A natural treasure in northwest Arkansas
Imagine slipping your canoe into crystal clear, cool water on a quiet morning, entering a
gentle current that carries you along with just a few strokes of your paddle. A low fog burns
off with the rising sun, revealing high, jagged bluffs towering behind the tree-lined riverbanks.
On a rock near the water’s edge, a great blue heron waits perfectly still, eyeing the river for
its next meal. Overhead a bald eagle soars.
This is the Kings River.
Flowing out of the Boston Mountains of Madison County, the Kings
River meanders 60 miles across the Ozark Plateau where it meets Table
Rock Lake on the Arkansas and Missouri border. Breathtaking views are
found around every bend.
Thousands of people visit the river each year to canoe, fish and swim. Yet
it remains just enough of a secret that you can still feel a sense of peaceful
solitude and communion with nature that other, more crowded rivers have
A break from paddling the Kings River
Nature abounds here. Abundant smallmouth bass draw anglers from
across the country. Opportunities to catch sight or sound of some 200
bird species, or perhaps a playful river otter or family of white-tailed
deer, draw in wildlife viewers. And the river is home to 18 species of fish,
crayfish, mussels, turtles and insects that are found only in the Ozark
Mountains, making it especially important for conservation. One species,
a stonefly, is only found in the Kings River watershed.
Not only is the Kings River a haven for wildlife and a beloved destination
for people, it also contributes to the drinking water of dozens of com-
Bald Eagle
munities in Arkansas and Missouri. That makes maintaining the river’s
quality critical to safeguarding the community’s health.
As people settled the Kings River area, the landscape changed. Streamside
land was cleared for pasture, leaving few trees to hold the soil in place and
allowing cattle access to the river. At just one site measured recently, some
140 feet of riverbank had eroded away, dumping at least 20,000 tons, or
2,000 dump truck loads, of sediment into the river. Instream gravel mining and runoff from eroding, unpaved roads also contribute significant
Fishing on the Kings River
All photos © Ethan Inlander
sediment to the river.
Why is sediment such an issue? At a very basic level nobody wants
to swim, fish or canoe in a cloudy mud-filled river. But the
implications run much deeper than recreation. Each time it rains,
truckloads of sediment from pastures, dirt and gravel from roads and
eroding streambanks are washed into the river, costing farmers, landowners and county governments. Landowners lose acreage from these
eroding streambanks. County road crews are required to spend extra
money and manpower to maintain eroding dirt and gravel roads. Too
much sediment also chokes out native aquatic species and degrades
critical habitat. Plus sediment makes it harder to provide clean drinking water for thousands of Arkansas and Missouri residents.
Sediment runoff from the road
The Nature Conservancy established the Kings River Preserve in
2010 with a vision to conserve a river corridor large enough to make
a difference to wildlife and water quality. We started by purchasing a
property lining seven miles on both sides of the river. We have begun
reforesting streamside pastures, stabilizing and restoring eroding
riverbanks, and improving existing roads to reduce sediment entering the river. These projects serve as on-the-ground demonstrations
for other landowners interested in improving their property and the
river’s water quality The Conservancy has also hosted a number of
Erosion from cattle access
workshops for county road crews throughout the Ozarks to showcase
innovative road construction and maintenance techniques that keep
erosion at bay and help counties reduce maintenance costs.
At the Kings River Preserve, the river corridor remains open to the
public. Several outfitters provide canoe service, and we encourage
everyone to enjoy the area’s natural beauty and diversity.
This work is made possible by generous supporters like you who recognize the importance of the Kings River in our lives. There is much
more to do; we invite you to be a part of the inner circle of friends
making a lasting difference on the Kings.
Kings River Preserve
Urgent Opportunity—You Can Help!
The Conservancy has an incredible opportunity to purchase a critical addition to the Kings River Preserve. A 608-acre property has become available that, if purchased, would add two river miles to the preserve. It is in a prime location bordering the
existing preserve and boasts some of the best fishing on the river. Securing this property would also remove river access for a
large number of cattle, significantly improving water quality.
Timing is critical: The Conservancy has a goal of raising $1.4 million by September 1, 2013, to secure this property. By
making a generous gift, you will help us purchase this gem and continue to restore and manage the Kings River Preserve as a
thriving haven for nature and people. Join us by making a commitment to conserve this extraordinary river.
It’s a legacy you can be proud of.
For more information or to help, contact:
Tim Snell, Associate State Director of Water Resources
The Nature Conservancy in Arkansas
Phone: (479) 973-9110