Term 2 Volume 14 15 May 2013 College Newsletter From the Head of School . . . JESUS’ ASCENSION INTO HEAVEN In the Nicene Creed, we profess our belief in Jesus’ Ascension when we say: “He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father.” The Ascension is a mystery, just like Jesus’ Resurrection; both require a leap of faith! Interestingly, the image of sitting “at the right hand of the Father” comes from the ancient world of kings and courts where the all-powerful king was surrounded by his ministers, with the most powerful and favoured one sitting just to the right of the king. Hence, it means in this case that Jesus is one with the Father and shares in his sovereign power over the world. We are dealing here with a divine mystery and it is hard for us to grasp the full meaning. I can remember some years ago visiting primary students who were coming to terms with the concept of the Ascension. One young nine year old had drawn Jesus firmly attached to a huge rocket with NASA neatly drawn on its side! The Ascension is a hard concept to grasp but essentially, it means that Jesus, triumphant over death, began a new life with God. On the Last Day, he will return to lead them there so that they might take up their abode with him (Jn 14:2 ff.). For this reason, the Ascension is a source of great hope and consolation for Christians. LORD OF THE FLIES Faculty Co-ordinator of Drama, Gillian Towle’s lucid adaptation of William Golding’s Lord of the Flies was nothing less than a triumph. All four performances were sold out prior to opening night and the audiences were witness to a night of wonderful entertainment with magnificent performances from budding young actors. Ralph (Nick Darvall), attempting to restore order with Roger (Harrison Vaughan) and Jack (Dylan Bruce) in a scene from Lord of the Flies. Ralph (Nick Darvall) and Piggy (Rhys Oldham) contemplate their next move. Director, Gillian Towle, so well supported by Production Manager Chris Hardy and Production Assistant Tate Williams, guided our young student performers with extreme care to obtain winning performances from each. Nick Darvall, gave a skilled performance as Ralph, the teen reluctantly thrust into a leadership role. Rhys Oldham proved a thoroughly believable bespectacled Piggy. He successfully captures all of Piggy’s inherent contradictions: he can go from a bawling child sitting helplessly on the beach to a wise advisor unable to mask feelings of superiority. Dylan Bruce, as the unlikeable and power hungry Jack, has natural acting ability with plenty of talent, while Harrison Vaughan, as Roger, was magnificent proving to be a thorn in the side to Ralph in an effort to receive the savage Jack’s acceptance. Our senior performers were so adeptly supported by Rupert Canning as Simon, Lachlan Crosweller as the easily influenced Maurice and Year 7 student Robbie Christensen as the frightened Perceval, with many other fine performances from the rest of the cast. The lighting and technical support from production students Matt Earngey and Tim Mercer was flawless despite a fire alarm on opening night, while stage management from students Brandon Hale, Dylan Manno and Cameron Walker was superb notwithstanding the small performance space. The leadership from our Art Department, led by Robyn Larbalestier and Jolyon Gray were very creative in the design of the set, while choreographer, Aleksi Kohonen, proved invaluable. We were fortunate to have the creative talents of staff members Cheryl Howell, Philippa Sherwood and Mary Smith who co-ordinated wardrobe and make-up, assisted by Lynne Papahatzis. Over 50 staff and students collaborated over many months to present this production and we congratulate them on an outstanding achievement. One of the wonderful things about Percival (Robbie Christensen) in need of comfort amidst the chaos. St Augustine’s College is the many opportunities it offers students to pursue their interests and talents, and to share them with the wider community. It takes great courage to perform for an audience and I commend each and every student in this production for having the self-belief to take up the challenge of the Lord of the Flies production. I thank all the performers for bringing this production to life through hard work, determination, team work and their endless enthusiasm. FOOD ALLERGY WEEK Food Allergy Week is the national initiative to raise awareness to support Australians with food allergies. Food allergy is common in Australia, increasing at an alarming rate and predominantly affects young children. Surprisingly, approximately 1 in 10 Australian babies now have a food allergy. The foods that trigger 90% of food allergic reactions in Australians include cow’s milk, egg, peanut, tree nut, sesame, soy, wheat, fish and shellfish. Peanut, tree nut, fish, shellfish and sesame allergy are usually lifelong. Whilst a large number of young people eventually grow out of their food allergy there remains some young people who live under a great risk and manage their allergy with great maturity and discipline. We have over 20 boys at St Augustine’s College who are identified and known to staff as having a high anaphylaxis reaction to certain foods. Whilst we cannot remove this risk, it can be managed. All the staff at the College have undertaken training in the management of an anaphylaxis reaction and have a greater understanding and awareness of food allergy. Furthermore, I remind parents the College is an ‘allergy aware’ environment and great care must be taken in the preparation of lunches to reduce the potential risk of an anaphylaxis reaction to some of our most vulnerable boys. Paul Dillon The drive for new experiences is a typical feature of an adolescent in their human development and can lead to experimentation with drugs and alcohol. Therefore, educating young people about these issues is not only the domain of the school, but also the responsibility of the home. Last week Paul Dillon, a regular presenter at the College, spoke to boys in Years 10 -12 during the day and delivered a presentation to parents in the evening. I want to reflect on two of the many messages Paul presented during his time at the College. Firstly, Paul informed us a recent national survey found that 85% of 15 to 17 year olds were willing to talk to their parents about drugs and alcohol and furthermore 79% said their parents would influence their behaviour in their use of these substances! This is a good reason to sit down and explain to your son the consequences of using drugs and the importance for all of us to take personal responsibility for our own actions. We need to show our sons that we do not need to be blind drunk to have a good night or drink a glass of beer every time we watch the football on television. Secondly, and quite disturbingly, Paul informed us that seven years immediately after your son reaches puberty is a time when the brain is both extremely susceptible to damage from drug and alcohol and six times more likely than an adult’s to develop an addiction. Put simply, the longer the brain can avoid alcohol, the better chance it has to develop its full potential. This advice may be counter-intuitive to the long held belief