grye"n Phticing Mai
25 ki nangsnang cao hieu qui trong
giao dich kinh doanh
25 Skills To Improve Effectiveness
In Business Transaction
T:ng dia MP3
Trong xu the toan cau h6a gang dien ra ngay tang
soi ct6ng nhu hien nay, nhu cau hoc tieng Anh khong
dew thutin la de' biet them mot ngocti mol, ma v61
nhieu ngzidi no da tr6? thanh mot trong nha'ng ddu kien
thu'c can thiet de phat trien tu'o'ng lai va su' nghiep
sau nay.
Vein de dat ra deri vai nhiing ngu'efi thu'o'ng xuyen
phcii lam viec, hop tcic vo'i cetc dOi tdc nu'6'c ngoai trong
moi trithng giao dich biing 66'4 Anh la van dung tieng
Anh nhu' the new trong qua trinh dam phcin, thu'o'ng
than de' dat hieu qua cao nheit? Nam bat du'yc nhu cau
do, chUng toi da Nen soon cuon "Beti tap dam phan
tieng Anh".
Vol 25 bai tap dam thoai, tu'o'ng (Pig vdi 25 ky- nang
can thiet trong qua trinh giao dich kinh doanh, du'dc
trinh bay din gicin, that dung (1116i bai g6m 2 phan:
phan 1 la nhting meat cau va thuat ngtz haw dung; phan
2 la bai tap h6i thoai trong chc tinh huong giao dich), se
gitip ngu'ol hoc tu' trau dai du'o'c vein tieng Anh diet minh
not chung, kj, tieing giao dich dam phcin trong kinh
doanh qudc to not rieng.
Scich c6 tang kern dia MP3, chat chdn day se la
mot tai lieu tham khcio thut su' b'd ich danh cho ban doc.
Trong qua trinh bien soan khong tranh kh6i thieU
sot. Rat mong nhein chto'c .)i kie'n gong gap tie phia ban
doc de' ltin tai bcin cudn scich du'o'c hoan thien ho'n.
Digu tra thi tru'o'ng
How will we start selling this new product?
Chang to se belt cldu ban scin phtim mol the 'new?
Do you often carry out market research?
Ong c6 thu'o'ng lam nghien caw thi tru'eing khong?
What's the objeit of market research?
Muc dich cica nghien ctdu thi tru'Cing la gi?
One of the purposes of market research is to find out
whether there's a market for the product.
M6t trong nhfing mizc dich caa nghien cau thi
tru'iing la tim ra thi tru'ang cho sdn
Sometimes the companies do their own market research,
and sometimes they employ specialists to do it.
poi khi ding ty thtking tit lam nghien cau thi
nhu'ng c6 doi lzic ho nhCi ccic chuyen gia ben.ngoai.
In the early stage, the regional managers do the research.
Trong giai ctoan dau, quern ly yang thu'eing la ngu'di
lam nghien ca'u.
Market research is actually an analysis of a specific
market for a particular product.
Nghien caw thi tru'dng thu'c ra la su' pha n tich thi
tru'dng chi tiet cho mat sdn phdm cu the'.
Marketing research is the study of all processes
involved in getting goods from the producers to
Nghien czi'u thi tru'dng la mat nganh hoc nghien ca'u
ccic giai loan czla viec pha n phdi sdn pha m tie nha
sdn xudt den khcich hang I ngu'di tieu clang.
We forecast that the market for this kind of product
will decline rapidly over the next several years.
Chang toi du' docin thi tru'dng cho scan phdm nay se
gidm manh trong vai nam
10. Marketing research is broader and involves more
functions of sales.
thi tru'dng rOng han va bao gam nhieu
cha'c nang ho'n ban hang.
11. The preliminary market test is due to start next month.
Kiem tra so' ba ve thi tru'dng se bat dciu veto (tau
12. Our sales reached the target and the customers'
reaction was good.
Doanh so da dat muc tieu va phdn a'ng khcich hang
rat khd quan.
13. They have no problems with production during the
market test phase.
Khong có bat ca' van de gi ve sdn xudt trong suot
qua trinh
nghiem sdn phdm.
14. We have to run the market test for two months.
Chang ta phcii this' ngh*n thi tru'ang trong yang
2 thang.
15. Everyone knows that there've been some major
changes in our market over the last five years.
Mai ngu'ai deu bidt rang có vai thay cai to low trong
thi tru'ang cUa Wing ta 5 nam tru'ac.
Giao dich 1
Now, did you look at my proposal?
Anh da xem bdn cue xueit cda toi chu'a?
Yes, I did.
To i dei xem r
Why do you suggest this length?
Sao Lai ctj nghi cda anh lai dai ucty?
Short is definitely in.
Ro rang la nein ma.
Could you explain that in more detail?
Anh có the' gidi thich ro han khOng?
Certainly. There's this fashion boom now.
Dude rOi. Hien tai gang có mot su' bang no trong
nganh thai trang.
B: Boom?
Bang no'?
You know how well our workout suits sell.
Anh biet dd tap dm Chungto ban chay nhu' the new
rdi day.
B: People don't look out in miniskirts.
Moi ngu'al khong hang tha A:
vay ngcin.
Yes, but after working out, they go to the clubs in
Thing, nhung sau khi tap luyen, ho di den ccic cau
lac 14 vol no.
B: I see. So the shape-up boom has created a free-up boom.
Toi ham Vay tile la bang no theo kie'u dcing da tao
ra cuOc bang no khong theo khuon mciu khcic.
A: More or less, but I needed to do more design
Da it da nhieu thi toi vein can phdi thvc hien
thiet ke"them da.
B: Okay. Get back to me by Thursday.
Thick roi. Dula no lai cho toi tilt& tha 5 nay nhe.
Giao dich 2
A: How is market research carried out?
thi tru'ang da du'cfc
the nao?
hanh nhu'
B: That's a very wide question. But to put it in a very
simple way, one of the objects of market research is
to find out whether there's a market for the product
and whether we can sell the product in the market.
D6 la ca u hOi rat rOng ddy. Nhu'ng do'n gidn ma not
thi mot trong nhieu muc dich caa nghien ca 'u thi
tru'O'ng la tim ra thi tru'eing cho sdn phdm va xem
lieu sdn pha'm co the' ban du'o'c trong thi tru'dng d6
Who does this kind of job then?
Ai se lam cong viec do?
Sometimes we carry out our own research, but for
major products where development costs are likely to
be high, we employ specialists.
Doi lac chang ta tu' thu'c hien viec nghien ca'u,
nhu'ng ctoi voi phdn pheim co chi phi ph&
triin cao, chang ta se thue ccic chuyen gia
Do our own salesman take part?
DOi nga ban hang có tham gia khong?
In the early stages, only the regional managers do. If
we decide to have some test marketing, some of
senior salesmen will be brought in.
Lac dd u thi chi cc-) quern 13; yang thoi. Neu chi ng ta
quyet Binh this nghiem thi tru'o'ng thi mot vai nha n
vier?, ban hang có therm nien se lank dieu do.
It seems to me that the salesmen receive some
special training.
Hinh nhu' dOi ngii nhan vien ban hang phcii duvc
tap hudn dOc biet.
B: Yes, they all have initial training course when they first
join the company, and this includes product training.
Dung vay. Khi ho veto cong ty ho (la clthic tap hudn
ban ddu, trong do bao gOm ca tap huci-n sdn pheina.
What is that?
Do la gi vdy?
B: As a salesman, he or she must fully understand the
various applications, designs features, special
advantages and almost everything of the products we
Nha n vien ban hang phcii thut su' hilu can ke ccic
ang dung, thiet ke-, ccic lo'i the dac biet vet hdu het
ccic scin phdm ma to scin xuat.
Hen gap cloY tic
Find right person
Tim citing ngitai
Excuse me. Whom am I speaking to?
Xin hoi ai dang not chuyen ddu day the a?
Excuse me. Is this Novel Company in Houston, Texas?
Xin loi. Day co phdi la cong ty Novel a Houston,
Texas khong
Excuse me. Is this 713 - 555 - 9999?
Xin h6i day có phdi so may 713 555 9999 khOng a?
4. It seems I got the wrong number. Sorry to have
bothered you.
Hinh nhu toi det goi nhdm so: Xin loi vi da lam
phien anh.
I was trying to reach another party. Sorry.
Toi dang cogoi cho ngu'ai khac. Xin loi.
Wish for meeting
Mong mudn ducic gap mat
It is imperative for us to meet as soon as possible. It
cannot be put off any longer.
Chang to can phdi gap nhau tang sam cang
Vic nay khong the' tri hoan lau ho'n du'o'c nria.
There is a matter of great importance. It can only be
solved by a direct meeting. When is the earliest time
we can meet?
Win de nay cue kj, quan trong. Chi c6 the' gidi quyet
bang ccich gap tru'c tie-p. Chang to c6 the' gap nhau
sdm nit& la khi nao?
I believe it is best to have a face-to-face meeting as
soon as possible. When are you available? Please
suggest a date of your convenience.
Toi tin rang tot nhdt la phdi gap mat tru'c tie'p. Khi
nao thi anh rdnh? Hay cho toi bie-t ngay nao la
thuan ti'en nhat cho anh.
This matter cannot be dragged on. I am willing to fly to
see you just to resolve this issue. How about the end
of this week? If you cannot make it, please
recommend some other dates.
Vi"ec nay khong the' cha'n chi' ho'n du is na'a. Toi s ern
sang dcip chuye-n bay de-n, gap anh de'gidi quyet van
d6. Cudi tucin nay thi the nao? Neu anh thdy
khong chick thi hay de dat ngay khcic va:y.
Time of appointment
Thai gian hen
My preference would be May 1st or 2nd.
Toi muon hen veto ngay mang 1 hock mang 2 thcing 5.
Could you make it May 1st and 2nd?
Ngay mang 1 va mang 2 thcing 5 c6 du'o'c khong?
Can you suggest an alternative?
Anh c6 the.'cle xudt mot ngay khcic khong?
As an alternative, I wish to propose May 3rd.
Toi mudn thay the vao ngay mang 3 thcing 5.
Giao dich 1
A: Hello. Is this the Novel Company?
Xin chao. Cho hOi day c6 phdi cong ty Novel khOng?
B: Good morning. Yes, this is Novel. May I help you?
Chao Ong. Va ng clang rdi. Toi c6 the9 gizip gi cho Ong?
A: My name is Jack from ABC Company. I would like to
speak with someone who is responsible for imports.
Toi la Jack cong ty ABC. Toi mudn not chuyen vOi
ngu'efi phu trach mcing nheip khdu.
B: I suppose the person you want is James Smith of our
International Marketing Department. I will transfer
your call to him.
TOi cho rang ngu'efi ma Ong mudn gap la Ong James
Smith phbng Marketing Qudc te: Toi se chuyen
may cho Ong geip "Ong ay.
Thank you. I will speak to him.
Ccim do co. Toi se not chuyen vii Ong
He is on the line.
Ong ay gang nghe r6i day a.
Giao Bich 2
I would like to set up an appointment with you,
possibly the later part of April. How does that sound?
Toi muo-n dat mot buoi hen vo'i Ong, co the' vao mai
thcing Td. Ong tha:y sao?
Let me check my calendar. Unfortunately, I have
plans to travel around that time. How about the first
week of May?
toi kie'm tra lai lich xem sao. That khong may,
toi co ke- hoach di du lich vao khocing thal gian
do. Tuan dau tien ctia thcing Nam thi sao?
I see some complications. However, I think I can
move it around. I have to check with my colleagues.
Toi thely co mot chat khO khan. Tuy nhien toi nghi
toi có the' chuy'e'n
Toi phai h6i d6ng nghiep
xem sao.
I understand. Will you let me know then?
Toi hieu roi. Vay hay thong bdo cho Vol biet sau nhe?
A: Yes, I will come back to you as soon as possible.
toi se lien lac lai vdi Ong ngay khi có the.
Am hie9u tam quan trong ctia phong tuc, tap
quan did phuong trong kinh doanh
The iipportance of local culture in business
phong tuc tap quern dia
Tam quan trorig phu'o'ng trong kinh doanh
businesswomen increasingly find themselves working
in Multicultural environments, dealing with real
differences in everything from communication styles
to social etiquette to core values.
Ngdy nay, c6 rat nhieu ccic thu'dng nhan quo-c to lam
vi& trong moi tru'O'ng cta van hoci c6 su' khcic bit
trong tat ca moi tha' tit giao tie-p den quy u'dc xei hoi
hay ca nhring gici tri nen tang cot loi.
Some people often make the mistake of seeing
foreign cultures through their own habitual cultural
thu'dng nhiim lan khi nhin nhan van
MO so
hoci nu'dc ngoai qua Ong kinh van hoci ban dia cUa
chinh ho.
Among the issues to consider before entering into
international negotiations are cultural influences,
cultural types, and cultural variables.
Nhiing vein de nen du'dc xem xet can trong tru'dc khi
tie-n hanh dam phcin glide to la nhring dnh hu'dng
van hod, ccic kali van hod, vet ccic khuynh hu'dng
van hod.
Globalization has changed the way the world does
Toan edit hoci dd thay &di cung each kinh doanh
tren the gidi.
The globalization of economies has created a
confluence of cultures when it comes to business
Toan cdu hod cdc nen kinh to da tao ra su' giao
thoa gii-ta ccic nen van hod khi du'a veto thu'c tin
kinh doanh.
Cultures shock can hit you both coming and going,
something many individuals and companies take little
notice of.
Nha'ng ca so-c van hod cinh hu'dng trric tie-p den viec
ban gia nhap hay torch ra, do la dui' ma nhieu ca
nhan va ccic tong ty chang may khi cha y tdi.
It is far easier to manage your responses than to
change those of others.
Thay dal phdn zing cUa ban de' ho'n la phdi thay doi
dieu ay d Oiling ngu'efi khcic.
A society's culture is far from stagnant; rather, it is
forever evolving and reinventing itself.
n hoci xa hoi khOng phdi la tri tre,
do, no luon luon van ctOng va phcit
thay vao
Cultural identities can stem from the following
differences: race, ethnicity, gender, class, religion,
country of origin, and geographic region.
Ccic chinh clang van hoci có the' bat nguo'n tit nhiing
sit khcic biet nhu' chdng toe, dan tOc, gidi, tang ldp,
ton gicio, nguan go'c xudt va ctia 1Y.
10. Often our own picture of the situation becomes our
own reality, and we dismiss the other sides point
of view.
Thu'dng thi each chicng ta nhin nhan tinh hinh
tra thanh chinh nhan sinh quan cda chang ta, vet ta
thu'dng loaf bo ccic each nhin khcic.
11. People in a national culture also belong to many
different subcultures, such as region, religion, class,
Sometimes these
subcultures can be just as important in shaping an
individual's behavior as national culture.
Con ngu'di trong cling mot ddt nu'ac cling thuik ve
nhieu nen van hoci n1u3 khcic biet, vi nhu' la yang,
ton gicio, tang lap, dan Vac, nghe nghiep. DOi khi
chinh nhrtng nen van hod nh 6. nay cling gap phdn
quan trong trong viec hinh thanh hanh vi ca nhan
nhu' van hod dan tOc.
12. It's often not what you say that counts but what you
don't say. A wink, a subtle gesture can all be signals
that punctuate the spoken words.
Thu'eing thi khong phdi nhiing dieu ma ban noi se
du'o'c tinh den ma lai chinh nha'ng dieu ma ban
khong noi. Mot ccii nhciy mat, mot cu' chi Oleo leo
cang có the' la dciu hieu thay cho ngon nga' hay la'i noi.
13. We should try to avoid a slavish adherence to
stereotypes and to leave room to evaluate individual
behavior in an overall cultural context.
Chang to nen trcinh nhring co hilu ma qudng ddi
voi viec ddnh dong tat ca ma nen ddnh gid hanh vi
cd nhcin trong tong quan van hod.
14. Important aspects of cultural education are cultural
Khia canh quan trong caa gido duc van hod la
nhan thac van hod.
Giao dich 1
A: We seemed to get along great on the telephone. It
was a relief after several years in Eastern Europe to
actually be doing business with the British. At least
we speak the same language.
Moi viec du'o'ng nhu' deu rat troi chdy qua dien thoai.
Thdt may sau vai nam () Bong Au lai du'yc lam viec
thitc sit vdi ngirni Anh. It nhat tOi cang
noi cang mat ngon nga'.
I couldn't agree more. The American and the British
are almost alike, aren't they?
Ding the: Ngu'iii My va ngu'al Anh gein nhu' la gidng
nhau dung khong?
We thought so at first. And I trusted this guy I had
developed a phone relationship with.
Ban dew chang Col cling nghi the da'-y. Va toi rat tin
tu'O'ng et& tele ma toi lien lac trao cai qua den thoai.
Until when?
Den lac neto?
Until I traveled to London to meet face to face with my
British colleague to sign a contract. There was
something that didn't seem right.
Den khi toi bay de'n Luan Don gap mat dOng nghiep
ngu'di Anh de9 ky, kip dOng. Lac deiy mol tha'c sit' co
mot so van de nay sinh.
What happened then?
Co chuyen gi the?
A: Throughout the presentation none of the Bristish, not
even the guy I had developed a phone relationship
with, would look us in the eye. It was like they were
hiding something. Many of us felt uneasy though we
signed the contract later. And I just couldn't get that
failure of them to look at me in the eye out of my head.
It almost ruined the relationship and sunk the deal.
Trong mot buOi thuyet trinh, chang ai trong so
nha'ng ngu'ai Anh ay, therm chi den eel ngu'ai ma toi
hay trao dOi qua dien thoai, cang khong nhin vao
mat chang toi. Gidng nhu' kie'u ho gang the gidu
let chang tai cam thci'y khong
this' gi do. Thu'c
thoai mcii clic rang sau cang hop ddng vein dilcic ky
ket. Vet Mi. khOng the' ngieng suy nghi ve hanh de)ng
do. No gem nhu' lam hang meji quan he va lam suy
gicim ccic thoa thudn.
B: You have to understand this, James. Whereas
Americans believe that looking at someone directly in
the eye during negotiations indicates honesty and
sincereity, the British believe such a guesture to be a
mark of rudeness.
Anh phcii hdu dieu nay James a. Trong khi ngu'o'i
M5, tin rang nhin theing vao mat ai do trong qua
trinh dam phcin la bdu thi diet sif thanh theit va
chein thanh thi Anh lai cho do la mot cei chi
khie'm nhei.
I understand it now. I guess I shouldn't have taken it
so personally, but I still don't like it.
Gib' thi tai hdu rdi. Toi bie't minh khong nen
qua cam tinh nhu'ng tai van khong thich dieu do
chat nao.
Giao dich 2
In my professional career, there are some cases in
which cultural differences have led to
misunderstandings in business.
Trong sit nghiep dia tai, thvc sit dei có vai trilling
hop ma su' khcic biet van hoci den tai nhiing hdu
nhcim nhdt Binh.
Oh. Go ahead please.
0 the et. Chuyen the new vOy?
Koreans, you know, like to have time to think about
their response and thus they gain by nodding and
simply saying "yes". So if someone says "yes" in
Korea, it often means "I hear you" rather than
Anh biet khong, ngu'di Han Qudc rat thich demh
thdi gian suy nghi phdn fing ceta ho vet vi
the ho tiet kiem du'dc thdi gian bang each gOt dciu
hay chi ctdn gian la not "yang". Neu có ai do not
"yang" thi no co nghia let , "v1Ing toi dei nghe anh not
roi" chez' khOng phcii gong y.
But this can often lead to confusion for Westerners.
Nhu'ng diju nay thu'dng dein tdi szt nheim lan ddi vdi
ngu'di phu'dng Tay.
Right. I remember a business meeting in Seoul with a
sales representative from a French perfume company.
Thing the achy. TOi van nha cuOc hop Seoul vdi deti
dien ceta mot ding ty nitric hoa Phcip.
What did you work at then?
I was a buyer for a Korean department store. At the
beginning of the meeting, the French salesman asked
me if his company's perfume was selling well and whether
it was competitive in the Korean market. I answered "yes"
to indicate that I had understood his questions.
Toi la ngu'di mua, dai dien cho mot cel'a hang ceta
The new cd?
Han Qudc. Lac deiu, Ong ban hang Pheip ay h6i toi
lieu nu'dc hoa ceta cong ty Ong ely c6 ban chay khOng
vet d thi tru'dng Han Qudc scin pham ddy c6 khei
nang canh tranh kh6ng. Toi trci ldi "yang" de' am
chi let toi ca hie'u tau h6i cica Ong to rOi.
B: But he misunderstood you, right?
Nhu'ng Ong ay
lcim y anh phcii khOng?
Yes. He thought I had answered "yes" to his questions
and started to make proposals to increase the price
and decrease consumer incentives.
Thing day. Ong ay nghi toi del trci let "Vet' ng có"
va the la bcit dciu thoci thuan de' tang gici vet giam
khuyen meii cho khcich hang.
Oh, that's so embarrassing.
Oi, that la ngai.
A: Quite. As a matter of fact, his product was not at all
competitive and I needed the time to decide how to
present this negative information to him.
bang the: Van d let san pharrt c Ua
. 'Ong ta khong có
canh tranh va toi can thdi gian de' quyet ctinh let
nen lam the new de' not vdi Ong ta thong tin hdi tieu
c u'c ctay.
Chuin bf cho budi gap mat
Arrange welcoming schedule
SAp xep lich trinh tie.p dOn
I'd like to check with you the program for Monday
again to make sure everything is in order.
Toi mudrt
tra lai chu'o'ng trinh horn this' 2, Vol
mart chific chein Wing moi the' deu
We've arranged for a car to pick up Mr Johnson and
his colleague at the airport. They're due to arrive at
Chang toi se sap xe'p o to don ngeti Johnson vet gong
nghiep caa Ong ay a san bay. Ho se den veto lac 8:30.
How will they know who is waiting for them?
Sao ho biet ngu'o'i new se cho' ho?
The driver will be at the exit to the Customs Hall,
holding a placard with Mr Johnson's name on it.
Lcii xe se cho a ceta Hai quan, cam tam bcing có ten
ngai Johnson et do.
Maybe, I should go to the airport myself...
Co the' toi nen tu' minh di den san bay...
If there is any problem, he'll ask for an announcement
to be made over the public address system, asking
Mr Johnson to come to the reception desk.
Neu có bdt c' vein de gi, Ong ay se thong brio qua
thong phdt thanh, cte nghi ngai Johnson den ban
tie:o tan.
If all goes well, they will get to us by 9:30.
Neu moi th' mon se , ho se. den day vao lac 9:30.
I've arranged for coffee, soft drinks and biscuits to be
served in the board room at 9:45.
Chang tOi cla clat ca phe, nu'dc ngot va bcinh quy tai
phbng hop lac 9:45.
Every detail counts, even the coffee. I'll make it myself
if necessary.
Moi thti deu phdi tinh town can thdn, thdm chi cd
ca phe
Toi se tu' phuc vu neU can thiet.
Arrange agenda
Sap xe-p
to trinh
How is it going with the travel arrangement?
Lich trinh chuyen di the nao?
I've managed to book a seat on the flight you want,
and I've made a room reservation for you in a hotel in
yo for five nights. Tokyo is more of a problem. All
the hotels have had their rooms reserved.
TOi dd ddt chj tren chuyen bay ma ngai nation, va
toi cling cla ddt phOng cho ngai tai mot khcich san
kyo trong nam ct,em. Tokyo cuing la clang có van
Tat cd cdc khcich san clew did du'vc clat tru'oc cd.
Are you having any luggage problems?
Hanh ly c a' ct ngai khong có van cte gi chit a?
How to get a room is a problem.
Lam sao
c6 du'yc mot ccii phOng that la mot
Gicio dich 1
How is it going with the travel arrangements, Susan?
Susan, co sap xep lick trinh di the nao ro'i?
I've managed to book a seat on the flight you want,
and I've made a room reservation for you in a hotel in
London for five nights. Berlin is more of a problem.
There is a big trade fair to be held there next week.
All the hotels have had their rooms reserved.
dat mot chi; tren chuyen bay Ong mudn, vet
phOng nghi tai mot khcich san Luan Don trong 5
ngay. Berlin dung la c6 vein c$e. Tucin tai, se có mot
h6i cho' thdang mai low to chic Y do. Tat cd ccic
khcich san deu du'o'c chat chf; het rdi a.
You can find me something, surely?
Nhu'ng Mee cang tim du'o'c mot chj chic' hd?
Maybe, but it'll be probaly far away from downtown.
CO the nhu'ng no han se rat xa trung tam ddy a.
Well, keep trying. You know, it's a very important
meeting and I must keep the appointment. Are you
having any language problems?
V ay co cr.? co- g'dng tim xem. CO biet ddy buSi hop do
rat quan trong va toi thi phdi gii? thing hen. CO co
gdp phcii an de gi v'j ngon ngie khong?
No, all the hotel receptionists speak good English.
How to get a room is a problem.
Thu'a khong, tat cd ccic le tan khcich san deu not
tie-ng Anh rat tot. That sit thi lam sao de' Wit du'o'c
mot phang mai la van ctj.
Try some of the smaller ones.
Hay thee tim veil ccli nhO how xem.
B: I already have.
Toi dci thet ro'i a.
Well, if necessary, I'll look for something when I arrive
Ii, ne-u can V& se tim khi toi den d6 vely.
You might end up wandering in the streets.
Co the' Ong se phdi di long thang tren khcip ccic
pia mat.
A: I've just come up with an idea. My first appointment is
with Mr Brown. His secretary is particularly helpful
when I speak to her. It might be worth giving her a
ring and asking if she has any ideas.
Toi vita nay ra 3 nay. CuOc hen &Ili tien cda Mi la
viii Ong Brown. Thu' kji cda Ong ay dek biet rat nhiet
tinh khi toi not chuyen vdi co ay. Co the' to n'en goi
cho co ay va hOi 3i kie-n co ay xem sao.
B: All right, I'll give it a try.
Dave roi a. Toi se thii' xem sao.
ft$. Gicio dich 2
Hi. I have a reservation. The name's Trang.
Xin chao. Toi da dat cho tru9c d day ra Ten Trang.
Ms. Trang... You have a double room for three nights.
CO Trang... QuY khcich
3 dem.
deit mot phong doi cho
Is that non-smoking?
Co phcii la phong khong duvc phep hat thudc dung
Yes, it is. Please fill out this form, and I'll need a credit
Va ng, thing vay. Xin qu); khcich vui lOng dien velo to'
gidy nay, va toi can mot the tin dung.
Do I need to pay now?
Toi c6 can phdi thanh tocin ngay bay gia khong?
No, we just need a credit card on file. When you
check out, you can use a different card or pay cash if
you prefer.
KhOng a. Chang toi chi can the tin dung de' nhap so
vao file. Khi quY khcich trd phbng, quY khcich co the
sit dung the khcic hay trd bang tien mat deu duVc.
What time is check-out?
Thai gian trd phOng la may gia?
BuSi tru'a a.
OK. Is breakfast included with the room?
Du'o'c r6i. Vay bila sang c6 di kern udi gici phong
No, I'm afraid not. Here's your key. You are in room
Reit tie/c la khong a. Day let chia khaa
khcich. Phong so 1203.
My friend is coming late this afternoon. Could you
leave a key for her, in case I'm not here?
Ban tOi se den clay veto chie'u muan. Co c6 the de'
mot chia khoa cho co ay trong tru'eing hop toi khong
' day khong?
Sure. Just write her name and your room number on
this envelope, and I'll see that she gets it.
Cheic chan a. Chi can viet ten co ay vet so - phong circa
qu3; khcich len phong bi nay. Toi se du'a cho co 61.
khach hang
Welcome for the very first meet
ChaodonchoUndidu geip mef t
I'm glad to meet you.
Rat vui du'o'c biet Ong.
Thank you. I'm glad to meet you too.
Ccim dn. TOi cling rat vui du'o'c gap Ong.
I'm pleased to meet you, Mr Peterson.
ThOt la vinh hanh khi du'o'c gap nged, nged Peterson.
It's certainly a pleasure to meet you.
Ding let rat vinh du' khi duvc biet nged.
The pleasure is mine.
That vinh hanh.
I'm delighted to meet you, Mr Green. I've heard so
much about you from Mr Bush.
Toi rat du'qc gap nged, nged Green. Toi da du'o'c
nghe Ong Bush lei reit nhieu ve. nged.
Greet the former customer
Chao don hhetch hang ca
Hello, Mr Green. It's nice to see you again.
Chao Ong Green. Reit vui led du'o'c gap Ong.
Hello, Mr Hung. Same here.
Chao ong Hang. Toi cang very ddy.
It's a pleasure to see you again.
That vinh hanh du'o'c gap lai Ong.
Thank you. How have you been?
Ccim dn. Dao nay Ong the - new?
We've been quite busy, thanks.
Toi khci la ban, cam an Ong quan tam.
Good morning, Mr Green. How are you?
Chao biz& sang ngai Green. Ngai klu3e khong?
Fine, thanks. How are you?
Toi khOe, cam o'n anh. Anh the nem?
Fine, thank you.
Toi kh6e cam in ngeti.
Ask about the travel
Hoi therm tinh hinh di du'ang
How was your flight? Did everything go all right?
Chuye'n bay ci'ia ngeti the new? Moi thz? de'u on chin
Yes, I enjoyed it thoroughly.
Wing, t6i thdy rat tuy0.
Did you have a good flight?
Chuye'n bay on chit' a?
Yes, it was very pleasant.
Wing, that su' rat thocii mcii.
Did you have a safe trip?
Ngai di binh an chit' a?
