Faculty of Computer Science and Management

Faculty of Computer Science and Management
• Over 40 years of tradition
• 15000 graduates
• 4000 students
• Over 1000 graduates per year
• 150 teachers
• 2 scientific disciplines
• 3 specializations: computer science, systems engineering, management
• And many more possibilities:
» International student exchange systems and scholarships
» English as language of instruction
» Social and scientific grants, including faculty grants
» Cooperation with business sector
» Apprenticeships in esteemed companies
» Active student council
» Many possibilities of personal development apart from lectures
Faculty of Computer Science and Management came into being as first Polish technological scientific-teaching unit that brought together technical and economical studies. Its activity started in 1968, as Engineering
and Economical Faculty, current name was coined in 1972. Faculty consists of two institutes: Institute of
Computer Science and Institute of Organization and Management. Faculty is entitled to grant titles of senior
doctor lecturers (dr hab.) of technical sciences (computer studies specialization) and titles of senior doctor
lecturers (dr hab.) of economical sciences (management specialization).
The school was first in Poland to start systems engineering specialization. It wasn’t caused only by popularity
of this profile among Western schools, but, first of all, by will to meet employers’ expectations. As of today,
specialists with broad spectrum of skills are highly valued. This specialization is based on innovative teaching
program, where student has the biggest influence on its form, and is supposed to deliver aforementioned
We set ourselves for the business
Business is set for our scientists and graduates
Research and development
For a few years the faculty has collaborated with
world of business and were dedicated exclusively
Scientific and research activity concentrates in two
Research and educational activities are conducted
companies and institutions that expressed an inter-
to our students, may serve as an example. Such is
institutes. Research conducted in Institute of Com-
in ca. 30 laboratories in Faculty’s possession. Most
est, as employers, toward its graduates. Same goes
the course drawn up by Google representatives.
puter Science are focused on following topics:
of them are computer laboratories. Several of them
for the companies that base their progress on high-
During lessons its participants were making them-
• Computer networks
are technical laboratories. Among them:
tech and permanent cooperation with scientific in-
selves familiar with ways of handling of a program
• Distributed processing
• Laboratory of computer management systems
stitutions. This state of things stood behind creating
created by the concern, which helps the advertisers
• Artificial intelligence
• Laboratory of ergonomics
Forum of IT Companies, that brings together small
to effectively manage their advertisements budget,
• Internet engineering
• Laboratory of service-oriented mobile systems
and medium IT enterprises from all around the re-
increase investment return and measure results of
• Engineering of programming
• Laboratory of computer control systems
gion. It’s a platform of thoughts exchange, thanks to
the campaign.
• Systems of databases and data warehouses
• Laboratory of multimedia
• IT systems and knowledge management
• Laboratory of computer networks
• Systems of decision support.
• Laboratory of distributed systems, consisted of:
which teachers stand before the chance to adjust
programs of their courses to real-life problems that
Course named Team Engineering Assignment,
are to become a share of their students during their
prepared and initiated in regard to this sort of coop-
professional careers. During their activities, students
eration, is an interesting proposal, as it is an unusual
Institute of Organization and Management special-
run into real problems and attempt to solve them in
combination of course and competition. Students
izes in following areas:
• Laboratory of distributed and parallel processing
modern and practical way. This is how their theo-
that attend lectures, take part in this semester-long
• Cognitive psychology
• Laboratory of digital multimedia systems
retical knowledge is being tested in real life.
IT tournament. Students whose works, prepared
• Social and economical sciences
• Laboratory of programming of multimedia
during the lecture, are singled out, get the award –
• Investment and financial decision-making
Corporations, large and medium-sized companies
prizes funded by companies cooperating with Fac-
• Operational research
or institutions are more and more often consider-
ulty, as an addition to traditional credit. In 2011,
• Quality and production management.
ing scientific-educational centers as their business
InsERT S.A. was the contest’s patron.
partners. Faculty of Computer Science and Man-
• Laboratory of essentials of electronics and
• Laboratory of computer systems’ architecture
and TUL
agement is open to this form of cooperation, which
The Faculty is also the place for companies to pre-
results in increasing number of understandings and
sent themselves. The university’s good practice are
cooperation agreements. Numerous IT companies
instructions, lectures and workshops organized by
and financial centers that are opening up in Lower
the companies. Their employees meet with the stu-
Silesia’s capital city make a cooperation-friendly en-
dents to share the applied knowledge, but also to
vironment for the Faculty, which is allowed to co-
present their job offers to students – future gradu-
operate with the biggest companies of the market.