of allowing a teenager an occasional drink at a family meal as the safest way to introduce them to alcohol. Dillon, however, argues the drinking patterns of adolescents in the final years of secondary schooling are predictive of their drinking habits in the subsequent early adult life and the safest option is to delay the initiation of drinking for as long as possible; perhaps this should be our goal. Mother’s Day Mass Last Friday, we celebrated our annual Mother’s Day Mass in the Brimson Centre. The College welcomed not only current mothers, but mothers of our past students, to this wonderful celebration. Fr Senan Ward OSA celebrated Mass, and concluded his homily with an amusing YouTube clip of the challenges and joys in the daily life of motherhood. After Mass, our guests enjoyed morning tea on the Lecceto landing. I am sure those in attendance were very appreciative of the work that went into the organisation of such a special event. Thank you to everyone involved particularly Margaret McElhone, Mission Advisor, Emma Donnellan, Year 7 Student Formation Leader, Andres Trujillo, Year 7 Assistant Student Formation Leader, and Kate Donnellan, Social Justice Coordinator, for their co-ordination of the Mass. Thank you also to Lianne Williams, Sue May, Megan Cashman, Penny Mason and Martina Boyce for their co-ordination of the morning tea, and to the Parents & Friends Association and several Year 10 students for assisting during the morning. Photos of the event may be accessed via this link: Mother’s Day Mass and Morning Tea. Academic Awards Congratulations to the following students who were presented with academic awards at the College Assembly this week: Yuhan – Hunter He, Year 12 Ryan Maguire, Year 12 Changgong – Stefan Shen, Year 12 Jordan Wheatley, Year 12 Luke Tamanini, Year 11 Hamish Moore, Year 9 Nicholas Osborne, Year 8 Harrison Barwell, Year 7 Max Lehmann, Year 7 Warwick Hale, Year 6 Riley Marosa, Year 6 Extension 2 Mathematics English Advanced Extension 2 Mathematics Physics and Chemistry Italian Continuers Photographic & Digital Media Technology Art Art HSIE HS Matthew Hutchison Head of School COMING EVENTS . . . Tuesday 14 May – Thursday 16 May NAPLAN Testing – Year 5, 7 & 9 Wednesday 15 May Parents & Friends Meeting (7.30 pm) Thursday 16 May Year 11 & 12 Parent/Teacher/Student Interviews (4.00 pm – 7.00 pm) Year 10 & 12 Career Expo – Miramare Gardens Friday 17 May Year 12 BYTE 2013 – Light of Christ Hall, Waitara (10.00 am – 2.00 pm) NAPLAN Testing (Catch up day) Sunday 19 May (Please note change of date) Gala Day for Sudanese Refugees – Dee Why Beach (12.00 pm 4.00 pm) Sunday 19 May Pentecost Sunday Sunday 19 May & Monday 20 May Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Qualifying Monday 20 May College Board Meeting and Annual General Meeting Cricket Presentation Evening – Brimson Centre (7.00 pm) Monday 20 May & Tuesday 21 May Northern Beaches Eisteddfod – Brimson Centre (All day) Tuesday 21 May Primary Broken Bay Cross Country – Galston Year 7 History Incursion Wednesday 22 May St Rita of Cascia OSA Wednesday 22 May – Friday 31 May Year 11 Mid-Course Examinations Thursday 23 May Year 9 & 10 Music Soiree 1 – Lecceto Auditorium (6.30 pm) Friday 24 May Mary Help of Christians Staff Reflection Day (Student free day) Cricket Coaches and Managers Dinner Sunday 26 May Trinity Sunday From the Dean of Senior School . . . YEAR 12 BYTE This Friday 17 May, 2013, our Year 12 students will be attending the Catholic Schools Office annual Broken Bay Year Twelve Event (BYTE), to reflect, discuss and pray about issues of concern to young people who are on the threshold of leaving school. This year, the event will be held at The Light of Christ Centre, Wahroonga. The focus of BYTE 2013 will be sexuality and relationships under the theme of ‘Life Giving Love’ aligning this event with the Diocesan priority of spreading the good news of the Catholic Church’s teaching on human sexuality. Jonathan Doyle, from Choicez Media, will be the guest speaker. This spiritual formation day will be most beneficial for our students. I wish to thank the Year 12 Student Formation Leader, Kirsty Begg, and the Mission Advisor, Margaret McElhone, for their organisational assistance with this event. It is important that all students understand that they represent the College whilst on any form of public transport and that unsatisfactory behaviour reflects poorly on all members of the College community. This is unfair. Students have been informed that unsatisfactory standards of behaviour on public transport may result with their passes being withdrawn or restricted. This year, St Augustine’s College has introduced a Bus Monitor system, whereby a group of Year 11 students have been selected to monitor students on public transport. It would be helpful if parents could also discuss this issue with their sons at home. God bless, YEAR 12 RETREAT The Year 12 Retreat will be held on Wednesday 5th June to Friday 7 June 2013, this term. The theme of the retreat will be A Future Full of Hope. Preparations are currently well underway in developing a retreat programme for our students that will be engaging, spiritually formative and inspirational. A specific information letter has been sent to parents about this event recently. Frank Chiment Dean of Senior School YEARS 11 & 12 PARENT TEACHER INTERVIEWS The Years 11 & 12 Parent Teacher Interviews will take place tomorrow in the Brimson Centre from 4.00pm to 8.00pm. We trust this will be a beneficial time to speak to your son’s teachers. If you have not been able to make an appointment with your son’s relevant teacher, please contact them directly by phone or email. We are currently trialling a new Booking System. Feedback may be directed to the College via email to Caroline Zalai, on czalai@ saintaug.nsw.edu.au. PUBLIC TRANSPORT - Student Expectations Please be aware that I have reminded all Senior School students recently of the College expectations concerning behaviour on public transport. Generally, St Augustine’s College students demonstrate excellent behaviour on buses to and from school. However, from time to time, the College does receive feedback from the general public concerning behaviour that is below our expectation. This is followed up immediately by the College. ATTENTION PARENTS! The College requires complete Student, Family and Medical Information. The information provided is used for parent communications, in the event of illness or accident and to assist in the organisation of excursions and/or sporting activities. Details currently on record at the College may have changed; it is a requirement of enrolment that parents/guardians provide all known contact details, medical and family information about their child to the College. Please contact the College Registrar, Philippa Sherwood psherwood@saintaug.nsw.edu.au to advise of any changes. Thank you. From the Dean of Primary School . . . READING As Naplan testing has begun this week, I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the importance and benefits of reading every day. Bringing children and books together remains the goal of all teachers and developing this love of Literature is the focus of the English