Fourth Grade Summer Reading List: Mandatory Book: The

Fourth Grade Summer Reading List:
Mandatory Book: The Lemonade Wars by: Jacqueline Davis
The students will be tested on the mandatory book. We will do in-class activities and complete a
study guide in preparation for the test. The test grade and the project grade are combined.
The teacher will notify the students and parents of the mandatory book test date the first
week of school.
Optional Books- Choose 1 of the following:
The Fizzy Whiz Kid by Maiya Williams
Nancy Drew Series
The Secret Tree by Natalie Standiford
Dear Mr. Henshaw by Beverly Cleary
Encyclopedia Brown Series by S. Donald
Old Yeller by Fred Gipson
Lunch Money by Andrew Clements
If Your Name Was Changed at Ellis Island by Ellen Levine
Any book from the series What Was? or Who Was? By Penguin Books Publishing Company
Below are descriptions of the three activities from which you can select one for your optional
summer reading novel.
Activity 1: Bio Poem – Use the template provided to complete a Bio Poem which includes 10 lines and 8
symbols. The symbols may be hand drawn or computer generated and attached around the page. A
sample Bio Poem has been included. Please use this as your guide to place the information in the required
Line 1: Your character’s first name
Line 2: Four words that describe your character
Line 3: A character in (title of the book, by author’s name) is
Line 4: Who loves… (three things or people)
Line 5: Who learns…
Line 6: Who feels…
Line 7: Who fears…
Line 8: Who dreams about…
Line 9: Title of the book
Line 10: A book that…
Sample Bio Poem about Charlotte’s Web.
Loyal, friendly, kind, generous
Wilbur is a character in Charlotte’s Web by E. B. White
Who loves Charlotte, farm, and Fern
Who learns the importance of friendship
Who feels sad when his friends are hurting
Who fears losing his life
Who dreams about his future
Charlotte’s Web
A book that teaches about every relationship being important.
Activity 2: Venn Diagram – Compare and contrast yourself to one of the main characters in the novel.
Write 4 phrases describing the difference between yourself and the character and 4 phrases describing
the similarities you share with the character is the overlapped middle space. Illustrate a picture of the
character and yourself in a scene from the book.
Use the template provided to complete this activity.
Activity 3: Letter – Write a letter to a character in the story. Explain why and how you would have
done something differently than they did. The body of your letter needs to be at least 5 sentences. Be
sure to follow all grammar rules and use your best penmanship. Illustrate a picture of your character in
your favorite scene in the novel. Include enough detail so the scene is evident.
Use the template below to complete your letter.
Bio Poem Template
Name: ___________________________________
Title: _______________________
Author: _____________________
Venn Diagram Activity:
Your Name:_____________________
Title: ___________________________
Character: ________________________
Letter Template:
Title of Book: ___________________________________
Dear: ________________________________
Closing: ________________________,
Signature: ______________________