Courses which were created by representatives of
distributed laboratory of data mining and Internet
• Laboratory of security of ICT systems.
Laboratory of Computer Management Systems is an
projects which play an important role in building
It participates in QUESTE SI project, together with
course. Broad offer of postgraduate studies is also
accredited contractor of services within the frame-
regional Knowledge Based Economy. Cooperation
other leaders of engineering education. It helped
to be found. Open borders and prospects of hu-
work of European Union program PHARE Informa-
with Province Office of Dolnośląskie Voivodship ef-
the Faculty to find itself in forefront of European
man assets transfer (both students and employees)
tion Technologies for Business managed by Polish
fected in creating “Regional Strategy of Innovation
engineering schools, which were honored with
stood behind introduction of specializations in
Agency for Enterprise Development (PARP). Labo-
for Lower Silesia”. Scientists associated with Faculty
QUESTE certificate. It’s an evidence of high level
English language. Specialization Computer Studies
ratory’s activity is focused mainly on broadly under-
of Computer Science and Management are taking
of teaching of Computer Studies. QUESTE is an
provides engineer studies – Computer Science –
stood IT systems that support an execution of major
part in works on “Strategy of Development of Pow-
answer of engineering schools to EQUIS – qual-
and 3 master degree branches: Computer Engineer-
managing tasks. It cooperates with prominent enter-
er Industry in Lower Silesia with use of foresighting
ity mark awarded to business schools. It serves an
ing, Information Technologies, Intelligent Informa-
prises on Polish IT market, among them: suppliers of
idea of unification of teaching quality in Europe.
tion Systems. Specialization Management provides
MRPII/ERP systems (QAD Poland, Teta), producers
English-language master degree branch BIS, which
of managing systems for small and medium-sized
Education plays important role in this cooperation.
Science first
stands for Business Information Systems. English-
organizations (matrix.pl, Probit) or companies that
Faculty’s employees have stepped into the ventures
Until 2011, Faculty of Computer Science and Man-
language Management, or, to be exact, Information
offer tools for modeling processes in business (IDS
aimed at raising the level of general knowledge
agement educated experts in 2 specializations. Yet,
and Communication Management, may be studied
Scheer Poland).
among region’s residents, especially the youth.
due to noticing changing environment and meet-
during international courses on Nysa University,
Since 2006, Examination Centre ECDL-A and cer-
One of examples of such activity is project “Cut-
ing the needs of business, it has been decided that
which serves as an example of international coop-
tified laboratory to conduct examinations ECDL,
ting diamonds – innovative support programs for
teaching offer is to be diversified. In 2011 speciali-
eration between 3 universities from Poland, Czech
ECDL-A and ECDL e-Citizen, are functioning into
pupils gifted in mathematics and natural sciences”,
zation of System Engineering was launched, which
Republic and Germany.
the Faculty. European Computer Driving License
co-funded with EU’s assets. It’s worth to mention
is a nationwide novelty. The Faculty is preparing to
is accepted in 148 states. In EU it is treated as basic
long-term participation of university’s employees
open fourth specialization – Business Informatics.
Our graduates are prepared to take up a job in the
certificate that acknowledges its owner’s ability to
in preparation and celebration of “Lower Silesia’s
All of offered specializations allow our graduates to
most demanding companies in IT industry. Also,
work with computer.
Festival of Science”.
find their place in world of global economy without
many of them use the knowledge they acquired to
difficulties. It has been made possible with broad
start up the companies of their own, which succeed in winning the Polish IT market.
Regional cooperation
Scientists associated with Faculty are accustomed
research and scientific activity of our employees.
