CRYSTAL CHEMISTRY Wh iis crystall chemistry? What h i ? • description and classification of crystals Reading: g Basic West Ch 1 West Ch 8 • bonding; b di composition-structure iti t t relationships l ti hi • the conditions in which particular type of crystal structure is observed • structure-property structure property relations Common ways to describe crystals: • unit cell approach (specify size, shape and atomic positions) • close-packing approach (good for metals metals, alloys alloys, ionic structures structures, covalent networks, molecular and supermolecular solids) space-filling g po polyhedron y ed o app approach oac • space 67 CLOSE-PACKED CRYSTAL STRUCTURES Consider the close-packing of incompressible (hard) spheres: In 2D, regular close-packing requires an hexagonal array (HCP) Most efficient way to pack spheres of single size • 6 nearest neighbors Coordination number (CN): 6 In 3D, regular close-packing involves stacking 2D HCP arrays CCP Regular (crystalline) packing ki Irregular packing 68 HEXAGONAL CLOSE-PACKED STRUCTURE An HCP crystal is a close-packed structure with the stacking sequence ...ABABAB... ABABAB To construct: 1st layer: 2D HCP array (layer A) 2ndd layer: l HCP llayer with i h eachh sphere h placed l d in i alternate l interstices i i in i 1stt layer l (B) 3rd layer: HCP layer positioned directly above 1st layer (repeat of layer A) …ABABABAB… A B A B A A HCP is two interpenetrating simple hexagonal lattices displaced by a1/3 + a2/3 + a3/2 69 HCP STRUCTURE • not a Bravais avais lattice Orientation alternates with each layer • each sphere touches 12 equidistant nearest neighbors (CN = 12) Six in plane, six out-of-plane • structure has maximum p packingg ffraction possible p for f single-sized g spheres p ((0.74)) 70 HCP STRUCTURE • ideal ratio c/a of 8 / 3 1.633 • unit cell is a simple hexagonal lattice with a two-point basis a (0 0 0) (0,0,0) • {0002} planes are close packed • ranks in importance with FCC and BCC Bravais lattices a (2/3,1/3,1/2) Plan view 71 HCP STRUCTURE • about 30 elements crystallize in the HCP form 72 CUBIC CLOSE-PACKED STRUCTURE A CCP crystal is a close-packed structure with the stacking sequence ...ABCABC... ABCABC To construct: 1st layer: 2D HCP array (layer A) 2ndd layer: l HCP llayer with i h eachh sphere h placed l d in i alternate l interstices i i in i 1stt layer l (B) 3rd layer: HCP layer placed in the other set of interstitial depressions (squares, C) 4th layer: repeats the 1st layer (A) …ABCABCABC… ABCABCABC stacking g of HCP layers along body diagonals A B C It turns t outt that th t th the CCP structure t t is i just j t the FCC Bravais lattice! 73 CCP STRUCTURE • CN = 12 12, packing fraction 0.74 0 74 • {111} planes are close packed • 4 atoms in unit cell Plan view 74 CLOSE-PACKED STRUCTURES • most common are a e HCP C and CC CCP • an infinite # of alternative stacking sequences exist Example: silicon carbide has over 250 polytypes e.g., 6H-SiC stacking sequence …ABCACB… 75 STACKING FAULTS Stacking faults are one or two layer interruptions in the stacking sequence that destroy lattice periodicity e.g., an <110> projection of an FCC lattice: [111] [110] [110] [001] A B C A B C A B C A B C B C A B C perfect FCC ABCABCABC missing l plane of atoms faulted FCC ABCBCABC The stacking fault is an example of a planar defect • stacking fault energy γ ~100 mJ m-22 • results also in perpendicular linear defects called dislocations 76 EXAMPLE InAs nanowires - <110> projection 77 Caroff, P. et al. Nature Nanotechnology 