What is a vasectomy? - Urologic Specialists

The decision to proceed with a vasectomy is a very personal one. It is important
that you have a clear understanding of what a vasectomy is and what it is not.
Most patients can expect to recover completely in less than a week and many
are able to return to their job as early as a day after the procedure. Sexual
activity can usually be resumed within a week following a vasectomy.
The following will provide you with information that will assist you in deciding
whether or not a vasectomy is an appropriate form of contraception for you.
What happens under normal conditions?
The testicles produce sperm and testosterone and are located in the scrotum at
the base of the penis. Once produced, the sperm exit the testicle through a tube
called the epididymis, where they stay until they are fully matured. Each
epididymis is connected to the prostate by a tube called the vas deferens. This
tube extends from the lower portion of the scrotum into the inguinal canal (site of
most hernias) and then into the pelvis continuing behind the bladder. It is at this
point that the vas deferens joins with the seminal vesicle and forms the
ejaculatory duct. During ejaculation, seminal fluid mixes with sperm to form
semen which is expelled through the urethra.
What is a vasectomy?
A vasectomy is a minor surgical procedure designed to interrupt the sperm
transportation system between the testicle and the urethra by blocking the vas
How is a vasectomy performed?
Most vasectomies are performed in the urologist's office. However, the procedure
may be done at an ambulatory surgery center or in a hospital setting if the patient
and urologist have determined that intravenous sedation or general anesthesia is
preferable. The decision to proceed in that type of setting may be based upon the
patient's anatomy, anxiety or the need for associated surgical procedures. On the
day of the procedure, the patient will be asked to sign a surgical consent form.
We ask that the scrotal area be shaved the day of or the day prior to the
procedure and to then wash off the extra hair in a warm shower. The patient will
be brought into the procedure room and the area will then be washed with an
antiseptic solution. Local anesthesia will be injected to numb the area but the
patient will be aware of touch, tension and movement during the procedure. The
local anesthetic should eliminate any sharp pain. The patient is awake during the
procedure so, if necessary, he can let the urologist know if he is experiencing
pain so more local anesthesia can be given. With a vasectomy, the urologist
makes one or two small openings in the skin of the scrotum to access the vas
deferens. The vas deferens is cut, and a small piece may be removed leaving a
short gap between the two remaining ends. Next, the urologist will cauterize the
ends of the vas, then ties the cut ends with suture material or use clips. The
scrotal incision is then closed with dissolvable stitches. If the scalpel-less
technique is used, the skin may not be closed, but instead covered with antibiotic
ointment, and the opening will heal on its own. The entire procedure is then
repeated on the other side either through the same initial incision or through a
second scrotal incision.
What should the patient expect after a vasectomy?
Wear an athletic supporter or jock strap for several days. It may be worn for
as many days as you desire. It often is more comfortable to wear this for the
first week.
Use an ice pack on/off for 1-2 days. It will lessen the discomfort.
Avoid strenuous physical activity for three to five days. Intercourse may be
uncomfortable for the first week. Use your best judgment.
You may shower on the second day. Apply soapy water gently to the scrotum
to wash. Rinse and dry by blotting the skin. Do not rub.
All sutures are dissolvable and do not require removal. If a stitch comes out
prematurely, the incision may open slightly and a small amount of discharge
from the wound may develop. Wash it gently with hydrogen peroxide and
place Bacitracin, Neosporin or triple antibiotic ointment on the incision and
cover it with a small gauze pad. Do this two to three times a day. You may
purchase these gauze sponges at most drugstores.
Pain medicine will be prescribed for after the procedure. Use as necessary
according to the instructions. Often, Tylenol or Motrin/Ibuprofen will be
adequate for the discomfort after the procedure.
Slight oozing of blood, some tenderness and mild swelling in the areas of the
incision is not uncommon and should subside within 3 - 7 days. If there is an
unusual amount of pain or a large amount of swelling to the scrotum, your
urologist should be notified.
Before proceeding with unprotected intercourse, you must produce a semen
sample in which no sperm are found. A vasectomy, even though successful,
is not effective immediately. The time until disappearance of sperm from the
ejaculate varies from patient to patient. If sperm continue to be present in the
ejaculate, you must continue to use contraception. After waiting for three
months or 20 ejaculates, one in five men will still have sperm in their
ejaculate, and will need to wait longer for the sperm to clear. You should not
assume that the vasectomy is effective until the semen analysis demonstrates
the absence of sperm.
Instructions for obtaining the semen sample will be given at the post
vasectomy appointment.
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to call the office. If the office is
already closed, your call will be connected to the answering service and they
will assist you in contacting the doctor.
Are there any risks associated with a vasectomy?