National Syllabus. Nothing boosts reading excitement like another reader’s enthusiasm and as such you can be this role model. SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY The practical, inquiry based learning that occurs in the Primary School at St Augustine’s is a proven method designed to engage all boys in the learning task more meaningfully. The skills of questioning, engaging, discovering, analysing, resolving and reflecting, provide an inquiry model which promotes critical thinking. As well as discovering the concepts of gravity, air pressure, ellipses and rotational paths, the boys are also learning the skills of design and make, observation and investigation. The variety of group structures from collaborative to independent, learning how to get along, to be organised and to persevere are essential skills which need to be promoted in the same way as Naplan. The conversations I had recently at U/11 rugby match with many mums and dads confirm my suspicion that Science is now becoming their sons’ favourite subject. COMMUNITY Our College’s Co-Curricular programme provides options for boys to participate in a variety of different sporting, creative and performance based activities. Rugby, soccer, debating, ceramics, chess, basketball, band, choir/singing group, drama are all excellent ways to promote our core value of Communitas(community) and I encourage all boys to join in the fun, make friends and learn new skills. GLOBAL CONNECTIONS GALA DAY: This Sunday 19th May we will be hosting a Gala Day for Sudanese Refugees. The day will be held at Dee Why Beach from 12pm – 4pm. A DAY MADE BETTER I would like to draw your attention to the following programme that recognises exceptional Primary School Teachers. If you know someone who demonstrates these qualities, let us help you recognise them for their outstanding contribution with $1,000 worth of Art, Craft, and Stationery & Office Supplies for the classroom including an Apple iPad. Nominate as many primary school teachers as you like – each teacher nominated will receive an Apple shaped Post-It Note dispenser! Just head to adaymadebetter.com.au between the 6th May and 14th June 2013 to nominate your teacher. CHOIR/SINGING ENSEMBLE The new revamped Choir, under the guuidance of Jo Montz- Performing Arts Co-Ordinator, will meet Monday’s at Lunch time. The importance of the Creative Arts in developing and promoting social skills and expressive confidence is an essential part of the curriculum at Saint Augustine’s. I encourage any boy with an interest in Music to come along and join our Primary singers. Many previous members of this group have gone on to performing on stage and are forging a strong career in Music. I would love to see more boys take up this opportunity. PRIMARY PARENT/TEACHER/STUDENT INTERVIEWS The 3-Way Interviews will occur on the 24th July. Presently these times have not been set up but will be available towards the end of term. Parents will then need to go online and make these appointments electronically. If family circumstances have changed and you require separate booking times, can you please contact your son’s class teacher. This year for the first time we are trialling the commencement of interviews at 2 pm. If you make appointments during these times, until the completion of normal College hours, supervision will be supplied upon request. FEEDBACK The positive feedback I received from the recent Mother’s Day Mass is always nice to hear. It is often easier to be critical than to show our gratitude and I am grateful for your ongoing support of the many College events. Through your support our community flourishes and many friendships begin and continue long after your sons complete their education. I am particularly thankful to parents who have voiced concerns in a way that seeks the best possible outcome for both parties. Your class teacher should always be your first port of call and when necessary I am always available to discuss pressing needs. STUDENT LEADERS I had the pleasure of meeting with our Student Leaders last Monday. As part of our meeting we regularly discuss suggestions made by their peers. One such suggestion led to the painting of a new handball court (Thanks to Declan Murray). If any parent has suggestions, you may like to e-mail me so I can discuss these at our next Student Leader Meeting. QUOTE FOR THE WEEK ‘The primary responsibility of all relationships is to help each other fulfil their dreams’. (Matthew Reilly) Terry Walsh Dean of Primary School Sunday’s Gospel: PENTECOST - John14: 26 - ‘will remind you of all that I have said to you.’ Question of the Week At school: Who is a good reminder that God loves me? At work or study: What inspires me to remember and live by the teachings of Jesus? In my family life: Have you sent a SMS about God’s love to anyone in your family this week? Words for this week. Repeat frequently with love. ‘‘Jesus, your spirit guides us, teaches us. ’ Last Friday we celebrated our annual Mother’s Day Mass of St Monica. The Brimson Centre was full of proud boys and their mums and grandmothers. Many thanks to all who came along, especially our group of past parents (mothers) of the College who make the annual trip back to Saints for this event. Thanks to our musicians, readers, planners, altar servers, Tutors, students and the tech crew who contributed to the success of this special Liturgy. Many thanks to the P & F who provided a special morning tea after Mass. College Sacramental Programme: Parents are reminded that if they would like their son to receive various Sacraments in the Catholic Church or if they need some help in making contact with their local parish. They are to make contact with Fr Senan Ward OSA. (senanward@bigpond.com or phone: 0419 356 040.) Whilst is it is preferable for this to be done within your local parish, in the past, the College has offered classes and preparation in the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist) and also Reconciliation. The course is open to all students. ST VINCENT DE PAUL WINTER APPEAL: In Term 2 each year, the College supports this appeal. Old clothes and blankets etc can be left in the Mission Office in Old School or in the Good Counsel Office in Primary. Margaret McElhone – Mission Advisor Ph: 9938-8297 mmcelhone@saintaug.nsw.edu.au MISSION MATTERS CONTINUED . . . Boys in all years are encouraged to become involved with the SEA Programme. Meetings are held Monday 2 Lunch 1 in A2.1 Global Connections Gala Day: This Sunday 19th May the students will be hosting a Gala Day for Sudanese Refugees. The day will be held at Dee Why Beach from 12pm – 4pm. On the day the students will run activities and share a BBQ lunch with the children. Students and parents interested in attending the day please RSVP to Kate Donnellan by Thursday. Northern Beaches Interchange: Volunteering opportunity – work with children with special needs. Holiday programmes and Saturday activities. Any student 16 years or older is invited to become involved. A training session will be held on Friday 24th May. Please see Kate Donnellan to register. Augustinian Justice and Peace Symposium: Please find attached an invitation for the forthcoming Augustinian