The Faculty isn’t just a beneficiary of its perfect geo-
to projects targeted on working out innovative tech-
It helps us to point out toward new directions of
graphical position, which attracts businesses from
nological solutions, which are funded with national
teaching and prepare our graduates to meet the
abroad, but it also actively participates in shaping
and foreign assets, including financial resources of
changes in fluctuating conditions of labor market.
the future of Wroclaw and Lower Silesia. Its work-
EU’s budget.
ers are expert consultants for local government.
The Faculty plays active role in taking up coop-
Faculty provides bachelor, engineer, master and
They answer to reported needs by accomplishing
eration with other centers of similar work profile.
doctoral studies in stationary and non-stationary
Computer Science
First-degree studies are not divided into branches.
ing one of proposed branches of study. 12 of them
They allow to obtain groundwork and organized IT
are listed down in general offer:
learning in such areas as: programming, algorithms
• Security of IT Systems
and data structure, languages and techniques of
• Computer Technologies of Knowledge
computer architecture programming, computer
networks, databases and data warehouses, embed-
• Intelligent IT Systems
ded systems (including mobile systems), distributed
• Internet and Information Technologies
and web systems, multimedia, intelligent computer
• Software Engineering
systems, IT project management. It is necessary to
• Information Systems
design, start up and explore contemporary IT so-
• Database Systems
lutions., including those developed in Internet en-
• Decision-support Systems
vironment accordingly with needs of e-economy.
• Information and Communications Technology
Studies point out to variety of ways IT may be used
• Computer Engineering
in technical, economical or biomedical systems.
• Information Technologies
They present methods of gathering and processing
• Intelligent Information Systems
data, AI, expert systems, and principles of decisionmaking. Computer science is supplemented by
In addition, an individual program of study is pro-
physics and mathematics, with elements of man-
vided for Computer Science students within frame-
agement and social communication. The graduate
works of Study of Fundamental Problems of Com-
is able to deftly use modern IT tools and is com-
puter Science. Study’s program, offering extended
petent in social areas, i.e. can cooperate within
knowledge of mathematics, natural sciences, select-
the group, understands the need and is aware of
ed issues of artificial intelligence, knowledge engi-
prospects of lifelong education, understands ethi-
neering, foreign languages and methodology of sci-
cal, economical and legal aspects or work of IT en-
ence, is purposed to prepare students for doctoral
gineer. Graduate’s command of English language is
studies and works of research within the framework
on B2 level, and any graduate is prepared to start
of automatics, computer science and information
II – degree education.
and communication technology.
Acquired knowledge and skills may be further developed during second degree studies, after choos-
Systems Engineering
It is a novelty on Polish education market, the first
1st degree studies
tary problems and self-reliant search of solutions,
Graduate will be prepared to team leading for
specialization of this kind ever started in a Polish
Group of directional studies plays very important
especially in following areas: planning and setting
transactors, project teams or to conduct scientific
school. Faculty of Computer Science and Manage-
role in specialization’s program. They effect in pro-
into action of innovative and complex systems of
research for scientific institutions and research and
ment, taking example from foreign schools, which
viding students with the knowledge and ability of
production, services and decision-making support
development centers or trades.
have Systems Engineering in their educational offer
utilization, starting up and groundwork of system
systems. This relates to, above all, systems which
for years, decided to fill the gap on labor market,
projecting based on various technologies. Students
nature is consistent with the one of 1st degree spe-
in accord with employers’ reports. None of current
will be able to set up teams consisting of specialist
cialization. Also, students will be able to deftly use
specializations available in Poland, offers, within
from various areas of technology and manage them,
decision-making tools, also with incomplete or in-
the frames of one project, numerous abilities and
simultaneously with respecting the financial premis-
accurate information.
technologies, which are components of modern as-
es imposed by client. During their time of learning,
sembly lines and services, not to mention additional
students learn how to use computer tools, includ-
skills of team management or basics of accountancy.
ing writing simple computer programs, designing
A system of learning is an innovation on its own.
databases and actively using Internet resources.
