Practice A

For use with pages 613-620

Find the measure of the indicated arc or angle.

1. mBC= ?

2. mBC=



3. m!-BAC = ?



4. mBC = ?


5. m/_BAC =

6. m/_BAC = ?

Find the measure of the arc or angle in

7. mAQMP

9. m~PNO

11. m@O

13. mP@

8. mANMO lO.m~@Np

12. mNOP

14. mO@N


Decide whether a circle can be circumscribed about the quadrilateral

Find the value of each variabHe.


Chapter I 0 Resource Book


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Practice B

For use with pages 613-620

Find the measure of the indicated arc or angle in

1. m/_BAC= ?

2. mBC = ?



3. mA.BAC= ?

Find the measure of the arc or angle in ®0, given

mCD = 108° and roBE = ~lO0°.

4. m/_ABC 5. mACED

6. mA.BDE

7. mACBD

8. mAABD 9. m/-.BCE

10. mAD 11. nv~BC

Find the value of x.




2x+ 13)°

16. (3x- 8)° 17.

18, Archeology Archeologists found a portion of a circulm" dinner plate.

Describe a method to determine the diameter of the plate,

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Chapter 10 Resource Book


Pr~~*i~e A

Far use with pages 621-627

Find the measure of L1.



170° ~



8, 92o~


Write an equation that can be used to so~ve for x. Then solve the equation for x.



Use the diagram of ®A to write the m/_l, m!_2, and m/_3 in order of increasing measure.




Cha~ter 10 Resource Book

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A ~ ght~ i~d.




Practic~ B

For use with pages 621-627

Find the measure of/_1.


5, 1~)


241° ~

Write an equation that can be used to serve for x. Then solve the equation for x.


Aerial V~ew You are flying across the plains of Kansas at an altitude of 32,000 feet,~.or approximately 6 miles. It is a clear day.

Find the measure of CD that represents the part of Earth that you can see.


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not drawn to scale


Chapter 10 Resource Book

Lesson 10.2


5. Sample answer: Construct perpendicular bisectors of D’--~ and ~. We may label the bisectors ~ and ~, where C is the center of the circle, K is the midpoint of DG and L is the midpoint of ~-~. Then CK ~ CL, because congruent chords are equidistant from the center,

mad CJ ~ C J, by the Reflexive Property of

Congruence. Therefore, by the HL Congruence

Theorem, AKJC .~ ALJC; this gives

!.D J1 ~ / HJI becaus.~e correspond~ag parts of

~Asare~-. 6. roDE = 50°,reEF= 130°,

mFG=50°,mGD= 130° 7. 73 8. 12 9. 13

Lesson 10.3

Warm-~Jp Exercises

1. 22.5 2. 18 3. 32 4. (40, 20)

Daily Homework (~uiz

1. major arc 2, minor arc 3. 78° 4. 220°

5. 28

Lesson Opener

Allow 15 minutes.

1. Sample answer:

Pract[ce B

1. 66° 2. 54° 3. 43° 4. 90° 5. 54°

6. 50° 7. 54° 8. 36° 9. 50° 10. 72°

11. 180° 12. 23.5 13. 7 14. 102

15. 13 16. 23.25 17. 8

18. Sample answer: Draw a chord, construct ± bisector; draw a second chord and construct ± bisector. Where ± bisectors intersect is the center.

Measure radius. Double for diameter.

Practice C

1. 74° 2. 132° 3, 43.5° 4. 56° 5, 19°

6. 21° 7. 90° 8. 43° 9. 47.5° 10. 43°

1!. 47° 12. 47.5° 13. 94° 14. 180°

15, 20 16, 7 17. 36



1. /_MEI~ /.GED

2. m/.IMD = ~ miD

3. m!.IGD = ~ miD

4. m/_IMD = m/.IGD

1, Vert. Angles Tl~m.