It was very comfortable, but there was a little bit of
Rat thocii mai, nhu'ng có ctoi chat ion xOn.
Ask the customer to get on
nghi khcich hang len xe
1. There's a car waiting for you, so please come this way.
Xe dang cho' ngai, xin hay di lai nay.
There's a car waiting for you, so please follow me.
Xe dang chi ngai, xin hay theo tOi.
We have a car waiting just outside the door over here.
Co xe o to dang chi chting to ‘O? ngoeti
I'll bring my car here, so please wait a moment.
ni se cho lcii xe toi day, xin vui long chi mot
I've have a car brought here, so please wait a moment.
rdi se du'a xe qua day, xin chi chat.
Let me call a taxi.
De toi goi mot chie'c taxi.
Let me get a taxi.
• tOi veiy mot chie'c taxi.
Please get in the back.
Xin hay ngdi lui veto trong.
Let me put your bags in the trunk.
Dboi hanh ly diet ngai ra dang sau a.
Ask the customer to look at the schedule
Mai khetch hang xem lich trinh
I have arranged your schedule. I hope it's suitable.
sap xe'p lich trinh cho ngai re.i. Hy vong la no
phit hop.
This is the schedule for you. Mr Hoang from our
department will take care of you.
Day la lich trinh dui ngcii. Ong Hoang cteri tit
phOng ceza chzing teii se gimp db" ngizi.
Let's go over the schedule tomorrow.
Chang to se xem qua lich trinh ngely mai nhe.
Shall we discuss the schedule in the lobby?
Ta se thcio luan ve lich trinh tien scinh nhe?
Giao dich 1
Excuse me, but are you Mr Jackson of Citi Bank?
Xin 1z6i, ngai có phcii la ngai Jackson ceza Nga n
hang Citi Bank khong ?
B: Yes, I am.
Wing toi clay.
How cio you do? I'm Jack of ABC Corp...
Rea han hanh. Toi la Jack 6' tap doan ABC...
B: How do you do? Glad to meet you.
Rat han hanh? Rat vui duvc gap ngai.
A: Did you have a good flight?
Chuyerz bay ceza ngai on chit a?
B: Yes, it was enjoyable, thanks.
ng, rat tuyet, cam do ngai.
A: That's good to hear.
The thi tot qua.
Gicio cJich 2
(Calling out in the crowd) Here I am, Mr Green.
(Goi vdi ra dam &Ong) TOi a day, Green.
Hi, Mr Duc. How are you?
Chao Da'c. Anh khOe chid
Fine, thanks. It's nice to see you again.
Rat khOe, cam dn. Rat riding du'yc gap lai anh.
It's been quite a while, hasn't it?
Phdi rat Ulu
rdi try
Right. It's been almost 3 years since I saw you in Los
Dung the: Da 3 nam ke ta' ngay Vol gap anh a Los
You haven't changed a bit.
Anh chcing thay
chat nao cd.
A: Thank you. Neither have you
Ccim do anh. Anh cang vay day.
Gidi thieu ye sgin phim coa ban
Introduce the product catalogue
Giai thieu danh muc sdn pheirn
Shall I show you our product information sheet?
Toi c6 the' du'a cho ngai xem td thOng tin sdn phdm
cda chafing toi du'dc khong a?
This is our latest catalog.
Day la ca-ta-lo mdi nit& cda chang
Here is the catalog you asked for.
Day la ca-ta-lo ma ngai da yeu cdu.
This catalog shows most of our products.
Clan ca-ta-lo nay gidi thi'Ou ve phdn ldn sdn phdm
cda chicng Mi.
We have a pamphlet in English.
Chang toi ciing c6 mot clan scich gioi thieu scan
pheim bang 664 Anh.
Let me send you our catalog.
Hay de' toi gal, cho ngai ca-ta-lO caa chi ng VOL
Do you have any printed material on this product?
Ccic anh c6 bdn gidi thieu tren gitiy cho sdn pham
nay khong?
Is there a catalog for tape recorders?
Cac anh c6 ca-ta-lo ve sdn pham may ghi bang khOng?
Introduce the outstanding features of the products
Gioi thi'e'tt nhung
deic tinh Uu vift am sit' n phtinz
How is your product better than the competition?
Scin pham cact cac anh c6 gi tot ho'n caa doi this
canh tranh?
What *are the selling points of your product?
Nhiing diem dac sac
a sdn pham caa ccic anh la gi?
Our product is over and above our rival's products
and yet, we're able to sell it at the same price. 9
San pham diet chang toi c6 chat luring Mn han sdn
nhu'ng chi ng toi lai
phdm diet Mi. this canh
du'a ra mac gici ngang bang.
We can offer a superior product at the same price as
our competitors' products in the same class.
Chang ail c6 the' du'a ra sdn pham tot ho'n sdn
pham cling loai caa doi this canh tranh ma vein girt
nguyen intic gia.
You will be able to price our products competitively in
the United States.
Ccic ngai c6 the' Binh gici canh tranh cho scan phci'm
caa chang toi tren thi trdeing Hoa Kji.
Compared with competing products, ours are smaller
and lighter.
So vdi scin phei'm canh tranh tren thi tru'dng, scan
phci'm dm chi ng tai gon nhe ho'n.
Students and children like this computer because it's
easy to operate.
Hoc sinh va tre em u'a thich loai may tinh nay vi no
crer set dung.
Our products are easier to operate than our
Scin phci'm caa. chang tai cre di dung ho'n sem phain
cact ccic
We take less time for an installation than our
Chang tai mast it thdi gian cho viec lap ctat Mn ddi
this canh tranh.
10. The system we have adopted is original.
He thong ma chang tai dang cip dung let nguyen ban.
11. This is the most powerful engine in its class.
Day la dOng co' manh nluit tropg clang scin pheim nay.
12. This car gets good mileage.
Chie'e 0 to nay rat du'o'c u'a chuOng.
13. It's designed to conserve energy.
Scin pheim nay du'dc thiet ke nham tiet kiem nhien
14. Our equipment can be repaired very quickly.
Gong cu ceta chang tai c6 the' du'o'c seta chi 'a rat
nhanh chong.
Introduce the market share of the product
Gidi thieu thi philn eau scin phtim
How is the product selling?
&in phain nay du'oc tieu thu nhu' the nao?
It's selling well.
No dang du'dc tieu thu rat tot.
3. There's a great demand for our new product.
Khach hang dang có nhu cdu rat cao ve scin phcim
mdi coca cluing Mi.
4. There's been a big rush for it lately.
Gcin day moi ngu'di dang coo xo mua sdn phdm nay.
5. The good is very much in demand.
Nhu cdu ve scin phdm nay rat lo'n.
6. There is little demand for the goods.
Nhu cdu ye scin phdm nay khong nhieu.
It's just come out, so we don't know the outcome yet.
San pharn nay mai du'o'c du'a ra thi thu'eing nen
kei quci.
chang toi chu'a nom bdt
8. Which brand sells better?
Nhan hieu nao du'o'c u'a chueing hdn?
9. The DC-200 is the best selling product of its kind.
Nha n hieu DC-200 ban chay nhdt trong cac scin
phdm cling loci.
10. How many sets do you sell a month?
bao nhieu bo scan phdm?
Mji thong anh ban
11. We sell more than 3,000 sets a month.
111Ji thong cluing toi ban dude ho'n 3.000 be) sd n phcfm.
12. We sold 255 sets last month.
Thcing tru'dc chung toi ban du'o'c 255 be) scin phdm.
13. This type of machine is in great demand.
Hien thi trufing gang co nhu cdu cao ve loai may nay.
14. There is a growing demand for it.
-Nhu cau ve sdn phdm nay ngety cang 16'n.
Welcome the customers at the showroom
Chao don /Mach o p hong tru'ng bay scin phain
Please step this way. I'd like to show you our
Xin vui long di 16i nay. Toi mudn gidi thieu vdi ngeti
phang tru'ng bay scin phdm cda chung COL
I'd glad to show you around, all the exhibits here.
Toi flat vui long du'ck chi den cho ngeti, tat cci sem,
phdm clew du'o'c tru'ng bay d day.
Almost all of my company's products can be seen in
this showroom.
H&c het cac scan phdm cua cOng ty chang toi deu c6
the' drive tim
phang tru'ng bay nay.
Please ask any question.
Neu c6 thac mac gi, xin ngeti cii vui long t ca u h6i.
Please take a look at this. It's a new video system
we've just developed.
Xin vui long xem he thong video ma cluing toi mdi
phcit trien du'dc.
Gioo Bich 1
A: These are our new models.
- g toi.
Day let nhiing mciu mdi ceta chim
What are their strong points?
dac diem gi not bat?
No có
A: There's a lot to be said for them. In the first place,
they are more durable than any similar ones on the
Co rat nhiju di'eu de' not ve chang. Tru'dc het, no có
dO be'n cao ho'n bat ca' sdn phaM cling loci neto tren
thi tru'dng.
B: Why does it take longer to wear out than the others?
Tai sao no lai las u sdn rach ho'n ccic san phefm khcic?
The yarn is carefully selected for quality and woven
very tightly in this fabric.
Chi du'o'c chon loc rat ky ve chat luvng vet du'qc may
rat chac chan veto vdi nay.
B: Can you leave these samples with us?
Ccic Ong có the de' lai ccic san phas'm mau cho chicng
toi chit'?
How long do you want to keep them?
Cie ngeti mudn giii trong bao letu?
B: About two weeks.
Khocing hai tudn.
Giao dich 2
First of all, let me tell you a little bit about our product,
"Collen" Collen is a revoluntary new building material.
It is very easy to assemble and has a reasonable
price. The particulars are given in the brochure.
Tru'ac het cluing toi mudn gioi thieu vq cdc ngeti ve
scin phdm "Colleen" ceta chang Mi. Colleen lci mot
loci vat lieu xay dung mang tinh d'Ot phci. No rat clj
kip rap vet gici ca hop ly. Ccic ngeti c6 the' tim
chi tie't trong guyin gidi thieu.
How does Collen compare in cost performarice to
Chi phi On heinh caa Collen so vdi Buraface thi
nhu' the new?
It is difficult to judge by a single standard. Collen is
more expensive than Buraface, but definitely offers a
higher level of performance and aesthetics.
Kho ma có the' dcinh gici n'eu chi du'a tren mot tieu
chudn nit& dinh. Collen deft ho'n Bursface nhu'ng
cheic cheat co chdt lu'dng cao ho'n vet mdu ma vu'o't
tr6i hdn.
What kind of end uses does Colleen go into?
Muc tieu set' dung ceza Collen let gi?
It can be used in most conventional horizontal and
vertical areas in residential houses and can also be
used in high-rise buildings.
No có the' du'o'c dung phein low trong xa'y du'ng nha
thong thu'dng có ket cdu doc hoac ngang va cling co
the' du'dc sic' dung doi vdi nha cao tang.
How does the color of Colleen hold up over a period
of time?
DO ben ye mau sac cilia Colleen qua thdi gian nhu'
the- nao
It holds up quite well. The outdoor exposure tests
show that it is superior to others.
mau khd tot. Cac this nghie:m ngoai trdi cho they
Colleen ben mau hon hcin so vdi ccic san pheim
I wonder if it can be bent and joined to other materials.
Toi ban Moan khong biet no có the' uon va ghep vdi
ccic vat lieu khcic du'o'c khong?
Yes, it can be bent to a certain extent, and normal
adhesives can be used.
NO co the' uo'n cljo trong mot gidi hen nhat ctinh va
có the' ket dinh.
How strong is it against stains?
No có de bi day ban khong?
It is not easily stained, and, even if it is, stains can be
removed by a simple wipe with a cloth.
No khong de bi ban, nhu'ng nett co thi nhz-ing vet
ban se di* lau sack des- clang bang mot mieng vai.
You have told us about the merits of Colleen. Now, I
would like to ask about its shortcomings.
Anh da gidi thieu nhfing u'u diem czia Cohen vCiy
nhieng khuyet diem dm scin pham nay la gi?
To be frank, there is not much that comes to mind.
While it does burn when subjects to flames, almost
everything burns eventually.
Thcing than ma not thi ye diem nay toi khong c6
nhieu lieu
noi. N6 de chciy khi bat hitt nhu'ng
hciu het moi
de'u c6 the chcly ma.
. 7 b '0' cho
COng tic amain bf n6
qua trinh darn phan
I don't think that's a good idea.
Toi khong cho ddy
lay kidn hay ctau.
I think you misunderstood me on this point.
TO'i nghi Ong hdu nhcim y toi r6i.
We're not prepared to accept your proposal at this
Chang toi chu'a seirt sang chcip nhan leii
cac ngeti trong dial diem nay.
de nghi cita
To be quite honest, we don't believe this product will
sell very well in Vietnam.
Thanh that ma not thi chafing toi khong may tin let
sin pheim nay se ban du'dc Viet Nam dau.
Can we do it this way?
Chang toi c6 the' lam theo ccich nay khong?
I'll convey your proposal to my boss and see what he
Toi se chuyen ldi de suit cUa anh den 'Ong chic viz
xem Ong dy se not
We'd like to discuss the details of the contract at our
next meeting.
Chang toi man thdo luau chi tiet ve hop &sing 6'
cuoc hop tdi.
Why do you think so?
Sao Ong nghi the?
I'm sorry, but I'm not sure I understand your point.
TOi xin loi nhu'ng toi khong chd c la toi hieu dung
circa anh.
10. Could you explain that in more detail?
Ong c6 the gicii thich ky ho'n du'oc khong?
11. What we'd like to do in the immediate future is (to)...
Dieu cluing toi muor,2, thu'c hien ngay khi c6 the la...
12. Let's..., shall we?
Chang to ha y...du'oc chid
13. We haven't agreed on the price.
Chang toi Win chu'a GMng y ve grid
14. We'd like to discuss...
Chang toi man thdo luan ve...
15. Our long-term goal is to increase imports.
Muc tieu dai han ceza chung toi la tang cu'Ong nhCip
Giao dich 1
A: So, thank you for coming, everyone. It is really a
pleasure to see you all here. First of all, may I
suggest you take a look at the agenda I sent you?
Would you like to make any comment on that?
Cdm do mai ngu'efi da den du'. Day that su' la mat
vinh hanh leen cho toi. Tru'dc tien, toi xin de nghi
ccic vi xem qua nghi trinh lam viec? Ccic vi c6 gap 3
gi kitting?
B: Yes, I wonder if we can begin with the shipment
question first. We really need to come to an
agreement on that before anything else.
Wing, cluing ta c6 the bdt ddu trade tien voi vein
van chuyen hang hoa thick khong? Chang ta can phdi
thong nit& tru'dc khi ban den nha'ng van de khac.
A: That's true, but it's also a very difficult issue. That's
the reason why I put it last. I thought it might be a
good idea for us to start with the points we have in
common. We'll move on to the shipment issue after
Ruing la the nhang no cang la mat van de rat kh6.
D6 la lY do tai sao toi lai mu& thdo luan ve no sau
Toi cho rang cluing ta nen di tit nhiing diem
Wang ddng trade.. Sau do chang ta se chuyen sang
van de van chuyen.
B: All right. That sounds reasonable.
Du'dc r6i. Nhu vdy cang hop
A: Well, before we go any further, I'd like to say how
strongly I feel that it's in both our interest to reach an
agreement today. The market is becoming even more
competitive and our combined strength will give us
some big advantages, not least in terms of the dealer
network. Now, I think Richard would like to say a few
words about that.
Tru'dc khi bat dau, cho phep toi du'dc not mot dieu
do la toi dim nhan mot ccich manh me rang chang
ta nen gong y vdi thoci thudn horn nay vi chinh loi
ich ceta chicng ta. Thi tru'dng gang trd nen ngay
ding canh tranh hdn vet do do set'c manh tong hop
ceta chicng ta se tao ra lo'i the lo'n, chez khong phai
don thuCin la mang lu'di buOn ban. Ngay bay gid
Richard se có vai ldi phcit
Gicio Bich 2
Hello, Mr Hoang, nice to see you again. How are you?
Chao anh Hoeing. Rat vui gap lai anh. Anh dao nay
c6 kh 6e
. khong?
Fine, thanks. And you?
Toi kh6e, cam do anh. Con anh the nay?
I'm fine, we just moved in our new house. Everything
is in a great mess. It's a nightmare. But I'll appreciate
not having to spend so much time commuting to my
work everyday.
Toi van tot, Chang toi vita chuyin den nha
Moi thee dm rat beta bOn. Rang la dc mOng. Nhu'ng
toi the:1y rat tot vi kh6ng phdi mat nhiL thdi gian
cte' ci lam hang ngay niia.
B: Yes, it took me nearly one hour to get here today. But
service in this area is not so good.
Dung vay, raj phai mat den gait mot tie -ng de' di den
day horn nay ddy. Nhu'ng dich vu yang nay chang
tot lam.
Well, will you like a cup of coffee?
A, anh muOn dung mot chat ca phe cha?
Thank you. That would be nice.
Cam do anh. That tuye.t.
Milk or sugar?
Anh clang du'dng hay silo?
Black will do, thank you.
Cho toi ca phe den nhe. Cam do anh.
So, how's business in your section?
'ray bay gid cong vi'ec cUa anh ra sao rOi?
Not too bad. We have a lot of work to do as far as our
contract with George is concerned this time.
Khong qua re. Chung toi c6 kha nhithi vigc
doi vdi hop dOng vdi George la'n nay.
de lam
A: Then, I think you can say a few words about that first.
Wry hay Id mOt chat v" no tru'dc nhe.
11)1'1 \ -4
Bat dati dam pith?
Take the initiative to raise issues
Chu diing du'a ra vein
Are you negotiable?
Ngai có the' dam phdn khong?
I'm sure there is some room for negotiation.
Toi cluic rang ta vein có the' dam phcin.
Let's negotiate the prices.
Hay thi3a thud n gici cd.
Before we have anything to negotiate, you have to
make me an offer.
Tru'dc khi bu'dc vao detm phcin, toi mudn anh dua ra
mot 161 ct nghi.
We could add it to the agenda.
Chang ta có the' them no veto lich trinh cong
Would anyone like something to drink before we begin?
Co ai muon tiong gi do track khi ta bat dfiu khong nhi?
I don't have much time to go over details.
Toi khong c6 nhdu
gian di veto chi tiet van cite.
Thanks for reminding us.
Rat cam on cid nhac nhei cluing Mi.
We read an article in the June issue of the "European
Chemical News" that indicates your interest in waste
Chang toi da doe mot bai bcio trong td Tin tii'c 1-16a
hoc cha u Au thang 6, vet no cho thdy su' quan tam
cica ngai trong linh vu'c tai che'rcic thai.
10. We heard from the trade that your company is
considering diversifying into communication business.
Chang toi nghe not cong ty circa ngai gang can nhac
viec da clang h6a trong linh vu'c kinh doanh truyjn
11‘ Trade rumor said it that...
den rang...
12. If we are not mistaken, it appears that...
Neu chung toi khong nhdm, thi...
Go into details of issue
Di stilt veto chi tiet van
I have a question to ask you.
TOi c6 mot cau hoi mudn hOi anh.
May I ask you a question?
Toi c6 th'e? hOi anh mot cau hai khong?
Do you mind if I ask you a question?
Anh c6 phijn neit toi hoi anh mot cau hOi khOng?
Would you mind if I ask you a question?
Anh co phien nen toi hai anh mat cd u he)i khOng?
Would you care to answer my question on warranty? I
really need some input from you.
Anh có dcim bcio có the' trci lai cel u 1 -16i c eta Vol khong?
Toi that sz! can thong tin diet anh.
Your answer to my next question will have a great
impact on the whole negotiation. Would you give me
your frank opinion so that we both can have a clear
Ulu tra leii ceta anh se anh hu'Ong
toan ba cuk
dam phan. Anh có the' chea ra y kien thdng than ceta
minh di hai ben clew hitu vein de mot cdch ro rang khong?
Talk about reasons of negotiation clearly
Noi ro a lj, do czia dam phan
As you know, I have been less than satisfied.
Nhu' anh biet clay, toi vein chu'a thu'c sa' hai long.
I am not completely satisfied, as you know.
Toi hoan toan Hieing heti lOng, anh biet day.
I haven't been happy with the situation.
Toi khong heti long vai tinh trang nay.
If appropriate, we will be happy to give you a refund.
Neil hop l Y, cluing toi rat sang icing hoan tien lai
cho ngeti.
We will be happy to refund you the money if it is
Chung toi rat- san long hoan tien lai cho ngai nen
hop lY.
If appropriate, we will return your money.
IV& dieu do hap ly, chang toi se hoan lai tien.
I think we should get down to the bottom line right away.
Toi cho rang ta nen di thdng vao vein ngay.
We should get to the basic issues immediately.
Chang ta nen ban tdi
bay gib'.
van, de co' bdn ngay
The root of the problem needs to be addressed right now.
Ngudn gek dia vein de can coat xcic ctinh ngay bay gid.
10. Cost is not a consideration here.
Chi phi khong phdi la mat van de' can can nil& d day.
11. Cost is not important in this matter.
Phi ton khong phdi la van cte quan trong.
12. We are not concerned about cost in this case.
Chang ta khong quan tam tdi chi phi trong tru'dng
hap nay.
Giao dich 1
A: According to a report in "Newsweek", we understand
that you are interested in a solar energy system.
Theo mat brio ccio trong to' "Newsweek", chang toi
hiiu rang ccic ngai rat quan tam tai 114 thong ming
lu'ang mat trai.
B: Yes, we have been interested in the new system.
Vcing, nhu' ccic ngai du'cic biet, thong toi rat quan
tam den he thong mdi nay.
Have your company done any research in this filed?
Gong ty cua ngai dei thu'c hien belt kji nghien eau
nao trong link vu'c nay chu'a?
Yes, we have done a little. But we have just started
and have nothing to show you.
Co, nhteng chi mot chat thoi. Chang toi mdi chi vita
bat dciu nen chu'a co gi du'a cho ccic ngai xem.
You are too modest. Our survey shows that your
company has obtained certain patents which could be
Ngai that qua khiem ton. Ban die'u tra awl chang
toi cho thdy cong ty cua ngai dei clang kji ccic ban
quyen sang the co the' la rat hdp can cloi vdi belt ki
cong ty nao.
If you are interested, I will prepare a list for them.
Vdy neit ngai thu'c stt muon, Vol se cho chudn bi cho
ngai mot danh scich de' ngai xem.
Giao dich 2
I would like to present our comments in the following
order. First of all, I will outline the characteristics of
our product. Next, I plan to show you how successful
it is in England. Then, I will touch on its general price
level and competitive products, which I am sure you
are interested in. I intend to close with our
observations of the potential market in your country.
Now, if it is all right with you, let me start with my
explanation of the product...
Toi mudn trinh bay nha'ng dcinh gici ciict chang toi
theo tit sau. Tru'dc nhat, tai se khcii quit ccic dac
tinh cita sdn phdm czia chi-mg toi. Ti'dp do, Vol se chi
cho ngai thdy su' thanh ding circa cact no d Anh. Sau
ccic sari phdm
do, tai se. not tdi ma'c gia chung
rang ngai rat quan
canh tranh, Mi. chile char' rang
tam. Toi se ket thac vdi ccic quan sat ve tiem Tieing
sem phdm tai thi tru'Ong dia ngai. Bay gib', hay di
tai bat dciu vdi viec giai thich ve sem phdm...
B: Thank you. That sounds like a very thorough
presentation. If I may add one request, could you
briefly describe the patent situation in this country?
Cam on anh. Day có vJ let mat bai trinh bay rat bao
quit. Toi co the' du'a ra them mat de nghi niia hay
khOng? Anh có the' mieu to so' lu'dc ve thu'c trang
dang 14 ban quyen sang cite- d day du'dc khong?
I would be delighted to do so. When I present my
views on the competitive products, I will refer to the
patent situation. Are there any other questions or
Rat san long thu'a neti. Khi tai trinh bay quan
diem ve cac san phdrn canh tranh, toi se de' cap den,
dieu do. Ngai con bat ca' tau hai hay yeu cciu nao
khcic na'a khong?
No, thank you. Please proceed with your presentation.
Khong, cam do anh. Xin hay tie' tuc vdi phan trinh
bay cita anh.
Lam the nao de9chi6 thing v'e' diefu khan
trong hop gong
Details of the contract
Chi tiet hop ddng
Let's talk about the preparations for the contract.
Hay not ye vi'Oc chudn bi cho hop ddng.
Let's talk about the schedule for the contract.
Hay not ve ke hoach lam viec cho cda bcin hop ddng.
I'd like to discuss the details of the contract.
Toi muo'n ban bac ve ccic chi tiet cda bdn hop ddng.
When can we meet to discuss the contract?
Khi nao chang ta c6 the' gap de' ban bac z4 hop ddng.
Shall we draw up a rough draft of the contract? We
can talk it over in detail at our meeting.
Chang ta phcic thcio so qua hop ddng chic'? Sau cho
c6 the' ban bac chi tiet trong cuac hop.
We will prepare a rough draft of the contract. Please
examine it as quickly as you can.
Chang toi se chuein bi ban phcic thd o hop d6ng. Xin
hay kie9m tra lai trong theii gian nhanh nit& c6 the:
Confim the details of the contract
Xac nhtin not dung hdp ddng
Before we sign this contract, may I confirm a couple of
Tru'o'c khi ki hop d6ng, toi xcic nhein lai mot
chuyen du'o'c khong.
May I ask how you interpret this article?
Toi mudn de nghi ong giai thich lieu khodn nay c6
du'vc khong?
Does what it say in this article mean that the warranty
is invalid in the third year?
Co phcii dieu khodn nay c6 nghia la bdo hanh se het
han vao nam tha' ba phdi khong?
This is an important point, so let's go over it again to
be sure.
Day la mot vein cue quan trong, vi vdy hay xem xet
lai no mot lan nit'a cho cheic chem.
Let's go over the details of this article again to avoid
any confusion.
Hay di vao chi tiet cua lieu khodn nay mot Mn nu'a
de' trcinh nheim
There are still a few points that we haven't discussed yet.
Con mot so lieu chang to chu'a thcio lu an.
There are still a few points that we haven't settled to yet.
Con mot so- yein cte chi ng ta vein chu'a thong nhdt.
We'd like to talk about this point a little more.
Toi !man not them ye vein de nay mot chat.
We'd like to discuss the method of delivery in more
Chang toi muon thcio luau chi tiet how ye phu'dng
phcip van chuyen.
Yes, but I think we should decide upon the length of
this contract.
Ding v ety, nhu'ng toi nghi chicng ta nen guy& dinh
dO dai caa hap dOng.
General agreement and disagreement
Thong nit&
bat (long chung
Let's reestablish the points we agree on.
Hay lap lai nhiing van de ma chang ta dei nhat
We are in accord on these points, aren't we?
Chang ta gang di theo nhfing die''m nay phcii khong?
We agree on everything up to Article three, don't we?
Chang ta cta nhdt tri cho tdi dieu khoii n ba phcii
We are both in agreement on the points of price and
terms of payment.
Chang ta deu dong y ccIc dieu khocin ye gici va dieu
kien thanh tocin.
Just the terms of payment, I believe.
Chi có dieu kien thanh tocin thoi, toi nghi vety.
If we could get past that problem, we'd be ready to
Neu chang to giai quyet du'cic not vein de do na'a thi
co the' ki hop d6ng
The only thing that remains to be discussed in the
question of accident insurance.
Dieu duy nhea con can phdi ban bac do let vein
bdo hieM tai Tian.
de ve
Are there still points that you are not entirely satisfied
Con nhring vein de ma Ong van chu'a ham tam heti
lbng u'?
Price doesn't present any problem, but we are not
happy with the terms of payment.
Khong c6 van, de gi vdi gici cd, nhu'ng chang toi
dieu kien thanh tocin.
khOng heti limg 10. We are satisfied with the terms of this contract for the
most part, but we feel that your terms of payment are
too severe.
Chang toi heti long vol da so ccic dieu khodn caa
hop d6ng, nhu'ng chang toi cam thdy dieu kien
thanh toan qua kit& khe.
Think carefully
Suy nghi can he
I know it's difficult, but I'd appreciate it if you could
give us a little more of a discount.
Toi biet let rat kho, nhu'ng toi dcinh gici rat cao nea
Ong c6 the' gicim cho chang toi them mot chat.
Won't you reconsider the payment terms?
Ong c6 the' xem xet die'u kien thanh town khong?
Won't you think over the terms of that article again?
Ong c6 the' nghi lai ve dieu khocin trong khocin muc
do khOng?
I think you misunderstood what I was trying to explain.
Toi nghi la Ong cta hdu nhcim nhieng gi toi dang co
gidi thich.
Oh? Could you explain to me slowly once more?
O? Ong c6 the' gidi thich ch4m ho'n mot Mn na'a
Why don't we think it over carefully and meet again in
three days?
Tai sao chang to khong suy xet can vet gap lai
sau ba ngety nit'a?
That's a good idea.
D6 let mot y kien hay My.
Contract validity
Ki han hop deing
Do you have any specific period that you would like
the contract to be valid for?
Ong c6 mudn hdp dOng c6 hiOu lu'c trong mot
khocing tho4 gian nlidt Binh new khong?
How about one year at the beginning?
Ban dciu thi mot nam c6 du'o'c khong?
How long shall we make this contract for?
Chang ta se ki hop ddng trong bao lau?
We'd like to make a two-year contract.
Toi mudn lam hop ddng hai nam.
Would you mind if we make this a two-year contract?
Ong c6 phijn khong neit chang ta ki hop d6ng hai
That could be fine. And perhaps we could make it
renewable for two-year period, contingent on the
agreement of both parties.
