&&66 *0' MR 1.1 Determine0HDVXUHWKHOHQJWKRIDQREMHFWE\VHOHFWLQJDQGXVLQJDSSURSULDWH the approach, materials, and strategies to use. WRROVVXFKDVUXOHUV\DUGVWLFNVPHWHUVWLFNVDQGPHDVXULQJWDSHV &&66 *0' PHWHUV (VWLPDWHOHQJWKVXVLQJXQLWVRILQFKHVIHHWFHQWLPHWHUVDQG UNDERLYING SKILLS AND CONCEPTS: vocabulary; benchmarks Use Inches, Feet, and Yards People use inches to measure small things. a K ey Ide People use feet or yards to measure large things. E x am p l E 1 Your thumb is about 1 inch long. 4 5 The length from your wrist to elbow is about 1 foot long. 1 foot is the same as 12 inches. 2 3 3 feet is the same as 1 yard. Your arm span is about 1 yard. 1 0 inches B – © CSL Associates, Inc. All rights reserved. Would you measure the playground in inches, feet, or yards? The playground is large. Use yards or feet. E x am p l E 2 Would you measure the length of your shoe in inches or feet? How tall am I? E x am p l E 3 Your shoe is small. Would you measure the length of the classroom in inches or yards? Use inches. Your classroom is large. Use yards. Chapter 23 – Lesson 4 page 273 Name P RAC T I C E Would you measure in inches, feet, or yards? 1 a chair 2 a glove inches or feet 3 a baseball field inches 4 a truck feet or yards 5 a book feet or yards 6 a small box inches inches 7 length of baseball bat 3 inches 3 feet 3 yards 8 length of a crayon 3 inches 3 feet 3 yards 9 height of a wall 10 length of a nail 3 inches 3 feet 3 yards 3 inches 3 feet 3 yards Math Reasoning 11 Estimation MR 1.1 Find 3 objects that you estimate are about 6 inches long, wide, or tall. Make a list. Then measure each object. Answers will vary. Discuss the strategies students used to estimate. Have partners check the exact measures. page 274 Chapter 23 – Lesson 4 B – © CSL Associates, Inc. All rights reserved. Choose the best estimate. Circle it. Name P RAC T I C E Would you measure in inches, feet, or yards? 1 a desk 2 a bat inches or feet 3 a soccer field inches or feet 4 a car feet or yards 5 a pencil feet or yards 6 a juice bottle inches inches 7 length of crayon 3 inches 3 feet 3 yards 8 length of a baseball card 3 inches 3 feet 3 yards 9 height of a chair 10 height of a second grader 3 inches 3 feet 3 yards 3 inches 3 feet 3 yards Math Reasoning 11 Estimation MR 1.1 Find 3 objects that you estimate are about 12 inches long, wide, or tall. Make a list. Then measure each object. Answers will vary. page 184 Home Resource and Homework Chapter 23 Lesson 4 B – © CSL Associates, Inc. All rights reserved. Choose the best estimate. Circle it. MCX94TEG2Ch01_30.v9.4.1 2/19/01 19:52 Page 503 Name P RAC T I C E Would you measure in inches, feet, or yards? 1 a chair 2 a glove inches or feet 3 a baseball field inches 4 a truck feet or yards 5 a book feet or yards 6 a small box inches inches B – © CSL Associates, Inc. All rights reserved. Choose the best estimate. Circle it. 7 length of baseball bat 3 inches 3 feet 3 yards 8 length of a crayon 3 inches 3 feet 3 yards 9 height of a wall 10 length of a nail 3 inches 3 feet 3 yards 3 inches 3 feet 3 yards Math Reasoning 11 Estimation MR 1.1 Find 3 objects that you estimate are about 6 inches long, wide, or tall. Make a list. Then measure each object. Answers will vary. Discuss the strategies students used to estimate. Have partners check the exact measures. Chapter 23 – Lesson 4 Student Book Page page 274 Name P RAC T I C E Would you measure in inches, feet, or yards? 1 a desk 2 a bat inches or feet 3 a soccer field inches or feet 4 a car feet or yards 5 a pencil feet or yards 6 a juice bottle inches inches 7 length of crayon 3 inches 3 feet 3 yards 8 length of a baseball card 3 inches 3 feet 3 yards 9 height of a chair 10 height of a second grader 3 inches 3 feet 3 yards 3 inches 3 feet 3 yards Math Reasoning 11 Estimation MR 1.1 Find 3 objects that you estimate are about 12 inches long, wide, or tall. Make a list. Then measure each object. Answers will vary. page 184 Home Resource and Homework Chapter 23 Lesson 4 B – © CSL Associates, Inc. All rights reserved. Choose the best estimate. Circle it.