1 Education Doctor of Philosophy, Industrial/Organizational Psychology, May 2018 (intended) Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA Advisor: Dr. Richard Landers Master of Science, Industrial/Organizational Psychology, December 2015 (intended) Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA. Advisor: Dr. Richard Landers Thesis: An Evaluation of Game Fiction-Enhanced Training: Using Narrative to Improve Trainee Reactions and Learning Bachelor of Arts, Psychology, May 2013 Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green, KY. GPA: 3.90 Thesis: “Regressions on Personalities and Political Preference of Collegiate Greek Letter Social Organizations” Undergraduate Leadership Certificate Program Studied Spanish in Segovia, Spain (June 2010) with Kentucky Institute for International Studies Research Experience Graduate Research Assistant, Technology in Training Lab, Dr. Richard Landers, Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA, August 2013-present Assisted the principal investigator in conducting research projects by means of literature review, data collection, data management, data analysis, manuscript writing, and training and managing undergraduate research assistants. Undergraduate Research Assistant, Clinical Applied Research Group, Dr. Rick Grieve, Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green, KY, spring 2011-spring 2013 Administered surveys to collect data. Coded data for peers’ research. Attended weekly meetings discussing undergraduate and graduate research. Reviewed literature. Undergraduate Research Assistant, Dr. Andrew Mienaltowski, Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green, KY, spring 2011 Attended weekly meetings reviewing literature for a later data analysis on another undergraduate’s thesis. 2 Undergraduate Research Assistant, Dr. Sam McFarland, Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green, KY, fall 2010 Assisted in preparing survey materials, collecting data, and providing incentives for participants. Consulting Experience Training Evaluation, Irma Hinkle, ACCESS Aids Care, Norfolk, VA, June 2014-present Conduct training evaluations of grant-funded health-focused training programs, create and manage multiple longitudinal databases, perform statistical analyses, interpret and explain results, prepare professional reports, and lead client focus groups regarding quality of care. Program Evaluation, Dr. Stephanie Sanders, Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA, September 2015-present Conducting a program evaluation on the Faculty Diversity Leader program within the University for improving recruitment and retention of diverse faculty members. Meet frequently with stakeholders, identifying archival data sources, and preparing for data collection via interview to draft a report and recommendations for the University regarding this program. Training Needs Analysis, Elizabeth O’Parka, City of Virginia Beach, Virginia Beach, VA, February 2015-June 2015 Conducted a training needs analysis for the City of Virginia Beach employees, developed and selected psychological measures, collected data, analyzed the results, and presented the findings to the City of Virginia Beach Learning & Development team. PTC/MW’s Second Annual Graduate Student Consulting Competition, Personnel Testing Council – Metro Washing, Washington, D. C., October 8-12, 2015 Participated on a team of graduate students to propose an unproctored, computer-based assessment process for selecting incumbents into a leadership development program for a fictitious company. Proposal included a review of the literature on specified competencies and methods, the technical approach proposed, a staffing plan, and price estimates, as well as information on effective change management, validation, and investigating adverse impact. Drafted a realistic proposal and presented to a panel of judges consisting of PTCMW members and PDRI employees. PTCMW’s First Annual Graduate Student Consulting Competition, Personnel Testing Council – Metro Washington, Washington, D.C., October 23-27, 2014 3 Participated on a team of graduate students to develop a model to estimate turnover costs for multinational organizations, conducted a literature review, drafted a report, and presented results to a panel of judges consisting of PTCMW members. Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications Landers, R. N. & Armstrong, M. B. (in press). Enhancing instructional outcomes with gamification: An empirical test of the technology-enhanced training effectiveness model. Computers in Human Behavior. doi:10.1016/j.chb.2015.07.031 Armstrong, M. B. & Grieve, F. G. (2015). Big five personality traits of collegiate social fraternities and sororities. Oracle: The Research Journal of the Association of Fraternity/Sorority Advisors, 10(1), 68-81. Book Chapters Collmus, A. B., Armstrong, M. B., & Landers, R. N. (in press). Game-thinking within social media to recruit and select job candidates. In R. N. Landers & G. B. Schmidt (Eds.), Using Social Media in Selection: Theory, Practice and Future Research. Springer. Armstrong, M. B., Landers, R. N., & Collmus, A. B. (2015). Gamifying recruitment, selection, training, and performance management: Game-thinking in human resource management. In D. Davis & H. Gangadharbatla (Eds.), Emerging Research and Trends in Gamification (pp. 140-165). Hershey, PA: IGI Global. Landers, R. N., Bauer, K. N., Callan, R. C., & Armstrong, M. B. (2015). Psychological theory and the gamification of learning. In T. Reiners & L. Wood (Eds.), Gamification in Education and Business. Cham, Switzerland: Springer. Presentations Armstrong, M. B. & Landers, R. N. (2015, April). Game-thinking in assessment: Applications of gamification and serious games. Symposium presented at the 30th Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Philadelphia, PA. Armstrong, M. B. & Landers, R. N. (2015, April). Enhancing training outcomes with gamification. Poster presented at the 30th Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Philadelphia, PA. doi:10.13140/RG.2.1.3326.6089 Armstrong, M. B., Landers, R. N., & Collmus, A. B. (2015, April). Game-thinking in human resource management. Poster presented at the 30th Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Philadelphia, PA. doi: 10.13140/RG.2.1.1512.0800 4 Callan, R. C., Bauer, K. N., Armstrong, M. B., & Landers, R. N. (2014, May). Gamification in psychology: A review of theory and potential pitfalls. Poster presented at the 29th Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Honolulu, HI. doi: 10.13140/2.1.3536.1928 Armstrong, M. B. & Landers, R. N. (2014, March). Reactions to gamified training. Poster presented at the Old Dominion University 4th Annual Graduate Research Achievement Day, Norfolk, VA. doi: 10.13140/2.1.2264.3848 Armstrong, M. B. (2013, May). Regressions of collegiate fraternity and sorority Big Five personality factors and political preference. Poster presented at the Midwestern Psychological Association Conference, Chicago, IL. Armstrong, M. B. (2013, March). Fraternity and sorority personality and political preference patterns. Presentation presented the 43rd Annual Western Kentucky University Sigma Xi Student Research Conference, Bowling Green, KY. West, H., Cyr, C., Eovino, J., White, M., Armstrong, M. B. & McCarthy, B. (2013, March). Man's search for body satisfaction. Poster presented at the 43rd Annual Western Kentucky University Sigma Xi Student Research Conference, Bowling Green, KY. White, M. C., Cyr, C., Aldridge, L., Armstrong, M. B., Eovino, J., & West, H. (2013, March). Indications of muscle dysmorphia from Stroop Test results. Presentation presented at the 43rd Annual Western Kentucky University Sigma Xi Student Research Conference, Bowling Green, KY. Armstrong, M. B. (2013, February). Regressions on personalities and political preferences of collegiate Greek letter social organizations. Poster presented for the Posters at the Capitol Conference, Frankfort, KY. Armstrong, M. B. (2012, October). Regressions on personalities and political preference of collegiate Greek letter social organizations. Paper presented at the Kentucky Honors Roundtable Conference, Murray State University, Murray, KY. Morris, B., Cyr, C., Armstrong, M. B., Van Ryckenghem, R., Waddell, A. D., Savage, D., Isbill, A., Shacklette, M., Lillpop, C., West, H., & White, M. (2012, March). Superstitious fan behavior. Paper presented at the 42ndAnnual Western Kentucky University Sigma Xi Student Research Conference, Bowling Green, KY. Cyr, C., Savage, D., Armstrong, M. B., Nason, N., Isbill, A., Hanahan, M., Lee, M., Lillpop, C., Morris, B., & Jensen, B. (2012, February). Post-high school hometown football identification. Invited presentation for the Eighth Annual Sport Psychology Forum, Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green, KY. Grants 5 Regressions on Personalities and Political Preferences of Collegiate Greek Letter Social Organizations Funded by Faculty-Undergraduate Student Engagement Grant, (2012-2013), WKU, $4,600 Principal Investigator – Michael B. Armstrong Research Interests Broad interest: Technology and how it shapes training, assessment, and work motivation Specific areas of interest: Gamification, serious games, social media, mobile devices, training design, training evaluation, Internet-based testing, self-determination theory Professional Organization Affiliations Society for Industrial & Organizational Psychology, Inc. – Student Affiliate o Electronic Communications Committee – (April 2015 – present) ODU Industrial/Organizational Psychology Student Association o President (May 2014 – present) o Community Service Coordinator (September 2013 – May 2014) Awards ODU Department of Psychology Graduate Student Service Award – 2014-2015 year o $500 award for service to the department, community, and profession. ODU Dominion Graduate Scholar – August 2013-present WKU Psychology Department Undergraduate Research Award - 2013 WKU President’s List (3.80-4.00 GPA) – five semesters WKU Dean’s List (3.50-3.79 GPA) – one semester WKU Regent’s Scholarship – fall 2009-spring 2013 WKU Greek Academic Hall of Fame – 2010-2013 WKU Greek 2012 Academic Achievement Award - Highest Grade Point Average Fraternity Junior WKU 9th Annual WKU Leadership Banquet – Psychology Leadership Recognition 2012 WKU Psychology Department Junior Academic Achievement Award, 4.00 GPA – 2011 Work Experience Teaching Assistant, Department of Psychology, Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA, fall 2014, fall 2015-present. Graded weekly assignments and provided support for 75+ students in an online section of an undergraduate Personnel Psychology course. Currently grade exams and provide email support for 120+ students in an online section of undergraduate Industrial/Organizational Psychology course. 6 Office Assistant, School of Teacher Education, Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green, KY, summer 2011-spring 2013. Acted as first contact for visitors to the School of Teacher Education, answering basic questions or directing inquiries to the appropriate contacts. Performed daily office tasks aiding in the operations of the department (including phone calls, faxes, copies/scans, data entry, mail management, and inventory management). Staff/Mentor, Kelly Autism Program, Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green, KY, fall 2010-spring 2011. Tutored college students in general education courses, with a specialization in trigonometry and introductory calculus, in the Kelly Autism Program. Mentored one student by meeting outside of office hours several times per month. Other duties included documenting progress and occasionally transporting students. Other Experience Served as a reviewer for the IBM Journal of Research and Development – February 2015 ODU Department of Psychology Graduate Student Interview Day Student Liaison – spring 2014 Coordinated with prospective graduate students to three different psychology programs. Organized and coordinated Interview Day programs and events including transportation for prospective students to and from campus, housing for prospective students while visiting Norfolk, a dinner event, and interview schedules with faculty members. WKU School of Teacher Education Office Associate Hiring Committee – spring 2013 WKU University Student Complaint Committee – fall 2012-present Served on committee as undergraduate student representative. Discuss and decide verdicts for academic affairs student complaints at the highest level in the University. Elected by faculty University Senate. WKU CEBS Academic Integrity Committee – spring 2012 Served on committee as undergraduate representative in the College of Education & Behavioral Sciences for the creation of a college-wide policy on plagiarism and cheating. WKU CEBS Student Ambassador – fall 2011-spring 2013 Represented College of Education & Behavioral Sciences at Academic Transitions Programs for incoming freshmen, Focus on WKU events for potential students, Open House recruiting events, and other events for the college. Phi Gamma Delta Fraternity Graduate 7 ODU Colony Pledge Education Committee – fall 2013 ODU Colony Board of Colony Advisors – fall 2013-present o Risk Management Advisor – spring 2014 o Scholarship Advisor – fall 2014-present o Faculty Advisor – fall 2014-present Undergraduate Community Service Committee – spring 2013 International Fraternity Expansion Committee – summer 2012 Corresponding Secretary/Executive Board - spring 2012-fall 2012 Pledge Education Committee – spring 2010-fall 2011 o Pledge Educator – fall 2010-fall 2011 o Assistant Pledge Educator – spring 2010 Philanthropy Committee – fall 2009 WKU Psychology Club (fall 2012-spring 2013) LeaderShape Graduate (summer 2011) WKU Dynamic Leadership Institute Phase IV Graduate (fall 2009-fall 2010)