The cang &loc. vet c6 le chang ta c6 the' gia han hop
ddng sau hai nam, tay thu6c vao thoci thuem dm
I'm sorry, but I want to discuss a few things with my
boss before I sign.
Toi rat lay lam tie-c nhu'ng toi muon ban bac them
mot so- van di vai 'Mg chic ceta toi tru'oc khi chat but lei.
I will draw up a contract next week.
Toi se du'a ra hop cidng vao tuein sau.
How long is the lease?
Hop ching thue keo dai bao Mu?
10. It's two years and upon expiration will be renewed
every two years subject to mutual agreement.
N6 la hop ddng hai nam vet khi het han c6 the se
du'o'c gia han m6i hai nam mot Mn tu5' vao th6a
thuan ciia hai ben.
Gicio dich 1
I was looking over the wording on the contract last
night. Do you mind if I ask you to clarify a few points?
Toi qua toi dii xem lai
eau chi? . trong hyp
dthig. Ong có phdn neU có the' gicii thich lai mot
diem cho toi khong?
No, not at all. Please ask anything you wish.
Khong, khong
Xin ca' hoi bat ea' ddu gi Ong
Thank you. My question is for clarification's sake, and
not meant as a criticism.
Cam dn Ong. Cetu 1u3i coca toi nhiim lam ro vein dj,
khong có y chi trich.
I understand.
A: When the term "ton" is used in the proposed
agreement, does it mean long tons, short tons, or
metric tons? We cannot accept such fuzzy language
in a legal document.
Khi thuat ngi? "tan" du'o'c dc' dung trong hop dung
d' thcio, no có nghia la tan dal, tan nein, hay tan
met. Chang Val khong the' chap nhan ngon ngri
de gay hie'u nhd m nhu' vay trong van kien phcip
1.); duvc.
B: Let's agree on "metric tons", shall we? Thanks for
pointing that error out. I will change it right away.
Hay thong nhat la tan met, duck kh6ng? Cam do vi
da chi ra sai sot cho chang toi. Toi se thay ddi ngay
lap titc.
We definitely should have a clear understanding as to
what you mean by the words "beneficial owner".
Could you kindly paraphrase it for me?
Chang ta nen c6 sit ly gidi ro rang ve cum tU' "Ngu'di
chit hu'dng lo'i". Ong c6 the vui lOng dien gidi cho toi
du'o'c khong?
It means the real owner.
N6 c6 nghia la ngu'di chi thy'c
Gioo dich 2
The draft of the contract is ready. Please go through it
and make sure everything is all right.
Bcin du' thdo hdp ddng da seri?. sang. Xin hay xem
qua va ddm ha o rang moi thdi deu chinh xac.
Well, I think the agreement has covered everything
except some minor points. First, the time of
Du'o'c rdi, toi nghi rang hdp ddng da c6 tat cd moi
thdi trzl mot so diem nh6. Tru'ac ti'en la thdi gian
giao hang...
A: The time of shipment? It is clearly stated that
"Shipment is to be made in June, July, and August
2007". That's what we all have agreed, isn't it?
Thdi gian giao hang Trong do not ro rang "Viec
giao hang dijn ra vao thong 6, thcing 7, va thcing 8
nam 2007". Chang ta da thong nhat nhu' the con gi?
B: Yes, that's right but not exact. So I'd like you to
amend it to read: "Shipment is to be made in three
equal lots respectively in the middle of June, July, and
August 2007".
Wing, Bang nhu'ng khong chinh xcic. Vi ydy toi
mudn seta no thanh "Viec giao hang du'o'c chia deu
thanh ba do't vao trung tudn thcing 6, thcing 7, ya
thcing 8 nam 2007".
OK, I'll see to it right away.
Du'o'c roi toi se seta lai ngay.
Thanks. And secondly, as this is a CIF transaction, I
think it highly necessary to stipulate in the contract
that "The seller should notify the buyer by e-mail after
the loading is completed, and shall be held
responsible for all the losses incurred should he fail to
do so."
Cam dn. Va thz? hai la, vi day la giao dich CIF, toi
nghi can thiet phdi chi ra trong hop ctdng rang
"Ngu'O'i ban nen bcio vdi ngu'o4 mua bang email sau
khi der hoan tat viec chdt hang, va se chiu moi trcich
nhiem ye nh dng
thiet hai xdy ra neu khong thu'c
hien Bang nhu' yay".
A: Thank you for reminding us. I'll add it to the contract.
Have you any more suggestions?
Cam do 'Ong der nhac nhei Chung toi. Toi se them
lieu nay veto hop ddng. Ong có them de nghi nao
nita khong?
No, thank you for your friendly cooperation. Another
thing, please remember the contract is to be written in
Vietnamese and English and both languages are
equally effective.
Khong, cam do vi su' hop tac nhiet tinh cica 'Ong.
Them ctieu nay nila, xin heiy nhd cho ho'p cl -Jng chick
soan bicing tie -ng Viet va tieng Anh va hai ngem ngi?
nay cteu có hieu list ngang nhau.
13TDIY1' \ -5
D ithdong Irrdng thanh cling ci
Ask about the price
Hoi gici
What is the price?
Gici ca (cUa ccic anh) nhu' the nao?
Please quote us a price for the machine.
Hay niem yet gici cho chie-c may nay.
The price depends on quantity.
Gici ci a salt phdm phu thuo:c vao so - lu'dng.
I can't say offhand exactly how much.
Toi khong the.' nal ngay gia chinh xcic la bao nhieu.
The price is $1.50 per yard.
Gia let 1.50 cola mot thu'dc.
The list price is $250 per unit.
Gici niem yet la 250 dola mot
We can give them to you for $185.50 per unit.
Chang toi c6 the ban chang cho anh vdi gici 185.50
cola mot chidc.
The price is $200 per ton.
Gici let 200 Ala mot tart.
Ask for lower prices
De nghi gicim gici
I'd. like to discuss the price.
Toi mudn th6a thuan ye gici.
What about discounts and terms of sale?
Dieu khocin chidt khdu va bcin hang nhu' thd nao?
The prices and discounts are problems for us.
Gia va chidt khdu khidn chang raj ban khoan.
That's a little more than we were expecting to pay.
Gici nay cao ho'n fru& ma cluing toi ctinh trci.
That's too high.
Gici cao qua.
Will you make it a little cheaper?
Anh c6 the' giam gici chat it chide khong?
Can't you quote us anything cheaper?
Anh c6 thd du'a ra milt gia new thdp ho'n khOng?
Will you reduce the cost?
Anh co the' giant chi phi khong?
Can't you make it cheaper?
Anh khOng the' bcin re &in sao?
10. Could you give us more of a discount?
Anh c6
du'a ra mac chiet khdu cao ho'n dadc
11. How much do you think you could bring the price
Anh nghi anh c6 the' gicim gici du'qc bao nhieu?
12. Is this your best price?
Day la mac gici u'u diii nhdt sao?
13. How about $180 per unit?
180 d'Ola mot chle'c c6 du'o'c khong?
14. Please cut the price down to $180 per unit.
Xin hay gicim gici xudng 180 dola mat chie -c.
15. A German manufacturer has offered us a price ten
percent lower than yours.
M6t nha sem xudt dia Dac du'a ra cho chung toi
mac gici thdp ho'n ceza anh 10%.
16. They have just announced a ten percent reduction in
their price.
Ho dei thOng bcio gicim gia 10%.
17. Expensive units won't sell in our market.
thi tru'eing coca chang toi , nhling mat hang dcit coo
se khong ban dadc.
18. If you won't come down to $ 35 000, we won't buy
Neu anh khong gicim gici xuong 35.000 dola, chung
t6i se khong mua.
Accept to give lower prices
Chdp nhan gidm gia
Then, we'll make it $5.50.
V4y chi ng toi se ban vai gici 5.50 cola.
We can bring the price down to $380 per unit.
Chang Vol c6 the' ha gia xudng con 380 cola mot
We'll make a ten percent discount.
Chang toi se chiet khdu 10%.
Ten percent might be possible.
10% la c6 the' dzio'c.
If you order a large quantity, I think a discount would
be possible.
Ndu anh cat hang 66'i so" luring ldn thi toi nghi toi c6
the " chiet khdu cho anh.
If you order 100 unit or more, you will receive a ten
percent discount.
Ndu anh cat hang 100 chi& hoac ho'n thi anh
dut,c chiet khdu 10%.
We'd be ready to give you a three percent special
discount if you order 100 units or more.
ChUng toi sern lOng chiet khdu a mac dac biet, 3%,
neU anh cat hang tren 100 chie'c.
What price do you think would make it competitive?
Anh nghi mat gici canh tranh la bao nhieu?
I'll ask the main office to accept a discount.
Toi se hOi y kidn van phang chinh xem c6 the' chdp
nluftn chiet khdu hay khong.
Refuse to reduce the prices
Tit choi gidm gia
This is the lowest possible price.
y la nui'c gici thdp nhat cc)- the:
The price is quite reasonable.
Ma'c gici nay let khci hop
Ten percent wouldn't be worthwhile for my company.
10% khong có lo'i cho cong ty chang
Raw material prices have risen, so we can't sell our
product at that price.
Nguyen vat lieu tho dei len gici nen chang toi khong
the' ban vai gici coo dthic.
We're selling at cost already.
Chang toi dei ban bet' ng gici than. h san xuat raj.
We're already quoting our lowest price.
Chang toi cla du'a ra ma'c gici thdp nhdt
We cannot make any further discount.
Chang toi khong the' chiet khdu them du'o'c
Our prices are supposed to be much lower than other
Gici dta cluing toi
cong ty khcic.
thdp ho'n rat nhi6i so vai ccic
I'm afraid that there is no negotiate the price.
Toi e rang cluing toi khOng the' dam pilot' them ve
gici na'a.
10. My boss says we can't negotiate the price any further.
Qucin 4); caa toi not rang cluing toi khOng the' dam
phcin them v'j gici.
Talk about the price changes
Thay cal gici
Will the price vary?
Lieu gia c6 thay &di khong?
Prices have risen.
Gia da tang.
Prices have fallen.
Gici da gidm.
The prices have stayed the same.
Gici van nha'
The price has gone up $8.50 per unit.
tang 8.50 cola moi chie"c.
The price has gone down $8.50 per unit.
gidm 8.50 dola mji
We had to raise the price because the cost of raw
materials rose.
Chung toi phdi tang gici vi chi phi nguyen lieu tho
tang len.
Please let us know as soon as the price changes.
Hay tiu5ng &Co cho chi ng- toi ngay khi c6 thay
Please let us know in detail about price changes.
Hay cho chang toi biet chi tiet nhfing thay doi ve gici.
10. Prices may vary, without notice, in accordance with
market fluctuations.
Gici cd c6 the thay c of khong biet tru'ac do nhii- ng
bier' dOng tren thi tru'emg.
11. We'll sell it this time at the old price.
Hien tai chicng toi se ban scan ph&m viii gici cii.
Gicio dich 1
We are interested in some precision machine tools.
We have some inquiries in hand.
Chang toi clang quan tam ten ccic may cong c u
chinh xcic. Chang toi det c6 sgn mot soyeu cdu
That's fine. We can supply all kinds of precision
machine tools. Our products are much admired in the
world market and enjoy a wide acceptance in modern
Du'o'c thoi. Chang toi c6 the' cung cap tat ca ccic loci
may cong cu chinh xcic. Sdn pha'm ctia cluing toi rat
c6 uy tin tren the gidi va dildc chdp nhan rOng reii
trong ding nghiep hien dai.
Can I have a look at your catalogue and the
corresponding technical data?
Toi c6 the' xem ca-ta-lo va ccic thong so by thuat lien
quan du'o'c chi??
Of course. Here are some that will show you our latest
development. You may select whatever you need.
Tat nhien reSi. Day la mot vai ca-ta-lo gidi thieu st!
phcit triin mai nhat cact chang toi. Anh c6 the' chon
bat ccii nao anh can.
I think our users have the impression that your prices
are always much too high, compared with those of
other suppliers.
Toi nghi la nhang ngtidi tieu clang caa chang toi se
có an tuvng rang mac giet cua ccic anh thu'dng qua
cao so vdi cetc nhet cung cap khcic.
Excuse me. It's true that our products do cost slightly
more than other makers, but it's only due to our
technological superiority.
Ccim phien anh mot chat. Thing la sdn phel'm caa
chang Val có dat hdn mot chat so vdi ccic nha sdn
xudt khdc nhu'ng di'eu do let do nhang tie'n be) vu'dt
trdi ve ding nghe czia thong VOL
Your products may have certain advantages but your
prices are too stiff.
San pham caa ccic anh có the' cc-) nhang u'u diem
nheit dinh nhu'ng gia cao qua.
If you give us your enquiry, I shall go very carefully
into the price and try my best to put you on the best of
Area anh du'a ra yeu cciu, thong Vol se can nhac
gici cd ky tang vez no lu'c het sac de' du'a ra dieu
kien tot nhat.
A: OK, I'll come back to discuss it to some detail after
our users have studied your catalogues and price list.
Du'dc. Vay V& se quay lai de' thdo luan cu the' hdn
sau khi da nghien cau ca-ta-lo vez do'n gici ceta
cac anh.
Yes, surely. We hope to do some substantial
business with you.
Vang, chac cha n rai. Chang toi by vong se dat du'o'c
thO, ct thuan chac chan vo'i tong ty anh.
Giao dich 2
Suppose we get down to business now.
CO le chang to nen cang lam viec thoi.
Yes, that will be fine. I've come about offer for
Hisence Air Conditioners.
Vang, du'vc thoi. Toi mudn de nghi mat hang Dieu
hoct khong khi Hisence.
We have the offer ready for you. It's something like
that: 1000 Hisence Air Conditioners, at 200 pounds
sterling per conditioner, CIF European main ports, for
shipment in June, 2007. Since the market is
advancing today, the price we offer you is the best, I
Chang toi cla có thu' chew hang son sang cho anh
day. Ccic ddu kien nhu sau: 1000 may diju haa
khong khi Hisence vdi gici 200 bang mat chie-c, dieu
kien giao hang CIF den tang chinh caa cha u Au,
giao hang veto thong sciu nom 2007. Vi thi tru'eing
ctang tiert triin nen toi tin rang mare gici awl ckang
toi la tot nheit.
But 1000 is not enough, I'm afraid. Last year, I
ordered 1000 but the whole thing rapidly sold out in
less than three months. As I'm sure we can do better
this year, I hope you can offer me at least 3000
Nhu'ng toi e so luring 1.000 chieC la khong da. Nam
ngocii cluing toi da dat hang 1 000 chieC va dei het
sach hang chi trong yang chu'a deiy 3 thang. Vi toi
tin rang nam nay chang toi kinh doanh tat hdn nen
toi by vong cac anh se ban cho chang toi it nhdt la
3.000 chiee.
As the conditioners are in great demand both at home
and abroad, 1 000 is the most I can offer at the
Vi nhu cdu ca trong nu'ac va ngoeti nuldc vj may
diu hOct ngety ding cao nen hien tai toi chi cung
cap du'dc nhiju nhdt la 1.000 chiee.
If you can't suppy our need to the full, our customers
will turn to other suppliers for their requirements. Can
you supply me another 1 000 conditioners?
Mit cac anh khong the' dap a'ng dd y chi mong mudn
ceta chang Vol thi khcich hang clict chang toi se
chuye'n sang nhet cung cap khac c6 the dap ang yeu
cdu ctict ho. Ccic anh c6 the' ban them cho toi 1.000
chieC na'a khong?
Well, we'll try our best to satisfy your demand for the
additional 1 000 conditioners.
Dade, vay chang toi se co - gang het sic de' cung cap
cho cac anh them 1.000 chieC may diju /tea naa.
All right, I'll take 2000 conditioners this time. But I
hope you could supply the other 1000 when the next
supply comes in.
D6ng Y. Lein nay chang
se lay 2.000 chiee.
Nhu'ng chang toi mong rang ccic anh se cung cap
cho chang Mil 1.000 chiee can lai khi c6 dal hang
tie-p theo.
We'll get in touch with you when our position
Chang tai se lien lac vdi cac anh khi chang toi
cc') hang.
Dam phan higp dfrih ve; thug' quan
nhu' the nd°
Have you filled the declaration?
Ong ctei hoan thanh td khai chu'a?
I'm submitting the Customs entries for the consignment
we're importing on steamship Hoang Long.
Toi det nOp bcin khai heti quan hang nhap khdu
bang tau ho'i nu'ac Hoang Long.
Have you taken measures in respect of the Customs
Ccic ling dd xem xet thin tuc khai hai quan chu'a?
The required formalities are carried out within the
Customs regulations.
Ccic thei tuc yeu eau du'ye tie'n hanh theo thing quy
ctinh hdi quan.
If we wait too long, we'll have to pay dock dues.
Neu chang- ta ddi qua lau, chang- ta se phai trci thug ben.
Have you studied the alterations in the taxation law?
Anh dei tim hie'u nhting thay ddi trong Wit thue chu'a?
You must abide by the taxation order.
Ong phdi tud n theo dung trinh tit thue:
Have you got permission for duty-free importation of
the equipment?
Ong có du'yc phep nhe.ip khdu thiet bi mien thuelhong?
We like to ask you to assist us in obtaining permission
for duty-free importation.
Chang toi nutort cdc anh ho try chang toi trong viec
xin phep nkip khdu mien thue:
10. We hope you will exempt us from taxes.
Chang toi by vong cdc ngeti se mien thue- cho chang
11. This consignment is tax-exempt.
Hang hoa nay du'yc mien thue:
Gicio Bich 1
If you don't mind, I want you to explain some basic
concepts of Customs entries and duties. Cotld you
spare some time for me?
Neu Ong khong phien, toi 'man Ong gidi thich cho
mot so khcii niem co' ban ve thue- he'd quan. Ong có
th'e' danh chat thal gian cho toi chi??
Sure. I'll try my best to answer your questions. Please
go ahead.
Tat nhien rdi. Toi se co- g- ing het sa'c cte' giai dcip ccic
theic mac. Mdi Ong.
Thanks, Mm..., when do we submit the papers to the
Customs house?
Cam o'n Ong, khi nao chang Vol se nOp gidy td cho
Try so' hal quan?
You submit the necessary papers to Customs when
you are informed of that your freight was arrived.
Ong Op gia:y td can thiet cho Hai quan khi du'dc
thong brio la hang h&c da den.
Can we hand in our papers before we are notified?
Chang toi c6 the' nop gidy td tru'dc khi &lye yeu
cCiu khong?
Yes, you can. Actually, it's wise for you to pay close
attention to the schedule of the cargo vessel.
Occasionally, you can miss the freight arrival; by the
time the Customs officers examine your goods, you'd
probably have to pay dock dues on the cargo.
Du'dc, Ong c6 the. Theit ra se khon ngoan hdn ne -u
nhu Ong cha y theo doi lich trinh caa thuye'n chd
hang. NH' Ong ld chuyen tau den; khi nhan vien heti
quan ki"e'm tra hang h6a, Ong se phcii tra thue- ben
cho hang hoa.
I see. If we want to save money and also time, we
shouldn't keep the ship waiting to be cleared. Am I right?
Toi hi'e'u roi. Neu chang toi muon tiet kiem tie'n bac
vet thdi gian, chang toi khong nen chd den khi tau bi
kie'm tra. Phcii vay khong?
B: Yes, you're right.
Ming vay.
Gicio dich 2
Are you Mr Johnson? I'm Ms. Green, the one whom
you are going to talk with. I've been expecting you.
Glad you've come.
Ong la Ong Johnson pita i khong? Toi let Green,
ngu'ai ma Ong se not chuyen. Rat vui vi Ong dei
I am very pleased to meet you.
Toi rat ha'n hanh durac gap ba
Please tell me what I can do for you? Don't hesitate.
Ong ca' not xem toi c6 thi giap du'ac gi? Xin ding ngai.
Thank you, Ms. Green. We would like to discuss the
problem of Customs clearance today.
Cam o'n, ba Green. Horn nay cluing toi man thdo
Juan vj vein ct'J lam this tuc Hdi quan.
I'm ready to discuss with you. What do you have in
Toi del sgn sang di thdo luan vo'i Ong. Ong dang
ban khoein dieu gi way?
I think it is your responsibility to clear the Customs,
because the construction project is being carried out
on a "turn-key" basis.
A, toi nghi trach nhiem lam thd tuc he'd quan thuOc
ye ben bet, bai vi du' an xely dung nay du'o'c thu'c hien
tren co .36? "Chia khoct trao tay".
Sure. It is a "turn-key" project. But I think it will help us
both if you take charge of Customs clearance, and we
focus our attention on the quality, the cost, and the
design of the project.
Chcic chdn roi. Do la du' an "Chia khoa trao tay".
Nhu'ng toi nghi rang se có lo'i cho cd doi ben it& ccic
Ong lam thei tuc hcii quan, con chzing toi tap trung
vao chdt lu'o'ng, chi phi va thiet ke c eta du' an.
OK, that sounds quite reasonable. We agree to clear
the Customs ourselves. But you should take care of
your obligations. Is that all right?
Du'o'c roi, nghe hdp lY ddy. Chang toi chdp nhcin
lam thei tuc Hdi quan. Nhu'ng ben ba nen chit Y den
nghia vu dia minh. Vdy du'o'c chin
That's all right. Thank you very much. You see our
cooperation is a fruitful one.
VC.iy du'o'c. Cam do ong rat nhieu. Ong se thdy su'
hop tcic dict chang to thanh cong.
Perfectly right. Just as you said, business partners
should share profit and loss.
Hoan toan dung. Nhu' ba da noi, ccic ddi tac kinh
doanh nen cling chia se lo'i nhudn va thua
BTDIY1'.1- 6
Dam phan ve quyen loi va trach nhi?in
chinh sach Ido hie.9m
The buyer asks about insurance issue
Ben mua hoi ve van cue bao hie9m
For marine insurance on garments, what risks do
you cover?
Trong bcio ham hang hdi ctoi vai hang may mac,
cac "Mg bcio hie'm nhitng rzii ro nao?
What coverage can you provide for my consignment?
Cac "Mg có the: cung cap loai bao ham nhu' the nao
cho hang h&c cda toi?
For this shipment, our client requests you to insure
against All Risks and War Risk.
Khcich hang clia cluing toi yeu cciu bdo hie'm rdi ro
toan bo vet ro chi& tranh cho teeng chuyen hang.
Do you cover risks other than WPA?
Cdc 6ng c6 bao ham nha'ng reti ro ngoai WPA (Bao
hi'e'm tan that rieng) khong?
What is the difference between WPA and FPA?
Dam khcic biet gia'a WPA va FPA (Bao hiern, tan
that rieng) la gi?
What coverage will you take out for the goods if the
business is concluded on a CIF basis?
Ccic Ong se cung cap pham vi bao ham nhu the new
cho hang hoa coca chang toi Tau nhu' thu'o'ng vu
du'o'c tien hanh tren cd so' CIF?
How do you fix the premium rates?
Ccic Ong co Binh ccic mile phi bcio ham nhu' the nao?
Do your underwriters offer you any premium rebate?
Nha'ng to cluk bao lcinh thanh toan hop gong bcio ham
caa cac Ong- c6 &fa ra viec gidm phi bap ham khO'ng?
The seller introduce insuarance issue
Ben ban- giai thi@t ye van des bdo hiern
Generally speaking, we insure WPA on CIF sales.
Nai Chung thi Chang toi bcio ham WPA v61 nha'ng
hang hod dude van chuyin theo di& kien CIF.
For transactions concluded on a CIF basis, we usually
effect insurance with Bao Viet Insurance company
against All Risks.
Ddi vdi nhiing giao dich du'a tren cd si) CIF, Chang
toi thiking ki hop clang bcio hie'm cho moi loci raj ro
vdi Gong ty bcio ham Bdo Viet.
We usually insure the goods against All Risk and War
Risk for 110% of the invoice value.
Chang toi thu'Ong bcio hie'm rai ro tam b6 va rai ro
chi& tranh bang 110 % gid tri hoci ddn.
Special risk are not covered unless the buyer asks for
them and the extra premium will be for the buyer's
Rai ro deic biet khong du'dc bao gdm tret phi c6 yeu
eau tit ngu'di mua va mot khocin phi phu se du'dc
tinh vao tai khocin cda ngu'di mua.
We generally insure our export shipments with Bao
Viet Insurance Company.
Chang toi thzidng bdo hie'm hang xuat Cong ty
bdo hiem Bdo Viet.
WPA plus Risk of Breakage suits your consignment.
WPA cong vdi Rai ro vd h6ng rat hop vdi hang hod
cda 6ng.
If you prefer to have CIF price instead of CFR price,
you only need to add 0.3% to the quoted price to
cover the insurance premium.
Nel Ong mudn chuyin tit gici CIF sang CFR, Ong
chi phdi c6ng them 0.3% vao gici du'dc bcio de' bit
dap khodn phi bcio hie'm bd sung.
Discuss about the insurance premium
Ban bac van
de' phi bdo hie9m
If you want us to insure against a special risk, an extra
premium will have to be charged.
Neu ccic Ong mudn chang toi bdo ham rici ro c ac biet
thi se melt them mot khocin phi bdo hie'rn bd sung.
We may also insure the shipment against any
additional risk of your desire, but the extra premium is
to be borne to you.
Chang toi có the' brio ham bdt ca' loai rai ro nao
theo yeu cdu, nhu'ng Ong se phcii chiu khodn phi bdo
hie.'m bd sung.
If you wish to cover the goods against any additional
risk, you should pay the extra premium.
Neu Ong mudn chang toi bdo hie'm hang hod ddi vdi
loai rai ro them nao thi Ong nen trd khodn phi bdo
hie'm, be; sung.
Please note that our insurance coverage is for 110%
of the invoice value only.
Xin hay cha y rang pham vi bdo hie'm caa chicng toi
chi bang 110% gici tri hod
The premium for the difference between 110% and
130% of the invoice value should be borne by the
Khocin phi bdo hiem bd sung ddi vo'i khodn chenh
tech gia'a 110% va 130% gici tri hod do'n se do ngu'di
mua chiu.
Usually the amount insured is 110% of the total
invoice value. However, if a higher percentage is
required, we may do so accordingly but you have to
bear extra premium
ThOng thu'o'ng thi khodn duvc bdo ham bang 110%
gici tri hod cto'n. Tuy nhien n'e -u nhu ti le phdn tram
cao ho'n du'yc yeu cdu, chang toi có the' lam theo
nhu'ng Ong se phdi chiu khodn phi bdo hie'm bd sung.
Giao dich 1
May I ask what exactly insurance covers according to
your usual CIF terms?
Toi c6 the' hai chinh xcic khodn bdo hie'm theo
di& khodn cda CIF du'qc khong?
We generally cover insurance WPA and War Risks in
the absence of instruction from our clients. And we
could add special coverage if you require.
Thong thu'ing chi m
- g tai chi bdo hiem WPA va Rdi
ro chi& tranh ne-u nhu' khong c6 nghi new tzd
phia khcich hang. Va chung tai c6 the' them pham vi
•bdo ham dac biet theo yeu ceiu cda Ong.
My consignment is easy to be broken, so I'd like to
add the risk of breakage.
Hang hoci dia tai rat de- vd, vi vety tai moon them
khodn Rdi ro vd hang.
We can get this for you. But breakage is a special risk,
for which an extra premium will have to be charged.
You must bear the premium for this sort of special
Chung tai se lam nhu' vety cho Ong, va khodn phi
bdo hiern 136:' sung se du'o'c tinh. Ong phcii chiu phi
bdo hiem bo sung vo'i loci rdi ro de:ic biet nay.
A: That's understandable. Please insure the goods at our
cost against breakage in transport.
Dieu do c6 the' hiiu dack. Xin vui long bdo hie'm
hang hod tai md'c chi phi ddi vo'i viec va hang trong
quci trinh van chuyen.
B: OK. We'll cover the goods as you require.
Dade ref.i. Chang tai se bdo dean hang hod theo yeu
edit cda 'Ong.
A: Thank you.
Ccim dn.
Giao dich 2
Good morning, Miss Smith. Don't you think you could
make the price C&F for our future business? And how
much will you take off?
Chao bit& sang, bet Smith. Bet c6 the' tinh mac gid
C&F vi szi hyp tcic trong tuzing lai cda chzing to
du'qc khong? Vet bet c6 the' gidrrigici chang neto?
B: The rates quoted by the People's Insurance Company
of China are moderate. They have very little effect on
our CIF prices. Roughly speaking, the difference
between CIF and C&F is about 0.4%. The premium
varies with the nature of the goods, the degree of
cover desired and the place of destination.
Nhiing mac gid du'o'c du'a ra b61 Gong ty bdo hie'm
nhein dein Trung Qudc let mac trung binh. Chang c6
cinh hu'Ong reit it den gid CIF. N6i chung, sa khcic
biet gid'a CIF vet C&F la khodng 0.4%. Phi bdo
hie'm thay doi tiny theo ban chat cita hang hod, md'c
de) bdo hiem yeu ceiu vet diem den.
0.4%, that sounds quite reasonable. I have another
question to ask you.
0.4%, c6 ve hop ly. TOi c6 eau nay mudn hOi bd.
What is it? I hope I can help you.
La gi vely? Toi by vong c6 the giap du'o'c orig.
We are given a CIF New York price for some textiles.
What coverage should we arrange for?
Chang toi du'o'c tinh gici CIF tai New York ddi vdi
mot so mat hang det may. Chang t6i nen chon
pham vi bcio hiem new?
In that case, you don't need All Risks.
