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Validation of the Finnish Version of the SCOFF Questionnaire among
Young Adults Aged 20 to 35 Years
Sini Lähteenmäki, B.Med., (1)
Terhi Aalto-Setälä, M.D., Ph.D. (1, 2)
Jaana Suokas, M.D., Ph.D. (1, 3)
Suoma E Saarni, M.D., Ph.D. (1, 4)
Jonna Perälä, M.D. (1)
Samuli I Saarni, M.D., Ph.D., M.Soc.Sc. (1)
Hillevi Aro, M.D., Ph.D. (1)
Jouko Lönnqvist, M.D., Ph.D.(1, 3, 5)
Jaana Suvisaari, M.D., Ph.D. (1, 6)
(1) Department of Mental Health and Alcohol Research, National Public Health Institute,
Helsinki, Finland
(2) Helsinki University Central Hospital, Hospital for Children and Adolescents, Department of
Adolescent Psychiatry, Helsinki, Finland
(3) Helsinki University Central Hospital, Department of Psychiatry, Helsinki, Finland
(4) Department of Public Health, University of Helsinki, Finland
(5) Department of Psychiatry, University of Helsinki, Finland
(6) Department of Social Psychiatry, Tampere School of Public Health, University of Tampere,
Tampere, Finland
Corresponding author:
Sini Lähteenmäki, B.Med.
Department of Mental Health and Alcohol Research
National Public Health Institute, Finland
Mannerheimintie 166
FIN-00300 Helsinki, Finland
Tel. +358 9 4744 8519, Fax +358 9 4744 8478
Background: We tested the validity of the SCOFF, a five-question screening
instrument for eating disorders, in a general population sample. Methods: A random
sample of 1863 Finnish young adults was approached with a questionnaire that
contained several screens for mental health interview, including the SCOFF. All
screen positives and a random sample of screen-negatives was invited to SCID
interview. Altogether 541 subjects participated in the SCID interview and had filled
the SCOFF questionnaire. We investigated the validity of the SCOFF in detecting
current eating disorders by calculating sensitivity, specificity, and positive and
negative predictive values (PPV and NPV) for different cut-off scores. Results: The
threshold of two positive answers presented the best ability to detect eating disorders,
with a sensitivity of 75.0%, a specificity of 87.6%, a PPV of 8.3% and a NPV of
99.6%. None of the subjects with current eating disorder scored zero points in the
SCOFF. Conclusions: Due to its low PPV, there are limitations in using the SCOFF
as a screening instrument in unselected population samples.
Eating disorders (ED) are a group of psychiatric disorders characterized by
disordered eating habits and excessive focus on one’s weight. They are most common
in young females, among whom they present an important cause of physical and
psychosocial morbidity. It has been estimated that 0.3-2.2% of young Western
females suffer from anorexia nervosa [1-4] and 1-2% from bulimia nervosa [1-3] .
Mortality from anorexia nervosa is as high as 5.0% [5]. Early detection and treatment
improve the prognosis of eating disorders [6, 7].
Detecting eating disorders in primary care is difficult because of the cryptic
presentation of the disorder. A few screening tools have been developed [8-10], but
they are often lengthy and may be difficult to interpret for a non-specialist. Recently,
a new screening tool, the SCOFF questionnaire, was developed to overcome these
limitations [6]. The SCOFF is a simple and memorable instrument of five questions
intended to raise suspicion of an existing eating disorder.
In this study, we tested the validity of the SCOFF in screening current eating
disorders from Finnish young adults. To our knowledge, this is the first study
reporting the validity of the SCOFF in a population based sample of young adults.