Starting with third semester, students, with their tu-
Program of specialization includes elements of mi-
tor’s acceptance, may choose courses straight from
croeconomics, methods of enterprise finance man-
the program offer of Wrocław University of Tech-
agement, or selected aspects of market economy.
nology, thus creating their own learning path, ap-
Students will be acquainted with basics of legal sys-
plicable to systems of specific nature.
tems – especially those falling within the sphere of
civil law, conduct of economic transactions, protec-
They may also use devised learning paths:
tion of competition and consumer, or protection of
• energetic systems
intellectual and industrial property.
• control systems
• knowledge-management systems
2nd degree studies
• logistic systems
Their recipients are graduates of 1st degree stud-
• biochemical processes.
ies of technical specializations. These studies are
intended to provide students with the knowledge
First three semesters are filled with theoretical
and directional abilities of systems engineering. As
knowledge, mostly from the field of mathematics
an effect, students will be provided with enhanced
and physics.
knowledge and skills, necessary to solve elemen-
1st degree studies
2nd degree studies
Bachelor studies allow to obtain knowledge that
Master degree studies allow to broaden the know-
makes possible to diagnose and design manage-
ledge from within the field of socio-economic is-
ment systems and processes, and to fathom the
sues, local government or regional politics. During
aspects of microeconomics, finance, accounting
courses one may learn about strategic management,
and management of financial systems. Graduates
entrepreneurship, econometric forecasting or deci-
gain broad managing knowledge, from basics of
sion-making methods from within the range of ope-
management, organization and running of enterpri-
rational research. Students get introduced to advan-
se, to basic psychological concepts of man or know-
ced computer systems that support management,
ledge and quality management. Program contains
gain leadership skills, learn how to administer the
groundwork of marketing, as well as systems and
teamwork, select and motivate team members, and
processes of production and logistics, it allows to get
counteract against negative individual and social
to know ways of application of informatics in mana-
occurrences inside the organization. Students learn
gement, teaches how to prepare work environment
how to diagnose various problems that are to be
to ensure proper team management and profitable
found in various functional areas of organizations,
and safe working conditions for the employees. Stu-
and how to solve them.
dents will be acquainted with groundwork of communication and teamwork, basic legal regulations
To allow broadening students’ knowledge of func-
concerning economic activity and protection of in-
tional areas of organizations, II degree studies offer
tellectual property.
four specialty branches:
• Enterprise Management
Students will gain an ability to shape the conditions
• Financial Systems
for computer systems of management or quality
• Information Technologies in Management
evaluation of computer packages in integrated ma-
• Entrepreneurship, Innovations and Projects
nagement systems, in addition to abilities typical for
such specialization, such as: setting up an enterpri-
***Descriptions above serve as general information
se, formulating the propositions of improvements
about specializations. Offer presented in given re-
in enterprises, or conducting simple research tasks
cruitment process may vary from the one above.
within the frames of management science.
Profiles of graduates of particular specializations
Computer Science
Systems Engineering
The graduate is able to use computer tools and systems without restrain, as well as manage data-
Graduate of Systems Engineering is a specialist able to run the process from project guidelines up
bases, data warehouses and computer networks, including an aspect of their security and Inter-
to final effect. He will be competent to choose a group of people representing various domains of
net technology. Graduate also knows how to use computer science in computer and information
knowledge and technical expertise and divide the tasks among them to enable designing, starting
systems (including web and multimedia systems) and non-computer systems (in decision-making
up and utilizing complex production processes or decision-making support systems. After analyzing
systems, among others). Graduating this specialization from Faculty of Computer Science and Man-
various options, graduates of Systems Engineering will be able to choose optimal solution and esti-
agement facilitates finding a job in IT companies dealing with making, implementing or maintaining
mate – basing on observation of effects – a necessity of implementation of changes. All this in accord
computer tools and systems. It relates especially to project teams, including programming ones.
with economic calculus and respect to timelines imposed by customer. Where will they find their
Graduates will effortlessly find their way in organizations and teams that use up-to-date systems of
job? In widely understood economic institutions and companies, where all-embracing approach to
management, steering and engineering of knowledge. Abilities learned during the time spent on
process of innovation is necessary, for example in companies clustered in Wrocław Technology Park.