4, 50 - 55 (2009). • CCP and HCP have veryy similar lattice energies g • no clear cut trends 78 Nature 353, 147 - 149 (12 Sep 1991) Rare Gases: G Ne, He, Ar, A Kr, Xe (CC (CCP)) 79 gold nanocrystals X. M. Lin 80 ANOTHER VIEW OF CLOSE PACKING 81 . It was reviewed by a panel of 12 referees; the panel reported in 2003 2003, after 4 years of work, that it was “99% certain” of the correctness of the proof, but couldn’t verify all of the computer calculations. Hales and Ferguson (his student) received the Fulkerson Prize for outstanding papers in the area of discrete mathematics in 2009. In 2003, Hales announced that he would pursue a formal proof of the Conject re that could Conjecture co ld be verified erified b by comp computer. ter He estimates that the proof will ill be finished by 2023… PACKING FRACTIONS The fraction of the total crystal volume that is occupied by spheres CCP (and HCP) radius 4 a 23 ( 4 ) Vatoms fraction 3 3 4 2 0.7405 Vcell a 6 a 2 a a 2 4 74% BCC SC a 3 radius 4 4 a 33 2 ( ) fraction 3 3 4 0.6802 0 6802 a 68% 4 a3 ( ) fraction 3 32 0.5236 a 52% 83 84 DENSITY CALCULATION n: number b off atoms/unit / i cell ll matoms nA 1 Vcell N A VC A: atomic mass VC: volume of the unit cell NA: Avogadro’s number (6.023×1023 atoms/mole) Calculate the density of copper. RCu = 0.128 nm, Crystal structure: FCC, ACu= 63.5 g/mole n = 4 atoms/cell,, VC a 3 ((2 2 R )3 16 2 R 3 (4)(63.5) 3 g cm 8.89 / [16 2(1.28 108 )3 (6.023 1023 )] 8.96 g/cm3 in the literature 85 INTERSTICIAL SITES IN CP STRUCTURES A large number of ionic structures can be regarded as built of CP layers of anions with the cations placed in interstitial sites for everyy anion,, there is 1 Octahedral site and 2 Tetrahedral sites 86 Octahedral holes coordinates: di t ½00 0½0 00½ ½½½ = O site cavities have <100> orientation i t ti 87 Tetrahedral holes in CCP T+ sites: ¾¼¼ ¼¾¼ ¼¼¾ ¾¾¾ T- sites: ¼¼¼ ¾¾¼ ¼¾¾ ¾¼¾ cavities have <111> orientation 88 Holes in HCP O sites: 2/3,1/3,1/4 2/3,1/3,3/4 , , T+ sites: 1/3 2/3 1/8 1/3,2/3,1/8 0,0,5/8 (1/3,2/3,1/2) (0,0,0) a2 a1 T- sites: 0,0,3/8 , , 1/3,2/3,7/8 89 LOCATION OF OCTAHEDRAL HOLES 90 LOCATION OF TETRAHEDRAL HOLES (3/8 of a unit cell directly above/below each anion) 91 SIZE OF OCTAHEDRAL CAVITY Onlyy cations smaller than the diameter of the cavity y can fit without forcing the anion lattice to expand from cell edge a 2rM 2rX from face diagonal M = cation ti X = anion a 2 2rX . The cation radius must be < 41% of the anion radius SIZE OF TETRAHEDRAL CAVITY The tetrahedral holes are twice as numerous but six times smaller in volume The cation radius must be < 23% of the anion radius EUTACTIC STRUCTURES Structures in which the arrangement of ions is the same as in a close packed array but the ions are not necessarily touching Within certain loose limits (given by the radius ratio rules), cations too large to fit in the interstices can be accommodated by an expansion of the anion array • anions don’t like to touch anyway • modern techniques show that, in many cases, anions (cations) are not as large g ((small)) as ppreviouslyy thought g • we still describe eutactic structures as CCP or HCP lattices with ions in some fraction of the interstitial sites 94 CRYSTALS THAT CAN BE DESCRIBED IN TERMS OF INTERSTITIAL FILLING OF A CLOSE-PACKED STRUCTURE 95 SOME EUTACTIC CRYSTAL STRUCTURES Variables: 1) 2) anion layer stacking sequence: CCP or HCP array? occupancy of interstitial sites 96 97 NaCl (ROCK SALT, HALITE) STRUCTURE (CCP 100% O (CCP, Oct. t H Holes l Fill Filled) d) Space