Ground Tissues Parenchyma Collenchyma & Sclerenchyma Plant Anatomy 254, lec 4 Rajaa Abueideh Parenchyma • The main representative of ground tissue system. • Found as - a continuous tissue in plant organs (cortex, pith of stems, cortex of roots, ground tissue of petioles, mesophyll of leaves) - individual or group of cells in complex tissue system ( xylem and phloem) Plant Anatomy 254, lec 4 Rajaa Abueideh • Function of parenchyma: Parenchyma cells vary in function depending on their location and participation in the activities, but they are capable of changing their activity. Also parenchyma cells can resume meristematic activity (wound healing, regeneration, formation of adventitious roots and shoots, isolated parenchyma are capable of producing the entire plant) Plant Anatomy 254, lec 4 Rajaa Abueideh • Cell contents: • Depending on the activities of parenchyma cells. - Contains numerous chloroplasts Chlorenchyma (mesophyll of leaves, some types of stems in cortex, may occur in pith) - Vacuolated cells and form lacunate tissue - Secretory parenchyma rich in protoplasm that is rich in ribosomes, Golgi bodies and ER depending on type of secretion. Plant Anatomy 254, lec 4 Rajaa Abueideh • May contain special ergastic substances - Starch storing cells with amyloplasts (seeds, underground storage organs). - Store protein or fat (parenchyma in seeds or embryo). - Contain chromoplasts (in flowers and fruits) - May accumulate anthocynanin or tannin in vacuoles - May contain different types of crystals. Plant Anatomy 254, lec 4 Rajaa Abueideh Plant Anatomy 254, lec 4 Rajaa Abueideh • Shape and arrangement of cells: -Typically parenchyma cells are isodiametric not spherical, with many faces (approximately 14 facets: polyhedron) - May be elongated or lobed - Cells vary in size - Presence of intercellular spaces: - storage parenchyma in stems and roots has abundant intercellular spaces - storage parenchyma in endosperm of seeds are compact, if present with small intercellular spaces - parenchyma in mesophyll has extensive intercellular spaces for gas exchange (aerenchyma) also Plant Anatomy 254,or lec 4aquatic habitat. in plants waterlogged soils Rajaa Abueideh Folded parenchyma Plant Anatomy 254, lec 4 Rajaa Abueideh Parenchyma with intercellular space Plant Anatomy 254, lec 4 Rajaa Abueideh aerenchyma Plant Anatomy 254, lec 4 Rajaa Abueideh • Cell wall in parenchyma cells: • Mostly with primary thin cell wall • middle lamella may or may not be distinguishable. • Plasmodesmata are common. • Sometimes the primary wall becomes very thick as in - some storage parenchyma as those in endosperm of seeds. (coffee and persimmon) the carbohydrates of these thick walls serve as reserve material utilized by the embryo during germination - some parenchyma (transfer cells) that function in short-distance transport of solutes between cells • Some parenchyma cells develop secondary walls (lignified) making it difficult to distinguish it from sclerenchyma (sclerified parenchyma) Plant Anatomy 254, lec 4 - parenchyma inRajaa pithAbueideh and in xylem Parenchyma with thick primary cell wall in endosperm of persimmon Parenchyma with primary cell wall Plant Anatomy 254, lec 4 Rajaa Abueideh Sclerified parenchyma Plant Anatomy 254, lec 4 Rajaa Abueideh Collenchyma • Thick primary walled cells • For support with flexibility (strong flexible cells) • Closely related to parenchyma; with living protoplasts capable of resuming meristematic activity with primary nonlignified cell wall. • When collenchyma cells are induced to resume meristematic activity (cork cambium) it retains active protoplast and removes the wall thickenings. Plant Anatomy 254, lec 4 Rajaa Abueideh Plant Anatomy 254, lec 4 Rajaa Abueideh • Cell wall in collenchyma cells: • Thick primary cell wall with uneven thickening: - thickness in corners of the cells (angular collenchyma) - angular collenchyma with intercellular space (lacunar collenchyma)- intercellular space may or may not present. - thickness on two opposite (inner and outer tangential walls) (lamellar or plate collenchyma) Plant Anatomy 254, lec 4 Rajaa Abueideh Angular collenchyma Plant Anatomy 254, lec 4 Rajaa Abueideh Lacunar collenchyma Plant Anatomy 254, lec 4 Rajaa Abueideh Lamellar or plate collenchyma Plant Anatomy 254, lec 4 Rajaa Abueideh • In addition to cellulose the cell wall contains large amount of pectin (hydrophilic bounded to water) and hemicellulose but with no lignin. • The thickening of cell wall is deposited while the cell is growing and the