JOHNS HOPKINS U N I V E R S I T Y School of Medicine Edward D. Miller Research Building, Suite 147 733 North Broadway Baltimore, MD 21205-2196 (410) 955-3080 / FAX (410) 955-0826 Office of the Dean Registrar July 30, 2015 Memo to: Classes of 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 From: Mary E. Foy, Associate Dean/Registrar Re: Clinical Elective Evaluations The Registrar’s Office uses E-Value as an on-line tool to facilitate the completion of elective evaluations for all medical students. Course directors receive an email to complete an electronic evaluation for your elective experience. You will also receive an evaluation to complete to evaluate your experience (clinical electives only). Elective grades and comments posted in E*Value by the Course Director will not be available to the student UNLESS an elective course evaluation has been completed by the student. For your convenience a sample evaluation is printed on the next page. These evaluations are anonymous and the course director will not have access to your evaluation until after submission of final grades. A minimum of three evaluations, per course, are required before a course director can review any student evaluations. Dawn Timmons is available to answer any questions you might have about this evaluation tool, she can be reached at 410-614-4886 or . MEF: tdt dt-U:\data\RegistrationMemos\2015-2016\Student Evaluates elective memo 1516.doc StudentEvaluationofClinicalElective Department: ClinicalElective: Quarter/Half: Preceptor: Indicatethedegreetowhichyouagreeordisagreewiththefollowingstatementsregardingthis elective: Scaleis: 0Notapplicabletothiselective 1StronglyDisagree 2DisagreeSomewhat 3Neutral 4AgreeSomewhat 5StronglyAgree 1.Ireceivedclearlearningobjectivesfortheelective. 2.Myperformancewasassessedagainstthelearningobjectives. 3.Ihadtheopportunitytofollowavarietyofdifferentpatientsduringthiselective. 4.Myattendingfacultymemberswereadequatelyinvolvedinteachingduringtheelective. 5.Afacultymemberpersonallyobservedmeperformingcomponentsofthehistoryand/or physicalexaminationduringthiselective. 6.Ireceivedhelpfulfeedbackonmyperformanceduringthiselective. 7.Mytimeonthewardsorintheambulatorysettingwasproductive. 8.Therewasanappropriatebalancebetweenresponsibilityandsupervision. 9.Therewereopportunitiestoperformprocedureswithneededsupervision. 10.Facultyandresidentsmodeledeffectiveteamfunctioningduringthiselective. 11.Facultyandresidentsconsistentlymodeledprofessionalismduringthiselective. 12.Residentsandfellowsprovidedeffectiveteachingduringtheelective. 13.Mylearningobjectivesforthisrotationweremet. 14.Describeyouractivitiesduringthiselective: 15.Whatwerethestrengthsofthisclinicalelective?(Open) 16.Whatshouldbechanged?(Open) 17.Overall,howwouldyouratethisclerkship? 1 Poor 2 Fair 3 Good 4 Verygood 5 Excellent dt‐U:\data\RegistrationMemos\2015‐2016\StudentEvaluateselectivememo1516.doc