savannah Chapter Stephen Wright 2585 Whisper Ct Dacula, GA 30019 H: (678) 920-3821 W: (678) 920-3821 swright7@uga.edu University of Georgia 2014 SESAF MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY Andrew Wyatt 3729 SW 15th St Gainesville, FL 32608-3519 awyatt1214@gmail.com University of Florida Donald Wyatt 130 Earl Godwin Rd Freeport, FL 32439-2758 W: (850) 496-1864 jwyattnwd@aol.com Panhandle Chapter Robert Wyatt 1698 Teal Circle Tuscaloosa, AL 35405 H: (205) 758-6718 W: (205) 562-5812 bwyatt@westervelt.com Black Warrior Chapter Harry Wyckoff 303 Shoreline Dr Alexander City, AL 35010-9082 H: (205) 329-3823 W: (256) 329-3823 hwyckoff@charter.net Wiregrass Chapter Conrad Wysocki 1635 NW 16th Avenue Gainesville, FL 32601 H: (352) 872-3333 conwysocki@ufl.edu University of Florida Wenjing Yao 150 Rebecca Pl Athens, GA 30605-6007 wenjingy@uga.edu University of Georgia Michael Yawn 310 Bowen Dr Warner Robins, GA 31088 H: (478) 787-0168 W: (866) 395-5440 dyawn@lmssmail.com Ocmulgee Chapter Jack Yerkes 12481 Timberlane Road Ralph, AL 35480 H: (205) 210-1029 W: (205) 210-1029 jyerkes1029@charter.net Black Warrior Chapter William York 3515 Allenville Rd Faunsdale, AL 36738-3703 H: (334) 624-6868 billyork1@gmail.com Woodbasket Chapter Daowei Zhang School of Forestry 602 Duncan Dr Auburn University, AL 36849-5418 H: (334) 826-0374 W: (334) 844-1067 zhangd1@auburn.edu War Eagle Chapter Bailin Zhou 85160 Sagaponack Dr Fernandina Beach, FL 32034 H: (904) 225-0385 W: (904) 321-5546 bailinz@hotmail.com St. Johns Chapter Lamar Zipperer 3574 Newington Hwy Sylvania, GA 30467 H: (912) 829-4241 lzipperer@planters.net Csra Chapter James Zanzot 331 Funchess Hall Auburn University Auburn, AL 36849 H: (334) 466-8542 W: (334) 844-9280 zanzojw@auburn.edu War Eagle Chapter G. Michael Zupko PO Box 690 Monroe, GA 30655 W: (770) 853-6696 mike@zup-co-inc.com Oconee Chapter Shepard Zedaker 371 Wesleyan Rd Venice, FL 34293-6556 zedaker@vt.edu Caribbean Chapter Kurt Zweizig PO Box 1233 Milledgeville, GA 31059-1233 H: (478) 453-9698 W: (478) 454-3409 timber@tshardwoods.com Ocmulgee Chapter Richard Zellmer 2037 Canary Dr Auburn, AL 36830-6903 H: (334) 826-3644 W: (334) 728-2448 indigoenv@bellsouth.net War Eagle Chapter 39 Three Reasons You Cannot Miss the 2012 SAF National Convention Countless Learning Opportunities Awesome Location SAVE THE DATE! SESAF 2015 Annual Meeting January 25-27, 2015 The scientific and technical program combines tangible skills with the latest science and research. Sessions will focus on ecological resilience, the role of forest management in sustaining forests, and the role of communities and collaborations in resilient forests. Tracks include: t"HSPGPSFTUSZ t4PJM8BUFS3FTPVSDFT t8JMEMBOE'JSF t(FPTQBUJBM"QQMJDBUJPOT t'PSFTU)FBMUI t-FBEFSTIJQ$PNNVOJDBUJPOT t6SCBO&DPTZTUFNT t4JMWJDVMUVSF'PSFTU&DPMPHZ t'PSFTU.BOBHFNFOU0QFSBUJPOT t(FPTQBUJBM"QQMJDBUJPOT Near the magnificent forests of the Inland &NQJSFPVSIPTUDJUZ4QPLBOF8BTIJOHUPO offers a natural backdrop for discussing issues JNQPSUBOUUPUIFFOUJSFGPSFTUSZQSPGFTTJPO ɨJTJODMVEFTUIFNBOZMJOLTCFUXFFOUIF social, economic, and ecological considerations that contribute to resilience. One Incredible Event /PXIFSFFMTFDBOZPVHBJOTPNBOZTPMVUJPOT GPSJOWBTJWFTQFDJFTXBUFSTIFEBOEFDPTZTUFN NBOBHFNFOU(*4BOENPSF.BYJNJ[F ZPVSQSPGFTTJPOBMJOWFTUNFOUCZTFMFDUJOH sessions on the scientific and practical JOGPSNBUJPOUIBUNFFUZPVSVOJRVFJOUFSFTUT "UUFOETQFDJBMJ[FEXPSLTIPQTBOEVOJRVF technical field tours to see direct application. Watch for additional information at The Southeastern Forester, Spring 2014 Registration Opens in May. For details, visit www.sesaf.org. www.safconvention.org