Motivation New algorithm integral Computational Cost of integral Discussion References A New Guaranteed Adaptive Trapezoidal Rule Algorithm Fred J. Hickernell Department of Applied Mathematics, Illinois Institute of Technology Joint work with Martha Razo (IIT BS student) and Sunny Yun (Stevenson High School 2014 graduate) Supported by NSF-DMS-1115392 February 18, 2015 New Adaptive Trapezoidal Rule Meshfree Methods 1 / 30 Motivation New algorithm integral Computational Cost of integral Discussion References We Need Adaptive Algorithms We Need Adaptive Numerical Algorithms I We rely on the numerical software to solve mathematical and statistical problems: the NAG library (The Numerical Algorithms Group, 2013), MATLAB (The MathWorks, 2014), Mathematica, (Wolfram Research Inc. 2014), and R (R Development Core Team, 2014). I Functions like cos and erf give us the answer with the desired accuracy automatically. I Many numerical algorithms that we use are adaptive: MATLAB’s integral, fminbnd, and ode45, and the Chebfun MATLAB toolbox (Hale et al., 2014). They determine how much effort is needed to satisfy the error tolerance. New Adaptive Trapezoidal Rule Meshfree Methods 2 / 30 Motivation New algorithm integral Computational Cost of integral Discussion References We Need Adaptive Algorithms We Need Better Adaptive Numerical Algorithms Most adaptive algorithms use heuristics. There are no guarantees that they actually do what they claim. Exceptions are I guaranteed algorithms for finding one zero of a function and for finding minima of unimodal functions that date from the early 1970s (Brent, 2013), I guaranteed adaptive multivariate integration algorithms using Monte Carlo (Hickernell et al., 2014) and quasi-Monte Carlo methods (Hickernell and Jiménez Rugama, 2014; Jiménez Rugama and Hickernell, 2014), and I guaranteed adaptive algorithms for univariate function approximation (Clancy et al., 2014) and optimization of multimodal univariate functions (Tong, 2014) using linear splines, and I a guaranteed adaptive trapezoidal rule for univariate integration (Clancy et al., 2014). New Adaptive Trapezoidal Rule Meshfree Methods 3 / 30 Motivation New algorithm integral Computational Cost of integral Discussion References We Need Adaptive Algorithms We Need a Better Adaptive Trapezoidal Rule b−a [f (t0 ) + 2f (t1 ) + · · · + 2f (tn−1 ) + f (tn )], 2n i(b − a) ti = a + , i = 0, . . . , n, n ∈ N := {1, 2, . . .}. n Z b (b − a)2 Var(f 0 ) n ∈ N. err(f, n) := f (x) dx − Tn (f ) ≤ =: err(f, n), a 8n2 Tn (f ) := The adaptive trapezoidal rule in (Clancy et al., 2014) takes [a, b] = [0, 1] and works for integrands in Z 1 Cb := f ∈ V : Var(f 0 ) ≤ τ |f 0 (x) − f (1) + f (0)| dx 0 where 1/τ ≈ the width of the spike that you want to capture. The computational cost to ensure that err(f, n) ≤ ε is p ≤ τ Var(f 0 )/(4ε) + τ + 4 As τ increases there is an additive and a multiplicative penalty. We want to remove the latter. New Adaptive Trapezoidal Rule Meshfree Methods 4 / 30 Motivation New algorithm integral Computational Cost of integral Discussion References Three Algorithms Three Algorithms Z b (b − a)2 Var(f 0 ) err(f, n) := f (x) dx − Tn (f ) ≤ =: err(f, n), a 8n2 n ∈ N. (b − a)2 σ to bound err(f, n). 