Trong tru'dng hop nay, 'Ong khong can Bdo hiem
tam b6.
What's the reason?
Vi sao vdy?
You see, textiles are not delicate goods, and won't
likely be damaged on the voyage. FPA is enough.
Ong thdy ddy, hang det may khong phdi la hang de'
vet khong c6 khd neing bi hu' hOng trong (pia
trinh vein chuyen. FPA let dd
A: But FPA does not cover partial loss of the goods in transit.
Nhu'ng FPA khong bao gdm ten theit tiing phein coca
hang &Oa trong qua trinh van chuy'en.
Then, what about WPA? WPA policy covers you
against partial loss in all cases. In that case, WPA is
better for you.
Vely WPA thi sao? Hop ctdng bdo hiem WPA bao
gdm ton thdt teing phein trong moi tru'eing hop.
Trong tru'eing hop nay, WPA se tot him cho orig.
Dam phan 176 Hen hoa hong
Ask about the commission
ve tan hoa hdng
We would like to know your usual practice in giving
Chang tot mudn biet ve thong le chia hoa hOng cua
ccic anh.
How much commission will you allow us?
Ccic anh ctOng y cho chang toi hu'c'ing mac hoa hOng
la bao nhieu?
I'd like to ask how much commission you usually give.
Toi mudn biet ccic anh thithng chia hoa hOng nhu
the nao?
What's your usual practice in giving commission?
anh thu'o'ng chia hoa hOng nhu' the new?
We are anxious to know your usual practice in giving
Chang UM rat ban khoan mudn biet thong
Ong trong viec chia hoa hang.
Quote the commission
Disaratylehoa hang
Our quotation includes a 5% commission.
Gici caa chang toi dei bao gam 5% hoa hang.
2. To be frank, we don't allow any commission* in general.
Thang than ma not thi chafing toi thu'emg khong
chdp nhdn khocin hoa hang new cd.
We usually don't allow any commission. But if the
order. is large enough, we'll perhaps consider your
Chang toi thu'eing khong quy dinh hoa hang nhu'ng
ne-u ccic anh c,Tat hang vdi c6 the' chang
toi se xem xet ere nghi ceza ccic anh.
Commission depends on the quantity of the goods
Hoa hang phu thuOc vao so lu'dng slat hang czia
cdc anh.
Since the price we quoted is already very low, we are
unable to make any further concession by allowing
you any commission.
gid chafing toi du'a ra c a rat thdp rdi nen
chafing toi khong the' gidm gici them na'a bang viec
chia hoa hang cho cci c anh chive.
We'll give a 3% commission for an order of 5000
cases and give 1% more for each additional 1000
Chang toi se cho ccic anh hiding 3% hoa hOng ddi
voi dan clat hang vai so lu'ang 5.000 kien va them
1% viii m6 i 1.000 kin bd sung.
Negotiate to increase the commission
Dam phcin ming cao ty le hoa bong
As commission agents, we do business on a
commission basis.
Vdi vai tro la dai l); trung gian, chi ng toi kinh
doanh tren co' so' hiding hoa hOng.
We usually get a 3 to 5 % commission from American
suppliers. It's the general pratice.
Chang toi thu'o'ng duac hiding 3 den 5% hoa ItOng tie
ccic nha cung cap chau M5. D6 la thong le chung.
I do business on commission basis. A commission on
your prices would make it easier for me to promote
Chang toi kinh doanh tren co sa hiding hoa hOng.
n tram hoa hOng tren gici ban se khieri chi ng
toi de- clang ddy manh ban hang ho'n.
Since your products are new in our market, we have
to spend a lot of money on advertising.
Vi scan pham cda ccic anh la scan pharn mdi tren thi
tru'eing cact chung toi nen chi ng toi phdi ton rat
nhijit chi phi qud ng cao.
What do you say if we increase our order to 5000
Neu cluing Vol tang so lu'o'ng dat hang len 5.000
kien thi the nao?
The other customers have established their markets
while we have to start from the very beginning. It
would cost us a lot to advertise your products.
Ccic khcich hang khcic thy dung du'o'c thi tru'dng
trong khi chicng toi phai bat dau to bu'dc dciu. Dieu
do khiert chi ng toi phai tan nhieu chi phi cho
qucing ccio sari pham.
Allow higher commission
Cho phep mut hoa hang cao ho'n
We'll give/ allow/ grant you a 3% commission as an
Chung toi du'a ra cho phep I cho anh hu'dng 3% hoa
hang nhu' mot ngoai le.
We've accommodated you in allowing a 2%
Chang toi city u'u tien cho ccic anh hu'dng 2% hoa hang.
In that case, we may consider giving you a 3%
Trong tru'ang hop do, cluing toi c6 the' xem xet cho
anh hiding hoa hang 3%.
There is something in what you say. Ok, I'll increase
the commission to 4%.
Ccic anh not cling c6 ly. Thai du'o'c, UM se tang tien
hoa hang len 4%.
We can increase the commission by 2% if you place
an order for 20 000 dozen.
Chang toi c6 the' tang tien hoa /ding len 2% nea cac
anh t hang vo'i so luvng la 20.000 ta.
Refuse to allow higher commission
Tic choi nang cao ty le hoa hdng
I'm afraid that it goes against the general commercial
practice to allow a commission.
Toi e rang chung toi se di nguo'c lai thong le . thu'o'ng
mai chung nea chdp nhan hoa hdng.
The articles you are going to buy from us are our best
sellers. I don't think you'll have any difficulty in selling
Mat hang cac anh mua caa chung toi la nhfing mat
hang ban chay nhdt. Toi khong nghi la anh se gap
kilo khan gi khi ban chung.
That's exactly the same we give to other customers. If
they get to know that we give you a higher
commission, they are likely to complain about it.
D6 ding la mil'c ma chung toi cho cac khcich hang
Neu ho biet chung toi cho cac anh
hu9ng hoa hdng cao hctn, ho se phan nan.
A 10% commission is more than we can bear as the
price we offered you is already the rock-bottom price
and our profit margin is very narrow.
Hoa hdng 10% la quci cao so vo'i chung toi vi mite
gici caa chung toi cia la ma'c thdp nhdt via lob nhua n
bien caa chung toi rat hep.
Since a higher commission means a higher price, it
could make our product less competitive.
Hoa heing cao ho'n se lam gici tang len vet die'u do se
lam cho scin pham clict chang toi kern canh tranh.
Gicio dich 1
Mr Tuan, now let's get down to commission.
Anh Tuein, gid chang to hay cang thdo luan ve vein
d'j hoa hOng nhe.
Well, Mr Smith, you know, our prices are quoted on
FOB net basis. As a rule, we don't allow any
Anh Smith a, anh biet defy, gici cUct chang toi la girl
rOng theo die'u ki'en FOB. Theo nhu' quy dinh thi
chung toi khong chap nhan hoa hOng.
But, you know, we're a commission agent. We do
business on commission basis. Commission
transactions will surely push the sale of your products.
Nhu'ng anh biet day, chang.toi la mot dai ly hoa
hOng. Chang toi kinh doanh tren co' so' hu'O'ng hoa
hOng. Nha'ng giao Mich trung gian cheic chan se dets'y
manh doanh so ban hang coca ccic anh.
But your order is really not a larger one. You know,
larger quantity will bring you some exception.
Nhu'ng doh dat hang cda ccic anh lai khong du 16'n.
Anh biet la alu'o'ng lo'n se cho ccic anh mot so ngoai
What do you mean by a larger one?
Y ccic anh la sao khi not den mot clan dat hang low ho'n?
I mean that we will consider giving some commission
only when the order comes over a total amount of $50
000 or over.
Co nghia la chang tai chi xem xet cho phep hu'a'ng
hoa hang ddi vo'i do'n dat hang c6 gia tri tren 50.000
do la.
A: $ 50 000? That's really a large order! Mr Lee, it is said
that to lose a client is much easier than get one. This
is our first transaction. With an eye for our future
business, we hope we will be granted more favorable
50.000 do la? Nhit the thi nhieu qua! Anh Lee a,
ngu'b'i ta vein not rang lam mat mot doi tcic thi de
Mn nhieu viec giu &ice ho. Day la giao dich clau
ti'en ceta chang ta. De tao nen tang cho viec hop tcic
trong tu'o'ng lai, chang tai by vong anh se cho chang
tai hu'eing nhieu dieu khocin u'u hon.
Well, Mr Smith, what do you think of this: you increase
your order to $45 000 and we grant you 2%
The nay anh Smith nhe, anh nghi the nao neu ccic
anh tang gia tri chat hang len 45.000 do la va chung
tai se cho ccic anh hu'eing 2% hoa hang?
Mr Lee, I very much appreciate your concession. But
we can only get 3% commission from European
Anh Lee a, tai rat cam kich tru'ac cue nghi awl anh.
Nhu'ng chang tai chi dang y hu'Ong 3% hoa hang tip
ccic nha cung ang cha u Au.
But, Mr Smith, our price is so favorable that it leaves
us almost little or no margin of profit. However, I am
afraid that this is the best we can do. .
Nhu'ng anh Smith a, gici dict chafing toi cta qud u'u
dai den neii chung toi ha' u nhu' khong co lo'i nhu'an
bien. Dic sao chung toi e rang cluing toi chi có the'
gicim den mite do thoi.
No further discussion?
KhOng c6 them mot th'Oa thuan nao nila sao?
I'm sorry. Please make allowance for our difficulties.
Toi rat tie-c. Hay thong cam voz nhithg kh6 khan
caia chafing
A: Ok, let's see it.
Thoi du'ye, de" chang toi xem xet.
!Et. Gioo dich 2
I'd like to know how much commission you are
Chang toi man biet cdc anh man hiding hoa h6ng
nhu' the new?
8% on the FOB basis.
8% theo dieu kien FOB.
A: 8% would be impossible for us. Our usual practice is 5%.
Chang toi khong the' dcip ang ma'c 8%. Illa'c hoa
h6ng thong thu'eing cluing toi la 5%
I feel 5% is really out of the question. Surely you will
agree that a small advertising campaign will go far in
paving the way for your products. I'd like to ask who
should bear the advertising expense. Can you expect
to put them on our account?
TOi nghi la mac 5% la khong the du'dc. Ccic anh
civic chan se d6ng y rang mot chien dich marketing
nh6 se c6 tcic dung ldn trong viec and dadng cho sdn
pha'm dia ccic anh. V ay Vol ban khoan ai se chiu chi
phi quang cdo? Hay ccic anh by yang chung toi se
Generally speaking, we are not prepared to go to
such expenses at this stage. But as your district is a
new market for us, we shall allow 2% of your sales to
be appropriated for asvertising purpose.
Nai chung giai doan nay chung toi chu'a chuCin bi
cho nhi-eng chi phi dó. Nhu'ng vi khu vu'c cad anh la
mot thi tradng mdi doi vai chung toi, chung UM se
cho cdc anh hating 2% tren doanh thu de' biz dcip
cho viec qucing ccio.
That's really not much, especially for the start when
advertising is most important. Well, if you can do
better for advertising we can't but agree to 5%
commission and 2% of the sales.
Mac do thu'c sit' khong dcing ke ctac bit khi ma
qucing ccio (long vai tre rat quan trong trong giai
doan &at. Neu cdc anh c6 the' lam tot viec nay,
cluing toi khong the' lam gi khcic hdn la d6ng .); vdi
mac hoa h6ng 5% va 2% tren doanh thu.
BTD1 1 1 . -7
Dam phan ve van cue chuyen giao ki thuOit
Technology transfer
Chuyen giao tong ngh0.
We'd like to buy the technology.
Chang Val mudn mua cong nghe.
We purchase your technology chiefly in order to
renovate our old equipment.
Chang toi mua ding nghe cia 'Ong chi ydu la de' cdi
tidn thidt bi cit.
In what form will you transfer the patent?
Ong se" chuye'n giao bang sang chd d clang nao?
We hope that the technology to be imported must be
advanced and capable of developing and producing
new products.
Chang Vol by vong tong nghe du'o'c nhap khclu phcii
tien tidn va có khci na ng phcit trim va sdn
xueit nhieng sdn phdm mdi.
We'd like to transfer the right to use the patent in the
form of license.
Chang toi mudn chuyin giao ban quyen sang che dadi hinh thac giefy phep.
The know-how tells one all the details of how to
manufacture the equipment.
Phu'dng phcip san xudt cho biet moi chi tiet ye viec
cite tao thief bi.
The licence only gives one the right to manufacture
the equipment.
Bang sang che- chi cho mot ngu'di quyen che- tao thief bi.
How long will you allow us to use the patent?
Ong se cho phep chicng toi sa' dung ban quyen sang
the trong bao u?
Although we don't want to provide you with the
equipment, we're quite willing to transfer the patent.
Mac da chung toi kh6ng mudn cung cap cho Ong
thief bi, cluing toi lai sgn long chuyen giao bcin
quyen sang ch/e.
10. The duration of the contract shall conform to the time
needed by the recipient to assimilate the technology
Thal gian caa hdp dO'ng se phi hdp vdi thdi gian
can thief de' ngu'di nhcif-t c6 the lam quen vdi cong
nghe du'dc cung cap.
11. The technicians sent by the sellers have the obligation
to give the buyers technical guidance in the plant
Ccic ky thuat vien ben phia ngu'di ban c6 trcich
nhiem cung cap cho ngu'di mua phd n hu'Ong den ki
thuat trong viec lap rap may moc.
12. The suppliers shall ensure that the technology
provided is complete, correct, effective and capable of
.accomplishing the technical targets specified in the
Ccic nhet cung cap se dcim bdo rang cong nghe du'o'c
cung dip phdi hoetn thien, chinh xcic, hieu qud va
ctic khd nang hoetn thanh nhring muc tieu ki thue2tt
du'o'c nett trong hop ddng.
13. You shall offer us the information concerning trade
secrets, manufacturing technique and know-how,
which is necessary to produce products.
Ong se cung cap cho chang toi nhring thOng tin lien
quan cten ccic bi mat thu'ang mai, ki thuat sdn xuelf
sdn pha''m va phu'o'ng ti& sdn xudt nhiing tha' can
thief de' sdn =tit ra ccic sdn phdm.
14. The recipient shall undertake the obligation to keep
confidential, in accordance with the scope and
duration agreed upon by both parties, the technical
secrets contained in the technology provided by the
supplier, which have not been made public.
nha n se chiu trcich nhiem bi mat, theo
dung pham vi va thbl gian du'yc chdp thuan b.& hai
ben, nhi'ing ky thuat sdn xudt sdn phdm bao gdm
trong cong nghe du'o'c cung cap b(31 nha cung cap
chu'a du'yc cong khai.
15. You should provide the technical know-how in
connection with the production of the machine and
train our workers how to use it.
Ong nen cung cap phuting phap sdn xueit lien quan
den viec sdn xueit may moc va deto too Gong nha'n
circa chang toi ccich st'z' dung no.
16. We guarantee that the know-how transferred to us will
be kept confidential and not let out or be passed on to
a third party.
Chang toi dam bcio rang 14 thuat san xudt ctu'ac
chuye'n giao cho chang tai se du'o'c girt' bi mat va
khong de' la ra ngoeti hoac chuye'n cho ben tha ba.
17. Equipment delivered by you shall be of latest type and
brand new.
Thiet bi duac 'Ong chuyen cho chang toi se phcii la
loai mdi nhdt va hoan toan
18. We agree that any reproductions, notes, summaries,
conversions, translations or similar documents
containing or relating to the technology shall
themselves become -immediately upon their creation a
part of the technology.
Chang toi gong, y bdt ca' nhiing szzd tai san xudt, ghi
cha, torn tat, dich thuat hoac nhiing tai lieu có chaa
hoac lien quan dert cong nghe se tra thanh mat
pha n ciict cong nghe.
19. During the term of this agreement, any developments,
modifications, improvements,
concerning the licensed products and equipment
made by you shall become part of the technology.
Trong slat thai han hap clang, bdt cic nhiing su'
phcit trait, ccii tier, thay ctoi , hoac sang che- lien
quan de'n nhi'ng san phel7m du'ac cap bang vet thiet
bi cza cac ong se tra thanh mat phcin cUct cong nghe.
20. You should help us to modernize our production
through technology transfer.
Ong nen giap chang Mi hien dcti h&c san xucit bang
cach chuyeh giao cong nghe.
Delicately wording
Try ngil kit& leo
The technicians and experts of both parties should
hold meetings from time to time for technical
Ccic ki thu4t vien va chuyen gia coca hai ben nen
hop thu'ang xuyen c e'trao c1.61 ve kj, thuat.
We wish to establish long and steady technical
cooperative relations.
Chang UM man thiet lap nhring mai quan he hop
tcic ki thuat lau dai va o'n Binh.
It'll much cheaper to make the equipment with nut -.
See dung ley- thuat scan xudt coca chang toi de' san
xulit thiet bi se re han nhieu.
The price includes the know-how and the patent as
Gici coca san phdm bao g6m ca ky thuat sein xueit va
bang sang che:
I think buying the know-how is better than buying the
right to use the patent.
Toi nghi mua 1151 thuat scan xudt tot how la mua
quyen set dung bang sang ch'e:
I think half a year's on-the-job training will be enough
for the new workers to master the skills.
Toi nghi cong tcic ciao tao tai ch 6;- trong neia nam
se da de' nhiing cong nha n mai có the' nam du'ac
ccic ky riling.
We have had many opportunities to see that your
company is a reliable partner.
Chung toi dei có nhieu cd hOi de' thdy rang cong ty
ceta Ong /6 mot ddi tcic tin cay.
We'll only consider buying the patent.
Ch'ing toi chi xem xet viec mua bang sang the.
That's enough to compensate for the sum you pay for
buying patent.
Nhu' the dei de' bit clap tam be) so tien Ong trci de'
mua bing sang che.
10. In order to get well acquainted with your technology
and equipment, we wish to send a delegation to your
company to discuss with you about technical
cooperation between our two companies.
cO the' theo kip ding nghe ya thiet bi ceta ccic Ong,
chang toi man gici mot doan dai bi'eu tdi ding ty
ceta Ong de thcio luetn ydi Ong ye sr/ hdp tac kj, thutit
hai cong ty chung ta.
11. Our company is prepared to switch our purchases to
you if your terms and conditions are favorable and
price is reasonable.
Cong ty ceta chung toi gang chuein bi chuyen viec
mua hang ceta chang toi sang Ong nett nhu' nhiing
dieu khocin yet dieu kie'n ceta ccic Ong det hdp clan vet
gici ca hap N.
12. As these technologies are rare in the international
market, they may turn out to be goods sellers in your
Vi nhring cong nghe nay rat hiem tr'en thi tru'drtg
quo'c te; chang co le se ban chay nu'dc ccic Ong.
13. We have been ready to place our satellite-launching
service on the international technology market.
Chang toi cta san sang de' bcin dich vu ve tinh nha n
tao ra thi tru'eing cong nghe qudc te:
14. These technologies and equipment have their own
special features and are regarded as advanced by
international standards.
Nha'ng ding nghe nay va thiet bi c6 nhit'ng d4c dam
rieng va check coi la tien tien theo tieu chuoin quo -c te:
15. Cooperation on industry and technology has great
potential and can be developed on the basis of
mutual needs and mutual efforts.
Su' hop toe ve cong nghiep va cong nghe rat co tie'm
nang va c6 the' ctu'c'c phcit trien da'a tren cd
cdu chung va nha'ng no
Gioo dich 1
Shall we take up business now?
Bay giei chung to se not ve chuyen ve cong viec nhe?
That's fine with me. I'm ready.
Khong co van cte gi. Toi dii san sang.
A: We's like you to provide us with a technical license to
improve our present products and develop new ones.
Chang toi mudn Ong cung cap cho chung toi gidy
phep cong nghe de cal tien nhieng san phei'm hien
tai va phcit tri"e'n nhiing san phcim mo'i.
I hope we can meet your requirements. We'll
guarantee that machines and technology are of
advanced world levels, and the technology provided
is intergrated, precise and reliable.
Toi by vong chang toi c6 the' dap zing nhiing nhu
cau caa orig. Chang raj se dam bao rang nhii'ng
may mac va cong nghe deu chat trinh de) tien tien
tren the gidi , va cong nghe du'oc cung cap ld tich
hop, chinh xac va clang tin c ay.
Very good. What right will the license grant us?
Reit tat. Gidy phep dcim bao cho chang tai
k guy& gi?
It will grant rights of both manufacture and sale of our
N6 se dam bao quyen san xudt vet ban cac sari
phdm caa chang
Does the license grant the patent?
Gidy phep ca bao go'm ban quyen sang chelhang?
How long will you allow us to use the patent?
Ong se cho phep chang tai sei dung ban quyen sang
the trong bao Mu?
Three year.
Ba nam.
Gino dich 2
A: Well, since we've decided to buy the technical license
from you, the license should guarantee that machines
and technology are of advanced world levels.
Vi chang- toi da quyet dinh mua bcin guy& ding rtg-he
cua cac Ong, &in quyen nen dcim bcio rang may mot va
ding ngh4 O' trinh coo tien tien so viii the-gidi.
B: Of course.
Tat nhien rdi.
If you fail to deliver technical documentation and the
equipment or its spare parts, we shall have the right
t9 cancel the contract and ask you to return to us all
the payment already made plus interest at a rate of
10% per year. If delivery is delayed a penalty
percentage shall be fixed to the duration of delay. Do
you agree?
Neu nhu' Ong khong the chuyeh cac tai lieu k5,- thuat
va thiet bi hoft cac linh kien ceta no, chang toi co
quyen cheim dat hop &Fig va yeu cciu Ong trci lai chu
chang toi toan be) cac khocin da thanh town Ong viii
lai sudt 10% mot nam. Neu viec giao hang bi tri
hod n thi phd n tram phat se du'yc co dinh theo thol
gian bi tri hocin. Ong dOng y chin
B: Yes, I agree and we alsy should stipulate confidentiality.
You should keep condidential all the technical
information and know-how offered by us for 10 years.
Duvc, toi gong y va chang to nen quy dinh ve stc bcio
mat. Ong se phcii bi mat tat ca cac thong tin lej,
cap trong 10 nam.
Certainly. You should also guarantee the ownership of
the patent, know-how and technology. If any third
party disputes your rights to use the patent and knowhow, you should bear the full responsibility.
Tat nhien rai. Ong cling se phcii bdo dam quyen
caa bang sang che; phdang phcip san xuat va
cong nghe cilia ben 'Ong. Neu nhu' ben a' ba tranh
chdp ban quyen sie dung bang sang che va phu'dng
phcip sdn xuat, Ong se chiu hoan toan trcich nhiem.
All right.
You shall provide us with adequate facilities and
necessary tools to our technicians of rendering
technical assistance.
Ong se cung cap cho cluing toi cd sa ha tang day di
va dung cu can thi'et cho cac ki thuctt viers cilia
chang toi tien hanh ho trd ki thud&
B: All the costs for them shall be borne by you. Is that
Tcit ca chi phi cho ho se do ben Ong chiu. Co du'dc
Oh, yes, we agree.
O, duvc, chicng toi clang .3;.
How shall we settle disputes?
Chang to se gicii quyet ccic tranh chdp neu co nhu'
the nao
All disputes and differences of any kinds arising from
the execution of this contract shall be settled amicably
by both parties, or shall be submitted to The Vietnam
International Arbitration Centre, Hanoi, for arbitration.
Tat cci tranh chdp va su' khcic bit d bdt ca' clang new
nay sinh trong qua trinh thu'c hiOn hop ddng se
du'o'c gicii quyet mot each hiiu nghi
hai ben,
hoa c du'dc du'a ra Trung tam trong tai Qudc to Viet
Nam, tai Ha Ndi, cho trong tai hact gidi.
We agree with you.
Chang toi ddng y voz (Mg.
Any thing else you want to bring up for discussion?
Ong can mudil dem vein cue gi ra thdo luelm B:
No, nothing else.
Khong, khong can gi.
Dam phan nha thinao ve vin cue nhan
hipi hang hoa
Trademark issue
Van ca nhan hieu hang hoer
We'd like to apply for a registration of our trademark
in your country.
Chang toi mudn n6p thin gang ki nhiln hieu hang
hoa dia chzing toi tai ccic 'Ong.
We'd like to register some of our trademarks.
Chang toi muon clang ki mot sdnhein hieu hang hoa.
How long will it take to obtain the approval from
National Trademark Bureau?
Se mat bao lau cte' c6 du'vc chap thu6n czia Cuc
quern ly Nhein hieu Quo-c gia?
How long will the registered trademark remain
Nhein hieu du'alc gang ki se c6 hieu lu'c trong bao u?
Since the British Tobacco Company obtained the
registration of a "555" brand 3 years ago, we can't
have your "555" brand registered now.
Vi Gong ty Thudc La Anh da (fang ki nhan "555" ba
nam tru'dc day, Ong khong the' gang ki nhan "555"
bay gid du'dc
Are we allowed to assign the trademark to another
Chang toi c6 du'dc phep chuye'n nhu'dng nhan hieu
lai cho tong ty khcic khong?
What can we do if someone is found infringing on our
Chang toi c6 the' lam gi ne -u phcit hien ai do xa'm
pham nhan hieu cda chang toi?
The offender must stop the infringement at once and
compensate for the loss.
Ngu'di pham toi se phdi &sing viec vi pham lai ngay
vet be.i thu'dng thiet hai.
You've come to realize the importance of trademark
Ong at han del nhan ra tam quan trong dia viec
clang ki bdn quyen rfii.
10. We can do nothing about the offender if your
trademark is not registered.
Chang to khong the' lam gi doi vdi ngu'di vi pham
neu nhu' nhan higu cda Ong chu'a diedc clang Id.
11. This matter of labels is entirely our problem.
Vein cue ye nhan higu hoan toan la vein de coca cluing Vol.
12. The Trademark Bureau insists that only two
languages be used on the labels.
Cuc quern ly nhan hieu khang khang rang chi c6
du'o'c sei dung tren nhan hieu.
hai loai ngon 13. The German or Dutch description on the current
labels is to be deleted.
Mieu td bang tiertg Dac hoac tierig Ha Lan doi vdi
nhiing nhan hieu hien tai da bi loai 136.
14. Your request involved only a slight charge on the lable.
We shall give it our immediate attention.
Yeu cau dm 'Mg c6 lien quan den mot su' thay ddi nhO
trong nhan hieu. Chang Mi se lap tut gidi quyet.
15. Our company will have the labels printed to comply
with the FDA regulations.
Nhan hieu cda cong ty chi ng toi se du'vc in theo
dung cdc quy ctinh cila FDA.
16. It is quite impossible for you to use the label?
Ong khong the' set dung nhan hieu nay sao?
17. You are' allowed to transfer the trademark to other
company only on the ground that the assign must
guarantee the quality of the product.
Ong du'o'c quyen chuye'n nhu'o'ng nhan hieu cho cong
ty khcic chi khi cong ty do phdi ddm bdo ve chdt
lu'o'ng cda sem phdm.
18. You need to make new application six months before
the expiry date.
Ong phcii lam do'n clang ki mdi sciu thcing tru'ac
ngay het han.
19. We usually do the labeling ourselves as we are
responsible for the brand labels of our products.
Chang toi thu'eing tu' dcin nhan vi chz ng toi chiu
trcich nhiem ye nhan hieu caa ccic sdn phOim caa
chang toi.
20. Would you consider quoting us for the order with
neutral (unlabeid) cans?
Ong co then xem xet viec bcio gici cho chang toi vo'i to
h6p chu'a du'yc dcin nhan khOng?
21. We must comply with the label requirements
according to our law, or we can't clear the
consignment of goods through the customs.
Ong phdi tua n theo nhiing yeu cdu ve nhan hieu
theo ludt phcip cact chi ng UM, ne-u khong chang toi
khong the' n6p thue- hcii quan cho hang hoa.
22. The Sun label has now been accepted by most of
oversea customers and importers.
Nita- n hieu Sun
du'o'c chdp nhdn hei u het
ccic khcich hang nu'ac ngoai va ccic nha nkip khdu.
23. Is it possible to have a trademark transfered?
Co the' chuyen giao nhan hieu khong?
24. The transferee needs to make the application to the
Trademarkd Bureau, too.
du'dc chuye''n nhu'yng cling cdn phdi gang ki
vdi Cuc qucin 1.); nhan hieu.
25. What shall we do if an imitation of our brand found?
Chang toi se lam gi neic phcit hien c6 su' bat chu'dc
nhan hieu caa chang toi?
26. The counterfeiter ought to compensate for the loss
thus suffered.
Nhiing lee lam hang gici se phai b6i thang nha'ng
thiet hai ma 6ng phai gcinh chiu.
Gioo Bich 1
Good morning. May I help you?
Chao bai sang. Toi c6 the' giap gi cho Ong?
Good morning. We'd like to apply for a registration of
our trademarks in your country.
Chao bai sang. Chang toi man gang ki ccic nhan
hieu coca cluing toi nu'ot caa ccic (mg.
Well, you know that trademark is an inseparable part
of the commodity and an intangible asset to an
enterprise. What brands are you applying for
Ong biet rang nhan hieu la mot phan khong torch
rai ea hang haa va la mot tai scin vo hinh caa
doanh nghiep. Ong man clang ki nha'ng nhan
hang nao?
Green Leaf brand for shirts and Tiger for bicycles.
Nhan Green Leaf cho cio so' mi va nhan Tiger cho
xe dap.
Let me see. Tiger brand was obtained by the
Singapore Bicycle Company one year ago. Therefore
you can't have your Tiger brand registered.
