1 Internet Marketing, eCommerce & Multi‐Channel Management Track Held in San Francisco, Silicon Valley and at the University of California at Berkeley Monday, March 15 – Thursday, March 18, 2010. Doc title: Internet Marketing & eCommerce Agenda 2009‐10‐25 Track chair: Dr. Kirthi Kalyanam, Santa Clara University Welcome Message and Pre‐Work Guidelines Welcome to the track on Internet Marketing, eCommerce and Multi‐Channel Management. The brutal economic downturn of 2008 has renewed the strength of the Internet and Multi‐Channel Management techniques. In this track we will explore some of the most recent developments in these areas. We will draw on the cutting edge work of many academic and eCommerce centers of excellence across the world. We will combine the best of this academic knowledge with the best practical experience that we can obtain from industry executives. All of the topics in this track are new in the sense that they have become very important priorities over the past year. Some of the key topic areas include: 1. The new world of smart shoppers versus smart sellers 2. The emerging battle between Walmart.com and Amazon.com 3. The use of Search Engine Marketing to drive Multi‐Channel ROI 4. The emergence of mobile marketing and the role of Apple's iPhone platform 5. How retailers have used Twitter, Face book and other social media during the holiday season 6. How CRM platforms can be used to launch targeted offers in the holiday season 7. The use of in store digital signage for dynamic pricing Please make sure that you prepare all of the reading assignments mentioned in this syllabus before your arrival in the USA. Once again, welcome, and we look forward to very dynamic and productive sessions. Kirthi Kalyanam. Ph.D. 2 This page shows the 8 sessions of the track on Internet Marketing, eCommerce, MultiChannel Track” Track chair: Dr. Kirthi Kalyanam, Santa Clara University The track is part of the 10th annual Entrepreneurship and Innovation Seminar: Best practice and emerging trends Please see details for the plenary sessions at www.bi.no/sf2010 Time Monday, March 15th, 2010 9:00 am PLENARY SESSION: Ventresca (see separate program for plenary sessions) 10:30 am 11:00 am Break PLENARY SESSION: Kiær 12:30 pm 2:00 pm Lunch #1: Smart Shoppers versus Smart Sellers: The New Retail Reality 3:30 pm 4:00 pm Break #2: The Battle for the soul of Web Retailing: Amazon.com versus Wal‐ Mart. 6:00 pm 6-7pm Mixer Tuesday, March 16th, 2010 Wednesday, March 17th, 2010 Thursday, March 18th, 2010 PLENARY SESSION: Visit to Cisco, or to CITRIS (not confirmed) #3: Multi‐Channel ROI from Search Engine Marketing #7: In Store Digital Signage and Marketing Platforms Break Break Break PLENARY SESSION: Company visit continued #4: The 8 Pathways to Mobile Marketing Lunch Lunch PLENARY SESSION: Presentation and meeting with entrepreneurs #5: Social Media: Emerging Opportunities and Limitations PLENARY SESSION: Duesund Break Break Break PLENARY SESSION: Presentation and meetings with entrepreneurs #6: Company Visit CRM at the Gap Proposed, Not Confirmed PLENARY SESSION: Cuthbertson -- -- Closing dinner #8: Recap, Summary and Discussion of Company Specific Issues Lunch 3 Module 1 Monday, March 15, 2010 2:00 to 3:30 pm The New World of Smart Shoppers and Smart Sellers Objectives The financial meltdown of 2008 has established a new ‘normal’ in retail. Faced with persistent high unemployment and an uncertain economic future, shoppers are being very careful about what they are buying, how much they are willing to spend on it and are spending more time on looking for good deals. Retailers on the other hand have had more time since last year to strategize for this year. In this cat and mouse game of retailers versus shoppers ecommerce is emerging as a crucial tool for both retailer and consumers. Session highlights include: 1. An overview of changes in consumers’ online spending patterns across key product categories 2. Review of consumer spending by demographic segments 3. Analysis of key digital marketing trends as they relate to