process is complicated. • Primary pits are often present especially in cells with uniform thickness. Plant Anatomy 254, lec 4 Rajaa Abueideh • Distribution of collenchyma in the plant: • Occurs in the peripheral regions of stem and leaf. Directly beneath epidermis or a few layers removed from it. • Frequently forms a continuous layer around circumference of axis (stem and leaf petiole). May occurs in strands • In leaf blade occurs in ribs especially the larger one. Occurs on both sides or one side of ribs • Roots rarely have collenchyma. • Differs from thick walled parenchyma associated with vascular tissue which has uniformly thickened walls (collenchymatous parenchyma) Plant Anatomy 254, lec 4 Rajaa Abueideh • The structure of collenchyma in relation to function: • Function of collenchyma is support of growing leaves and stems. • their walls becomes thick during development • The thickening is plastic and capable of extension so does not hinder the elongation of stem and leaf. • Found in developing plant parts subjected to mechanical stress (wind) Plant Anatomy 254, lec 4 Rajaa Abueideh • In old plant parts collenchyma may harden or may be change to sclerenchyma by deposition of secondary lignified wall Plant Anatomy 254, lec 4 Rajaa Abueideh Sclerenchyma • with secondary lignified cell wall. • Function in mechanical support. • May be confused with sclerified parenchyma or water conducting cells of xylem. Plant Anatomy 254, lec 4 Rajaa Abueideh • Can be divided into two categories: - Sclereids: isodiametric to elongated - Fibers: long slender cells, longer than wider • May or may not retain their protoplast at maturity Plant Anatomy 254, lec 4 Rajaa Abueideh Plant Anatomy 254, lec Rajaa Abueideh Sclereids Fibers Plant Anatomy 254, lec 4 Rajaa Abueideh Sclereids • Vary in shape. • Their secondary lignified cell wall commonly have simple pits • Are of several types: 1- Brachysclereids (stone cells): isodiametric – elongated 2- Macrosclereids (rod cells): columnar 3- Osteosclereids (bone cells): columnar with enlarged ends 4- Astrosclereids (star cells): with lobes or arms coming from central body 5-Trichosclereids (hairlike cells): branched Plant Anatomy 254, lec 4 Rajaa Abueideh Brachysclereids (stone cells) Plant Anatomy 254, lec 4 Rajaa Abueideh Astrosclerieds (star cells) Plant Anatomy 254, lec 4 Rajaa Abueideh Osteosclereids (Bone cells) Macrosclereids (rod cells) Plant Anatomy 254, lec 4 Rajaa Abueideh Trichosclereids (hairlike cells) Macrosclereids (rod cells) Plant Anatomy 254, lec Rajaa Abueideh • Distribution of sclereids: • In stems -as continuous layer on the periphery of the vascular region - as groups of sclereids in pith (brachysclereids) - astrosclereids in cortex • In leaves – in mesophyll (diffuse), associated with ends of small veins (terminal) - sometimes form part of epidermis (macrosclereids, trichosclereids, astrosclereids) Plant Anatomy 254, lec 4 Rajaa Abueideh • In fruits – in flesh of fruit (brachysclereids) - in endocarp (macrosclereids) • In seeds – in seed coat epidermis or the layer (s) beneath epidermis (macroslereids, osteosclereids) Plant Anatomy 254, lec 4 Rajaa Abueideh Fibers • Fibers are long cells. • With secondary thick walls, that varies in the degree of lignification The wall is hard and not hydrated as the wall in collenchyma • Function in support in plant parts that do not elongate • Usually occur in strands. Plant Anatomy 254, lec 4 Rajaa Abueideh • Fibers found in various parts of plants, could be of two types depending on site where they are found: - extraxylary fibers: fibers located outside xylem tissue - phloem fibers (primary phloem fibers , secondary phloem fibers) - perivascular bundle fibers (sheath, cap: on side or two sides ) - xylary fibers: fibers located in xylem Plant Anatomy 254, lec 4 Rajaa Abueideh Perivascular bundle sheath Perivascular bundle cap Plant Anatomy 254, lec 4 Rajaa Abueideh Primary Phloem fibers Plant Anatomy 254, lec 4 Rajaa Abueideh Secondary phloem fibers Plant Anatomy 254, lec 4 Rajaa Abueideh Xylary fibers Plant Anatomy 254, lec 4 Rajaa Abueideh • Economic Fibers: • Mostly are phloem fibers • Could be classified as soft fibers and flexible because of amount of lignin (flax: used in textiles (linen)), some phloem fibers used for paper making. • Leaf fibers of monocots obtained from leaves (hard fibers : strongly lignified walls) (Senseviria) • Leaf fibers of monocots (with xylem) serve as raw material for making paper (corn , sugar cane) Plant Anatomy 254, lec 4 Rajaa Abueideh