D "e' t xem. Nhein Tiger dei du'dc gang ki bdi Gong ty
xe dap Singapore mot nei m tru'dc roi. Vi the 'Ong
khong the' dang ki nhan Tiger na'a.
What about our Green Leaf brand?
The con nhan Green Leaf thi sao?
It's quite all right.
Cai do thi du'dc.
Is it possible for us to assign the trademark to another
company when necessary?
Chang toi c6 the' chuyin nhuvng nhan hieu lai cho
cong ty ;ak khi can thiet khong?
Yes, but the transferee needs to make the application
to the Trademark Bureau, too.
Co, nhu'ng cong ty du'dc chuyin nhiedng cang can
phdi clang ki vdi Cuc qucin 13; nhan hieu.
What else is required?
Co can yeu cdu gi
A: The transferee must also see to it that the quality of
the product is maintained.
Ngu'di du'dc chuye.'n nhu'dng nhan hieu phdi hieu
Wing chat lu'dng hang hew phdi du'dc nguyen.
Dam phan
ye kinh doanh gop von
Economic corporation
Hop tac kinh
How to assess patens and trademarks?
Lam the nao de' dinh gici bang sang the va nhein
How will the value of contribution other than cash be
Biing ccich nao có the' xcic dinh gici tri gong gOp
khong plied duoz hinh tha'c la tien?
Patens and trademarks shall be assessed by a group
of experts and confirmed by the Vietnames side.
Bang sang the va nhan hieu se dutjc dcinh gici bdi
mot nhom chuyen gia va chive khcing dinh beei phia
Viet Nam.
The machinery and equipment you provide shall be
assessed by a Vietnamese assessment organization.
May moc va thiet bi ma ong cung cap se du'qc Binh
gia bai to chi& dcinh gici cact Viet Nam.
Our auditor and accounts will ascertain the amount of
your investment, and therefore a third party is not
Ccic kiem town va ke - town vien se xcic ctinh khodn
ddu to caa "Mg, va vi the ben tha' ba la khong
can thiet.
Technical association
Hop tete ki thuCit
Importing the advanced technology is capable of
contributing to advancement of scientific and
technical level.
Nhap khdu cong nghe tien tier' có the' clung gop cho
sit tie-rt bo caa khoa hoc va trinh ctc3 ki thuat.
Technology imports do not mean abandoning Vietnam
own scientific research, but making use of the latest
technology to bridge the gap betweens Vietnam and
developed industrial countries. This policy does not
contradict to the principle of self-reliance.
Nhap khdu cong nghe khong có nghia la tit M
nhiing nghien cd'u, khoa hoc caa Viet Nam, ma la
tan dung nhiing cong nghe tien tien nlidt cte' rut
ngcin khodng ccich giica Viet Nam va cac nu'dc cong
nghiep phcit trien. Chinh sach nay khong di ngu'cic
lai vdi nguyen tec ve sit tit cha.
Agreement provide for the following principles of
cooperation, equality, mutual benefit, non-interference
in the internal affairs, and respect for sovereignty.
Hop dOng cung cap nhiing nguyen tcic hop tcic, cong
bang, doi ben cling c6 lo'i, khong can thiep tong viec
not be) cda nhau, va ton trong chic quyen.
In our technological trade with foreign companies and
enterprises, we operate on the basis of equality and
mutual benefit.
Trong viec kinh doanh cong nghe viii cdc ding ty va
xi nghiep nu'dc ngoai, chicng toi hoat dOng tren ca so'
ding bang va doi ben cling c6
Vietnam is likely to adopt more flexible policies to
quicken technology imports.
Viet Nam c6 khd nang ti'ng- dung nhieu chinh scich linh
hoat han des' ddy nhanh viec nha:p khdu cong nghe.
The importation of technology and equipment must be
done according to careful plans and investigation to
avoid waste.
Viec nhe:tp khdu cong nghe va thiet bi phdi du'o'c tie'n
hanh &fa tren nhiing ke hoach va dieu tra than
tong de tranh Zang phi.
The conclusion of technology import contracts must
conform to the relevant provisions of the Contract
Law and other laws of Socialist Republic of Vietnam.
Viec ki ket hap ct6ng nheip khdu cong nghe phdi
tuan theo dung quy ctinh c6 lien quan elk Luat hap
dOng va nhiing luat khcic cda nu'dc COng hba Xei hOi
Chd nghia Viet Nam.
We wish to establish long and steady technical
cooperative relations.
Chang toi mong c6 the' thiet lap nhiing moi quan
hop tcic ki thuat letu dai va on clink.
The recipient shall undertake the obligation to keep
confidential, in accordance with the scope and
duration agreed upon by both parties, the technical
secrets contained in the technology provided by the
supplier, which have not been made public.
Ngu'di mua se phcii chiu trcich nhiem girt' bi
theo nhu' pham vi va thdi han dei ctu'o'c thong nhea
bc'fi hai ben, nhiing bi mat k.;/- thuat trong cong nghe
tit' phia nha cung cap ma chu'a du'o'c cong khai.
10. The know-how transferred to us will be kept confidential
and not let out or passed on to a third party.
Phu'o'ng thlic sdn xudt du'vc chuye'n giao cho chang
toi se du'o'c bi mat va se khong du'o'c chuyen cho
ben tha ba.
11. Basing on experiences to be summed up, we are
going to take effective measures and promote further
growth of technological trade.
DUa veto kink nghiep tick lay du'o'c, chang toi
se thifc, hien ccic bien phcip dank gici hieu quci va
thac day ste phat trien ho'n nit'a cact viec kink doanh
cong nghe.
12. In accordance with the agreement, you should provide
the technical know-how in connection with the
production of the machine and train our workers how
to use it.
Theo clang hop cong, Ong nen cung cap cho chang
toi ccic phu'ang phcip scin xudt lien quan
scin xueit may mac va deto tao cling nhcin caa chang
toi ccich sic' dung no.
13. Since the plant installation consists of both imported
and Vietnamese made machines and equipment, the
experts of both parties should hold technical
consultations frequently.
nhi-ing may
Vi viec lap rap may mot 9bao gdm
nhap khel u va ceta Viet Nam, cac
mac va thiet chuyen gia ceta cac ben nen to cha'c trao &di 3 kien
mot each thuO'ng xuyen.
14. Import and export corporations are engaged in import
and export business of commodities, technology and
complete equipment.
Ccic tap doetn xueit nhap khei9u thu'dng kinh doanh
• xuet't nhap kheiii hang tieu dung, ding nghe va
nhictizg thiet bi hoan thien.
15. Economic and Technical Corporations undertake the
tasks of granting economic and technical assistance
and cooperation to developing countries and
contracting for engineering projects and labor
services abroad.
Ccic tap loan kinh to va ki thuat ddm nhan nhiem
va ho try' va hop tac kinh to vet kj) thuat vdi cac nu'dc
plait tri'en va k.); cac dzi an khoa hoc va dich vu viec
lam nu'dc ngoeti.
16. With a view to expand international economic
coopertation and technical exchange, Vietnam
permits foreign companies or individuals to join with
Vietnamese companies in establishing joint ventures
in Vietnam in accordance with the principle of equality
and mutual benefit.
Nham phcit trie'n hop tac kinh to quo -c to va trao ctoi
ky thuat, Viet Nam cho phep cac cong ty hoac cac
nha n nu'dc ngoai gap von vai cac cong ty VietNam
cep thetnh lap cac lien doanh Viet Nam theo
nguyen tac cong bang va hai ben cling c6 191.
17. A joint venture can operate only after having obtained
approval of the Vietname'se government.
Mot cong ty lien doanh chi chive hoat dOng sau khi
nhe:i n check su' gong .); ceta chinh phet Viet Nam.
18. In order to absorb foreign capitals, introduce
advanced technology and equipment into our country,
we shall adopt the regular forms of international
economic cooperatidn.
Nhiim muc Bich thu hat an nu'ac ngoai, ctu'a cong
nghe va thiet bi tien tien veto ddt nu'dc ceta chang
chang toi se chdp nhcin hinh thti'c phe; bier'
ceta hop hie kinh to qudc te:
19. Joint ventures are a good way to get investment,
equipment and
management experience from abroad.
Lien doanh la ccich tot de' du'o'c cid u tzl cong
nghe, thiet bi tien tien vet nhting kinh nghiem qudn
ly ceta nu'o'c ngoai.
20. The main features of joint venture are joint investment,
joint management, and joint shares in profits and
NhCeng deic diem chinh dm lien doanh la cling gop
von, cang qudn ly vet cang chia se lo'i nhutin va
Manufacturing cooperation
Hop tcic sdn xuift
1. What interests you in particular?
Ong 41 c biet hzi'ng tha vo'i di& gi?
Could you fill us in about the manufacturing
cooperation of the firm?
Ccic Ong c6 the' not cho chi ng tOi biet ve viec hyp tcic
sdn xudt cica cong ty khong?
I wonder which deparment coordinates the
manufacturing cooperation.
Toi khong biet pang new chin trcich nhiem dieu
ph6i viec hop tcic scin xudt.
I'll try my best to answer your question.
TOi se ageing het sic cletrci lo'i thcic mac caa Ong.
We are willing to build a mutually advantage
manufacturing relationship with your firm.
Chang tOi rat seTn long xay dung mot mai quan he
hop tcic scan xuelt doi ben cling c6 voi ding ty 6ng.
We have had many opportunities to see that your firm
is a reliable partner.
Chang toi c6 rat nhieu cd h6i thdy dace cong ty
'Mg la mot doi tcic doing tin c4y.
The agreements provide for the following principles of
cooperation: equality, mutual benefit, non-interference
in internal affairs and respect for sovereignty.
Hop do'ng du'a ra nhu'ng nguyen tcic hop tcic sau:
cong bang, loll ich chung, khong can thiep cong viec
not b6 va ton trong chd quyen.
The engineer has the right to reject materials.
c6 quyen khong chdp thuan ccic vat lieu.
All progress reports shall be signed by the engineer.
Tdt cd ccic bdo ccio tien de) phdi du'dc k); bdi kj)
10. He is responsible for the resolution of all matters
which may arise in the manufacturing.
Anh to chiu trcich nhiem gidi quyet tat cd nhfing
van de ndy sinh trong sdn xudt.
11. Commissioning tests shall be performed in the
presence of the engineer or his wpresentative.
Tat cd ccic cuac nghiem thu phdi du'dc ti'en hanh vdi
su' có mat cda ky su' hod c dgi ;lien ceza
12. Since some kinds of operational materials are in short
supply in this country, we ask you to indicate the
minimum quantities of the material required for testing.
Vi mat so loci nguyen lieu sdn xuat gang bi thieU (3?
nu'dc nay, chang toi mudn 'Ong see dung so luting toi
thieu nguyen lieu de' ki‘m tra.
13. You should make maximum use of local equipnient
and materials available on the local market.
Ong nen sei dung toi da thiet bi ceia dia phu'dfig va
nguyen vat lieu sein có tren thi tru'drtg dia phuling.
14. This type of cooperation suits us perfectly, but before
we give our final reply, I'd like to clear up some points.
Loai hop tcic nay hoetn town phut hop vdi chitng toi,
nhu'ng tru'dc khi chung toi có su trci ldi cuoi cling
cho Ong,
cluing Vol mudn lam ro mat so
Gino dich 1
Let's clarify the purpose of this meeting. The main
topic of today's agenda is the responsibilities of each
side of the joint venture.
Xin hay lam ro muc dich ceta cuek hop nay. Chet cte
chinh cera cuk hop ngety horn nay let lam ro trach
nhiem cera moi ben trong lien doanh.
Yes. I think that the responsibilities of our Vietnamese
side should include applying for approval, registration
and a business license from the relevant authorities.
Du' c. Toi nghi rang nha'ng trach nhiem ceta phia Viet
Nam nen bao gom viec xin phip, ctang ki va gidy phep
kinh doanh nhiing cd quan có therm quy6-1.
That's right. Besides, you should also provide factory
buildings and labor force.
Deng very. Ben canh do, Ong cling nen cung cap nhet
may va nhas n cOng.
It's obvious that we're responsible for employing
Chinese management personel, technical personel
and workers. You're responsible for supplying the
knowledge and technical information, and for training
the personel.
Hien nhien la chang toi se chiu trach nhiem thue
nhel n s' qudn ly, nhcin su' kj, thuat va cong nhcin
Viet Nan. Ong chiu trach nhiem cung cap kiert
thong tin k5 thuat, va ciao tao nhan su.
We need your assistance in matters concerning
transportation and Customs declaration of imports of
equipment supplied by our side as part of our
Chang toi can su' hd try trong nhitng van d'j lien
quan d'e'n giao thong van tai va to' khai hdi quan
nhdp khdu thiet bi nhu mot phdn ceta su' dciu to dui
chang VOL
Of course. We'll surely do that. As to the equipment
you supply, we'll need necessary technology of the
equipment installation, calibration and trial production,
and information on manufacturing and testing.
Tat nhien, chzing toi se lam nhu' vety. Doi vdi nhitng
thiet bi ma ccic Ong cung cap, chang Vol can nhitng
cong nghe can thiet trong viec lap dat, Binh cd va scin
xudt thee, nhiing thong tin ve scin xueit va thet nghiem.
We'll send fitters to help fix the equipment and give
technical guidance.
Chang toi se geti thy lap rap di gicip ccic Ong seta
chita thiet bi va ctu'a ra hu'eing ddn ki thudt.
I'd like to ask you a question. What should we do if
any disputes arise?
Toi man h6i Ong mot ca u h6i. Chang ta nen lam
nhu' the new ne-u c6 phcit sinh tranh chdp.
A: I think it is our common responsibility to settle the
disputes through friendly consultation between the
two sides.
Toi nghi rang trcich nhiem thong thu'a'ng c eta cluing
ta let gidi quyet tranh chap thong qua su' trao
than thien gia'a hai ben.
B: In case we cannot achieve a satisfying settlement, we
could submit the disputes to the Vietnam International
Arbitration Centre.
Trong tru'eing hop chung ta khong the' dat du'oic
gicii quyet hdp l.);, cluing ta c6 the' du'a tranh chdp ra
Trung tam trong tai qudc te- Viet Nam.
A: We could also approach one or two lawyers as
consultants, for our joint venture.
Cluing ta cling se c6 the' szi dung mot hoar hai ludt su'
lam ngaii tu' vein, cho su lien doanh circa cluing ta.
B: Yes, yes. I agree with you. This will be of benefit to all of us.
Du'o'c c$tddc. Toi ddng y v61 Ong. Dieu nay se c6
cho cd hai chi ng ta.
Gicio dich 2
A: Let's get started, OK?
Chung ta hay &it nhe?
B: Yes, the total amount of investment would be $18
million. This figure is large enough to provide the
construction funds and circulation capital, for a project
producing carpets.
Duvc, tong so- ti en
- dciu tu' se la 18 trieu do. Con so
nay del Mn de' cung cap ngudn von xtly dung va xoay
yang von cho du an sdn xudt therm.
A: How much would Vietnam be prepared to invest in
this venture?
Phia Viet Nam nen chua.'n bi de' c du tu' vao lien
doanh nay bao nhieu?
B: We'll lay out about 51% of the total investment. This
includes, of course, cash, factory buildings, the right
to use the site, etc.
Chung ten se gop khodng 51% tong von ddu tu'. N6
bao gdm, tat nhien, tien mat, nha may, va quyen std
dung ddt,...
Is there any regulation on the proportion on
investment by foreign investors?
Co quy dinh nao ye phdn ddu tu' cda nha ddu tu'
nu* ngoai khong?
The regulation is rather flexible. But the investment by
a foreign enterprise should not be less than 25%.
Quy dinh khci la thong thocing. Nhzing ddu tu' cda
doanh nghiep nudc ngoai khong du'dc it ho'n 25%.
I see. How long will a joint venture last?
Toi hieu,roi. Su' lien doanh nay se keo dai bao Ulu?
How long do you want?
Ong muort trong bay kilt?
A: I would suggest 10 years to start with. As long as we can
run the plant well, the period can be prolonged later.
Theo toi thi md ddu se la 10 nam. Mien la cluing to
c6 the' dieu hanh tot nha may, thdi kj, c6 the' du'dc
gia han sau.
B: An important matter I should mention is that the
technology you provide should be the newest, and
during the duration of the joint venture, you should
continue offering us your improved technology.
M6t van quan trong niia ma toi muon not den let
nhiing cong nghe ma ong cung cop phdi mdi nhdt,
va trong suot khodng thdi gian lien doanh 'Mg nen
tiep tuc cung cap cho chi ng toi nhring ding nghe
du'dc ccii tien.
You ask too much, Miss Hang. You certainly realize
that technology has a price tag. We spend hundreds
of thousands of dollars on scientific research every
year. If you ask us to continually offer you improved
technology, then you need to pay more for that.
Ba dai hOi quci nhieu rai, ba Hang. Ba chac cang
nhan ra rang cong nghe co, the gici. Chang toi chi
hang tram ngan do la vao viec nghien ca khoa hoc
hang na m. Neu ba doi hOi chang toi lien tic du'a ra
nhieng cong ngh0 du'o'c ccii tie-n, thi ba phcii trci them
cho viec do.
You must be very clear that technology should be
always improved; otherwise, our products cannot
compete with others.
Ong phcii hieu ro rang rang ding nghe pita i luon
du'o'c cdi tie'n, neu khong, nha'ng sdn plitim caa
chang to khong the' canh tranh vdi doi tha duVc.
Dam phan ye dal lf dOc quyen nhu' thenao
Sole agency request
reu cCiu lam dal ly chic quyen
We don't think it proper to consider the matter of sole
agency at present.
Chang Vol khong nghi rang vi'ec xem xet vein de dai
ly dac guy& tai thai diem nay la thich Op.
I'd like to sign a sole agency agreement with you on
your curtain for a period of three years.
Ong cho
Toi mudn ky hop cldng dai ly d6c quyen mat hang man czia trong thai han ba nei m.
In regard to your request for an agency arrangement,
I'm afraid it's still too early for us to come into the
DOI vai yeu eau caa Ong ve th6a thuem dai
chang toi e rang con qua sam chang to not tai
van de nay:
We'd like to sign a sole agency agreement with you
on your garments for two years.
Chang tai muort ky hdp dung dai ly dOc quyen yen,
Ong mat hang may mac trong yang hai net' m.
Do you represent any other suppliers in this line?
Ong có dai dien cho nhet cung cap new khcic na'a
trong cling nganh nay khOng?
What is your usual practice in giving commission?
Thong le caa ccic Ong ddi vdi viec trci hoa h6ng nhu'
the neto?
7. We are pleased to offer you a sole agency for the
sale of our products in your country.
Chang tai rat vui long trao quyen lam dai ly dOc
quyen cho cac scin pheim caa chang tai nu'dc ccic
8. With the sole agency in your hands, you could easily
control the market.
Vdi quyen dai ly dOc quyen trong tay, Ong se de
dang kie'm soat thi tru'dng.
9. I'm afraid we can't appoint you as our sole agent for
your turnover is too low.
TOi e rang khong the chi Binh Ong lam dai ly dOc
quyen caa chang tOi, vi doanh so caa Ong qua the p.
10. I would like to receive from you a detailed report on
current market conditions every month.
Chang tOi, mudn nhein chide tit Ong mot bozo cci,o chi
tiet ye tinh hinh thi tru'dng hien tai hang thcing.
are well aquainted with local condition and have
excellent business connection.
Chang tai rat quen thuOc vdi dieu kien Ilia phuo'ng
vet có nhling moi quan he kinh doanh rat tot.
12. We are a well-known, old-established and highly
reputable firm with some twenty years' experience of
book trade in Vietnam.
Chang toi la mot tong ty nai tie-ng, lau c di va c6 uy
tin cao vdi kinh nghiem hai mu'ol neim trong nganh
buon ban scich Viet Nam.
13. Having been highly reputed as an electric goods
dealer in Hanoi, we wish you to avail yourselves of
our services as selling agent.
Chang toi c6 uy tin rat cao vii tu' ccich let nhet buon
hang h6a dien c;' Ha Noi chung toi mong rang
Ong se trO? thanh dai ly ctia chung toi.
14. We employ a fine staff of salesmen and also have
adequate storage facilities. If you give us the agency,
we believe we can do a substantial job for you.
Chung toi thue mot rioi ngu nha n vien ban hang
gi6i, va c6 ccic dung cu lu'u tried thich hcip. Neu Ong
cho chung toi lam dai ly chung toi tin rang cluing
toi c6 the' dem lai nguein doanh thu dcing cho Ong.
15. Since we have dealt in cameras for 20 years, we
believe that we can offer expertise in obtaining orders
and handling sales in this line.
Vi chung toi
buon ban may cinh trong 20 nam,
chung toi tin rang chung toi thanh thao trong viec
nhan don dat hang va ban hang trong nganh
hang nay.
16. We can play an important part as a buying agent in
your overseas trade.
Chung toi c6 the' (long vai tra quan trong nhu mot
ngu'eti tai dien mua hang trong viec buon ban vii
nu'dc ngoezi caa Ong.
17. We're in a position to take good care of your import
business as a buying agent.
Chang toi c6 the' chiu trach nhiem quern ly tot cong
viec nhap kheiu cUa Ong vOri vai trb la ngu'efi dai dien
pua hang.
18. We do have very wide business connections, and our
reputation is second to none.
Chang toi c6 nhiing mdi lien he lam an rOng khap,
va uy tin cUct chung tOi khong thua kern ai cd.
19. We have a number of well-established connections
for sale all over the world, and we have branch offices
in all main cities of our nation.
Chang toi c6 nharng mdi lien he rat lau
viec ban hang kheip the' gidi, va chang toi c6 chi
nhcinh kilt het ccic thanh phd chinh qudc gia
cda chang VOL
20. We have an established reputation in South Korea as
a main supplier of equipment for hospitals.
Chang toi c6 uy tin der du'o'c thiet lap c? Han Quo -c
v ii tu' cach la nha cung cap chinh thiet bi cho ccic
benh vien.
21. Over a period of five years we have established a
well-developed sales organization in Vinh.
Trong khoeing thal gian nam nam, chang tOi
der thiet lap mot to chic ban hang phcit trier' manh
22. We can assure you that our organization will offer you
first class representation to guarantee the success of
your products in this country.
Chang toi dam bdo rang to cha'c czia chanztoi se la
su' dai dien hang nhat de ddm bdo sad thanh cong
cda nhiing scin phlm cda Ong d &it nu'orc nay.
Benefit and requirement of sole agent
Quyen ldi va diesu kien cica dal
Unless you increase the turnover, we can hardly
appoint you as our sole agent.
Tree phi 'Mg tang doanh thu len khong thi chung UM
kho lOng chdp nh6n 'Ong lam dui ly d6c guy& coca
chang toi
Don't you think the annual turnover for a sole agent is
rather conservative?
Ong c6 nghi rang doanh thu hang nam doi vdi mot
d6c guy& la kha khi'em ton khong?
What annual quantity would you like to suggest?
V(ty so lu'o'ng hang nam theo ong se let bao nhieu?
As our sole agent, you are not expected to sell any
other competitive line of goods in this market.
Vdi tu' each let mot
d6c quyk 'Mg kh6ng du'o'c
ban bast ki nganh hang canh tranh new khcic tren
thi tru'eing nay.
It would be your job to open a market for us here.
Nhiem vu ceza 'Mg toi ef day.
r6ng thi truVng cho cluing
Could you let me know your plan for promotion our
goods and the possible annual turnover?
Ong c6
cho chang toi biet ke hoach qudng bci
hang hoa czia chang toi vet doanh thu hang nam co
the' dat duvc khong?
We'd like to clear up the range of the sole agent's
Chang toi muo'n lam ro pham vi hoot d6ng cUct dcii
l); dOc quyen.
What are the obligations/ duties of the agents?
Trcich nhiem I nghia vu ceta dal l3; la gi?
The agents undertake the obtain orders for the
principals, supervise the execution of them and
guarantee payments from the customers.
tai ly dcim trcich do'n Wit hang nkin du'o'c cho
ngu'O'i ety thcic, gicim sat viec thu'c hien va dcim brio
thanh tocin tit' khcich hang.
10. Will the agents present information about the market
tai lY se cung cap thong tin ve tinh hinh thi
trilling chi??
11. Could you give me some idea of your monthly
quantity guarantee?
Ong có the' cho toi biet qua ve so lu'ong dcim bcio
hang thcing khOng?
12. According to your estimate, what is the maximum
annual turnover you could fulfill?
Theo nhu' u'dc tinh cua Ong, doanh thu ldn nhdt
hang nam ma 'Ong c6 the' dat du'oc la bao nhieu?
13. To be a selling agent, what do you think is the
minimum annual sales you can guarantee?
De' tr6' thanh c ai lY ban hang, Ong nghi so lu'o'ng toi
thie'u minh c6 the' dcim bcio la bao nhieu?
14. As our sole agent, you should not handle the same or
similar products from our competitors.
Let dai ly dOc quyen cda chang toi, Ong khong nen
ban nhiing scin phdm giong hay tu'dng to tie doi this
canh tranh dza chzing toi.
15. Would you let me know under what conditions we can
represent you?
Ong c6 the cho toi bidt du'di di& kien new thi Vol c6
the' dai dien cho 'Ong khong?
16. If you can guarantee us a purchase amount of at least
$90 000 each year, we'll completely agree with you in
as our agent.
Neu Ong c6 the' dcim bdo ydi chzing toi mot lu'dng
mua it nheit la 90.000 dO mdi nam, chang toi se hoan
town ddng y de' Ong trei thanh dai ly ceta cluing VOL
17. In connection with the question of sole agency, we
should like to know your plan for promoting the sales
of our products.
Nhan not tdi cau hOi ve dai ly dOc quyen, chung toi
man hOi Ong ye ke hoach thac ddy ban hang cho
scin phdm dia cluing VOL
18. We suggest a commission rate of 5% of the total
value of annual sales.
Chung toi de nghi phi hoa hong se la 5% clict tong
gici tri doanh so hang nam.
19. We can agree to the 3% commission in the first year
the agency is operating.
Chang toi c6 the' ddng y ma'c hoa hdng la 3% trong
nam dau tien ma dai ly hoat dOng.
20. We shall pay you a commission of 10% on the net
values of all shipments, whether orders placed
through you or not.
Chang toi se trod hoa hdng 10% gici tri tinh caa
toan be) hang gici, cho dic let chin chat hang có qua
Ong hay khong.
21. You will receive a commission of 3% and a 4% share
of the profits at the end of each fiscal year.
Ong se nhem dace mac hoa hdng la 3% va 4% circa
phan chia lo'i nhadn cudi mdi nam tai chinh.
22. We should like to know your plan to push the sale of
our products.
Chang toi mudn biet ke hoach caa Ong de thac ddy
doanh thu tic viec ban cac san phcfm caa chung toi.
23. We expect an annual turnover of approximately
Chang toi by vong doanh thu hang nam se xdp xi
100.000 do.
24. We generally represent our principals' agents, with an
initial contract to run for one year, renewable by
mutual agreement.
Chang toi thu'iing dui di'en cho nha'ng dui ly ay thcic,
val hip ddng ban dau trong mot nam, có the' gia
han bang thoci thuem chung.
25. We expect our principals to offer advertising support
and spare-parts service.
Chang Vol trong do'i nhang ngu'ol icy thcic se du'a ra
tro' quang cao va dich vu cho cto thay the.
su 135
26. If you are willing to accept this rate, we would sign a
one-year contract to be effective from July 1, 2008.
Area 6ng sein sang chap nhOn ti le nay, chung to se
14 hop dOng mot na. m c6 hien lu'c tit me;ng 1 thcing 7
neim 2008.
27. The agent we are looking for will have resources to
cover the whole area of Central Vietnam in selling our
Dai 13; ma chting toi gang tim kiern se c6 ctrl ngu'Jn
ltic de' c6 the' cung cap cac scin pheim cho toan bO
khu Infc dta mien Trung Viet Nam.
28. As our sole agent you will not have competition from
our products in area specified in the contract.
Let mot dai ly dOc quyen 'Ong se khong c6
tranh tit nha'ng scan pham cUct chang toi tai ccic
yang du'o'c quy ctinh trong hyp clOng.
29. We can offer a 10% commissiqn on net prices, plus
advertising support.
Chang toi c6 the du'a ra 10% hoa hOng tren gici tinh,
cong vdi sit ho try t4 qucing ccio.
30. As sole agent, the territory you offer would be too
restrictive for sales, and this would have to be
extended to the whole province.
La dai ly dOc quye'n, yang liinh tho' ma Ong du'a ra
qua khcit khe ctoi vo'i viec ban hang va vi vay no nen
du'yc and rOng ra toan bc, tinh.
Giao Bich 1
We'd like to know your plan to push our products
since you'd like to act as our agent. You understand
that an agent will give us a great help to break into a
new market.
Cluing Vol mudn Net ye lee hooch cUa Ong trong viec
thac ddy ccic sd n phdm cica chang toi vi Ong mudn
tr.() thanh dai ly cUa chang Vol. Ong nen hie'u rang
dai ly se giz p ich cho chang toi trong viec xam nheip
veto thi tru'o'ng
Well, we'll do a lot of advertising in newspapers and
on TV programs. Also we'll send our salesmen
around to promote the sale of your goods. We
propose the guarantee annual amount be 300 000
dollars for a start.
Ming vety, chang toi se thu'c hi'en rat nhieu qucing
ciao tren bdo vet ccic chumg trinh tren ti vi. DO'ng
tha?i cluing toi se gill nhel n vien ban hang di kheip
not de that ddy viec ban scin phdm cua cdc Ong.
Chang toi du'a ra su' dcim bac, mot luring hang mji
neim tri gici 300.000 do cho stf kheii deiu.