Group = Fm3m Lattice = FCC Basis = Cl (0,0,0), Na (½,½,½) Coordination = 6, 6 Cation Coord. → Octahedron Anion Coord. Coord → Octahedron Connectivity → Edge sharing octahedra with faces parallel to {111} 4 NaCl in unit cell 98 POLYHEDRAL REPRESENTATION • shows the topology and indicates interstitial sites • tetrahedra and octahedra are the most common shapes Rock Salt: • Array of edge sharing NaCl6 octahedra • Each h octahedron h d shares h allll 12 edges d • Tetrahedral interstices Galena (PbS) 99 ROCK SALT - OCCURANCE • Very common (inc. 'ionics', 'covalents' & 'intermetallics' ) • Most alkali lk l halides h l (CsCl, ( l CsBr, CsI excepted)) • Most oxides / chalcogenides of alkaline earths • Many M n nitrides, nit id s carbides, bid s h hydrides d id s ((e.g. Z ZrN, N TiC TiC, N NaH) H) 100 COMPLEX ION VARIANT OF ROCK SALT • space group = Pa3 • S 22 dimers oriented along <111> 101 ZINC BLENDE (ZnS, SPHALERITE) (CCP T+ (CCP, T Holes H l Filled) Fill d) Space Group = F43m Lattice = FCC B i = S (0,0,0), Basis (0 0 0) Zn Z (¼,¼,¼) (¼ ¼ ¼) Coordination = 4, 4 Cation Coord. → Tetrahedron Anion Coord. → Tetrahedron Connectivity → Corner sharing Tetra. 4 ZnS in unit cell 102 ZINC BLENDE GaAs • bonding is less ionic than in rock salt • common for Be, Zn, Cd, Hg chalcogenides (i.e., ZnS, ZnSe, ZnTe) • common for III-V compounds (B, Al, Ga, In with N, P, As, Sb) 103 DIAMOND STRUCTURE S Same as sphalerite, h l it b butt with ith id identical ti l atoms t iin all ll positions iti Space Group = F43m Lattice = FCC B i = C (0 Basis (0,0,0), 0 0) C (¼,¼,¼) (¼ ¼ ¼) Coordination = 4 g Tetra. Connectivityy → Corner sharing 8 C atoms per unit cell 104 FLUORITE (CaF2) & ANTIFLUORITE (Na2O) Fluorite : CCP of Ca2+, 100% Tetra. Holes Filled with FAnti-fluorite : cation and anion positions are reversed Ca2+ Space Group = Fm3m Lattice = FCC Basis = Ca2+ (0,0,0), (0 0 0) F- (¼,¼,¼) (¼ ¼ ¼) & (¾ (¾,¾,¾) ¾ ¾) Coordination = 8, 4 (fluorite) Cation Coord. → Cubic Anion Coord. → Tetrahedral Connectivity → Edge sharing FCa4 tetrahedra or edge sharing CaF8 cubes 4 CaF2 in unit cell 105 ALTERNATIVE REPRESENTATIONS Ca2+ Displacing the unit cell by ¼ of a body diagonal emphasizes the cubic cation coordination: F- 106 FLUORITE / ANTIFLUORITE Ca2+ • origin of the term “fluorescence” (George Stokes, 1852) • fluorite common for fluorides of large, divalent cations and oxides of large tetravalent cations (M2+F2 and M4+O2) • antifluorite common for oxides/chalcogenides of alkali earths ea ths ((M2O) Eu 2+ CaF2 107 FLUORESCENT MINERALS = fluorite 108 COMPARING NaCl, ZnS, Na2O NaCl ZnS Na2O 109 110 Li3Bi EXAMPLE 111 NiAs STRUCTURE (HCP, 100% Oct. Holes Filled) 2 Space Group = P63/mmc Lattice = Primitive hexagonal Basis = As (0,0,0) & (2/3,1/3,1/2) Ni (1/3,2/3,1/4) & (1/3,2/3,3/4) Coordination = 6, 6 Cation Coord. → Octahedron Anion Coord. Coord → Trigonal prism Connectivity → Edge/face sharing Oct. or edge-sharing trigonal prisms 2 NiAs in unit cell 112 Alternative unit cell with Ni at the origin: 113 NiAs •Transition Transition metals with chalcogens, As, Sb, Bi e.g. Ti(S,Se,Te); ( , , , ) Cr(S,Se,Te,Sb); Ni(S,Se,Te,As,Sb,Sn) 114 WURTZITE (ZnS) STRUCTURE (HCP T+ (HCP, T Holes H l Filled) Fill d) Space Group = P63mc Lattice = Primitive hexagonal B i = S (0,0,0) Basis (0 0 0) & (2/3 (2/3,1/3,1/2) 1/3 1/2) Zn (0,0,5/8) & (2/3,1/3,1/8) Coordination = 4, 4 Cation Coord. → Tetrahedron Anion Coord. → Tetrahedron Connectivity → Corner sharing Tetra. 