8n2 Non-adpative. Works for integrands in Bσ := {f : Var(f 0 ) ≤ σ}. ballint Taught in calculus courses. Uses flawint Taught in numerical analysis courses. Uses Tn (f ) − Tn/2 (f ) to estimate err(f, n). Adaptive. err(f, c n) := 3 Bad idea according to James Lyness (1983). Works for what kind of integrands? integral Our new algorithm. Adaptive. Need not know Var(f 0 ) but need to know the spikyness of f . Details to follow. Disclaimer: we are not pursuing interval arithmetic approaches (Rump, 1999; Moore et al., 2009; Rump, 2010). New Adaptive Trapezoidal Rule Meshfree Methods 5 / 30 Motivation New algorithm integral Computational Cost of integral Discussion References Four Typical Integrands An Easy Integrand Algorithm feasy fbig ffluky fspiky ballint 3 flawint 3 integral 3 7 7 3 7 3 3 r 2 −2x2 e feasy (x) = π 0.8 feasy 0.7 T4 (feasy ) 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 1 Z 7 7 7 feasy (x) dx = 0.4772 0 T4 (f ) = 0.4750 0 Var(feasy ) = 1.5038 0.2 0.1 0 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 x err(feasy , 4) = 0.0022 ≤ 0.0117 = err(feasy , 4) New Adaptive Trapezoidal Rule Meshfree Methods 6 / 30 Motivation New algorithm integral Computational Cost of integral Discussion References Four Typical Integrands A Big Integrand Algorithm feasy fbig ffluky fspiky ballint 3 flawint 3 integral 3 7 3 3 7 7 3 7 7 7 2 ×10 4 1.5 0 m4 Tn (fbig (x; m)) = 1 + 4 4n 10m4 0 Var(fbig (x; m)) = √ 3 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 -1.5 -2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 x err(fbig (x; m), n) = fbig (x; 16) 1 fbig (x; m) := 1 15m4 1 + − x2 (1 − x)2 2 30 Z 1 fbig (x; m) dx = 1 m4 5m4 ≤ = err(f c big (x; m), n) 4 4n 4n4 New Adaptive Trapezoidal Rule Meshfree Methods 7 / 30 Motivation New algorithm integral Computational Cost of integral Discussion References Four Typical Integrands A Fluky Integrand (Inspired by Lyness (1983)) Algorithm feasy fbig ffluky fspiky 7 3 3 7 7 3 7 7 7 4 1.5 1 ffluky (x; m) := fbig (x; m) 15m2 1 − + x(1 − x) + 2 6 Z 1 ffluky (x; m) dx = 1 ffluky (x; 16) ballint 3 flawint 3 integral 3 2 ×10 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 -1.5 -2 0 m2 (m2 − 5n2 ) Tn (ffluky (x; m)) = 1 + 4n4 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 x err(ffluky (·; n), n) = 1 > 0 = err(f c fluky (·; n), n) New Adaptive Trapezoidal Rule Meshfree Methods 8 / 30 Motivation New algorithm integral Computational Cost of integral Discussion References Four Typical Integrands A Spiky Integrand Algorithm feasy fbig ffluky fspiky 7 3 3 7 7 3 7 7 7 2 1.5 fspiky (x; m) = 30[{mx}(1 − {mx})]2 {x} := x mod 1 1 Z fspiky (x; 16) ballint 3 flawint 3 integral 3 1 0.5 fspiky (x; m) dx = 1 0 0 40m2 = √ 3 m Tn (fspiky (·; m)) = 0 for ∈N n 0 Var(fspiky (·; m)) 0 0.2 err(fspiky (·; m), n) = 1 > 0 = err(f c spiky (·; m), n) New Adaptive Trapezoidal