e‐commerce, including social media, mobile, advertising, couponing/promotions and comparison shopping 4. New business models in luxury retailing Required Preparation and Reading • • • • • • • State of the U.S. Online Retail Economy, Gian Fulgoni, Chairman, Comscore Networks As holidays approach, retailers are hopeful and shoppers are wary, Patrick May, San Jose Mercury News. Smarter Shoppers vs Smarter Sellers, Ann Zimerman, Vanessa O’Connell and Elizabeth Holmes, Wall Street Journal Podcasts: http://kliv.gotdns.com/kliv/MP3_Audio/11_23_09_special.mp3 http://kliv.gotdns.com/kliv/MP3_Audio/11_24_09_special.mp3 http://kliv.gotdns.com/kliv/MP3_Audio/11_25_09_special.mp3 Discussion questions: 1. Under preparation. 4 Module 2 Monday, March 15, 2009 4:00 to 5:30 pm The Battle for the Soul of Web Retailing: Amazon.com vs. WalMart Kirthi Kalyanam Ph.D. Objectives In a September 19th article New York Times reporter Brad Stone asked “Can Amazon be the Wal‐Mart of the web? Amazon is set to cross a significant threshold later this year, when sales of media and books will be surpassed by other merchandise. In 2008 Amazon grew 18% in the face of the brutal economic downturn. These developments are a vindication for Amazon's founder Jeff Bezos (see HBR Interview below) whose strategy to be a vendor of many goods and services has long been questioned. The strength of Amazon.com has captured the attention of Wal‐Mart the world's largest retailer. On October 16 Wal‐Mart launched a price war at Amazon selling 10 new bestsellers for $10 on its online site. "If there is going to be a Wal‐Mart of the web, it is going to be Walmart.com" said Walmart.com CEO Raul Vazquez in an interview. This price war has now extended to other product categories. Former Circuit City executive Fiona Diaz applauds the move and says it is time that multi‐channel retailers challenge pure plays like Amazon.com. Session highlights include: 1. The nature of the competition between pure play and multi‐channel retailers. 2. Approaches to launching a price war while managing the profit impact. 3. A financial comparison of Wal‐Mart and Amazon.com? Required Preparation and Reading • • • Institutional Yes: The HBR Interview with Jeff Bezos, Jeff Bezos, Julia Kirby, Thomas A. Stewart, Publication Date: Oct 01, 2007, Source: Harvard Business Review, Product number: R0710C-PDF-ENG, Length: 11p Amazon's Sales Surge, Bucking Retail Slump, Geoffrey A. Fowler, WSJ, January 30 2009. Wal-Mart strafes Amazon in Book War, Miguel Bustillo and Jeffrey Trachtenberg, WSJ, WSJ, October 16 2009. Discussion questions: 1. Do you agree with Walmart.com CEO Raul Vazquez? Would you do things differently? 2. How should Amazon.com respond to price competition from Wal-Mart? 3. What is the overlap in the customer base of Amazon.com versus Wal-Mart? 5 Module 3 Wednesday, March 17, 2010 9:00 10:30 am Search Engine Marketing KPI & ROI Objectives This holiday season, retailers have continued to invest in Search Engine Marketing. As retailer experience with search matures, retailers are increasingly calculating the ROI from search engine marketing both in the online channel and offline. In this session we examine the key performance indicators in Search Engine Marketing. Session highlights include: 1. Search Engine Marketing KPI such as Impressions, Average Position, CTR, CPC, and AOS. 2. Volume versus efficiency tradeoffs 3. Choosing between broad versus narrow keywords 4. Consumption Vocabulary and its implications Required Preparation and Reading • Air France Internet Marketing: Optimizing Google, Yahoo!, MSN, and Kayak Sponsored Search, Mark Jeffery, Lisa Egli, Andy Gieraltowski, Jessica Lambert, Jason Miller, Liz Neely, Rakesh Sharma, Publication Date:Mar 06, 2009, Source:Kellogg School of Management Product number KEL319-PDF-ENG 6 Module 4 Wednesday, March 17, 2010 The 8 Pathways to Mobile Marketing 11:00 12:30 pm Objectives Mobile Marketing is integral for integrated marketing programs and is an important direct response vehicle. The mobile channel is unique in that it has numerous pathways with different applicability criteria. While mobile marketing has received much hype over the years, in 2008 it has gained some real traction based on Apple's iPhone platform and Google's android platform. Session highlights include: 1. 