William H. Matthaeus. Address: Department of Physics and

William H. Matthaeus. Address: Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of
Delaware, Newark DE 19716, (tele: (302)-831-2780, whm@udel.edu)
Education: University of Pennsylvania, Physics, BA 1973; Old Dominion University, Physics,
MA, 1975; William and Mary, Physics, MS, 1977; William and Mary, Physics, PhD, 1979; NRC
Postdoc, NASA-GSFC, Space Physics, 1980-1983.
Academic Appointments: Professor, Dept. Physics & Astronomy, Univ. of Delaware, 2005; Professor, Bartol Research Institute, 1993-; Associate Prof., Bartol, 1988-1993; Assistant
Prof., Bartol, 1983-88; Research Prof., Dept. of Physics, University of Maryland, 1982-3; Visiting Staff member, Los Alamos Nat. Lab., 1982-1988; National Research Council Associate
(NASA/GSFC), 1980-82; Research Assistant, William and Mary, 1976-79;
Awards and Affiliations: Member, American Physical Society, 1980- (Fellow 1999); Member,
American Geophysical Union, 1981- (Fellow, 1985); James B. Macelwane Award (AGU), 1985,
Fellow, Institute of Physics, 2003, U. Delaware College of Arts & Sciences Scholarship Award,
2005; Associate Director, Delaware Space Grant College, 2005–.
Expertise: Turbulence, plasma physics, fluid mechanics, and statistical mechanics. Theory and
observations of solar wind and coronal physics. Transport, turbulence and heating in astrophysical plasmas, data analysis methods, computational and parallel computing methods.
Selected Publications (from more than 300 total, h-factor = 60) :
1. Nonlinear Collisionless perpendicular diffusion of charged particles. W H Matthaeus, G.
Qin, J W Bieber and G P Zank, Astrophys. J. Letters, 590 L53 (2003)
2. Structure of the electromagnetic field in three-dimensional Hall magnetohydrodynamic
turbulence, P. Dmitruk and W H Matthaeus, Phys. Plasmas 13, 042307 (2006)
3. Spectral Properties and Length Scales of Two-dimensional magnetic field models, W.
H. Matthaeus, J. W. Bieber, D. Ruffolo, P. Chuychai and J. Minnie, Astrophys J. 667
956-962 (2007)
4. B. Breech, W. H. Matthaeus, S. R. Cranmer, J. C. Kasper, and S. Oughton. Electron
and proton heating by solar wind turbulence. Journal of Geophysical Research (Space
Physics), 114:9103–+, September 2009.
5. Verdini, A., Velli, M., Matthaeus, W. H., Oughton, S., & Dmitruk, P. A TurbulenceDriven Model for Heating and Acceleration of the Fast Wind in Coronal Holes, Astrophys,
J. Lett. 708, L116 (2010)
Additional publications
1. Spatial Structure and Field-line Diffusion in Transverse Magnetic Turbulence, W.H.Matthaeus,
P.C. Gray, D.H. Pontius, Jr., & J. W. Bieber, Phys. Rev. Lett., 75, 2136, 1995.
2. Spatial correlation of solar wind turbulence from two point measurements, W.H. Matthaeus,
S. Dasso, J. Weygand, L.J. Milano, C. W. Smith and M. G. Kivelson, Phys. Rev. Lett.
95 231101 (2005)
3. Turbulence, Spatial Transport, and Heating of the Solar Wind W. H. Matthaeus, G. P.
Zank, C. W. Smith, and S. Oughton, Phys. Rev. Lett. 82, 3444 (1999)
4. Fluid and Kinetic Structure of Magnetic Merging in the Swarthmore Spheromak Experiment, W. H. Matthaeus C. D. Cothran, M. Landreman, M. R. Brown, Geophys. Res.
Lett. 32 L23104 (2005)
5. Low frequency 1/f fluctuations in hydrodynamic and magnetohydrodynamic turbulence,
P. Dmitruk and W. H. Matthaeus Physical Review E 76 036305 (2007)
Synergistic Activities (Broader Impact): Developed spectral numerical simulation methods&
novel Lattice Boltzmann and cellular automaton fluid simulation methods; Developed data
analysis methods for studying solar wind turbulence; Spearheaded establishment of Bartol
computing facility and parallel computing clusters; NASA Management Operations Working
Groups for magnetospheric and cosmic-heliospheric physics; Member, NAS/NRC Solar and
Space Physics Decadal Survey Committee (2001-2002), and NASA SECAS (2002-2005)
Recent Collaborators: J. Bieber (UD), R. Burger (NorthWest U) B. Breech (ARL, Aberdeen), V. Carbone (Calabria), P. Cassak (UWV), P. Chuychai (Mae Fah Luong), S. Dalena
(Calabria), S. Dasso (U Buenos Aires), A. Dosch (UAH), R. D’Amicis (INAF-Rome), P.
Dmitruk (U.BuenosAires), A. Fazakerley (Mullard), V. Florinski (UAH), S. Ghosh (APL), A.
Greco (Calabria), C. Gugiolo (Bitterroot), P. Hunana (GSFC), P. Isenberg (UNH), M. Kivelson
(UCLA), L. Lanzerotti (NJIT), E. Marsch (MPILindau), T. Mitchell (UD), D. Montgomery
(Dartmouth), R. Mace (Kwa-Zulu), P. Mininni (NCAR), K. Osman (Warwick),S. Oughton
(Waikato), C. Pei (UD), A. Pouquet (NCAR), J. Richardsion (MIT), D. Ruffolo (Mahidol), M.
Ruiz (U Buenos Aires),S. Servidio (Calabria), M. Shay (UD), T. Parashar (JPL), D. Thomson
(Queens U), A. Usmanov (UD/GSFC), M. Velli (JPL), A. Verdini (Roy. Obs. Belg.) A. Vinas
(GSFC), G. Webb (UAH), J. Weygand (UCLA), K. Wilhelm (MPILindau), G. Zank (UAH).
Graduate Advisor and Postdoctoral advisors: D. Montgomery (Dartmouth), M. Goldstein (GSFC); Graduate Students (past 5 years): D. Rodgers, T. Aziz, P. Chuychai, P.
Tooprakai, B. Breech, D.Rodgers, S. Dalena, P. Subedi, R. Chhiber, J. Tessein, G. Qin.
Postdoctoral Scholars and Research Associates (sponsored in the past five years): P.
Dmitruk (UBuenos Aires), S. Servidio (Calabria), A. Greco (Calabria), M. Wan (UD), S. Dalena
(UD), K. Osman (Warwick), F. Rappazzo (UD), P. Wu (UD). Total grad student supervised:12;
total postdocs supervised: 18.