Justice and Peace Symposium to be held at the College in July. Please note that because of the College’s sponsorship of the event any St Augustine’s College community member (staff or senior student attending) would be free of charge. Kate Donnellan – SEA Coordinator: kdonnellan@saintaug.nsw.edu.au 2 13 RUGBY LUNCHEON Tim Gilbert – MC, Channel 9 Sports Presenter Matt Dunning – Australian Rugby Representative Andrew Slack – Grand Slam Winning Wallaby Captain George Gregan – Wallaby Captain, Record Caps for the Wallabies Friday 14 June, 2013 | 12:30pm – 3:30pm Manly Golf Club | Balgowlah Road, Manly Tickets - $150 per person (inc GST) (Includes a two course meal, cheese platter and all beverages) We encourage you to purchase either a table of 10 or individual tickets (We can organise tables with people from your son’s rugby team or Year Group) Funds raised will assist with purchasing of additional rugby equipment for all teams at the College. RSVP deadline Friday May 31, 2013 Payment is required to confirm attendance. Please complete the form below and return to us via the following options: Fill out your online form, then Email to cwalsh@saintaug.nsw.edu.au or print the form, then Post to Taff Walsh, St Augustine’s College - Sydney PO Box 399, Brookvale NSW 2100 or Fax - 9905 6483 | Enquiries – Taff Walsh, 9938 8200 Copies of this invitation and event updates are on the College website RUGBY LUNCHEON - FRIDAY 14 JUNE, 2013 Contact Name: Mobile: Email: Method of payment: Mastercard Cheque I would like to purchase 1 x table of 10 valued at $1500 Visa or number of tickets at $150 per head Cardholder’s Name: Total Amount: $ Card No: Expiry Date: Son’s Name: Son’s Team: No. Year Group: Please complete names of people who will be attending the luncheon if known. Alternatively you will be contacted closer to the date to finalise names: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Submit • Universities • University Career talks for senior students will begin this term. They will be held in Cameron House during lunch. Talks will usually give information on the application process, faculties, scholarships, bonus points and campus life. Our first talk will be from UNSW and will be held on 23/5/13. • Macquarie University has provided copies of their 2014 Undergraduate Guide and also their “Study at Macquarie” booklet. See me for a copy. • The University of Notre Dame has sent copies of their 2014 Early Offer Program. This program enables successful students to receive a university offer prior to sitting the HSC. • Deakin University, Victoria has provided a copy of their 2014 Undergraduate Guide. • The University of Wollongong Early Admission Program enables students to be offered a university place prior to the release of their ATAR. • The University of Sydney has sent copies of their 2014 Undergraduate Prospectus and Faculty Guides. • University of Technology Sydney Bachelor of Information Technology Co-operative Scholarship Program round one applications are due 21/6/13. The program offers students $16,000 during each year of their studies and they will undertake two six month full-time industry placements. The course has a 100% employment rate for its graduates. • The University of Notre Dame has sent copies of their 2014 prospectus and also an introductory guide to Notre Dame. • Your Path to Sydney Uni Information Night is being held at Revesby on 22/5/13. • UNSW Year 10 Subject Selection & Information Evenings are being held at various locations during May. These evenings provide students with information about UNSW admission processes and what HSC subjects to study in Years 11 & 12. Private Colleges • Avondale College of Higher Education Open Day is on 5/6/13. Scholarships/ Cadetships • The KPMG Cadetship Recruitment Program is based in Sydney and offers cadetship placements to students intending to study a commerce or business degree with a major in accounting or information systems. Cadets will be offered a permanent full-time job with KPMG on graduation. Applications close 21/6/13. Information Session: 23/5/13, 4:30pm to 6pm at KPMG Sydney Office, Level 15, 10 Shelley Street, Sydney. RSVP to NSWgradrecruit@kpmg.com.au • RSM Bird Cameron Assurance & Business Advisory Cadetship applications close 26/5/13.This cadetship is based in Sydney and is for students who are looking for practical industry experience while completing their business or commerce degree. • The Defence University Sponsorship allows students to study an accredited degree at any Australian university and graduate with a career in the Navy, Army or Air Force. • University of New South Wales Scholarships Information Evening is being held on 6/6/13 Gap Year Programmes • Lattitude Global Volunteering will be holding an information session on 12/6/13. World Education Program (WEP) is awarding two $3000 scholarships and a number of smaller scholarships for semester and year-long student exchange programs to Argentina and China commencing in 2014. • Southern Cross Cultural Exchange is a not-for-profit organization which runs international educational exchange programs for students in secondary school. They are hosting information sessions in the coming months. Student Programmes/ Workshops • Experience a Day in the Life of a Cadet at ADFA. Enter this competition to win economy flights, tickets to a Brumbies Rugby match and a day’s training at ADFA. Entries close 24/5/13 • Fire & Rescue NSW Work Experience Program will be held at the FRNSW Training College in Alexandria. Principal approval would be required to attend. • Discover Human Movement, Sport and Exercise at University of Technology Sydney - 4/7/13 5:45pm to 7pm Kuring-gai Campus, Lindfield, Sydney • The University of Technology Sydney is holding a series of information sessions for anyone considering a career in midwifery. - 18/6/13 & 3/7/13 - City Campus – 5:45pm to 7pm • The University of Technology Sydney is holding a series of information sessions for anyone considering a career in nursing. 22/5/13– City Campus – 5:45pm to 7pm (Men in Nursing focus) 4/7/13 – Kuring-gai Campus – 5:45pm to 7pm 9/7/13 – City Campus – 5:45 to 7pm • Post School Options Expo is being held on 22/5/13 in Chatswood. This expo for people with a disability will provide information about the options available once they leave school. Contact: Gayna Bamford on gayna.bamforth@2realise.org.au • Med Entry holds courses to assist students in their preparation for the UMAT Test. Miscellaneous • Year 10 & 12 students will be attending the Northern Beaches Career Expo at Miramare Gardens, Terry Hills on16/5/13. There will be over 70 exhibitors, including universities, TAFE, private colleges, apprenticeship centres, employer groups, defence, police and more. Students are encouraged to make the most of this opportunity to investigate post school options or subject selection considerations for Year 11. Parents are welcome to attend throughout the day for a nominal fee. • The NSW Government “schoolatoz” site provides useful information for students and parents related to study, future planning and subject selection for Year 10 students. • HSC Students can now view their personal HSC examination timetable by logging into