"My Last Duchess" Questions for Consideration 1. Consider this

"My Last Duchess" Questions for Consideration
1. Consider this speaker's character and values. What does he hold to be important? How does he
view his world and those around him?
2. What is the significance of art, artistry, and aesthetics in this piece?
3. How does the Duke use language as a tool of manipulation? What does he say about his
abilities as a speaker?
4. In Browning's dramatic monologues, the speakers unintentionally reveal information about
themselves. What does this speaker unintentionally reveal? How does he try to hide it and where
does it slip out?
5. How does Browning use syntax and diction to reflect the Duke's mindset?
6. Did the Duke really have anything to be jealous of?
7. Who is the listener in this poem?
"Porphyria's Lover" Questions for Consideration
1. How does Browning establish the sublime in the opening lines of this poem?
2. How does Porphyria reflect the "angel in the house"? How does she diviate from that role?
3. Where has Porphyria been and why is the speaker so upset with her? Why does he respond the
way he does?
4. Why does the speaker tell us that her eyes "laughed [...] without a stain" or that her "cheek
once more/Blushed bright"? (45, 47-48)
5. Why is is significant that "God has not said a word!" (60)? What does the speaker imply here?