Rule 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 x for m ∈ N. n Meshfree Methods 9 / 30 Motivation New algorithm integral Computational Cost of integral Discussion References Cone of Integrands For Which f Can Var(f 0 ) Be Well Appproximated? ( 0 Var(f ) := sup n X 0 0 |f (xi ) − f (xi−1 )| : {xi }ni=0 ) is a partition, n ∈ N i=1 partition: a = x0 ≤ x1 ≤ · · · ≤ xn = b, 0 + f (x) := f (x ), a ≤ x < b, 0 size({xi }ni=0 ) := max (xi − xi−1 ) i=1,...,n − f (b) := f (b ), New Adaptive Trapezoidal Rule V = {f : Var(f 0 ) < ∞} Meshfree Methods 10 / 30 Motivation New algorithm integral Computational Cost of integral Discussion References Cone of Integrands For Which f Can Var(f 0 ) Be Well Appproximated? 0 Var(f ) := sup ( n X ) 0 0 |f (xi ) − f (xi−1 )| : {xi }ni=0 is a partition, n ∈ N i=1 Define an approximation to Var(f 0 ) as follows: Vb (f 0 , {xi }ni=0 , {∆i }n−1 i=1 ) := n−1 X i=2 |∆i − ∆i−1 | ≤ Var(f 0 ), 0 + ∆i between f 0 (x− i ) and f (xi ) New Adaptive Trapezoidal Rule Meshfree Methods 10 / 30 Motivation New algorithm integral Computational Cost of integral Discussion References Cone of Integrands For Which f Can Var(f 0 ) Be Well Appproximated? 0 Var(f ) := sup ( n X ) 0 0 |f (xi ) − f (xi−1 )| : {xi }ni=0 is a partition, n ∈ N i=1 Define an approximation to Var(f 0 ) as follows: Vb (f 0 , {xi }ni=0 , {∆i }n−1 i=1 ) := n−1 X i=2 |∆i − ∆i−1 | ≤ Var(f 0 ), 0 + ∆i between f 0 (x− i ) and f (xi ) Define the cone of integrands for which Vb (f 0 , {xi }ni=0 , {∆i }n−1 i=1 ) does not underestimate Var(f 0 ) by much: C := {f ∈ V : Var(f 0 ) ≤ C(size({xi }ni=0 ))Vb (f 0 , {xi }ni=0 , {∆i }n−1 i=1 ) n n for all n ∈ N, {∆i }n−1 i=1 , and {xi }i=0 with size({xi }i=0 ) < h} Cut-off h ∈ (0, b − a] and inflation factor C : [0, h) → [1, ∞) non-decreasing. New Adaptive Trapezoidal Rule Meshfree Methods 10 / 30 Motivation New algorithm integral Computational Cost of integral Discussion References Cone of Integrands How Spiky Can(f Be? n X 0 Var(f ) := sup ) 0 0 {xi }ni=0 |f (xi ) − f (xi−1 )| : i=1 Vb (f 0 , {xi }ni=0 , {∆i }n−1 i=1 ) := n−1 X is a partition, n ∈ N |∆i − ∆i−1 | ≤ Var(f 0 ), ∆i btwn f 0 (x± i ) i=2 0 n C := {f ∈ V : Var(f ) ≤ C(h)Vb (f 0 , {xi }ni=0 , {∆i }n−1 i=1 ), h = size({xi }i=0 ) < h} 0.25 0.25 0.2 twopk(x, 0.65, 0.1, +) peak(x, 0.25, 0.2) 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 -0.05 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 -0.05 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 x 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 x peak(x, t, h) := (h − |x − t|)+ ∈ C if h ≥ h, a + h ≤ t ≤ b − 3h 0 twopk(x, t, h, ±) := peak(x, 0, h) ± 3[C(h) − 1] peak(x, t, h) ∈ C 4 New Adaptive Trapezoidal Rule Meshfree Methods 11 / 30 Motivation New algorithm integral Computational Cost of integral Discussion References Practically Bounding Var(f 0 ) Practically Bounding Var(f 0 ) 0 Var(f ) := sup ( n X ) 0 0 |f (xi ) − f (xi−1 )| : {xi }ni=0 is a partition, n ∈ N i=1 Vb (f 0 , {xi }ni=0 , {∆i }n−1 i=1 ) := n−1 X |∆i − ∆i−1 | ≤ Var(f 0 ), ∆i btwn f 0 (x± i ) i=2 n C := {f ∈ V : Var(f 0 ) ≤ C(h)Vb (f 0 , {xi }ni=0 , {∆i }n−1 i=1 ), h = size({xi }i=0 ) < h} But Vb relies on derivative values. New Adaptive Trapezoidal Rule Meshfree Methods 12 / 30 Motivation New algorithm integral Computational Cost of integral Discussion References Practically Bounding Var(f 0 ) Practically Bounding Var(f 0 ) 0 Var(f ) := sup ( n X ) 0 0 |f (xi ) − f (xi−1 )| : {xi }ni=0 is a partition, n ∈ N i=1 Vb (f 0 , {xi }ni=0 , {∆i }n−1 i=1 ) := n−1 X |∆i − ∆i−1 | ≤ Var(f 0 ), ∆i btwn f 0 (x± i ) i=2 n C := {f ∈ V : Var(f 0 ) ≤ C(h)Vb (f 0 , {xi }ni=0 , {∆i }n−1 i=1 ), h = size({xi }i=0 ) < h} But Vb relies on derivative values. In practice we may use Ven (f ) := n−1 n X |f (ti+1 ) − 2f (ti ) + f (ti−1 )| , b − a i=1 ti = a + i(b − a) n n+1 n n = Vb (f 0 , {xi }n+1 i=0 , {∆i }i=1 ) for some {xi }i=0 , {∆i }i=1 So Ven (f ) ≤ Var(f 0 ) ≤ C(2(b − a)/n)Ven (f ) for n > 2(b − a)/h and f ∈ C. New Adaptive Trapezoidal Rule Meshfree Methods 12 / 30 Motivation New algorithm integral Computational Cost of integral Discussion References Guranteed Adaptive Algorithm integral New, Guaranteed Adaptive Algorithm integral Given an interval, [a, b], an inflation function, key mesh size, h, and a C, a positive 2(b − a) positive error tolerance, ε, set j = 1, n1 = + 1, and V 0 = ∞. h 2(b − a) e Vnj (f ) . If Step 1 Compute Venj (f ) and V j = min V j−1 , C nj e Vnj (f ) > V j , then widen C and repeat this step. Otherwise, proceed. Step 2 If (b − a)2 V j ≤ 8n2j ε, then return Tnj (f ) as the answer. Step 3 Otherwise, increase the number of trapezoids to nj+1 = max(2, m)nj , where m = min{r ∈ N : η(rnj )Venj (f ) ≤ ε}, with η(n) := (b − a)2 C(2(b − a)/n) , 8n2 increase j by one, and go to Step 1. New Adaptive Trapezoidal Rule Meshfree Methods 13 / 30 Motivation New algorithm integral Computational Cost of integral Discussion References Guranteed Adaptive Algorithm integral integral Works as Advertised Theorem Algorithm integral is successful, i.e., Z b f (x) dx − integral(f, a, b, ε) ≤ ε a New Adaptive Trapezoidal Rule ∀f ∈ C. Meshfree Methods 14 / 30 Motivation New algorithm integral Computational Cost of integral Discussion References Bounds on the Computational Cost of integral Bounds on the Computational Cost of integral Theorem Let N (f, ε) denote the final number of trapezoids that is required by integral(f, a, b, ε). Then this number is bounded below and above in terms of the true, yet unknown, Var(f 0 ). max & '! r 2(b − a) Var(f 0 ) + 1, (b − a) ≤ N (f, ε) h 8ε & '! r 2(b − a) C(αh) Var(f 0 ) ≤ 2 min max + 1, (b − a) . 0<α≤1 αh 8ε The number of function values required by integral(f, a, b, ε) is N (f, ε) + 1. New Adaptive Trapezoidal Rule Meshfree Methods 15 / 30 Motivation New algorithm integral Computational Cost of integral Discussion References Bounds on the Computational Cost of integral Proof of Lower Bound on Computational Cost 2(b − a) + 1. The number of trapezoids must be at least n1 = h The number of trapezoids is increased until (b − a)2 V j ≤ 8n2j ε, which implies