The Mental Health in Early Adulthood in Finland (MEAF) study (described
also by Castaneda et al. [11] and Suvisaari et al.[12]) is based on the Health 2000
study [13-15], a nationally representative two-stage cluster sample of 1894 persons
aged 18-29 years (the young adult sample) and 8028 persons aged 30 years and over
(the adult sample) from 80 municipalities or groups of municipalities with joint
primary care in Finland, including the 15 biggest towns. The baseline assessment of
the young adult sample was conducted in 2001, and consisted of an interview and a
A two-phase study design was used in the MEAF study. A questionnaire was
mailed 2-4 years after the original study to all members of the young adult sample,
excluding those who had died or refused further contacts. It included several scales
assessing mental health and substance use. Persons reporting symptoms above a
defined threshold in any screening scale were asked to participate in the mental health
interview. These screens were: the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12) [16], K10
[17], CAGE [18], CIDI section on psychotic symptoms [19, 20], Mood Disorder
Questionnaire (MDQ) [21], SCOFF [6], treatment contact for mental health problems,
and history of suicide attempt. The SCOFF was used to screen current eating
disorders, with a cutoff point of two or more positive answers. Persons reporting
symptoms above a defined threshold in any screening scale were asked to participate
in the mental health interview. In addition, all Health 2000 young adults who had had
hospital treatment because of any mental disorder (ICD-10 section F, ICD-8 and ICD-
9 290-319) according to the Finnish Hospital Discharge Register information were
asked to participate in the interview, along with a random subsample of Health 2000
young adults regardless of their answers to the screening questionnaire. Altogether,
the screening questionnaire was sent to 1863 persons and returned by 1316. We
invited 982 persons to the mental health assessment, and 546 (55.5%) completed the
study protocol [12].
Mental health assessment
The mental health assessment included structured questions on sociodemographic
variables and treatment received for mental health and substance use disorders
(lifetime and 12-month), a semi structured psychiatric interview (SCID-I, research
version) [22], neuropsychological assessment and collection of blood samples for
genetic analysis. The face-to-face interview was made by experienced research nurses
and psychologists and all interviews were reviewed by a clinical supervisor.
Participants who had had treatment contacts for mental health problems were asked
for a permission to assess case notes from such contacts. Final diagnostic assessments
according to DSM-IV-TR criteria were made by experienced clinicians (Jaana
Suvisaari, Samuli Saarni, Jonna Perälä, and Terhi Aalto-Setälä) based on interview
and case note data.
In this validation study, the study sample comprised 541 subjects who had
been interviewed and who had also filled the SCOFF questionnaire. The eating
disorders assessed were anorexia nervosa (AN), bulimia nervosa (BN) and eating
disorder not otherwise specified (EDNOS). The SCID-I interview produced both
current and lifetime diagnoses of these disorders. Since eating disorders were
relatively few in number, we investigated the validity of the SCOFF in detecting any
current (present within the past month) eating disorder.
The SCOFF screen
The SCOFF questionnaire contains five questions concerning eating habits
and attitudes toward one’s weight and body shape.
The acronym SCOFF is created from the questions: 1. Do you make yourself
Sick because you feel uncomfortably full? 2. Do you worry you have lost Control
over how much you eat? 3. Have you recently lost more than One stone (6kg in the
Finnish version) in a 3 month period? 4. Do you believe yourself to be Fat when
others say you are too thin? 5. Would you say that Food dominates your life? A
threshold of 2 positive answers has been proposed to raise a suspicion of an existing
eating disorder [6, 23].
Statistical analysis
Sensitivity is the proportion of persons with diagnosis who are detected
positive by the test. Specificity is the proportion of persons without diagnosis who are
detected negative by the test. Positive predictive value refers to the proportion of
positive test results that are true positive, and negative predictive value refers to the
proportion of negative test results that are true negatives. The Receiver Operating
Characteristics (ROC) curve is a plot of the balance between sensitivity and
specificity for a diagnostic test [24]. The closer the curve follows the left-hand border
and then the top border of the ROC space, the more accurate the test, whereas the
closer the curve comes to the 45-degree diagonal of the ROC space, the less accurate
the test. The area under the curve is a measure of test accuracy.
The validity of the SCOFF was assessed by calculating the sensitivity,
specificity and positive and negative predictive values for screening cut-off points ≥
1, ≥2, ≥3 and ≥4 positive answers. The calculations were carried out with Statistical
Analysis Systems (SAS, Version 9.1) [25]. The ROC analysis was conducted using a
web-based calculator designed by John Eng [26].
The SCOFF scores
Of the subjects who had filled the SCOFF questionnaire (n=1303), 541
participated in the mental health interview. Of them, 72 (13.3%) had scored at least
two points and had thus been selected for the interview based on their SCOFF
answers. There were 54 SCOFF screen–positives (7.1%) among those who had not
participated in the interview. There was no significant difference in the mean SCOFF
score between those who had been interviewed and those who had been invited to the
interview but refused to participate (0.48 vs. 0.58, t=1.59, p=0.11).