their Students Online account. • The Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations releases information on national and state level skill shortages. It covers over 100 occupations and focuses on skilled occupations that usually require post-school education or training. • This year’s Undergraduate Medicine and Health Sciences Admission Test (UMAT) is being held on 31/7/13, with registrations opening in April and closing on 7/6/13. The test is used specifically to assist with the selection of students into the medicine, dentistry and health science degree programs at undergraduate level at some universities. The UMAT Reference Guide provides an overview of the process. Commercial enterprises such as MedEntry & NIE provide preparation programs and bursaries. For further information on any of the above contact Paul McAlinden at the College. Study Tips Einstein said ‘Genius is 10% inspiration and 90% perspiration’ Students in Years 7-10 are quickly approaching an assessment period. It is important they remain focused. Below is list of study techniques that students may find useful when revising. Plan your study. Use the Study Planner that is located in each year group on the Academic site. Read over all your subject content. Make study notes. Chunking: Try chunking down the information to learn into manageable sections. Record concise bullet points. Use Colour. Colour or highlight headings, formulas or quotes to make them stand out. Write out what you remember in your own words. Record what you know about a topic using a Concept Map (Mindmap). Have a parent or friend test you. Make and use flashcards. Put up formulas and rules around the house. Teach what you have learnt to someone else. Form a study group. Create a test and complete it under exam conditions. Academic Support: Attend the ARC after school. Access the Online Study Skills Tool. All secondary students and parents at our school also have access to a great study skills website to help students develop their skills. Go to www.studyskillshandbook. com.au and enter the following: username: password: staugustines 146results A new site “Academic Advice” has been created on the Portal for study skills documents and presentations. The page can be found in the tab Workspaces/Academic Site or click http://portal.saintaug.nsw.edu.au/Collaboration/ATNs/ Academic_Study_Advice/default.aspx To contact the Academic Advisors: Middle School students and parents should email Kylie Bowra at kbowra@saintaug.nsw.edu.au. Senior School students and parents should email Tricia Briggs at tbriggs@saintaug.nsw.edu.au. Both Academic Advisors work closely with their respective Dean of School and are located in the Tolentine building opposite the uniform shop. Attollo Awards Attollo Awards Attollo Awards Year 5 Year 6 Teddy Wilson Callum Sergeant For displaying the Augustinian values of friendship and community in his dealings with others. For always displaying a positive and genuine approach to his studies and relationships with others. Year 7 Cole Pittar For his mature and energetic approach to all aspects of school life. Year 9 Dominic Scognamiglio For his on-going positive contributions to College life across a number of areas. Year 11 Dylan Bruce College commitment in a variety of Co-curricular activities. Year 8 Ryan King. For showing strong school spirit through his commitment to the College Co-curricular programme. Year 10 Zac Van Lathum For his continued display of ‘Communitas’ Year 12 Josh Stacey For his continued display of ‘Communitas’. ACADEMIC SUPPORT FOR STUDENTS: In an effort to further enhance the study culture that exists in the College, students are offered additional academic support after school in the Augustine Resource Centre (ARC). The ARC is open after school for students in Years 5 – 9 until 5pm and until 6:00pm for students in Years 10 – 12 on Monday to Thursday. We are fortunate to have a number of recent past scholars from the College, including Sam Lambooy, Jordan Candido and Keith Hardy, available to support students with their studies during these times. Academic staff also generously make themselves available to assist boys. Students, particularly in Years 11 and 12 are encouraged to stay on at school and complete their homework in study partnerships, in our well-resourced library. It is a great opportunity for all students to ask for help in areas where they may be struggling and also to consolidate work they have studied in class. ARC MATHS HELP DAY TEACHER 7 - 9 TEACHER 10 - 12 Mon Anna Hayes Anna Hayes Tues Jacob John (Wk 2) Jacob John (Wk 2) Wed Thurs Anna Harmer Carly Townsend Carly Townsend DAY TEACHER 7 - 9 TEACHER 10 - 12 Mon Andrew Strunk Tricia Briggs Tues Ilona Welch Kirsty Begg ARC ENGLISH HELP Wed Thurs Tricia Briggs Ilona Welch Kirsty Begg ARC HUMANITIES HELP (ENGLISH, HISTORY & RE) Mon Madeleine Conlon ARC GEOGRAPHY HELP DAY TEACHER Wed 2 Amanda Neilsen ARC SCIENCE HOMEWORK CLUB DAY TEACHER Mon Graham Bruce Science/Physics Wed Sean McLean Science/Biology ARC STUDY SUPPORT YEARS 7 – 9 DAY TEACHER Wed Kylie Bowra Thurs Kylie Bowra Vicki Lewis Information Services Co-ordinator Year 8 Chinese language students recently completed an assessment item on ‘Chinese Geography’. A part of that assessment item included the creation of an attractive map of a fictitious Chinese island republic on an A4 piece of paper , to be completed using Chinese characters. The purpose of the map creation was to enable students to understand that Chinese place names are often derived from either geographical features or from historical and cultural considerations. For example, the city of Shanghai 上海 means ‘Approaching the Sea’, Hong Kong 香港, (known as Xianggang in Mandarin) means ‘Fragrant Harbour’, and Beijing 北京 means ‘North Capital’ . Some examples of the names of Chinese provinces further illustrates how place names are often determined by geographical location. The province of Hebei 河北 and Henan 河南 mean ‘River North’ and ‘River South’ in Chinese (referring to the Yellow River), while Hubei 湖北 and Hunan 湖南 mean ‘Lake North’ and ‘Lake South’, referring to both provinces’ proximity to the large Taihu Lake located south of the Yangtze River. The provinces of Shandong 山 东 and Shanxi 山西 mean ‘Mountain East’ and ‘Mountain West, respectively’. In this assignment Year 8 Chinese language students were required to create their own island shape and topography, following guidelines such as “… the map must have 2 lakes, 1 river, 3 beaches, 5 mountains, 7 towns, 1 smaller island…” etc. All the names of the towns and other geographical features on their maps were to be labelled with Chinese character names relevant to the surrounding geographical features. Students were provided with a glossary of geographical terms from which they could choose and combine Chinese words for their place names, to be written in black ink on a colourful artwork map. On the map below, created by Year 8 Chinese language student Harrison Price, some of the names he formulated included 干村 Gancun (Dryville), 风村 Fengcun (Windville), 中间 市 Zhongjian Shi (Middle City), 火市 Huo Shi (Fire City) – presumably a place near a volcano !. Other place names on Harrison’s map were 湖村 Hucun (Lakeville), 眼湖 Yanhu (Eye Lake), 蓝色河 Lanse He (Blue River) and 国立公 园 Guoli Gongyuan (National Park). This assignment offered the boy s an opportunity to be creative, to use their hands, to apply their Chinese language skills as well as gain cultural understandings regarding the way Chinese villages, cities and provinces are named. This system of naming places is even applied to the name that Chinese people give their own country, i.e. 