SUMMER ASSIGNMENT SPANISH I/ HONORS Dear student, Here is your review assignment for the summer, and a list of all the objectives you need to accomplish in order to be successful in Spanish II Honors. Teacher is aware that you do not have your textbook, nevertheless, you can find help in your notes or also on the Internet. Some resource websites have been listed below. OBJECTIVES: -­‐greet people and say good bye -­‐introduce yourself and others (say where you are from, exchange phone numbers) -­‐ask and say how to spell names -­‐know what day of the week it is -­‐describe the weather -­‐respond to classroom instructions -­‐talk about activities (say what you like and don’t like to do) -­‐describe yourself and others -­‐identify people and things -­‐talk about daily schedules -­‐ask and tell time -­‐say what you have and have to do -­‐say what you do and how often you do things -­‐describe classes and classroom objects -­‐say where things are located -­‐say where you are going -­‐talk about how you feel -­‐talk about foods and beverages -­‐ask questions -­‐say which foods you like and don’t like -­‐talk about your family -­‐ask and tell ages -­‐express possession -­‐give dates -­‐make comparisons -­‐talk about what clothes you want to buy -­‐say what you wear in different seasons -­‐describe places and events in town -­‐talk about types and events in town -­‐say what you are going to do -­‐describe a house and household items -­‐describe people and locations -­‐talk about chores and responsibilities Please make sure you read all the instructions before you start working. CULTURA (CULTURE): Please answer the following questions: 1. Name all the Spanish-­‐speaking countries. 2. Explain what the “QUINCEAñERA” is. GRAMATICA Y VOCABULARIO (GRAMMAR & VOCABULARY) -­‐Warm up copies (total of 17 worksheets) 1. Greetings – Imagine you just met a Spanish speaking person and you want to know more about him/her. You have to write a whole conversation in Spanish asking the following: -­‐Say Hello!, name, age, where is he/she from, ask for telephone number and say “bye!”then introduce your friend using the same information. 2. Create a family tree and describe what they look like and the relationship between them. Then make comparisons between the different characters. Look at the examples and make the proper changes. 3. Look at the pictures, name the seasons and also the months that the seasons occur in. You have to write what clothes you wear in each season and what’s the weather like 4. Fill in the schedule with the subjects you take at school and what supplies you need and also another chart with the extra curricular activities and write sentences telling what time and what days you take them. Follow the examples. 5. Look at the pictures and tell what they are going to do 6. Create your perfect house and label all the rooms and the furniture and then write down sentences telling what you do in each room. 7. Put the following words together to make complete sentences and say what the characters do and where. Follow the example. 8. Make a list of chores of what you do after school and another list of things you like to do and write complete sentences. 9. Imagine you are meeting your favorite singer/actor/actress. Make a list of questions to ask for some information. At least 5 sentences required. Resource website list: => In this website you will be able to find all the grammar and vocabulary from your Spanish I textbook “Avancemos”. Vocabulary: => This website helps you to look for the right words in context and idioms RUBRIC: COMPLETION ACCURACY 40% 60% PLEASE NOTICE THIS WILL BE YOUR FIRST PROJECT GRADE FOR THE YEAR. IT WILL BE DUE THE 2nd DAY OF SCHOOL. NO EXCUSES!! J ATTENTION STUDENT! YOU HAVE WORKED ON THE PREVIOUS ASSIGNMENTS THROUGHOUT THE ENTIRE SCHOOL YEAR, SO YOU SHOULD BE ABLE TO ACCOMPLISH ALL THE OBJECTIVES REQUIRED. Worksheets can be picked up in my room J108 anytime LA CASA IDEAL (My ideal house) Draw your perfect house and label all the rooms and furniture. Then write down what you do in each room. Ejemplo(example): Yo miro la television en el salon. (I watch TV in the living room) REMEMBER: YOU MUST CONJUGATE THE VERBS! MI FAMILIA (My family) Create a family tree and describe what they look like and the relationship between them. Then make comparisons between the different characters. Look at the examples and make the proper changes. Ejemplo(example): Mi hermana se llama Cristina. Tiene 24 años. Es alta y bonita. Yo soy mas alta que ella. My sister’s name is Cristina. She is 24 years old. She is tall and beautiful. I am taller than her. MI HORARIO (My schedule) HORA LUNES MARTES MIERCOLES JUEVES VIERNES 9:00 Las Matematicas MIS ACTIVIDADES EXTRAESCOLARES (Extracurricular activities) LUNES MARTES MIERCOLES JUEVES VIERNES El baloncesto Ejemplo (example): El lunes tengo la clase de Matematicas a las nueve de la mañana. Uso el libro, el lapiz, la goma y la calculadora. Luego, tengo el baloncesto. (On Monday I have Math class at 9am. I use a book, a pencil, an eraser and a calculator. Then I have basketball practice.) Now, fill in the boxes for both charts and write down at least 1 sentence for each day of the week following the example. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. MI PERSONA FAMOSA FAVORITA (My favorite famous person) Make a list of at least 5 questions, asking him/her for information using interrogative words (what?/where?...)Attach a picture of this person and write the questions below the picture. Ejemplo(example): Mi cantante favorita es Beyonce. Pregunta(question): ?De donde ?Que hacen y donde? (What do they do and where?) Put the following words together to make complete sentences. Remember you must conjugate the verbs to match the subject. Once you wrote down the sentences, translate them into English. Ejemplo(example): Maria/correr/en el gimnasio > Maria corre en el gimnasio. 1. Yo/comer/el almuerzo/en la cafeteria 2. Tu/estudiar/en la biblioteca 3. Mi madre/comprar/en el supermercado. 4. Yo/hacer/un sandwich/en la cocina 5. Los estudiantes/leer/en clase de Literatura 6. Vosotros/jugar al baloncesto/en el gimnasio. 7. Mis amigos/escribir correos electronicos/en la computadora 8. Mi padre/trabajar/en la oficina 9. Yo/esperar/el autobus/en la parada 10. Las chicas/beber/batido de chocolate/en la cafeteria ?QUE VAN A HACER? (What are they going to do?) Look at the pictures and write complete sentences telling what they are going to do using the structure SUBJECT + IR (conjugated) + A + INFINITIVE Ejemplo(example): Yo voy a hacer la tarea. (I am going to do my homework) Juan Maria Tu Mi amigo y yo La señorita Galan Mi hermano Vosotros Mi papa WORD BANK Trabajar leer un libro escribir una carta correr Ir de compras viajar jugar al futbol tocar la guitarra First, conjugate the verb IR (to go) in the present tense for all subject pronouns to help yourself. Yo Nosotros/as Tu Vosotros/as El/Ella/Usted Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes QUEHACERES Y HOBBIES (Chores & hobbies) Create a list of chores and another one with your hobbies. (At least 5 of each required) and write complete sentences in Spanish for each. Ejemplo(example): CHORES> fregar los platos HOBBIES> escuchar musica Tengo que fregar los platos. Me gusta escuchar musica. QUEHACERES HOBBIES 