Current eating disorders
In our sample, ten current eating disorders were detected, of whom nine had
filled the SCOFF questionnaire. Table 1 summarizes sensitivity, specificity, positive
predictive value and negative predictive value of the SCOFF in detecting current
eating disorders for different cut-off points. Setting the threshold at two or more
positive answers to all five questions provided 78 % sensitivity with specificity of 88
%. A positive predictive value (PPV) of 9.7 % was attained with a negative predictive
value (NPV) of 99%.
Only one man was diagnosed with a current eating disorder. Therefore, we reran the analyses among women only. Among women, using two or more positive
answers as the cut-off point produced sensitivity of 75%, specificity of 84% , PPV of
11% and a NPV of 99% (table 2).
The Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve set the optimal threshold
for the questionnaire at two or more positive answers (figure 1). With this cut-off, the
fitted ROC area was 0.926 and the empiric ROC area 0.919.
Insert table 1 about here
Insert table 2 about here
Insert figure 1 about here
SCOFF was designed to be a simple, memorable screening instrument for
primary care designed to raise suspicion that an eating disorder might exist before
rigorous clinical assessment [6]. This is the first study in which the SCOFF is being
evaluated among general population. We found fairly similar sensitivity and
specificity for the recommended SCOFF cut-off point as in previous studies
conducted in primary care [23, 27, 28] or among students [27-31]. However, the same
cut-off produced unacceptably low positive predictive value for screening eating
disorders from the general population. On the other hand, none of the subjects with
current eating disorder scored zero point in the SCOFF, and thus SCOFF might be
useful for ruling out eating disorder.
Only a limited number of studies concerning the validity of the SCOFF have
been performed (table 3). There are also other studies concerning the SCOFF in which
the validity of the questionnaire has not been evaluated. [32-35]
Insert table 3 about here
Our results concerning the sensitivity and specificity of the SCOFF when
using two or more positive answers as the cut-off point were quite consistent with
previous studies made with similar research frame [29-31]. In these studies made with
samples selected randomly from students, sensitivities of 64-82% and specificities of
75-87% have been found, which are quite close to the values we obtained in the total
sample (sensitivity 78%, specificity 88%) and among women (sensitivity 75%,
specificity 84%). However, positive predictive values for current eating disorders
were 44- 61.1% and negative predictive values were 91.1-94.0%. Thus, PPVs were
considerably better in these studies than in our study. The PPV is important especially
when identifying relatively rare disorders such as eating disorders, because their
detection can be ineffective among general population even with instruments with
relatively high specificity and sensitivity [36].
Studies with samples selected from primary care patients provided variable,
but roughly similar sensitivity and specificity as our study [23, 27, 28]. The most
striking difference, however, concerns the PPV. Only two of these studies reports this
figure, but especially the PPV reported by Parker et al. (66.7%) is significantly better
than the PPV in our study (9.7%). One explanation for the greater PPV is surely the
characteristics of their sample; young graduate students attending a university health
clinic are bound to present more eating disorders than general population on average.
This view is supported by the high prevalence of eating disorders in their sample:
among 297 subjects Parker et al. diagnosed 60 eating disorders, providing a
prevalence of 20.2%. In our sample the prevalence of current eating disorder was
1.36% (current eating disorder prevalence, Lähteenmäki et al., manuscript in
preparation). The selection of study populations with higher prevalence of eating
disorders may be reflected in the better validity figures. It also might be that the
SCOFF works best among young people. This would explain the greater PPV of the
study made by Caamaño et al [29], in which the sample consisted of 11-13 year-olds.
Thus, for various reasons, the SCOFF seems to work considerably better among risk
population than among general population.
The studies testing the SCOFF among patients with probable eating disorder
diagnosis versus healthy controls [6, 7, 37] report excellent validity figures except the
specificity reported by Siervo et al, which was only 21%. It might be that these
excellent figures are at least partly due to the research frame; the subjects are in easily
recognized advanced stages of the disease while the controls consist of healthy people
only. This leads to marked difference between these two groups and can therefore
give overoptimistic results [36]. In general population, there are no such distinct
groups, but instead a variety of different eating habits, whose division into pathologic
and healthy may be difficult.