A: What is the territory to be covered?
Hang /loci se du'o'c phis khcip khu out new vety?
B: You know the territory to be covered is all of Europe.
Ong biet ddy, la toan bb khu vu'c chau Au.
And the rate of commission you want to charge?
Va ccic ong mudn tinh hoa hbng vo'i ti le bao nhieu?
Our commission is quite reasonable. We usually get a
8% commission of the amount on every deal.
Hoa hbng cica cluing Vol khci la hop l.);. Chang toi
thu'b'ng la'y 8% hoa hbng cho mbi giao dich.
You know, however, that all our agents in this line are
getting a 6% commission.
Ong biet do, tuy nhien, tat ca ccic dai ly caa chi ng
toi trong nganh hang nay chi lay 6% hoa hbng.
Our customers are not familiar with your goods, so
we'll have to spend a lot of money in marketing your
products. Since there is sale resistance to overcome at
the beginning, you should allow us a 8% commission.
Khcich hang caa chang toi khong quen thuOc vdi
sdn phdm caca ong, nen cluing toi can phcii chi rat
nhieu tien cho viec tiep thi sem pheim. Vi có nhieng
can tr(3' trong ban hang phdi vu'at qua lac ban dciu,
ong nen cho phep chicng toi 8% hoa hbng.
A: Our price is worked out according to the cost. A 8%
commission means an increase in our price. Well, to
help you push sales, we could make this an exception
and give you a 7 % commission for a trial period of
one year.
Gici cUct chung toi du'o'c tinh du'a tren chi phi.
mac 8% hoa hdng nghia la c6 su' tang len trong gici
ban. DucthOi, giap Ong that ddy ban hang, chang
toi se coi day let ngoai le va cho Ong mot mae hoa h6ng
let 7% trong theii gian this nghigm la mot nam.
For every 1 000 sets sold in excess of the quota, we'll
like to get 2% more in commission. Is that all right?
Cho mJi 1.000 bO vu'o't chi tieu, chang toi mudn
du'oc nhcin them 2% hoa h6ng. Co du'o'c khOng?
OK. For every 1 000 sets sold in excess of the quote
you will get 2% more in commission for your efforts.
We will send you our catalogues and other
promotional materials free of charge. The advertising
expense shall be shared between us on fifty-fifty basis.
Du'oc thoi. Ca m6i 1.000 136 vu'o't chi tieu 'Ong se duve
them 2% hoa h6ng de' dcip lai nhi-eng no lu'c cda Ong.
Chang toi se
cho Ong ccic bdn catalo vet nhiing
tai ligu qudng cdo khcic mien phi. Chi phi qudng
ccio se du'oc chia cho hai ben theo ti le nam mu'ainam mu'o'i.
B: Quite reasonable. We look forward to happy and
successful coorperation between us.
Khci la hop ly. Chang toi mong doi sit hop tcic vui ye
vet themh ding gilia chang ta.
Giao dich 2
Hi, Mr Duc. Nice to see you again.
Xin chew, Ong Dd'c. Rat vui du'oc gap lai Ong.
B: Hi, Miss White. Nice to see you, too. It's always more
convenient to discuss business face-to-face.
Xin chao, ba White. TOi ding rat vui du'vc gap ba.
Viec ban bac kinh doanh tru'c tie' bao gib' cang
thuan tien ho'n.
Yes it is. Today I would like to discuss the possibility
of an agency for your silk cloth.
Dung v(iy. Horn nay toi mudn thcio luan 1.W khd
na ng tr() thanh ctai ly cho vdi lua cda Ong.
I appreciate your good intentions.
Toi dcinh gici cao y dinh tot cda ba.
Thank you. Our clients are quite satisfied with your
products. They find both the quality and the colors are
to their customers' taste. So I am willing to be a sole
agent for your products.
Cam (in Ong. Khcich hang dia chang toi khci la hai
long vo'i nhzdng sdn phdm cda Ong. Ho thery rang ca
chat lu'o'ng va meat sac dju hyp val thi hie-u khcich
hang dict ho.
I really appreciate your great efforts in promoting the
sale of our goods. As you know, our silk products are
quite famous in the world market and they are very
popular wherever they go. Our annual turnover
amounts to as much as $120 000.
Toi that su danh gia cao nhring no li/c low dal ba
trong viec thzic da:y ban hang cda chang toi. Nhu' ba
bi'et stay, scin phdm lua cda chang toi kha not tieng
tren thi tru'eing the giol va chang pia NA d bat ca'
no'i dau ma chang den. Doanh thu hang nam cda
chang toi len toi 120.000 do.
Yes, I know that. I believe if you appoint us as your
sole agent in this country, the turnover will certainly
be doubled what it is now.
yang, toi biet cha. Toi tin rang ne-u ong chon chang
toi lam dai ly deic gayer' ei day, doanh so chac than
se tang gdp &di so vol hien tai.
Do you have any special promoting methods? I am
really interested in your idea.
Ba có phu'cing phcip tilde ddy ddc biet tido khOng?
Toi thu'c ste rat thich y kie-n caa bd.
I'll submit a detailed proposal to you and we may
discuss this subject the day after tomorrow.
Toi se nOp mot ban keloach de xudt chi tiet cho ong
vet chang to se tha o luan van de' nay vdo ngdy kia.
Dam phan nhit the-nao trong giao dich
lip rap gia cong
Processing and assembling business
Giao dich hip rap thi cong
We are glad to know that you intend to do business
with us on the basis of processing.
Chang toi rat vui khi du'o'c biet 'Mg coy Binh giao
cluing toi khdu gia cong.
It takes two months to process the goods.
gia ding sdn phdm phdi mat 2 thcing.
We'd like to know your rate of processing charges.
Chang toi mudn biet Int& gici gia cong cUct ben 'Ong.
Tax exemption or reduction for processing in Vietnam
will allow you at least 5% more profit.
Mijn thug hay gidm gia khdu gia cong d Viet Nam
lei 5% cho (Mg.
se mang lai lo'i nhuan toi
Tax allowance for damage to materials in the
processing course is 3%.
Thue chiet khel-u cho thiet hai ddi viii nguyen lieu
trong qua trinh gia ding la 3%.
Payment for the processing fees and shipping
expense is to be made by slight L/C.
Tien trci cho phi gia cong va chi phi tau thuyen do
L 1 C dam nhan.
Processing supplied materials and assembling
supplied parts play quite an important role in
expanding our company's foreign trade.
Nguyen lieu duve cung cap gia cong vet ccic b6
ph6n du'ac cung cap de' lap rap gong vai tra khci
quan trong trong viec ma ring link vu'c ngoai
thu'ang cho cong ty chang toi.
We process with supplied materials, or according to
supplied samples, or under designed brand names.
Chang toi gia cong vai nhieng nguyen lieu du'ac
cung cap, hoac theo meiu chide cung cap, hoac theo
nhling nhein hieu dei chive thiel ke.
All the materials are provided by you, while our
company is only responsible for processing, for which
we would charge a processing fee.
Ben Ong se cung dip tat ca nguyen lieu can cong ty
chicng toi chi chiu trcich nhiem gia cong va chang
toi se tinh phi gia cong.
10. We agree to pay for the equipment and technology by
installments with the processing fees payable to us.
Chang Mi. cong trci gap thiet bi va cong nghe viz
phi gia cong triz' cho chzing Mi.
11. We're thinking of having products processed in
Chang toi gang suy nghi ve viec gia ding scin phdm
d Viet Nam.
12. What type of products do you intend to process?
Loai sail phdm new ma 'Ong Binh gia cong?
13. You can take advantage of the cheap labour and
production costs.
Ong c6 the' tan dung chi phi scin xudt vet nhan cong re.
14. We're also doing business of processing with
materials supplied.
Chang toi cang gia cong vdi nguyen lieu duck cung cap.
15. I think the processing fees shall be fixed on the basis
of the world labour price.
Toi nghi rang phi gia cong se ctu'dc dinh tren cd se,
gia ca lao dgng thegidi.
16. Assembling in your country can reduce costs sharply.
Lap rap nu'dc Ong c6 the' gidm rat nhieu chi phi.
17. Let's talk something about assembling.
Chang to hay ban doi ctieu ve viec lap rap.
18. The damage rate for parts and components in
assembling is 2%.
Mk thiet hai cho cac phdn va b6 phgn trong lap
rap la 2%.
19. If you are interested in the assembling business,
please let us know your specific requirements.
Neu Ong quan tam den link vide lap rap thi hay cho
chang toi biet yeu cdu chi tiet caa Ong.
20. We hope you to provide us with the necessary
technique used in assembling the parts.
Chung toi hi vong ong se cung cap cho chang toi
nhi-ing ki thuat can thiet du'o'c sa' dung trong lap rap
ccic b() phan.
21. A reasonable tolerance in the the specifications
should be allowed for the finished products.
Dung sai hop li trong chi tiet k51 thuat nen du'o'c cho
phep coi val nhfing sdn phcim hoan thien.
22. You've no doubt noticed the lower cost of labour in
Vietnam, which will greatly reduce the price of the
finished products.
Ong cc') the' nhan thdy mot ddu chac chan rang chi
phi lao dOng theip 0 Viet Nam se lam gidm manh
gici thanh scin phci'm hoan thien.
23. Before going further, please indicate the rate of
processing or assembling charges, and also the
method of payment.
Tru'ac khi ban xa how, xin hay du'a ra mii'c phi gia
cong hay kip rap va cach Hu& thanh tocin.
24. The processing and assembling business is a
component part of our company's foreign trade.
Linh vu'c kip rap va gia ding la b0 phan cdu thanh
cac giao dich ngoai thuting ceta cong ty chang
25. Because of the cheap land and labour, assembling in
Southeast Asia will greatly reduce the costs.
Do lao cong va mat bang re, lap rap 0 Dong Nam ji
có the' gicim rat nhieu chi phi.
11'11)1Y1' 1-10
26. The supplied assembly tools shall be re-inspected at
this end to ensure that the corresponse to the
Nhring cong ca lap rap duVc cung cap se chick kiem
tra lai veto cudi cong doan de dcim bdo dcip zing theo
tieu chudn.
Gicio dich 1
Let's have a talk on assembling recorders.
Chang to hay cling nhau ban ye Wee lcip rap ccic
may ghi am.
B: Because of the cheap land and labour, assembling in
Vietnam will greatly reduce the costs.
Do lao dOng vet mat b i- ng re, Vcip Hip tai Viet Nam
se gidm rat nhieu chi phi.
That's why I came to Vietnam. Is there any tax
exemption or reduction?
Do la li do tai sao toi den Viet Nam. Nganh scin
xuat nay co duvc hu'eing su' mien thue hay gidm thue
nao khong?
B: Yes. The tax exemption or reduction will allow you at
least 5% more profit.
Wing có. Mien thue hay gicim thue se mang lai them
loi nhuan cho Ong MI thieu la 5%.
That's very attractive, are you interested in
assembling business?
That la heip da'n, Ong c6 quan tam den linh vu'c lap
rap khOng?
Yes, we're very interested in your proposal that you
supply us with assembly line, technical information
and complete sets of component parts for us to
assemble them into finished products.
ng c6, chang toi rat quan tam den ldi cue nghi caa
Ong ye viec phia Ong c6 the cung cap cho chang toi
day chuyen hip rap, thong tin lei thueit vet ccic be)
phein theo 130 hoetn chinh de' chang toi lap rap
chang themh sari pheim ham thien.
That's fine. Let's come to the technical matters. We
provide you with materials, components, necessary
equipments and tools as well as the relevant technical
data and blueprint needed for assembling, and you
should assemble strictly finished products according
to the design specified by us without making any
That tot. Chang to se not tiep den win de ki thuat.
Chang toi cung cap cho Ong nguyen lieu, themh
phein, thiet bi yea cong cu can thiel cling nhU nititng
di? lieu ky thuat c6 lien quan va lz e- hoach chi tiet
can thiet cho lap rap va Ong nen kip rap mot ccich
chinh xcic ccie sari phei'm ham thien theo thiet ke cu
the' cact chang toi ma khong c6 bat ki thay ddi neto.
We'll accept it.
Chang toi chap niuftn.
A: And how long would you like to make a contract with us?
Vet Ong mudn se lam hop dOng vdi thong toi bao Lau?
Five years.
5 nd m.
A: That's all right.
Du'dc thoi.
Gicio cJich 2
Hello, Mr Brown. Nice to see you again.
Xin chew 'Ong Brown. Rat viii khi gap lai Ong.
Hello, Mr Bao. It's really a pleasure to meet you at the
Vietnam Trade Fair. How's business?
Xin chew Ong Bao. That vui khi gap Ong Hai cho'
Thuting mai Viet Nam. Gong viec kinh doanh cua
Ong the nao ?
Fairly good. Is there anything I can book for you right
Cling kha on. Toi c6 the' cta t hang gi cho Ong bay gib' nhi?
Yes, I want to buy alloy aluminum for our local
Vcing c6, toi mudn mua hdp kim nhom cho ccic nha
scan xudt ilia phu'o'ng.
What quantity do you need?
Ong can so luvng bao nhieu?
About four to five thousand metric tons per month.
Khocing 4 den. 5 nghin tan. moi thcing.
For such a big quantity I would suggest that you adopt
our fabrication method with your materials.
Voi so lu'o'ng lrnn nhu the; toi nghi rang 'Ong nen clang
phu'o'ng phdp scin xueit voi nguyen lieu cita
We would accept it if your processing charge is
Chung toi se chdp nhein n'e -u phi gia cong ctla ong
hdp li.
A: Sure, our processing charge can be favourable to you.
Cheic chein reSi, phi gia cong diet chang toi có the' co
lo'i cho
So, what's the processing charge?
Vely, phi gia cong la bao nhieu?
A: ... US dollars per metric ton. la 1 tan.
That sounds reasonable. How long will it take to
process this amount of goods?
Nghe có I)J hop li. Gia cong khdi lu'o'ng scin pheim
nhu' the mat bao lau?
It will take 15-20 days to process the goods from the
day we receive the material you supply.
Khodng 15 den, 20 ngety de' gia cong sdn ph dm tinh
tic ngety Chung toi nhein nguyen lieu ong cung cap.
We will supply you the material on time, but you must
guarantee you will make delivery of the finished
products to us on time.
Chang toi se cung cap cho 'Mg nguyen lieu dung
ngety nhu'ng ong phdi ddm bdo rang ong se giao scan
phdm da hoem thien cho chi ng toi dung han.
The finished goods will be loaded on trucks and
transported to Hanoi on the specified date every
month and then they'll be loaded on the ship you
book and transported to Australia.
Sdn phdm da hoan thien se chick ch6' tren xe tdi va
du'o'c chuyen ch6' toi Ha N6i vao ngay cu the' m6i
thcing va sau do chi-mg se du'vc chCit len tau ma ong
da ckit va ch0 den ac.
We'll reserve our right to claim if you fail to deliver the
goods on time.
Chang toi se co quyen dbi b6i thdeing neit ong khong
giao hang dung han.
Well, force majeure, such as the collapse of highways
because of floods, must be excluded. Otherwise we
assure you that we'll fulfill the contract.
Va ng, trithng hop bat khd khcing, chang han nhu'
hit hai du'eing xa do lu lut khong du'vc tinh
khong chung toi khong ddm bdo chang V& se hoan
themh hop d6ng.
Good. Another point to add is this: you must
guarantee the quality and the specifications of the
finished goods.
Tot. M6t diem na'a la ong phdi dcim bdo so lu'o'ng va
chi tiet ki thuat cda sdn pham da hoan thien.
A: There's no doubt. But as you know, the quality of
finished products will depend greatly on the material
you supply. So, if the material you supply is up to
standard, we'll meet your request in terms of the
quality and specifications.
Chac chin roi. Nhu'ng nhu' ong biet ddy, so lu'dng
san phdm dd ham thien se phu thuOc rat 16'n vao
nguyen lieu ma Ong cung cap. B&i vay nesii nguyen
lieu Ong cung cap dcip Ong ctang tieu chudn, chang
Vol se clap Ong yeu cciu cUct Ong ye so lacing va chi
tiet ky thuOt.
Fine. We'll supply you material that meets the
TOt. Chung toi se cung cap cho Ong nguyen lieu slat
tieu chudn.
But a reasonable tolerance in the specifications
should be allowed for the finished products.
Nhu'ng dung so- hdp li trong chi tiet ky thudt
scin phdm dei hoan thien.
That's understandable.
Toi hieu dieu do.
Okay, I am sure you'll be satisfied with our finished
Tot, toi chcic chcin rang Ong se hai lOng vdi scin
phdm ham thien ceta chiing
Me too. I hope for a pleasant cooperation between us.
Toi cling vdy. Toi hi vong vao sy hop tac suon se
giria chang ta.
Dam phan nint the"mio ye yin de
giao dich hang hoa
Goods transaction
Giao dich hang h6a
After confirmation by the two parties, this contract will
go into effect from December 2nd, 2007.
Sau khi 2 ben cid xac nhan, ban hdp d6ng nay se c6
tit ngety 2/12/2007.
Our company has agreed to sell P&G cosmetics
during this one year time in our territory.
Gong ty ceta chang toi cta ct6ng y ban mj, phdm
P&G trong mot nam a khu vu'c cica chang toi.
In order to facilitate your work of starting the
consignment sales on time, we'll ship the first lot of
consignment goods to you before October 1st, 2007.
De' tao dieu kien thuan 191 cho tong viec bat dau
buon ban 14 get'i dung han, cluing Vol se van chuye'n
loin dau nhdu hang 14 geti cho Ong tru'dc ngciy
While the goods are in the warehouse and during the
course of selling, the consigner will take the
responsibility of insurance on behalf of the consignee.
Trong khi hang h&c du'dc chat trong kho ya trong
qua trinh ban hang, ben 14 girl se chin trcich nhigm
bac) ham thay mat cho ben nhan
If the total value of goods sold exceeds the amount of
$150 000, you should remit the sum in U.S. dollars to
us within one month's period of time.
Neil tong doanh thu hang hoa da ban vu'o't 150.000
cola, Ong nen gal tiA, bang do la cho chang tOi
trong yang mot thcing.
During the consignment period, if you wish to increase
the quantity of salable items, we shall cooperate on
this matter through best efforts.
ne-u Ong mudn tang chat
Trong giai doan luvng cita nhieng hang clj ban, cluing UN se hop tcic
tot nhat.
tr" vein dg nay yol
For those articles which can not be sold, you should
make readjustment, replacement or withdrawal of the
goods in questions.
Ddi yo'i nhieng mat hang khong the ban, Ong nen
die'u chinh lai thay th'd hay rat lai hang.
Within one month after expiration of the consignment
period, you should remit us the total sum in U.S
dollars based on the contracted unit price for those
items which have been sold.
Trong yang 1 thcing sau khi het tit& gian
Ong se chuyen bang do la du'a yew gig ca tiring phein
ca cr4dc ky cho nhring mat hang del du'gc ban.
All disputes arising in the course of the consignment
period shall be settled amicably through friendly
Tat ca nhOng tranh luetn not len trong qua trinh ky
gu'i se duVc gicii quyet mot ccich than thie2n thong
qua dam phcim hd'u nghi.
10. Under consignment, the consignor sends the goods to
foreign consignee who will sell the goods for the
consignor according to the agreed terms.
Du'di hinh du& ben /4
gd'i hang /loci cho
ben nhan ky gd'i nu'dc ngoai di ban hang hoa cho
ben k)i
theo nlying dieu khocin eta- thiia thua'n.
11. The essence of consignment trading is that goods
exported on the consignment remain the property to
the exporter.
Bcin chat cda giao dich ky gd'i la hang hoa dadc
xuat khdu du'di hinh thii'c ky gici vein la tai sdn cda
ben xuat kheiu.
12. Usually, the overseas consignee is advised if the
goods being sent to him by means of a proforma
Thong thu'&ng, ben nhein ki gui nu'dc ngoai du'uc
khuyen khich ne'-u hang h&c cho ho being hoa
dun u'dc gici.
13. When goods are sold, you should render a sales
report which shows the gross proceeds, the expenses
incurred and the commission, etc.
Khi hang hoa du'uc ban, Ong nen Op bcio ccio kinh
doanh chi ra tong ti'en thu du'uc, chi phi va tien
14. When an importer has his money tied up in inventory,
he will make a greater sales effort.
Khi mot nha nhap khdu c6 tien bi ctong 6" hang tan
kho, anh ta se no lu'c low de' bcin
15. If the exporter wants to control the overseas market
price of his products, he can do so under a
consignment contract.
Neu nha xudt khdu mudrt kie'm socit gid cd sdn
phdm caa ho tren thi tru*ng nitac ngoeti thi anh ta
co the' lam dieu do du'di clang hop clang
Gicio dich 1
Ms Frey, we've studied your catalogues and price lists
and found that your products will be well received in
our market, so we've got more confidence to be your
consignee in Hanoi.
Co Frey a, chang toi dei nghien eau bdng muc lac
c co va danh scich gici cd va nhan thdy rang sdn
phdm cda co se du'o'c don nhein tich ct/c tren thi
tru'o'ng ceta chang toi, boi vdy chang toi có them tif
tin di ITO thetnh ben nhan ki giti d Ha N6i.
Our cosmetics, toiletries and other products are very
popular in other parts of Vietnam. More and more
Vietnamese women are fond of our products. You
know, some of them are particularly produced for
oriental women. As our consignee, you'll certainly
make beautiful profits. Well, Mr Hung, shall we move
to the next point, the terms of consignment?
My phdm, ccic vat dung dung khi tam va ccic sdn
phdm khcic cda chicng Val rat phd nhieu ndi
tai Viet Nam. Ngay ding nhieu phu nil Vi'Ot Nam
quan tam tai sdn phdm caa chang Mi. Ong biit ddy,
mat vai sdn phdm du'dc sdn xudt dac bi'Ot cho phu
nib phu'dng Dong. La ben nhan ki geti cda chzing toi,
'Mg chcic chan se c6 du'o'c ldi nhuan tu'dng doi khci.
Thu'a 6ng Hu'ng, chting ta se chuyen sang vein
tiep theo, ky han cda hdp (fang cha'?
Okay. Let's start with the "period of time", shall we?
Vang. Nao cling bat dciu vai kji han nhe!
B: Good. Usually, the similar contracts signed with other
consignees are based on 12 months, why not follow
the suit? I suggest the sales commerce on about May
1st 2007 and continue through April 30th 2008. Now,
we're in February. There are still more than two
months before May 1th. We've got enough time to
make all necessary preparations.
Tot. Thong thu'dng, nhiing hdp do'ng tu'dng tat chedc
ky vai ccic ben nha n ky geti khcic la 12 thcing, vay tai
sao Chang ta kh6ng theo thal han do nhi? Toi
nghi thdi gian khocing tut 1 thcing 5 nom 2007 din
30 thcing 4 nom 2008. Hi'en gid gang la thcing 2.
Chang ta van can ho'n 2 thcing fru* ngay 1 thcing
5. Chang ta c6 di thdi gian
chudn bi moi tha'
I suggest that after starting the operation we two sides
meet around July 15 to decide on acceptable sales
for the remainder of the consignment period. I believe
it will certainly benefit both of us.
Toi cie nghi rang sau khi bat ddu hoat dOng hai ben
nen gap nhau vao ngay 15 thcing 7 de' guy& ctinh
doanh thu chdp niCan du'o'c cho nhiing sdn pheim
con lai trong theii gian kj; Toi tin tu'6'ng no se
dem lai lo'i nhucin cho cd 2 ben.
Good idea, Mr Hung! You'd guanrantee that our
products will, by then, be displayed and sold in all big
hotels, large malls in Hanoi.
1-7 kien hay thu'a Ong Hung. Ong phcii dcim bdo rang
scin phdm coca chang toi se du'o'c tru'ng bay va ban
tat cd nhi'ng khcich san vez khu pito- kinh doanh ldn
a Ha Mi.
So long as your products arrive here before April 15th
2007, we'll be able to manage all the sales to your
entire satisfaction, Ms. Frey.
Khi new sd n phdm ceta co den dely tru'o'c 15 thcing 4
nam 2007, chi ng toi se quern li telt eel doanh thu, co
Frey a.
The goods will be delivered from Hai Phong where
we've rented a warehouse, say, by trucks, it's more
convenient than by train.
Hang hoa se du'ac chuye'n bang xe tai tic' Hdi Phong
no'i chung toi thue kho, no thuan tien ho'n la van
chuyen bang tau hi3a.
The insurance, no matter what it is, should be covered
by your party.
Du the nao, ben co nen chiu phan bcio hi‘m.
Of course, Mr Hung. It's common practice, isn't it?
Di nhien r6i 'Ong Hung. DO la luat chung ma.
zst. Giao dich 2
Mr Hung, how's the business going in Hanoi? We
haven't met each other since July 15 when we
determined the sales level.
Thu'a Ong Hu'ng, tong viec lam an 6' Ha Nai din ra
nhu' the'nao. Chung ta chu'a gap nhau tie ngay 15
thcing 7 khi chang ta xcic Binh mitt doanh thu.
Generally speaking, business is going well, but
something unexpected happened and I believe you've
learned all this from our e-mails.
Nhin chung, tong viec kinh doanh thuan lo'i nhu'ng
c6 *St vai dieu khong mong mudn da xd y ra va toi
tin rang co da ctoc chung tie thu' then tzl' ma chang
Do you mean the importer packing and the damage
caused by it?
CO phdi Ong gang not ve qua trinh gong goi va thiet
hai gay ra
no khong?
Exactly. According to the contract stipulations, in the
case of problems occurring due to quality, damage or
any other matter of your responsibility, you should
compensate such a loss to us. The way suggested is
to make deduction from the corresponding remittance
to you against the relevant certificate.
Chinh xcic la nhu' vei y. Theo quy ctinh cda hdp gong,
trong tru'eing hdp nhiing vein de xdy ra lien quan
Glen so- thiet hai hay bdt ki vein de khcic thuOc
trcich nhiem dia co, co se phdi den bit thiet hai cho
cluing toi. Phu'ang thO'c se let khdu tree tien du'o'c
chuye'n tu'dng ling cho co vdi chang nhczn thich hdp.
But, Mr Hung, the contract also stipulates that during
the course of selling, one percent of the sum from
your remittance to us should be deducted by you as a
damage allowance. You have deducted that sum of
money, haven't you?
Nhu'ng thu'a ong Hung, hdp d6ng cling quy dinh
trong qua trinh ban hang, 1% dia so tien khodn
tien cda Ong gzli cho cluing toi nen ctu'dc Ong khdu
tra' nhu' let tro' cap thiet hai. Ong cling del khdu trei
khocin tien do dzing khong?
We certainly have, but the loss we are suffering is far
more beyond one percent of that deal. The loss
amounted to more than 800 millions VND, equal to
about 5 000 dollars.
Chang toi da lam the nhu'ng thiet hai ma chzing toi
phdi hang chiu nhieu how con so - 1% cda thOci thuein
do. Thi'et hai u'dc tinh let hoz 800 trieu d6ng, tuting
duzing vai khocing 5.000 cola.
A: I'm very sorry for the troubles caused by improper
packing. I'd like you to give us all the necessary
documents concerning the damage.
Toi rat tie-c vi van de bi gay ra boi qua trinh dOng
goi khong clang cach. Toi muorz 'Ong du'a ra cho
thong toi tat cci flitting tai lieu can thiet lien quan
tdi thiet hai nay.
B: We've had the loss calculated already, and we've got
ready for the remittance. Now that you're here in
person, you'd be able to see that we may justify our
requirements for compensation.
Chang UM, dd ttnh town xong thiet hai vet cluing toi
cang dei sern sang cho so- tien du'dc chuyin. Bay gief
tru'c tie' cod day, co có the' tha:y rang chang toi có
the' chang minh cho nitieng yeu cdu den bit cho
chi ng toi.
Please rest assured, Mr Hung. The main purpose of
my personal visit is to find out the real course of the
damage and to take necessary measures to prevent
such happening in the future.
Xin hay gcic chuyen nay sang mat ben dei Ong Ming.
Muc dich chinh caa chuyert dert tham nay caa toi la
de' tim ra ngudn go-c that sit caa nhfing thiet hai vet
du'a ra nhiTing bien phcip can thiet phang trcinh
nhfing dieu tu'dng tit xciy ra trong tu'dng lai.
The documentations will be sent here by Miss Linh in
a moment.
Nhiing tai lieu nay se duVec co Linh ngay bay gib'.
A: That's fine.
Tot qua.
den day
Ket thtic cuOc dam phan mot cach hop 1p
Move to other issue
Chuyin sang vein ca kha c
I am afraid we have to suspend the discussion at this
TOi e rang chung ta nen dling cueic thcio Juan ye
de nay tai day.
Let's change the subject of conversation.
Chang ta nen chuyen sang mot chi de khac.
I am afraid there is a wide discrepancy in our
positions in this matter.
TOi e rang girict chang ta gang c6 mot sr' khong
nhdt quern ve vein de nay.
Please, let's move to the next item of the agenda.
Nero chang ta hay cling chuyen sang vein de tie p
theo trong chuzing trinh cita ngety horn nay.
1111)19 -11 161
Now, let's focus our discussion on the financial point.
Bay gid hay cang tap trung thcio lu6n ve vein de tai
Next, let's discuss deliver time.
Tiep theo chang ta se cling thcio luan ve thdi gian
giao hang.
The next point is market analysis.
Votn de tiep theo se la phas n tich thi tru'o'ng.
I'm sorry. Can I change the subject?
Xin loi, lieu toi c6 the' thay dal chat cle du'o'c khong a?