2 ZnS in unit cell 115 ZnO Projections perpendicular to close-packed planes 116 117 Very different next-nearest neighbor coordinations & beyond 118 HCP VERSION OF CaF2? N structures No t t are known k with ith all ll T Tetra. t sites it (T (T+ and d T-) T ) fill filled d iin HCP - i.e. there is no HCP analogue of the Fluorite /Anti-Fluorite structure Why? The T+ and T- interstitial sites above and below a layer of close-packed spheres in HCP are too close to each other (distance = 0.25c) to tolerate the coulombic repulsion generated by filling with like-charged ions. 119 Face-linking is unfavorable RUTILE STRUCTURE (TiO2) ((distorted HCP,, 50% Oct. Holes Filled)) Ti O (0,0,0) Space Group = P42/mnm Lattice = Primitive tetragonal Basis = Ti (0,0,0) & (½,½,½) O (0 (0.3,0.3,0), 3 0 3 0) (0 (0.7,0.7,0), 7 0 7 0) (0 (0.8,0.2,0.5), 8 0 2 0 5) (0.2,0.8,0.5) (0 2 0 8 0 5) Coordination = 6, 3 Cation Coord. → Octahedral Anion Coord. → Trigonal planar Connectivity → chains of edge-sharing Oct. along c axis, linked by vertices 2 TiO2 per unit cell 120 ANATASE STRUCTURE (TiO2) (di t t d CCP, (distorted CCP 50% Oct. O t Holes H l Filled) Fill d) Ti O a = 3.776 Å b=3 3.776 776 Å c = 9.486 Å Volume anatase TiO2 cell: 136.25 Å3 rutile TiO2 cell: 62.07 Å3 Space Group = I41/amd Lattice = body-centered tetragonal Coordination = 6, 3 Cation Coord. → Octahedral Anion Coord. → Trigonal planar Connectivity → chains of edge edge-sharing sharing Oct. Oct along c axis, linked by vertices and edges 4 TiO2 per unit cell 121 RUTILE AND ANATASE chains of edge sharing oct., linked at corners greater density of edge sharing → a bit less stable 122 CdI2 STRUCTURE (HCP with (HCP, ith Cd in i Oct. O t Holes H l off alternate lt t llayers)) A layered crystal Cd I Space Group = P3m1 Lattice = Primitive trigonal B i = Cd (0,0,0) Basis (0 0 0) I (2/3,1/3,1/4) & (1/3,2/3,3/4) Coordination = 6, 3 Cation Coord. → Octahedron Anion Coord. → Trigonal pyramid Connectivity → sheets of edge-sharing Oct. 1 CdI2 per unit cell 123 Alternative unit cell with Cd at the origin: CdI6 units NiAs6 units 124 CdI2 - OCCURANCE • Iodides of moderately polarizing cations; bromides and chlorides of f strongly g y polarizing p g cations;; e.g. PbI2, FeBr2, VCl2 • Hydroxides of many divalent cations e.g. (Mg,Ni)(OH)2 • Di-chalcogenides of many quadrivalent cations e.g. TiS2, ZrSe Z S 2, CoTe C T 2 125 CdCl2 STRUCTURE The CCP analogue of CdI2 (CCP, with Cd in Oct. Holes of alternate layers along [111]) CdCl6 octahedra Space Group = R32/m Chlorides of moderately polarizing cations e.g. MgCl2, MnCl2 Di-sulfides of quadrivalent cations e.g. TaS2, NbS2 (CdI2 form as well) 126 Formula Type and fraction of sites occupied CCP HCP AB All octahedral NaCl Rock Salt NiAs Nickel Arsenide Half tetrahedral (T+ or T-) ZnS Zinc Blende ZnS Wurtzite A2B All tetrahedral Na2O Anti-Fluorite N A ti Fl it CaF2 Fluorite not known A3B All octahedral & ttetrahedral t h d l Li3Bi not known AB2 Half octahedral (Alternate layers full/empty) CdCl2 (Cadmium Chloride) CdI2 (Cadmium Iodide) Half octahedral (Ordered framework arrangement) TiO2 (Anatase) CaCl2 TiO2 (Rutile) Third octahedral Alternate layers 2/ full/empty 3 YCl3 BiI3 AB3 127 PEROVSKITE STRUCTURE ABO3 (CaTiO3) (CCP of Ca & O , 25% Oct. Holes Filled by Ti) A-Cell B C ll B-Cell Space Group = Pm3m Lattice = Primitive cubic B i = Ti (0 Basis (0,0,0), 0 0) Ca C (½,½,½), (½ ½ ½) O (½,0,0), (0,1/2 ,0) & (0,0,½) Coordination = Ca-12 ; Ti-6; O-6 Ca Coord. → Cuboctahedron Ti Coord. → Octahedron O Coord. → distorted octahedron (4 Ca, 2 Ti) 1 CaTiO3 per unit cell An extremely