中国 Zhongguo meaning ‘Middle Country’, which is an apt name given that China is surrounded geographically by tundra to its north-east, vast grasslands to the north, the Gobi and Taklamakan Deserts to the north-west, the Himalayan Mountains to the south-east, hot and steamy jungles to the south and the Pacific Ocean to the east. Mark Hall Chinese Teacher THE ATLAS PERFORMING ARTS SITE • As in previous years, all boys are invited to present a solo performance for our knowledgeable adjudicators for a chance to win a prize in our Solo Recitals. Discuss this with your Tutor to get them to help you in preparation. • NEW in 2013: we are now calling for student compositions to be judged for a chance to with the Junior, Middle and Senior Division prizes. More details to follow. Our Tolle Lege newsletter is only updated once a week. Stay up to date with Music and Drama. Use the Performing Arts ATLAS site. Log in here. Please take the time to read our Music Co-curricular Handbook. It is an in-depth compilation of all information pertaining to the Bands, Choirs, and Ensembles at the College. A hard copy is available form the Music Administration Office for anybody that would prefer one. BOYS ATTENDING THE DUKE OF EDINBURGH Boys attending the Duke of Edinburgh walk on the 19th - 20th of May, are reminded of their obligations at the Northern Beaches Eisteddfod on Tuesday 21st May. NORTHERN BEACHES EISTEDDFOD The Northern Beaches Eisteddfod is coming very soon! The Brimson Centre will be freely accessible to all entrants, however, if you wish to be in the audience, The Eisteddfod sells tickets at the door. Boys are expected to be out of class ½ hour before the section commences. Monday May 20 Primary School Concert Band 9:30am Tuesday May 21 Middle and Senior School Concert Bands 9:30am Stage Bands 11:30am Please note that the above times are the section commencement times. In most cases, the band’s performance time might be up to an hour after that time. Stay tuned for more information MESSAGE FOR ALL CONCERT BAND BOYS An email with information regarding next week’s eisteddfod was sent last week, please take note of the following important information. Primary School Concert Band is participation on MONDAY 20th May. The boys are required to have their instruments on the day and be at the Ensemble Room after Tutor Group. Middle and Senior School Concert Bands are participating on Tuesday 21st May. Both Bands need their instruments at School on the day and be at the Ensemble Room straight after tutor group. Middle School Concert Band is performing 2nd, so the year 7 boys (not in Stage Band 2) will be able to return to the Medieval day at the conclusion of their performance. Senior School Concert Band is 6th. Please note parents are most welcome to come and listen to the Eisteddfod which begins on both days at 9.30am in the Brimson Hall. THE ST AUGUSTINE’S MUSIC FESTIVAL Other important dates to add to your diary: In Term Three, the College holds the College Music Festival (July 29-August 2). This huge event is a chance for us to celebrate the diverse musical talent we have at St Augustine’s College. NSW School Band Festival dates and times • Every Lunchtime in the G-Block quad, student rock bands perform in a battle of the bands event called “Rock in the Quad”. We encourage all students to create their own rock bands and to enter either the Junior or Senior Division of RITQ. Middle School Concert Band Sunday 21st July - 9.45am at UNSW Senior School Concert Band Sunday 21st July - 1.15pm at UNSW Primary School Concert Band Sunday 28th July - 11.15am at UNSW JAZZ ENSEMBLE We will be auditioning for a new drummer to start learning the repertoire for Jazz Ensemble. The new drummer will not be performing with Jazz Ensemble until term 4 but they will need to start attending rehearsals and working closely with the current year 12 drummer, Joshua Hurley. If you are interested in auditioning please contact Catharina Shepherd by the end of week 3. This is an open invitation to all students. Auditions will be held in the following week during available lunchtimes. BRASS ENSEMBLE SINGERS WANTED Right now we are looking for boys of all ages to join in the fun and produce some fantastic music. Primary and Senior School Choir are now taking new members, and we warmly invite all boys of any skill/experience. It’s a great way to meet your co-curricular requirements as well as having fun with your friends. Brass Ensemble will now be held every Friday at lunchtime in ENS. Boys are reminded to collect their practice music. The NEW Primary School Choir rehearses every Monday lunch in the Ensemble Room. THE BUSKING PROJECT Senior School Choir rehearses every Tuesday morning before school from 7:30am in the Lecceto Auditorium. The Busking Project is an opportunity to perform in the quad on Monday lunchtime and raise money for the SEA Programme at the same time. Please see Jennifer Power to register for yuor chance to perform. LEARNING AN INSTRUMENT If you would like to start learning an instrument in 2013, the College provides several instrumental tutors. Please enrol by clicking here and emailing to Lynne Papahatzis . MUSICAL 2014 “Thoroughly Modern Millie” is the next joint Musical between Stella Maris College and St Augustine’s College. Auditions will be held in Weeks 5 and 6 this term. An email was sent out to all boys from Years 7-11 (8-12 2014) with all the information on how to prepare for the auditions. If you have any further questions, please contact Catharina Shepherd (Assistant Musical Director) or Joseph Montz. Senior School Concert Band prepares for the Northern Beaches Eisteddfod. REHEARSAL SCHEDULE: DAY TIME ENSEMBLE AGE VENUE STAFF MONDAY 7:30-8:30am Stage Band 2 Open ENS J. Montz MONDAY Lunchtime Primary School Choir Junior School ENS J. Montz TUESDAY 7:30-8:30am Senior School Choir Senior School AUD M. Coen/ F. Ling TUESDAY 7:30-8:30am Primary School Concert Band Primary School MMC J. Power TUESDAY 7:30-8:30am Percussion Ensemble Open ENS D. Kemp TUESDAY Lunchtime Bass Guitar Ensemble Open ENS J. Smith WEDNESDAY 7:30-8:30am Senior School Concert Band Senior School MMC J. Power WEDNESDAY Lunchtime Liturgy Ensemble Open ENS J. Montz THURSDAY 7:30-8:30am Stage Band 1 Open ENS J. Montz THURSDAY 7:30-8:30am String Ensemble Open MU1 J. Power FRIDAY 7:30-8:30am Middle School Concert Band Middle School MMC J. Power FRIDAY 7:30-8:30am Jazz Ensemble Open ENS C. Shepherd FRIDAY Lunchtime Brass Ensemble Open AUD J. Montz FRIDAY Lunchtime Guitar Ensemble Open ENS H. Blake/ S. Barrett AUSTRALIAN YOUTH ORCHESTRA The Australian Youth Orchestra will shortly be opening applications for 2014. “Playing with the Australian Youth Orchestra has provided me with countless opportunities to work with conductors, tutors and