The repeat Bowel Screening Test

“Don’t die of
The repeat Bowel
Screening Test
Information on a repeat bowel screening test, due to an unclear result.
The repeat Bowel Screening Test
This leaflet is for anyone who has been
asked to repeat a bowel screening test
due to an unclear result.
It tells you:
• what your result means;
• what you need to do next; and
• how to get more advice and information.
What your result means:
We have asked you to repeat the bowel screening test because
the sample you sent us showed an unclear result.
An unclear result means there was a slight trace of blood in your
sample. This could have been caused by conditions such as
haemorrhoids (piles) or stomach ulcers, or by your diet.
Receiving an unclear result does not mean you have cancer,
just that you need to repeat the screening test.
About four in every 100 people will receive an unclear result. Most
people who repeat the test will then receive a normal result and return
to routine screening every two years.
Please remember that screening tests cannot tell you if you have
cancer. We use them to identify those people who need further testing.
Cancers and polyps (small growths) in the bowel do not bleed all the
time. This means that sometimes a cancer will be missed.
“Most people who repeat the test
will then receive a normal result
and return to routine screening
every two years.”
The repeat Bowel Screening Test
What you need to do next
What is a colonoscopy?
Enclosed you will find a test kit and an instruction leaflet. It is
slightly different to the test you have already done. It is called an
immunochemical faecal occult blood test (IFOB). This test is better
at detecting blood when results of the first test are unclear.
A colonoscopy is a way of looking at the lining of your large bowel
(colon), to see whether there is any disease present. This test also
allows us to take small samples of your bowel (biopsy) to analyse in
the laboratory if necessary.
Please follow the instructions carefully. Once you return your test
sample to us we will send you the result within 14 days.
The instrument used is called a colonoscope (scope) and is flexible.
Each scope has a light which can be pointed onto the lining of your
bowel. The pictures are shown on a screen so we can then check
whether or not you have any bowel disease or inflammation.
If this is still unclear or there is blood in your bowel movements, we
will offer you an appointment with a Specialist Screening Practitioner.
They will discuss you having a more detailed examination of your bowel
(a colonoscopy), to see whether or not there is a problem that may
need treatment.
What are the symptoms of bowel cancer?
This result does not mean you will never develop cancer. It is important
that you take part in bowel screening again in two years. You should
see your doctor if you have any of the following:
• Bleeding from your back passage or tiny traces of blood in your
bowel movements.
• A change in your regular bowel movements (such as constipation
or diarrhoea) for six weeks or more.
• Severe stomach pains which started recently and are continuing,
especially after eating.
• Unexplained weight loss.
• Unexplained anaemia (due to a lack of iron in your blood).
We need to hold certain information about you. This is so we can invite
people for screening and so we can check on the performance of the
screening programme. We take great care to keep your personal details
confidential. We only share information with people who have a legal or
medical need for it - your doctor, for example. If you would like to know
more about how we use the information, please ask for our leaflet
‘How we use information about you’.
You don’t have to be part of the bowel screening programme.
Please call the helpline for more information.
All calls to the helpline are confidential but we will record them for
training and quality purposes.
For further information please contact
the Freephone Helpline on: 0800 294 3370
Opening hours: 8am to 6pm
Or visit the Bowel Screening Wales website at: