Problems Before Probability Assessment #1 Answers

Problems Before Probability Assessment #1 Answers
1. A sporting goods store announces a “Wheel of Savings” sale. Customers select the
merchandise they want to purchase, then at the cash register they spin a wheel to
determine the size of the discount they will receive. The wheel is divided into 12
regions, like a clock. Six of those regions are red, and award a 10% discount. The
three white regions award a 20% discount and two blue regions a 40% discount.
The remaining region is gold, and a customer whose lucky spin lands there gets a
100% discount - the merchandise is free!
a. What is the probability that a customer gets at least a 40% discount?
3 1
= = 0.25
12 4
b. What is the probability that two customers in a row get only 10%
! 6 $ ! 6 $ ! 1$ ! 1$ 1
#" &% #" &% = #" &% #" &% = = 0.25
12 12
2 2
c. What is the probability that three consecutive customers all get 20%
! 3 $ ! 3 $ ! 3 $ ! 1$ ! 1$ ! 1$ 1
= 0.0156
#" &% #" &% #" &% = #" &% #" &% #" &% =
12 12 12
4 4 4
d. What is the probability that none of the first four customers gets a discount
over 20%?
! 3$ ! 3$ ! 3$ ! 3$
= 0.316
#" &% #" &% #" &% #" &% =
4 4 4 4
e. What is the probability that the first gold winner (100%) is the fifth
customer in line?
! 11 $ ! 11 $ ! 11 $ ! 11 $ ! 1 $
#" &% #" &% #" &% #" &% #" &% = 0.05884
12 12 12 12 12
f. What is the probability that there is at least one gold winner among the
first six customers?
" 11 %
1 ! $ ' = 0.4067
# 12 &
2. Event A has probability 0.4. Event B has probability 0.5. If A and B are mutually
exclusive, then P(A|B)=
Since they are mutually exclusive, P(A∩B) = 0. Therefore P(A|B) = 0
3. According to the American Pet Products Manufacturers Association (APPMA)
2003-2004 National Pet Owners Survey, 39% of U.S. households own at least one
dog and 34% of U.S. households own at least one cat. Assume that 60% of U.S.
households own a cat or a dog.
a. Create a Venn Diagram of the situation.
b. What is the probability that a randomly selected U.S. household owns
neither a cat nor a dog?
P(Dc ∩ Cc) 0.40
c. What is the probability that a randomly selected U.S. household owns both
a cat and a dog?
P(D ∩ C) = 0.13
d. What is the probability that a randomly selected U.S. household owns a
cat but not a dog?
P(Dc ∩ C) =0.21
e. What is the probability that a randomly selected U.S. household owns only
a dogs or only cats?
f. What is the probability that a randomly selected U.S. household owns a
cat if the household has a dog?
0.13 1
= = 0.333
0.39 3
g. Does it appear that owning a dog is independent of owning a cat?
P(C | D) =
No. P(C|D) ≠ P(C) (0.333 ≠ 0.34)
4. A manufacturing firm orders computer chips from three different companies:
10% from Company A; 20% from Company B; and 70% from Company C. Some
of the computer chips that are ordered are defective: 4% of chips from Company
A are defective; 2% of chips from Company B are defective; and 0.5% of chips
from Company C are defective.
a. Draw a tree diagram for the above situation.
a. What is the probability that a chip from Company A is not defective?
P(OK | A) = 0.96
b. What is the probability that chip is from company A and it is defective?
P(A ∩ Def ) = 0.0040
c. What is the probability that a chip is defective?
P(Def) = P(Def ∩ A ) + P(Def ∩ B )+ P(Def ∩ C )
= 0.0040 + 0.0040 + 0.0035 = 0.0115
d. What is the probability that a chip is not defective?
P(OK) = 1-.0115 = 0.9885
e. What is the probability that a defective computer chip came from
Company B?
P(B | Def) =
= 0.348
5. Suppose that A and B are two independent events with P(A) = 0.2 and P(B) = 0.4.
a. P(A ! B) = (0.2)(0.4) = 0.08
b. P( A ! B) = 0.2 + 0.4 " 0.08 = 0.52
P( A ! B c ) = (0.2)(0.6) = 0.12
P( A | B) = 0.2
P( A | B c ) = 0.2
6. The Venn diagram below shows the relationship between events A and B.
P(A) = 0.6 and P(B) = 0.2 .
P( A | B) = 1
0.2 1
= = 0.333
b. P(B | A) =
0.6 3
P( A ! B) = 0.2
d. P( A ! B) = 0.6
P( AC ! BC ) = 0.4
7. A survey of an introductory statistics class in Autumn 2003 asked students
whether or not they ate breakfast the morning of the survey. Results are as
a. What is the probability that a randomly selected student is female?
P(Female) =
= 0.6012
b. What is the probability that a randomly selected student ate breakfast?
P(Breakfast) =
= 0.577
c. What is the probability that a randomly selected student is a female who
ate breakfast
P(Female ! Breakfast) =
= 0.378
d. What is the probability that a randomly selected student is female, given
that the student ate breakfast?
P(Female|Brekfast) =
= 0.654
e. What is the probability that a randomly selected student ate breakfast,
given that the student is female?
P(Brekfast|Female) =
= 0.628
f. Does it appear that whether or not a student ate breakfast is independent of
the student’s sex? Explain.
No. P(Female|Breakfast) ≠ P(Female) (0.654 ≠ 0.6012)