performers of a formidable calibre, whose professional insight has proved invaluable for my musical education and experience.” Hannah Buckley, AYO participant since 2011. Each year, AYO present ten tailored training and performance programs each year for aspiring musicians, composers, arts administrators and music journalists aged 12 to 30. Applicants can apply for one or all of the programs they may be eligible for. AYO program eligibility starts at AMEB Grade 6 (or equivalent) for AYO Young Symphonists and AYO National Music Camp, from AMEB Grade 7 for The Australian Youth Orchestra, and then AMusA and above for advanced programs, including AYO Chamber Players and AYO Orchestral Career Development. Applications for 2014 open on May 20 and close June 7. Please contact Joseph Montz for more information. INSTRUMENT DONATIONS The College Music Department is always looking to acquire instruments. Doesn’t matter how big or small it is, or whether it is not in full working order, we’ll fix it up and find it a great new home! If you have an instrument lying around unused, please contact Joseph Montz. 2012 COLLEGE PERFORMING ARTS EVENTS Northern Beaches Eisteddfod – May 20/21 – Concert Bands and Stage Bands. Joseph Montz Performing Arts Co-ordinator Please note that the Junior Drama Club will begin in Week Four this term,due to Lord of the Flies. All boys in Years 5 to 7 are welcome to join. We meet in the Lecceto Auditorium on Wednesday afternoons from 3.30pm to 5.00pm. There is no fee, and it counts toward a boy’s extra-curricular points. This was very popular last year, and we covered many aspects of Drama and Theatre including Improvisation, Script Work, Play Building, Theatre Games and even some music! Gillian Towle Faculty Co-ordinator Drama AUGUSTINIAN KITCHEN MEALS REQUIRED The Family Liaison team needs to reach out to our generous community. Our ‘Augustinian Kitchen’ which provides meals to families experiencing distress, is a very practical and essential component of our work. Presently we have several families in crisis. Should any families feel they could contribute a meal(s) we would gratefully place it in our freezer for delivery to families in need. For further information, please contact our Family Care Liaison Officer, Sue May on 0410 638589 or email on smay@saintaug.nsw.edu.au . Thank you for your ongoing generosity in supporting the Family Liaison Team and our College community. CALLING ON OUR PARENTS TO GIVE A GIFT (Giving in Faith Together) North Harbour Parish has a new outreach ministry initiative ‘GIFT’ that supports families in stress in our Parish neighbourhood. They are calling on our St Augustine’s community to support this drive. Click on the link for more information on how you can help. Bro Saldie, osa sresolado@saintaug.nsw.edu.au CANTEEN ROSTER THURSDAY 16/5/13 FRIDAY 17/5/13 MONDAY 20/5/13 TUESDAY 21/5/13 WEDNESDAY 22/5/13 Mary Sidery Kylie Fallow Caron Stevenson Beverly Baxter Julia Wright Michelle Channel Frances O’Connor Belinda Eady (after 1pm) Valerie Smidmore Keira Hulme Annabel Nelson Cathy Whittard Toa Manu Susan Mohr Margaret Lucey Cassandra Waddington Melissa McDonagh Kim Brookes Kath Gilmore Narelle Nicholls Sally Stewart Help needed please RUGBY Well done to all teams that travelled over to Oakhill College last weekend for trial matches, from all reports the College teams did quite well, Oakhill is one of the strongest Schools in the ISA and is a good gauge for the competition. This Saturday we play our last trial before the ISA season commences against one of the premier GPS Schools St Ignatius Riverview at their home grounds. This is a first for the College and will be a fantastic challenge for many of our teams. Please see the schedule of games below Rugby Trial Matches Saturday 18th May (13Yrs-Opens) IPSHA Round 3 (11 & 12Yrs) Team 11 Gold 11 Green 11 Red 11 White 12 Gold 12 Green 12 Red Opposition St Aloysius St Aloysius St Aloysius St Aloysius St Pius St Pius BYE Time 10.15am 9.30am 8.45am 8.00am 9.30am 8.45am Ground Pittwater Park 4 Pittwater Park 4 Pittwater Park 4 Pittwater Park 4 Pittwater Park 3 Pittwater Park 3 13 Gold 13 Green 13 Red 13 White 13 Black 14 Gold 14 Green 14 Red 14 White 15 Gold 15 Green 15 Red 16 Gold 16 Green 3rd XV 2nd XV 1st XV Riverview Riverview C’s Riverview D’s Riverview E’s Riverview F’s Riverview Riverview C’s Riverview D’s Riverview E’s Riverview Riverview Riverview D’s Riverview Riverview D’s Riverview 5ths Riverview Riverview 9.00am 8.00am 12.00pm 11.00am 10.00am 11.00am 10.00am 9.00am 8.00am 11.00am 10.00am 9.00am 12.00pm 11.00am 1.00pm 2.00pm 3.15pm Riverview 6 Riverview 6 Riverview 6 Riverview 6 Riverview 6 Riverview 4 B Riverview 4 B Riverview 4 B Riverview 4 B Riverview 1 Riverview 1B Riverview 1B Riverview 1 Riverview 1B Riverview 1 Riverview 1 Riverview 1 Oval Addresses: Pittwater Park Pittwater Road Warriewood St Ignatius College Riverview - all grounds on campus (refer to attached map) Tambourine Bay Road Lane Cove RUGBY LEAGUE SURFING Congratulations to Teddy Wilson of Yr 5 who was recently selected in the Polding Rugby League Team to play at the State carnival for selection into the NSW Primary Schools Team. Congratulations to Lachlan Foster of Yr 7 who won the Northern Beaches U/14 Regional Junior Surfing titles last weekend, Lachlan has now qualified to surf at the Junior State Titles at Maroubra Beach in July, the College wishes Lachlan well at the tournament. SWIMMING Congratulations to the College’s 6 x 50m all age Relay team that was placed in 4th position at the NSW All Schools Championships, also to Andrew Newling who placed 4th in the 13Yrs 50m breastroke. A fantastic effort from our elite school swimmers! Back row Left to right: Oliver Boyce, Nick Harris, Daniel Ferreira Front Row Left to right: Andrew Newling, Evan Stratton, Mitchell Painter Lord of the Flies I would like to congratulate all involved in the production of the Lord of the Flies, for those of us that saw the play would have been blown away by the incredible set, the professionalism and the performance skills of our students and staff. A special mention to all the caste, on stage or behind the scene and support staff involved. Further congratulations to Gillian Towle and Chris Hardy for your leadership and commitment ensuring the success of the production. DEBATING At this week’s assembly the College presented William Berthelot of Yr 12 with his Captain of Debating badge a fitting reward for his contribution to the College Debating programme. William has been participating in the Independent Schools Debating Association competition since year 7 at the College. His quick wit, ability to argue any case, extensive vocabulary and excellent political knowledge made him a strong contender in the debating arena. It has been a delight to witness his debating and public speaking skills develop over the last few years, becoming a speaker who completely captured your attention and made the audience believe in any argument that he put forward. William was recently accepted into NSW Youth Parliament, an issue-based committee of ten young people who are empowered to create a Bill with the aim of solving a problem that they are passionate about which will be presented