As discussed earlier, our study was based on a random population sample,
whereas many previous studies have recruited attendees from general practices and
through health campaigns. People attending general practice already differ from
general population because they present some symptoms and seek treatment for some
problem. People with eating disorders consult general practitioners more frequently
than healthy young adults even prior to the diagnosis [38] and thus there might be an
over-representation of eating disorders in these study samples. The health campaigns
may also attract subjects who are concerned that they may have problems related to
eating and weight control. It might be that these procedures of selections already
direct studies towards those with symptoms and thus affects the outcomes of these
Other screens for eating disorders in general (Stirling Eating Disorder Scales
(SEDS), BEDT, Eating Disorder Diagnostic Scale (EDDS)) have shown comparable
PPVs’ to our results, but population based knowledge of these instruments is limited
[39-42]. Mond et al reported relatively high PPV (30%) for Eating Disorder
Examination Questionnaire (EDE-Q) in a population based study of adult women
[43]. Many screens are limited to specific disorder like Eating Attitudes Test (EAT40 and EAT-26) to anorexia nervosa and The Bulimic Investigatory Test (BITE) and
(BULIT) to bulimia nervosa. Compared to SCOFF most of the screens mentioned
above are longer and more difficult to interpret and have shown relatively low
positive predictive values [44]. Our results are in line with Jacobi et al. suggesting that
further research is needed to identify target populations for SCOFF and support the
idea that population screening could work out at best when performed in stages to
divide the sample in subgroups for further testing [44]. The National Institute for
Clinical Excellence (NICE) has also evaluated the SCOFF as the most promising
screening questionnaires for eating disorders to date [45].
There are some limitations in our study. As discussed earlier, eating disorders
are rare in the general population. Because of the small number of cases with current
eating disorder in our general population sample, the confidence intervals of our
estimates were relatively wide. This could have been avoided only by raising the
sample size considerably. The SCID-interview also has its limitations. It is the golden
standard for identification of eating disorders, but the denial of the disease and nondisclosure by patients, common in eating disorders, may complicate identification of
the disorders even in the SCID interview. On the other hand, we were able to utilize
case notes and register data in our diagnostic assessment, making them exceptionally
reliable for a general population study. The age group of the sample, 20 to 35-year
olds, may not have been optimal: the SCOFF may work best among 16 to 24-yearolds, among who the eating disorders are the most common.
There was attrition in the MEAF interview: only 55.5% of those invited
participated in the interview. However, attrition in the MEAF interview depended on
age, sex and education, but none of the scores in any of the screens we used for the
mental health interview differed between interview participants and non-participants
[12]. Thus, there should not be any major bias related to attrition in our study.
Considering only the sensitivity and specificity, the SCOFF questionnaire
seemed to work quite well in our study. The ROC curve (see figure 1) even provides
us with an empiric area under the curve (AUC) of 0.919 and a fitted AUC of 0.926.
However, it is important to take into consideration the PPV as it describes the
practical performance of the screening instrument in the population under study. The
PPV of 9.7%, or 11% when considering only women, shows that the SCOFF is
inefficient in detecting eating disorders from the general population: only about ten
percent of the screen-positive persons actually have current eating disorder. In
contrast, the SCOFF has been reported to work considerably better in risk groups,
among who the prevalence of eating disorders is higher.
Even though the SCOFF didn’t prove to be an efficient tool in screening
eating disorders from the general population, it could be a valid tool in ruling one out.
When utilizing the threshold of one or more positive answers, all the eating disorder
cases were detected giving us a sensitivity of 100%. This leads to conclusion that if a
person has zero positive answers in the SCOFF questionnaire, it is very unlikely that
she/he would suffer from an eating disorder. The SCOFF could be a helpful tool in
ruling out eating disorders in primary care and student health services.
Detecting eating disorders among general population has its own challenges.
In such a population, the SCOFF could be used at most as an aid in ruling eating
disorders out. Further studies are still needed to establish the performance and ideal
target population of the SCOFF.
This study was supported by grants from the Academy of Finland (JS), the
Yrjö Jahnsson Foundation (JS, TA-S, and JP) and the Jalmari and Rauha Ahokas
Foundation (TA-S). The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
SL drafted the manuscript. JS conducted the statistical analyses. JS, JP, TA-S
and SIS did final diagnostic assessments. JS, TA-S and JL obtained founding for the
study. All authors contributed to the interpretation of data, participated in revising the
manuscript for intellectual content, and approved the final version of the manuscript.