2. 3. 4. The Unique Nature of the mobile channel and its 8 pathways How mobile marketing can integrate all marketing channels The mass market applicability criteria for the different pathways The strategic approaches for engaging in mobile marketing Required Preparation and Reading • • • Mobile Marketing, Effective Consumer Engagement Through and with the Mobile Channel, Michael Becker, iLoop.com How Mobile Marketing Fits in the Marketing Mix: Best Practices, Jeannette Kocsis, SVP Digital Marketing, Harte-Hanks Implementing Mobile Marketing at a Fortune 500 Company, Joel Morrow, Mobile Fusion. 7 Module 5 Wednesday, March 17, 2010 2:00 pm Social Media: Twitter is hot, Wikipedia is not Objectives Books like Wikinomics have popularized the growth of social media like Blogs, Facebook, Twitter and Wikipedia. Privacy and democracy are some of the core tenets of social media. The use of social media for marketing and commercial purposes is a delicate balancing act. On the one hand, the logic of some uses of social media such as customer initiated service requests on Twitter are straightforward. However, the acceptability of other types of push marketing campaigns are less clear. This session will explore retailers use of social media this holiday season. Some of the session highlights include: 1. The decline of volunteerism on Wikipedia 2. Lessons from the Wikipedia experience 3. Retailers use of social media this holiday season to announce black friday deals Required Preparation and Reading • Volunteers Log Off as Wikipedia Ages, Julie Angwin and Geoffrey Fowler, WSJ, November 23rd 2009. • • • http://twitter.com/physorg_tech/status/5661635439 http://www.retailingtogether.com/posts/2009/948‐how‐are‐retailers‐using‐twitter http://www.ktvb.com/video/featured‐videos/Retailers‐use‐Facebook‐and‐Twitter‐to‐ draw‐in‐customers‐on‐Black‐Friday‐73636907.html http://econsultancy.com/blog/5010‐six‐ways‐for‐online‐retailers‐to‐use‐social‐media • 8 Module 6 Wednesday, March 17, 2010 4:00 5:30 pm Company Visit: CRM at The Gap, Not confirmed Objectives The Gap and its affiliate companies have been making investments in CRM systems. These systems have become very effective at executing relational marketing campaigns. In particular during the holiday shopping season, these systems can be used to execute targeted price cuts, secret sales and preview sales. Highlights of this session include: 1. History and Evolution of CRM at The Gap 2. CRM Successes and Challenges 3. Current Role of CRM in marketing at the Gap 4. How CRM supports the different Gap brands 5. Highlights of CRM in the 2009 Holiday Shopping Season 6. Gap's Sprize Card Pilot Required Preparation and Reading • Gap Launches Pilot Program in Vancouver, DMA News 9 Module 7 Thursday, March 18, 2010 9:00 -10:30 am In Store Wireless Dynamic Pricing Solutions Shan Kumar, Altierre Objectives In store wireless dynamic pricing solutions are getting significant traction in recent years. The key entry point for these platforms are digital price signs. The technology behind these signs is enabling more and affordable price points. Apart from displaying just prices, these signs are also serving as informational devices for promotions and marketing. The session highlights include: 1. 2. 3. 4. The current state of digital signage The technology behind digital signs The use of digital signs in dynamic pricing Lessons from deployments in food and apparel retailers Required Preparation and Reading Module 8 11:00-12:30 pm Thursday, March 18, 2010 Seminar Recap and Discussion Kirthi Kalyanam-SCU Objectives In closing the session we will focus again on the projects being brought by the participants themselves. This session will give you the opportunity to describe in more detail your needs and strategies to obtain the resources required. Required Preparation and Reading