that (b − a)2 Var(f 0 ) (b − a)2 V j ≤ ≤ ε. 2 8nj 8n2j This implies the lower bound on N (f, ε). New Adaptive Trapezoidal Rule Meshfree Methods 16 / 30 Motivation New algorithm integral Computational Cost of integral Discussion References Bounds on the Computational Cost of integral Proof of Upper Bound on Computational Cost Let J be the value of j for which integral terminates, so N (f, ε) = nJ . Since n1 satisfies the upper bound, we may assume that J ≥ 2. Let m∗ = max(2, m) where m comes from Step 3. Note that η((m∗ − 1)nJ−1 ) Var(f 0 ) > ε. For m∗ = 2 this follows because η(nJ−1 ) Var(f 0 ) ≥ (b − a)2 C(2(b − a)/nJ−1 )VenJ−1 (f ) 8n2j−1 ≥ (b − a)2 V J−1 (f ) > ε. 8n2j−1 For m∗ = m > 2 this follows by the definition of m in Step 3. Since η is a decreasing function, this implies that 2(b − a) + 1, η(n) Var(f 0 ) ≤ ε . (m∗ − 1)nJ−1 < n∗ := min n ∈ N : n ≥ h New Adaptive Trapezoidal Rule Meshfree Methods 17 / 30 Motivation New algorithm integral Computational Cost of integral Discussion References Bounds on the Computational Cost of integral Proof of Upper Bound on Computational Cost cont’d Since ∗ (m − 1)nJ−1 2(b − a) 0 < n := min n ∈ N : n ≥ + 1, η(n) Var(f ) ≤ ε . h ∗ it follows that nJ = m∗ nJ−1 < m∗ n∗ ≤ 2n∗ . m∗ − 1 Now we need an upper bound on n∗ . New Adaptive Trapezoidal Rule Meshfree Methods 18 / 30 Motivation New algorithm integral Computational Cost of integral Discussion References Bounds on the Computational Cost of integral Proof of Upper Bound on Computational Cost cont’d So far we have 2(b − a) 0 N (f, ε) ≤ 2n , n := min n ∈ N : n ≥ + 1, η(n) Var(f ) ≤ ε . h 2(b − a) ∗ + 1, For fixed α ∈ (0, 1], we need only consider the case where n > αh 2(b − a) 2(b − a) so n∗ − 1 ≥ +1> . Then αh αh r η(n∗ − 1) Var(f 0 ) ∗ ∗ n − 1 < (n − 1) ε s 2 (b − a) C(2(b − a)/(n∗ − 1)) Var(f 0 ) = (n∗ − 1) 8(n∗ − 1)2 ε r C(αh) Var(f 0 ) ≤ (b − a) , 8ε which completes the proof of the upper bound on n∗ . ∗ ∗ New Adaptive Trapezoidal Rule Meshfree Methods 19 / 30 Motivation New algorithm integral Computational Cost of integral Discussion References Lower Complexity Bound for Integration on C Lower Complexity Bound for Integration on C Theorem Let int be any (possibly adaptive) algorithm that succeeds for all integrands in C, and only uses function values. For any error tolerance ε > 0 and any arbitrary value of Var(f 0 ), there will be some f ∈ C for which int must use at least r 3 [C(0) − 1] Var(f 0 ) − + (b − a − 3h) 2 32ε function values. As Var(f 0 )/ε → ∞ the asymptotic rate of increase is the same as the computational cost of integral, provided C(0) > 1. New Adaptive Trapezoidal Rule Meshfree Methods 20 / 30 Motivation New algorithm integral Computational Cost of integral Discussion References Lower Complexity Bound for Integration on C Proof of Lower Bound on Complexity Suppose that int(·, a, b, ε) evaluates α peak(·; 0, h) at n nodes with a + 3h = x0 ≤ x1 ≤ · · · ≤ xm ≤ xm+1 = b − h, h := b − a − 3h , m ≤ n. 2n + 3 There must be at least one of these xi with i = 0, . . . , m for which xi+1 − xi xm+1 − x0 xm+1 − x0 b − a − 3h − h b − a − 3h ≥ ≥ = = = h. 2 2(m + 1) 2n + 2 2n + 2 2n + 3 Choose one such xi , and call it t. int(·, a, b, ε) cannot distinguish between α peak(·; 0, h) and α twopk(·; t, h, ±). Since they all belong to C, int is successful for them all. New Adaptive Trapezoidal Rule Meshfree Methods 21 / 30 Motivation New algorithm integral Computational Cost of integral Discussion References Lower Complexity Bound for Integration on C Proof of Lower Bound on Complexity cont’d By the definitions of peak and twopk "Z 1 b ε≥ α twopk(x; t, h, −) dx − int(α twopk(·; t, h, −), a, b, ε) 2 a Z # b + α twopk(x; t, h, +) dx − int(α twopk(·; t, h, +), a, b, ε) a " Z b 1 α twopk(x; t, h, −) dx ≥ int(α peak(·; 0, h), a, b, ε) − 2 a # Z b α twopk(x; t, h, +) dx − int(α peak(·; 0, h), a, b, ε) + a Z Z b 1 b ≥ α twopk(x; t, h, +) dx − α twopk(x; t, h, −) dx 2 a a Z b 3α[C(h) − 1]h2 [C(h) − 1]h2 Var(α peak(·; 0, h)) = α peak(x; t, h) dx = = 8 8 a New Adaptive Trapezoidal Rule Meshfree Methods 22 / 30 Motivation New algorithm integral Computational Cost of integral Discussion References Lower Complexity Bound for Integration on C Proof of Lower Bound on Complexity cont’d [C(h) − 1]h2 Var(α peak(·; 0, h)) 8 Substituting for h in terms of n gives a lower bound on n: ε≥ r b − a − 3h [C(h) − 1] Var(α peak0 (·; 0, h)) 2n + 3 = ≥ (b − a − 3h) h 8ε r [C(0) − 1] Var(α peak0 (·; 0, h)) ≥ (b − a − 3h) . 8ε Since α is an arbitrary positive number, the value of Var(α peak0 (·; 0, h)) is arbitrary as well. New Adaptive Trapezoidal Rule Meshfree Methods 23 / 30 Motivation New algorithm integral Computational Cost of integral Discussion References Why Is This New and Improved? Why Is Our New integral Improved? I ballint is non-adaptive and requires σ = maxf Var(f 0 ), which may be affected by both the vertical and horizontal scales of f . I flawint has a flawed error estimate as pointed out by Lyness (1983). I Clancy Et al.’s (2014) adaptive quadrature rule has a cost of p ≤ τ Var(f 0 )/(4ε) + τ + 4 I Our new adaptive quadrature algorithm which goes up multiplicatively in τ as τ increases. ≤ 2 min max 0<α≤1 ! r C(αh) Var(f 0 ) 2(b − a) + 1, (b − a) +1 αh 8ε which goes up additively in 1/h as h → 0. New Adaptive Trapezoidal Rule Meshfree Methods 24 / 30 Motivation New algorithm integral Computational Cost of integral Discussion References Why Is This New and Improved? Old integral g.m Vs. New integralNoPenalty g.m 80 1.6 70 1.4 60 1.2 50 1 40 0.8 0.6 30 0.4 20 0.2 10 0 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 New Adaptive Trapezoidal Rule 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Meshfree Methods 1 25 / 30 Motivation New algorithm integral Computational Cost of integral Discussion References Why Is This New and Improved? Old integral g.m Vs. New integralNoPenalty g.m >> NewOldIntegral Ordinary peaky function Old integral_g Elapsed time is 0.169305 seconds. Tol = 1e-10, Error = 3.3784e-13, ErrEst = 2.5001e-11 Npts = 1719037 New integralNoPenalty_g Elapsed time is 0.013951 seconds. Tol = 1e-10, Error = 3.7074e-11, ErrEst = 8.346e-11 Npts = 164242 But should use = [75%, 91%] Npts if we knew Var(f’) New Adaptive Trapezoidal Rule Meshfree Methods 26 / 30 Motivation New algorithm integral Computational Cost of integral Discussion References Why Is This New and Improved? Old integral g.m Vs. New integralNoPenalty g.m >> NewOldIntegral Very peaky function nlo=1e4; nhi=nlo; Old integral_g Elapsed time is 0.427659 seconds. Tol = 1e-08, Error = 1.5667e-12, ErrEst = 9.9963e-09 Npts = 6129388 New integralNoPenalty_g Elapsed time is 0.075723 seconds. Tol = 1e-08, Error = 8.8407e-11, ErrEst = 8.2902e-09 Npts = 1169884 But should use = [74%, 91%] Npts if we knew Var(f’) New Adaptive Trapezoidal Rule Meshfree Methods 27 / 30 Motivation New algorithm integral Computational Cost of integral Discussion References What Comes Next? What Comes Next? I Simpson’s rule I Relative error I Other problems New Adaptive Trapezoidal Rule Meshfree Methods 28 / 30 Motivation New algorithm integral Computational Cost of integral Discussion References What Comes Next? References I Brent, R. P. 2013. Algorithms for minimization without derivatives, Dover Publications, Inc., Mineola, NY. republication of the 1973 edition by Prentice-Hall, Inc. Clancy, N., Y. Ding, C. Hamilton, F. J. Hickernell, and Y. Zhang. 2014. The cost of deterministic, adaptive, automatic algorithms: Cones, not balls, J. Complexity 30, 21–45. Hale, N., L. N. Trefethen, and T. A. Driscoll. 2014. Chebfun version 5. Hickernell, F. J., L. Jiang, Y. Liu, and A. B. Owen. 2014. Guaranteed conservative fixed width confidence intervals via Monte Carlo sampling, Monte Carlo and quasi-Monte Carlo methods 2012, pp. 105–128. Hickernell, F. J. and Ll. A. Jiménez Rugama. 2014. Reliable adaptive cubature using digital sequences. submitted for publication, arXiv:1410.8615 [math.NA]. Jiménez Rugama, Ll. A. and F. J. Hickernell. 2014. Adaptive multidimensional integration based on rank-1 lattices. submitted for publication, arXiv:1411.1966. Lyness, J. N. 1983. When not to use an automatic quadrature routine, SIAM Rev. 25, 63–87. Moore, R. E., R. B. Kearfott, and M. J. Cloud. 2009. Introduction to interval analysis, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. R Development Core Team. 2014. The R Project for Statistical Computing. New Adaptive Trapezoidal Rule Meshfree Methods 29 / 30 Motivation New algorithm integral Computational Cost of integral Discussion References What Comes Next? References II Rump, S. M. 1999. INTLAB - INTerval LABoratory, Developments in Reliable Computing, pp. 77–104. . 2010. Verification methods: Rigorous results using floating-point arithmetic, Acta Numer. 19, 287–449. The MathWorks, Inc. 2014. MATLAB 8.4, Natick, MA. The Numerical Algorithms Group. 2013. The NAG library, Mark 23, Oxford. Tong, X. 2014. A guaranteed, adaptive, automatic algorithm for univariate function minimization, Master’s Thesis. Wolfram Research Inc. 2014. Mathematica 10, Champaign, IL. New Adaptive Trapezoidal Rule Meshfree Methods 30 / 30