2. Measure of inscribed/- = ½ measure of intercepted arc.

3. Measure of inscribed/- = ½ measure of intercepted arc.

4. Trans. Prop. of -------

2. m/_ADB = m/_BCA; The rays that form each angle intersect the circle at A and B, the endpoints of arc AB. 3. m!-DAC = m/-CBD; arc CD

4, MP = MQ

6. AMEI~ AGED 6. AA Similarity


Regeach~ng with Practice

I, 34 2. 23 3, 43 4. 50 5. 25 6. 11

7. x=40, y=93 8. x=56, y=20

9. x=30, y~59.3

Practice A

1. 76° 2. 156° 3. 80° 4. 180° 5. 12°

6. 16° 7. 60° 8. 110° 9. 35° 10. 30°

11. 130° 12. 180° 13. 60° 14. 250°

15. no 16. yes 17. yes

18. x= 180, y=90 19. x=55, y=55

20. x = 75

Reel-Li~e Application

1. /-BDC 2. 4400 miles 3, 25° 4. 50°

5. 8 6. about 3666 miles

Challenge: Skills and Applications

1. Sample answer: Draw D--~. Since D--ff is a dianaeter, !.DGF is a right angle inscribed in ®C; therefore, DG ± FG. So, we have FG -~ GE

(given), !.DGF ~ !.DGE (all right angles are

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Chapter 10 Resource Book

Lesson 10.3


congruent), and DG ~ DG (Reflexive Property of

Congruence). By the SAS Congruence Postulate,

ADGF ~ ADGE, so DF -~ DE (corresponding parts of = As are ~.) and ADEF is isosceles.

2. Sample answer: Draw PR, PS, and PT. Since

PR is a diameter of ®Q,/-PSR is a right angle inscribed in ®Q; therefore, PS ± RT. APSR and

APST are right triangles, PR ~ PT (radii of a circle are congruent), and PS =-- PS (Reflexive

Property of Congruence). Therefore,

APSR ~ APST by HL Congruence Theorem, and so RS -=- ST (corresponding parts of ~- As are ~).

3. Sample answer: Draw ~. Note that W’Z II ~, so by the Alternate Interio.o_.rr Angles Theorem,

/_WZX ~ !_YXZ. But mWX = 2m/_WZX and

mYZ = 2m/_YXZ, so mWX ~ YZ. Since two minor arcs in the same circle are congruent if and only if their corresponding chords are congruent, we conclude that WX ~- YZ, so WXYZ is an isosceles trapezoid.

4, a. OR = c, PS = c-a b. right triangle

PS PQ co Sample answer: -- = --

PQ RP c-a b d. Sample answer: b c + a’

b2 = (c-a)(c+a)=c~- a2,soa~ + b~=ca.

Quiz I ent~ li~Ss~t ~the~xadi~u&dr &wn~tn o~~ the point of tangency. 2. 15; two tangent segments with the same exterior endpoint are congruent. 3. 60° 4. 60° 5. 180° 6. 240°

7. 120° 8. 300° 9. 102.8°

Practice A

1. 90° 2. 86° 3. 116° 4. 39° 5. 82°

& 74° 7. 40° 8. 24.5° 9. 36°

10. 38° = ½(180° - x°); 104

11. 115° = ½(105° + x°); 125

12. 96° = ½(360° - x°); 168

’l& m/_3, m/_2, m/-1 ~4. m~l,m~2, m~3

Practice ~

1. 63° 2. 148° 3. 33° 4. 49° 5. 13.5°

6. 48° 7. 104°=½(360°-x°);152

8. 22° = ½(125 - x°); 81

9. 38° = ½(x° + 69°);7

10. 45° = ½(360 - x° - x°); 135

1~. 17° = ~(x° - 42°);76

12. 138°=~(360-x)°;84 ~3. ~6.3°

Practice C



142° 2. 65°

6. 52° 7.


2. BC ~ CD

4. mBC = mCD

3. 40°

20° 8. 100°

C is midpt, of BD m~BAC = mBC m/-CAD = ~ mCD

~. mA_BAC = mZ_CAD

4. 28° 5. 57.5°


1. Given

2. Def. of midpoint

3. In a ®, measure of inscribed/- = ½

4. Congruent arcs have = measure

5. Mult. Prop. of


& Substitution

7. AC bisects Z_BAD 7. Def of Z_ bisector

Warm-Up l=xercises

1.45 2.4 3.5 4.60

DaRy Homework Quiz

1. a=90°,b=58°,c=45° 2. x=6, y=9

Lesson Opener

Allow 10 minutes.

1. a. A b. D,E,F c. B,C 2. a. A,B,F, b. E e. C,D & ~. C,E b. B,D c. A,F

Geometry’ ........... ......... ...........

Ch&pter 10 Resource Book

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