to MP’s and State Ministers over the upcoming July holidays. We wish William well on this retreat and congratulate him for his excellent effort in the debating arena whilst at the College. John Papahatzis Head of Sport & Co-curricular JUNIOR RUGBY On Saturday May 11, the Under 12 Rugby teams travelled to Barker College for the second round of this season’s games. The weather was perfect, as the Reds took to the field for the first of the three U12 matches. In a closely fought game the Reds battled through to become eventual winners (20-17). The Greens played next facing tough opposition. However, they played an attacking game to become 31-7 winners. These two wins set the scene for the final game and anxious for a clean sweep the Golds took to the field. In a thrilling and fast paced game against Barker’s prep first team, the Golds turned in a fine team performance to win 24-12. Next week sees a home fixture for Primary rugby with two U12 teams against St Pius X and the U11s facing St Aloysius. The NSW team recorded some incredible results through the week going through their pool undefeated with wins against Queesnland South, Western Australia Metro, Northern Terrority, New Zealand, Victoria Country and South Australia Country. Then then progressed to the semi finals when they cam up against Tasmania and took out the game 72-52. From this they made it in to the Grand final where they came up against Victoria Metro. This match was a close encounter with NSW going down 63-60 to take home the Silver medal. Dan Pitcher was a standout for the NSW team playing plenty of minutes and leading the team on the court. Both Dan and Tom represented the school and NSW with pride and we congratulate them on this fantastic acheivement. WARATAHS’ SCHOOL MARCH PAST On Saturday evening the College was represented by 42 Junior rugby players in the annual Waratahs’ school march past. The boys, accompanied by staff members, had the opportunity to walk on the hallowed turf of the Sydney Football (Allianz) Stadium before watching the Waratahs win their Super 15 game against the Stormers. The boys had a memorable and enjoyable time and we would like to congratulate them on their impeccable behaviour throughout the evening. Chris Egger - Coach, Tevita Halaifonua - Coach Diane Egger - Manager BASKETBALL CONGRATULATIONS Congratulations to Daniel Pitcher of Year 12 and Tom Savage of Year 11 who were selected to represent NSW and competed at the Australian U18’s Mens Basketball Championships that were held in Brisnabe during the recent school holidays. NSWCIS Basketball On Friday of last week a number of St Augustine’s students attended the annual NSWCIS Basketball trials at Newington College. The boys were put through their paces throughout the day completing a number of drills, skills and matchplay. From these trials Daniel Pitcher of Year 12 was the only St Augustine’s student to be selected in this team and we again congratulate Daniel on another remarkable accolade. Emma Donnellan ISA Basketball TIC OPEN WATER POLO No game last week because of the BYE. This Friday, the boys play Marist B at 9.03 pm. INTERMEDIATE WATER POLO The As continued their winning way with a 9-1 victory, a pleasing feature being that the goals were spread evenly throughout the team. The Bs chalked up a solid 8-1 victory against Marist, with Samson Coulter scoring 4 goals, well supported by team mates. The Cs came up against an A team for the second week in a row but never gave up, making the opposition work hard for goals. The full draw for the Intermediate Competition is due out this week. It has not yet been received. JUNIOR WATER POLO (YEAR 7) This will start in Term 3. We have 39 registered players and will be working through the grading and selection process towards the end of this term. Paul Hull - TIC Water Polo CRICKET NEWS The Annual Cricket Presentation Night will be held next MONDAY 20th MAY commencing at 7pm in the Brimson Centre. For this event, boys will be required to wear full college winter uniform. Australian cricket legend Doug Walters will be coming along as guest to share his stories of cricket in the yesteryears and may shed some light into the events of the infamous ‘underarm delivery’ in which he played in the match! Don’t miss it! Also on the night, the St Augustine’s College Cricket Committee will be collecting old and pre-loved cricket gear to send to a needy community who love their cricket, but desperately need some gear to practice and play with. You would be surprised at how they enjoy receiving gear, so please have a look in your kitbags and garages for any unused gear that we can donate and place it in the big yellow bin next Monday. A raffle with some great prizes will also be run on the night, so bring along some loose change and be in it to win it. James Scholtens TiC Cricket jscholtens@saintaug.nsw.edu.au Balmoral Burn 2013 Sunday 2nd June 9am A little reminder that this year, I would like to get as many of the runners as possible from the Running Club to participate in the Balmoral burn in 4 weeks. I will be competing in the adult’s race and would love to see some of the Running Club boys take part as well in either the Primary race or Secondary Race. It is a 420m run up Awaba St, Balmoral. It is also a fundraising day that is a lot of fun for all. If you are interested in participating in the event please go to www.humpty.com.au Once on the site go to ‘Events’ and ‘Balmoral Burn’. Scroll down to individual entry and follow the prompts. All runners from the College will get a college singlet to run in for the day and represent Saints Running Club. After you have registered, please email me so I can organise a meeting spot for all our boys on the morning of the race. See you at the bottom of the hill. Mitchell Cooper Ph: 9938 8200 (ext 334) Email: mcooper1@saintaug.nsw.edu.au Rugby with a touch of colour!! You are invited to our Supporters’ Social Evening The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Bronze Qualifying Expedition Sun 19- Mon 20 May All Bronze participants of the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award will be attending the qualifying expedition at 9:00am on Sunday 19 May starting from: Lane Cove National Park Office, Lady Game Drive, Chatswood NSW 2067 (The students will return to the college by coach by 4:30pm Mon 20 May) Notes will be sent home with students on Friday 10 May. All other information can be found under ‘News’ at the college Duke of Ed website: www.sacdoe.weebly.com For enquiries please email: jgray@saintaug.nsw.edu.au College Band Programme Fund-raiser NEW Entertainment™ Books available now – just in time for Mothers’ Day! Buy a Book now to discover the many valuable offers in the NEW Sydney Entertainment™ Books! Books are packed with hundreds of up to 50% off and 2-for1 offers for the best restaurants, cafés, attractions, hotel accommodation, travel and much more! Selling for only $65, you’ll receive $15,000 worth of valuable offers that you can use right away, up until 1 June 2014! Plus, the good news is that $13 from your Book purchase goes towards our fund-raising. Thank you for your continued support. Preview the NEW Entertainment Book » Buy your Book now