UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO Student Health Services (MC 0039) 9500 Gilman Drive, La Jolla, CA 92093 Phone: (858) 534-2139 E-mail: Fax: (858) 534-7545 AUTHORIZATION TO RELEASE OR EXCHANGE CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION Note: SHS does not accept or send medical records via e-mail, or correspond by fax or mail out of the U.S. I, _______________________________________________ Student ID: __________________ (Student’s Name/Legal Representative) Birth Date: __________________ Hereby authorize UCSD Student Health Service to: Release information to: Obtain information from: Exchange verbally with: . Name: ____________________________________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________________________ Telephone: _________________________ Fax: _______________________________ Specific information to be released: (please initial each category that applies) _____ _____ _____ _____ Visit Notes Only ____ X-ray/Labs Only Immunizations Records Only ____ Billing Records Only All Medical Records Other as specified: ___________________________________________ Sensitive Issues: You must specifically authorize the disclosure of the following types of information. Initial each item that applies: _____ HIV/AIDS information _____ Drug/Alcohol/Substance Abuse Diagnosis/Treatment _____ Genetic Test Results _____ Gender Issues _____ Mental Health (does not inlcude CAPS records) For the following purpose(s): _____ Coordination of treatment/care _____ Administrative and/or Academic Coordination _____ Other ______________________________________________________________ NOTICE: UCSD Student Health Services, and other health care providers and organizations such as physicians, hospitals and health plans, are required by law to keep your health information confidential. If you have authorized the disclosure of your health information to someone who is not legally required to keep it confidential, it may no longer be protected by state or federal confidentiality laws. I understand that I can obtain a copy of this authorization. A copy of this form is as valid as the original. I understand that I have the right to refuse to sign this form, and that I may revoke my consent at any time (except to the extent that the information has already been released.) This revocation must be delivered in writing to each of the treatment providers listed above. THIS CONSENT WILL AUTOMATICALLY EXPIRE ONE YEAR FROM DATE OF YOUR SIGNATURE ___________________________________________ (electronic signature (Student’s signature or Legal Representative) is not accepted) ____________ (Date) ___________________________________________ (Printed Name) If you require copies of your records from Student Health Services, please complete reverse side of this form. MEDICAL RECORDS REQUEST FORM FROM UCSD STUDENT HEALTH SERVICES Patient Name: ____________________________________________________________________ Former Name: ____________________________________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________________________ Street City State Zip Phone Number: _____________________________ e-mail: _____________________________ Note: SHS does not accept or send medical records via e-mail, or correspond by fax or mail out of the U.S. Check one of the following: I request my records to be faxed to the party named on the reverse side at Fax Number: ________________________________________________ I request my records to be mailed to the party named on the reverse side I will pick up copies of my records Third party pick up only – Name: __________________________________ PID# _______________________ License #: ______________________ *Fee Charges for Copying Records at Student Health Service: Electronic Medical Records (onsite): first 4 pages free, each additional page $0.20 each, plus $5.00 Administrative Fee Archived Chart Records (offsite): first 4 pages free, each additional page $0.20 each, plus $5.00 Administrative Fee + $9.50 Recovery Fee Mail Fee: $5.00 applied any time requests are mailed from SHS Vaccine Records: one copy provided at no cost every six months (registered students only); onsite record charge effective for additional requests Records to outside physicians or health facilities – no charge Note: Once you submit this authorization you have (1) one business day to revoke your request. Thereafter you will be responsible for all fees incurred by your request. Would you like the total fee amount? Yes No _______________________________________ (Student’s signature or Legal Representative) _______________________________________ (Print Name if different than patient name) MedRelease 10162015 By: Email Phone __________________ (Date)