important class of ABX3 compounds: Magnetoresistance Ferroelectricity Multiferroics Superconductivity d Catalysis (fuel cells) Spin transport 128 PEROVSKITE CONNECTIVITY B-Cell 3D network of corner-sharing octahedra Network of face-sharing cuboctahedra 129 Perovskites: the most widely studied oxide structure • Wide range of chemistries possible - thousands of examples known • Cubic, tetragonal, and orthorhombic symmetries are common Unique properties of perovskites - high Tc cuprate superconductors - Colossal Magneto-Resistance Magneto Resistance (La,SrMnO (La SrMnO3) - fast ion conduction (Li+, O2-), batteries, fuel cells - mixed electronic/ionic conduction, fuel cells - oxidation/reduction catalysts - ferroelectric / piezoelectric ceramics (BaTiO3, Pb(ZrTi)O3) - important mineral structure in lower mantle (MgSiO3, pyroxene) q y filters for wireless communications : Ba(Zn ( 1/3Ta2/3))O3 - frequency 130 X A Perovskite Structure: ABX3 Tolerance factor (t): rA rX t 2(rB rX ) B A-Cell t >1 0.9 - 1.0 Effect A cation too large to fit in interstices ideal 0.71 - 0.9 A cation too small < 0.71 A cation same size as B cation Likely structure Hexagonal perovskite Cubic perovskite Orthorhombic perovskite Possible close packed 131 lattice PEROVSKITES Most perovskites contain distorted octahedra and are not cubic cubic, at least at lower temperatures. These distortions give perovskites a rich physics. symmetry at 25 25°C C BaTiO3: Ba2+ Ti4+ O2- r = 1.56 Å r = 0.68 Å r = 1.26 Å t = 1.03 - tetragonal KNbO3: K+ 1.65 Å Nb5+ 0.78 Å t = 1.01 - orthorhombic LiNbO3: Li+ 1.06 Å Nb5+ 0.78 Å t = 0.81 – trigonal LiNbO3 : ferroelectricity, Pockels effect, piezoelectricity, photoelasticity, nonlinear optical polarizability 132 133 Reading: West Ferroelectricity C m-2 V m-11 134 DI- , PARA- , AND FERROELECTRICS response p of atom to applied pp E field dipole moment: p = qd = αE polarization: P = Σp/V P = ε0χeE p dielectric polarization P : polarization (C/m2) ε0: vacuum permittivity – 8.85 x 10-12 C2 N-1 m-2 χe: electric l susceptibility bl (unitless) ( l ) E : electric field (V/m, or N/C) paraelectric polarization • linear: P = ε0χeE • nonlinear • no P without E • no P without E ferroelectric polarization • residual (zero-field) (zero field) polarization • reversible direction of residual P • very large susceptibilities 135 WHY IS BaTiO3 FERROELECTRIC ferroelectric phase transition > 120°C cubic, not FE < 120°C tetragonal, FE transition occurs at the Curie temperature, Tc ~0.1 Å displacement dielectric constant εr = χ e + 1 137 FERROELECTRIC HYSTERESIS LOOPS remnant polarization, PR saturation polarization, Ps dipoles aligned “up” coercive field field, EC dipoles aligned “down” 138 ORDERED ELECTRIC DIPOLE PHASES ferroelectric (BaTiO3) • parallel ordering below Tc antiferroelectric (PbZrO3) • antiparallel ordering below Tc • E field can induce ferroelectric state ferrielectric (Bi4Ti3O12) • net spontaneous polarization in only certain direction(s) 139 CURIE TEMPERATURE Thermal energy destroys the ordered electric dipole state state. The temperature above which this order-disorder phase transition occurs is the Curie temperature, Tc. Above Tc, the material is often paraelectric. ordered F / AF randomized orientation P Note: These curves omit the “spikes” in P at Tc 140 PHASE DIAGRAMS 141 K2NiF4 STRUCTURE (La2CuO4) Many “complex” complex structures are composed of simple, simple familiar building blocks blocks. The high-Tc copper oxide superconductors are an example. Doped La2CuO4 was the first (1986) High-Tc Superconducting Oxide (Tc ~ 40 K) B d Bednorz & Müller Müll were awarded d d a Nobel N b l Prize Pi La2CuO4 may be viewed as if constructed from an ABAB... arrangement of Perovskite cells - known as an AB Perovskite! B A B 2 La2CuO4 per unit cell 142 ALTERNATE VIEWS OF La2CuO4 We may y view the structure as based on: 1. Sheets of elongated CuO6 octahedra, sharing only vertices 2. Layered networks of CuO46-, connected by La3+ ions 143 COMMON STRUCTURAL FORM Cations form FCC with O22interstitials • Common structural motif of vertex-linked CuO4 squares • This motif occurs in all the high-TC superconducting copper oxides • The structures differ in the structure of the 'filling' in the 'sandwich‘ of copper oxide layers - known as Intergrowth Structures 144 YBa2Cu3O7: THE 1,2,3 SUPERCONDUCTOR • the first material to superconduct at LN2 temperature, Tc > 77 K • YBa2Cu3O7 can be viewed as an Oxygen-Deficient Perovskite 145 POLYHEDRAL REPRESENTATION OF YBCO Two types T t p s of f Cu C sites: sit s: 1) Layers of CuO5 square pyramids 2) Chains of vertex-linked CuO4 squares CuO2 BaO CuO BaO CuO2 Y CuO2 146 SPINEL STRUCTURE AB2O4 (MgAl2O4) (CCP, Mg in 1/8th of Tetra. Holes and Al in 50% of Oct. Holes) a = 8.08 Å Space Group = Fd3m Lattice = FCC Coordination = Mg-4; Al-6; O-4 Mg Coord. → Tetrahedron Al Coord. → Octahedron Connectivity → chains of Edge-sharing AlO6 octahedra, linked by MgO 4 tetra. 8 MgAl2O4 per unit cell (56 atoms) • extremely flexible structure, adopted by 100s of compounds • normal spinel: 8 A in Tetra., 16 B in Oct. • inverse spinel: 8 B in Tetra , 8 A and 8 B in Oct. intermediate cations distributions also 147 occur. 148 SPINELS - OCCURANCE Aluminium spinels: Spinel – MgAl2O4, after which this class of minerals is named Gahnite - ZnAl2O4 H Hercynite i - FeAl F Al2O4 Iron spinels: Magnetite - Fe3O4 Franklinite - (Fe,Mn,Zn)(Fe,Mn)2O4 Ulvöspinel - TiFe2O4 Jacobsite - MnFe2O4 Trevorite - NiFe2O4 Ch Chromium i spinels: s i ls: Chromite - FeCr2O4 Magnesiochromite - MgCr2O4 Others with the spinel p structure: Ulvöspinel - Fe2TiO4 Ringwoodite - Mg2SiO4, an abundant olivine polymorph within the Earth's mantle from about 520 to 660 km depth, and a rare mineral in meteorites 149 CRYSTAL FIELD STABILIZATION ENERGY In transition metal compounds, compounds d electron effects such as crystal field stabilization energy (CFSE) can be important in determining structure. crystal field splitting diagrams e.g. MF2 compounds (high spin rutile) Δoct = Δtetra = CFSEoct = (0.4 × #t2g – 0.6 × #eg) Δoct Δtetra = (4/9)Δoct No CFSE 150 CATION SITE PREFERENCES IN SPINELS The larger CFSE of metal ions in octahedral sites is sometimes an important f factor in d determining spinell structures ((normall vs inverse). ) Normal - [A]tet[B2]octO4 Inverse - [B]tet[A,B]octO4 γ = fraction of A in oct. sites γ = 0 is normal, γ = 1 is inverse In the absence of CFSE effects: 2,3 spinels tend to be normal (MgAl2O4) 4,2 spinels tend to be inverse (TiMg2O4) In 2,3 spinels, l CFSE E favors f the h following: f ll 1) Chromium spinels (Cr3+) are normal 2) Magnetite (Fe3O4) is inverse b/c Fe3+ has zero CFSE, while Fe2+ prefers oct. 3) Mn3O4 is normal b/c Mn2+ has no CFSE 151 CORUNDUM STRUCTURE (α-Al2O3) (HCP 2/3 off Oct. (HCP, O t Holes H l filled) fill d) Space Group = R3c Lattice = Primitive trigonal Coordination = 6, 4 Cation Coord. Coord → Octahedron Anion Coord. → distorted tetrahedron Connectivity → edge, face-sharing Oct. 6 Al2O3 per unit cell • Ruby (Cr), sapphire (Fe, Ti, Cr), Fe2O3 152