Michigan Livestock Expo Swine Identification, DNA Submission and Pen Reservation Form Exhibitor Information Exhibitor Name (s): _________________________________ Phone: ____________________ Address:_____________________________________________________________________ City: ____________________________ Zip: __________ County: ______________________ PQA Number:______________________ Your signature below verifies that the animal(s) listed below will be housed in the above listed exhibitors care at the above listed address and that the exhibitor consents to verification of livestock at that location. Refusal to allow an inspection is reason for disqualification from competition at the Michigan Livestock Expo. If the animal(s) will not be housed at the above address, please complete the following animal information: Animal Information* Name and relationship of person in whose facilities the animal(s) will be housed: ____________________________________________________________________________ Animal Address:_______________________________________________________________ City: ____________________________ Zip: __________ Phone: _______________________ Reason of alternative animal housing location: _______________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ *The Michigan Livestock Expo and/or their representative(s) reserve the right to verify the location of any animal tagged to be entered or exhibited at the Michigan Livestock Expo (MLE). If the listed animal(s) is not at the listed address or if the MLE, the MLE Auction Committee, or the MLE Livestock Committee deems the housing address/facility not appropriate, the animals(s) will not be eligible for participation/exhibition at the MLE. If, at any time, the animal(s) housing location changes, the exhibitor is required to notify Brad Mortensen at (616) 723-3954. Failure to notify prior to any location change, except for livestock exhibitions, is reason for disqualification from competition at the Michigan Livestock Expo. Ear Notch* S e x Color/ Markings Breed Ear Notch S e x Color/ Markings Breed *YOU MUST complete the Ear Notch Diagrams on the following page. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Each pig’s information must be listed above. A DNA sample of hair (including follicle/root) must be submitted. Hair sample should be sealed in a plastic Ziploc bag with individual pig information/identification and exhibitors name written on outside of Ziploc bag in permanent marker Each pig listed must have a separate DNA sample on file. Immediate family members (brothers & sisters living at the same address) may enter pigs as a family. Please list all exhibitor names above on this form. Exhibitors listed on this form must also include their PQA number. DNA samples and money should be mailed in an 81/2 x 11 envelope to Michigan Farm Bureau Warehouse 7330 W. Millet Hwy, Lansing MI 48917. IT MUST BE CLEARLY MARKED MLE SWINE. You must include the $15.00 per head DNA Submission fee with the DNA sample. You must also include the $20.00 per pen fee with this form. This form and DNA samples must be returned to Michigan Farm Bureau: MLE Swine and postmarked by May 15. Please refer to the MLE rules for additional requirements and information at www.milivestock.com. Number Submitted at $15.00: Total $ ______________ Number of pens needed at show at $20.00 per pen ________ Exhibitor Fee: $15.00 per youth _______ TOTAL _________ Check # _______ Checks payable to: Michigan Livestock Expo My signature verifies that I am the above listed animal(s) representative. Signature:_____________________________________ Date:_________________ Michigan Livestock Expo Swine Identification, DNA Submission and Pen Reservation Form Please color in ear notches on drawing for each pig’s DNA submission. Ear Notch # Reported__28-7____ Ear Notch # Reported__________ Ear Notch # Reported__________ Ear Notch # Reported__________ Ear Notch # Reported__________ Ear Notch # Ear Notch # Reported__________ Ear Notch # Reported__________