Bleeding and Pain: In the immediate postoperative period there is the risk of
bleeding into the scrotum. If the patient notices a significant increase in the
size of his scrotum or significant scrotal discomfort, he should contact his
urologist immediately. A patient experiencing fever, scrotal redness or
tenderness should also be evaluated by the urologist as this may indicate an
infection. Patients will often complain of mild lower abdominal discomfort
similar to what one would experience from getting hit in the genitalia.
Vasal Granuloma: A benign lump, or granuloma, may develop because there
is a leakage of sperm from the cut end of the vas into the scrotal tissues. It
may occasionally be painful or sensitive to touch or pressure.
Post-vasectomy pain syndrome: This is a chronic pain syndrome that
follows a vasectomy. The cause of this syndrome and its incidence are
unclear. It is generally treated with anti-inflammatory agents. Occasionally,
patients will elect to undergo vasectomy reversal in an attempt to alleviate this
syndrome. Unfortunately, the response to surgical intervention is
Testicular injury/loss: Testicles may be injured during a vasectomy as a
result of injury to the testicular artery. This can result in the loss of a testicle.
Other complications such as a collection of blood (hematoma) or infection
may also occur.
Future Health Issues: There has been some debate in the past as to
whether vasectomies predispose a man to any future health problems.
However, there is no conclusive evidence that men who have undergone a
vasectomy have a higher risk of cardiovascular disease, prostate cancer,
testicular cancer or other health problems.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Can my partner tell if I have had a vasectomy?
There is no significant change in one's ejaculate after a vasectomy since the
sperm contributes a small amount to the overall ejaculate volume. Your partner
may on occasion be able to feel the vasectomy site. This is particularly true if you
have developed a granuloma.
Will my sense of orgasm be altered by having a vasectomy?
Ejaculation and orgasm are generally not affected by vasectomy. The only
exception to this is the occasional patient who has developed post-vasectomy
pain syndrome.
Can I become impotent after a vasectomy?
An uncomplicated vasectomy cannot cause impotence.
Can a vasectomy fail?
First, it is important to be certain that a vasectomy has been successful and that
all sperm are absent from the ejaculate prior to stopping other forms of
contraception. Even if the vasectomy has been demonstrated to be effective,
there is a small chance that a vasectomy may fail. This occurs as a result of
sperm leaking from one end of the cut vas deferens (the testicular end) and
finding a channel to the other end (the abdominal end). The failure rate has been
reported to be between 0.025%-0.05%. This is a lower failure rate than any other
form of birth control.
Can I have children after my vasectomy?
Yes, but if you have not stored frozen sperm, you will require an additional
procedure. The vas deferens can be micro surgically reconnected (in a
procedure called a vasectomy reversal) to allow normal conception to occur.
Alternatively, sperm can be extracted from the testicle or the epididymis and
utilized for in vitro fertilization. These procedures are costly and may or may not
be covered by insurance. Additionally, they are not successful 100% of the time.
Therefore, one should carefully consider nonsurgical alternatives for
contraception prior to deciding to proceed with a vasectomy.
Post Vasectomy Semen Analysis
This notice is to inform you of the need for a semen analysis after your
vasectomy. This will need to be done 2-3 months after the vasectomy or 20-30
ejaculations, whichever comes first. It is essential that we obtain laboratory
confirmation of your sterility before you can proceed with unprotected
intercourse. You are not considered sterile until this test is negative.
It will be your responsibility to contact the lab/hospital to be certain that you are
going to an in-network facility for the semen analysis.
You will need to contact the lab/hospital to find out at which times they will accept
the specimen. Take the semen sample to the lab/hospital within 2 hours of
collection. Do not refrigerate, freeze, or expose to direct sunlight.
We will give you further instructions on specimen collection and other necessary
forms on your post-operative check-up appointment.
Signature: ___________________________________
Print name: __________________________________
Date: _______________________________________
Vasectomy Consent Form
I hereby authorize ____
_ and whomever he may designate as his
assistant to perform the operation know as bilateral vasectomy.
I fully understand that bilateral vasectomy means the removal of a segment of
each vas deferens, which carries the sperm. I understand that this operation will
cause sterility in the person operated on. This is usually but not always
permanent. The word sterility means inability to produce children or cause
pregnancy in a female partner. I am aware of the implications of this operation.
I understand that this operation in no way affects sexual potency or the sexual
act. I understand that in rare cases, recanalization or reconnection of the vas
deferens may occur and therefore, a semen specimen must be collected for
examination following the vasectomy. I understand that I must present a
specimen of my semen so that absence of sperm in the semen can be
determined. I understand that I am not sterile until there is a negative semen
analysis. Risks involved in the procedure include bleeding, infection, loss of life,
vasal granuloma, post vasectomy pain syndrome and spontaneous reversal as
well as others.
Signature: ___________________________
Print Name: __________________________
Date: _______________________________
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