Class 0516

Class 0516
DACC Course Packet for all courses
Lippincott Bundle.
Carpenito Nursing Diagnosis (14th Ed)
Ellis Nursing in Today's World, North American Edition (10th Ed)
Craven Fundamentals of Nursing, North American Edition (7th Ed)
Buchholz Henke's Med-Math (7th Ed)
Craven PrepU for Craven's Fundamentals of Nursing (7th Ed)
Karch Focus on Nursing Pharmacology (6th Ed)
Karch PrepU for Karch's Focus on Nursing Pharmacology (6th Ed)
Lippincott Nursing 2015 Drug Handbook
Hinkle Brunner & Suddarth's Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing (13th Ed)
Hinkle PrepU for Brunner & Suddarth's Textbook for Medical Surgical Nursing (13th Ed)
Varcarolis, E. M., Carson, V. B., & Shoemaker, N. C. (2010). Foundations of Psychiatric Mental Health
Nursing. 7th Ed. St. Louis: Saunders.
Pass Point (purchased by DACC)
Ricci 2nd edition (OB/Peds)
Urden 6th edition (Critical Care)
Stanhope 3rd edition (Community)
Myers, E. (2010). RN Notes: Nurse’s Clinical Pocket Guide. 3rd Ed. F. A. Davis: Philadelphia.
Stedman. (2011). Medical Dict for Health Prof ETC (Text Only). 7th Ed.
Stedman. (2011). Medical Dict for Health Prof ETC (W/Bind-in access & Cd). 7th Ed.
Class 1215
DACC Course Packet for all courses
Lippincott Bundle.
Carpenito Nursing Diagnosis (14th Ed)
Ellis Nursing in Today's World, North American Edition (10th Ed)
Craven Fundamentals of Nursing, North American Edition (7th Ed)
Buchholz Henke's Med-Math (7th Ed)
Craven PrepU for Craven's Fundamentals of Nursing (7th Ed)
Karch Focus on Nursing Pharmacology (6th Ed)
Karch PrepU for Karch's Focus on Nursing Pharmacology (6th Ed)
Lippincott Nursing 2014 Drug Handbook
Hinkle Brunner & Suddarth's Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing (13th Ed)
Hinkle PrepU for Brunner & Suddarth's Textbook for Medical Surgical Nursing (13th Ed)
Pass Point
Ricci 2nd edition Maternity and Pediatric Nursing
Urden 6th edition (Critical Care) (Edition may change prior to the start of 296 – please check with the bookstore
prior to purchasing this edition)
Stanhope 3rd edition (Community) (Edition may change prior to the start of 298 – please check with the
bookstore prior to purchasing this edition)
Myers, E. (2010). RN Notes: Nurse’s Clinical Pocket Guide. 3rd Ed. F. A. Davis: Philadelphia.
Stedman. (2011). Medical Dict for Health Prof ETC (Text Only). 7th Ed.
Stedman. (2011). Medical Dict for Health Prof ETC (W/Bind-in access & Cd). 7th Ed.
DACC Nursing. (2006). 191 Handout/Policy Procedures Handbook. Spring Ed.
Varcarolis, E. M., Carson, V. B., & Shoemaker, N. C. (2010). Foundations of Psychiatric Mental Health
Nursing. 6th Ed. St. Louis: Saunders.
Class 0515
Cherry, B. & Jacob, S. R. (2014). Contemporary Nursing. 6th Ed. St. Louis: Mosby.
Craven, R.F. & Hirnle, C.J. (2013). Fundamentals of Nursing. 7th Ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott, Williams, &
Myers, E. (2010). RN Notes: Nurse’s Clinical Pocket Guide. 3rd Ed. F. A. Davis: Philadelphia.
Venes, D. (2013). Taber’s Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary. 22nd Ed. F. A. Davis: Philadelphia.
Ackley, B. J. & Ladwig, G. B. (2014). Nursing Diagnosis Handbook. 10th Ed. St. Louis: Mosby.
Deglin, J.H. (2013). Davis’s Drug Guide for Nurses. 13th Ed. F. A. Davis: Philadelphia.
Gordon, M. (2008). Assess Notes: Nursing Assessment & Diagnostic Reasoning. F. A. Davis: Philadelphia.
Ignatavicius, D. D. & Workman, M. L. (2013). Medical-Surgical Nursing. 7th Ed. Saunders: St. Louis.
Karch, A. (2013) Focus on Nursing Pharmacology 6th Ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott, Williams, & Wilkins.
Varcarolis, E. M., Carson, V. B., & Shoemaker, N. C. (2010). Foundations of Psychiatric Mental Health
Nursing. 6th Ed. St. Louis: Saunders.
Ricci, S. S. & Kyle, T. (2013). Maternity and Pediatric Nursing. 2nd Ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott, Williams,
& Wilkins
Pass Point – DACC purchased for the 6 incoming LPN students
Urden, L. D., Stacy, K. M., & Lough, M. E. (2012). Priorities in Critical Care Nursing. 6th Ed. St. Louis:
Stanhope, M. & Lancaster, J. (2010). Foundations of Nursing in the Community. 3rd Ed. St. Louis: Mosby.
All course packets