46 13.65) Colligative properties depend on the concentration of particles in solution. PA = XA P°A, )Tf = i Kf m, )P = Xsolute P°solvent, )Tb = i Kb m, A = iMRT In the last 3 equations, the “i” is the number of particles in the formula for the substance. i = # solute particles in solution - integer for ideal behavior i = 1 for a non-dissociating or non-ionizing compound (nonelectrolyte) = # particles (ions) resulting from the formula unit a) A 0.10 m aqueous NaCl solution has a higher boiling point than a 0.10 m aqueous C6H12O6 solution. This is because the NaCl is ionic and when put in H2O it dissociates (comes apart) to form ions. It forms 2 ions, Na+ and Cl&, for every NaCl. Thus, 0.10 moles of NaCl will give 0.20 moles of ions (particles) in solution. The C6H12O6 is a molecular non-ionizing solute and stays together as a single particle when it dissolves (as most, but not all, molecular substances do). So 0.10 moles of C6H12O6 will give 0.10 moles of solute particles in solution. The boiling point elevation of a solution is directly related to the total moles of dissolved particles (b.p. increases). The NaCl solution will have a higher b.p. since its concentration of particles is greater than that of the C6H12O6 Ideally, the 0.10 m NaCl solution should have twice the effect as the 0.10 m C6H12O6 solution (the b.p. elevation should be twice as great). 47 13.65) (cont.) b) Calculate the b.p. of the two solutions. Must first calculate the b.p. elevation, )Tb = i Kb m Kb = 0.51°C/m for H2O 0.10 m NaCl: )Tb = (2)*(0.51°C/m)*(0.10 m) = 0.20 m * 0.51°C/m = 0.102°C Tb = 100.102°C = 100.10°C 0.10 m C6H12O6: )Tb = (1)*(0.51°C/m)*(0.10 m) = 0.10 m * 0.51°C/m = 0.051°C Tb = 100.051°C = 100.10°C In this case, the change is so small there really isn’t any difference in the boiling points of the two solutions (to the correct number of sig. fig.). There would be a significantly larger difference in the freezing points and osmotic pressures of the two solutions. c) For solutions of electrolytes the experimental change in b.p. is smaller and the b.p. is lower than that calculated (ideal value based on the b.p. elevation equation). (There are also differences in the theoretical and experimental values of the other colligative properties.) Why is this? In solutions of strong electrolytes, such as NaCl, the ions completely dissociate in solution. However, the electrostatic attractions between the ions in solution can still occur and they form ion pairs. This ion association (ion pairing) reduces the effective number of particles in solution. Since the effective concentration of particles is lower than that calculated, the experimental colligative property will be different than the calculated value (based on the “ideal” concentration of particles). You can determine what’s called the van’t Hoff factor, i, the effective number of particles (which I refer to as iobs). This “observed” i ( iobs) is less than that of the ideal i, iideal (based on the # ions from the formula unit) and approaches iideal as the solution becomes more dilute (ions are less likely to “find” each other and form ion pairs). For NaCl, iideal = 2, iobs = 1.87 (0.100 m) and 1.97 (0.001 m) solutions. dec. conc. iobs -----------------> iideal 48 13.67) More particles ===> greater )Tf (Higher conc part.) ===> (lower f.p.) )Tf = i Kf mstated = Kf (i mstated) = Kf mparticles Really only need to calculate the mparticles Greater mpart ===> greater )Tf ===> lower f.p. Glucose: i = 1 (nonelectrolyte - does NOT dissociate into ions) i mstated = (1)(0.120 m) = 0.120 mpart LiBr: LiBr (aq) —> Li+ (aq) + Br! (aq) i=2 i mstated = (2)(0.050 m) = 0.10 mions (the ions are the particles) Zn(NO3)2 (aq) —> Zn2+ (aq) + 2 NO3! (aq) Zn(NO3)2: i = 3 i mstated = (3)(0.050 m) = 0.15 mions (the ions are the particles) ˆ 0.05 m LiBr < 0.120 m glucose < 0.05 m Zn(NO3)2 ----------------------------------------------------> dec. f.p. Could calc f.p. (Kf (H2O) = 1.86 °C/m) - longer & no need to for this question Compound mstated i mpart )Tf(°C) Tf(°C) Glucose LiBr Zn(NO3)2 0.120 0.050 0.050 1 2 3 0.120 0.10 0.15 0.22 0.19 0.28 -0.22 -0.19 -0.28 This all assumes ion-pairing for the ionic solutes is negligible - i.e. “ideal” ionic solutions formed in which i = # particles in the formula) 49 13.70) Want f.p. and b.p. of the following solutions For f.p. depression and b.p. elevation )Tf = i Kf mstated )Tb = i Kb mstated i = # particles = = 1 for nonionizing (nonelectrolytes) # ions from formula of cmpd for “ideal” ionic soln a) 0.30 m glucose in C2H5OH (ethanol) For ethanol: Kf = 1.99°C/m n.f.p. = -114.6°C glucose is nonionizing Kb = 1.22°C/m n.b.p. = 78.4°C i=1 1) Calc. f.p. of soln )Tf = (1)(1.99°C/m)(0.30 m) = 0.597°C Note: Tf.p. soln = Tf.p. solvent ! )Tf (f.p. depression - lowering) Tf.p. soln = -114.6°C ! 0.597°C = -115.197°C = -115.2°C 2) Calc. b.p. of soln )Tb = (1)(1.22°C/m)(0.30 m) = 0.366°C Note: Tb.p. soln = Tb.p. solvent ! )Tb (b.p. elevation - raising) Tb.p. soln = 78.4°C + 0.366°C = 78.766°C = 78.8°C 50 13.70) (cont.) 51 13.70) (cont.) 52 13.71) Determine the number of grams of ethylene glycol (C2H6O2) that must be added to 1.00 kg of H2O to produce a solution that freezes at -5.00°C. Use f.p. depression to determine the molality of the C2H6O2 solution and from that the mass of C2H6O2. )Tf = 5.00°C (The normal f.p. of H2O is 0.00°C) )Tf = i Kf mstated i = 1 (nonionizing nonelectrolyte) )Tf 5.00°C m = ------ = ------------- = 2.6881 m Kf 1.86°C/m 2.6881 mol C2H6O2 62.06 g C2H6O2 ? g C2H6O2 = 1.00 kg H2O x ------------------------- x --------------------1 mol C2H6O2 1 kg H2O = 166.84 g C2H6O2 = 167 g C2H6O2 53 13.73) 54 13.76) 55 13.79) 56 13.80) 57 13.80) (cont.)