Let's drop the subject and turn to the next matter.
Hay b6 qua chic de nay va chuyen sang van, de tiep
10. We had better not disscuss this matter.
Tot hdn het la chang ta khong nen than luan ye van
de nay.
11. We may discuss the subject at another meeting.
Chang ta c6 the' thdo luan ye chic
hop khcic.
de nay d mot buSi
12. I see your point. Let's discuss it tomorrow.
Toi hieu rai. Tea y ngay mai chi ng ta hay thcio luan
e viec do.
Close the discussion
Kei thzic bu& thcio luCzn
I don't think we should draw a conclusion so quickly.
Toi nghi chung ta khong nen thta ra ket luan mat
ccich v6i yang nhu' the:
Why don't we summarize what we discussed today?
Sao chang ta khong torn hit lai nhfing van de
da du'dc thcio luan trong ngay hOm nay nhi?
Because we don't have very much agreement on this
matter, let's shelve it.
Vi chang ta chu'a thu'c sa' thong nhdt ve van de nay
nen tot hdn la hay de' no qua mat ben.
I learned a lot today from talking with you, and I wish
we could talk more. I'm looking forward to the next
time we meet.
Qua buei not chuyen vai anh ngety horn nay Uri
da hoc hOi du'dc rat nhieu dieu, u'dc gi chang ta có
the not chuyen nhieu hdn. Toi rat mong sap tdi se
du'o'c gap lai anh.
Please examine it carefully before our next meeting.
tra dieu do can than tru'dc budi gap tiep
theo cria chang ta.
Well, why don't we stop here today?
Du'dc rdi. Vay horn nay chang ta ket that
dzio'c chit'?
Let's stop the negotiations for today.
a day
kei thric budi darn phcin horn nay d day.
Let's stop here for today and finish the rest tomorrow.
Horn nay cluing ta hay tam clling d day va ngety mai
chung ta se thcio luan phcin can lai.
Let's stop here for today and finish up tomorrow
Horn nay chang ta hay tam dieng mai hoan thanh not.
y va vao chieu
10. We'll never get anywhere if you insist on talking about
this one problem. Why don't we meet again another time?
Chang ta se khang di den dttdc thoci thucut nao nett
anh cu khang khang not ve duy nheit vein de do.
Lcin khcic chang ta gap nhau dace chit?
11. Why don't we stop today's negotiations here and
continue the discussion at the next meeting?
Sao chang ta khong ket thac buSi dam phcin tai day
vet tieP tuc vao buoi hop tiep theo?
12. Why don't we continue our negotiations at a later date?
Chang ta se tie''p tuc dam phan vao mot ngety khcic
du'dc chin
13. I think we need to talk about this matter again.
Toi nghi chang ta nen thdo luan tie van
lan nita.
de nay mot
14. Why don't we re-open formal negotiations?
Tai sao chang ta khong bcit ctdu Wit cue)c dam phcin
chinh ti& khcic?
Report about the negotiations
Bcio cdo ve cuOc dam phcin
According to the statistics...
Theo nhuf so lieu thi...
The result is very different from my original idea.
Ket qud hoetn town khcic vdi y tu't3'ng ban dau cda
When I re-examined the original plan, I found a lot of
Khi toi ra socit lai ke hoach ban dciu, toi del phat
hien ra rat nhieu vein de.
We got permission for production only after a strict
Chang ta chi du'o'c phep scin xuat sau khi vu'o't qua
mot cu6c,kie'm tra gat gao.
Since the result was derived from statistics, there
could be some exceptions.
so lieu nen se c6
Vi ket quci du'o'c rat ra ta' mot vai ngoai
We looked at it from all angles and decided this way
is our only choice.
Chang toi da xem xet tzl moi goc d6 va guy& Binh
day se la lila chon duy nheit caa chang VOL
I realize I mostly talked about matters that concern
only me, but this is how I feel. I apologize if I said
anything offensive.
TOi nICan tha:y la minh did chi not den nhiing vein de
lien quan den ban than cho dist do la nhfing gi Vol
cam nkin chtyc. Toi xin loi nea da not dieu gi
khong phai.
Your proposal does not allow us to continue these
- tuc
nghi caa anh khien chicng toi khong tlz/ tie p
dam phcin dito'c nita.
I'm afraid your'point is unacceptable.
Toi e rangy kien nay caa anh se khong duck chdp nh,a2n.
10. I'm sorry to say we already have an agency in your
TOi rat tie-c phdi thong brio rang chicng toi det có mot
dai ly khu va'c caa anh.
11. I'm afraid we can't answer your question right now.
Toi e rang khong th'e' trci lot eau hOi cda anh vao lac
nay duvc.
Giao dich 1
How about have a break and resume in the afternoon
with a fresh mind?
Chang tam nghi d day va se tie-p tuc veto chieu nay
khi det tinh tao han du'yc chi??
Why not? It happens that I'll have to ask for my boss's
opinion about the payment terms.
Tai sao khong nhi? Du sao toi cling phdi hOi y kie'n
cilia se-p ve chieu khocin thanh town.
I'll wait for your good news.
Toi se dol tin vui cda anh.
See you this afternoon.
Hen gap lai vao chieu nay.
See you.
Hen gap lai.
Gino dich 2
A: Shall we call it a day? We've finally come to this
Ngay horn nay that tuyet. Cuoi cling thong to cling
dat du'o'c thod thudn nay.
B: Yes. I've been looking forward to it.
Ming vay. Chang toi rat mong chi dieu nay.
Each of us will sign two formal copies of this contract:
the Vietnamese copy and the English copy.
M6i ben se ky veto hai ban sao chinh du& caa hop
d6ng nay, mot ban 664 Viet vet mot bcin tie'ng Anh.
Both of us deserve a good rest after the energyconsuming negotiations.
Chang ta xang clang chto'c nghi ngo'i sau cu6c dam
phcin ton tong ton sat nay.
We've made it at last. Allow me to propose a toast to
the success of our business and to our future
cooperation. Cheers!
Cudi cling chiung ta du lam duvc. Cho phep t6i du'dc
net' ng cdc chat meing su' thanh tong caa giao dich
kin nay vet cho sit hop tcic trong tu'o'ng lai. Chat
Chac titling!
Giii quyet nhtt the"nao ve' van cue beii thdang
Ask for compensation
Yeu ceiu boi thu'ang
As regards inferior quality of your goods, we ask for
compensation of $20 000.
17j viec hang hoa kern chat luting, chung ten yeu cdu
khocin bdi thu'o'ng la 20.000 do.
You should be responsible for all the losses resulting
from the delayed shipment.
Ong nen chiu trcich nhiem ve nhrtng thiet hai gdy ra
b(34 viec geti hang bi tri hod n.
We have to lodge a claim against you if we lose
money through your failure to deliver in time.
Chang toi se dai bdi thu'ling neu nhu' chung toi thua
16 do cac Ong khong the' giao hang dung thal han.
This lot of goods is not up to the standard stipulated in
the contract, so we are now lodging a claim with you.
Lo hang nay khong dat ti,eu chudn da duvc yeu cdu
trong hop ddng, nen chung toi se dbi cc'w Ong bdi thufing.
The cases are damaged due to improper packing;
therefore, the losses arising from it should be covered
by your company.
Nhiing chie-c ham nay bi hu' hOng do gong gOi khong
can thdn, vi v(zy nhiing thiet hai do viec nay gay ra
se do cong ty Ong chiu trach nhiem.
Any claim in respect of this consignment must be
raised within 30 days after its arrival at the port of
destination, after which no claim will be entertained.
Bat ca' khie-u nai new lien quan den hang hoc' nay
phcii du'o'c du'a ra trong yang 30 ngay hi tit khi
chang den cong dich, sau thai gian do ccic khi& nai
se khong du'ac chdp nkin.
We shall be glad to have your explanation of this
discrepancy in the quality, and also to know what you
propose to do in the matter.
gidi thich
Chang toi rat vi c a nhdn du'o'c ve viec khOng &rig bei trong chat lu'o'ng, ding nhu'
cac du dinh gicii quyet ddi vai van de nay.
Though the goods are very inferior quality, we shall
retain them but only at a substantially reduced price.
Mac da hang hoa có chat lu'ang thdp ho'n, nhu'ng
chi ng toi se chdp nhcin chafing vai di& kien la gid
phdi gidm (king Id.
We have lodged a claim on the goods against the
insurance company for $2 000 for short-weight.
Chang toi yeu cdu cong ty bcio hiem phdi boi thu'ang
2.000 do cho viec thi& trong lu'o'ng.
10. Here is a list of damaged items.
Day la danh sdch ccic mat hang bi hit h6ng.
11. Please look into the matter promptly and let us know
what you intend to do with the damaged goods.
Xin hay xem xet van de ngay lap tetc va cho chicng
toi bi'et ccic ling du' Binh lam gi voz nhitng hang hoc'
bi hu hOng.
Reason for compensation
Lj, do boi thu'ang
Some goods were found to be in the damaged
condition. This was apparently attributed to faulty
Mat so- hang hoa du'yc phcit hien trong tinh trang bi
hzc hai. Day ro rang la do viec gong gai sai.
We have taken delivery of our order NO.105, but it is
not up to your usual standard.
Chung toi dei nhan du'gc hang ceza do'n &at hang so
105, nhu'ng no khong dat tieu chua'n nhu' binh
We have lost considerable business on account of
your delay in shipment.
Chang toi det thua to khd nhieu trong viec kinh
doanh vi sit cham giao hang ceia cdc
When unpacking the bales, we found that the
materials didn't comply with the original design.
Khi and kien hang ra, chung toi phcit hien nguyen
vat lieu khong pita hop vdi thiet ke ban ddu.
You shipped bulk goods not corresponding in quality
with the sample.
Ccic Ong gU'i hang chat rdi khong ding chat luring
vai hang mau.
The goods supplied by you are below the quality we
Hang hoa ccic Ong cung cap khOng dat chat lu'dng
ma chang toi yeu cCiu.
Unfortunately, case No. 11 contains only 8 pieces
instead of 10.
That khOng may, thing a 11 chi cha'a 8 ccii thay
vi 10.
Our reinspection shows that damage was caused by
improper packing.
Kie'm tra cua chung toi cho thdy hit hai xciy ra do
viec gong goi khong thich hop.
Several cases were badly smashed and the contents
were seriously damaged.
Ra't nhi& thing bi va dap manh va hang ben trong
bi hie hOng neing.
10. On unwrapping the cases we found that the goods
partly soaked by rain.
Trong quci trinh and ccic thing ra chang toi phcit
hien hang h6a dei bi ngdm nu'ac mu'a.
11. The goods have been so discolored and heavily
saturated by rain that they are unsaleable.
Hang dei bi doi mau va bi ngCim ?Tit nhdu nitric
mu'a den not chang toi khong the' nao ban du'dc
12. We found the goods didn't agree with the samples
you offered.
Chang tai phcit hien hang &Oct khong giong nhu'
nhitrtg mciu ma Ong dei ctu'a ra.
13. The quality of this article cannot qualify for first-class.
Chat lilting cact hang nay khong- the dat hang nheit thick.
14. Upon arrival, we found the shipment of wool was of
poor quality.
Veto lac hang tol, chang tai phcit hien len có chtit
luting kern.
15. It's really something wrong with the quality of this
consignment of bicycles.
Chac chan co vein d'e gi do vo'i chat lacing elk
chuyen hang xe dap lein nay.
16. In the consignment we received, we found only 200
keyboards, instead of 250 ones we ordered for.
Trong chuyen hang chang tai nh(tn, chang tai they
chi có 200 ban phim, thay vi 250 nhu' da chat hang.
17. After examining the sweaters supplied to our order of
September 5, we were very disappointed at their poor
Sau khi kiem tra chat lacing elk nhitng chieec do len
du'vc cung cap theo do'n chat hang hang ngay 5
tilting 9, chzing UN rat that vong vi cheit lzio'ng kern
18. After a great deal of investigation, we find that the
machine's lubricating system is defective.
Sau khi
dieu tra rat nhieu, chang tai phcit hien
he thong boi trot c eta may bi hang.
Accept compensation
Gidi quyet khieu nai
As requested, we will send you a replacement within
a week and hope you will be pleased with the new lot.
Nhu' du'o'c yeu cau, cluing toi se gd'i hang thay the
trong vOng mot tun va by vong Ong se hai lbng vdi
PO hang mdi.
We'll contact our insurance company and pay for the
Cluing toi se lien
thu'eing thiet hai.
v61 cong ty bdo hiem va
I'm afraid we can't give you a refund because the
guarantee has expired.
Chang toi e rang se khong the' hoan tien vi han bdo
hanh cM het.
It would not be fair if the loss will be totally imposed
on us as the liability rest with both parties. We are
merely to pay 50% of the loss.
That khong cong bang n'eu toan bo thiet hai do het
len deiu cluing toi trong khi trcich nhiem thuOc ve ca
hai phia. Chung toi chi chiu 50% thiet hai thoi.
We cannot certain your claim.
We are not in a position to entertain your claim.
Chang toi khong the' chat than ve khieit nai cda
ccic Ong.
Chang Mi khong có khci neing gidi quyet khieu nai
ciict cac 6ng.
We regret being unable to accept your claim because
the cases were in perfect condition when the good
were loaded on board of the ship.
Chang Vol rat tie-c khong the chdp nhetn yeu ceiu ceta
ccic Ong vi ccic thitng hang deu trong dieu kien
binh thdeing khi hang h6a ctu'dc xep len tau.
Your claim for the damage is to be filled with the
insurance company.
Y'eu ceiu ceta Ong dOi voi viec hu . hang se thick gicii
guy& bdi cong ty bdo hdm.
Sometimes the shipping company or insurance
company is found to be responsible for the claim.
Doi khi ding ty tau bier?, hoeic cong ty bdo hie'm se
phcii chiu trcich nhiem doi viii khdu nai.
Claims that fall within the responsibility of shipping
companies and underwriting would not be entertained.
Nhi-eng khieit nai thuOc trcich nhiem ceia cong ty van
tai ban vet moi giai se khong du'yc gicii quyet.
10. If we were at fault, we should be very glad to
compensate for your losses.
Nett chi ng tai c6 loi, chung tai se vui lOng boi
thu'eing nhi-eng thiet hai cica Mg.
11. Without sufficient evidence to support, your claim is
Neu khong c6 bing cheing xcic thu'c de' chang minh,
khieit nai did "(mg la khong xcic
12. The wrong pieces may be returned by next available
steamer for our account, but it is preferable if you can
dispose of them in your market.
Nhiing linh kien hang có the' se du'dc tra lai cho
chang Vol trong chuyen tau sap tdi, nhu'ng se tot ho'n
ne-u "Mg có the' ban chang thi tru'dng coca minh.
13. As the sale was a CIF basis, we suggest you contact
the forwarding agent with regard to compensation.
Vi viec ban hang du'a tren co' so' CIF, chang toi
nghi ?Mg lien lac vdi hang chuyin phcit hang hoci de'
dal bdi thu'dng.
14. We will deliver a replacement to you as soon as
Chang toi se chuye'n hang thay the tdi cho ong sdm
&at có the.
15. You can rest assured that we will take every step
necessary to ensure that no similar incident will ever
occur again.
Ong ca yen tam la chang toi se tidn hanh ccic bu'dc
can thiet cue' dam bao rang nhiing sr' co tu'o'ng tu' se
khong bao gid xciy ra
16. It appears that the responsibility should rest with the
shipping company.
Hoci ra la trcich nhiem thuOc ve ding ty van tai Nen.
17. Because we are not responsible for handling damage
after the product leaves our plant, we suggest you
check with your local store for a possible refund.
Vi chang toi khong chiu trach nhiem ddi vdi hi/ hai
sau khi san phdm rdi nha may caa chang tai,
chang Vol de nghi ong nen lien he vdi ca'a hang dia
phuo'ng cte' du'dc hoan lai tien.
Gicio Bich 1
I'm here to settle the claim for the fertilizer. Nearly
10% of the bags are broken.
Toi toi day de' khie-u nai ctoi vai phd n bon. Gan nhu'
10% ccic tzii cta bi buc.
Have you discovered the exact causes of the packing
breakage? So far we haven't had any complaint of
this kind.
nguyen nhan chinh xcic gay ra viec
Ong da
hang bao bi la gi chu'a? Tru'o'c day cluing tai chu'a
teing thdy có phan nan new nhu' uay.
It is apparently attributed•to faulty packing.
NO có the' la do loi khi dong goi.
I'm extremely sorry for any unnecessary trouble you
suffered, but I would think our company is not to be
blamed for the faults of the shipping company.
TIM thanh that xin loi vi bat cit rac roi khong can
thiet nao ma ong cid gap phcii, nhu'ng tai nghi rang
tong ty ceta chzing tai khong phai chin trcich nhiem
do nhring loi ma cong ty van tea bie'n gay ra.
A: I don't think the shipping company is liable for the
claim. It is quite obvious that the bags were damaged
prior to loading, so it is the seller who should be held
responsible for the claim.
Toi khong nghi cong ty van tai Bien chiu trach
nhiem ve viec nay. Ro rang la nhling tai hang dei bi
himg truYic khi chat len tau, vi the ngu'al ban se
phdi chiu trach nhiem.
Believe me, the goods were in perfect order when
they lcJt. I think the damage must have occurred
during transit.
Cit tin toi di, hang hod 6? trong tinh trang hoem hcio
khi chuyen di. Toi nghi sit hit hOng da din ra trong
qua trinh van chuyen.
But according to the contract, no second-hand gunny
bags are allowed to be used. To our regret, you had
used 210 second-hanb ones. And poor packing was
the cause of the damage and nothing else.
Theo nhu quy dinh trong hdp &Mg, bao bo da qua
di dung khong du'o'c phep dUng lai. Chang toi rat
tie'c la ccic Ong da dUng 210 bao b6" qua sz'z' dung. Va
chinh su' (tong goi khong can than dei gay ra thiet
hai chit khong vi nguyen nhan gi khcic cd.
B: Are you sure that second-hand bags were used for
the last shipment?
dung da- du'o'c
Ong c6 cheic la bao bo del- qua
clang trong lan chuyen hang sau cling chin
Here is the survey report issued by the Vietnam
Day la bien bcin gicim dinh do Cuc clang kiem Viet
Nam cap.
i;IDrI v-12
B: I wonder how this happened? It's embarrassing how
our forwarding company always makes mistakes. I do
apologize for any hardship we may have caused you.
Toi khong hie'u sao chuyen nay c6 the' xciy ra? That
Bang ngai la tai sao hang van tai luon gay ra
TOi thanh that xin loi vi kho khan ma cluing
toi del gay ra cho Ong.
That's ?II right. The repacking didn't take a long time.
The expenses amounted to 3. million VND. We
expect compensation for this amount. I hope you'll
seriously consider the claim.
KhOng sao. Viec clang g6i lai se khong mat nhieu
tho'i gian. Chi phi se khocing 3 trieu ckng. Chang
Vol mong du'o'c den ba so' tien nay. Toi by yang
Ong se xem xet yeu cau nay mot ccich ki cang.
Certainly. We will compensate you for any expenses
you may have incurred.
Chac chart rdi. Chang toi se den bic cho Ong nhidrzg
chi phi phcit sinh.
Gicio dich 2
I have something very unpleasant to talk over with
you, Miss Huong.
Toi c6 mot viec khong clj chiu chat nao mudn not
vol co, co Hu'o'ng a.
What's the matter?
Co chuyen gi vay?
We exported a lot of small leather bags 40 days ago.
Now the goods have arrived at the destination.
Unfortunately, most of them are moldy.
Chang toi dei xueit khdu rat nhieu tai da 40 ngay
tru'dc. Gid hang da den no'i. That khOng may la hail
het hang dei bi mdc.
Have you asked our agent in that country to take
samples and photos?
Anh da yeu cau dai dien cact chi ng toi d nude ccic
anh lay meiu va chup girth chu'a?
Yes. A coot investigation has been made.
R6i. Chang toi cling del khcim nghiem hien trudng.
What does the survey report say?
Bien ban giam Binh not gi?
A: It said it was a chemical reaction that caused the mold.
When the bags were stored in the factory, the
moisture and the chemical elements in the leather
bags resulted in the chemical reaction.
Ho not rang phcin zing hat hoc da gay ra mdc. Khi
tai dudc trill trong nha may, hdi nu'ac va cac nhan to
hoci hoc trong tai da crci gay ra phan (Pig hoci hoc.
We reject the claim for the losses.
Chang toi tit chdi de nghi b6i thudng thiet hai.
Our insurance covered All Risks, so the insurance
company should be liable for total loss on land or sea
of the insured goods.
Bao hiem caa chi ng toi bao g6m Moi rai ro, vi thecOng ty bao hiem nen chiu trcich nhiem ye nha'ng
thiet hai tren &it lien hay tren bien IA nhfing hang
dude bao hiem.
B: The insurance doesn't cover loss or damage from
normal loss, inherent vice or nature of the insured
Rio hie'm khong bao gdm thiet hai hay ha hang do
nhieng ton that thong thu'O'ng, co" tat hay ban chdt
dux hang duck bcio hient.
But when the goods came out of the factory, they
were in goods condition. It was the long voyage that
made them mouldy.
Nluing khi hang ra kh6i nha may, chi m
- g van 6'
trong tinh trang tot. Chinh cuOc hanh trinh deli
da lam cluing bi mac.
Do you have any certification?
Anh c6 Vang chli'ng nao khong?
Khong, tai khong c6.
No, we don't.
Anh c6 biing chang nao khong?
Khong, tai khong c6.
That's why the insurance company refused to admit
D6 la N do vi sao cong ty bcio ham tit' choi theta
nhan trach nhiem.
nhir the nao ye; van des cal hang
Barter trade
Vein des do9i hang
1. We must remind you of your responsibility to provide
technical assistance, the performance of the
machines and finally a smooth start-up.
Chang toi phdi nhac nh6? Ong ye trach nhiem cria
Ong trong viec cung cap ccic ho trd kj% thuat, van
hanh may m6c yet cuoi cling la sit kheii deing suon se.
We hope you meet our requirements regarding the
time of shipment for all the products you sell to us.
Chang toi hi yang Ong se dap (mg yeu ceiu cda
chang toi ye mat theri gian gili hang ddi vdi moi seat
pha m Ong cung cap cho chang VOL
We'll certainly act in accordance with the agreement.
Chung toi chdc chan se hanh dOng phis hyp yo'i th6a
Will we be able to conduct a barter trade?
Chang toi se c6 the' quoin ly thu'ang mai trao ctoi
hang hoct chid
Is it possible for us to sell our wool as payment for
your pork?
Chang toi c6 the' ban hang len cho Ong di thanh
tocin cho thit low cilia Ong du'ac khong?
Imports and exports can be done separately; one is
either before or after the other.
Nhap khdu vet xudt khdu c6 thi thu'c hien rieng biet,
chang c6 ccii new tru'dc ho a c sau ccii nao.
As we are short of foreign exchange, we'd like to do a
barter trade with you.
Vi chang toi thiea ngoai
tali hang hoa udi Ong.
to nen chang toi man trao
We want to exchange beef and mutton for your cotton.
Chang toi mudri trao ddi thit bb va thit ca'u lay yeti
bong cact Ong.
The two letters of credit shall be opened against
each other.
Hai lci thu' tin dung se du'dc ma ddi cho nhau.
10. Shall we first sign a barter trade agreement stipulating
the general terms and conditions?
Chang to tru'dc het se k3; thi3a thuan thu'ang mai
trao ddi hang hoa di quy dinh ccic dieu khocin va
diiu kien chung chit?
11. Let's come to the point. The purpose of my current
visit here is to explore the possibility of doing barter
trade with you.
Hay cling nhau di veto van di nay. Muc dich chuyin
tha in horn nay cact toi la de tim hiea khci nang
thu'dng mai trao ddi hang h6a vdi Ong.
12. If you agree to our barter trade proposal, we will give
you chemical fertilizer in exchange for your wheat.
N'eU Ong cidng y vai de nghi trao del hang hoa,
chi ng toi se trao ddi phan b6n h6a hoc vdi laa mi
ceta Ong.
13. We should like to place a fairly large order, but I'll
have to consult the manager.
Chang Vol mudn dat hang khci 16'n nhu'ng UM, pha i
ban bac vdi ngu'ai quan
14. I think that import and export trade can be done
separately and the two letters of credit can be opened
against each other.
Toi nghi rang nhap khdu va xudt khdu c6 the' tien
hanh tech biet va hai thu tin dung c6 the' chide and
de' trao ddi cho nhau.
15. The contract will come into force on July 1. You can't
go back on your word then.
Hop ddng se c6 hieu lu'c vao ngay 1 thcing 7. Ong
khOng the' thay ddi sau do.
16. We always fulfill our promise.
Chang Mi luon the hien ldi haa.
17. The usual tolerance for steel plates of this thickness
is 1/8 inch.
Dung sai thong thu'ang cho tam thep vdi di) day nay
la 118 insa
18. Vietnamese Kim Son liquor is world renowned. It is
named after the place where it is made.
Ru'o'u Kim Sdn ceca Viet Nam c6 tieng then the - giai.
N6 du'dc dat ten theo dia danh ndi no dddc son xudt.
19. Owing to our past relationship, we hold our offer valid
for another week, after which our price will probably
be raised.
Do mdi quan he trong qua kha gia'a chang ta,
chang toi cho phep lai de nghi có hieu mot tuCin
nita, sau cto gici cci caa chung UN có the' tang.
20. We are among the leading dealers of light industrial
products in this city.
Chang toi la mot trong so nhiing nha buan ban
hang dciu cact scin pheim tong nghi'ep nhe thanh
phd nay.
Gino Bich 1
We are sorry to say that we can't import your grain
this year because we are short of foreign exchange.
Chung toi lay lam ti'ec khi phdi not rang cluing toi
khong the' nhCip kheiu nga cdc coca ong trong nam
nay vi chang toi gang thieu ngoai te.
That's too bad. Your country is a big market for our
grain and so we will also suffer a great loss if you
import nothing. Maybe we can find a way out.
That la dcing tiec. IT& nu'dc coca 'Ong la thi tru'ang
low cho nga cdc dia chung toi va do do chung toi se
phcii hang chiu ton that Ong ne neu ong khong
nhap khdu bat ki tilt? gi. Co the' chicng ta se tim ra
What do you think of conducting a barter trade?
Ong nghi the nao ve thu'dng mai trao ddi hang hoct?
That can be a solution. What commodities do you
have to exchange for our grain?
D6 c6 the' la mat gidi phap. Hang h6a
ddi ldy nga coe dia cluing Vol la gi?
'Ong mudn
There are so many goods. Our country exports huge
quantities of timber, wool, leather and mutton. Which
commodity would you prefer?
Co rat nhieu hang h6a. &it nu'dc chicng toi xudt
khdu mat lu'o'ng ldn gj, len, da, thit Logi hang
nao ong thich hdn ca?
We would like to exchange our grain for your timber.
Chang toi mudn ddi nga cdc ldy g/5 clict
Excellent. The total import of grain would roughly
equal your purchase of timber.
Tong gici tri nhap khdu nga cdc se tu'ang et&
bang vo'i sa'c mua go coca orig.
It would be a little difficult for us to sign two contracts
Se ho'i kho khan cho chang toi khi ky ddng thal 2
hdp ddng.
We could sign to sales contracts in a month, one for
grain and the other for timber.
Chang ta co the' ky hdp ddng buon ban trong mat
thcing, mat cho nga cdc, va mat cho
Then the L/C should be opened against one another
though not necessarily at the same time.
Sau do tai khod n LIC nen du'o'c md cho tling loai
mac dit khOng can thiet cling mot lac.
What tolerance counterpurchase?
for the
Si' sai lech cho phep trong trao ciroi nay let bao nhieu?
We usually allow a tolerance of plus or minus 10%.
Chang toi thu'eing cho phep sai lech cao ho'n hoac
theip ho'n 10%.
Then we have solved the problem of our shortage of
foreign exchange.
Nhu' v(ty chafing to se gidi quyet dzio'c vein ngoai
Giao dich 2
As we short of foreign exchange, we'd like to do
barter trade with you.
Vi chafing Cal thieu ngoai
doi hang hoa vai Ong.
to nen Chang Vol mudn trao
Do you have a specific proposal?
Ong c6 cue nghi cu the chu'a?
We want to exchange beef and mutton for your cotton.
Chang toi muort trao doi thit bb vet thit cicu lay vdi
bong czla Ong.
How will it be arranged?
N6 se du'cic sap xep the new?
Let's sign two conrtract simultaneously. One sales
contract for beef and mutton, and the other of equal
value for the purchase of cotton.
Chang to hay cling kj; d6ng thbl 2 hop d6ng, mot
hop &lig buon ban thit ba va thit deli, mot c6 gici
tri Wang du'ung mua vcii bong.
And how to arrange the payment?
Con ccich thii'c thanh town thi sao?
Your L/C and our L/C should be opened against each
4C cita 'Ong va cila t6i se mei cho nhau.
Well, let's first negotiate a barter trade agreement,
stipulating some general terms and conditions.
VCiy tru'ac het hely cling nhau ban bac i 4 them thOn
trao doi quy Binh nhieng kj, han va die'u kien chung.
the nao yegiao dfch cling bang
Compensation Trade
Giao dich bic trit
Which do you prefer, buyback or counterpurchase?
Ong muon hinh thac nao ho'n, mua lai hay mua doi
I think the compensation trade agreement suits us
Toi cho rang thOct thuan giao dich bit tra' phd hop
voz chang Vol how.
How long will it take to complete the payment?
Mat bao lau de hoan thanh vi'Oc thanh town?
It depends upon your payment capacity.
No phu thuOc vao khd nang thanh town cda Ong.
Compensation trade is a kind of loan, so interest must
be paid.
Giao dich bit trii let loci cho vay vay phdi trd
Compensation trade benefits both parties who take
part in it.
Giao dich bit trill lam lyi cho cci hai ben tham gia.
You need to pay the interest every year.
Ong can phcii trd la i hang nam.
Shall we be able to do a barter trade?
Lieu cluing to c6 the' giao dich hang doi hang cluck cha'?
We'll certainly act in accordance with the agreement.
Chang toi chcic chcin se thu'c hien theo th6a thu6 n.
10. Buyback is probably more convenient than
Viec mua lai se thu6n tien hdn la mua doi lu'u.
11. How would both parties open their letters of credit?
Hai ben se and thud tin dung nhu' the nao?
12. The problem of your shortage of foreign exchange
can be resolved while urgent requirements of both
sides can be met.
co the' du'* gidi quyet khi
thiesit ngoai
nhiing dai hoi cap thiet cact hai ben du'o'c clap a'ng.
13. We must remind you of your definite responsibility for
technical assistance, the performance of the
machines and finally a smooth start-up.
Chang tOi phcii nitd'c nhd 'Mg xcic dinh trcich nhiem
tru'ac h6- try ki thutit, van heath may moc va cuoi
cling la su khdi d6ng suon se.
14. Will five years be long enough?
Nam 'tam lieu c6 da lau kitting?
Giao dich 1
We are just considering a possible purchase of an
engine production line. But we are short of foreign
exchange at the moment.
Chang toi con gang can nhac khci Tieing mua mot
y chuyA scin xudt may mac. Nhu'ng lac nay
chicng toi gang thie-u ngoai re.
Shall we conduct compensation trade?
Chung to se tie/n hanh giao dich bit tat' du'yc chit?
That's a good idea. How would payment be made
under the arrangement?
D6 la mat y kien hay. Thanh town se coat tie-n hanh
nhu' the nao theo ccich thac do?
It is to be made in products directly manufactured by
the imported equipment.
N6 se du'qc tiert hanh cho nhi-eng scan phdm clack
tru'c tie-p du'vc sdn xuat
thiet bi nhap khdu.
You mean you provide us with the equipment and get
compensated by the products we've produces with
the equipment.
Y Ong la Ong cung cap cho chzing toi thiet bi vet bit
lai Ong nhan bang scin phdm ma cluing toi sd n xudt
bdng thiet bi do.
Yes. Then we can sell the products in your country or
export them to other countries.
Vang. Sau do chang toi có the' ban scin phdm d' &it
• nu'dc Ong hay xudt khd'u chang sang ccic nu'ac khcic.
That's great. Let's discuss some concrete terms then.
How long do you think it shall take us to complete the
That tuyet. Nao hay cling nhau ban ve ccic dieu
khocin cu the. Ong nghi phdi mat bao lau de' chang
toi hoan thanh thanh tocin?
The payment period of 3 to 5 years is international
Thal gian thanh tocimla 3 cho den 5 nam theo thong
le qudc re:
How about 4 years? Maybe we will meet some
problems in the initial stages of operation of your
equipment, such as own yield, unstable quality, etc.
so we prefer to fulfil the payment within 4 years
strating from the commencement of production.
Khodng 4 nam drive khong? Co the' chang toi se gap
phcii mot vai van cue trong giai doan ddu van hanh
thiet bi nhu' la scan lzidng so lu'o'ng khong on
Befi vay chung toi mudn hoan thanh thanh tocin
trong vang 4 nam tinh tie lac bat ddu san xuat.
OK. I'll accept your requirements. You should
guarantee that the quality of the buyback products will
be up to international standard.
Du'o'c. Toi se chdp yeu cdu cda Ong. Ong nen
dcim bcio rang so luring cda scan phdm nay se dat
tieu chudn qudc
We shall of course adopt strict measures to control
the quality of our counter sales products.
Di nhien chi ng ail se cip dung ccic Bien phcip kheit
kie'm socit so- lu'ong cela scin phain d. 2 lu'u.
But one thing I have to remind you, since
compensation trade is a kind of loan, you have to pay
interest every year.
Nhu'ng mot dieu ma toi phdi nhac nha Ong la vi
giao dich bet tra' la mot loai cho vay nen Ong se phdi
trci lai hang nam.
Of course. When shall we sign the contract?
Di nhien r6i. Khi new chting to se 14 hop d6ng?
Next week.
Tutin sau.
That's great. See you next week.
Thtit tuyet. Hen gap lai Ong tucin sau.
See you.
Hen gap lai.
Giao dich 2
As we are short of foreign exchange, we'd like to do
barter trade with you.
Vi chlcng toi thieU ngoai to nen cluing toi mudn trao
ddi hang hoa vdi 6ng.
That'd good. What commodities do you have to
exchange for your clothes?
Tot thoi. Hang haa nao Ong mudn ddi cho qua n cio
cda Chung toi?
There are so many goods. Our country exports huge
quantities of leather, wool and mutton. Which
commodity would you prefer?
Co rat nhie'u hang h6a. Nu'dc chicng tOi xueit kheiu
lu'o'ng Ian da, len, thit caw. Loai hang nao ong
mudn ddi?
We want to exchange our clothes for your wool.
ChUng Col mudn ddi quern ao cita chang toi lei)/ len
dui Ong.
How will it be arranged?
Key hogch
chang to se la nhu' the nao?
Let's sign simultaneously two contracts, one sales
contract for clothes, and the other of equal value for
purchase of wool.
Hay using lz)% ddng thai hai hop ddng, mot hop ddng
bu6n ban qucin cio va mot c6 gici tri tu'o'ng du'o'ng
buon ban len.
And how to arrange the payment?
Can ve thanh toan thi nhu' the nao?
Your L/C and our L/C are to be opened against each
Thu' tin dung
t6i va diet ong se dace
for the
Chenh Lech nao duvc cho phep trong cuOc giao
dich nay?
1111)19 \-1 3
We usually allow a tolerance of plus or minus 5%.
Chang t6i thu'b'ng cho pile]) chenh lech cao ho'n hoa. c
therp ho'n 5%.
Well, let's negotiate first a barter trade agreement,
stipulating some general terms and conditions.
Vay track het hay cling ban bac cho tiukt thu4n trao
cal hang hoa, quy Binh melt vai dieu khocin vet dieu
kin chung.
XII 1p n.huf Mina() trong darn phan
ye buOn ban ba frit'
Basic terms of compensation trade
Thutit ngii cd bcin a buon ban biz trit
Compensation trade benefits both parties.
Buon ban bit trig có lyi cho ca hai ben.
One of our main objectives of doing compensation
trade is importing advanced equipment and
MO trong nhiing muc tieu ceta chang toi trong buon
ban bit trii la nlictp kheiu thiet bi va cong nghg tien Herz.
Both the sellers and buyers can broaden the sales
channels in foreign markets and thus increase their
exporting capabilities.
Ca ngu'di ban va ngu'di mua et& có the' md r'Ong
kenh ban hang 6?
. ccic thi tru'dng nu'dc ngoai vet vi the
ma tang khci nang xudt khdu ctia ho.
Shall we conduct compensation trade?
Chung to se tier' hemh &ton ban bit tra' chit'?
We're short of foreign exchange at the moment.
Tai that' diem nay cluing toi gang thiet ngoai
Compensation trade is a kind of loan.
Buon ban bit tnt' la mot loai vay von.
The buyers can overcome their foreign exchange
Ngu'al mua c6 the' vu'o't qua nht'ng kh6 khan ve
ngoai re.
We can get necessary technology and equipment on
Chang toi c6 the mua chile
thiet bi can thiet.
cong nghe va
We can provide the foreign currency required for
importing the equipment and technology by that
earned from exporting the products.
Chang toi c6 the' trci ngoai to du'o'c yeu cd u cho thiet
bi va tong nghe nhelp khdu bang nguo'n thu t'
nhit'ng sdn phdm xudt khdu.
10. We require that the equipment and technology to be
provided by you should be up to advanced world
standards, reasonable in price and suitable to our
condition of production.
Chang toi yeu cciu rang thiet bi va cong nghe du'o'c
cung cap i ben Ong se phcii chip (Mg duw nha'ng
tieu chudn qudc to tien tien gici cci plied cheing va
phis hop vol, lieu kien sari xudt cua cluing toi.
11. Since compensation trade is a kind of loan, you have
to pay interest every year.
Vi buOn ban bit trio' la mot clang not; Ong se phcii trci
lai hang nam.
12. We agree to complete the payment within 2 years.
Chang V& chdp nhan hoan thanh thanh town trong
2 nam.
13. We shall reimburse you the total value of the entire
equipment by instalment in 4 years.
Chang toi se thanh town cho Ong toan bo gici tri caa
toan 130 thiet bi bang hinh thac fret gop trong bon
14. We would like to buyback your cotton as
Chang Vol moon mua lai vdi bong theo hinh thac
mua bit trig
15. You will undertake to buyback all the products turned
out with the said equipment.
Ong se dam trcich mua lai toan 130 nhiing scin phdm
chide lam ra thiet bi dei noi.
16. Buyback is more convenient than counterpurchase.
Moo lai thuan ti'On how la trao ctdi hang hoa.
17. We agree to take the compensation by 50% buyback
and 50% counterpurchase of your products.
Chang Vol clang y bit tra' bang 50% mua lai va 50%
trao ddi voi scin phdm caa cac Ong.
18. An irrevocable letter of guarantee will be issued in
your favour by the Business Bank, to guarantee
timely payment of the installments with the interest
due, provided that you have fulfilled your obligations
under the contract.
Mot thu' bet° clam khong the' huy ngang du'dc ban
hanh vai su ddng y eila mot Nga n hang Thu'dng
Mai, de' dcim bcio thdi gian thanh tocin trci g6p vdi
lai suCit tdi han, ne-u Ong thu'c hien dung nhieng
nghia vu ciza minh theo hop deing.
19. Concerning the import side of this compensation
trade, we agree to make payment by three yearly
installments without interest.
poi voi ben nh(ip khdu cita viec buon ban biz trio
nay, cluing toi ddng y thanh town bang hinh
trci gop trong ba nam khong c6 lai slat.
20. We agree to accept payment for this machinery in the
form of buyback of electric toys.
Chung toi ddng y ehdp nhCin thanh town cho may
auk nay du'di hinh d& mua lai ccic clo chili dien.
21. Three months after the equipment supplied by you
become operational, you shall establish an
irrevocable resolving L/C in our favour in respect of
the products to be exported to you.
Ba thcing sau khi thiet bi du'dc cung cap bdi ben Ong
di vao hoat dOng, Ong se ban hanh mot thu' tin dung
khong du'dc hUy ngang vdi su' chdp thutin ceza chang
toi cho nhiing scin phcim do Ong xudt khciu.
22. You should undertake the responsibility of assembly,
installation, startup and test run the equipment and
machinery within the respectively specified periods.
Ong se phcii chiu trcich nhiem lcip rap, cai c$at, khdi
d'Ong va chay th' cac thiet bi va may m6c trong thai
gian cu the' tu'o'ng ang.
23. The machinery and equipment supplied by us will
arrive in time by partial shipment.
May m6c va thiet bi du'oc cung cap bdi chang toi se tdi
no'i dung thdi gian bang hinh du& giao titng phdn.
24. You should warrant that if the equipment fails to
opearate normally due to faulty manufacture, you will
send over your technicians to effect repairs or replace
the defective article or parts with all expenses to be
borne by your side.
Ong phcii dam bcio rang neit thiet bi khong hoat
d'Ong du'oc binh thu'dng do rai scin xuert, ong se get'i
ccic ki thuat vien sd'a chiect hoeic May the nha'ng
phd n bi h6ng vdi mai chi phi do ben 'Ong chiu.
25. According to the terms of the compensation trade
agreement, we bear responsibility for the erection and
maintenance of equipment.
Theo ccic dieu khocin cda hop buon ban bit trit,
thong toi chiu track nhi'em ve viec lap dat va bao
tri thiet bi.
26. For the purpose of mastering all the techniques of
operating your equipment, we request you give
technical training /to the personel for operating and
servicing the equipment.
c6 the' ncim viing ccic kji thud t van hanh thiet bi
cda 'Ong, chicng toi cue nghi ong ciao tao kj, thuat cho
nha n sot caa chting toi de van hanh vet bdo du'ang
thiet bi.
27. When the equipment is put into producing, you are to
send your technicians to our plant together with our
personel and teach them to grasp the entire
Khi thiet bi duvc ctu'a vao sdn xudt, eing se gal kji
thuat vien tdi nha may cilia chang toi cling
su' cilia
toi va day cho ho nam du'gc tam be)
cling nghe.
28. You should guarantee that the machines to be
supplied are in accordance with our requirements and
Ong phcii ddm bdo rang may mac du'o'c cung cap se
theo dung nhirng yeu cciu va dac diem ky thuat c act
29. We'll submit technical documents to you and
guarantee safe operation of the equipment.
Chang toi se du'a tai lieu ky thuat cho "Mg va dam
bdo an toan trong hoat d'Ong circa thiet bi.
30. We shall of course adopt strict measures to control
the quality of our countersale products.
Chang toi tat nhien se cip dung nhiing chua'n mu'c
nghiem nett cle kiem soot chat luVng caa nhit'ng
scan pha'm trao
31. The two parties agree to enter into compensation
trade under the terms and conditions set forth below.
Hai ben gong j, tie'n hanh buon ban bit trit dual ccic
dieu khodn va dieu kien sau.
32. We have agreed upon the major points of the
compensation trade agreement.
Chang toi gong
buon ban biz
da so ccic diem trong hop gong
Delicately wording for compensation trade
Tit nga hheo leo di 135 cho hoat di:mg buon
ban bit trig
I think that the compensation trade arrangement suits
us better.
TOi nghi rang buon ban biz trig phit hop vo'i chi ng
toi hon.
I would like you to complete the payment in 2 years if
it's not too difficult for you.
Toi muon Ong hoan thanh thanh town trong hai
nam neu dieu do khong qua kh6 cho Ong.
Is it possible to compensate by other products under
compensation trade arrangement?
Lieu c6 the' thay the bang nhit'ng sari phdm khac
du'ai hinh du& buon ban bit trit khOng?
You'll get compensated by the products which you
can either sell in your country or export to other
Ong se du'dc den bit nhiring san phdm ma 'Ong c6 the'
ban trong nu'o'c caa minh hoac xudt khdu sang
nu& khcic.
Reference is made to the trademark to be used on
the compensation products. As we have to provide all
raw materials and spare parts and to devise process
designs we propose to use a new trademark.
Vi O
" c sic' dung thuzing hieu cho ccic sari pheim bit trill
se phai du'dc xem xet va tham khao. Bdi vi chz ng toi
phai cung cap nguyen lieu tho vet dd phu tang de'
thu'c hien ccic thiet ke ve quy trinh san xudt, Chung
toi de nghi se dung mot thu'dng hieu
The degree in marketing our countersale products will
denpends on advanced technique in production,
constant improvement in design, and the knowledge
of market tendency and needs.
caa chang to
Mai'c de) marketing sdn pheim trao se phu thu6c vao k9 thuett tien tien trong sdn xuat,
cdi tien nheit dinh trong thiet ke- va nhfing
biet ve xu hu'Ong cling nhu' nhu cdu cda thi tru'dng.
We hope you will let us have an outline of your
proposal so that we can make a preliminary
evaluation of the economic feasibility of your proposal.
Toi hy vong 'Mg se cung cap cho chang Vol cue cu'dng
a de xueit caa 'Mg chung toi c6 the' c6 nhiing
danh gici so' b6 ve khci na'ng thvc thi trong cm xueit
We hope you will quote us in detail on cash basis and
on buyback basis separately, the prices of the
equipment and instruments and the charges of knowhow and technical service so that we can give the
matter an overall evaluation to arrive at a decision.
Chung toi hy vong 'Ong se ctinh gia chi tiet cho
chang toi theo cd sd tien mat va cd so' mua lai mot
ccich rieng biet , gia ca cda thiet bi va ccic cong cu
cling nhu chi phi cho phuting phcip sdn xudt va dich
vu kj% thued chang toi c6 the' dcinh gia vein cue mo t
ccich tong quit vet du'a ra quyet dinh.
If you have any difficulty in counter-purchasing our
products, we suggest that a reliable and competent
partner in a third country be invited to join you in
signing the contract with us to help you resolve this
Neu 'Ong gap kh6 khan gi khi mua ban trao
hang hoct vdi chi m
- g toi, Chung toi c6 the' &e nghi
mot d6i tcic acing tin cay va c6 det khci na ng 6' mot
rid& thd ba tham gia vdi 'Ong trong viec ley Op
ddng vdi chung toi de' gitip Ong gidi quyet van de
10. At present, medium-sized compensation trade,
expecially those aiming at ensuring quick increase in
export earnings for financing the importation of
equipment will be given priority.
Hien tai nhirng hop d6ng buon , bcin bit trei m
trung, &Tic biet nhiing ccii nham ddm brio tang
tru'etng nhanh cda thu nhap td hoot &Ong xuat khdu de'
cap von cho viec nha p khdu thiet bi se du'o'c du tien.
Gicio dich 1
Mr Dick, we've looked at your coal mining equipment
and have great interest in buying. But as you know,
we're short of foreign exchange at the moment.
Ong Dick, chang toi dei xem nhi-eng thiet bi khai
thcic than dui 'Ong va rat mudn mua chung. Nhu'ng
Ong biet day, hien tai chicng toi Bang thiet ngoai
How many sets of machines do you need, Ms Lien?
Ba can bao nhieu be) may m6c, hd ba Lien?
Ten sets this time. If the machines prove efficient,
we'll probably need more.
Mu'a'i be) cho lan nay. Neu nhu' may mac Zan nay
chang to du'dc hieu qua, cluing toi chac cheat se can
Hmm...shall we undertake compensation trade? I'm
sure it will benefit both of us.
ta co tlzi tievn hanh buon ban bit trig
khong? Toi tin rang no se c6 ldi cho ca hai chang ta.
That's great. Let's discuss some concrete terms then.
How will payment be made under the compensation
trade arrangement?
Dieu do that tuyet. Hay thcio luan ve mat so" dieu
khocin cu the' di. Viec thanh town se du'dc thu'c hien
the new dudi hdp d6ng buon ban bit trig?
We would like to buy back your coal as compensation.
Chang toi mudn mua lai than caa ba nhu' mot
khocin bit trii.
That's all right. But how long do you think it shall take
us to complete the payment?
DI* thoi. Nhu'ng Ong man chang toi hoan thanh
viec thanh town trong bao u?
Well, the payment of 3 to 5 year is international
practice. Let's take the minimum if it's not too difficult
for you.
Viec thanh town trong khocing tit' 3 tdi 5 nam theo
quek te: Hay lay thdi gian ngcin nheit neit
khong qua kho khan cho ba.
OK, we agree to complete the payment within 3 years,
starting from the beginning of production.
Du'oc thoi, chung toi dOng y hoan thanh thanh town
trong 3 neim, bat dau tip khi bat dau viec sem xudt.
Yes. But one thing I have to remind you, since
compensation trade is a kind of loan, you have to pay
interest every year.
Du'o'c. Nhu'ng c6 mat viec toi phai nhcic ba, vi buon
ban bit trio' la mat hinh thac vay no', ba se phcii trci
lai hang nam.
Of course. But there are some minor details l's like to
Tdt nhien rOi. Nhu'ng c6 mot so- chi ti'et nha toi
mudn de cap tai.
Let gi vay?
When the equipment is put into production, you're to
send your technicians to our plant together with our
personel and teach them the entire technology.
Khi thiet bi clito'c du'a vao sem xuat, Ong se geti ccic
14 thuat vien tai nha may eta chitng toi cang viii
nhan su caa cluing toi va ciao tao ho ve toan ba cong
nghe nhe.
D dcec thoi.
A: Also, within one month wafter receipt of the L/C issued
by our bank, you shall provide us with an irrevocable
L/C issued by your bank in our favour guaranteeing
payment for our countersale products delivered
according to the agreement.
Them niza, trong yang mot net m sau khi nh6n du'dc
thu tin dung du'o'c phcit hanh bdi ngein hang clict
chung tai, 6ng se cung cap cho chung tai thu' tin
dung khong the htiy ngang du'dc ban hanh bdi ngdn
hang vdi sttl chap thu6n czia ong de' dem bcio thanh
town cho sem phdm trao ddi du'dc chuyen tai theo
hop gong.
B: There is no problem. When shall we sign the contract?
Khong c6 vein de gi. Khi net° chting to c6 the' ki hop
At your convenience.
Mien la thuCin tien cho orig.
Gicio dich 2
Mr Bell, we've carefully considered your proposal, but
we think the compensation trade arrangement suits
us better.
Ong Bell, chung tai dei xem xet cue xudt ceta Ong,
nhu'ng chung tai nghi rang buon ban bit trig phis
hop vdi chung tai hdn.
It suits us fine as well.
N6 cling phis hop vdi chung tai.
Is it possible to compensate by other products under
a compensation trade arrangement?
Lieu c6 the' bit trill bang nhring sem phdm khcic theo
hop buon ban bit tn.? khong?
Are you suggesting that you'll supply us the computer
software production line according to our price and
take your compensation by counterpurchase?
Co phdi Ong gang go'i y rang 'Ong se cung cap cho
cluing toi day truyen scan xuelt phcin mem may tinh
theo gid cda cluing Vol va nhein bit trill bang viec
mua ddi lu'u?
Yes, we don't need any computer software right now.
Dung vely, hien nay cluing toi khong can plan mem
may tinh.
What kind of products would you prefer?
ly Ong mudn loai sdn phei'm new?
We'd like the payment by some raw materials such as
cotton, coal and oil.
Cluing toi mudn thanh tocin bdng nht'ng loci
nguyen lieu tho nhu' vdi bong, than hod c dciu.
Coal and oil are also badly needed in this country. I
think we can compensate with cotton.
Than va dCiu cling clang rat can den d deft nu'ac nay.
Toi nghi cluing toi se bit &a' bdng vdi bong.
That's fine.
Cling &ice.
How long do you expect completion of payment to
Ong mudn viec thanh town hoetn thanh trong bao
How about 2 years?
Khocing 2 neim c6 du'yc khong?
I'm afraid it's too difficult for us. How about 5 years?
Toi e rang no qua kh6 cho cluing Mi. Lieu 5 neim c6
duck kitting?
All right. But you need to pay interest.
ThOi du'o'c. NhUng Ong se phcii tret led sudt.
That is no problem.
Kitting c6 van de gi.
vin degoi thdir vã cift thdu
Inviting and bidding
Goi thdu va du' theiu
Are you interested in our Invitation in Mua&Ban?
Ong co quan tam den thong bcio mdi thdu cUa
thong tôi tren td Mua & Ban khOng?
What's the time set for the bidders to submit their bids?
ccic nha thciu gezi did thciu la bao gib'?
Mr James, our government has invited tenders for the
Three Gorges Project. Would you like to take part in?
Ong James, chinh phez cua chang toi gang mdi thdu
cho clz! an Three Gorges. Ong có mudn tham gia
We shall get a complete set of tender documents
for you.
Chang tOi se lay mot 130
cho Ong.
li I DPI t- I 4
he so' mdi thdu hodn chinh
When do you expect to open the tender? And where?
Khi nao ccic Mg se mO'deiu theiu tong khai? Vet
a dau?
You're required to come to our office for the tender
documents against payment of 500 dollars.
Ccic 'Ong drat yeu cciu den van phang ceta chi m
- g toi
mua mat ba ha so' mai theiu gici la 500 do la.
Here is a set of tender documents which cover all the
necessary details.
Day la mat b6 ha so' mai theiu vdi dciy chic ccic chi tiet
can thiet.
As this is a large project, we require a letter of
guarantee from an acceptable bank.
Vi day la mat du' an low, Chung toi yeu cciu bcio
dcim du' thoiu mot ngan hang chap nhan thanh
We hope you'll consider this tender invitation carefully
before the closing date.
Chang toi by vong 'Ong se xem xet thong bcio mai
thtiu mot ccich can than tru'ek khi het han.
Gicio dich 1
I've heart that you're to call for the tender.
Toi du'vc biet la ccic 'Ong gang mai thciu.
Yes. It's for oil development in the East Sea.
Dung vay. No hu'Ong den su' phcit trien dciu
When do you start the invitation?
Khi nao ccic Ong se thong bcio B:
a Bien
thei u?
Early next month.
Ddu thcing sau.
What kind of equipment would you like to purchase?
Ccic Ong man mua loci thiet bi nao?
The advanced drilling equipment.
Thiet bi khoan tien tien.
A: When is the closing date?
Thal diem (tong thclu la bao gib'?
October 31st.
Ngay 31 thcing 10.
And where is the bid to be sent?
lid so' du' thciu phcii gill den da u?
To our office.
Tc)i van pheng dm cluing Mi.
Gino dich 2
We've have carefully studied the bid documents and
decided to take part in the bid.
hO so' ddu thtiu va
Chang toi da nghien
quyet Binh se tham gia deru thtiu.
I'm very glad to hear that. Have you prepared your bid?
Toi rat vui vi dieu do. Ong del chudn bi hd sd du
thd u chu'a?
We have prepared a competitive bid.
Chang- toi det chuein
bi mot hd so' du theiu canh tranh.
How do you assess the volume of work on the project?
Ong Binh u'ac khdi lu'o'ng ding viec trong du an nhu'
the ndo?
We assess the volume of work according to the date
required. Here is our Submission of Bid together with
information on the cost, construction time and volume
of work for the project.
Chang toi u'dc tinh khdi luting cong viec du'a veto
- g toi
ngdy yeu ceiu. Day la Ho sd du' thciu chi m
cling vdi nhieng thong tin ye gici cd, thal gian thy
du'ng vet khdi ludng cong viec cho du an.
Are the prices stated in the US dollar?
Gici du'o'c ghi bi4ng do la My" cha'?
B:, What kind of guarantee will you provide us with?
Loai hinh bdo ldnh new Ong se cung cap cho chang
A standby letter of credit established by Vietcombank.
MOt thu tin dung du phong du'vc phcit hanh bdi
Ng-an hang ngoai thuling V* Nam.
Have you brought the qualification certificate with you?
Ong co mang gitlY phep theo khong?
Lai not dgu 5
1. Market research 7
Di6u tra thi trudng
2. Appointment 13
Hen gap d6i tac
3. Understanding the importance of local 17
Am hi6u tam quan trong caa phong tuc, tap quan
dia phtiong trong kinh doanh
4. Prepare for the meeting 25
Chugn bi cho bu6i gap mat
5. Treat the customer 31
Ti6p dal khach hang
6. Introduce about your products 36
Gidi thiau ye sin pha'm caa ban
7. Internal prepare for negotiation 45
Cong tac chugn bi nOi be) cho qua trinh dam phan
8. Start to negotiate 50
Bet dgu dam phan
9. How to win in contract terms and conditions 56
Lam th6 nao de chitin thing ye dieu khosin
trong hop dung
10. To win a negotiation on price 66
DO thuong ludng thanh cong v4 gia ca
11. Negotiation for custom entries and duties 77
Dam phan hiep Binh vo thug quan nhu the nao
12. Negotiation about benefits and responsibility of
insurance policy Dam phan A quyen idi va trach nhiem chinh sach
bao ham
13. Negotiate about commission 89
Dam phan vg tiOn hoa hong
14. Negotiation of technology transfer 98
Dam phan v4 van dO chuyen giao kr thuet
15. How to negotiate brand and trademark issue 109
Dam phan nhu the nao ve van do nhan hieu hang h6a
16. Negotiation of joint-venture business 115
Dam phan v4 kinh doanh gOp Von
17. Negotiation of sole agency issue 128
Dam phan A dal ly d6c quyen nhu the nao
18. Negotiation of assembling business 142
Dam phan nhu the nao trong giao dich lap rap gia cOng
19. Negotiation of goods transaction Dam phan nhu the nao A van de giao dich
hang h6a
20. A proper ending of a negotiation 161
Ket th0c cu6c dam phan mot cach hcip ly
21. How to solve compensation issue 168
Giei guy& nhv the nao ye wan de Lc& ,vdng
22. NeGotiation of Barter trade 181
13/ nhV the nao ye van de d6i hang
23. Negotiation of compensation trade 188
Xt.? /3"/ th6 nao ye giao dich c6ng bang
24. Negotiation of compensation trade 195
Xis lk nhti the nao trong dam phan ye buOn ban
b0 trif
25. Solve tender invitation and bid matter 209
lk van de gOi theu va dV theu
261 Thuv Khue, Q.Tay H6 * DT: (04) 3.7950975
A2P, T. 58 P. Dich Vong Hgu - Cgu Gigy * Fax: (04) 3.7950977
Web: * Email: lienhe@nxbhongdu ^.vn
Chiu trcich nhiOm xudt bcin: sy NGUYEN THU NGAThac
Bien tap:
Trinh bay:
Ve bia
Nha sach Huy Hoang
95 Nui Trim, Ba Dinh, Ha Nei
'lel/Fax: (04) 3736.5859 - 3736.6075
Nha sach Thanh Vinh
59 fluting Trail Phu, TP. Vinh, Nghe An
Tel/Fax: (038) 3591.167
In 2.000 cu6n kho 13.5x20.5 cm tai: DNTN Ha Phat
S6 clang ky KHXB: 557 -2009/CXB/28 — 01/HD
In xong
chi6u guy/ III / 2009