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Ph.D., Marko Manninen, M.Psych., Tuula Mononen and Sebastian Therman, M.
Psych. for the skilfully conducted interviews, and Tuula Koski, Kirsi Niinistö and
Satu Viertiö, M.Sc., for administrative work. We also thank Jukka Hintikka, M.D.,
Ph.D., for the contribution to the interview process, Seppo Koskinen, M.D., Ph.D. and
Arpo Aromaa, M.D., Ph.D. and all the other collaborators in the Health 2000 study
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Table 1: The validity of the SCOFF in detecting current eating disorders (men and women
% (95% Cl)
% (95% Cl)
Pos. Predictive value Neg. Predictive
% (95% Cl)
% (95% Cl)
100.0 (66.4100.0)
70.9 (66.8-74.7)
5.5 (2.5-10.2)
100.0 (99.0-100.0)
77.8 (40.0-97.2)
87.8 (84.7-90.4)
9,7 (4,0-19.0)
99.6 (98.5-100.0)
33.3 (7.5-70.1)
97.4 (95.6-98.6)
17.7 (3.8-43.4)
98.9 (97.5-99.6)
22.2 (2.8-60.0)
99.6 (98.7-100.0)
50.0 (6.8-93.2)
98.7 (97.3- 99.5)
(number of
Figure 1
Table 2: The validity of the SCOFF in detecting current eating disorders (women only)
(number of
Figure 2
% (95% Cl)
% (95% Cl)
Pos. Predictive value Neg. Predictive
% (95% Cl)
% (95% Cl)
100.0 (63-100.0)
64.1 (58.5-69.5)
6.8 (3,0-13.0)
100.0 (98.1-100.0)
75.0 (34.9-6.87)
84.2 (79.6-88.1)
11.1 (4.2-22.6)
99.2 (97.2-99.9)
25.0 (3.2-65.1)
95.6 (92.8-97.7)
13.3 (1.7-40.5)
98.0 (95.7-99.3)
True-positive proportion
Figure 1: The Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve (men and women combined):
False-positive proportion (1-specificity)
Figure 3
Figure captions to figure 1;
The Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve (men and women combined):
Fitted ROC Area: 0.926
Empiric ROC Area: 0.919
The solid line represents the ROC curve of the SCOFF, and the dashed lines represent 95% confidence
Table 3: Previous articles concerning the validity of the SCOFF:
Number of
(≥2 )
assessment of a new
screening tool for
Morgan, J
questionnaire and
clinical interview for
EDs in general
practice: comparative
Luck, A
Validation of SCOFF
questionnaire among
Caamaño, F
Four simple
questions can help
screen for EDs
Cotton, M-A
Cases: Women
confirmed as having
anorexia or bulimia
Controls: University
students confirmed as
not having an ED
Women attending two
general practices in
One class of preteenagers selected
randomly from 10
Spanish schools
College students and
patients from primary
care clinics in London
Application of the
TFEQ questionnaires
in women seaking
Siervo, M
Women seeking diettherapy at the
outpatient dietetic
clinic in Naples
based on
based on
ESP*** vs.
(based on
vs. clinical
based on
(based on
total 214
total 233
Remark: Only patients
with BED, bulimic
EDNOS or normal
eating behaviour were
selected in the study.
Eating Disorders in
Graduate students
Graduate Students:
attending the
Exploring the SCOFF university student
as a simple screening health clinic
Parker, S
Validation of the
Randomly selected
SCOFF questionnaire students from three
for screening the
schools in Colombia
eating behaviour
disorders of
adolescents in school
Rueda, G
Figure 4
Validation of the
SCOFF for screening
of EDs in university
Rueda, G
Validation of the
Spanish version of
questionnaire for
the screening of
EDs in primary
Garcia-Campayo, J
University students in
CIDI (based
Patient with probable
eating disorder
diagnosis from six
primary health care
centers in Spain.
SCOFF vs. 97.9
* (based on
Footnotes to table 3
*Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, fourth edition
**Eating Attitude Test
***Eating disorder Screen for Primary care
****Questionnaire for Eating Disorder Diagnoses
*****Three Factor Eating Questionnaire
******Eating Disorder Examination-Questionnaire
*******Composite International Diagnostic Interview
********Schedules for Clinical Assessment in Neuropsychiatry