Faculty will also facilitate work of graduates with their own enterprise. Those interested in following
They will be qualified to run interdisciplinary project teams. They will be also prepared to work in
into field of science have a chance to enter the doctoral study program.
scientific institutions or research and development facilities of various trades. Those interested in
further education may enroll for doctoral studies.
Graduates gain knowledge and abilities that allow them to take up a job as manager and make decisions in fields of management, marketing, organization and planning of production, logistics, staff,
accountancy or finance. Additional asset of graduating Faculty of Computer Science and Management are distinctive skills of applying IT in enterprise, as well as analyses and formulae of requirements of computer systems in management. Graduates are not only prepared to take up executive
position in any given company, but also have no problem with running their own enterprise. Those
interested in further education may enroll for doctoral studies.
Postgraduate studies
Faculty of Computer Science and Management, to-
Up-to-date list of postgraduate studies offered by
gether with Life-Long Education Centre of Wrocław
Faculty of Computer Studies and Management may
University of Technology, offers several types of
be found on website www.cku.pwr.wroc.pl.
postgraduate studies. There are, among others:
• NEW! Management in Logistics
• Polish-American School of Business (Executive
MBA Program)
• Computer Network Administration
• Internal Audit, Supervision and Managing Control
• Auditor of EU-financed Projects
• Surveys
• Euromanager
• European Job Consultant
• E-learning Manager
• Multimedia and Project Computer Techniques
in Architecture
• Executive Control in Units of Public Finance
• Feasibility Study for EU Funds
• Internet Technologies
• Security Management in Information Systems
• Management of EU-funded Projects
• Project Management
• Research Project Management and Commercialization of Research Effects
• Management of EU Projects
• Managements of Industrial Projects
• Application of Computer Science in Process
Management of Enterprise.
Studies in English
Learning in English is considered important, in order
ed) in each year are learning in different school, in
to help graduates with finding their place in world
turn: in Czech Republic, Poland, and in Germany.
of global economy. The offer is aimed at foreign
Thanks to this, they get a chance to learn Czech
students: most of the students visiting Wrocław
and German language, and they have a chance to
University of Technology are to be found in Faculty
participate in very attractive professional appren-
of Computer Studies and Management. Also Polish
ticeships, often outside the borders of participating
students willing to increase their advantage in the
countries. In Poland, classes are being held in Non-
job market, may find it interesting.
local Teaching Center in Jelenia Góra.
First and second degree studies are offering following specializations:
Computer studies:
• Engineer studies: Computer Science
• Master degree studies: Computer Engineering,
Information Technologies, Intelligent Information Systems
• Bachelor studies: Business Management,
Information and Communication Management
• Master degree studies: Business Information
Especially remarkable is offer of bachelor studies in English, specialty Information and Communication Management, realized within the frames
of Nysa University. This is the common project of
three schools of technology: Wrocław University
of Technology, College of Technology in Zittau/
Görlitz, and University of Technology in Liberec.
Students (on Polish side there are only 15 recruit-
International possibilities
Student activity
Students of Faculty of Computer Studies and Man-
This program was accredited by the German side.
Student activity is converged at student organiza-
to wireless Internet. Faculty buildings are adapted
agement are allowed to take advantage of broad
Agreement with Blekinge Institute of Technology
tions and activities of Student Council. 21 orga-
to needs of handicapped people. They were the
program of international exchange, scholarships or
(Sweden) allows to obtain a double diploma on
nizations are active within the Faculty, and either
reason behind installing in Faculty’s library the
apprenticeships. Wrocław University of Technology
master degree level.
technical and economic sciences fall within their
computer for shortsighted users. Library has near-
is concluding numerous agreements with schools
The agreement with Zaporizhzhya National Tech-
area of interest.
