EDL 100: Career Development and the College Student Instructor: Luke Ruiz Section TE Phone: 513 -529 - 4122 Mon / Wed 10:00am - 12:05pm Email: ruizla@MiamiOH.edu 266 Engineering ______________________________________________________________________ Purpose: Throughout your life, you will make many decisions related to career. You may or may not have chosen a major yet and at some point, you will choose a field in which to work. Along the way, you will make other choices related to career: do an internship (and where), part-time or summer work, and whether or not to pursue a minor. You may already feel certain of some of these decisions, and may even have a career path in mind. However, there are some important questions you should consider regarding your career choices. Why are the choices you are making good (or are they good)? How is it you came to make these choices? Who and what affected your choices? Do you really know enough to make an informed decision regarding career? The reality is, most people do not know all of the options for careers and majors available to them. Miami has about 150 majors, and there are over 12,000 careers a person can pursue. Do you know all of your options? Class Resource: The Miami Bulletin. General Bulletin of Program Requirements and Course Descriptions Resources folder) (On-line, see Niihka Organization of the Course: This course is set up to cover three basic areas: 1. Self-information 2. Information about majors 3. Information about internships, resumes, careers, world-of-work Much of the focus of this class is placed upon learning about yourself and finding the right ‘fit’ between you and possible work environments. This ‘good fit’ has been shown to be very predictive of work satisfaction. Attendance Late Work Attendance is mandatory. Absences must be cleared with the instructor before class. Unexcused absences result in a letter grade deduction. Late assignments will automatically receive a 20% point reduction, and will be accepted only at the next class meeting. If a student is absent when an assignment is due, they must have valid proof for why the assignment could not be turned in on time [proof: doctor’s note, official university excuse, family emergency etc.]. Academic Dishonesty Academic dishonesty (i.e. plagiarism) will not be tolerated. Be aware that you are citing sources, not copying them. Acts of academic dishonesty are taken very seriously, and appropriate disciplinary actions will be taken. See Niihka for Miami policy. Writing Competency Writing competency is expected in all assignments. If you need assistance with your writing skills, see the Howe Writing Center at http://writingcenter.lib.muohio.edu/ 1 TOPIC DATE Assignments Due Today Introductions Wed Sept 4 Understanding the Career Planning Process My Biography In-class: My Biography Assign: Strong Interest Inventory Exploring Miami Divisions Mon Sept 9 Strong Interest Inventory complete In class: Majors Search Assign: StrengthsFinder 2.0 (distribute books) StrengthsFinder reflection Strong Interest Inventory Wed Sept 11 Majors Search Personality Traits Discuss Majors Search results Assign: Majors Paper Mon Sept 16 Values Wed Sept 18 StrengthsFinder StrengthsFinder complete Skills StrengthsFinder reflection Wed Sept 18 Mon Sept 23 Wed Sept 25 Career Fair – Millet Hall 2 - 6 pm Extra credit points for attending (bring back evidence of visiting 3 employer tables) Occupational Research Faculty Interview Form In-class: Career Search Internships Discuss Majors Paper results Discuss Career Search results Majors Paper Career Search Assign: Career Paper Mon Sept 30 Career Trends In-class activity Wed Oct 2 Resume Basics In-class activity Career Trends Research Resume 2 Mon Oct 7 Interviewing Basics Wed Oct 9 Interviewing Practice Mon Oct 14 Now What? Discuss Career Papers My Bio- Revisited Goal Setting Career Interview Form Career Paper Your Bursar account has been charged $32 for the following career assessments 1. Strong Interest Inventory 2. StrengthsFinder 2.0 Assignment Point Distribution Majors Search StrengthsFinder Reflection Interview Practice Career Search Majors Paper Resume in-class Career Trends My Biography Career Paper Class Participation 35 25 40 40 95 50 50 60 140 140 Total Points = 675 Extra Credit: Attend Career Fair Volunteer at Career Fair Grading Scale: A+ 100% A 95-99.9% A90-94.9% B+ 87-89.9% B 83-86.9% B80-82.9% C+ 77-79.9% C CD+ D DF 15 15 73-76.9% 70-72.9% 67-69.9% 63-66.9% 60-62.9% < 59% 3 Instructions for taking: Strong Interest Inventory 1. Log on to http://online.cpp-db.com/ 2. Enter Login Name in all capital letters: SCSTEST 3. Enter Password in all capital letters: MUCLIENT 4. DO NOT enter a User ID and click ‘Log In’ . 5. Select Strong Interest Inventory, click ‘Begin’. - Enter required demographic information and click ‘Continue Now’ as prompted. - Read the instructions for the assessment and complete the assessment Note: Your results are emailed to Career Services office and your instructor will bring the printed reports to class. 4 Instructions for StrengthsFinder 2.0 Step 1. Pre-Reading Before taking the assessment, read: Forward Part I StrengthsFinder: The Next Generation Finding Your Strengths www.strengths.gallup.com Step 2. Take the assessment: Select ‘Enter Access Code’ in upper right corner of screen. Access Code: located at the back of your book in the rust-colored packet Complete profile. Important Note - When you create your account: Username: use your Miami email address Password: WRITE IT DOWN !!!! Upon completion of the assessment: WRITE DOWN your Top 5 Themes Step 3. • Read the five chapters that describe each of your strengths • Complete the reflection to turn in during class. 5