ly 28000 tomes and 18000 titles, available to both
from all the world. An opportunity to get a foreign
nical University and Zhytomir State Technological
grant reaches beyond ERASMUS program, being
University (Ukraine) was signed within the frames
Student Council holds an unique status on Univer-
an effect of multiple bilateral agreements. Today,
of TEMPUS program, it regarded the matter double
sity. It has been made for students, by students. It
The book collection allows to conduct research
students have a chance to learn in almost every
diploma within the frames of Program Engineering.
plays an active role in representing interests of stu-
tasks and accomplishment of teaching process, ac-
place in the world, including Australia, Asia, or both
Program of double doctoral title is being carried out
dents on University. Its representatives have their
cordingly with frames of Faculty’s studies. Library
American continents.
since 2006, in cooperation with Macquire Universi-
place in Councils of University and Faculty, they are
enables an access to global databases, e-books and
Students may also take advantage of agreements
ty (Australia). In addition, the school creates an op-
allowed to present opinions concerning teaching
e-magazines, as well as Digital Library of Lower Si-
signed directly by the Faculty. Due to agreement
portunity of participating in programs that guaran-
and organization of teaching process and protec-
lesia. Its workers are routinely documenting scien-
with Ostwestfalen-Lippe University of Applied Sci-
tee professional training abroad, for example within
tion of interests and matters of students. Council
tific output of Faculty’s employees, creating biblio-
ences (Germany), Halmstad University (Sweden) or
the LEONARDO DA VINCI program. Very active
pays attention to organization of cultural life and
graphic descriptions of publications and reports in
Aalborg University Esbjerg (Denmark), they can par-
student organizations, like international AIESEC,
past-time activities of students, it initiates cultural
DONA computer system. Library system ALEPH is
ticipate in IT Master program. It allows to carry out
also give a chance to participate in broad spectrum
and entertainment events, tourism, but also popu-
available as well.
the common program of studies on master degree
of apprenticeships and foreign scholar trips.
lar and scientific events like conferences or visits to
level, within the range of Information Technology.
students and employees of Faculty.
Students may also develop their extrascientific interests in interdepartmental agendas of culture,
like: Movie Debating Club, Club of Film Producers
FOSA, student television STYK or Radio LUZ.
Modern technologies cannot be taught with obsolete utensils. The schoolrooms provide necessary
equipment, computers, screens, multimedia projectors or writing projectors. Each room has access
Faculty of Computer Science and Management
Specialization: Computer science
Specialization: Management
Łukasiewicza st. 5, Wrocław, building B-4
Dean’s Secretary Office
Degrees and study systems:
Degrees and study systems:
Mail address:
• phone: +48 71 320 20 19
• 1 degree stationary engineer studies
• 1 degree stationary bachelor studies
Wybrzeże Wyspiańskiego 27, 50-037 Wrocław
Office of Faculty Promotion
• 1 degree stationary engineer studies in English
• 1 degree stationary bachelor studies in English
(Computer Science)
• 1 degree non-stationary engineer studies
(Business Management)
• 1 degree stationary bachelor studies in English:
• 2 degree stationary master degree studies
Uniwersytet Nysa (Information and Communi-
• 2 degree stationary master degree studies
cation Management)
• phone: +48 71 320 45 00
e-mail: wydz.inf.zarz@pwr.wroc.pl
Check Faculty’s profile on Facebook!
in English, specialties: Computer Engineering,
• 2nd degree stationary master degree studies
Dean office:
Information Technologies and Intelligent Infor-
• 2 degree stationary master degree studies
room 1a.8-1a.18 (mezzanine), building B-4
mation Systems
• 2 degree non-stationary master degree studies
Specialization: Systems engineering
in English (Business Information Systems)
• 2 degree non-stationary master degree studies
Computer Science specialization
Systems Engineering specialization
• phone: +48 71 320 23 19
• phone: +48 71 320 31 98
Management specialization
Non-stationary studies
• phone: +48 71 320 23 44
• phone: +48 320 30 98
Degrees and study systems:
• 1st degree stationary engineer studies
• 2nd degree stationary master degree studies
Campus PWr
Faculty of Computer Science and Management